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Legal Name Fraud Explained by kate of kaia

Before any fraud can be revealed, a simple understanding of what fraud

actually is is critical to grasp the enormity of the fraud placed on humanity
overall. Fraud is simply a knowing attempt to deceive another to steal from
them. Plain and simple, a fraud is hidden theft. What humanity is finding
difficult to accept is the actual level of theft that has been achieved over
every man, woman and child on what we call earth. Humanity has been
duped into In-dependence upon the very thing that is draining their very
souls of life and, literally, feeding it to the hounds of Hell. Not one part of
humanity's day to day activities escape this perfect net if you're still willing
to be their fishies. Every aspect of what you THINK of as a normal kinda
day is soaked and dripping in this venom that has permeated the very
mind of consciousness rendering it unconscious and thus, dead. All evil
had to do was make being dead legally, fun enough to quell and lull the
masses, and make sure you can't imagine any other kind of normal day
besides the matrix you're spinning in. I'll outline a few parables of this
during this essay where it is my hope to be able to convey, in the simplest
terms, the magnitude of this ruse while keeping your panic to a dull roar.
Yes, this is serious business since your very soul is on THEIR
lien/line/ligne until YOU un-Hook your Peter Pan and Tinkerbell but, the
answer AND truth beyond in the living reality are so simple, you simply
won't believe it.

It's because EVERY part of your life in what the masses of humanity think
of as "normal" is affect-dead and in-fect-dead and THIS is the pole shift of
180 degrees spoke of in folklore. Yes, the physical ones occur but only for
those that choose the dead physical, all there is reality whereas I and
countless others chose the 180 degree about face and marched right out
of Babyloan out from under their excrutiatingly relentless eyes until we
literaly "went dark" on their radar screens. This is the Celestine Prophecy
effect of the invisible shields go up and render you untouchable for
standing in truth.

When pair-ents (two minds) or payer-rents choose to REGISTER their

children, they are LITERALLY trading off the life source of the being that is
SUCKED into that body in this reality for the whore of Baby-loans LEGAL
NAME dead child, in essence, ADOPTING Satan's child in LLEU of
heaven's child. The Laws-R-us effect, raising the dead NAME DEMON and
razing the living consciousness you THINK of as YOU and every other
human being as well as all sentient life in this reality. In short, YOU offer up
your living child as a sacrifice to Satan while your living child commits sign
after sign (sin upon sin) and ADOPT the dead LEGAL DEMON literally
breathing life into evil with every creation thenceforth.

Have a look again at the Solomon story where two mothers were
contesting one child where one mother (whore of Babyloan) who killed her
child (smothering it in bed while she was sleeping is one version) and
swapped babies with the living child of the other mother (living creation)
claiming the living child as hers and the dead one belonging to the mother
who is now fighting to save her kidnapped child. Solomon's answer to this
quarrel was to simply cut the living child in two and each could have half to
which the real mother said no and to allow the liar to have the child versus
halve the child. Solomon knew the real mother would never allow her child
to be harmed while the whore of Babyloan stayed silent and happy with the
outcome of cutting the child in two. The old "if I can't steal your child, you're
not getting them back psychopathy" and this is exactly what's going on in
this reality. The child is life itself, the life in you, your child to protect and
your child is owned, locked, stalked and B.A.R.-ruled whilst gleefully
consenting to play along in the dead whore commerce kingdumb as
nothing more than a minor subject in the book of the dead REGISTRARS,
a page for their black night Sat-El-ite. Demons are also called El-ites,
Graft-ites, Paris-ites etc.....

People will walk in circles within the matrix until they decide, once and for
all, they're not a legal anything....only the absolute removal of the literal
idea of being a legal anything will finally put you out side of the box of this
boxed legal matrix. Here's an example of how 180 degrees opposite of the
truth legally mind-dead people "evaluate" spiritual signs and clues with
literal legal nonsense. If you're talking in legal devil tongue in legal literal
reality, you're an El-ite just like the other El-ites that like to burroe
underground as any wormwould do: THAT'S the real wormwood wiggling
around in the grey clay called brain matter which is in fact, the dead and
divided heart and why only following your true heart, to do what is right
regardless of illusional consequence. In that walk, creation carries you.

I'll post this segment and another segment to show how circular legal
reality the mind goes, round and round only talking about the world reality
from the dead legal illusion perspective.....the subject never changes
because they are imprisoned in a CROWN SUBJECT I.D.-entity so their
OBJECTIVE will always be from the dead legal whirled matrix trapped

from the article (read the whole thing if you can stomach this much
delusional programming and this one is a GREAT example of someone
nailing their own box shut from the inside)

"The word “Shemitah” is a legal term that comes from the Torah of Moses,
the first five books of the Scriptures. Shemitah in the Hebrew means a
“legally permanent release”. The root idea of the word Shemitah in the
Hebrew means to “violently throw something down with force—to utterly
destroy something”. To a biblical court of Law, the Shemitah was a time-
sensitive, permanent legal release that was to absolutely abolish whatever
legal issue was at stake.""

back to me now.....the word Shemitah is Hebrew for the latin phrase

Clausula Rebis Sic Stantibus or the CRSS to bear, bare or B'heir. The
Invocation of the CRSS was on December 25th, 2012....the CRSS is
commonly referred to as "the escape clause/the S-cape Claus".....the
writers of the article missed the point entirely because they're deluded into
a one way only literal way of thinking, basing their whole reality that was
built on the legal name fraud deception. humanity, in short, lives the lie until
they know who, not watt, they truly are.

here's my essay:

and here's the link to the Shemitah article literal nonsense explained:

They'll never know the real why speaking in devil's tongue legal sorcery

in laymen's terms, the clausula rebis sic stantibus is the escape clause
where a FUNDAMENTAL change in circumstances renders
contracts/treaties etc. null and void...the fundamental change
moment?'s illegal to be legal anything, mind, body, spirit. The original
Birth Certificate contract is the PROOF and EVIDENCE of a clear and
present INTENT to deceive another by it's mere existence....registry
buildings are proof of intent to foment this deception...everything created to
put this fraud into practice is proof of fraud intent ab initio (since before it
was ACT-DEAD upon where you are ACT-DEAD until truth is ACT-
DEED.....when you throw down, with force, the dead legal name (all ideas
ATTACHED/attacked to it), with intent to destroy that from your reality, the
real Shemitah/CRSS comes into full force and effect.

You are trapped in the legal mate-tricks until YOU aren't. Only you can
utterly destroy that....and all it is, is an idea you need to 180 degree your
mind on and yes, this will take your breath away when you see the full
magnitude of the matrix and why BABY steps are all that's required. The
more you walk the baby steps, the sooner you'll be running and jumping

"Clausula rebus sic stantibus/CRSS/the “cross to bare”: A treaty provision

stating that the treaty is binding only as long as the circumstances in
existence when the treaty was signed remain substantially the same.
Therefore, every contract created with their Trademark is fraudulent, ab
initio, ad infinitum, nunc pro tunc."

These literal reality, because of legal dead I.D.ea of themselves, types can
only interpret from a dead literal, same as always, reality and will go in
circles. In this whirled filled with false jews/ewes/use/ you must become the
living yew/you/U tree and you can't do that while you still hold on to any
dead idea of WHO you are based on WATT someone else
NAMED/SEXED you in the physical. If you want to know about me, ask
me, not the meatstick illusional idea of who you BELIEVE I am based on
socio-pathic stereo-tip-eye-cull PHYSICAL ass-sumped-eye-ons/pre- will find out very quickly WHO I am and how
quickly I destroy any/all physical reality assumptions/presumptions thinking
that somehow they know me better than myself.

The allegory of the swan is that it has a long neck and I have stuck my
neck out a loooong way every time it was needed for truth to prevail,
regardless of "physical threats" from systemic baboons, wolves, hyenas or
any manner of predator/parasiti-cull types. You can tell a chicken by the
shortness of its neck and the depth of the deep fryer it's cooking itself in.
You choose to be cygnus the swan not sign-us the boiler chickens....psi-
genius....where the genie-us is found only in truth together with your
dauntless position to stand, immovable from truth once found. Until you
REAL-EYES the legal name fraud trap, you'll be forever trapped in a
separate from you, separate from creation box, bound by the evil you
won't, not can't let go.

Canter-bury is what the dead whorse you're "can't ink, can tink" is racing
to-wards and all that whorse will find is a grave because it lost the urge to
fight for life based on a bluffing sorcerer's whims. Bury that canter before it
buries you....only the dead bury the dead in this world. The anogogic tie-ins
prove what the Shemitah really is and folks, we've passed over that long
ago and these I.D.-e-oughts (Identity conscious zeroes aka zombies/zoom-
bees with stingers and B.A.R-B's) still haven't a clue as to who they are
and this is a classic example. They try to prove their spiritual "beliefs" with
legal literal reality schizophrenic delusions.

A classic example of this schizophrenia freemen and paid-riots and legal

goo-ruse of men go to jail and it's easy to know is about
minding everybody else's business but your own and gone are the daze
where we needed to do this legal challenge thing at all....that was before
the fundamental change in the contracts all humanity is bound in where the
knowledge of legal name fraud and, the legal fact that it's illegal to use a
legal name from any all birth certificates bares the clasula rebis sic
stantibus escape clause into view. People like Notaries (not ari's/knot-our-
eyes) insist on schizophrenia where nothing can be not-arised without
presenting your willingness to commit fraud by using a legal name that
doesn't belong to you but you think it does. Then the emotions kick in with
"but my mummy and daddy gave me that name!!!!" as they stomp their
widdle feet screaming like banshees vowing vengeance where the simple
truth is all the vengeance you need. You'll never get burned at the B.A.R.
and be Cued again. Remember, evil won't give up without a fight but it
can't harm you, only bluff you to extremes to try and coerce or trick you
back into you being their hollow-wean tree-Te's. It's illegal to be a legal
anything stops them in their tracks.

It's sadly obvious that people don't mind being brain-dead/brand-dead

criminals but then this LEGAL FACT was never mentioned to them by
those that enslave humanity via forced REGISTRATIONS into contracts
IN-TEN-DEAD to DE-SEE-EVE another. It's only AFTER THE FACT, once
this LEGAL FACT is shared with anyone does it become a CRIME
KNOWINGLY to continue simply going along with evil. Just ask gurus like
Santo Bonacci and Dean Clifford about that, unfortunately, they're both in
jail along with a few other legal be-gulls still dancing with the devil in the
houses of Satan commonly called court houses more aptly whored souses.
You're the meat in the soup of the broth-El filled with vegetative ramblings
of circular saw mineds. Of all the legal gurus, these two heard me and
ignored me the most regarding this legal and spiritual fact.

The truth is much simpler. The fight only continues while one thinks there
IS a fight where none exists unless you pick one. We've all picked all the
necessary battles to set ourselves free and in the case of those of the
beligerent stance, to keep them away from humanity where only B.A.R.
members are allowed to pick pockets through "legal laws" and they don't
like competition from freeman guru types where you're making these pair-
a-sites work versus being a typical roll-over human monster. If you want to
play legal then I'd suggest you join them because it's illegal to even try to
beat them since you're going to have to use a legal name to enter Satan's
realm. The only way to beat them is to not join in their silly little reigned-ear
games and that's easy because you'll have to insist you're a dead legal
name to do that and well, that's a crime ab initio (since before the
beginning) since now you know legal names are illegal contra-banned. It's
easy to spot any demons, they all in-cyst on legal names, Satan's
membership consent and they'll push you to your limitbut forbidden to pass
the Rubicon of truth: it's illegal to use a legal name. Know that fact and
stand there? Nothing in Satan's realm can enter yours.

Essay notes: add-end-dumbs

con, with or without.....phi,, of or to undo.....ents, mind....with

or without creation of or to undo the mind....a confidence game...con gmae

life is a con game...with life or against it....the confidence game is to see

how pro life or not one is....creation's version of the shell life's
game, there is a pea under every walnut shell no matter how many times
the shells are rearranged....
legal name reality is the against life con, full of con-victs etc....the game of
feeding off life versus creating it....when one has the con-phi-de-ents to
overcome the legal reality, one has literally overcome death....THAT'S the easy really....but so few choose the real confidence game....I only
use "common speak" to convey literal concepts...everyone knows what
"illegal" means, it equates to wrong doings....unfortunately, legal reality
makes it legal to murder, they call it I have to walk between
common understandings in the literal to expand the concepts into spiritual
anogogics....when in Rome, speak Roman until others can learn

we don't ever have to explain ourselves, just clear up the illusions and
misconceptions of others so they can understand their own wrong doings
thinking it's ok because it's legal, not ok if it's's wrong to kill
others period...people can grasp that much......if they are truly good
people, it doesn't take them long to see through that veil of deception.

Here's an example of a literal spell and some pieces of the inner

chamber/spell revealed: Helsinki, pronounced hell-sink-key, standard
common speak HEARD/herd
Phonics concepts: Think "How many things can I RELATE to what is
known as the literal SPELLED city of Helsinki and all of its PIECES (i.e.
Hell, El, Lucifer, sync,sink, quay, X, che etc....and there are MANY)
within?" What you begin to see when you do this, is the corelation of
stories merging into one story but you have to have the objective of
KNOWING THYSELF. This is the objective of humanity where the vastness
of humanity is blind in their own mirror here. Phonics is using every rule to
break every rule singularity code where EVERY letter, syllable, number
spell can be MORPHED into either good intention or evil intention where
the SPELLS default to evil, tipping the scales in its favour. You literally
empowered evil with every word uttered unknowingly. All you need to do is
let every letter be sounded EVERY way it can be, combinations of two
letters, same thing and consonants where a "C" can sound like an "S" so a
"K" can be replaced there as well since Kat works to SOUND the same
idea. A SOUND mind hears ALL SOUND ideas as THEY define what
INTENTION they carry beyond the COMMONLY ACCEPTED definitions of
the masses. Phonics is the Phoenix of unified singularity where all things
must, come back to YOU but what is the common denominator you need
to see that objective? It has to be something that ties everyone together
into thinking they are who somebody else says they are, and that YOU,
didn't create for yourself but defend it like you did. It has to be able to
control every aspect of your life and so obvious, you'll miss it because
you've based your whole reality where your idea of what your life is, is fully
dependent on it.

1.Legal Boundary
2. Norse Mythology
3. Hades, Hell, Plutos, Astrotheological (all Zodiacs), Religion (all
4. Written and spoken language using sound/spells
5. Humans inhabit buildings there (commonalities are things like blood,
pain, joy, human bodies, males, females, religions etc.)
6. Atlas drawn, flat earth, 2 dimensional
7. Education, banking, military, policing, taxing, government systems

For all those still seeking vengeance in any way whatsoever in any/all man
made for-Um', common law, vigilante', patriots, freemen, cops,
lawyers, judges, priests, popes, false kings and queens, presidents and fucking cetera ad infapukum.....apparently, YOU know
better than creation....that's called blaze-for-me and you burn for that...true

I hate to tell you but you are crazy if you think you can do anything "legal"/
"common law (man's law still legal reality called vengeance) without first
committing a felony act yourself by using ANYTHING DEEMED LEGAL BY
YOUR CONSENT, regardless if the "name" you use is on ANY legal paper
ANYWHERE. You are contracting with COMMERCE/LEGAL entities that
render you LEGAL TENDER long pork. The word "prosecute" means DO
NOT PURSUE which is EXACTLY what everyone that doesn't trust the
REAL COMMON LAW which is the the law of natural order where any
justice creation wants to allow on your behalf is BLOCKED by
everyone(YOU) that seeks their OWN vengeance like somehow they/you
know better than creation's law/truth/natural order/god whatever you want
to call it to make is visible.....In short, you trust Satan's legal more than you
trust creation's law itself.....the LEGAL TRUST (Satan & the Harlot, Whore
of Babyloan a.k.a. LEGAL/COMMERCE reality mate-tricks) VERSES
(writes, creates, establishes etc.) trusting in creation, the truth and EVERY
ACT of vengeance reflects back DOUBLED in that Satanic TRUST

You enslave yourself by trusting that some human is going to look out for
you more than creation itself.....that's the short cut to Hell and the long
rode home....the long and short of it..the common law is the calm-one law
that allows creation to settle all accounts of evil for you....but then, you'd
have to trust the truth more than the liars you already do and have been
screwed over by...yeah, that's insane.....kate

p.s. just call evil into the light and leave it at's the trumpet call,
the seventh sign, trumpet, seal and deadly words to
GO-SPELL breaker right there.....not one false profit expert can diffuse that
thy-me bomb

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