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Engineering Recommendation No-4

of the Electricity Distribution Code

Security of Supply Standard for the

Electricity Distribution System

Version 3.0
17 June 2019

Issued by:

Al Ain Distribution Company,

Abu Dhabi Distribution Company,

Approved by:

Department of Energy

Engineering Recommendation No. 4 v 3.0 Page 1 of 30


1. Introduction .................................................................................. 3

2. Definitions........................................................................................ 4

3. Statutory obligations ........................................................................ 6

4. The Main Distribution System..........................................................7

5. Interconnections with TRANSCO ................................................................24

6. Generation connection criteria .................................................................... 25

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1.1 Condition 29 of the distribution License provides for the requirement

that License holders must develop, and keep under review, security
standards for their Distribution Systems.

1.2 Security standards define the ability of the D istribution System to

provide electricity to end-users with a specified level of continuity and
quality of supply.

1.3 The distribution License allows the licensee to seek derogation from the
Department of Energy (DoE)if security standards cannot be met on specific
parts of its system, subject to consultation with affected Customers.

1.4 This document supersedes version 2.0 of the Security of Supply Standard
for the Electricity Distribution System (issued in FEB 2007) and includes
the following additions:

(a) Standard connection arrangements for embedded generation;

(b) Clarification of connection arrangements at the interface


(c) Consideration of Distribution Management System (DMS)

technologies; and

(d) Consideration of 22 kV Distribution Systems in newly

developing networks.

1.5 This document has six sections:

(a) Section 1 – introduction;

(b) Section 2 – definitions;

(c) Section 3 – statutory obligations;

(d) Section 4 – criteria for the Main Distribution System;

(e) Section 5 – criteria for grid stations at the interface with


(f) Section 6 – criteria for embedded generation connections

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Term Definition

Circuit means that part of an electricity Distribution System between two or

more circuit breakers, switches, etc. It may include transformers,
reactors, cables or overhead lines or busbars.

Circuit Capacity means the appropriate cyclic rating or emergency rating relevant to all
Circuit equipment.

Class (of supply) means a category of supply defined in section 4 of this document;
Classes of supply are defined in MVA but due regard shall be given to
MW and MVAR capability where appropriate.

Customer means any person, corporate body, or company who has an agreement
with a Distribution Company for the supply of electricity .

Distribution Code means the document prepared and maintained by each Distribution
Company pursuant to its License and approved by the DoE.

Distribution means a company or a body holding a License from the DoE,

Company pursuant to the Law.

DoE means Department of Energy of the Emirates of Abu Dhabi as

established under Law No.(11) of 2018

Engineering means technical documents and standards issued under the

Recommendations Distribution Code.

First Circuit Outage signifies a single fault or an arranged Circuit outage.

Group Demand for a single site or electrically connected group of sites, the appropriate
maximum demand given by the Distribution Company’s estimates,
based on historic data.

Law means Law No (2) of 1998 and Law No. (11) of 2018.

License means a License issued by the DoE authorizing the distribution,

generation, supply or transmission of electricity as described in the

Distribution means a 33kV and lower voltage electricity network operated by a

System Distribution Company, but excluding embedded generation connections
and customer connections

Second Circuit signifies an unplanned interruption following an arranged outage. Levels

Outage of security for Second Circuit Outages conditions are not intended to
cover cases of a first fault outage followed by a second fault, or for a
simultaneous double fault outage.

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Transfer Capability means the extent to which transferable load and transferable capacity
may be utilized or provided in the event of a system being affected by

Maintenance Period The period of the year typically from November to April, during which
maintenance of equipment is normally undertaken, and the demand
is dropped upto 50 %)).

Repair Time The time required for repairing the equipment under fault (either from
first or second outage)

Full DMS Control Full Automated Circuit / equipment by the means of monitoring and
controlling for all grids and primaries and also at other / key network points
on 11/22 kV networks.

Partial DMS Control Automated Circuit / equipment on the main sources ( primaries).

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3.1 This security standard has been developed to meet the requirements of the
Licenses granted by the DoE to Abu Dhabi Distribution Company and to Al
Ain Distribution Company.

3.2 This security standard shall be maintained and developed by the

Distribution Companies through the Electricity Distribution Code, as
required by the Licenses.

3.3 Pursuant to Condition 29 of the distribution License, this security standard

details a set of criteria and methodologies which Distribution Companies
shall use in the planning and development of their relevant Distribution

3.4 The Electricity Distribution Code and the Engineering Recommendations

contained in Annex 1 to the Code cover additional criteria related to aspects
such as quality of supply, voltage fluctuations and other disturbances in the
electricity system. The Electricity Distribution Code should therefore be read
in conjunction with this document.

3.5 The effective date of this security standard is the date of approval of this
document version (Version 3) by the DoE. Any network designed or
constructed after the effective date shall meet the requirements of this
standard. Distribution System networks existing or designed prior to the
effective date of this standard and resulting in non-compliance to this
standards shall not require any derogation from this standards, but comply
with previous security standards in force during the design and execution
of the network. However, wherever practicable such installations might be
progressively developed or upgraded to meet the requirements of this

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4.1 This section defines the security criteria for the Main Distribution
System. Table 4.1 sets out the levels of security required, classified in a
range of Group Demands, connection types and the maximum interruption
times permissible.

Classes of Supply

4.2 Class A1 represents parts of networks supplied by 11/0.4 kV

distribution substations (ground mounted or pole mounted) with one or
more transformers of capacity up to 1500 kVA each, and where the
Group Demand is up to 3000 kVA, as illustrated in figure 4.1 and 4.2. In
such cases, for a First Circuit Outage condition (transformer fault,
switchgear fault, etc), the supply must be restored after the time to
repair the fault and there is no redundancy of supply.

Figure 4.1 Class A1 – single 11/0.4 kV transformer

Figure 4.2 Class A1- double 11/0.4 kV transformer

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4.3 Class A2 represents parts of networks supplied by 22/0.4 kV
distribution substations with single or double transformers where the
Group Demand is up to 3000 kVA. In such cases, for a First Circuit
Outage condition (transformer fault, switchgear fault, etc), the supply
must be restored after the time to repair the fault and there is no
redundancy of supply. The arrangement follows the figures for Class A1.
Note: this arrangement assumes a maximum of 3000 kVA transformer capacity
connected to a single HV unit (e.g. a ring main unit) or HV switchgear
with a single busbar and no bus section switch. Where a demand of
greater than 3000 kVA is required arrangement must be made for two
ring main units or switchgear with a bus section separating the

4.4 Class B1 represents a Group Demand of up to 6.5 MVA which may be

fed by an 11kV feeder (open ring configuration) as shown in figure 4.3.
Following the outage of such a Circuit in an urban or rural area,
normally 50% of the demand shall be restored within 20 minutes
(assuming the Circuit is equipped with remote/auto switching capability
at the primary substation, half way on the feeder, and at the normally
open point) but without unit protection. Total demand shall be restored
within 2 hours. If the outage is due to a fault at a distribution substation
the demand of that substation may be excluded from the Group Demand
and for which the restoration criteria of Class A1 will apply.

4.5 Class B2 represents a Group Demand of up to 6.5 MVA which may be

fed by an 11kV feeder open ring Circuit in rural or urban areas. In this
case the total demand shall be restored within 2 hours, assuming partial
use of remote switching capability (i.e. at the primary substation and also
at other strategic locations) and without unit protection. If the outage is due
to a fault at a distribution substation the demand of that substation may
be excluded from the Group Demand and for which the restoration
criteria of Class A1 will apply.

4.6 Class B3 represents a Group Demand up to 6.5 MVA which may be fed
by an 11 kV feeder open ring Circuit in rural or urban areas. Total demand
shall be restored within 3 hours assuming No DMS control ( feeders
connected in between two non-monitored 33/11 kV PU’s) and without unit
protection. If the outage is due to a fault at a distribution substation the
demand of that substation may be excluded from the Group Demand and
for which the restoration criteria of Class A1 will apply.

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Figure 4.3 - Class B1 and /or B2 and /or B3

4.7 Class B4 represents a Group Demand of up to 5 MVA which may be fed by

an 11kV overhead network with normally open main line ring Circuits with
monitored Auto-reclosers (with or without sectionalisers). The Circuit is with
Partial DMS Control at Primary substations as shown in figure 4.4. The
overhead lines are divided into 3 sections with maximum of 2MVA demand
on a section and a Group Demand of 5MVA on the feeder. Following the first
outage on a single section of an 11kV main line ring Circuit and associated
branch line radial Circuits (where it is not economical to complete a ring and
demand not exceeding 1.5MVA), the healthy OHL portions shall be restored
within 2 Hours by switching operations on 11 kV network, however, the
remaining Group Demand shall be restored within the Repair Time. If the
outage is due to a fault at a distribution substation, the demand of that
substation may be excluded from the Group Demand and for which the
restoration criteria of Class A1 will apply.

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Figure 4.4 Class B4

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4.8 Class B5 represents a Group Demand up to 13 MVA which may be fed by an
open loop 22 kV Circuit with Full DMS Control and without unit protection. This
Class may be used in the newly developing networks in urban or rural areas.
Following the outage of any Circuit 50% of the demand shall be restored within 20
minutes (assuming the Circuit is equipped with remote switching capability at the
primary substation, half way on the feeder, and at the normally open point) and the
total demand shall will be restored within 2 hours. If the outage is due to a fault at
a distribution substation the demand of that substation may be excluded from the
Group Demand and for which the restoration criteria of Class A2 will apply. (see
figure 4.5).

4.9 Class B6 represents a Group Demand up to 13 MVA which may be fed by an

open loop 22 kV Circuit without unit protection. This Class may be used in the
newly developing networks in urban or rural areas. In this case the total demand
shall be restored within 2 hours, assuming partial use of remote switching
capability (i.e. at the primary substation and also at other strategic locations).
If the outage is due to a fault at a distribution substation the demand of that
substation may be excluded from the Group Demand and for which the restoration
criteria of Class A2 will apply. (see figure 4.5).

Figure 4.5 :Class B5 and/or B6

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4.10 Class B7 represents 11 kV Busbar w i t h Group Demand up 60 MVA supplied
by a 33/11kV primary substation with two, three or four transformers 20 MVA
each, normally operated in parallel (or parallel pairs for four transformers
configuration) and with Partial DMS Control of substation and 11kV network. In
this Class the demand lost as a result of first 11 kV busbar outage shall be
restored within 3 hours. The demand lost as a result of the Second busbar
outage shall be restored after Repair Time or the time to restore the planned
first outage.

4.11 Class C1 represents the outage of up to 20 MVA Group Demand in rural areas
where the demand is supplied by two or more 33/11 kV substations, which
are interconnected through their 11 kV feeders, as illustrated in figure 4.6.
Remote switching capability may not be installed or may be partially installed.
Following the First Circuit Outage (loss of one of the substation transformers
or 33kV feeders) the Group Demand must be restored within 3 hours, by
closing the open points on the 11 kV feeders. Following a Second Circuit
Outage (at either substation) the power will be restored after the Repair Time
or the time to restore the planned first outage. (see figure 4.6).

Figure 4.6 Class C1

4.12 Class C2 represents the outage of up to 20 MVA Group Demand in urban or rural
areas where the demand is supplied by two 33/11 kV package unit substations,
interconnected at the same site (see figure 4.7). Remote switching capability will be
installed to enable Group Demand to be restored in 20 minutes following a First
Circuit Outage. Following a Second Circuit Outage, the supply will be restored after
the Repair Time or the time to restore the planned first outage.

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Figure 4.7 Class C2

4.13 Class D1 represents Group Demand up to 20 MVA supplied by a 33/11kV

primary substation with two transformers of up to 20 MVA each, normally operated
in parallel and with Partial DMS Control of substation and 11kV network. In this
Class there must not be any supply interruption following a First Circuit Outage
(33kV Circuit / Busbar or Transformer outage). The demand lost as a result of the
Second Circuit Outage shall be restored after Repair Time or the time to restore
the planned first outage (see figure 4.8).

Note: For some primary substations, it may not be possible to run all transformers in parallel
due to fault level limitations or due to incomers being from different busses of upstream grid
station. In such cases, the transformers may be run independently and Class C1 or C 2 shall
be applied as applicable (Note 4 – Table 4.1).

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Figure 4.8 Class D1

4.14 Class D2 represents G roup Demand up to 40 MVA supplied by a 33/11kV

primary substation with three transformers of up to 20 MVA each normally
operated in parallel , and with Partial DMS Control of substation and 11kV
network, as shown in figure 4.9. In this Class there must not be any supply
interruption following a first 33kV Circuit , b u s b a r o r transformer
outage for the parallel transformers. Following the Second C ircuit Outage 50%
of the total demand must be restored in 1 hour. In such case the third
transformer may trip and should be restored by DMS, together with closure of
the bus section and some or all of the 11kV feeders. The remainder of Group
Demand must be restored in Repair Time.

Note: For some primary substations it may not be possible to run all
transformers in parallel due to fault level limitations or due to incomers being
from different busses of upstream grid station. In such cases, the
transformers may be run independently, the independent transformer may
follow the same condition of Class C1.

Paralleling of the 33/11 kV transformers are subject to the following:

 No violation of Firm capacity.

 Similar Transformers characteristics
 Feeding source are from paralleled transformers.
 Short circuit current levels shall not exceed the permitted levels at 33 kV and 11
kV sides

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Figure 4.9: Class D2

4.15 Class D3 represents Group demand up to 60 MVA supplied by a 33/11kV

primary substation with four transformers of up to 20 MVA each run in parallel
pairs with availability of ATS, and with Partial DMS Control of substation and
11kV network, as shown in figure 4.10. In this Class, there must be no
supply interruption following a first 33kV Circuit / b u s b a r o r
transformer outage. Following the Second Circuit or transformer o utage, 50%
of the total demand must be restored within one hour. In such case, the third
transformer may trip and should be restored by closure of the bus section and
11 kV switching operations. The remainder of Group Demand must be restored
in Repair Time or restoration of the planned outage period.

Note: For some primary substations, it may not be possible to run all
transformers in parallel due to fault level limitations or due to incomers being
from different busses of upstream grid station. In such cases, the
transformers may be run independently and transformer may follow the
same condition of Class C1.

Paralleling of the 33/11 kV transformers are subject to the following:

 No violation of Firm capacity.

 Similar Transformers characteristics
 Feeding source are from paralleled transformers.
 Short circuit current levels shall not exceed the permitted levels at 33 kV and 11
kV sides

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Figure 4.10 Class D3

4.16 Class E1-bb represents a network Group Demand up to 120 MVA supplied by a
132/11kV primary grid substation with four 40 MVA transformers running in
parallel pairs and with Partial DMS Control of substation and 11kV network as in
Figure 4.11. In this Class, the demand lost as a result of first 11kV busbar outage
shall be restored within 2 hours. Following the Second busbar outage, the full
demand to be restored within 4 Hrs.

Figure 4.11 Class E1- bb

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4.17 Class F1 -bb represents a network Group Demand up to 180MVA supplied by a
132/22 kV primary grid substation with four 60MVA transformers running in parallel
pairs and with Partial DMS Control of substation and 22kV network as in Figure
4.12. In this Class, the demand lost as a result of first 22kV busbar outage shall
be restored within 2 hour. Following the second busbar outage, the full demand to
be restored within 4 Hrs.

Figure 4.12 Class F1 - bb

4.18 Class G1 -bb represents 33 kV Busbar in grid primaries with Group Demand up
to the limit of (N-1) MVA -firm capacity- . The 33 kV busbars are fed from main
Transco grid power transformers; which are running in parallel pairs and with Full
DMS Control of substation and 33 kV network, Figure 4.13. In this Class the
demand lost as a result of first 33kV busbar outage shall be restored within 30
minutes (assumption of having 33 kV double Bus configuration). Following the
Second busbar outage, the full demand to be restored within 1 hour if the two
busbars are from different Sections. Otherwise restoration to be upon restoring the planned
outage or Repair Time.

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Figure 4.13 Class G1 - bb (33 kV Busbar at grid station)

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Table 4.1 Security of supply standard for Classes of Group Demand

Restoration time
after outage
Outage condition
Outage condition Restoration time after condition due to
Group due to 1no. fault
Class Network Description due to 1no. fault outage condition due to 1no. fault after a
Demand after a planned
only 1no. fault only planned outage
outage.(See Note5)
Period demand)
A1 11/0.4kV secondary up to 3 Outage on 11kV (a) 100% of Group NA NA
distribution substation fed via MVA switchgear and/or Demand in Repair Time
11kV underground network associated 11/0.4kV
with or without DMS control transformers
A2 22/0.4kV secondary up to 3 Outage on 22kV (a) 100% of Group NA NA
distribution substation fed via MVA switchgear and/or Demand in Repair Time
22kV underground network associated 22/0.4kV
with or without DMS control transformers
B1 11kV underground network up to 6.5 Outage on a single (a) 50% of Group Demand Outage on numerous (a) 100% of Group
with normally open ring MVA section of an 11kV within 20 minutes sections of an 11kV Demand within
Circuits and with Full DMS ring Circuit serving (b) 100% of Group ring Circuit serving time to restore
Control and without unit 11/0.4kV ring main Demand within 2 hours 11/0.4kV ring main planned outage or
protection substations (see Note1) substations repair

B2 11kV underground network up to 6.5 Outage on a single (a) 100% of Group Outage on numerous (a) 100% of Group
with normally open ring MVA section of an 11kV Demand within 2 hours sections of an 11kV Demand within
Circuits and with Partial DMS ring Circuit serving (see Note 1) ring Circuit serving time to restore
Control and without unit 11/0.4kV ring main 11/0.4kV ring main planned outage or
protection substations substations repair
B3 11 kV underground network up to 6.5 Outage on a single (a) 100% of Group Outage on numerous (a) 100% of Group
with normally open ring MVA section of an 11kV Demand within 3 hours sections of an 11kV Demand within
Circuits and with No DMS ring Circuit serving (see Note 1) ring Circuit serving time to restore
control and without unit 11/0.4kV ring main 11/0.4kV ring main planned outage or
protection substations substations repair

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Restoration time
after outage
Outage condition
Outage condition Restoration time after condition due to
Group due to 1no. fault
Class Network Description due to 1no. fault outage condition due to 1no. fault after a
Demand after a planned
only 1no. fault only planned outage
outage.(See Note5)
Period demand)
B4 11kV overhead network with up to 5 Outage on a single (a) Healthy OHL portions Outage on numerous (a) 100% of Group
normally open in main line ring MVA section of an 11kV within 2 Hours sections of an 11kV Demand within
Circuits ( monitored ARC with main line ring Circuit (b) 100% of Group main line ring Circuit time to restore
or without sectionalisers) and and associated Demand in Repair Time and associated planned outage or
with partial DMS control at branch line /radial (see Note1) branch line radial repair
Primary substations. Circuits Circuits
B5 22kV underground network up to 13 Outage on a single (a) 50% of Group Demand Outage on numerous (a) 100% of Group
with normally open ring MVA section of a 22kV ring within 20 minutes sections of a 22kV Demand within
Circuits and with Full DMS Circuit serving (b) 100% of Group ring Circuit serving time to restore
Control and without unit 22/0.4kV ring main Demand within 2 hours 22/0.4kV ring main planned outage or
protection. substations (see Note 2) substations repair
B6 22 kV underground network up to 13 Outage on a single (a) 100% of Group Outage on numerous (a) 100% of Group
with normally open ring MVA section of an 22kV Demand within 2 hours sections of an 22kV Demand within
Circuits and with Partial ring Circuit serving (see Note 2) ring Circuit serving time to restore
control and without unit 22/0.4kV ring main 22/0.4kV ring main planned outage or
protection substations substations repair

B7 11 kV BB at 33/11 kV up to 60 Outage on 1no. 11kV (a) Group Demand lost is Outage on 2no. 11kV (a) 100% of Group
substations with 2/3/ 4no. MVA busbar up to 20 MVA and is busbars Demand within
transformers up to 20 MVA restored within 3 Hour time to restore
each normally operated in .Restored by switching planned outage or
parallel/parallel pairs and with operations on 11kV repair
Partial DMS Control of network
substation and 11kV network,
Where BB protection is not
C1 33/11kV substation with 1no. up to 20 Outage on 1no. (a) 100% of Group Outage on 11kV (a) 100% of Group
Transformer and with Partial MVA 33/11kV transformer Demand within 3 hours busbar and outage Demand within
DMS Control of substation and or outage on 1no. Restored by switching on the supporting time to restore
11kV network. 11kV busbar or 1 no. operations on 11kV 11kV network planned outage or
33kV Incomer network. repair

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Restoration time
after outage
Outage condition
Outage condition Restoration time after condition due to
Group due to 1no. fault
Class Network Description due to 1no. fault outage condition due to 1no. fault after a
Demand after a planned
only 1no. fault only planned outage
outage.(See Note5)
Period demand)
C2 Two 33/11kV package up to 20 Outage on 1no. (a) Group Demand Outage on 11kV (a) 100% of Group
substation with DMS control of MVA 33/11kV transformer restored within 20 minutes busbar and outage Demand within
substation and 11kV network. or outage on 1no. Restored by switching on the supporting time to restore
11kV busbar or 1 no. operations on 11kV 11kV network planned outage or
33kV Incomer network. repair

D1 33/11kV substation with 2no. up to 20 Outage on 1no. (a) 100% of Group Outage on 2nd (a) 100% of Group
transformers up to 20 MVA MVA 33/11kV transformer Demand is secure for a 33/11kV transformer Demand within
normally operated in parallel or 1no. 33kV Incomer first outage or 2nd 33kV Incomer time to restore
and with Partial DMS Control or 1no. 33kV busbar (see Note 3) or 2nd. 33kV busbar planned outage or
of substation and 11kV repair.

D2 33/11kV substation with 3no. up to 40 Outage on 1no. (a) 100% of Group Outage on 2nd Group Demand
transformers up to 20 MVA MVA 33/11kV transformer Demand is secure for a 33/11kV transformer lost is up to 40
normally operated in parallel or 1 no. 33kV Incomer first outage or 2nd 33kV Incomer MVA as the 1no.
and with Partial DMS Control or 1no. 33kV busbar (see Note 4) or 2nd. 33kV busbar remaining
of substation and 11kV transformer could
network trip due to
(a) 50% of Group
Demand within 1
hour .Restored by
operations on bus
couplers and 11kV
network. (b)
100% of Group
Demand within
time to restore
planned outage or

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Restoration time
after outage
Outage condition
Outage condition Restoration time after condition due to
Group due to 1no. fault
Class Network Description due to 1no. fault outage condition due to 1no. fault after a
Demand after a planned
only 1no. fault only planned outage
outage.(See Note5)
Period demand)
D3 33/11kV substation with 4no. up to 60 Outage on 1no. (a) 100% of Group Outage on 2nd Group Demand
transformers up to 20 MVA MVA 33/11kV transformer Demand is secure for the 33/11kV transformer lost is up to 60
normally operated in parallel or 1 no. 33kV Incomer paralleled ones for a first or 2nd 33kV Incomer MVA as the 2no.
pairs with availability of ATS or 1no. 33kV busbar outage (see Note4) or 2nd. 33kV busbar remaining
and with Partial DMS Control transformer could
of substation and 11kV trip due to
network overload (a) 50%
of Group Demand
within 1 hour , (b)
100% of Group
Demand within
time to restore
planned outage or
E1-bb 132/11kV substation with 4no. up to 120 Outage on 1no. 11kV (a) Group Demand lost is Outage on 2no. 11kV Group Demand
40 MVA transformers normally MVA busbar upto 40 MVA and is busbars lost is up to 120
operated in parallel pairs and restored within 2 Hour MVA .
with Partial DMS Control of .Restored by switching a) 100% of Group
substation and 11kV network operations on 11kV Demand within 4
network Hrs Restored by
operations on bus
couplers and 11kV
F1-bb 132/22kV substation with 4no. up to Outage on 1no. 22kV (a) Group Demand lost is Outage on 2no. 22kV Group Demand
60MVA, transformers normally 180MVA busbar upto 60 MVA and is busbars lost is up to 180
operated in parallel pairs and restored within 2 Hour MVA .
with Partial DMS Control of .Restored by switching a) 100% of Group
substation and 22kV network operations on 22kV Demand within 4
network Hrs Restored by
operations on bus
couplers and 22kV

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Restoration time
after outage
Outage condition
Outage condition Restoration time after condition due to
Group due to 1no. fault
Class Network Description due to 1no. fault outage condition due to 1no. fault after a
Demand after a planned
only 1no. fault only planned outage
outage.(See Note5)
Period demand)
G1-bb 33 kV BB in substation with Up to ( N-1) Outage on 1no. 33kV (a) Group Demand lost is Outage on 2no. 33kV Group Demand
double busbar 33 kV firm busbar (subject to Gird power busbars. lost is subject to
configuration fed from Transco capacity transformer Transformer’s firm capacity in,
Grid power transformer capacity) MVA (a) 100% of
running in parallel pairs. is restored within 30 Group Demand
minutes within 1 Hrs. ;if the
Restored by switching two BB’s are from
operations on 33kV different Sections
network. otherwise
restoration time of
full demand to be
upon restoring the
planned outage or
Repair Time.
Restored by
operations on bus
couplers and 33kV
Note 1 If the outage is due to a fault at a distribution substation the demand of that substation may be excluded from the Group Demand and for which
the restoration criteria of Class A1 will apply.
Note 2 If the outage is due to a fault at a distribution substation the demand of that substation may be excluded from the Group Demand and for which
the restoration criteria of Class A2 will apply.

Note 3 For some primary substations, it may not be possible to run all transformers in parallel due to fault level limitations or due to incomers being from
different busses of upstream grid station (s). In such cases, the transformers may be run independently.

Engineering Recommendation No. 4 v 3.0 Page 24 of 30

Restoration time
after outage
Outage condition
Outage condition Restoration time after condition due to
Group due to 1no. fault
Class Network Description due to 1no. fault outage condition due to 1no. fault after a
Demand after a planned
only 1no. fault only planned outage
outage.(See Note5)
Period demand)
Note4 For some primary substations it may not be possible to run all transformers in parallel due to fault level limitations or due to incomers being from
different busses of upstream grid station.
In such cases, the transformers may be run independently transformers may follow the same condition of Class C1
Paralleling of the 33/11 kV transformers are subject to the following:

1. No violation of Firm capacity.

2. Similar Transformers characteristics
3. Feeding source from paralleled transformers.
4. Short circuit current levels shall not exceed the permitted levels at 33 and KV sides.
Note 5 Following the Second Circuit Outage situation the Group demand shall be the maximum demand expected during the normal Maintenance
Note6 For any loss of supply exceeding the standard restoration time may be acceptable if this leads to significant economies ,and has prior approval
of DoE .

Engineering Recommendation No. 4 v 3.0 Page 25 of 30


5.1 In accordance with the transmission system security standard (issue 1 –

Revision 1-dated June 2018.) the interconnection between TRANSCO
and the Distribution Companies (DISCOs) shall comply with table 5.1.

Table 5.1 Minimum planning supply capacity following secured events

Group Initial System Conditions

Demand (MVA) Intact System With Single Planned Outage

In excess of 500 Immediately Immediately

MVA Group Demand Maintenance Period Demand
Immediately NOTE 1 Immediately NOTE 1
120 – 500 MVA
Group Demand Maintenance Period Demand
Immediately NOTE 1 5 minutes NOTE 2
40 – 120 MVA
Group Demand Maintenance Period Demand
Immediately NOTE 2 5 minutes NOTE 3
Up to 40 MVA
Group Demand Maintenance Period Demand

[1] A Loss of Supply not exceeding 5 minutes may be acceptable if this leads to significant economies.
[2] A Loss of Supply not exceeding 3 hours may be acceptable at certain sites if this leads to significant
economies and has the prior approval of the Bureau following consultation with all stakeholders.
[3] A Loss of Supply not exceeding 6 hours may be acceptable at certain sites if this leads to significant
economies and has the prior approval of the Bureau following consultation with all stakeholders.

5.2 Compliance with Table 5.1 above requires that grid or primary
substations must be designed so that there is no loss of supply due to a
First Circuit Outage. In addition, the Group Demand must be met for a
Second Circuit Outage during Maintenance Periods. A typical substation
arrangement to meet this requirement is shown in Figure 5.1 below.

Engineering Recommendation No. 4 v 3.0 Page 26 of 30

Figure 5.1: Primary substation with parallel transformers

5.3 Other configurations may be used (e.g. 3 transformers with auto-

switching) so that there is no loss of supply greater than 5 minutes.

Engineering Recommendation No. 4 v 3.0 Page 27 of 30


6.1 This section presents the planning and operational security criteria
relating to embedded generation and standby generation.

6.2 The security criteria determines the Distribution System capacity required
to avoid unacceptable network conditions for a set of events.

6.a) Islanded generation (continuous running)

6.3 Table 6.1 describes the operational and planning security criteria for a
continuous running islanded generation plant feeding an isolated
demand (not connected to the Main Distribution System or to the
TRANSCO system).

6.4 For generation of greater than 1 MW the operational criteria should meet
with N-1 requirements which means that the total number of the
synchronized generation units to feed an isolated demand should be
such that the forced outage of any one generation unit does not cause
supply interruption and the islanded system remains stable. The
planning criteria should meet with N-2 requirements which means that
the plant capacity should be able to meet the demand whenever any two
generators are unavailable (see figure 6.1 and table 6.1).

Figure 6.1 Connection of islanded generation (above 1 MW demand)

6.5 For generation of 1 MW or less the operational and planning criteria

should meet N-1 requirements, as in paragraph 6.4 above.

Engineering Recommendation No. 4 v 3.0 Page 28 of 30

Table 6.1 – security criteria for islanded generation

Generation capacity Operation criteria Planning criteria

1 MW or less N-1 N-1

Greater than 1 MW N-1 N-2

6.6 The distribution network in isolated areas shall meet the requirements of
the Main Distribution System security standards as described in section

Standby generation

6.7 The number of standby generators and their total generation capacity
will be defined based on the Customer’s requirements.

6.8 The security of the Distribution System at a standby generation site shall
comply with the requirements of Main Distribution System security
criteria, based on the Class of supply (see table 4.1).

6.b) Embedded generation connected with TRANSCO Network

6.9 The generation units size and number should comply with the
Transmission System Security Standard.

6.10 The connection between the main generation busbar at an embedded

generation plant centrally dispatched by TRANSCO and the Distribution
System should be designed to meet the following conditions:

(a) the outage of any Circuit between the main generation bus at the
generation plant and the D istribution System should not result in
a loss of power infeed to the Distribution System nor cause
overloading on other Circuits between the power plant and the
Distribution System nor result in any voltage deviation outside the
statutory obligations (see figure 6.2); and

(b) the distribution network capacity at the point of connection should

be appropriate to feed the total demand at that embedded
generation point when the total generation plant is out of service.

Engineering Recommendation No. 4 v 3.0 Page 29 of 30

Figure 6.2 Connection of embedded generation

6.c)Embedded generation connected with Disco’s Network

6.11 Small embedded generation plants for the sole use of a Customer may be
connected to the D istribution System. The connection criteria for such
generation will be subject to special agreement between Customers with
own generation and the Distribution Company. This is has to be reference
to the Engineering Recommendation #3 that define all the technical
references and requirements.

6.12 The forced outage of generation units should not cause any overloading
or voltage deviation outside the statutory limits in the D istribution

6.13 Such connection agreements may provide that embedded generation is

partially available to supply load at the site or to the Distribution System.
Alternatively such generation may be arranged to be fully available under
First Circuit Outage conditions (N-1 criteria).

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