Fats Oil and Grease (FOG) Treatment in Grease Converters Using Bioadditives

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Keith Davis - An Opinion and some facts

Treatment in ‘Grease Converters” using Bioadditives

September 2013


From 1994 until final retirement in December 2012 the writer was the technical adviser to a
community liaison group of local residents that may have been adversely affected by the
building of Wellington’s Moa Point Wastewater Treatment Plant. The treatment plant came
into operation late in 1998 and whilst there were some teething problems the major one
was related to the discharge of odours. In 2008-09 a problem began to appear with FOG
build up in the wet well of the treatment plant’s inlet pumping station. Not only was there a
problem with the build up of odorous FOG that had to be physically tankered away but
there was also interference with the station’s pump control systems. Having been
associated with early experiments on ‘bioaugmentation’ back in 1973 whilst working for
Ministry of Works and Development at the Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Training
School at Trentham the writer undertook a review of the likely cause of the increase in FOG
levels being found in the wet well of the Moa Point inlet Pumping Station. The following has
been written as a technical narrative suitable for general consumption.


Fats, oils and greases (FOG) have been a major problem for sanitary service providers since
the advent of piped waste disposal systems. The first FOG trap was patented by Whiting in
California at the end of the nineteenth century. The trap was a simple tank with a pipe inlet
and outlet and has remained unchanged for over a hundred years even though the makeup
of FOG has changed from being basically made up of fats that were solid at room
temperature, to a multiplicity of both solid fats, and now oils that remained liquid at all

Today’s modern living, together with changes in eating habits has produced a multitude of
efficacy problems with traps based on the original Whiting design. To overcome the
problems there have been a variety of inlet and outlet structures devised and baffles
inserted but still the problems continue. In the USA it has been noted that about 50% of
sewer network blockages can be attributed to FOG accumulating in pipelines and at
pumping station wet wells. The term grease trap has now been superseded by the term FOG
Interceptor (FOGI).

A perusal of various reports and newspaper articles the FOG problem can be attributed to a
number of reasons including the belief that FOG dissolve in hot water and that interceptors
only require emptying or have any maintenance carried out a couple of times a year. Some
early workers even claimed that FOGI did not need cleaning at all.

This review looks at one particular method of FOG disposal based on bioaugmentation.


 Bioadditives can be best described as a mixture of bacterial cultures together with a

range of nutrients plus lipase. The essential element of the bioadditives mixture is
lipase that is also produced by the bacterial cultures in the bioadditives. The process
is also referred to as bioaugmentation and the process carried out in a tank generally
referred to as a ‘grease converter’.

 Lipase is triacylglycerol lipase, an enzyme (or more exactly a group of enzymes)

belonging to the esterases that hydrolyse fat (present in ester form, such as
glycerides) yielding fatty acids and glycerol. Optimum temperature for enzyme
action is between 35ºC and 37ºC and at pH 5-6. Preferably closer to 6.0.

 Short-chain volatile fatty acids (VFA) due to the fact that they are miscible (mix with
water as the molecules remain intact and fit between the molecules of water) can be
separated by distillation and are therefore readily identifiable. Alternative methods
are required for total fatty acid determinations.

 Short-chain fatty acids that are miscible with water have unpleasant odours. Long-
chain fatty acids, such as stearic acid found in animal fats, are solid and most have
little or no odour although souring can occur on the surface if left to stand.

 Those marketing bioadditives throughout the world claim that by their use, there is a
substantial decrease in carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand (cBOD 5). This may
be the recorded value of a sample but it is not the true picture as the same samples
chemical oxygen demand (COD) is substantially increased. This COD can be
considered as the cBOD5 in disguise as, in the wastewater treatment system, as a
result of further bacterial and enzyme action in an aerobic environment much of the
COD, can now be measured as cBOD5. Low effluent cBOD5 values being due to the
fact that the pH value of the effluent is sufficiently low so as to bring about the
denaturing of most of the living organisms in the effluent stream.

 There are some forty FOG trap formulations on the market many of which can be
added directly to the waste flow as well as be used in a FOG interceptor or ‘grease
converter’ as they are sometimes termed. These include Ecolab Actizyme, Actazyme,
Eco-Green, Fat-Bio, Grease-Eater, Grease-Grabber, Grease Express, Russel Reid
Hungry Bugs, NuTech Bio, EnviroClear, Grease Guzzler® in UK, Swish Grease Trap

Cleaner and many more. Nearly all claim the bioadditives consist of lipase and
selected bacterial cultures along with nutrients and other additives including fillers.

 Most companies claim carbon dioxide and water to be the end products in situ with
the liberation of heat energy. See p 11 for one patent application and the probable
reasons why such claims are being made. A couple cite the need for oxygen to
achieve complete breakdown of FOG to carbon dioxide and water, whilst one
acknowledged that the addition of bicarbonate to maintain a ‘good’ pH did more
harm than good as it encouraged the production of methane that in turn caused a
small explosion when a cast-iron manhole was being removed from the FOG
interceptor. These comments suggest that many commercial firms have a lack of
understanding of the biochemical processes involved with the use of bioadditives.

 One firm is now marketing a mini-moving bed bioreactor with bio-additives and
aeration using compressed air but at significant cost (aeration diffuser US $895.00,
compressor US $395.00, odour control US $350.00, hoses and pipe work US $75.00)
in addition to the cost of the various bioadditive options available which range up to
US $465.00 for a 10L pail and considerable electrical energy costs.

 Figs 1 and 2, page 9 shows how some ‘grease converter’ effluent cBOD5 results may
be misleading. The accompanying high COD value is most likely to be made up
mainly of fatty acids and glycerol that in turn can add to the organic load on a
wastewater treatment plant. It should be noted that the COD value is the sum total
of all the fatty acids, glycerol, residual FOG and any extraneous organic matter that
may be present.

 Glycerol may not be attacked readily biologically in a grease converter. There is little
degradation under non-controlled anaerobic conditions that prevail at most times.
Under aerobic conditions, glycerol is readily decomposed by Aerobacter and E.coli.
Glycerol is also readily fermented by Enterobacteriaceae. With E.coli the end
products are mainly alcohol, and carbon dioxide; with Aerobacter (requiring oxygen)
they are mainly alcohol and acetic acid. As neither group of bacteria is present in a
kitchen waste stream any such fermentation is unlikely to take place in a ‘grease
converter’. Fermentation can occur in the sewer network and at a treatment works
where faecal matter is present and where acclimatised aerobic conditions prevail.
Glycerol therefore, also becomes part of the potential cBOD5.

 Where high sulphates or seawater are contained, such as in the normal waste
stream, as occurs in Wellington, fatty acids increase levels of hydrogen sulphide
being produced in the wastewater disposal system especially in the summer months.
The complex biochemistry is not expanded on here but a simple FOG degradation
pathways diagram is shown on p10. In simple form the basic equation for hydrogen
sulphide production in the presence of sulphate and volatile fatty acids can be
summarised as follows;

CH3COOH + Na2SO4 = Na2CO3 + H2S + CO2 + H2O

 In this simple equation acetic acid is the organic donor of hydrogen for the reduction
of sodium sulphate to produce sodium carbonate, hydrogen sulphide, carbon dioxide
and water. A portion of the hydrogen sulphide can then be oxidised by further
bacterial action to sulphuric acid. Both hydrogen sulphide and sulphuric acid are
then considered to be the major corrosion causing agents in any wastewater
disposal system.

 FOG itself has no measurable cBOD5 as it separates from water and is not available
for microbiological attack. If a value is desired it best be established using the COD

 During a literature research on the use of bio-additives one interesting paper was
found entitled “Grease biodegradation: Is bioaugumentation more effective than
populations for start-up?” Mendoza-Espinosa, Tom Stephenson, School of Water
Sciences, Cranfield University, Bedford, UK 1999. They determined that, under
optimum conditions, normal activated sludge was able to degrade FOG at nearly the
same rate as a bioadditives solution. Moreover, the bioadditives and the activated
sludge reactors had very similar kinetics of COD removal under different FOG
concentrations. It was concluded that the use of natural activated sludge
microorganisms was sufficient to acclimatise biological processes to removing FOG.


 The cBOD5 test, although used as a quantitative test, is actually a qualitative test
with a narrow range of variations that allows it to assume semi-quantitative
proportions. It is not an absolute test and may face legal challenge at any time and in
particular with industrial discharges. The prime factor in the cBOD5 test is the
presence of the appropriate microorganisms in the wastewater itself. Secondary
factors include any elements or compounds that act as bacterial inhibitors. These
would include heavy metals, acids and alkalis, disinfectants such as phenol and cresol
and chlorine

 Variations in the initial bacterial populations may influence the result of a cBOD 5
test. Low initial bacterial populations can delay growth quite considerably. This in
turn retards protozoa growth resulting in a net reduction of oxygen uptake at the
end of 5 days. If the bacteria are not adapted to the waste under test, they will
decrease in number until they die or adapt to the substrate. The result is that there
is a lag that may exceed the normal duration time of the test resulting low results.
 Where unusual wastes or trade effluents are being dealt with, a suitably acclimatised
seed must be used to obtain a true (more accurate) cBOD 5. This can be achieved by
aerating a mixture of the waste or effluent with settled wastewater until a floc is
formed. This may take several days or even weeks to achieve. Many analysts take
the easy option of using settled wastewater as seed material but this does not solve
the problem with some specific trade effluents and the ‘grease converter’ is no
exception. Once a floc is formed it denotes that microorganisms present have
become acclimatised to the waste and can be used as a seed. Trial and error may be
needed to develop an appropriate floc or as noted earlier an activated sludge floc
(liquor in this case) may be used.

 Mass action laws apply to the test and sufficient dilutions should be used to ensure
that there is sufficient dissolved oxygen left at the end of the 5 day test. At least
3mg/L of oxygen should be used and not less than 3mg/L should remain. With an
initial DO of 9mg/L this give a 3mg/L working range. With the appropriate seed being
use and a range of dilutions used a value within the 3mg-6mg/L range should be
found and used for calculating the cBOD5. Experience will determine the number of
dilutions required for a particular effluent if tests are being carried out on a regular

 Once it has been established that the COD of the effluent is basically the cBOD5 there
is no need to carry out the test again. The COD should by agreement be considered
to be all biochemically degradable once the right environment is reached. Return
supernatant liquor from a biosolids plant is likely to provide ideal seed material if the
biosolids is producing methane under controlled conditions. Treatment plants using
Moving Bed Reactors will require additional air (oxygen) and this in turn will require
additional energy and operating costs.

 Effluent values; pH 4.5- 5.5 VFA 1,000 -2,800 mg/L COD 2,300 – 3,700 mg/L but
numbers depend on the type of bioadditive product being used and the particular
FOG makeup.

 The impact of FOG degradation by-products on a treatment plant using diffused air
or fine bubble aeration for secondary treatment can be roughly calculated. An

Say COD of effluent 3,000 mg/L = (3.0g/L)

Daily flow 500L = (0.5 m3)

Total COD/d = 3.0 x 500 ÷ 1000 = 1.5 kg.

Number of units in use = 300.

Total kilograms COD per day = 1.5 x 300 = 450 kg.

Assuming true (cBOD5) = say approx 70%* of COD = 450 x 0.7 = 315 kg.

Power requirements based on kg cBOD5 removed/kWh say 1.0**, power required =

315 kWh.
It should be noted that the three likely main products will be VFAs, solid fatty acids and
glycerol, all of which are readily degradable under aerobic conditions so the value of 70%
may be low even though normal cBOD5 is taken as ± 65% of the measured COD.

**The value of 1.0 is approximate only and varies from plant to plant and averaged from a
number of plants operating in the UK. These comments about the shortcomings of the BOD
test apply to all organic trade wastes and not only to FOG.

 It is considered desirable to ensure that the size of the interceptor chosen will allow
a retention time of at least 30 minutes at peak flow rates. This should ensure that at
least 90% of the incoming FOG is retained in the interceptor. It is, however,
acknowledged that many overseas authorities require a one-hour retention time at
peak flow. An issue that needs to be looked at by territorial authorities

 FOG removal rates are best achieved at near room temperatures. The use of hot
water to disperse solid FOG wastes should be discouraged. The higher the
temperature the smaller the globules of FOG.

 Colloidal systems involving the dispersion of one liquid into another are known as
emulsions. Both must be immiscible in each other. With regard to FOG, water is the
second component with a third component the emulsifying agent to keep the
emulsion stable. Destabilization of emulsions or salting out can occur in a
wastewater system and in particular if seawater or salts of calcium, magnesium, etc
are present giving rise as FOG-like matter that may adhere to the walls of pipes and
wet wells of pump stations.

 The high level of VFA and the low pH values in samples of effluent clearly
demonstrate that carbon dioxide and water are not the end products of
‘bioaugmentation’ in ‘grease converters’. The measured cBOD 5 is likely to be only a
fraction of the true cBOD5 that in turn has the potential to place an additional
organic load on any treatment works having to deal with large quantities of such


pH Value contravening N Z Trade Waste Bylaws

 It has been brought to the writer’s attention that a number of local authorities are
concerned with the low pH values in effluents from FOGIs and ‘grease converters’
and what controls or treatment should be imposed on the discharger.

 The VFAs are miscible with water and are weakly dissociated. They show up as pH
values as low as about 4.5 and being so weak they are unlikely to present any
problems in terms of corrosion in the sewer network.

 The author firmly believes that trade waste officers or councils have three options
open them.

1. Simply ignore low pH values where there is substantial flow in sewer.

2. Amend bylaws to exempt FOGIs and grease converters from pH control.

3. Require neutralisation of the effluent prior to discharge.

 The author is of the view that #2 – amending the bylaw to exempt FOGIs and ‘grease
converters’ is the most practical means of dealing with the problem. Once the
effluent is mixed with the main-stream waste flow there should be sufficient buffer
available to accommodate the discharge from a FOGI or a ’grease converter’. (Model
TW Bylaws in need of review in the author’s opinion anyway).

 If neutralisation is to be preferred then the cheapest and safest agent would be

sodium bicarbonate but this introduces another cost, management and maintenance
element. Bicarbonate would not cause ‘salting out’ a term referred to in earlier

Can the ‘grease converter’ performance be improved upon?

 The key to the success of bioaugmentation, at least to the end of the hydrolysis
stage of treatment, is the keeping of the organisms lipase mixture in contact with the
FOG at all times. This is best done by some form of mechanical mixing but would be
impractical in most cases from an operational point of view.

 It has been noted that patent applications for one set of bioadditives used operated
under constant temperature, continuous mixing and oxygenation to achieve the
desired results but have not been matched on a practical scale. With the two
mediums water and FOG having different densities, under quiescent conditions, their
separation is inevitable and within a relatively short time probably a few minutes.

 It is understood that some improvements to tank design have been made over the
last year or two these changes may not be enough to maintain continuous contact
between the bioadditives and the FOG. This is the key to the success of the process.
Just get the FOG completely hydrolysed and not worry about anything else.

 It is strongly recommended that commercial entities give serious thought to looking

into this aspect of the treatment process to improve hydrolysis of FOG.

Additional uses for bioadditives and bioaugmentation

 Bioadditives have a role to play in the clearing of blocked drains and for general
purpose cleaning of sewers and pump station wet wells provided that the intimate
contact problems can be overcome.

 Used prudently the bioadditives may minimise the risk of future blockages in
wastewater treatment systems or as a clean-up tool involving FOG spillages that
cannot be dealt with by any other means.

 The writer firmly believes that a technical group should be set up to further enhance
FOGI design and operation as well as bioaugmentation.

 Added Sept 2017. Noted ‘bioadditive sticks’ available for home use to keep drains
clean. Conversion of FOG to glycerol and fatty acids is all that is needed.


No new grease converters to be used in the Wellington Region. Existing 250 units in use to
be modified to improve efficacy.

Rising main from Inlet Pumping Station

Airport runway

Moa Point Wastewater Treatment Plant (krd 2009)



cBOD5 using
acclimatised bacteria

cBOD5 using un- (non)

acclimatised bacteria

Potential or true
cBOD5 not

5 days

Fig 1 Effect of acclimatised seed vs. un-acclimatised seed on cBOD5 test results (not to


Oxygen Readily degradable

consumed fatty acids, alcohol
and glycerol make up
COD measured
most of the remaining
cBOD5 measured
potential or true
Potential cBOD5

Fig 2 COD vs. cBOD5 in effluent from ‘grease converter’ (not to scale)
Bacterial cultures Lipase


Most likely end- Fatty acids and glycerol.

products found in
effluent from pH substantially reduced
‘grease converter’ Possible corrosion of
concrete and metal fittings
Acidogenesis or
Sulphuric acid by
sulphur oxidising
LC fatty acids, VFAs

HS- or H2S O2
Below pH 6.0 Sulphate
cannot proceed
Acetic acid Sulphate reducing
Without oxygen as in With oxygen as in secondary
biosolids treatment biological treatment

pH Controlled Methanogenesis Aerobeosis

Methane Carbon Carbon Water

dioxide dioxide

Claimed end products of

bioaugmentation but only
occurred in lab trials

Note: Wellington City has seawater intrusion problems. Hence sulphate reduction mentioned.

Grease Converter Patent Application studied

Patent number US 6,818,211 B2 Nov 2004 Just one of a number of patents

 The invention discloses a Gram-positive microorganism, Bacillus megatarium that

effectively and efficiently degrades fats, oils and grease. A composition comprising said
microorganism and a method of degrading fatty acids and grease are also disclosed.
Availability of glycerol to the biodegrading organism was discovered to enhance
biodegradation. (Bioaugmentation)

 Tests used an AER-200 Respirometer.

 Sterile samples prepared for laboratory trials.

 Nutrients and other enhancers used

 Conditions controlled for experiments.

 Temp constant 25 degrees C

 Mixing continuous. pH value consistent and within the range of 6.8 – 7.2 at end of experiments.

 Oxygen available and uptake rates were measured to demonstrate the efficacy of the process. An
aerobic process. Desired result achieved. End products assumed to be carbon dioxide and water.

Commercial Claims in 2008

 Commercial claims based around patent claims. The claims include the bacterial degradation of FOG
into water, carbon dioxide with the liberation of heat (energy).

What was found in 2009

 Temperature is not controlled. Generally lower than test temp.

 There was no continuous mixing meaning that the added bacterial cultures could not be dispersed in the
floating FOG layer in the grease converter.

 There was some action at the FOG bacterial interface producing fatty acids and glycerol with a
substantial lowering of the pH vale in some cases to below 5.0. Low pH lowers the rates of any
microbiological activity.

 With no mixing and no oxygen transfer possible from the air to the contents of the grease converter
conditions quickly become anaerobic.

 End products appeared to be an increase in fatty acids and glycerol and an increase in effluent
BOD and COD rather than the production of carbon dioxide and water as claimed.

 Some of the FOG retained but much lost from the grease converter.

 The lab trial test procedures are therefore not being matched in commerce. (Since grease converters
used in Wellington City substantial increase in FOG as found at the Moa Point Inlet Pumping Station).

 Claims should read – a method of converting insoluble FOG into miscible with water (‘soluble’)
products (fatty acids and glycerol) that can be disposed of into a sewer and dealt with by normal
treatment means. Potential to increase BOD5 load on treatment plant.


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