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July 14, 2018


CONTENT: Statistics and Probability

The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts, uses and importance of Statistics, data collection/gathering
and the different forms of data representation, measures of central tendency, measures of variability, and

The learner is able to collect and organize data systematically and compute accurately measures of central
tendency and variability and apply these appropriately in data analysis and interpretation in different fields.

The learner illustrates the measures of central tendency (mean, median, and mode) of a statistical data.

At the end of one-hour Math lesson, the Grade-7 students must be able to:
A. compute the mean of a given set of data;
B. solve word problems involving mean;
C. describe data using information from the mean;
D. participate in class discussion; and
with a mastery level of 75%.


Topic: Mean (Statistics)
References: Grade-7 Math Learner’s Material, pages 245-246
Understanding Mathematics 7, pages 505-506
Materials: Visual aids (using cartolina), Chalk & Chalkboard, slate boards
Subject Integration: MAPEH – Sports
Value Focus: Accuracy
Other Integration: Localization

III. PROCEDURE (Inductive Method)

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
1. Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
To start our class, let us all stand for a prayer.
b. Greetings
Good morning, class. Good morning, ma’am.
c. Checking of Attendance
Monitor, please check the attendance.
2. Review
What are the different graphs that I introduced to you Bar graph, line graph,
last meeting? pictograph, pie graph, and
Very good!
3. Motivation
Before we proceed to our lesson, let may integrate
Sports in our Math subject.
Do you know: LA Tenorio, Jimmy Alapag, Jason Castro,
Gabe Norwood, Larry Fonacier, Jeffrei Chan, Garry David,
Marc Pingris, Ranidel de Ocampo, Japheth Aguilar, Junmar Gilas Pilipinas!
Fajardo, Marcus Douthit?
The Gilas Pilipinas is our national basketball team who
represents the Philippines in international basketball
The following is the height in meters of the Gilas Pilipinas:

LA Tenorio: 1.73 m
Jimmy Alapag: 1.75 m
Jason Castro: 1.80 m
Gabe Norwood: 1.96 m
Larry Fonacier: 1.92 m
Jeffrei Chan: 1.88 m
Garry David: 1.88m
Marc Pingris: 1.98 m
Ranidel de Ocampo: 1.97 m
Japheth Aguilar: 2.06 m
Junmar Fajardo: 2.11 m
Marcus Douthit: 2.11 m
Do you know the average height of the Gilas Pilipinas? How
will you compute for their average height?
But, we will not go first with the computation.
Let us first determine the concept which has a regular
meaning of “average” which is our lesson today.
4. Statement of the Aim
This morning, our topic is about mean. At the end of
one-hour Math lesson, you must be able to (a) find or
compute the mean of a given set of data; (b) solve word
problems involving mean; (c) describe data using information
from the mean with a mastery level of 75%.
Are you ready for our discussion?
B. ANALYSIS Yes, ma’am.
1. Discussion
The concept of “mean” has also a regular meaning of
How do we compute for a mean of a particular set of
Let’s have an example of finding the mean.
What is the mean of these numbers: 6, 11, 7?
Class, the mean is 8. What are we going to do with 6, 11, 7?
Trying to get the sum of 6,11,7, what is the result? The answer is 24.
Can you now relate the mean which is 8 to the sum of
of 6, 11, and 7 which is 24? What are we going to do with 24
to get 8? Divide 24 by 3 to get 8.
Where could you relate the number 3? It pertains to the number of
set of data (there are 3
numbers in: 6, 11, and 7)

Now, how do we compute again for the mean of 6, 11, (6+11+7) ÷ 3 = 8

and 7?
Very good.
Why Does It Work?
It is because 6, 11 and 7 added together is the same as 3 lots
of 8:

It is like you are "flattening out" the numbers.

Let’s consider another example.
Look at these numbers:
Compute the mean of this set of data: 3, 7, 5, 13, 20,
23, 39, 23, 40, 23, 14, 12, 56, 23, 29
What is the sum of the numbers? The sum is 330.
How many numbers do we have? There are 15.
So, what is the mean of this set of numbers? The mean is 22.
How did you get mean, 22? 330÷15=22
If you are given with set of data, how will you compute for Add up all the numbers, then
the mean or average? dividing by how many
numbers there are.
Going back to the different height of the Gilas Pilipinas. It is
the same as finding their mean height.
Now, compute for their mean height of the Gilas Pilipinas.
What is the mean? The mean height is 1.93
If converted, 1.93 m is the same as 6’4’’.
Let’s consider the fourth example.
Find the mean of these numbers: 3, −7, 5, 13, −2 The mean is 2.4.
What is mean or average grade of a Grade-7 student
in each subject from first grading to fourth grading if
this is his grades as illustrated by this report card?
And find also for the general average by getting the
mean of the final grades in 8 subjects.
A student has gotten the following grades on his tests:
87, 95, 76, and 88. He wants an 85 or better overall.
What is the minimum grade he must get on the last
test in order to achieve that average?
He needs to get at least a
79 on the last test.
What is a mean? Mean is regularly known
as “average.”
How do you compute for a mean of a given set of It is through adding up all
data? the numbers, then dividing by
how many numbers there
Do you have questions? Point to clarify? No, ma’am.

Okay, let’s have the group activity though having a
CONTEST. Groupings will be according to your row.
One slate board will be used by each group. There will be
three rounds: Easy (for 15 seconds), Average (for 30
seconds), and Difficult (1 minute). There are only 2 questions
for Easy, 2 questions for Average, and 1 question for Difficult
round. Are you now ready?
But before that, in order to gain points in this contest,
you must be accurate in your answer to each question.
“Accuracy” is needed. Goodluck!
15-Second Easy Questions: Answer:
1. What is the mean of these numbers: 6, 11, 7, 6, 5?
2. What is the mean of this set of integers: 3, -7, 9, 7?
30-Second Average Questions:
1. What is the mean or average weight of a group of 4
chimpanzees weighing 49 kg, 56 kg, 40 kg and 44 kg?
2. What is the average grade of a Grade-7 student in his third
grading if his grades are: Filipino: 88, English: 90,
Mathematics: 92, Science: 92, AP: 89, EsP: 92, TLE: 90 and
MAPEH: 91?
1-minute Difficult Question:
1. A student has gotten the following grades on his tests: 89,
95, 92, and 86. He wants a 90 or better overall. What is the
minimum grade he must get on the last test in order to
achieve that average?

(In a ½ sheet of paper) Answer the following:
1. What is the average weight of the Gilas Pilipinas (national basketball team of the
Philippines)? Consider the following data below:

LA Tenorio: 70 kg
Jimmy Alapag: 73 kg
Jason Castro: 84 kg
Gabe Norwood: 95 kg
Larry Fonacier: 77 kg
Jeffrei Chan: 84 kg
Garry David: 82 kg
Marc Pingris: 95 kg
Ranidel de Ocampo: 98 kg
Japheth Aguilar: 104 kg
Junmar Fajardo: 122 kg
Marcus Douthit: 106 kg
2. Compute the mean of this set of data: 13, 18, 13, 14, 13, 16, 14, 21, 13.
3. Find the mean of 1, -2, 4, 7.
4. A student has gotten the following grades on his tests: 89, 95, 92, and 86. He wants a
90 or better overall. What is the minimum grade he must get on the last test in order to
achieve that average?
(In a ½ sheet of paper)
1. Create a problem with solution involving the use of mean.

Prepared by:


Mastery Level: ___________

Remarks: ___Proceed ___Reteach

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