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Department of Education

Garden Park Village, Bajada, Davao City


NAME:______________________________________________ SCORE:_______________
YEAR/SECTION:_______________________________________ DATE:________________

General Direction:
*Read and analyze the questions below.
*Write the letter of your chosen answer on the space provided before each number.
*Observe neatness by avoiding erasures. Erasure means WRONG.
*Give what is asked. Thank you 

I. IDENTIFICATION. Write QL if it describes the ______18. Collected through interviews and

characteristics of the Qualitative Research and QN if it’s observation.
the Quantitative Research ______19. More structured following a specific
______1. Explore the meaning of people’s ______20. Preference for random sampling for
experiences, cultures, a particular issue/case. obtaining meaningful samples.
______2. It answers the questions “What and
______3. To examine the relationships between
variables. ______1. What is research?
______4. Uses statistics to crunch the numbers. a. Executing various mental acts for discovering
______5. Data as numbers. and examining facts and information to prove
______6. It answers the questions “How much? the accuracy or truthfulness or claims.
How often? What is the relationship between?” b. Involves investigation of something through
______7. It is more rigid. interviewing.
______8. Data in the form of words. c. Way of discovering new knowledge in various
______9. Researchers look and organize it into ways.
themes. d. It deals with concepts, principles, or abstract
______10. It is written in narrative style and things.
sometimes in first person.
______11. Collect data in the form of numbers. ______2. Which of the following statements is
______12. Involves gathering, analyzing and NOT the purpose of the research?
interpreting data based on observations made a. To learn how to work independently.
about the participants of the study. b. To learn how to work systematically.
______13. Collect data in the form of words. c. To worsen your reading and writing skills.
______14. It aims to interpret meanings,
d. To free yourself from the domination of a
descriptions, and symbols.
single textbook.
______15. Preference of expert informant samples.
______16. Willingness to manipulate aspects, ______3. This type of research shows relationships
situations, or conditions in studying complex of two variables that affect the research.
a. Action c. Correlational
______17. Research questions are usually geared
b. Descriptive d. Explanatory
toward measuring hypothesis.
Department of Education
Garden Park Village, Bajada, Davao City

______4. A type of research that elaborates or c. Grounded theory discovers a new theory
explains not just the reasons behind the while ethnography refers how people
relationship of two factors, but also the ways by works.
which such relationship exists. What type of d. Content and discourse analysis requires
research is this?
examination of the past events.
a. Action c. Correlational
______9. Which of the following is correct?
b. Descriptive d. Eplanatory
a. All numerical data are either quantitative
or qualitative research.
______5. What is qualitative research? b. Quantitative is to scientific approach;
a. subjectivity is true because of your
Qualitative is to naturalistic approach.
personal involvement in every stage of
c. Qualitative is to scientific approach;
your research.
Quantitative is to naturalistic approach.
b. puts premium or high value on people’s
d. A quantitative or qualitative kind of
thinking or point of view conditioned by
research is exclusive to hard or soft
their personal traits.
c. to know so many things about your
surrounding as well as the people, and
For# 10-15: Name the type of qualitative research best
suited for the following topics. (2 points)
d. conditioned by society and people’s
a. Ethnography e. Case Study
intentions. b. Phenology f. Grounded Theory
c. Narrative research
______6. When to use qualitative research?
a. when data is in the form of numbers and ______1. Story of a famous mathematician
statistical results. ______2. Working habits of a carpenter
b. when all research methods be used in ______3. How a military general disciplines his
one research study. children
c. when data provided as a narrative, ______4. Mental models of chemistry among
pictures, or objects. Chavacanos
d. all of the above ______5. Spiderman: The very First Film in 21st
______7. Which of the following is the Century
disadvantage of qualitative research?
a. It involves several processes. For# 16-20: Determine what ethics in research described
b. It increases the researcher’s interest in below. (2 points)
the study.
c. It engenders respect for people’s ______6. Keep your promises and agreements; act
individually as it demands. with sincerity; strive for consistency of thought
d. It promotes a full understanding of and action.
human behavior or personality traits. ______7. Honor patents, copyrights and other
forms of intellectual property.
______8. Which of the following is correct? ______8. Protect confidential communications and
a. Case study takes place in the field of personal information of your respondents, if any.
education while ethnography is cultural ______9. Avoid careles errors and negligence.
group. ______10. Maintain and improve your own
b. Phenomenology through sensory professional competence and expertise through
experience while case study discovers lifeling education and learning.
new theory.

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