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Chapter 7 Oscillations mcqs

1. The S.I units of spring constant are:

a) m−1
b) Nm−1
c) Nm−2
d) Nm2

2. If F= 0.08 N and x= 4cm then K=:

a) 6 Nm−1
b) 4 Nm−1
c) 8 Nm−1
d) 2 Nm−1

3. One complete round trip of a vibrating body is called:

a) Time period
b) Frequency
c) Vibration
d) Amplitude

4. The time required to complete one vibration is called:

a) Time period
b) Frequency
c) Time period
d) Velocity

5. The force which opposes the applied force producing the displacement in the spring is called
a) Restoring force
b) Periodic force
c) Centripetal force
d) Resistive force

6. The number of vibrations completed by a body in one second is called

a) Time period
b) Frequency
c) Total vibrations
d) Displacement

7. Simple harmonic motion is a type of:

a) Rotational motion
b) Circular motion
c) Musical arrangement
d) Vibratory motion

8. In SHM, the restoring force is directly proportional to

a) Velocity
b) Acceleration
c) Displacement
d) Time period
9. The expression for instantaneous displacement of particle executing SHM is:
a) a = −w2x
b) x = xo sin wt
c) F = kx
d) All of above

10. Acceleration of a projection on the diameter for a particle moving along a circle is:
a) w2x
b) wx2
c) –w2x
d) –wx2

11. In equation of SHM, a = − w2x , the negative sign indicates the direction of motion of the particle
a) Away from mean position
b) Perpendicular to mean position
c) Towards mean position
d) None of above

12. If f is the frequency of a body executing SHM, its angular frequency is:
a) 4πf
b) 3πf
c) 2πf
d) None of these

13. The distance of the vibrating body at any instant from its equilibrium position is called
a) Displacement
b) Frequency
c) Amplitude
d) Time period

14. SI unit of frequency is:

a) Radian
b) ms−1
c) Hertz
d) Meter

15. The product of time period and frequency is:

a) Zero
b) 1
c) π
d) None of these

17. In SHM, the velocity of the particle is maximum at:

a) Mean position
b) Extreme position
c) In between mean and extreme position
d) None
19. For a body executing S.H.M, its
a) Momentum remains constant
b) Potential energy remains constant
c) Kinetic energy remains constant
d) Total energy remains constant

20. If the displacement of a body executing S.H.M is plotted against time, then the curve is known
a) Frequency of S.H.M
b) Period of S.H.M
c) Wave form
d) None of them

21. The waveform of simple harmonic motion is:

a) Sine wave
b) Square wave
c) Pulsed wave
d) None of these

22. Frequency of the second pendulum is:

a) 2.5 Hz
b) 0.5 Hz
c) 1.5 Hz
d) 2 Hz

23. The time period of a second pendulum is-

a) 4 seconds
b) 3 seconds
c) 2 seconds
d) 6 seconds

24. The length of second pendulum is.

a) 100 cm
b) 99 cm
c) 99.2 cm
d) 98 cm

25. The restoring force acting on simple pendulum is given by.

a) mg sin θ
b) – mg sin θ
c) mg cos θ
d) – mg cos θ
27. An object undergoes S.H.M has maximum speed when its displacement from the mean position is
a) Maximum speed
b) Zero
c) Half of the maximum value
d) One third of the maximum value

28. An object undergoes S.H.M has maximum acceleration when its displacement form the mean position
a) Maximum
b) Zero
c) Half of the maximum value
d) One third of the maximum value

29. In simple harmonic motion:

a) P.E remains constant
b) K.E remain constant
c) Total energy remain constant
d) Total momentum remain constant

30. The motion of simple pendulum is SHM only if:

a) Amplitude is large
b) Mass is small
c) Amplitude is small
d) Length is small
31. In S.H.M, the velocity of a particle is maximum at:
a) Mean position
b) Extreme position
c) Middle between mean and extreme position on the right side
d) Middle between mean and extreme position on the left side

32. The displacement of SHM is written as X = Xo sinωt, If displacement is written by X = Xo cosωt then
phase constant will be equal to:
a) 0o
b) 45 o
c) 90 o
d) 180 o
33. The angle θ=wt which specifies the displacement, as well as direction of motion of the point
executing SHM, is known as:
a) Critical angle
b) Phase angle
c) Plane angle
d) Solid angle

34. Phase of SHM describes.

a) Displacement only
b) Direction of motion only
c) Both displacement and direction of motion
d) Neither displacement nor direction of motion
35. Natural frequency of simple pendulum depends upon:
a) Its mass
b) Its length
c) Square of its length
d) Square root of its length

36. The process in which energy is dissipated in oscillating system is called:

a) Resonance
b) Damping
c) Forced oscillation
d) None of these

37. In damped harmonic oscillation, which one deceases?

a) Amplitude of vibration
b) Energy of vibration
c) Both amplitude and energy
d) Neither amplitude nor energy

38. A physical system undergoing forced vibrations is known as

a) Driven harmonic oscillator
b) Resonance
c) Simple harmonic oscillator
d) None of above

40. At mean position, during SHM:

a) P.E is maximum and K.E is minimum
b) P.E is minimum and K.E is maximum
c) Both K.E and P.E are maximum
d) Both K.E and P.E are minimum

41. When the bob of simple pendulum is at extreme position, it has

a) K.E
b) P.E
c) Both P.E and K.E
d) None

42. Tuning of radio set is an example of

a) Mechanical resonance
b) Musical resonance
c) Electrical resonance
d) Free vibration

43. The frequency of waves produced in microwaves oven is:

a) 1435 MHz
b) 2450 MHz
c) 1860 MHz
d) 2850 MHz

44. Sharpness of resonance is.

a) Directly proportional to damping force
b) Inversely proportional to damping force
c) Equal to square of damping force
d) None of these

45. Which one does not work according to resonance?

a) T.V
b) Radio
c) Microwave oven
d) Bulb

46. The oscillations in which amplitude decreased steadily with time are called:
a) Natural oscillations
b) Free oscillation
c) Damped oscillations
d) Forced oscillations
Answer key

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