DTS University Question Bank

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1. What is centrifugal effect on belts?

2. What is chordal action in chain drives?
3. Name four important elements in a chain.
4. Write down the disadvantages of flat belt drives.
5. In what ways the timing belts are superior to ordinary V belts.
6. What is meant by ‘Chordal action of chain’? Also name a company that produces driving chains.
7. What are the factors upon which the coefficient of friction between the belt and pulley depends?
8. Brief the term “Crowning of pulley”.
9. Name the types of belts used for transmission of power.
10. List out the various stresses induced in the wire ropes.
11. What is meant by the ply of belt?
12. Write any four wire rope applications.
13. What are the factors upon which the coefficient of friction between the belt and pulley depend?
14. What do you mean by galling of roller chains?
15. How is a wire rope specified? Give an example.
16. Mention the parts of roller chain.


1. Design a V-belt drive and calculate the actual belt tensions and average stress for the following data.
Power to be transmitted=7.5kW, Speed of driving wheel=1000rpm, Speed of driven wheel=300rpm,
Diameter of driven pulley=500mm, Diameter of driver pulley=150mm and center distance=925mm.
2. A V belt drive is to be arranged between two shafts with 1.2m as centre distance. The driving pulley is
of 250mm effective diameter and is to be supplied with 20kW power at 960rpm. The follower pulley is
to run at 460rpm. Determine the number of belts required from the following:
Arc of the belt cross section=143mm2
Mass density of the belt material=1000kg/m3
Permissible tensile stress=2N/mm2
Co-efficient of friction=0.30
Groove angle of the pulley=40o
3. A V-belt drive is to transmit 15kW to a compressor. The motor runs at 1150rpm and the compressor is
to run at 400rpm. Determine
i) Belt specification ii) Number of belts iii) Correct centre distance iv) Drive pulley diameters.
4. A 7.5kW electric motor running at 1400rpm is used to drive the input shaft of the gearbox of a
machine. Design a suitable roller chain to connect the motor shaft to the gear box shaft to give an exact
speed ratio of 10:1. The center distance of the shaft is to be approximately 600mm.

Prepared by: G.MURUGAN, AP/MECH

5. Select a suitable V-belt and design the drive for a wet grinder. Power is available from a 0.5kW motor
running at 750rpm. Drum speed is to be about 100rpm. Drive is to be compact.
6. Select a wire rope for a vertical mine hoist to lift a load of 20kN from a depth of 60metres. A rope
speed of 4m/sec is to attained in 10seconds.
7. A V-belt drive is to transmit 45kW in a heavy duty saw mill which works in two shifts of 8 hours each.
The speed of motor shaft is 1400rpm with the approximate speed reduction of 3 in the machine shaft.
Design the drive and calculate the average stress induced in the belt.
8. Design a chain drive to actuate a compressor from 15kW electric motor running at 1000rpm. The
compressor speed being 350rpm. The minimum centre distance is 500mm. The compressor operates 15
hours per day. The chain tension may be adjusted by shifting the motor.
9. Design a V-belt drive to drive a machine at 40 rpm a motor running at 1440 rpm. Assume suitable
10. Select a wire rope for a vertical mine hoist lift a load of 30kN from a depth of 600m. A rope speed of 3
m/s is to be attained in 10 seconds.
11. A centrifugal pump running at 340 rpm is to be driven by a 100 kW motor running at 1440 rpm. The
drive is to work for at least 20 hrs every day. The centre distance between the motor shaft and the pump
shaft is 2000 mm, suggest a suitable multiple V-belt drive for this application. Also calculate the actual
belt tension and stress induced.
12. The transporter of a heat treatment furnaces is driven by a 4.5 kW, 1440 rpm induced motor through a
chain a drive with a speed reduction ratio is 2.4. The transmission is horizontal with belt type of
lubrication. Rating is continuous with 3 shifts per day. Design the complete chain drive.
13. For a flat belt drive, the following data are given: Power transmitted= 9kW, speed of motor= 1500 rpm;
Speed of driven pulley = 500 rpm, velocity of belt = 16 m/s, Density of belt material= 9.8KN/m 3, small
diameter to thickness of belt ratio =36, Factor of safety= 8, Ultimate strength of belt material= 24Mpa,
center distance= 2.1m, coefficient of friction=0.36.Design the belt.
14. A compressor running at 250 rpm require 80 kW. The drive is by V-belts from an electric motor
running at 800 rpm. The diameter of the pulley on an compressor shaft should not be greater than 1m
while centre distance between pulley is limited to 1.8 m. The belt speed should not exceed 1500 m/min.
Determine the number of belts to required to transmit the power if each belt has a cross sectional area
of 360 N/mm2. The groove angle of pulley is 36 0. The coefficient of friction between the belt and the
pulley is 0.3. Also determine the length of belt.
15. Select a suitable chain to transmit 15 kW at 1000 rpm of a sprocket pinion. Speed reduction is 2:5:1.
Driving motor is mounted on an adjustable base. Assume that load is steady, drive is horizontal and
service is hours/day.
16. A belt is to transmit 25 kW at 720 rpm to a rolling machine with a speed ratio of 3. Center distance
between the pulleys is 2.8m. Design a suitable belt if the rolling machine pulley diameter is 0.9m.

Prepared by: G.MURUGAN, AP/MECH



1. Define module.
2. Differentiate double helical and herringbone gears.
3. What are the standard interchangeable tooth profiles?
4. List out the various methods of manufacturing gears.
5. State the law of gearing.
6. What is pressure angle? What is the effect of increase in pressure angle?
7. What is pressure angle? What is the effect of increase in pressure angle?
8. What condition must be satisfied in order that a pair of spur gears may have a constant velocity ratio?
9. State the advantages of herringbone gear.
10. State some materials used for manufacturing of gears.
11. Difference between circular pitch and diametral pitch.
12. Where do we use spiral gears?
13. List the various types of gear tooth failure.
14. Define the various pitches in a helical gear.
15. Why is pinion made harder than gear?
16. Compare the features of spur and helical gears.


1. Design a spur gear drive to transmit 8kW at 720rpm and the speed ratio is 2. The pinion and wheel are
made of the same surface hardened carbon steel with 55 RC and core hardness less than 350 BHN.
Ultimate strength is 720N/mm2 and yield strength is 360N/mm2.
2. Design a straight spur gear drive to transmit 8kW. The pinion speed is 720rpm and the speed ratio is 2.
Both the gears are made of the same surface hardened carbon steel with 55 RC and core hardness less
than 350 BHN. Ultimate strength is 720N/mm2 and yield strength is 360N/mm2.
3. Design a helical gear drive to transmit the power of 14.7kW. Speed ratio 6, pinion speed 1200rpm,
helix angle is 250. Select suitable materials and design the gear.
4. Design a general purpose enclosed gear train is based on parallel helical gears, specified life is 36000
hours. Torque at driven shaft is 411Nm. Driving shaft speed is 475rpm. Velocity ratio is 4. It is desired
to have standard centre distance.
5. Design a spur gear drive required to transmit 45kW at a pinion speed of 800rpm. The velocity ratio is
3.5:1. The teeth are 200 full depths involute with 18 teeth on the pinion. Both the pinion and gear are
made of steel with a maximum safe stress of 180N/mm2. Assume medium shock conditions.
6. Design a pair of helical gears to transmit 10kW at pinion speed of 1000rpm. The reduction ratio is 5.
Assume suitable materials and stresses.
7. i) Explain the phenomenon of interference in involute gears.

Prepared by: G.MURUGAN, AP/MECH

ii) Design and draw spur gear drive transmitting 30kW at 400rpm to another shaft running
approximately at 1000rpm. The load is steady and continuous. The material for the pinion is cast steel
and for gear is cast iron. Take module as 10mm. Also check the design for dynamic load and wear.
8. A single stage helical gear reducer is to receive power from a 1440rpm, 25kW induction motor. The
gear tooth profile is involute full depth with 200 normal pressure angle. The angle is 230, number of
teeth on pinion is 20 and the gear ratio is 3. Both the gears are made of steel with allowable beam stress
of 90Mpa and hardness 250 B.H.N.
i) Design the gears for 20% overload carrying capacity from the standpoint of bending strength and
ii) If the incremental dynamic load of 8kN is estimated in tangential plane, what will the safe power
transmitted by the pair at the same speed?
9. Design a straight spur gear drive to transmit 8 kW. The pinion speed is 720 rpm and the speed ratio is
2. Both the gears are made of the same surface hardened carbon steel with 55 RC and core hardness
less than 350 BHN. Ultimate strength is 720 N/mm² and yield strength is 360 N/mm².
10. Design a general purpose enclosed gear train is based on parallel helical gears, specified life is 36,000
hours. Torque at driven shaft is 411 Nm. Driving shaft speed is 475 rpm. Velocity ratio is 4i. It is
desired to have standard centre distance.
11. Design a spur gear train to transmit 22.5 kW at 900 rpm. Speed reduction is 25. Materials for pinion
and wheel are C15 steel and cast iron grade 30 respectively. Take pressure angle of 20º and working
life of the gear 10,000 hours.
12. Design a helical gear to transmit 15 kW at 1400 rpm to the following specifications: Speed reductions
are 3; pressure angle is 200; helix angle is 150; the material of both the gear is C45 steel. Allowable
static shear 180Gpa; surface endurance limit is 800Gpa. Young’s modulus of material =200Gpa.
13. Design a spur gear to transmit 15 kW at 900 rpm forged steel pinion 120 mm diameter to a cast steel
gear to run at 300 rpm. Take pressure angle of 200 and working life of the gears as 10000 hours.
14. A pair of helical gears for a turbine has a transmission ratio of 10:1. The pinion rotates at 5000 rpm and
made of carbon steel and the gear wheel is made of high grade cast iron. Power transmitted= 90 kW.
The gear pair is to be required to last for at least 12000 hrs. Select suitable gear materials.
15. Design a spur gear drive to transmit 10 kW at 1440 rpm, speed reduction is 3. Take pressure angle as
20 and working life of the gears as 15,000 hrs. Assume the materials for pinion and wheel as heat
treated cast steel and high grade cast iron respectively.
16. Deduce the expression for forces acting on a gear tooth of a helical gear with the aid of a schematic

Prepared by: G.MURUGAN, AP/MECH


1. What is the difference between an angular gear and a miter gear?
2. What kind of contact occurred between worm and wheel? How does this differ from other gears?
3. Define the term Normal pitch in a worm gear.
4. What is difference between bevel gear formation and other type of gear?
5. State the advantages of herring bone gear.
6. What is a Zero bevel gear?
7. In which gear-drive, self-locking is available?
8. Define the following terms: a) Cone distance, b) Face angle.
9. What is virtual number of teeth in bevel gears?
10. In which gear drive, self-locking is available?
11. What is a crown gear?
12. What is the difference between an angular gear and a miter gear?
13. Why phosphor bronze is widely used for worm gears?
14. List the various types of bevel gears.
15. What are the various losses in the worm gear drive?
16. When do we employ crossed helical gear?
17. Mention the types of failure in worm gear drives.


1. Design a pair of straight bevel gears for two shafts whose axis are at right angles. The power
transmitted is 25kW. The speed of pinion is 300rpm and of the gear is 120rpm.
2. Design a pair of right angled bevel gears to transmit 15 kW at 750rpm to another gear to run at 250rpm.
Not less than 20 teeth are to be used on either gear. The pressure angle is 20 0. Assume a gear life of
3. Design a worm gear drive to transmit 22.5kW at a worm speed of 1440rpm. Velocity ratio is 24:1. An
efficiency of at least 85% is desired. The temperature raise should be restricted to 40 0. Determine the
required cooling area.
4. Complete the design of a worm gear speed reducer unit which consists of a hardened steel worm and
phosphor bronze gear. The centre distance is 200mm and transmission ratio 10:1.
5. Design a straight bevel gear drive between two shafts at right angles to each other. Speed of the
pinion shaft is 360rpm and the speed of the gear wheel shaft is 120rpm. Pinion is of steel and wheel of
cast iron. Each gear is expected to work 2 hour/day for 10years. The drive transmits 9.37kW.
6. The input to worm gear shaft is 18kW at 600rpm. Speed ratio is 20. The worm is to be of hardened
steel and the wheel is made of chilled phosphor bronze. Considering wear and strength, design worm
and worm wheel.

Prepared by: G.MURUGAN, AP/MECH

7. A 2 kW power is applied to a worm shaft at 720 mm. The worm is of quadruple start with 50 mm as
pitch circle diameter. The worm gear has 40 teeth with 5 mm module. The pressure angle in the
diametral plane is the 20 0 . Determine (i) the lead angle of the worm, (ii) velocity ratio (iii) centre
distance. Also, calculate efficiency of the worm gear drives, and power lost in friction.
8. Design a bevel gear drive to transmit 10 kW power at 1440 rpm. Gear ratio is 3, and life of gears
10,000 hrs. Pinion and gear are made of C45 and minimum no. of teeth is 20.
9. Design the bevel gear to transmit a power of 9 kW at 20 rpm of the pinion. Gear ratio is 3 material used
is C20 Ultimate tensile strength is 500N/mm², Yield strength is 260N/mm².
10. Design a worm gear drive to transmit a power of 22.5 kW. The worm speed is 1440 rpm and the speed
of the wheel is 60 rpm. The drive should have a minimum efficiency of 80% and above. Select suitable
materials for worm and wheel and decide upon the dimension of the drive.
11. Design a straight bevel gear drive materials between two shafts at rigid angles to each other. Speed of
the pinion shaft is 360 rpm and the speed of the gear wheel shaft is 120 rpm. Pinion is of steel and
wheel is of cast iron. Each gear is expected to work 2 hours/day for 10 years. The drive transmits 9.37
12. The input to worm gear shaft is 18 kW and 600 rpm. Speed ratio is 20. The worm is to be of hardened
steel and the wheel is made of chilled phosphor bronze. Considering wear and strength, design worm
and worm wheel.
13. A pair of 200 full depth involute teeth level gears to be designed to connect shafts at rigid angles having
velocity ratio 4:1. The gear is made of cast steel and the pinion is made of C40 material. The pinion
transmits 40kW at 720 rpm. Design the gears completely. Expected gear life is 10000 hrs.
14. Design a worm gear drive to transmit 12 kW at 1200 rpm. Speed reduction desired is 30:1. The worm is
made of hardened steel and the wheel of phosphor bronze. Check the heating capacity of gears and
determine the efficiency.
15. A pair of bevel gear is said to be used to transmit 8 kW from a pinion rotating at 240 rpm to a gear
mounted on a shaft with intersect the pinion shaft at an angle of 70 0. Assuming that the pinion is to
have an outside pitch diameter of 180 mm, a pressure angle of 20 0, a face width of 30 mm, and the gear
shaft is to rotate at 80 rpm, determine the forces on the gears and the torque produced about the shaft
16. Design a worm gear drive for a speed reducer to transmit 15 kW at 1440 rpm of the worm shaft. The
desired wheel speed is 60 rpm. Select worm and wheel materials.

Prepared by: G.MURUGAN, AP/MECH


1. Define progression ratio.
2. Write the significance of structural formula.
3. List four applications where constant mesh gear box is used.
4. What are the conditions required for interchangeability in toothed gears?
5. Draw the ray diagram for a six speed gear box?
6. What is step ratio? Name the series in which speeds of multi-speed gear box are arranged.
7. Sketch the kinematics layout of gears for 3 speeds between two shafts.
8. What are preferred numbers?
9. Draw the ray diagram for 12 speed gear box.
10. What is step ratio?
11. State any three basic rules to be followed while designing a gear box.
12. Write short notes on the working principle of sliding mesh gear box.
13. What does the ray diagram of gear box indicates?
14. List four applications where constant mesh gear box is used.
15. What are the conditions required for interchangeability in toothed gears?


1. Design a nine speed gear box for a machine to provide speeds ranging from 100rpm to 1500rpm. The
input is from a motor of 5kW at 1440rpm. Assume any alloy steel for the gears.
2. Design a 12 speed gear box for a lathe. The minimum and maximum speeds are 100 and 1200rpm.
Power is 5kW from 1440rpm induction motor.
3. Design a four speed gear box to have following speed ratio. First gear is 5:1, second gear is 3:1, third
gear is 1.5:1, and the top gear is 1:1. The centre distance between the input and the output shafts is
150mm. All gears are 4mm module. Determine the number of gears of all wheels, pitch circle diameter
of all wheels and sketch the diagrammatic arrangement of the gear box. (Assume number of teeth not
less than 20 and pressure angle 200).
4. A three speed gear box has ratios 4:1, 2:1 and 1:1. The centre distance between the shafts is 100mm.
The pressure angle on all gears is 200. The number of teeth on gear is not less than 20. If the power
input is 50HP at 2000rpm, determine the maximum horizontal force on the lay shaft by the gears and
the greatest torque reaction on the casing.
ii) Write down the guidelines for designing a gear box.
5. A nine speed gear box, used as head stock gear box of turret lathe, is to provide a speed range of
180rpm to 1800rpm using standard step ratio, draw the speed diagram and kinematic arrangement
showing number of teeth in all gear.

Prepared by: G.MURUGAN, AP/MECH

6. A gear box is to give 18 speeds for a spindle of a milling machine. Maximum and minimum speeds of
the spindle are to be around 650 and 35rpm respectively. Find the speed ratios which will give the
desired speeds and draw the structural diagram and kinematic arrangement of the drive.
7. Sketch the arrangement of a six speed gear box. The minimum and maximum speeds required are
around 460 and 1440 rpm. Drive speed is 1440 rpm. Construct Speed diagram of the gear box and
obtain various reduction rates. Use standard output speeds and standards step ratio. Calculate number of
teeth in each gear and verify whether the actual output speeds are within +2% of standards speeds.
8. Draw the ray diagram and kinematic layout of gear box for an all geared headstock of a lathe. The
maximum and minimum speeds are to be 600 and 23 rpm respectively. Number of steps is 12 and drive
is from a 3000 W electric motor running at 1440 rpm.
9. Design the layout of a speed gear- box a machine- tool. The minimum and maximum speeds are 10 and
90 rpm. Power is 5 kW from 1200 rpm induction motor. Draw the ray diagram and kinematic layout.
10. In a machine tool application 12 different speeds are required from 125 rpm to 450 rpm in the output
shaft. The motor speed is 630 rpm.
(i) Determine the 12 standard speed in G.P.
(ii) Draw the ray diagram and kinematic layout.
(iii) Determine the number of teeth on the gears to be used.
11. An 18 speed gear box is required to give output speeds ranging from 95 rpm to 650 rpm. The input
power is 3.75 kW at 1440 rpm Draw the structural diagram and the kinematic arrangement of gears.
12. A mine speed gear box used as a head stock gear box of a turret lathe. Is to provide a speed range of
180 rpm to 1800 rpm. Using standard step ratio, draw the speed diagram and kinematic layout. And
also find the number of teeth on all gears.
13. Construct the speed diagram, and the kinematic layout for a nine speed gear box for the head stock of a
turret lathe. The gear box is to provide a speed range of 100 rpm to 600 rpm. Determine the number on
all gears. Also calculate the diameter of shaft in different stages of gear box.
14. Construct the ray diagram and kinematic lay out for a 18 speed gear box used in milling machine. The
drive is from an electric motor of 3.75 kW at 1440 rpm. The maximum and minimum speeds of the
machine spindle are to be around 650 and 35 rpm respectively.
15. A nine speed gear box is to be designed with a minimum speed of 280 rpm and a maximum speed of
1800 rpm. The motor speed is 1400 rpm. Sketch the layout of the gear box and draw the ray diagram.
Determine the number of teeth in the gears.
16. A gear box is to be designed for the following specifications:
Power to be transmitted=12 kW. Number of speeds=18. The minimum speed and motor speed are 16
rpm and 1400 rpm respectively. Step ratio is 1.25.The 18 speeds are obtained as 2x3x3. Sketch the
layout of the gear box and draw the speed diagram.

Prepared by: G.MURUGAN, AP/MECH





1. Name the profile of cam that gives no jerk.

2. What is meant by positive clutch?
3. What is meant by a self-energizing brake?
4. What are the effects of temperature rise in clutches?
5. If a multidisc clutch has 6 discs in driving shafts and 7 discs in driven shaft, then how many number of
contact surface it will have?
6. Why in automobiles, braking action when traveling in reverse is not as effective as when moving
7. Classify clutches based on the coupling methods.
8. What is meant by a self-energizing brake?
9. What is meant by a self-energizing brake?
10. What are the effects of temperature rise in clutches?
11. Define pitch point in cam.
12. Difference between clutch and a brake.
13. Sketch an internal shoe brake and name the various parts.
14. In cone clutches semi-cone angle should be greater than 12o. Why?
15. What is a self-locking brake?
16. Distinguish between a coupling and a clutch.


1. A power of 20kW is to be transmitted through a cone clutch at 500rpm. For uniform wear condition,
find the main dimensions of clutch and shaft. Also determine the axial force required to engage the
clutch. Assume coefficient of friction as 0.25, the maximum normal pressure on the friction surface is
not to exceed 0.08Mpa and take the design stress for the shaft materials 40Mpa.
2. Design a differential band brake for a winch lifting a load of 20kN through a steel wire rope wound
around a barrel of 600mm diameter. The brake drum, keyed to the barrel shaft, is 800mm diameter and
the angle of lap of the band over the drum is about 240 o. Operating arms of the brake are 50mm and
250mm. The length of operating lever is 1.6m.
3. A square threaded bolt of mm nominal diameter and mm pitch is tightened by screwing a nut, whose
mean diameter of the bearing surface is mm. If the coefficient of friction for the nut and bolt is, and for
the nut and bearing surface is, determine the force required at the end of a mm long spanner, when the
load on the bolt is 12kN.
4. Determine the number of discs required and the maximum intensity of pressure developed considering
a multiple plate clutch with both sides being effective. The clutch transmits 25kW at 600rpm. An axial
load of 500N is applied. The inner and outer radii of the clutch discs are 80mm and 180mm
respectively. The effective coefficient of friction is 0.3. Assume uniform wear condition.
Prepared by: G.MURUGAN, AP/MECH
5. Design a cam for operating the exhaust valve of an oil engine. It is required to give equal uniform
acceleration and retardation during opening and closing of the valve, each of which corresponding to
600 of cam rotation. The valve should remain in the fully open position for 200 of cam rotation. The lift
valve is 50mm and the least radius of the cam is 50mm, the follower is provided with a roller of 50mm
diameter and its line of stroke passes through the axis of the cam.
6. Explain with a neat sketch the working of a single plate clutch. Derive an expression for the torque to
be transmitted by clutch assuming i) Uniform pressure condition and ii) Uniform wear condition.
7. A plate clutch with maximum diameter 6 cm has maximum lining pressure of 350Kpa. The power to be
transmitted at 400 rpm is 135 kW and µ=0.3. Find inside diameter and spring force required to engage
the clutch. Springs with spring index 6 and material of the spring is steel with the safe shear stress
600Mpa are used. Find the diameters if 6 springs are used.
8. A hydraulically operated clutch is to be designed for an automatic lathe. Determine the number of
plates and operating force required for the clutch to transmit 35 Nm. The clutch is to be designed to slip
under 300% of rated torsional moment to protect the gears and others part of the drive. The limits for
the diameter of friction surface due to space limitations are 100 and 62.5mm. This clutch is to operate
in an oily atmosphere.
9. Draw the displace time, velocity time and the acceleration time curves for the follower in order to
satisfy the following conditions.
(i) Stokes of the follower 25 mm.
(ii) Out stroke takes place with SHM during 900 of cam rotation.
(iii) Return stroke takes with SHM during 750 of cam rotation.
(iv) Cam rotates with a uniform speed of 800 rpm.
10. A rope drum of an elevator having 650 mm diameter is fitted with a brake drum of 1 m diameter. The
brake drum is provided with four cast iron brake shoe each subtending an angle of 45 0. The mass of the
elevator when loaded is 2000kg and moves with a speed of 2.5m/s. The brake has a sufficient capacity
stop the elevator in 2.75m. According the coefficient of friction between the brake drum and shows as
0.2. Find
(i) Width of the shoe, if the allowable pressure on the brake shoe is limited to 0.3 N/mm².
(ii) Heat generated in the stopping the elevator.
11. A single plate clutch transmits 25 kW at 900 rpm. The maximum pressure intensity between the plates
is 85Kpa. The ratio of radii is 1.25. Both the sides of the plate are effective and the coefficient of
friction is 0.25. Determine
(i) The inner diameter of the plate, and
(ii) Axial force to engage the clutch. Assume theory of uniform wear.
12. Describe with the help of a neat sketch the principles of an internal expanding shoe. Also deduce the
expression for the braking torque.
13. A square threaded power screw has a nominal diameter of 44 mm and a pitch of 7 mm with double
threads. The load on the screws is 6kN and the mean diameter of thrust washer is 50 mm. If coefficient
of friction is 0.12, determine
(i) Torque required to raise the load,
(ii) Torque required to lower the load,

Prepared by: G.MURUGAN, AP/MECH

(iii) Efficiency and
(iv) Whether the screw is of self locking type?
14. Design a multiple clutch to transmit 15 kW at 1500 rpm. The clutch is fitted with steel and phosphor
bronze plates arranged alternatively and run an oil. The maximum torque to the transmitted is 30%
greater than the mean torque. Sketch the arrangement of plates.
15. A square threaded bolt of 25 mm nominal diameter and 5 mm pitch is tightened by screwing a nut,
whose mean diameter of the bearing surface is 35 mm. If the coefficient of friction for the nut and bolt
is 0.12, and for the nut and bearing surface is 0.15, determine the force required at the end of a 250 mm
long spanner, when the load on the bolt is 12kN.
16. Determine the number of discs required and the maximum intensity of pressure developed considering
a multiple plate clutch with both sides being effective. The clutch transmits 25 kW at 600 rpm. An axial
load of 500N is applied. The inner and outer radii of the clutch discs are 80mm and 180mm
respectively. The effective diameter of friction is 0.3. Assume uniform wear condition.

Prepared by: G.MURUGAN, AP/MECH

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