Error Identification Practice - 02 - Key

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Identify 10 mistakes in the following passages and correct them.

Passage A:
Scientists for the first time used gene editing techniques to make pigs resistant to one of the
world’s costly livestock diseases, says The Times. Bred at the University of Edinburgh’s Roslin
Institute, the animals had a short session of their DNA excised to stop them being infected from
PRRS, a deadly virus who costs the industry about £1.75bn a year in Europe and the US alone.
The virus enters pig cells through a surface protein called CD163; by “editing” the genetic
instructions for making the protein, the scientists were able to shut the virus off – with no sign of
harm to the animals.

However, it remains unclear when, if never, farmers will be able to take use of the technology.
Scientists need first make sure that there are no long-term effects on the animals, and then to open
a public debate about the acceptability of meat from gene-edited animals going on the market. The
researchers expect some public resistance, but stress that it is very different to genetic
modification, which introduces DNA from other species. “This animal is not what we call
‘transgenic’,” said Dr Christine Tait-Burkard, the study’s lead author. “It’s 100% pig DNA in there
(Adapted from The Week)

Lines Mistakes Corrections

1 Used Have for the first time used
2 Costly Costliest
3 Session Section
3 (infected) from (infected) with
4 Who Which
6 Off Out
8 Never Ever
8 Take Make
9 Make To make
12 Other Another

Passage B:
The development of the Shekou Industrial Zone is another microscope of the rapid growth of
Shenzhen. The industrial zone took the lead in breaking many shackles and tried every possible
way to develop their economy.

“Every step the pioneers took in the reform and opening-up process were full of risks,” said Liu
Wei, Deputy General Manager of China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings Co. Ltd.

In the Shekou Museum of Reform and Opening up, launched in December 2017, there are two
exhibition halls. One is about the history of the Shekou Industrial Zone, when the other is about
Yuan Geng, dubbed the “father of Shekou.”

“Yuan is a legendary figure,” Liu said. “He was a fearless explorer and played a key role in
establishing the Shekou Industrial Zone.”

At the age of 61, Yuan was dispatched to south China to take research on possible development
plans in 1975. After thorough investigations, Yuan concluded that to develop the economy, foreign
investment had to be injected in China’s economy. His proposal got a go-ahead from the Central

Yuan chose a piece of undeveloped land in west Shenzhen, which covered over 12 square km and
bordered the New Territories in Hong Kong, for an industrial district. He helped build it from scratch
to attract oversea investment, aiming to fuse the advantages of cheap land and labor from the
mainland with Hong Kong’s funds and technology.

Compiled by The English Hub for the Specialised Page 1


On July 2, 1979, the groundbreaking explosion demolishing the hills in Shekou became known as
the “first explosion of reform and opening up.” It made way for land construction begin. Shekou, the
test tube of the project, set out in a new experimentation road.
(Adapted from Newsweek)

Lines Mistakes Corrections

1 Microscope Microcosm
3 Their Its
4 Were Was
7 When while
11 Take Do
13 (injected) in (injected) into
17 Oversea Overseas
20 Begin To begin
21 In On
21 Experimentation Experimental

Compiled by The English Hub for the Specialised Page 2

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