2019 VAWC Campaign

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November 25- December 12, 2019


“Feminism isn’t about making women stronger. Women are already strong; it’s about changing the way
the world perceives that strength.” G.D.Anderson

In support with the national observance of the 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women and
Children, the campaign theme for the period 2016-2021 is “VAW-free community starts with Me.” This year’s
campaign continues to underscore the significant role of individuals, especially the youth, in fighting violence
against women and girls within various institutions like schools.

 Develop information education and communication (IEC) materials for the campaign to end
 Participate in the online campaign thread about the observance of the campaign
 Conduct activities related to the campaign to students like poster and slogan making, short film
viewing, VAWC corner making and online advocacy


Sta. Monica National High School is supporting this campaign to end violence against women and
children. Since the students are already aware on the issues concerning women and children, different activities
were taken from the first day up to the last day of the campaign. The activities focused on the primary
prevention to reduce incidents of VAWC across the community and educate them to seek help in cases of
violence. The first activity was the discussion of what VAWC is. It was conducted by the advisers of each
sections. It concentrated on the meaning of VAWC and how can it be possible to prevent. The next activities
taken were Poster and Slogan Making Contest which participated by students in all grade level. The contests
focused on the ways on how to prevent/end the violence against women and children. VAWC corner contest
was conducted also since the primary objective of the campaign is to have awareness on this matter, all
sections in all grade levels prepared their VAWC corner in their classroom. The winners of the said activities are
as follows:

Poster Making
1st Place- Grace Revadenera (7-Sampaguita)
2nd Place – Mark Lawrence Alcantara (10-Molave)
3rd Place- King Aie Gahol (10-Narra)

Slogan Making
1st Place – Samantha M. Tamba (10-Narra)
2nd Plca- Kate Hanika Encarnacion (10-Molave)
3rd Place – Irvin Russell M. Marasigan (8-Rizal)
VAWC Corner
1st Place- 10 Narra
2nd Place- 7 Sampaguita
3rd Place- 8 Bonifacio

Another part of the campaign is the short film viewing about Violence Against Women. It was also
conducted by the advisers in their perspective sections handled. After the viewing, there were short insights
given by the students on how they react on the said issues on the film they have watched. The students and
teachers were also participated in the online campaign to end VAWC by simply changed their profile pictures
on Facebook using the VAWC frame and hashtag #vawfreecommunitystartswithme.
Online Campaign
Changing Profile Pictures on FB
Students’ Online Advocacy

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