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Scope and Delimitation

This study will be conducted to determine the level of addiction in playing Mobile Legend

of Senior High School students in Llorente National High School, Llorente, Eastern Samar.

This study will be conducted from September to February 2020

Significance of the Study

This will measure the level of addiction in playing Mobile Legend among Senior High

School students that would help their understanding about the study. This will be significant to

the ff.

Student. The outcome of the study will help the students to become aware of controlling their

habit in attaching themselves on playing online games.

Parents. The outcome of the study will help the parents to give awareness to their child in

controlling themselves on playing online games specifically in Mobile Legend. And eventually

help them to appreciate enough.

Future Researchers. This would help the future researchers that are interested in this study.

This will serve as their basis and their background about their research

Conceptual Framework

Level of Addiction in
playing Mobile Legends

Sex Address Track

Male Fe In Out TVL Academic

mal Llorente Llorent
e e

Figure 1.0 Level of addiction on playing Mobile Legend among Senior High School student

The framework above is showing the difference among female and male students in Senior

High School students in terms of the level of addiction on playing Mobile Legend.

Theoritical Framework

This research explored ,from flow theory that is frequently applied to online gaming

addiction in an effort to understand the behavior ( Wan and Chiou,2006 ). Flow theory is based

around having the best experience while involved some activity. In order to achieve this "flow

state" there are a number of things that the experience must provide immediate feedback on

performance , be challenging but not so much as to overcome the individuals skills, immerse,

the individual and of course be interesting in general.

The objectives of games are clear. They provide immediate feedback through travelling

oin other reward systems. On the other hand, certain people find mobile games to be extremely

interesting and immersive. However, Wan and Chiou (2006) found that the frequency of this
flow state was actually negatively correlated with addictive tendencies. It is not entirely clear

what the interaction between the flow state and video gameling addiction is studies are

conflicted on the strength and even the existence of this relationship. In the said theory their

were difference of level of addiction between the non addicts. While level of addiction for

some players has it's significant difference along with some factors affecting their addiction.

In the theory , their are some related parts and articles in the said theory were related to our

research topic.

Definition of terms

The following terms where conceptually and operationally defined:

1. Addiction - an unusually great interest in something or a need to do or have something.

2. Online Game - game that can be run from an internet browser and requires the internet


3. Mobile Legend - a 5v5 game , it is popular among Asian countries and others .

- a game where the developers support and promote account .

- It's a 5v5 MOBA showdown against real human opponents .You can
choose your favorite heroes and build the perfect team with your comrades in arms , 10
seconds matchmaking ,10-20 minute battles .


This chapter presents the sequential descriptions of the methods of procedure use to

answer the problem.It gives the discussion about the research design, locate of the study ,

respondents of the study , sampling design, research instrument, validation, data gathering,

ethical consideration, and data analysis.

Research Design

The research design of the study will be descriptive comparative research design where in

all gathered data or information is collected without changing the environment. According to

Mc Combes (2019) descriptive research aims to accurately and systematically describe a

population, situation or phenomenon. It can answer what, when, where, and how questions, but

not why questions. To determine cause and effect, experimental research is required.

Locale of the study

The study will be conducted at Llorente National High School located at Brgy. 11, Escalo

Street, Llorente Eastern Samar among Senior High School students. Specifically in Senior

High School Building.

Respondents of the study

The respondents of the study are the students who are playing Mobile Legends who are

officially enrolled in Llorente National High School specifically in Senior High.

Sampling Design

The population of this study was composed of Senior High School students of Llorente

National High School. Purposive Sampling was used in the study wherein the researchers select

the respondents based on the qualification. According to (Crossman, 2019 ). Purposive

sampling is a non-probability sample that is selected based on characteristics.

Research Instrument

The researchers will use a Survey Questionnaire in this study in gathering the data about

the level of addiction on playing Mobile Legends among Senior High School students in

Llorente National High School.

The survey questionairre composed of two parts: the first part is the demographic profile

of the respondents. The second parts is about the level of Addiction on playing Mobile Legend.

Validation of the Instrument

There is no validation of the research instrument. Wherein the researchers adapted the

questionnaire from Alma et. Al. 2019.

Data Gathering Procedure

At first , the researchers will looked for some necessary resources that could help them in

their study. They must have an intensive reading from the internet. From these, they were able

to construct ideas and questions necessary for the questionnaire.

Second, a letter of approval will be prepared and will be submitted to their adviser, to their

research teacher and the school principal of the school for the approval in producing and

distributing the questionnaire.

Third, the researchers will asked permission from their adviser to allow them in

proceeding with the distribution of the questionnaire to Senior High School students of Llorente

National High School , Llorente , Eastern Samar.

Fourth, after the permission granted the researchers will started to distribute the

questionnaire to the students. The researchers needs to clearly explained all the directions and

items to the students to ensure understanding and correctness of their responses.

Fifth, they have to give thank to the advisers and students in giving their precious time

while conducting the data gathering.

Lastly, they will collect the questionnaire after one day. The responses will be analyzed ,

tallied , and interpreted in accordance to some items found in the instrument.

Data Analysis

The demographic profile of the respondents along sex, age, and address will be

determined using t – ratio. The level of addiction in playing Mobile Legend of the respondents

along conducting a research was determined using weighted mean.

The significant difference between the level of addiction in playing mobile legend and
demographic profile will be determined using t – test independent.

The following are the formula:

WM=(£fx) (to be used for determining extent, degree, level, etc.)


WM=weighted mean

F = frequency

x = ratings

£ = summation of the product of f and x

N = number of respondents

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