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1. Personnel administration includes

a. Employment
b. Recruitment
c. Interview & selection
d. Induction
e. All of these
2. Wage & salary administration consist of
a. Creation of post
b. Rate determination
c. Merit rating
d. Motivation plans
e. All of these
3. Employee services includes
a. Medical services
b. Recreation service
c. Personal service
d. Safety service
e. All of these
4. Which is the part of planning and development
a. Organizational planning
b. Manpower planning
c. Training
d. All of these
e. None of these
5. Which is a subject matter of industrial relations
a. Communication
b. Collective bargaining
c. Employee discipline
d. Code of conduct
e. All of these
6. _____________________is the study of people as individuals and in groups of
relationships between individual and groups
a. Financial management
b. Wages
c. Manpower planning
d. Industrial psychology
e. None of these
7. Which is the function of industrial psychologists?
a. Research
b. Individual evaluation
c. Consulting
d. Programme development
e. All of these
8. Which is the principle of human relation?
a. Principle of motivation
b. Principle of participation
c. Principle of work recognition
d. Principle of mutual recognition
e. All of these
9. Human resource management includes
a. Dynamic human resource
b. Trade union
c. Down sizing
d. Non-union organization
e. All of these
10. Human resource management includes
a. Morale
b. Leadership
c. Job enrichment
d. Recruitment
e. Selection
11. Which one of the following does not include under the function of human resource
a. Planning
b. Organizing
c. Recruitment
d. Profitability
e. Cost
12. Selection includes
a. Framing & developing application blanks
b. Checking of references
c. Formulating interviewing technique
d. All of these
e. None of these
13. Recruitment deals with
a. Identification of existing source of applicants and developing them
b. Creation of new source of applicants
c. All of these
d. None of these
14. Training involves
a. Identification of training needs of individual and the company
b. Developing suitable training programme
c. Evaluating the effectiveness of training programme
d. All of these
e. None of these
15. Job design is affected by
a. Organizational, environmental & behavioral factors
b. Process
c. Study
d. Price
e. All of these
16. Type of selection test consist of
a. Personality test
b. Interest test
c. Aptitude test
d. Mental ability test
e. All of these
17. Interval source of recruitment involves
a. Internal advertisement
b. Extension of services
c. Lent services
d. Informal search
e. All of these
18. Process of manpower planning consists
a. Forecasting
b. Development implementation
c. Controlling
d. All of these
e. None of these
19. Utility of job analysis includes
a. Selection of employee
b. Recruitment of employee
c. Work study
d. Training of employee
e. All of these
20. Job enlargement expands the number of related tasks in the
a. Job
b. Work
c. Identity
d. Range
e. All of these
21. Training information system includes
a. Annual Review of years training plans
b. Monthly review of budget and plans
c. Real time review of specific projects
d. All of these
e. None of these
22. Horizontal job rotation refer to
a. Lateral transfer
b. Lateral promotion
c. Lateral motivation
d. All of these
e. None of these
23. Job enrichment
a. Includes job enlargement
b. Includes salary hike
c. Is a concept promoted by McClelland and Mcgregor
d. Includes some of planning and control necessary job accomplishment
24. Manpower planning involves all of the following accept
a. Organizing and training the staff
b. Estimating future personnel department
c. Monitoring the quality of the product
d. Preparing and maintaining personnel records
25. The origin of personnel management was an outcome of
a. Welfare workers
b. Legislation relating factory Reform
c. The govt. notification
d. The work of 19th century social reformers and employee
26. 3600 feedback involves appraisal by
a. Line managers
b. Subordinate
c. Superiors
d. Anyone who is directly in contact with appraisee
27. HRM aims at maximizing employees as well as organizational
a. Effectiveness
b. Efficiency
c. Economy
d. Performance
28. HRM function does not include
a. Recruitment
b. Selection
c. Training
d. Cost-control
29. Job analysis involves
a. Job description and job specification
b. Job enlargement and job description
c. Job specification and job order
d. Job satisfaction and job enrichment
30. Which of the following are the operative function human resource management
a. Organizing
b. Directing
c. Coordinating
d. All of these
31. ____________________evaluates the job and not the job holder
a. Job evaluation
b. Job description
c. Job specification
d. None of these
32. __________________is prepared on the basis of job description
a. Job specification
b. Job description
c. Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
d. None of these
33. The concept of _________________________is to select people out of those who
response to the demand of the organization through the various advertising sources
a. Recruitment
b. Selection
c. Induction
d. None of these
34. In this modern business world with new HR practices, there is a shift in the nature ,of
contract between employees and
a. Employer
b. Employee
c. Union
d. None of these
35. Manpower planning is a __________________process because it not only analyze the
current human resource but also makes manpower forecasts to draw employment
a. One phased
b. Two phased
c. Three phased
d. Four phased
36. ___________________is the process of searching the candidate for employment and
stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization
a. Induction
b. Training
c. Recruitment
d. Selection
37. The simplest method for job evaluation is ________________method in which job are
arranged from highest to lowest order in terms of their value or merit to the organization
a. Paired comparison method
b. Ranking method
d. MBO
38. Experience ,education, skills and knowledge are the main components of ____________,
which need to be specified
a. Job specification
b. Job analysis
c. Job description
d. None of these
39. ________________can be defined as obtaining, using and maintaining a satisfied
a. Human resource management
b. Industrial relations
c. Organizational management
d. Personnel management
40. The purpose of ____________________is to establish the document the “job relatedness”
of employment procedures such as training ,selection, compensation and performance
a. Induction
b. Job description
c. Job specification
d. Job analysis
41. Which of the following performance appraisal method, rates the appraise on various
parameters on a point scale?
a. Critical incident method
b. MBO method
c. Graphic rating method
d. Bell curve method
42. Which one of the following is not important features of effective training plan
a. Shorter learning line
b. Lower cost per participant
c. Reduced travel cost
d. Going far flung places
43. Total training cost include
a. Participants on going salaries
b. Overheads during training
c. Cost of R & D in training needs analysis
d. All of above
44. Off the job training is given
a. Outside the factory gate
b. In-the classroom
c. On the working days in the factory
d. None of above
45. Which of the following is not a method of on-the job training method
a. Understudy
b. Simulation
c. Job instruction
d. Committee assignment
46. Principals of training evaluation are
a. Clarity
b. Reliability
c. Validity
d. All of above
47. Which of the following is not an integral part of training program
a. Pre-training phase
b. Post training phase
c. Training implementation phase
d. Training recognition phase
48. Which of the following is not an objective of modern performance appraisal system
a. Salary increase
b. Identify training needs
c. Punishing the employee
d. Promotion decision
49. Management by objective(MBO) technique was first promoted in 1950 ‘s by which of the
following management theorist
a. Peter F Drucker
b. Karl Marx
c. Webber
d. Fayol
50. _____________are usually provided to reduce the no:of accidents
a. Safety training
b. Precaution training
c. Training for improvement
d. None of above
51. The duties and responsibilities involved in a particular job is known as
a. Job description
b. Job specification
c. Job design
d. Job analysis
52. The minimum qualities required to perform a job is _____________
a. Job description
b. Job specification
c. Job design
d. Job analysis
53. ___________involves determination of relative worth of each job for the purpose of
establishing wage and salary differentials
a. Job evaluation
b. Job specification
c. Job design
d. Job analysis
54. __________involves assessment of actual performance of an employee against what is
expected from him or her
a. Performance appraisal
b. Motivation
c. Need assessment
d. None of above
55. ______________involves fringe benefits, bonus and other benefits
a. Remuneration
b. Compensation
c. Incentive
d. Commission
56. The logical sequence to job analysis is ________
a. Job design
b. Job description
c. Job specification
d. Job details
57. ________________---refers to moving employees from one job to other
a. Job rotation
b. Job shifting
c. Job description
d. Job design
58. ______________refers to expansion of the no:of different tasks performed by an
employee in a single job
a. Job enlargement
b. Job enrichment
c. Job rotation
d. Job design
59. __________________simply means adding a new more motivators to a job to make it
more rewarding
a. Job enrichment
b. Job enlargement
c. Job design
d. Job rotation
60. Choosing the right person to the right job is known as ___________
a. Selection
b. Recruitment
c. Placement
d. Induction
61. ___________ are given to measure a prospective employee’s motivation to function in a
particular work environment
a. Personality test
b. Intelligence test
c. Aptitude test
d. Memory test
62. _________used to measure an individual’s activity preferences
a. Interest test
b. Personality test
c. Aptitude test
d. Memory test
63. ___________ is a test which helps to predict whether a person will be successful in a
given job
a. Validity
b. Reliability
c. Authenticity
d. None of these
64. __________ refers to standardization at the procedure of administrating and scoring the
test results
a. Reliability
b. Validity
c. Authenticity
d. None of these
65. __________ involves using a selection test during selection process and then identifying
the successful candidate
a. Predictive validity
b. Synthetic validity
c. Standard validity
d. None of the above
66. ___________ provide a new employee with the information he or she needs to function
comfortably and effectively in the organization
a. Induction
b. Performance appraisal
c. Motivation
d. Delegation
67. Allocation of the people to the job is________________
a. Placement
b. Induction
c. Training
d. Orientation
68. ______________understood as the process of forecasting an organizations future demand
for and supply of right type of people in the right number
a. HRP
b. HRA
c. HRM
d. None of these
69. ________________means moulding of an employee KSA
a. Training
b. Induction
c. Orientation
d. Appraisal
70. ________________________diagnosis present problems and future challenges to be
met through training and development
a. Need assessment
b. Training
c. Orientation
d. Induction
71. _____________________generally focus on emotional issues rather than actual ones
a. Role playing
b. Vestibule training
c. Case study
d. Sensitivity training
72. _____________________utilizes equipments which closely resemble the actual ones
used on the job
a. Vestibule training
b. Role playing
c. Case study
d. Sensitivity training
73. __________________________training was small number of trainees, usually fewer than 12 in a
a. Sensitivity training
b. Vestibule training
c. Case study
d. Role playing
74. Sensitivity training is a part of
a. In-house development
b. Behavior modeling
c. Organizational development
d. None of the above
75. Apprentership training is a type of ___________________
a. On the job training
b. Off the job training
c. Both ( a) and (b)
d. None of these
76. Task analysis a component of
a. Selection procedure
b. Human resource planning
c. Training process
d. None of these
77. Which of the following is not a stage in the systematic training cycle?
a. Evaluation
b. Assessing training needs
c. Planning the training
d. Job instruction on a one to one bias
78. Which of the following is not a technique used in classroom training method of training
a. Lectures
b. Group discussion
c. Case studies
d. Real time experience
79. _______________________improves the knowledge,skills an attitude of employees particularly
to a specific job of task
a. Training
b. Discipline
c. Job evaluation
d. None of these
80. __________ involves periodic assignment of an employee to completely different sets of
job activities
a. Job rotation
b. Vestibule training
c. Coaching
d. None of these
81. The process of establishing the value at jobs in a job hierarchy is known as ________
a. Job analysis
b. Job requirement
c. Job evaluation
d. Performance evaluation
82. Induction refers to
a. Give training to the employees
b. Give incentive to the employees
c. Introducing employee to the organization culture and situation
d. Increasing the morale of the employees
83. Recruitment is done
a. By centralized office
b. Through different departments
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
84. An efficient supervisor should be
a. Impartial
b. Biased
c. Strict to his subordinates
d. None of the above
85. Which of the is not a typically used procedure to reduce the total no. of employees
a. By off
b. Termination
c. Down sizing
d. Early retirement inducements
86. In which of the following kinds of interview the questions are predetermined
a. Panel
b. Stress
c. Group
d. Structured
87. An experienced employee offering guidance and support to a junior employee so that the
later learns and advances in the organization called
a. Mentoring
b. Counseling
c. Coaching
d. Job instruction training
88. Sensitivity training is also known as
a. S-group training
b. T-group training
c. P-group training
d. L-group training
89. Management development training program provides
a. Wide awareness
b. Enlarged conceptual skills
c. Latest technological skills
d. All of the above
90. The primary goal of HRM is to _________
a. facilitate organizational performance
b. influence internal constituency
c. based on the judgment or mathematics
d. none of these
91. it is easy to take feedback in __________ method as there is no improvement or
involvement of external agencies and the training is given by the employee working in
the same organization
a. vestibule method
b. coaching method
c. Apprendeship
d. None of these
92. __________ gives an opportunity to an employee to showcase his talent to the fullest
and make his reach to other department also
a. Job rotation
b. Vestibule training
c. Coaching
d. None of these
93. The multiple management technique of management development program was developed by
a. Charles PMC Cormick
b. Charless babage
c. Mike Thompson
d. None of these
94. ____________________is the best method to improve inter personnel skills, ability to
comprehended and present himself efficiency in short period of time
a. Group discussion
b. Seminar
c. Coaching
d. None of these
95. ________________________method of management development programme was developed
Harvard business school and incident method was developed at
a. Vestibule training
b. Care study
c. Coaching
d. None of these
96. _______________method of management development progamme is suitable for analyzing
problems and examining them from different view points
a. Conference method
b. Coaching method
c. Vestibule method
d. None of these
97. _________________________is also known as T-group training and laboratory training
a. Stress training
b. Sensibility training
c. Job orientation training
d. None of these
98. Sensitivity training method was developed by __________________
a. Bill gates
b. Kuet lewrin
c. Henry fayol
d. F W Taylor
99. ________________is the review of performance by the employee himself
a. Self evaluation
b. Evaluation by other
c. Group evaluation
d. None of these
100. _______________________adds additional motivation to a job to make it more
a. Entertainment
b. Social benefits
c. Job enrichment
d. None of these
101. _________ is concerned with proper utilization with the management and proper
utilization of human resources for attaining organizational goals
a. Employment
b. Personal management
c. Recruitment
d. All of these
102. What are the objectives of personnel management
a. Enterprise
b. Social
c. Personnel
d. All of these
103. Which of the following are the challenges to personnel management
a. Globalization
b. Political and Legal factors
c. Technological changes
d. All of these
104. Which of the following is the functions of personnel management
a. Managerial function
b. Operative function
c. Both a & b
d. All of these
105. Managerial functions of personnel management includes
a. Planning & organizing
b. Directing
c. Both a & b
d. All of these
106. What is the qualities of personnel manager
a. Personal attributes
b. Experiences & training
c. Decisiveness
d. All of these
107. Position and status of personnel department is concerned with
a. Line authority
b. Functional authority
c. Line and staff authority
d. All of these
108. Levels of HRP is concerned with
a. Plant level
b. Departmental & divisional level
c. Top level
d. All of these
109. Uses of job analysis includes
a. Organizational design
b. Recruitment & selection
c. Man power planning
d. All of these
110. __________ is a detailed and systematic study of jobs to know the nature and
characteristics of the people employed on the various jobs
a. Job analysis
b. Job specification
c. Job description
d. All of these
111. Employment development is a
a. Short term process
b. Continuous process
c. Long term process
d. All of these
112. __________ discloses what, how and why the job is to be done
a. Job analysis
b. Job specification
c. Job description
d. All of these
113. Contents of the job description is/are
a. Proper job title
b. Job summary
c. Job location
d. All of these
114. The product of job description is / are
a. Job description
b. Job specification
c. Both a & b
d. All of these
115. Job analysis include
a. Job description
b. Job specification
c. Both a & b
d. None of these
116. The __________ is the statement of the minimum acceptable qualities to perform
a particular job
a. Job description
b. Job specification
c. Both a & b
d. All of these
117. A job specification include
a. Physical characteristics
b. Personal characteristics
c. Mental characteristics
d. All of these
118. _______________is an attempt to create a match between job requirement and
human attribute
a. Job description
b. Job specification
c. Job design
d. All of these

119. In_________ the complete job is broken down in to small sub parts
a. Job simplification
b. Job enlargement
c. Job rotation
d. All of these
120. _____________implies the shifting of an employee from one job to another job
within a working group so the variety and relief from the boredom of routine
a. Job simplification
b. Job enlargement
c. Job rotation
d. All of these
121. ___________________is the process of increasing the scope of job of a particular
employee by adding more task to it
a. Job simplification
b. Job enlargement
c. Job rotation
d. All of these
122. _______________implies increasing the content of a job or the deliberate
upgrading of responsibility scope and exchange of work
a. Job simplification
b. Job enrichment
c. Job rotation
d. All of these
123. Relative worth of the job is known as
a. Job simplification
b. Job enrichment
c. Job rotation
d. All of these
124. Jobs are ranked through
a. Job simplification
b. Job evaluation
c. Job rotation
d. All of these
125. ______________is the process of searching for the prospective employees and
stimulating them to apply for the job in the organization
a. Selection
b. Recruitment
c. Placement
d. None of these
126. Which of the following is the sources of the recruitment
a. Internal
b. External sources
c. Both a and b
d. None of these
127. ________________is the process of picking up indendual request with requisite
qualification and competencies’ to fill job in organization
a. Selection
b. Recruitment
c. Placement
d. None of these
128. Selection is a _____________process
a. Positive
b. Negative
c. Behavioral
d. None of these
129. Selection end with
a. Job offer
b. Contract of employment
c. Placement
d. None of these
130. _______________ is the process of assigning a specific rank and responsibility to
an individual
a. Selection
b. Recruitment
c. Placement
d. None of these
131. Induction means
a. Orientation
b. Recruitment
c. Placement
d. None of these
132. Induction means planned introduction of employees to their
a. Job
b. Organization
c. Coworkers
d. All of these
133. HRP means
a. Human resource planning
b. Human resource plan
c. Human recruitment planning
d. All of these
134. Job analysis help in
a. HRP, recruitment, selection
b. T and D
c. Job evaluation
d. All of these
135. Which of the following is not a job design technique
a. Job rotation
b. Work simplification
c. Job description
d. All of these
136. An organized factual statement of the duties and responsibilities of a specific job
is known as
a. Job description
b. Job specification
c. job evaluation
d. Job enrichment
137. …………… method of training involve realistic behavior in imaginary situation
a. Vestibule training
b. Class room training
c. Role playing
d. None of these
138. Selection procedure include
a. Application form
b. Reception
c. Employment test
d. All of these
139. Which is the method of collection information for job analysis
a. Observation
b. Questionnaire
c. Record
d. All of these
140. Which are the factors of job evaluation
a. Skill
b. Efforts
c. Working condition
d. All of these
141. Administration of an employee wage and salary is called
a. Wage and salary administration
b. Wage fund
c. W.S. policy
d. All of these
142. Which of the following is the objective of wage and salary administration
a. To establish to fair and equitable compensation
b. To attract qualified and competent personnel
c. To improve motivation and morale of employees
d. All of these
143. ______ is used to payment to hourly production and services
a. Wage
b. Wage fund
c. Salary
d. All of these
144. _________ is used to weekly and monthly rates paid to clerical, administrative,
and professional employees
a. Wage
b. Wage fund
c. Salary
d. All of these
145. Which is / are the factors that influencing the wage and salary administration
a. Internal
b. External
c. Both a & b
d. All of these
146. Which internal factors influence the wage and salary administration
a. Demand and supply
b. Trade unions bargaining power
c. Cost of lining
d. All of these
147. Remuneration paid for services of the labor in production is
a. Wage increment
b. Bonus
c. Wage
d. None of these
148. Which theory is called iron law of wages?
a. Subsistence theory
b. Wage fund theory
c. Surplus value theory of money
d. All of these
149. Wage fund theory is given by
a. David Richard
b. Karl Marx
c. Adam Smith/J.S mill
d. Clark
150. Which one of the following is/are the type of labour welfare facilities
a. Intra mural
b. Extra mural
c. Both a and b
d. All of these
151. Facilitative services included
a. Education
b. Medical facilities
c. Housing facilities
d. All of these
152. The welfare provision under factors Act 1948 was
a. Washing facilities
b. Facilities for storing and drying cloths
c. Facilities for sitting
d. All of these
153. Welfare officers are to be appointed if organization is engaging _________ or
more employees
a. 500
b. 100
c. 600
d. None of these
154. Crèche is to provided if ______ or more lady employees are engaged
a. 30
b. 60
c. 40
d. None of these
155. An adult worker can work up to ________ has in a day as per factories Act 1948
a. 8
b. 9
c. 10
d. None of these
156. A child who has not completed his _____________ year is prohibited to work in a
a. 15
b. 25
c. 14
d. None of these
157. If the factory employs more than 1000 workers they should appoint qualified
_________ to carry out the prescribed activities
a. Safety officer
b. Welfare officer
c. Security officer
d. None of these
158. The first and foremost objective of a welfare state is
a. Welfare facilities
b. Full employment
c. Both a &b
d. All of these
159. ________ occurs when a person who wants and is able to work but cannot find
a. Unemployment
b. Under employment
c. Both a & b
d. All of these
160. Which of the following is the causes of the unemployment
a. Rapid technological changes
b. Recessions
c. Seasonal factors
d. All of these
161. Types of the unemployment includes
a. Voluntary
b. Involuntary
c. Both a and b
d. All of these
162. visible, seasonal and distinguished unemployment are the forms of
a. Voluntary
b. Involuntary
c. Both a and b
d. All of these
163. National commission of labor was set up in
a. 1948
b. 1959
c. 1931
d. None of these
164. Which of the following factors related to training need analysis
a. Organization analysis
b. Task and role analysis
c. Manpower analysis
d. All of these
165. Which one is responsible for training
a. Top management
b. Personal department
c. Line supervisor
d. All of these
166. The two types method of training includes
a. On the job
b. Off the job
c. Both a and b
d. None of these
167. In________________training methods the trainees have to leave their work place
and devote their entire time to the training
a. On the job
b. Off the job
c. Both a and b
d. None of these
168. On the job training methods is concern with
a. JIT
b. Coaching
c. Monitoring
d. All of these
169. Methods related to on the job training includes
a. Position rotation
b. Committee assignment
c. Apprenticeship
d. All of these
170. Four step instructional related to which method of T & D
a. JIT
b. Coaching
c. Monitoring
d. All of these
171. Off the job training methods are
a. Vestibule
b. Role playing
c. Behavioral experienced training
d. All of these
172. Off the job training methods are
a. conference
b. class room training
c. internship training
d. All of these
173. Electronic training methods include
a. Audio visual
b. Computer based tracing
d. All of these
174. Which of the following techniques related to T and D
a. Observation
b. Interview
c. Questionnaire
d. All of these
175. _________ is the activities that prepares an employee for future responsibilities
a. Training
b. Development
c. Education
d. All of these
176. ______________is a conceptual learning that improves understanding of a
a. Training
b. Development
c. Education
d. All of these
177. _______________is basically used to teach the workers how to do their current
jobs. A trainer ,supervisor act as coach
a. Job instructional training
b. Coaching
c. Monitoring
d. All of these
178. It is a kind of daily training and feedback given to the employees by their
immediate supervisors
a. JIT
b. Coaching
c. Monitoring
d. All of these
179. Which of the following is the features of performance appraisal
a. Continuous process
b. Systematic approach
c. Formal / informal
d. All of these
180. Which of the following is not the objectives of performance appraisal
a. Week related appraisal
b. Career development objectives
c. Communication
d. None of these
181. Performance appraisal objectives includes
a. Organization objectives
b. Feedback
c. Both a & b
d. All of these
182. Who will appraise the employee while performing a job
a. Supervisors
b. Peers & self appraisal
c. Sub ordinate & user of services
d. All of these
183. Performance appraisal help in
a. Training
b. Performance appraisal
c. Both A and B
d. All of these
184. Performance appraisal methods classified in
a. Individual evaluation method
b. Group evaluation method
c. Other method
d. All of these
185. A person who is higher up the organization and who can provide careers advice
and support to less senior person
a. Careers
b. Mentors
d. All of these
186. The dimension of employees problem with a view to help the employee cope with
a. Careers
b. 360 degree
c. Counseling
d. All of these
187. Effects by employees to obtain higher rating by pottering an image deiced by their
a. Impression management
b. 360 degree
d. All of these
188. The loss of employees who quit the organization for various reasons
a. Careers
b. Attrition
d. All of these
189. Present performance is determined largely from
a. Advisory evaluation
b. Supervisory evaluation
c. Appraisal evaluation
d. All of these
190. Jobs are link between the people and the
a. Organization
b. manager
c. supervisor
d. all of these
191. job enlargement expands the number of related tasks in the
a. job
b. Attrition
c. Work
d. All of these
192. The appraisal process is designed by
a. Personnel department
b. Workshop
c. Management
d. All of these
193. Management function of personnel management is
a. Personnel planning
b. Personnel organization
c. Controlling
d. All of these
194. Utility of job analysis includes
a. Selection of employee
b. Work study
d. All of these
195. Which of the following are the internal source of recruitment
a. Promotion
b. Trainees
c. Transfers
d. All of these
196. _____________is the act for increasing the knowledge skill of people for a
specific purpose, the trainees acquire new skill , knowledge and technical ability
a. Training
b. Development
c. Education
d. All of these
197. ____________________improve the performance of the employees on present
job and prepares them the taking up new assignment for future
a. Training
b. Development
c. Education
d. All of these
198. ______________________is the activities that prepare an employee for future
a. Training
b. Development
c. Education
d. All of these
199. Need and importance of training includes
a. Increased productivity
b. Less supervision and wastage
c. Higher employee morale
d. All of these
200. Systematic movement of workers of one job to another is
a. Job rotation
b. Job design
c. Incentives
d. All of these

Answer key
1. e 2.e 3.e 4.d 5.e
6.d 7.e 8.e 9.e 10.d
11.d 12.d 13.d 14.d 15.a
16.e 17.e 18.d 19.c 20.a
21.a 22.a 23.d 24.c 25.a
26.d 27.a 28.d 29.a 30.d
31.a 32.a 33.a 34.b 35.c
36.c 37.b 38.a 39.d 40.d
41.c 42.d 43.d 44.a 45.d
46.d 47.a 48.c 49.a 50.a
51.a 52.b 53.a 54.a 55.a
56.a 57.a 58.a 59.a 60.a
61.a 62.a 63.a 64.a 65.a
66.a 67.a 68.a 69.a 70.a
71.a 72.a 73.a 74.c 75.a
76.c 77.d 78.d 79.a 80.a
81.a 82.c 83.d 84.a 85.c
86.d 87.c 88.b 89.d 90.a
91.c 92.a 93.a 94.a 95. b
96.a 97.b 98.b 99.a 100. C
101.b 102.d 103.d 104.c 105.c
106.d 107.d 108.d 109.d 110.
111. 112. 113.d 114.c 115.c
116.b 117.d 118.c 119.a 120.c
121.d 122.b 123.b 124.b 125.b
126.c 127.a 128.b 129.b 130.a
131.a 132.d 133.a 134.d 135.d
136.a 137.a 138.d 139.d 140.d
141.a 142.d 143.a 144.c 145.c
146.d 147.c 148.a 149.c 150.c
151.d 152.d 153.a 154.a 155.b
156.c 157.a 158.b 159.a 160.d
161. c 162.b 163.b 164.d 165.d
166.c 167.b 168.d 169.d 170.a
171.d 172.d 173.d 174.d 175.b
176.c 177.a 178.b 179.d 180.d
181.d 182.d 183.c 184.d 185.b
186.c 187.a 188.b 189.b 190.a
191.a 192.a 193.d 194.b 195.d
196.a 197.a 198.b 199.d 200.a

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