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by the operating system?

Operating System Questions & Answers – Basics a) power failure

b) lack of paper in printer
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
c) connection failure in the network
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
d) all of the mentioned

1. What is operating system? Answer: d

a) collection of programs that manages hardware
resources 5. The main function of the command interpreter
b) system service provider to the application is
programs a) to get and execute the next user-specified
c) link to interface the hardware and application command
programs b) to provide the interface between the API and
d) all of the mentioned application program
c) to handle the files in operating system
Answer: d d) none of the mentioned

2. To access the services of operating system, Answer: a

the interface is provided by the
a) System calls 6. By operating system, the resource
b) API management can be done via
c) Library a) time division multiplexing
d) Assembly instructions b) space division multiplexing
c) both time and space division multiplexing
Answer: a d) none of the mentioned

3. Which one of the following is not true? Answer: c

a) kernel is the program that constitutes the
central core of the operating system 7. If a process fails, most operating system write
the error information to a ______
b) kernel is the first part of operating system to
a) log file
load into memory during booting b) another running process
c) kernel is made of various modules which can c) new file
d) none of the mentioned
not be loaded in running operating system
Answer: a
d) kernel remains in the memory during the entire
computer session 8. Which facility dynamically adds probes to a
running system, both in user processes and in the
Answer: c kernel?
4. Which one of the following error will be handle a) DTrace
b) DLocate multiprogramming systems. Uniprocessing means
only one processor.
c) DMap advertisement
d) DAdd
2. In operating system, each process has its own
a) address space and global variables
Answer: a
b) open files
9. Which one of the following is not a real time c) pending alarms, signals and signal handlers
operating system? d) all of the mentioned
a) VxWorks
b) Windows CE Answer: d
c) RTLinux
d) Palm OS 3. In Unix, Which system call creates the new
a) fork
Answer: d
b) create
10. The OS X has ____________ c) new
a) monolithic kernel d) none of the mentioned
b) hybrid kernel
c) microkernel Answer: a
d) monolithic kernel with modules
4. A process can be terminated due to
a) normal exit
Answer: b
b) fatal error
Operating System Questions & Answers – c) killed by another process
Processes d) all of the mentioned
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
Answer: d

1. The systems which allows only one process 5. What is the ready state of a process?
execution at a time, are called a) when process is scheduled to run after some
a) uniprogramming systems execution
b) uniprocessing systems b) when process is unable to run until some task
c) unitasking systems has been completed
d) none of the mentioned c) when process is using the CPU
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: b
Explanation: Those systems which allows more Answer: a
than one process execution at a time, are called Explanation: When process is unable to run until
some task has been completed, the process is in
blocked state and if process is using the CPU, it 10. The address of the next instruction to be
is in running state.
advertisement executed by the current process is provided by
6. What is interprocess communication? a) CPU registers
a) communication within the process b) Program counter
b) communication between two process c) Process stack
c) communication between two threads of same d) Pipe
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: b
Answer: b Operating System Questions & Answers –
7. A set of processes is deadlock if
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
a) each process is blocked and will remain so
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
b) each process is terminated
c) all processes are trying to kill each other 1. The systems which allows only one process
d) none of the mentioned execution at a time, are called
a) uniprogramming systems
b) uniprocessing systems
Answer: a
c) unitasking systems
8. A process stack does not contain d) none of the mentioned
a) Function parameters
b) Local variables Answer: b
c) Return addresses Explanation: Those systems which allows more
than one process execution at a time, are called
d) PID of child process multiprogramming systems. Uniprocessing means
only one processor.
Answer: d advertisement

2. In operating system, each process has its own

9. Which system call returns the process identifier
a) address space and global variables
of a terminated child?
b) open files
a) wait
c) pending alarms, signals and signal handlers
b) exit
d) all of the mentioned
c) fork
d) get
Answer: d

Answer: a 3. In Unix, Which system call creates the new

a) fork 7. A set of processes is deadlock if
b) create a) each process is blocked and will remain so
c) new forever
d) none of the mentioned b) each process is terminated
c) all processes are trying to kill each other
Answer: a d) none of the mentioned

4. A process can be terminated due to Answer: a

a) normal exit
b) fatal error 8. A process stack does not contain
c) killed by another process a) Function parameters
d) all of the mentioned b) Local variables
c) Return addresses
Answer: d d) PID of child process

5. What is the ready state of a process? Answer: d

a) when process is scheduled to run after some
execution 9. Which system call returns the process identifier
b) when process is unable to run until some task of a terminated child?
has been completed a) wait
c) when process is using the CPU b) exit
d) none of the mentioned c) fork
d) get
Answer: a
Explanation: When process is unable to run until Answer: a
some task has been completed, the process is in
blocked state and if process is using the CPU, it
is in running state. 10. The address of the next instruction to be
advertisement executed by the current process is provided by
6. What is interprocess communication?
a) CPU registers
a) communication within the process
b) Program counter
b) communication between two process
c) Process stack
c) communication between two threads of same
d) Pipe
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: b
Answer: b Operating System Questions and Answers –
Process Control Block
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice Answer: b
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on advertisement
“Process Control Block”.
5. The Process Control Block is:
1. A Process Control Block(PCB) does not a) Process type variable
contain which of the following : b) Data Structure
a) Code c) A secondary storage section
b) Stack d) A Block in memory
c) Bootstrap program
d) Data
Answer: b

Answer: c 6. The entry of all the PCBs of the current

processes is in:
a) Process Register
2. The number of processes completed per unit b) Program Counter
time is known as __________ c) Process Table
a) Output d) Process Unit
b) Throughput
c) Efficiency
7. The degree of multiprogramming is:
d) Capacity
a) the number of processes executed per unit
Answer: b
b) the number of processes in the ready queue
c) the number of processes in the I/O queue
3. The state of a process is defined by:
d) the number of processes in memory
a) the final activity of the process
b) the activity just executed by the process
c) the activity to next be executed by the process Answer: d
d) the current activity of the process advertisement

8. A single thread of control allows the process to

Answer: d
4. Which of the following is not the state of a a) only one task at a time
process? b) multiple tasks at a time
a) New c) only two tasks at a time
b) Old c) all of the mentioned
c) Waiting
d) Running Answer: a
9. The objective of multiprogramming is to : Answer: a
a) Have some process running at all times
4. What is a long-term scheduler ?
b) Have multiple programs waiting in a queue
a) It selects which process has to be brought into
ready to run
the ready queue
c) To minimize CPU utilization
b) It selects which process has to be executed
d) None of the mentioned
next and allocates CPU
c) It selects which process to remove from
Answer: a memory by swapping
Operating System Questions and Answers – d) None of the mentioned
Process Scheduling Queues
Answer: a
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
5. If all processes I/O bound, the ready queue will
“Process Scheduling Queues”.
almost always be ______ and the Short term
1. Which of the following do not belong to queues Scheduler will have a ______ to do.
for processes ? a) full,little
a) Job Queue b) full,lot
b) PCB queue c) empty,little
c) Device Queue d) empty,lot
d) Ready Queue
Answer: c
Answer: b
6. What is a medium-term scheduler ?
advertisement a) It selects which process has to be brought into
2. When the process issues an I/O request : the ready queue
a) It is placed in an I/O queue b) It selects which process has to be executed
b) It is placed in a waiting queue next and allocates CPU
c) It is placed in the ready queue c) It selects which process to remove from
d) It is placed in the Job queue memory by swapping
d) None of the mentioned

Answer: a
Answer: c
3. When a process terminates :
a) It is removed from all queues
b) It is removed from all, but the job queue 7. What is a short-term scheduler ?
c) Its process control block is de-allocated a) It selects which process has to be brought into
d) Its process control block is never de-allocated the ready queue
b) It selects which process has to be executed
next and allocates CPU b) the programs are developed by more than one
c) It selects which process to remove from person
memory by swapping c) more than one process resides in the memory
d) None of the mentioned d) a single user can execute many programs at
the same time
Answer: b
Answer: c
8. The primary distinction between the short term
scheduler and the long term scheduler is : 12. Suppose that a process is in “Blocked” state
a) The length of their queues waiting for some I/O service. When the service is
b) The type of processes they schedule completed, it goes to the :
c) The frequency of their execution a) Running state
d) None of the mentioned b) Ready state
c) Suspended state
Answer: c d) Terminated state

9. The only state transition that is initiated by the Answer: b

user process itself is :
a) block advertisement
b) wakeup 13. The context of a process in the PCB of a
c) dispatch process does not contain :
d) none of the mentioned a) the value of the CPU registers
b) the process state
Answer: a c) memory-management information
d) context switch time
10. In a time-sharing operating system, when the
time slot given to a process is completed, the
Answer: d
process goes from the running state to the :
a) Blocked state 14. Which of the following need not necessarily
b) Ready state be saved on a context switch between processes
c) Suspended state ?
d) Terminated state a) General purpose registers
b) Translation lookaside buffer
Answer: b c) Program counter
d) All of the mentioned
11. In a multiprogramming environment :
a) the processor executes more than one process
Answer: b
at a time
15. Which of the following does not interrupt a a) mutual exclusion
running process ? b) critical exclusion
a) A device c) synchronous exclusion
b) Timer d) asynchronous exclusion
c) Scheduler process
d) Power failure Answer: a

4. Which one of the following is a synchronization

Answer: c tool?
Operating System Questions & Answers – a) thread
Process Synchronization
b) pipe
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice c) semaphore
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on d) socket
“Process Synchronization”.
Answer: c
1. Which process can be affected by other
processes executing in the system?
5. A semaphore is a shared integer variable
a) cooperating process
a) that can not drop below zero
b) child process
b) that can not be more than zero
c) parent process
c) that can not drop below one
d) init process
d) that can not be more than one

Answer: a
Answer: a
2. When several processes access the same data
6. Mutual exclusion can be provided by the
concurrently and the outcome of the execution
a) mutex locks
depends on the particular order in which the
b) binary semaphores
access takes place, is called
c) both mutex locks and binary semaphores
a) dynamic condition
d) none of the mentioned
b) race condition
c) essential condition
Answer: c
d) critical condition
Explanation: Binary Semaphores are known as
mutex locks.
Answer: b 7. When high priority task is indirectly preempted
by medium priority task effectively inverting the
3. If a process is executing in its critical section, relative priority of the two tasks, the scenario is
then no other processes can be executing in their called
critical section. This condition is called
a) priority inversion This set of Operating System Interview Questions
b) priority removal and Answers focuses on “Process Creation” and
c) priority exchange will also be useful for interview preparations.
d) priority modification
1. Restricting the child process to a subset of the
parent’s resources prevents any process from :
Answer: a a) overloading the system by using a lot of
secondary storage
8. Process synchronization can be done on
b) under-loading the system by very less CPU
a) hardware level
b) software level
c) overloading the system by creating a lot of sub-
c) both hardware and software level
d) none of the mentioned
d) crashing the system by utilizing multiple
Answer: c

9. A monitor is a module that encapsulates Answer: c

a) shared data structures advertisement
b) procedures that operate on shared data
structure 2. A parent process calling _____ system call will
c) synchronization between concurrent procedure be suspended until children processes terminate.
invocation a) wait
d) all of the mentioned b) fork
c) exit
d) exec
Answer: d

10. To enable a process to wait within the Answer: a

a) a condition variable must be declared as 3. Cascading termination refers to termination of
condition all child processes before the parent terminates
b) condition variables must be used as boolean ______
objects a) Normally
c) semaphore must be used b) Abnormally
d) all of the mentioned c) Normally or abnormally
d) None of the mentioned

Answer: a Answer: a
Operating System Questions and Answers –
Process Creation 4. With _____________ only one process can
execute at a time; meanwhile all other process
are waiting for the processor. With advertisement
______________ more than one process can be 8. The child process completes execution,but the
running simultaneously each on a different parent keeps executing, then the child process is
processor. known as :
a) Multiprocessing, Multiprogramming a) Orphan
b) Multiprogramming, Uniprocessing b) Zombie
c) Multiprogramming, Multiprocessing c) Body
d) Uniprogramming, Multiprocessing d) Dead

Answer: d
Answer: b
advertisement Operating System Questions and Answers – Inter
Process Communication
5. In UNIX, each process is identified by its :
a) Process Control Block This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
b) Device Queue Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Inter
c) Process Identifier Process Communication”.
d) None of the the mentioned
1. Inter process communication :
a) allows processes to communicate and
Answer: c
synchronize their actions when using the same
address space
6. In UNIX, the return value for the fork system
b) allows processes to communicate and
call is _____ for the child process and _____ for
synchronize their actions without using the same
the parent process.
address space
a) A Negative integer, Zero
c) allows the processes to only synchronize their
b) Zero, A Negative integer
actions without communication
c) Zero, A nonzero integer
d) none of the mentioned
d) A nonzero integer, Zero

Answer: b
Answer: c
7. The child process can :
a) be a duplicate of the parent process 2. Message passing system allows processes to :
b) never be a duplicate of the parent process a) communicate with one another without
c) cannot have another program loaded into it resorting to shared data
d) never have another program loaded into it b) communicate with one another by resorting to
shared data
c) share data
Answer: a
d) name the recipient or sender of the message c) Exactly N/2 links exist between each pair of
processes(N = max. number of processes
Answer: a supported by system)
d) Exactly two link exists between each pair of
3. An IPC facility provides at least two operations processes
a) write & delete message Answer: b
b) delete & receive message
c) send & delete message 7. In indirect communication between processes
d) receive & send message P and Q :
a) there is another process R to handle and pass
Answer: d on the messages between P and Q
b) there is another machine between the two
4. Messages sent by a process : processes to help communication
a) have to be of a fixed size c) there is a mailbox to help communication
b) have to be a variable size between P and Q
c) can be fixed or variable sized d) none of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: c
Answer: c
8. In the non blocking send :
5. The link between two processes P and Q to a) the sending process keeps sending until the
send and receive messages is called : message is received
a) communication link b) the sending process sends the message and
b) message-passing link resumes operation
c) synchronization link c) the sending process keeps sending until it
d) all of the mentioned receives a message
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: a
Answer: b

6. Which of the following are TRUE for direct 9. In the Zero capacity queue :
communication : a) the queue can store at least one message
a) A communication link can be associated with N b) the sender blocks until the receiver receives
number of process(N = max. number of the message
processes supported by system) c) the sender keeps sending and the messages
b) A communication link can be associated with don’t wait in the queue
exactly two processes
d) none of the mentioned d) None of the mentioned

Answer: b Answer: c

10. The Zero Capacity queue : advertisement

a) is referred to as a message system with 2. To differentiate the many network services a
buffering system supports ______ are used.
b) is referred to as a message system with no a) Variables
buffering b) Sockets
c) is referred to as a link c) Ports
d) none of the mentioned d) Service names

Answer: b Answer: c
3. RPC provides a(an) _____ on the client side, a
11. Bounded capacity and Unbounded capacity separate one for each remote procedure.
queues are referred to as : a) stub
a) Programmed buffering b) identifier
b) Automatic buffering c) name
c) User defined buffering d) process identifier
d) No buffering
Answer: a

Answer: b 4. The stub :

Operating System Questions and Answers – a) transmits the message to the server where the
Remote Procedure Calls
server side stub receives the message and
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice invokes procedure on the server side
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on b) packs the parameters into a form transmittable
“Remote Procedure Calls”. over the network
c) locates the port on the server
1. Remote Procedure Calls are used :
d) all of the mentioned
a) for communication between two processes
remotely different from each other on the same
Answer: d
b) for communication between two processes on advertisement
the same system
5. To resolve the problem of data representation
c) for communication between two processes on
on different systems RPCs define
separate systems
a) machine dependent representation of data Answer: c
Operating System Questions and Answers –
b) machine representation of data
Process Structures
c) machine-independent representation of data
d) none of the mentioned This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
Answer: c “Process Structures”.

1. The initial program that is run when the

6. The full form of RMI :
computer is powered up is called :
a) Remote Memory Installation
a) boot program
b) Remote Memory Invocation
b) bootloader
c) Remote Method Installation
c) initializer
d) Remote Method Invocation
d) bootstrap program

Answer: d
Answer: d
7. The remote method invocation : advertisement
a) allows a process to invoke memory on a
remote object 2. How does the software trigger an interrupt ?
b) allows a thread to invoke a method on a a) Sending signals to CPU through bus
remote object b) Executing a special operation called system
c) allows a thread to invoke memory on a remote call
object c) Executing a special program called system
d) allows a process to invoke a method on a program
remote object d) Executing a special program calle interrupt
trigger program

Answer: b
Answer: b
3. What is a trap/exception ?
8. A process that is based on IPC mechanism
a) hardware generated interrupt caused by an
which executes on different systems and can
communicate with other processes using
b) software generated interrupt caused by an
message based communication, is called
c) user generated interrupt caused by an error
a) Local Procedure Call
d) none of the mentioned
b) Inter Process Communication
c) Remote Procedure Call
Answer: b
d) Remote Machine Invocation
4. What is an ISR ? accordingly
a) Information Service Request
b) Interrupt Service Request Answer: b
c) Interrupt Service Routine
d) Information Service Routine 8. In a programmed input/output(PIO) :
a) the CPU uses polling to watch the control bit
Answer: c constantly, looping to see if device is ready
b) the CPU writes one data byte to the data
5. An interrupt vector register and sets a bit in control register to show
a) is an address that is indexed to an interrupt that a byte is available
handler c) the CPU receives an interrupt when the device
b) is a unique device number that is indexed by is ready for the next byte
an address d) the CPU runs a user written code and does
c) is a unique identity given to an interrupt accordingly
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: a
Answer: a
9. In an interrupt driven input/output :
advertisement a) the CPU uses polling to watch the control bit
6. DMA is used for : constantly, looping to see if device is ready
a) High speed devices(disks and communications b) the CPU writes one data byte to the data
network) register and sets a bit in control register to show
b) Low speed devices that a byte is available
c) Utilizing CPU cycles c) the CPU receives an interrupt when the device
d) All of the mentioned is ready for the next byte
d) the CPU runs a user written code and does
Answer: a

7. In a memory mapped input/output : Answer: c

a) the CPU uses polling to watch the control bit
constantly, looping to see if device is ready 10. In the layered approach of Operating Systems
b) the CPU writes one data byte to the data :
register and sets a bit in control register to show a) Bottom Layer(0) is the User interface
that a byte is available b) Highest Layer(N) is the User interface
c) the CPU receives an interrupt when the device c) Bottom Layer(N) is the hardware
is ready for the next byte d) Highest Layer(N) is the hardware
d) the CPU runs a user written code and does
Answer: b Answer: a

advertisement advertisement

11. How does the Hardware trigger an interrupt ? 2. The processes that are residing in main
a) Sending signals to CPU through system bus memory and are ready and waiting to execute are
b) Executing a special program called interrupt kept on a list called
program a) job queue
c) Executing a special program called system b) ready queue
program c) execution queue
d) Executing a special operation called system d) process queue
Answer: b
Answer: a
3. The interval from the time of submission of a
12. Which operation is performed by an interrupt process to the time of completion is termed as
handler ? a) waiting time
a) Saving the current state of the system b) turnaround time
b) Loading the interrupt handling code and c) response time
executing it d) throughput
c) Once done handling, bringing back the system
to the original state it was before the interrupt Answer: b
d) All of the mentioned 4. Which scheduling algorithm allocates the CPU
first to the process that requests the CPU first?
a) first-come, first-served scheduling
Answer: d b) shortest job scheduling
Operating System Questions & Answers – CPU c) priority scheduling
d) none of the mentioned
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “CPU Answer: a
5. In priority scheduling algorithm
1. Which module gives control of the CPU to the
a) CPU is allocated to the process with highest
process selected by the short-term scheduler?
a) dispatcher
b) CPU is allocated to the process with lowest
b) interrupt
c) scheduler
c) Equal priority processes can not be scheduled
d) none of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a 10. Which one of the following can not be
advertisement scheduled by the kernel?
a) kernel level thread
6. In priority scheduling algorithm, when a b) user level thread
process arrives at the ready queue, its priority is c) process
compared with the priority of d) none of the mentioned
a) all process
b) currently running process
c) parent process Answer: b
d) init process Explanation: User level threads are managed by
thread library and the kernel in unaware of
them.Operating System Questions and Answers
Answer: b – CPU Scheduling Benefits

7. Time quantum is defined in This set of Operating System Multiple Choice

a) shortest job scheduling algorithm Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “CPU
b) round robin scheduling algorithm Scheduling Benefits”.
c) priority scheduling algorithm
1. CPU scheduling is the basis of ___________
d) multilevel queue scheduling algorithm
a) multiprocessor systems
b) multiprogramming operating systems
Answer: b c) larger memory sized systems
d) none of the mentioned
8. Process are classified into different groups in
a) shortest job scheduling algorithm
Answer: b
b) round robin scheduling algorithm
c) priority scheduling algorithm advertisement
d) multilevel queue scheduling algorithm
2. With multiprogramming, ______ is used
Answer: d
a) time
b) space
9. In multilevel feedback scheduling algorithm
c) money
a) a process can move to a different classified
d) all of the mentioned
ready queue
b) classification of ready queue is permanent
c) processes are not classified into groups Answer: a
d) none of the mentioned
3. The two steps of a process execution are :
a) I/O & OS Burst
Answer: a
b) CPU & I/O Burst
c) Memory & I/O Burst
d) OS & Memory Burst c) context switch
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: b
Answer: d
4. An I/O bound program will typically have :
a) a few very short CPU bursts 8. Dispatch latency is :
b) many very short I/O bursts a) the speed of dispatching a process from
c) many very short CPU bursts running to the ready state
d) a few very short I/O bursts b) the time of dispatching a process from running
to ready state and keeping the CPU idle
Answer: c c) the time to stop one process and start running
another one
5. A process is selected from the ______ queue d) none of the mentioned
by the ________ scheduler, to be executed.
a) blocked, short term Answer: c
b) wait, long term
c) ready, short term 9. Scheduling is done so as to :
d) ready, long term a) increase CPU utilization
b) decrease CPU utilization
Answer: c c) keep the CPU more idle
d) None of the mentioned
6. In the following cases non – preemptive
scheduling occurs : Answer: a
a) When a process switches from the running
state to the ready state 10. Scheduling is done so as to :
b) When a process goes from the running state to a) increase the throughput
the waiting state b) decrease the throughput
c) When a process switches from the waiting c) increase the duration of a specific amount of
state to the ready state work
d) All of the mentioned d) None of the mentioned

Answer: b Answer: a
Explanation: There is no other choice.
advertisement 11. Turnaround time is :
7. The switching of the CPU from one process or a) the total waiting time for a process to finish
thread to another is called : execution
a) process switch b) the total time spent in the ready queue
b) task switch c) the total time spent in the running queue
d) the total time from the completion till the c) the total time taken from submission time till
submission of a process the response is output
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: d

12. Scheduling is done so as to : Answer: b

a) increase the turnaround time Operating System Questions and Answers – CPU
Scheduling Algorithms-1
b) decrease the turnaround time
c) keep the turnaround time same This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
d) there is no relation between scheduling and Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “CPU
turnaround time Scheduling Algorithms-1”.

1. Round robin scheduling falls under the

Answer: b
category of :
advertisement a) Non preemptive scheduling
b) Preemptive scheduling
13. Waiting time is :
c) All of the mentioned
a) the total time in the blocked and waiting
d) None of the mentioned
b) the total time spent in the ready queue
Answer: b
c) the total time spent in the running queue
d) the total time from the completion till the advertisement
submission of a process
2. With round robin scheduling algorithm in a time
shared system,
Answer: b
a) using very large time slices converts it into First
come First served scheduling algorithm
14. Scheduling is done so as to :
b) using very small time slices converts it into
a) increase the waiting time
First come First served scheduling algorithm
b) keep the waiting time the same
c) using extremely small time slices increases
c) decrease the waiting time
d) none of the mentioned
d) using very small time slices converts it into
Shortest Job First algorithm
Answer: c

15. Response time is : Answer: a

Explanation: All the processes will be able to get
a) the total time taken from the submission time
till the completion time
3. The portion of the process scheduler in an
b) the total time taken from the submission time
operating system that dispatches processes is
till the first response is produced
concerned with :
a) assigning ready processes to CPU Answer: b
b) assigning ready processes to waiting queue
7. Scheduling is :
c) assigning running processes to blocked queue
a) allowing a job to use the processor
d) all of the mentioned
b) making proper use of processor
c) all of the mentioned
Answer: a
d) none of the mentioned

4. Complex scheduling algorithms :

a) are very appropriate for very large computers Answer: a
b) use minimal resources
8. There are 10 different processes running on a
c) use many resources
workstation. Idle processes are waiting for an
d) all of the mentioned
input event in the input queue. Busy processes
are scheduled with the Round-Robin time sharing
Answer: a
method. Which out of the following quantum times
Explanation: Large computers are overloaded
with greater number of processes. is the best value for small response times, if the
5. The FIFO algorithm : processes have a short runtime, e.g. less than
a) first executes the job that came in last in the 10ms ?
queue a) tQ = 15ms
b) first executes the job that came in first in the b) tQ = 40ms
queue c) tQ = 45ms
c) first executes the job that needs minimal d) tQ = 50ms
d) first executes the job that has maximum Answer: a
processor needs
9. Orders are processed in the sequence they
arrive if _______ rule sequences the jobs.
Answer: b
a) earliest due date
advertisement b) slack time remaining
c) first come, first served
6. The strategy of making processes that are
d) critical ratio
logically runnable to be temporarily suspended is
called :
a) Non preemptive scheduling Answer: c
b) Preemptive scheduling
10. Which of the following algorithms tends to
c) Shortest job first
minimize the process flow time ?
d) First come First served
a) First come First served
b) Shortest Job First
c) Earliest Deadline First
d) Longest Job First This set of Operating System Questions and
Answers for Freshers focuses on “CPU
Answer: b Scheduling Algorithms-2” and will also be useful
for interview preparations for freshers.
1. The most optimal scheduling algorithm is :
11. Under multiprogramming, turnaround time for a) FCFS – First come First served
short jobs is usually ________ and that for long b) SJF – Shortest Job First
jobs is slightly ___________ c) RR – Round Robin
a) Lengthened; Shortened d) None of the mentioned
b) Shortened; Lengthened
c) Shortened; Shortened
Answer: b
d) Shortened; Unchanged
Answer: b 2. The real difficulty with SJF in short term
scheduling is :
12. Which of the following statements are true ?
a) it is too good an algorithm
(GATE 2010)
b) knowing the length of the next CPU request
I. Shortest remaining time first scheduling may
c) it is too complex to understand
cause starvation
d) none of the mentioned
II. Preemptive scheduling may cause starvation
III. Round robin is better than FCFS in terms of
Answer: b
response time
a) I only
3. The FCFS algorithm is particularly troublesome
b) I and III only
for ____________
c) II and III only
a) time sharing systems
d) I, II and III
b) multiprogramming systems
c) multiprocessor systems
d) operating systems
Answer: d
Explanation: I) Shortest remaining time first
scheduling is a preemptive version of shortest job Answer: b
scheduling. It may cause starvation as shorter Explanation: In a time sharing system, each user
processes may keep coming and a long CPU needs to get a share of the CPU at regular
burst process never gets CPU. intervals.
II) Preemption may cause starvation. If priority 4. Consider the following set of processes, the
based scheduling with preemption is used, then a
length of the CPU burst time given in milliseconds
low priority process may never get CPU.
III) Round Robin Scheduling improves response :
time as all processes get CPU after a specified Process Burst time
time.Operating System Questions and Answers – P1 6
CPU Scheduling Algorithms-2 P2 8
P3 7 indefinitely for the CPU
P4 3
d) none of the mentioned
Assuming the above process being scheduled
with the SJF scheduling algorithm : Answer: c
a) The waiting time for process P1 is 3ms
b) The waiting time for process P1 is 0ms 8. ‘Aging’ is :
c) The waiting time for process P1 is 16ms a) keeping track of cache contents
d) The waiting time for process P1 is 9ms b) keeping track of what pages are currently
residing in memory
Answer: a c) keeping track of how many times a given page
is referenced
advertisement d) increasing the priority of jobs to ensure
5. Preemptive Shortest Job First scheduling is termination in a finite time
sometimes called :
a) Fast SJF scheduling Answer: d
b) EDF scheduling – Earliest Deadline First
c) HRRN scheduling – Highest Response Ratio
Next 9. A solution to the problem of indefinite blockage
d) SRTN scheduling – Shortest Remaining Time of low – priority processes is :
Next a) Starvation
b) Wait queue
Answer: d c) Ready queue
d) Aging
6. An SJF algorithm is simply a priority algorithm
where the priority is : Answer: d
a) the predicted next CPU burst
b) the inverse of the predicted next CPU burst 10. Which of the following statements are true ?
c) the current CPU burst (GATE 2010)
d) anything the user wants i) Shortest remaining time first scheduling may
cause starvation
Answer: a ii) Preemptive scheduling may cause starvation
Explanation: The larger the CPU burst, the lower iii) Round robin is better than FCFS in terms of
the priority. response time
7. One of the disadvantages of the priority a) i only
scheduling algorithm is that : b) i and iii only
a) it schedules in a very complex manner c) ii and iii only
b) its scheduling takes up a lot of time d) i, ii and iii
c) it can lead to some low priority process waiting
Answer: d 3. The segment of code in which the process may
change common variables, update tables, write
11. Which of the following scheduling algorithms
into files is known as :
gives minimum average waiting time ?
a) program
b) critical section
b) SJF
c) non – critical section
c) Round – robin
d) synchronizing
d) Priority

Answer: b
Answer: b
Operating System Questions and Answers – The 4. The following three conditions must be satisfied
Critical Section (CS) Problem and Solutions to solve the critical section problem :
a) Mutual Exclusion
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
b) Progress
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “The
c) Bounded Waiting
Critical Section (CS) Problem and Solutions”.
d) All of the mentioned
1. Concurrent access to shared data may result in
: Answer: d
a) data consistency
b) data insecurity
c) data inconsistency 5. Mutual exclusion implies that :
d) none of the mentioned a) if a process is executing in its critical section,
then no other process must be executing in their
Answer: c critical sections
b) if a process is executing in its critical section,
then other processes must be executing in their
2. A situation where several processes access critical sections
and manipulate the same data concurrently and c) if a process is executing in its critical section,
the outcome of the execution depends on the then all the resources of the system must be
particular order in which access takes place is blocked until it finishes execution
called : d) none of the mentioned
a) data consistency
b) race condition Answer: a
c) aging
d) starvation 6. Bounded waiting implies that there exists a
bound on the number of times a process is
Answer: b allowed to enter its critical section :
a) after a process has made a request to enter its
critical section and before the request is granted 1. An un-interruptible unit is known as :
b) when another process is in its critical section a) single
c) before a process has made a request to enter b) atomic
its critical section c) static
d) none of the mentioned d) none of the mentioned

Answer: a Answer: b

7. A minimum of _____ variable(s) is/are required advertisement

to be shared between processes to solve the 2. The TestAndSet instruction is executed :
critical section problem. a) after a particular process
a) one b) periodically
b) two c) atomically
c) three d) none of the mentioned
d) four

Answer: c
Answer: b
3. Semaphore is a/an _______ to solve the
critical section problem.
8. In the bakery algorithm to solve the critical a) hardware for a system
section problem : b) special program for a system
a) each process is put into a queue and picked up c) integer variable
in an ordered manner d) none of the mentioned
b) each process receives a number (may or may
not be unique) and the one with the lowest Answer: c
number is served next
c) each process gets a unique number and the 4. The two atomic operations permissible on
one with the highest number is served next semaphores are :
d) each process gets a unique number and the a) wait
one with the lowest number is served next b) stop
c) hold
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: b
Operating System Questions and Answers –
Semaphores – 1 Answer: a

This set of Operating System Multiple Choice 5. Spinlocks are :

Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on a) CPU cycles wasting locks over critical sections
“Semaphores”. of programs
b) Locks that avoid time wastage in context b) it is invalid
switches c) no operation can be further performed on it
c) Locks that work better on multiprocessor until the signal operation is performed on it
systems d) none of the mentioned
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: a
Answer: d
10. The code that changes the value of the
6. The main disadvantage of spinlocks is that : semaphore is :
a) they are not sufficient for many process a) remainder section code
b) they require busy waiting b) non – critical section code
c) they are unreliable sometimes c) critical section code
d) they are too complex for programmers d) none of the mentioned

Answer: b Answer: c

advertisement 11. The following program consists of 3

7. The wait operation of the semaphore basically concurrent processes and 3 binary semaphores.
works on the basic _______ system call. The semaphores are initialized as S0 = 1, S1 = 0,
a) stop() S2 = 0.
b) block() Process P0
c) hold() while(true)
d) wait() wait(S0);
print '0';
Answer: b release(S1);
8. The signal operation of the semaphore
basically works on the basic _______ system call. Process P1
a) continue() wait(S1);
b) wakeup()
c) getup() Process P2
d) start() wait(S2);

Answer: b How many times will P0 print ‘0’ ?

a) At least twice
9. If the semaphore value is negative : b) Exactly twice
a) its magnitude is the number of processes c) Exactly thrice
waiting on that semaphore
d) Exactly once w1 = false;
Remainder Section
Answer: a
Process P2 :
advertisement while(true)
12. Each process Pi, i = 0,1,2,3,……,9 is coded w2 = true;
as follows : while(w1 == true);
Critical section
repeat w2 = false;
P(mutex) }
{Critical Section}
V(mutex) Remainder Section
forever Here, w1 and w2 are shared variables, which are
The code for P10 is identical except that it uses initialized to false. Which one of the following
V(mutex) instead of P(mutex). What is the largest statements is TRUE about the above construct?
number of processes that can be inside the a) It does not ensure mutual exclusion
critical section at any moment (the mutex being b) It does not ensure bounded waiting
initialized to 1)? c) It requires that processes enter the critical
a) 1 section in strict alternation
b) 2 d) It does not prevent deadlocks, but ensures
c) 3 mutual exclusion
d) None of the mentioned

Answer: d
Answer: c
Operating System Questions and Answers –
Explanation: Any one of the 9 processes can get
Semaphores – 2
into critical section after executing P(mutex)
which decrements the mutex value to 0. At this
time P10 can enter critical section by This set of Operating System Interview Questions
incrementing the value to 1. Now any of the 9 and Answers for freshers focuses on
processes can enter the critical section by again “Semaphores – 2” and will also be useful for
decrementing the mutex value to 0. None of the
interview preparations for freshers.
remaining processes can get into their critical
sections. 1. What will happen if a non-recursive mutex is
13. Two processes, P1 and P2, need to access a locked more than once ?
critical section of code. Consider the following a) Starvation
synchronization construct used by the processes : b) Deadlock
Process P1 : c) Aging
while(true) d) Signaling
w1 = true;
while(w2 == true); Answer: b
Critical section Explanation: If a thread which had already locked
a mutex, tries to lock the mutex again, it will enter Answer: b
into the waiting list of that mutex, which results in Explanation: P represents Wait and V represents
deadlock. It is because no other thread can Signal. P operation will decrease the value by 1
unlock the mutex. every time and V operation will increase the value
advertisement by 1 every time.
6. A binary semaphore is a semaphore with
2. A semaphore :
integer values :
a) is a binary mutex
a) 1
b) must be accessed from only one process
b) -1
c) can be accessed from multiple processes
c) 0.8
d) none of the mentioned
d) 0.5

Answer: c
Answer: a
3. The two kinds of semaphores are : advertisement
a) mutex & counting
b) binary & counting 7. The following pair of processes share a
c) counting & decimal common variable X :
d) decimal & binary Process A
int Y;
A1: Y = X*2;
Answer: b A2: X = Y;

4. A mutex : Process B
a) is a binary mutex int Z;
B1: Z = X+1;
b) must be accessed from only one process B2: X = Z;
c) can be accessed from multiple processes
d) None of the mentioned X is set to 5 before either process begins
execution. As usual, statements within a process
are executed sequentially, but statements in
Answer: b
process A may execute in any order with respect
5. At a particular time of computation the value of to statements in process B.
a counting semaphore is 7.Then 20 P operations How many different values of X are possible after
and 15 V operations were completed on this both processes finish executing ?
semaphore.The resulting value of the semaphore a) two
is : (GATE 1987) b) three
a) 42 c) four
b) 2 d) eight
c) 7
d) 12 Answer: c
Explanation: Here are the possible ways in which
statements from A and B can be interleaved.
A1 A2 B1 B2: X = 11 Answer: b
A1 B1 A2 B2: X = 6
A1 B1 B2 A2: X = 10 10. Spinlocks are intended to provide
B1 A1 B2 A2: X = 10
B1 A1 A2 B2: X = 6 __________ only.
B1 B2 A1 A2: X = 12. a) Mutual Exclusion
8. The program follows to use a shared binary b) Bounded Waiting
semaphore T : c) Aging
Process A d) Progress
int Y;
A1: Y = X*2;
A2: X = Y; Answer: b
signal(T); Operating System Questions and Answers –
Classic Synchronization Problems
Process B
int Z;
This set of 1000+ Operating System MCQs
B1: wait(T);
B2: Z = X+1; focuses on “The Classic Synchronization
X = Z; Problems”

T is set to 0 before either process begins 1. The bounded buffer problem is also known as :
execution and, as before, X is set to 5. a) Readers – Writers problem
Now, how many different values of X are possible b) Dining – Philosophers problem
after both processes finish executing ? c) Producer – Consumer problem
a) one d) None of the mentioned
b) two
c) three Answer: c
d) four

Answer: a 2. In the bounded buffer problem, there are the

Explanation:The semaphore T ensures that all the empty and full semaphores that :
statements from A finish execution before B
begins. So now there is only one way in which a) count the number of empty and full buffers
statements from A and B can be interleaved: b) count the number of empty and full memory
A1 A2 B1 B2: X = 11. spaces
c) count the number of empty and full queues
9. Semaphores are mostly used to implement : d) none of the mentioned
a) System calls
b) IPC mechanisms Answer: a
c) System protection
d) None of the mentioned 3. In the bounded buffer problem :
a) there is only one buffer
b) there are n buffers ( n being greater than one
but finite) 7. All processes share a semaphore
c) there are infinite buffers variable mutex, initialized to 1. Each process
d) the buffer size is bounded must execute wait(mutex) before entering the
critical section and signal(mutex) afterward.
Answer: b Suppose a process executes in the following
manner :
4. To ensure difficulties do not arise in the signal(mutex);
readers – writers problem, _______ are given .....
exclusive access to the shared object. critical section
a) readers
b) writers
c) readers and writers In this situation :
d) none of the mentioned a) a deadlock will occur
b) processes will starve to enter critical section
c) several processes maybe executing in their
Answer: b
critical section
5. The dining – philosophers problem will occur in d) all of the mentioned
case of :
a) 5 philosophers and 5 chopsticks Answer: c
b) 4 philosophers and 5 chopsticks
c) 3 philosophers and 5 chopsticks 8. All processes share a semaphore
d) 6 philosophers and 5 chopsticks variable mutex, initialized to 1. Each process
must execute wait(mutex) before entering the
critical section and signal(mutex) afterward.
Answer: a
Suppose a process executes in the following
6. A deadlock free solution to the dining manner :
philosophers problem : wait(mutex);
a) necessarily eliminates the possibility of .....
critical section
b) does not necessarily eliminate the possibility of wait(mutex);
a) a deadlock will occur
c) eliminates any possibility of any kind of
b) processes will starve to enter critical section
problem further
c) several processes maybe executing in their
d) none of the mentioned
critical section
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: b

advertisement Answer: a
advertisement 2. A monitor is characterized by :
9. Consider the methods used by processes P1 a) a set of programmer defined operators
and P2 for accessing their critical sections b) an identifier
whenever needed, as given below. The initial c) the number of variables in it
values of shared boolean variables S1 and S2 d) all of the mentioned
are randomly assigned. (GATE 2010)
Method used by P1 : Answer: a
Critical section 3. A procedure defined within a ________ can
S1 = S2; access only those variables declared locally
within the _______ and its formal parameters.
Method used by P2 :
while(S1!=S2); a) process, semaphore
Critical section b) process, monitor
S2 = not(S1); c) semaphore, semaphore
Which of the following statements describes d) monitor, monitor
properties achieved ?
a) Mutual exclusion but not progress Answer: d
b) Progress but not mutual exclusion
c) Neither mutual exclusion nor progress 4. The monitor construct ensures that :
d) Both mutual exclusion and progress a) only one process can be active at a time within
the monitor
b) n number of processes can be active at a time
Answer: d within the monitor (n being greater than 1)
Operating System Questions and Answers – c) the queue has only one process in it at a time
d) all of the mentioned
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Answer: a
1. A monitor is a type of :
5. The operations that can be invoked on a
a) semaphore
condition variable are :
b) low level synchronization construct
a) wait & signal
c) high level synchronization construct
b) hold & wait
d) none of the mentioned
c) signal & hold
d) continue & signal
Answer: c

advertisement Answer: a
6. The process invoking the wait operation is : a) committed, destroyed
a) suspended until another process invokes the b) aborted, destroyed
signal operation c) committed, aborted
b) waiting for another process to complete before d) none of the mentioned
it can itself call the signal operation
c) stopped until the next process in the queue Answer: c
finishes execution
d) none of the mentioned 3. The state of the data accessed by an aborted
transaction must be restored to what it was just
Answer: a before the transaction started executing. This
restoration is known as ________ of transaction.
7. If no process is suspended, the signal a) safety
operation : b) protection
a) puts the system into a deadlock state c) roll – back
b) suspends some default process’ execution d) revert – back
c) nothing happens
d) the output is unpredictable Answer: c

4. Write ahead logging is a way :

Answer: c a) to ensure atomicity
Operating System Questions and Answers – b) to keep data consistent
Atomic Transactions
c) that records data on stable storage
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice d) all of the mentioned
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Atomic
Transactions”. Answer: d

1. A collection of instructions that performs a

5. In the write ahead logging a _____ is
single logical function is called :
a) transaction
a) a memory
b) operation
b) a system
c) function
c) a disk
d) all of the mentioned
d) a log record

Answer: a
Answer: d
6. An actual update is not allowed to a data item :
2. A terminated transaction that has completed its a) before the corresponding log record is written
execution successfully is ____________ out to stable storage
otherwise it is __________
b) after the corresponding log record is written out on T1
to stable storage b) There is a need to perform a redo operation on
c) until the whole log record has been checked for T1
inconsistencies c) There is no need to perform an undo and redo
d) all of the mentioned operation on T1
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: a
Answer: c

7. The undo and redo operations must be 10. Serializable schedules are ones where :
_________ to guarantee correct behaviour, even a) concurrent execution of transactions is
if a failure occurs during recovery process. equivalent to the transactions executed serially
a) idempotent b) the transactions can be carried out one after
b) easy the other
c) protected c) a valid result occurs after execution
d) all of the mentioned transactions
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: a
Explanation: Idempotent – Multiple executions of Answer: a
an operation have the same result as does one
execution. 11. A locking protocol is one that :
8. The system periodically performs checkpoints a) governs how locks are acquired
that consists of the following operation(s) : b) governs how locks are released
a) Putting all the log records currently in main c) governs how locks are acquired and released
memory onto stable storage d) none of the mentioned
b) putting all modified data residing in main
memory onto stable storage
Answer: c
c) putting a log record onto stable storage
d) all of the mentioned 12. The two phase locking protocol consists of :
a) growing & shrinking phase
Answer: d b) shrinking & creation phase
c) creation & growing phase
9. Consider a transaction T1 that committed prior d) destruction & creation phase
to checkpoint. The <T1 commits> record appears
in the log before the <checkpoint> record. Any
Answer: a
modifications made by T1 must have been written
to the stable storage either with the checkpoint or advertisement
prior to it. Thus at recovery time:
a) There is a need to perform an undo operation
13. The growing phase is a phase in which : This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
a) A transaction may obtain locks, but does not Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
release any “Deadlock”.
b) A transaction may obtain locks, and releases a
1. What is the reusable resource?
few or all of them
a) that can be used by one process at a time and
c) A transaction may release locks, but does not
is not depleted by that use
obtain any new locks
b) that can be used by more than one process at
d) A transaction may release locks, and does
a time
obtain new locks
c) that can be shared between various threads
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: a

Answer: a
14. The shrinking phase is a phase in which :
a) A transaction may obtain locks, but does not advertisement
release any
2. Which of the following condition is required for
b) A transaction may obtain locks, and releases a
deadlock to be possible?
few or all of them
a) mutual exclusion
c) A transaction may release locks, but does not
b) a process may hold allocated resources while
obtain any new locks
awaiting assignment of other resources
d) A transaction may release locks, and does
c) no resource can be forcibly removed from a
obtain new locks
process holding it
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: c

15. Which of the following concurrency control Answer: d

protocols ensure both conflict serializability and
3. A system is in the safe state if
freedom from deadlock ?
a) the system can allocate resources to each
I) 2-phase locking
process in some order and still avoid a deadlock
II) Timestamp ordering
b) there exist a safe sequence
a) I only
c) all of the mentioned
b) II only
d) none of the mentioned
c) Both I and II
d) Neither I nor II
Answer: a

Answer: b 4. The circular wait condition can be prevented by

Operating System Questions & Answers – a) defining a linear ordering of resource types
Deadlock b) using thread
c) using pipes
d) all of the mentioned b) starvation
c) inversion
Answer: a d) aging

5. Which one of the following is the deadlock Answer: b

avoidance algorithm?
a) banker’s algorithm 9. Which one of the following is a visual (
b) round-robin algorithm mathematical ) way to determine the deadlock
c) elevator algorithm occurrence?
d) karn’s algorithm a) resource allocation graph
b) starvation graph
Answer: a c) inversion graph
d) none of the mentioned

6. What is the drawback of banker’s algorithm? Answer: a

a) in advance processes rarely know that how
much resource they will need 10. To avoid deadlock
b) the number of processes changes as time a) there must be a fixed number of resources to
progresses allocate
c) resource once available can disappear b) resource allocation must be done only once
d) all of the mentioned c) all deadlocked processes must be aborted
d) inversion technique can be used

Answer: d

7. For effective operating system, when to check Answer: a

Operating System Questions and Answers –
for deadlock? Deadlock Prevention
a) every time a resource request is made
b) at fixed time intervals This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
c) every time a resource request is made at fixed Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
time intervals “Deadlock Prevention”.
d) none of the mentioned 1. The number of resources requested by a
process :
Answer: c a) must always be less than the total number of
resources available in the system
8. A problem encountered in multitasking when a
b) must always be equal to the total number of
process is perpetually denied necessary
resources available in the system
resources is called
c) must not exceed the total number of resources
a) deadlock
available in the system
d) must exceed the total number of resources c) there must be at least one resource in a
available in the system sharable mode
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: c
Answer: a
advertisement Explanation: If another process requests that
resource (non – shareable resource), the
2. The request and release of resources are requesting process must be delayed until the
___________ resource has been released.
a) command line statements advertisement
b) interrupts 6. For a Hold and wait condition to prevail :
c) system calls a) A process must be not be holding a resource,
d) special programs but waiting for one to be freed, and then request
to acquire it
Answer: c b) A process must be holding at least one
resource and waiting to acquire additional
3. Multithreaded programs are :
resources that are being held by other processes
a) lesser prone to deadlocks
c) A process must hold at least one resource and
b) more prone to deadlocks
not be waiting to acquire additional resources
c) not at all prone to deadlocks
d) None of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: b
Answer: b
Explanation: Multiple threads can compete for
7. Deadlock prevention is a set of methods :
shared resources.
a) to ensure that at least one of the necessary
4. For a deadlock to arise, which of the following
conditions cannot hold
conditions must hold simultaneously ?
b) to ensure that all of the necessary conditions
a) Mutual exclusion
do not hold
b) No preemption
c) to decide if the requested resources for a
c) Hold and wait
process have to be given or not
d) All of the mentioned
d) to recover from a deadlock

Answer: d
Answer: a
5. For Mutual exclusion to prevail in the system :
8. For non sharable resources like a printer,
a) at least one resource must be held in a non
mutual exclusion :
sharable mode
a) must exist
b) the processor must be a uniprocessor rather
b) must not exist
than a multiprocessor
c) may exist
d) none of the mentioned d) None of the mentioned

Answer: a Answer: b
Explanation: A printer cannot be simultaneously
shared by several processes. 12. To ensure no preemption, if a process is
9. For sharable resources, mutual exclusion : holding some resources and requests another
a) is required resource that cannot be immediately allocated to
b) is not required it :
c) may be or may not be required a) then the process waits for the resources be
c) none of the mentioned allocated to it
b) the process keeps sending requests until the
Answer: b resource is allocated to it
Explanation: They do not require mutually c) the process resumes execution without the
exclusive access, and hence cannot be involved
in a deadlock. resource being allocated to it
10. To ensure that the hold and wait condition d) then all resources currently being held are
never occurs in the system, it must be ensured preempted
that :
a) whenever a resource is requested by a Answer: d
process, it is not holding any other resources
b) each process must request and be allocated all 13. One way to ensure that the circular wait
its resources before it begins its execution condition never holds is to :
c) a process can request resources only when it a) impose a total ordering of all resource types
has none and to determine whether one precedes another
d) all of the mentioned in the ordering
b) to never let a process acquire resources that
are held by other processes
Answer: d
Explanation: c – A process may request some c) to let a process wait for only one resource at a
resources and use them. Before it can can time
request any additional resources, however it must d) all of the mentioned
release all the resources that it is currently
Answer: a
11. The disadvantage of a process being Operating System Questions and Answers –
allocated all its resources before beginning its Deadlock Avoidance
execution is :
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
a) Low CPU utilization
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
b) Low resource utilization
“Deadlock Avoidance”.
c) Very high resource utilization
1. Each request requires that the system consider occurrence
the _____________ to decide whether the b) the system can allocate resources to each
current request can be satisfied or must wait to process in some order and still avoid a deadlock
avoid a future possible deadlock. c) the state keeps the system protected and safe
a) resources currently available d) all of the mentioned
b) processes that have previously been in the
system Answer: b
c) resources currently allocated to each process
d) future requests and releases of each process 5. A system is in a safe state only if there exists a
Answer: a a) safe allocation
b) safe resource
advertisement c) safe sequence
2. Given a priori information about the ________ d) all of the mentioned
number of resources of each type that maybe
requested for each process, it is possible to Answer: c
construct an algorithm that ensures that the
system will never enter a deadlock state. 6. All unsafe states are :
a) minimum a) deadlocks
b) average b) not deadlocks
c) maximum c) fatal
d) approximate d) none of the mentioned

Answer: c Answer: b

3. A deadlock avoidance algorithm dynamically
examines the __________ to ensure that a 7. A system has 12 magnetic tape drives and 3
circular wait condition can never exist. processes : P0, P1, and P2. Process P0 requires
a) resource allocation state 10 tape drives, P1 requires 4 and P2 requires 9
b) system storage state tape drives.
c) operating system Process
d) resources P0
Answer: a
Explanation: Resource allocation states are used Maximum needs (process-wise : P0 through
to maintain the availability of the already and P2 top to bottom)
current available resources. 10
4. A state is safe, if : 4
a) the system does not crash due to deadlock
d) none of the mentioned
Currently allocated (process-wise)
2 Answer: a
Which of the following sequence is a safe
sequence ? 11. The data structures available in the Banker’s
a) P0, P1, P2 algorithm are :
b) P1, P2, P0 a) Available
c) P2, P0, P1 b) Need
d) P1, P0, P2 c) Allocation
d) All of the mentioned

Answer: d
Answer: d
8. If no cycle exists in the resource allocation
graph : 12. The content of the matrix Need is :
a) then the system will not be in a safe state a) Allocation – Available
b) then the system will be in a safe state b) Max – Available
c) all of the mentioned c) Max – Allocation
d) none of the mentioned d) Allocation – Max

Answer: b Answer: c

9. The resource allocation graph is not applicable 13. A system with 5 processes P0 through P4 and
to a resource allocation system : three resource types A, B, C has A with 10
a) with multiple instances of each resource type instances, B with 5 instances, and C with 7
b) with a single instance of each resource type instances. At time t0, the following snapshot has
c) single & multiple instance of each resource been taken :
type Process
d) none of the mentioned P0
Answer: a P3
10. The Banker’s algorithm is _____________
Allocation (process-wise : P0 through P4
than the resource allocation graph algorithm. top TO bottom)
a) less efficient A B C
b) more efficient 0 1 0
2 0 0
c) equal
3 0 2
2 1 1
0 0 2 a) Pi is waiting for Pj to release a resource that Pi
MAX (process-wise : P0 through P4 top TO needs
bottom) b) Pj is waiting for Pi to release a resource that Pj
A B C needs
7 5 3
c) Pi is waiting for Pj to leave the system
3 2 2
9 0 2 d) Pj is waiting for Pi to leave the system
2 2 2
4 3 3
Answer: a
A B C 3. If the wait for graph contains a cycle :
3 3 2 a) then a deadlock does not exist
b) then a deadlock exists
The sequence <P1, P3, P4, P2, P0> leads the
c) then the system is in a safe state
system to :
d) either deadlock exists or system is in a safe
a) an unsafe state
b) a safe state
c) a protected state
d) a deadlock Answer: b

4. If deadlocks occur frequently, the detection

Answer: b algorithm must be invoked ________
Operating System Questions and Answers – a) rarely
Deadlock Detection b) frequently
c) rarely & frequently
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
c) none of the mentioned
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Deadlock Detection”.
Answer: b
1. The wait-for graph is a deadlock detection
algorithm that is applicable when : 5. The disadvantage of invoking the detection
a) all resources have a single instance algorithm for every request is :
b) all resources have multiple instances a) overhead of the detection algorithm due to
c) all resources have a single 7 multiple instance consumption of memory
d) all of the mentioned b) excessive time consumed in the request to be
allocated memory
Answer: a c) considerable overhead in computation time
d) all of the mentioned

2. An edge from process Pi to Pj in a wait for Answer: c

graph indicates that :
6. A deadlock eventually cripples system c) has to occur
throughput and will cause the CPU utilization to d) none of the mentioned
a) increase Answer: a
b) drop
c) stay still 10. ‘m’ processes share ‘n’ resources of the same
d) none of the mentioned type. The maximum need of each process doesn’t
exceed ‘n’ and the sum of all their maximum
Answer: b needs is always less than m+n. In this setup,
deadlock :
7. Every time a request for allocation cannot be a) can never occur
granted immediately, the detection algorithm is b) may occur
invoked. This will help identify : c) has to occur
a) the set of processes that have been d) none of the mentioned
b) the set of processes in the deadlock queue
c) the specific process that caused the deadlock Answer: a
Operating System Questions and Answers –
d) all of the mentioned
Deadlock Recovery

Answer: a This set of Operating System Questions and

Answers for Experienced people focuses on
8. A computer system has 6 tape drives, with ‘n’ “Deadlock Recovery” and will also be useful for
processes competing for them. Each process interview preparations for experienced people.
may need 3 tape drives. The maximum value of
1. A deadlock can be broken by :
‘n’ for which the system is guaranteed to be
a) abort one or more processes to break the
deadlock free is :
circular wait
a) 2
b) abort all the process in the system
b) 3
c) preempt all resources from all processes
c) 4
d) none of the mentioned
d) 1

Answer: a
Answer: a
9. A system has 3 processes sharing 4 resources.
If each process needs a maximum of 2 units then, 2. The two ways of aborting processes and
deadlock : eliminating deadlocks are :
a) can never occur a) Abort all deadlocked processes
b) may occur b) Abort all processes
c) Abort one process at a time until the deadlock
cycle is eliminated a) aborted
d) All of the mentioned b) rolled back
c) terminated
Answer: c d) queued

3. Those processes should be aborted on Answer: b

occurrence of a deadlock, the termination of
which : 7. To _______ to a safe state, the system needs
a) is more time consuming to keep more information about the states of
b) incurs minimum cost processes.
c) safety is not hampered a) abort the process
d) all of the mentioned b) roll back the process
c) queue the process
Answer: b d) none of the mentioned

4. The process to be aborted is chosen on the Answer: b

basis of the following factors :
a) priority of the process advertisement
b) process is interactive or batch 8. If the resources are always preempted from the
c) how long the process has computed same process, __________ can occur.
d) all of the mentioned a) deadlock
b) system crash
Answer: d c) aging
d) starvation

5. Cost factors of process termination include : Answer: d

a) Number of resources the deadlock process is
not holding 9. The solution to starvation is :
b) CPU utilization at the time of deadlock a) the number of rollbacks must be included in the
c) Amount of time a deadlocked process has thus cost factor
far consumed during its execution b) the number of resources must be included in
d) All of the mentioned resource preemption
c) resource preemption be done instead
Answer: c d) all of the mentioned

6. If we preempt a resource from a process, the

process cannot continue with its normal execution Answer: a
and it must be : Operating System Questions and Answers –
Memory Management – Swapping Processes – 1
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice d) none of the mentioned
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Swapping Processes – 1”. Answer: b
1. Address Binding is :
5. The advantage of dynamic loading is that :
a) going to an address in memory
a) A used routine is used multiple times
b) locating an address with the help of another
b) An unused routine is never loaded
c) CPU utilization increases
c) binding two addresses together to form a new
d) All of the mentioned
address in a different memory space
d) a mapping from one address space to another
Answer: b

Answer: d advertisement

advertisement 6. The idea of overlays is to :

a) data that are needed at any given time
2. Binding of instructions and data to memory
b) enable a process to be larger than the amount
addresses can be done at :
of memory allocated to it
a) Compile time
c) keep in memory only those instructions
b) Load time
d) all of the mentioned
c) Execution time
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: d

Answer: d 7. The ___________ must design and program

the overlay structure.
3. If the process can be moved during its
a) programmer
execution from one memory segment to another,
b) system architect
then binding must be :
c) system designer
a) delayed until run time
d) none of the mentioned
b) preponed to compile time
c) preponed to load time
d) none of the mentioned Answer: a

8. The ___________ swaps processes in and out

Answer: a of the memory.
a) Memory manager
4. Dynamic loading is :
b) CPU
a) loading multiple routines dynamically
c) CPU manager
b) loading a routine only when it is called
d) User
c) loading multiple routines randomly
Answer: a 12. Which of the following is TRUE ?
a) Overlays are used to increase the size of
9. If a higher priority process arrives and wants
physical memory
service, the memory manager can swap out the
b) Overlays are used to increase the logical
lower priority process to execute the higher
address space
priority process. When the higher priority process
c) When overlays are used, the size of a process
finishes, the lower priority process is swapped
is not limited to the size of the physical memory
back in and continues execution. This variant of
d) Overlays are used whenever the physical
swapping is sometimes called :
address space is smaller than the logical address
a) priority swapping
b) pull out, push in
c) roll out, roll in
d) none of the mentioned Answer: c
Operating System Questions and Answers –
Answer: c Memory Management – Swapping Processes – 2

This set of Operating System Interview Questions

10. If binding is done at assembly or load time,
and Answers focuses on “Swapping Processes”
then the process _____ be moved to different
and will also be useful for interview preparations
locations after being swapped out and in again.
for experienced people.
a) can
b) must 1. The address generated by the CPU is referred
c) can never to as :
d) may a) Physical address
b) Logical address
Answer: c c) Neither physical nor logical
d) None of the mentioned

11. In a system that does not support swapping, Answer: b

a) the compiler normally binds symbolic
addresses (variables) to relocatable addresses 2. The address loaded into the memory address
b) the compiler normally binds symbolic register of the memory is referred to as :
addresses to physical addresses a) Physical address
c) the loader binds relocatable addresses to b) Logical address
physical addresses c) Neither physical nor logical
d) binding of symbolic addresses to physical d) None of the mentioned
addresses normally takes place during execution
Answer: a
Answer: a
3. The run time mapping from virtual to physical b) keyboard
addresses is done by a hardware device called c) monitor
the : d) backing store
a) Virtual to physical mapper
b) Memory management unit Answer: d
c) Memory mapping unit
d) None of the mentioned 8. The backing store is generally a :
a) fast disk
Answer: b b) disk large enough to accommodate copies of
all memory images for all users
4. The base register is also known as the : c) disk to provide direct access to the memory
a) basic register images
b) regular register d) all of the mentioned
c) relocation register
d) delocation register Answer: d

Answer: c 9. The ________ consists of all processes whose

memory images are in the backing store or in
5. The size of a process is limited to the size of : memory and are ready to run.
a) physical memory a) wait queue
b) external storage b) ready queue
c) secondary storage c) cpu
d) none of the mentioned d) secondary storage

Answer: a Answer: b

6. If execution time binding is being used, then a 10. The _________ time in a swap out of a
process ______ be swapped to a different running process and swap in of a new process
memory space. into the memory is very high.
a) has to be a) context – switch
b) can never b) waiting
c) must c) execution
d) may d) all of the mentioned

Answer: d Answer: a

7. Swapping requires a _________ advertisement

a) motherboard
11. The major part of swap time is _______ time. Answer: a
a) waiting advertisement
b) transfer
c) execution 2. A memory buffer used to accommodate a
d) none of the mentioned speed differential is called
a) stack pointer
b) cache
Answer: b
c) accumulator
12. Swapping _______ be done when a process d) disk buffer
has pending I/O, or has to execute I/O operations
only into operating system buffers. Answer: b
a) must
b) can 3. Which one of the following is the address
c) must never generated by CPU?
d) maybe a) physical address
b) absolute address
c) logical address
Answer: c
d) none of the mentioned
13. Swap space is allocated :
a) as a chunk of disk Answer: c
b) separate from a file system
c) into a file system 4. Run time mapping from virtual to physical
d) all of the mentioned address is done by
a) Memory management unit
b) CPU
Answer: a c) PCI
Operating System Questions & Answers – d) None of the mentioned
Memory Management

This set of Operating System Multiple Choice Answer: a

Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
5. Memory management technique in which
“Memory Management”.
system stores and retrieves data from secondary
1. CPU fetches the instruction from memory storage for use in main memory is called
according to the value of a) fragmentation
a) program counter b) paging
b) status register c) mapping
c) instruction register d) none of the mentioned
d) program status word
Answer: b 10. Operating System maintains the page table
advertisement for
a) each process
6. The address of a page table in memory is b) each thread
pointed by c) each instruction
a) stack pointer d) each address
b) page table base register
c) page register
d) program counter Answer: a
Operating System Questions and Answers –
Memory Management – Memory Allocation – 1
Answer: b
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
7. Program always deals with
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
a) logical address
“Memory Management – Memory Allocation – 1”.
b) absolute address
c) physical address 1. The main memory accommodates :
d) relative address a) operating system
b) cpu
c) user processes
Answer: a
d) all of the mentioned
8. The page table contains
a) base address of each page in physical memory Answer: a
b) page offset
c) page size
d) none of the mentioned 2. The operating system is :
a) in the low memory
Answer: a b) in the high memory
c) either low or high memory (depending on the
9. What is compaction? location of interrupt vector)
a) a technique for overcoming internal d) none of the mentioned
b) a paging technique Answer: c
c) a technique for overcoming external
fragmentation 3. In contiguous memory allocation :
d) a technique for overcoming fatal error a) each process is contained in a single
contiguous section of memory
Answer: c b) all processes are contained in a single
contiguous section of memory
c) the memory space is contiguous
d) none of the mentioned d) never enters the memory space

Answer: a Answer: b

4. The relocation register helps in : 8. Using transient code, _______ the size of the
a) providing more address space to processes operating system during program execution.
b) a different address space to processes a) increases
c) to protect the address spaces of processes b) decreases
d) none of the mentioned c) changes
d) maintains
Answer: c
Answer: c
5. With relocation and limit registers, each logical
address must be _______ the limit register. 9. When memory is divided into several fixed
a) less than sized partitions, each partition may contain
b) equal to ________
c) greater than a) exactly one process
d) none of the mentioned b) at least one process
c) multiple processes at once
Answer: a d) none of the mentioned

Answer: a
6. The operating system and the other processes
are protected from being modified by an already 10. In fixed size partition, the degree of
running process because : multiprogramming is bounded by ___________
a) they are in different memory spaces a) the number of partitions
b) they are in different logical addresses b) the CPU utilization
c) they have a protection algorithm c) the memory size
d) every address generated by the CPU is being d) all of the mentioned
checked against the relocation and limit registers
Answer: a
Explanation: None
Answer: d advertisement

7. Transient operating system code is code that : 11. The first fit, best fit and worst fit are strategies
a) is not easily accessible to select a ______
b) comes and goes as needed a) process from a queue to put in memory
c) stays in the memory always b) processor to run the next process
c) free hole from a set of available holes
d) all of the mentioned Answer: a

4. If relocation is static and is done at assembly or

Answer: c load time, compaction _________
Operating System Questions and Answers – a) cannot be done
Memory Management – Memory Allocation – 2 b) must be done
c) must not be done
This set of Operating System test focuses on
d) can be done
“Memory Allocation – 2”.

1. In internal fragmentation, memory is internal to Answer: a

a partition and :
a) is being used 5. The disadvantage of moving all process to one
b) is not being used end of memory and all holes to the other
c) is always used direction, producing one large hole of available
d) none of the mentioned memory is :
a) the cost incurred
Answer: b b) the memory used
c) the CPU used
advertisement d) all of the mentioned
2. A solution to the problem of external
fragmentation is : Answer: a
a) compaction
b) larger memory space
c) smaller memory space 6. __________ is generally faster than
d) none of the mentioned _________ and _________
a) first fit, best fit, worst fit
Answer: a b) best fit, first fit, worst fit
c) worst fit, best fit, first fit
3. Another solution to the problem of external d) none of the mentioned
fragmentation problem is to :
a) permit the logical address space of a process Answer: a
to be noncontiguous
b) permit smaller processes to be allocated 7. External fragmentation exists when :
memory at last a) enough total memory exists to satisfy a request
c) permit larger processes to be allocated but it is not contiguous
memory at last b) the total memory is insufficient to satisfy a
d) all of the mentioned request
c) a request cannot be satisfied even when the
total memory is free
d) none of the mentioned 1. Physical memory is broken into fixed-sized
blocks called ________
Answer: a a) frames
b) pages
8. External fragmentation will not occur when : c) backing store
a) first fit is used d) none of the mentioned
b) best fit is used
c) worst fit is used Answer: a
d) no matter which algorithm is used, it will always
occur advertisement

2. Logical memory is broken into blocks of the

Answer: d same size called _________
a) frames
9. Sometimes the overhead of keeping track of a b) pages
hole might be : c) backing store
a) larger than the memory d) none of the mentioned
b) larger than the hole itself
c) very small
Answer: b
d) all of the mentioned
3. Every address generated by the CPU is divided
Answer: b into two parts :
a) frame bit & page number
10. When the memory allocated to a process is b) page number & page offset
slightly larger than the process, then : c) page offset & frame bit
a) internal fragmentation occurs d) frame offset & page offset
b) external fragmentation occurs
c) both internal and external fragmentation occurs
Answer: b
d) neither internal nor external fragmentation
occurs 4. The __________ is used as an index into the
page table.
a) frame bit
Answer: a
b) page number
Operating System Questions and Answers –
Memory Management – Paging – 1 c) page offset
d) frame offset
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Answer: b
“Paging – 1”.
5. The _____ table contains the base address of Answer: b
each page in physical memory.
9. The operating system maintains a ______
a) process
table that keeps track of how many frames have
b) memory
been allocated, how many are there, and how
c) page
many are available.
d) frame
a) page
b) mapping
Answer: c
c) frame
d) memory
6. The size of a page is typically :
a) varied
b) power of 2 Answer: c
c) power of 4
10. Paging increases the ______ time.
d) none of the mentioned
a) waiting
b) execution
Answer: b
c) context – switch
advertisement d) all of the mentioned

7. If the size of logical address space is 2 to the

Answer: c
power of m, and a page size is 2 to the power of n
addressing units, then the high order _____ bits 11. Smaller page tables are implemented as a set
of a logical address designate the page number, of _______
and the ____ low order bits designate the page a) queues
offset. b) stacks
a) m, n c) counters
b) n, m d) registers
c) m – n, m
d) m – n, n
Answer: d

Answer: d 12. The page table registers should be built with

8. With paging there is no ________ a) very low speed logic
fragmentation. b) very high speed logic
a) internal c) a large memory space
b) external d) none of the mentioned
c) either type of
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: b
advertisement d) constant
13. For larger page tables, they are kept in main
memory and a __________ points to the page Answer: a
a) page table base register
b) page table base pointer 2. If a page number is not found in the TLB, then
c) page table register pointer it is known as a :
d) page table base a) TLB miss
b) Buffer miss
Answer: a c) TLB hit
d) All of the mentioned
14. For every process there is a __________
a) page table Answer: a
b) copy of page table
c) pointer to page table 3. An ______ uniquely identifies processes and is
d) all of the mentioned used to provide address space protection for that
Answer: a a) address space locator
b) address space identifier
15. Time taken in memory access through PTBR c) address process identifier
is : d) None of the mentioned
a) extended by a factor of 3
b) extended by a factor of 2 Answer: b
c) slowed by a factor of 3
d) slowed by a factor of 2 4. The percentage of times a page number is
found in the TLB is known as :
a) miss ratio
Answer: d b) hit ratio
Operating System Questions and Answers – c) miss percent
Memory Management – Paging – 2
d) None of the mentioned
This set of Operating System Quiz focuses on
“Paging – 2”. Answer: b

1. Each entry in a Translation lookaside buffer

5. Memory protection in a paged environment is
(TLB) consists of :
accomplished by :
a) key
a) protection algorithm with each page
b) value
b) restricted access rights to users
c) bit value
c) restriction on page visibility
d) protection bit with each page b) 68.0 ns
c) 68.5 ns
Answer: d d) 78.5 ns

Answer: c
6. When the valid – invalid bit is set to valid, it
means that the associated page : 10. To obtain better memory utilization, dynamic
a) is in the TLB loading is used. With dynamic loading, a routine
b) has data in it is not loaded until it is called. For implementing
c) is in the process’s logical address space dynamic loading,
d) is the system’s physical address space a) special support from hardware is required
b) special support from operating system is
Answer: c
c) special support from both hardware and
7. Illegal addresses are trapped using the _____ operating system is essential
bit. d) user programs can implement dynamic loading
a) error without any special support from hardware or
b) protection operating system
c) valid – invalid
d) access Answer: d

Answer: c
11. In paged memory systems, if the page size is
8. When there is a large logical address space, increased, then the internal fragmentation
the best way of paging would be : generally :
a) not to page a) becomes less
b) a two level paging algorithm b) becomes more
c) the page table itself c) remains constant
d) all of the mentioned d) none of the mentioned

Answer: b
Answer: b
9. In a paged memory, the page hit ratio is 0.35. Operating System Questions and Answers –
Memory Management – Segmentation
The required to access a page in secondary
memory is equal to 100 ns. The time required to This set of 1000+ Operating System MCQs
access a page in primary memory is 10 ns. The focuses on “Memory Management –
average time required to access a page is : Segmentation”
a) 3.0 ns
1. In segmentation, each address is specified by : b) starting physical address of the segment in
a) a segment number & offset memory
b) an offset & value c) segment length
c) a value & segment number d) none of the mentioned
d) a key & value
Answer: c
Answer: a
6. The offset ‘d’ of the logical address must be :
2. In paging the user provides only ________ a) greater than segment limit
which is partitioned by the hardware into b) between 0 and segment limit
________ and ______ c) between 0 and the segment number
a) one address, page number, offset d) greater than the segment number
b) one offset, page number, address
c) page number, offset, address Answer: b
d) none of the mentioned
7. If the offset is legal :
Answer: a a) it is used as a physical memory address itself
b) it is subtracted from the segment base to
3. Each entry in a segment table has a : produce the physical memory address
a) segment base c) it is added to the segment base to produce the
b) segment peak physical memory address
c) segment value d) none of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: a
Answer: a
8. When the entries in the segment tables of two
4. The segment base contains the : different processes point to the same physical
a) starting logical address of the process location :
b) starting physical address of the segment in a) the segments are invalid
memory b) the processes get blocked
c) segment length c) segments are shared
d) none of the mentioned d) all of the mentioned

Answer: b Answer: c

5. The segment limit contains the : 9. The protection bit is 0/1 based on :
a) starting logical address of the process a) write only
b) read only needed to implement the virtual address space of
c) read – write a process
d) none of the mentioned c) it is required by the translation lookaside buffer
d) it helps to reduce the number of page faults in
Answer: c page replacement algorithms

10. If there are 32 segments, each of size 1Kb,

then the logical address should have : Answer: b
a) 13 bits Operating System Questions & Answers – I/O
System – Application I/O Interface – 1
b) 14 bits
c) 15 bits This set of 1000+ Operating System MCQs
d) 16 bits focuses on “I/O System – Application I/O
Answer: a
1. If one or more devices use a common set of
Explanation: To specify a particular segment, 5
bits are required. To select a particular byte after wires to communicate with the computer system,
selecting a page, 10 more bits are required. the connection is called ______
Hence 15 bits are required. a) CPU
b) Monitor
11. Consider a computer with 8 Mbytes of main c) Wirefull
memory and a 128K cache. The cache block size d) Bus
is 4 K. It uses a direct mapping scheme for cache
management. How many different main memory Answer: d
blocks can map onto a given physical cache block
? advertisement
a) 2048 2. A ____ a set of wires and a rigidly defined
b) 256 protocol that specifies a set of messages that can
c) 64 be sent on the wires.
d) 8 a) port
b) node
Answer: c c) bus
d) none of the mentioned
12. A multilevel page table is preferred in
comparison to a single level page table for
Answer: c
translating virtual address to physical address
because : 3. When device A has a cable that plugs into
a) it reduces the memory access time to read or device B, and device B has a cable that plugs into
write a memory location device C and device C plugs into a port on the
b) it helps to reduce the size of page table computer, this arrangement is called a
_________ Answer: b
a) port
7. The ______ register is read by the host to get
b) daisy chain
c) bus
a) flow in
d) cable
b) flow out
c) data in
Answer: b
d) data out

4. The _________ present a uniform device-

access interface to the I/O subsystem, much as Answer: c
system calls provide a standard interface
8. The ______ register is written by the host to
between the application and the operating
send output.
a) status
a) Devices
b) control
b) Buses
c) data in
c) Device drivers
d) data out
d) I/O systems

Answer: d
Answer: c
9. The hardware mechanism that allows a device
5. A ________ is a collection of electronics that
to notify the CPU is called _______
can operate a port, a bus, or a device.
a) polling
a) controller
b) interrupt
b) driver
c) driver
c) host
d) controlling
d) bus

Answer: b
Answer: a

advertisement 10. The CPU hardware has a wire called

__________ that the CPU senses after executing
6. An I/O port typically consists of four registers every instruction.
status, control, ________ and ________ a) interrupt request line
registers. b) interrupt bus
a) system in, system out c) interrupt receive line
b) data in, data out d) interrupt sense line
c) flow in, flow out
d) input, output
Answer: a
advertisement sequences that must not be interrupted.
11. The _________ determines the cause of the a) nonmaskable interrupt
interrupt, performs the necessary processing and b) blocked interrupt
executes a return from the interrupt instruction to c) maskable interrupt
return the CPU to the execution state prior to the d) none of the mentioned
a) interrupt request line Answer: c
b) device driver
c) interrupt handler
d) all of the mentioned 2. The __________ is used by device controllers
to request service.
Answer: c a) nonmaskable interrupt
b) blocked interrupt
12. In general the two interrupt request lines are : c) maskable interrupt
a) maskable & non maskable interrupts d) none of the mentioned
b) blocked & non maskable interrupts
c) maskable & blocked interrupts Answer: c
d) none of the mentioned
3. The interrupt vector contains :
Answer: a a) the interrupts
b) the memory addresses of specialized interrupt
13. The _________ are reserved for events such handlers
as unrecoverable memory errors. c) the identifiers of interrupts
a) non maskable interrupts d) the device addresses
b) blocked interrupts
c) maskable interrupts Answer: b
d) none of the mentioned
4. Division by zero, accessing a protected or non
existent memory address, or attempting to
Answer: a execute a privileged instruction from user mode
Explanation: NoneOperating System Questions & are all categorized as ________
Answers – I/O System – Application I/O Interface
–2 a) errors
b) exceptions
This set of Tricky Operating System Questions c) interrupt handlers
and Answers focuses on “I/O System – d) all of the mentioned
Application I/O Interface – 2”.

1. The ________ can be turned off by the CPU Answer: b

before the execution of critical instruction
5. For large data transfers, _________ is used. d) none of the mentioned
a) dma
b) programmed I/O Answer: c
c) controller register
d) none of the mentioned 10. In polling :
a) busy – wait cycles wait for I/O from device
Answer: a b) interrupt handler receives interrupts
c) interrupt-request line is triggered by I/O device
advertisement d) all of the mentioned
6. A character stream device transfers :
a) bytes one by one Answer: a
b) block of bytes as a unit
c) with unpredictable response times
d) none of the mentioned 11. A non blocking system call
Answer: a a) halts the execution of the application for an
extended time
7. A block device transfers : b) does not halt the execution of the application
a) bytes one by one c) does not block the interrupts
b) block of bytes as a unit d) none of the mentioned
c) with unpredictable response times
d) none of the mentioned Answer: b

Answer: b 12. An asynchronous call :

a) returns immediately, without waiting for the I/O
8. A dedicated device is : to complete
a) opposite to a sharable device b) does not return immediately and waits for the
b) same as a sharable device I/O to complete
c) can be used concurrently by several processes c) consumes a lot of time
d) none of the mentioned d) is too slow

Answer: a
Answer: a
9. A keyboard is an example of a device that is Operating System Questions & Answers – I/O
System – Kernel I/O Subsystems
accessed through a __________ interface.
a) block stream This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
b) set of blocks Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “I/O
c) character stream System – Kernel I/O Subsystems”.
1. Buffering is done to : d) shell
a) cope with device speed mismatch
b) cope with device transfer size mismatch Answer: c
c) maintain copy semantics
d) all of the mentioned advertisement

6. The kernel data structures include :

Answer: d a) process table
b) open file table
c) close file table
2. Caching is ________ spooling. d) all of the mentioned
a) same as
b) not the same as Answer: b
c) all of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned 7. Windows NT uses a __________
implementation for I/O
Answer: b a) message – passing
b) draft – passing
3. Caching : c) secondary memory
a) holds a copy of the data d) cache
b) is fast memory
c) holds the only copy of the data Answer: a
d) holds output for a device
8. A ________ is a full duplex connection
Answer: a between a device driver and a user level process.
a) Bus
4. Spooling : b) I/O operation
a) holds a copy of the data c) Stream
b) is fast memory d) Flow
c) holds the only copy of the data
d) holds output for a device Answer: c

Answer: c 9. I/O is a _________ in system performance.

a) major factor
5. The ________ keeps state information about b) minor factor
the use of I/O components. c) does not matter
a) CPU d) none of the mentioned
b) OS
c) kernel
Answer: a 3. For real time operating systems, interrupt
latency should be
10. If the number of cycles spent busy – waiting is
a) minimal
not excessive, then :
b) maximum
a) interrupt driven I/O is more efficient than
c) zero
programmed I/O
d) dependent on the scheduling
b) programmed I/O is more efficient than interrupt
driven I/O
Answer: a
c) both programmed and interrupt driven I/O are
Explanation: Interrupt latency is the time duration
equally efficient between the generation of interrupt and execution
d) none of the mentioned of its service.
4. In rate monotonic scheduling
a) shorter duration job has higher priority
Answer: b b) longer duration job has higher priority
Operating System Questions & Answers – RTOS c) priority does not depend on the duration of the
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice job
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on d) none of the mentioned
Answer: a
1. In real time operating system
a) all processes have the same priority 5. In which scheduling certain amount of CPU
b) a task must be serviced by its deadline period time is allocated to each process?
c) process scheduling can be done only once a) earliest deadline first scheduling
d) kernel is not required b) proportional share scheduling
c) equal share scheduling
Answer: b d) none of the mentioned

Answer: b
2. Hard real time operating system has ___ jitter
than a soft real time operating system. advertisement
a) less 6. The problem of priority inversion can be solved
b) more by
c) equal a) priority inheritance protocol
d) none of the mentioned b) priority inversion protocol
c) both priority inheritance and inversion protocol
Answer: a d) none of the mentioned
Explanation: Jitter is the undesired deviation from
the true periodicity.
Answer: a
7. Time duration required for scheduling Time System – Implementing RT Operating
Systems – 1
dispatcher to stop one process and start another
is known as This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
a) process latency Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Real
b) dispatch latency Time System – Implementing RT Operating
c) execution latency Systems – 1”.
d) interrupt latency
1. The disadvantage of real addressing mode is :
a) there is a lot of cost involved
Answer: b
b) time consumption overhead
8. Time required to synchronous switch from the c) absence of memory protection between
context of one thread to the context of another processes
thread is called d) restricted access to memory locations by
a) threads fly-back time processes
b) jitter
c) context switch time Answer: c
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: c 2. Preemptive, priority based scheduling

guarantees :
9. Which one of the following is a real time a) hard real time functionality
operating system? b) soft real time functionality
a) RTLinux c) protection of memory
b) VxWorks d) none of the mentioned
c) Windows CE
d) All of the mentioned Answer: b

Answer: d 3. Real time systems must have :

a) preemptive kernels
10. VxWorks is centered around b) non preemptive kernels
a) wind microkernel c) preemptive kernels or non preemptive kernels
b) linux kernel d) neither preemptive nor non preemptive kernels
c) unix kernel
d) none of the mentioned Answer: a

4. Event latency is :
Answer: a a) the amount of time an event takes to occur
Operating System Questions & Answers – Real from when the system started
b) the amount of time from the event occurrence
till the system stops Answer: c
c) the amount of time from event occurrence till advertisement
the event crashes
d) the amount of time that elapses from when an 8. The most effective technique to keep dispatch
event occurs to when it is serviced. latency low is to :
a) provide non preemptive kernels
b) provide preemptive kernels
Answer: d
c) make it user programmed
advertisement d) run less number of processes at a time

5. Interrupt latency refers to the period of time :

a) from the occurrence of an event to the arrival Answer: b
of an interrupt
9. Priority inversion is solved by use of
b) from the occurrence of an event to the
servicing of an interrupt
a) priority inheritance protocol
c) from arrival of an interrupt to the start of the
b) two phase lock protocol
interrupt service routine
c) time protocol
d) none of the mentioned
d) all of the mentioned

Answer: c
Answer: a
6. Real time systems need to __________ the Operating System Questions & Answers – Real
interrupt latency. Time System – Implementing RT Operating
a) minimize Systems – 2
b) maximize
This set of Tough Operating System Questions
c) not bother about
and Answers focuses on “Real Time System –
d) none of the mentioned
Implementing RT Operating Systems – 2”.

Answer: a 1. In a real time system the computer results :

a) must be produced within a specific deadline
7. The amount of time required for the scheduling period
dispatcher to stop one process and start another b) may be produced at any time
is known as ______________ c) may be correct
a) event latency d) all of the mentioned
b) interrupt latency
c) dispatch latency Answer: a
d) context switch
2. In a safety critical system, incorrect operation : 6. The amount of memory in a real time system is
a) does not affect much generally :
b) causes minor problems a) less compared to PCs
c) causes major and serious problems b) high compared to PCs
d) none of the mentioned c) same as in PCs
d) they do not have any memory
Answer: c
Answer: a
3. Antilock brake systems, flight management
systems, pacemakers are examples of : 7. The priority of a real time task :
a) safety critical system a) must degrade over time
b) hard real time system b) must not degrade over time
c) soft real time system c) may degrade over time
d) safety critical system and hard real time d) none of the mentioned
Answer: b
Answer: d
4. In a ______ real time system, it is guaranteed 8. Memory management units :
that critical real time tasks will be completed a) increase the cost of the system
within their deadlines. b) increase the power consumption of the system
a) soft c) increase the time required to complete an
b) hard operation
c) critical d) all of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: d
Answer: b
9. The technique in which the CPU generates
physical addresses directly is known as :
5. Some of the properties of real time systems a) relocation register method
include : b) real addressing
a) single purpose c) virtual addressing
b) inexpensively mass produced d) none of the mentioned
c) small size
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: b
Operating System Questions & Answers – Real
Answer: d Time System – Real Time CPU Scheduling – 1
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice d) None of the mentioned
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Real
Time CPU Scheduling – 1”. Answer: a
1. Earliest deadline first algorithm assigns
5. Using EDF algorithm practically, it is impossible
priorities according to :
to achieve 100 percent utilization due to :
a) periods
a) the cost of context switching
b) deadlines
b) interrupt handling
c) burst times
c) power consumption
d) none of the mentioned
d) all of the mentioned

Answer: b
Answer: a
2. A process P1 has a period of 50 and a CPU
6. T shares of time are allocated among all
burst of t1 = 25, P2 has a period of 80 and a CPU
processes out of N shares in __________
burst of 35. The total CPU utilization is :
scheduling algorithm.
a) 0.90
a) rate monotonic
b) 0.74
b) proportional share
c) 0.94
c) earliest deadline first
d) 0.80
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: c
Answer: b
3. In the above question, the priorities of P1 and
7. If there are a total of T = 100 shares to be
P2 :
divided among three processes, A, B and C. A is
a) remain the same throughout
assigned 50 shares, B is assigned 15 shares and
b) keep varying from time to time
C is assigned 20 shares.
c) may or may not be change
A will have ______ percent of the total processor
d) none of the mentioned
a) 20
Answer: b
b) 15
c) 50
4. In Question number 2, can the two processes
d) none of the mentioned
be scheduled using the EDF algorithm without
missing their respective deadlines ?
a) Yes Answer: c
b) No
c) Maybe
8. If there are a total of T = 100 shares to be Answer: b
Operating System Questions & Answers – Real
divided among three processes, A, B and C. A is
Time System – Real Time CPU Scheduling – 2
assigned 50 shares, B is assigned 15 shares and
C is assigned 20 shares. This set of Operating System Questions and
B will have ______ percent of the total processor Answers focuses on “Real Time CPU Scheduling
time. – 2” and will also be useful for GATE
a) 20 examinations.
b) 15
1. To schedule the processes, they are
c) 50
considered _________
d) none of the mentioned
a) infinitely long
b) periodic
Answer: b c) heavy weight
d) light weight
9. If there are a total of T = 100 shares to be
divided among three processes, A, B and C. A is
assigned 50 shares, B is assigned 15 shares and Answer: b
C is assigned 20 shares. advertisement
C will have ______ percent of the total processor
2. If the period of a process is ‘p’, then the rate of
the task is :
a) 20
a) p2
b) 15
b) 2*p
c) 50
c) 1/p
d) none of the mentioned
d) p

Answer: a
Answer: c
10. If there are a total of T = 100 shares to be
3. The scheduler admits a process using :
divided among three processes, A, B and C. A is
a) two phase locking protocol
assigned 50 shares, B is assigned 15 shares and
b) admission control algorithm
C is assigned 20 shares.
c) busy wait polling
If a new process D requested 30 shares, the
d) none of the mentioned
admission controller would :
a) allocate 30 shares to it
b) deny entry to D in the system Answer: c
c) all of the mentioned
4. The ____________ scheduling algorithm
d) none of the mentioned
schedules periodic tasks using a static priority
policy with preemption.
a) earliest deadline first
b) rate monotonic Answer: a
c) first cum first served
8. If a set of processes cannot be scheduled by
d) priority
rate monotonic scheduling algorithm, then :
a) they can be scheduled by EDF algorithm
Answer: b
b) they cannot be scheduled by EDF algorithm
c) they cannot be scheduled by any other
5. Rate monotonic scheduling assumes that the :
a) processing time of a periodic process is same
d) none of the mentioned
for each CPU burst
b) processing time of a periodic process is
different for each CPU burst Answer: c
c) periods of all processes is the same
9. A process P1 has a period of 50 and a CPU
d) none of the mentioned
burst of t1 = 25, P2 has a period of 80 and a CPU
burst of 35. The total CPU utilization is :
Answer: a
a) 0.90
advertisement b) 0.74
c) 0.94
6. In rate monotonic scheduling, a process with a
d) 0.80
shorter period is assigned :
a) a higher priority
Answer: c
b) a lower priority
c) higher & lower priority 10. Can the processes in the previous question
d) none of the mentioned be scheduled without missing the deadlines ?
a) Yes
Answer: a b) No
c) Maybe
7. There are two processes P1 and P2, whose
d) None of the mentioned
periods are 50 and 100 respectively. P1 is
assigned higher priority than P2. The processing
times are t1 = 20 for P1 and t2 = 35 for P2. Is it Answer: b
possible to schedule these tasks so that each Operating System Question & Answers –
meets its deadline using Rate monotonic Multimedia Systems
scheduling ?
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
a) yes
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
b) no
“Multimedia Systems”.
c) maybe
d) none of the mentioned 1. A multimedia file
a) is same as any other regular file
b) must be accessed at specific rate b) SCAN-EDF scheduling
c) stored on remote server can not be delivered to c) Both Earliest-Deadline-First scheduling &
its client SCAN-EDF scheduling
d) none of the mentioned d) None of the mentioned

Answer: b Answer: c

2. In which type of streaming multimedia file is 6. Real time streaming protocol is used
delivered to the client, but not shared? a) to control streaming media servers
a) real-time streaming b) for establishing and controlling media sessions
b) progressive download between endpoints
c) compression c) to provide real time control of playback of
d) none of the mentioned media files from the server
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: a
Answer: d
3. Which one of the following is the characteristic
of a multimedia system? 7. In teardown state of real time streaming
a) high storage protocol
b) high data rates a) the server resources for client
c) both high storage and high data rates b) server delivers the stream to client
d) none of the mentioned c) server suspends delivery of stream
d) server breaks down the connection
Answer: c
Answer: d
4. The delay that occur during the playback of a
stream is called 8. CineBlitz multimedia server supports
a) stream delay a) real time clients
b) playback delay b) non-real time clients
c) jitter c) both real time & non-real time clients
d) event delay d) none of the mentioned

Answer: c Answer: c

5. Which algorithm can be optimized to meet the 9. Multimedia system require hard real time
timing deadlines and rate requirements of scheduling
continuous media? a) to ensure critical tasks will be serviced within
a) Earliest-Deadline-First scheduling timing deadlines
b) to deliver the media file to the client Answer: c
c) to minimize the delay
3. The faster the frames are displayed, :
d) for security
a) the rougher the video appears
b) the smoother the video appears
Answer: a
c) it gets blurry
d) none of the mentioned
10. Which one of the following resource is not
necessarily required on a file server?
a) secondary storage Answer: b
b) processor
4. The characteristic of the eye to retain the
c) network
image for a short time after it has been presented
b) monitor
is known as :
a) persistence of vision
Answer: d b) learning power
Operating System Questions & Answers – c) memory mapped input
Multimedia System – Compression – 1 d) none of the mentioned

This set of Operating System Multiple Choice

Answer: a
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Compression – 1”.
5. Local playback is when :
1. The major difference between a multimedia file a) the multimedia data are delivered from a local
and a regular file is : file system
a) the size b) a computer next to you is playing something
b) the attributes c) a multimedia file is being played on a system in
c) the ownership the local network
d) the rate at which the file must be accessed d) none of the mentioned

Answer: d Answer: a
Explanation: Multimedia files must be accessed at
a specific rate whereas accessing regular files 6. Multimedia files stored on a remote server are
requires no special timings.
delivered to a client across the network using a
2. Video is represented as a series of images
technique known as :
formally known as :
a) download
a) pics
b) streaming
b) shots
c) flowing
c) frames
d) leaking
d) snaps
Answer: b advertisement

7. The two types of streaming techniques are : 11. Real time streaming is most useful for :
a) progressive download & real time streaming a) short video clips
b) regular download & real time streaming b) long video clips
c) real time & virtual time streaming c) extremely short and low quality videos
d) virtual time streaming d) none of the mentioned

Answer: a
Answer: b
Operating System Questions & Answers –
8. A media file containing audio or video is Multimedia System – Compression – 2
downloaded and stored on the client’s local file
system in : This set of Operating System Questions and
a) progressive download Answers focuses on “Multimedia System –
b) regular download Compression – 2” and will also be useful for GRE
c) real time streaming examinations.
d) virtual time streaming 1. The ability to move around within a media
stream is known as :
Answer: a a) buffering
Explanation: As the file is being downloaded, the b) random access
client is able to play back the media file without
having to wait for the file to be downloaded in its c) access
entirety. d) sequential access
9. Progressive download is most useful for :
a) short video clips Answer: b
b) long video clips
c) extremely long and high quality videos 2. The two types of real time streaming are :
d) none of the mentioned a) live & on demand streaming
b) dead & static streaming
Answer: a c) static & on demand streaming
d) on demand streaming
10. The media file is streamed to the client but is
only played and not stored by the client in : Answer: a
a) progressive download
b) regular download 3. Random access is not allowed in :
c) real time streaming a) live streaming
d) virtual time streaming b) dead streaming
c) static streaming
Answer: c d) on demand streaming
Answer: a 8. Compression ratio is the ratio of :
a) the original file size to the size of the
4. The streaming that takes place as the event is
compressed file
occurring is :
b) the number of pixels in a frame of the original
a) live streaming
size to those in a frame of the compressed file
b) dead streaming
c) compressed file size to the original file size
c) static streaming
d) none of the mentioned
d) on demand streaming

Answer: a
Answer: d
9. Lossy and lossless are classifications of :
5. For a computer to deliver continuous media it
a) multimedia storage systems
must guarantee the specific rate and timing
b) files
requirements, also known as :
c) compression algorithms
a) deadline
d) all of the mentioned
b) quality of service
c) period
Answer: c
d) burst time

10. Lossy techniques provide ___________ when

Answer: b compared to lossless techniques.
a) lower compression ratios
6. For QOS to be implemented properly :
b) much higher compression ratios
a) file systems must be efficient to meet the rate
c) similar compression ratios
requirements of continuous media
d) none of the mentioned
b) network protocols must support bandwidth
requirements while minimizing delay and jitter
c) all of the mentioned Answer: b
d) none of the mentioned Operating System Questions & Answers –
Multimedia System – Compression – 3
Answer: c
This set of Operating System Questions and
Answers focuses on “Multimedia System –
7. Once a file is compressed :
Compression – 3” and will also be useful for
a) it has a better quality
various entrance examinations.
b) it takes up less space for storage
c) it cannot be delivered to the client more quickly 1. The full form of MPEG is :
d) none of the mentioned a) Motion Pictures Engineering Group
b) Motion Picture Engineers Group
Answer: b c) Motion Picture Experts Group
d) None of the mentioned d) Hard QoS

Answer: c Answer: d

2. MPEG compression : 6. The factors that define QoS are :

a) stores the compression values of each frame a) Throughput
b) stores the differences between successive b) Jitter
frames c) Delay
c) stores multiple frames’ values together d) All of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: d
Answer: b
7. Delay and Jitter :
3. The three levels in QoS are : a) mean the same thing
a) Best effort service b) are two completely different things
b) Soft QoS c) all of the mentioned
c) Hard QoS d) none of the mentioned
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: b
Answer: d
8. Delay is :
4. The level that treats different types of traffics in a) the time from when a request is first submitted
different ways, giving certain traffic streams to when the desired result is produced
higher priority than other streams and with best b) the delay that occurs during playback of the
efforts, but no guarantees are made : stream
a) Best effort service c) how the errors are handled during transmission
b) Soft QoS and processing of continuous media
c) Worst effort service d) none of the mentioned
d) Hard QoS
Answer: a
Answer: b
9. Admission control is :
5. The quality of service requirements are a) the delay that occurs during playback of the
guaranteed in : stream
a) Best effort service b) the practice of admitting a request for service
b) Soft QoS only if the server has sufficient resources to
c) Worst effort service satisfy the request
c) how the errors are handled during transmission
and processing of continuous media 3. As disks have relatively low transfer rates and
d) none of the mentioned relatively high latency rates, disk schedulers must
reduce latency times to :
Answer: b a) ensure high bandwidth
b) ensure low bandwidth
10. An admission control scheme assigns a c) make sure data is transferred
__________ to each type of resource. d) reduce data transfer speeds
a) processor
b) memory location Answer: a
c) resource manager
d) all of the mentioned 4. Servicing requests strictly according to
deadline using EDF may result in :
a) lower seek times
Answer: c b) lower bandwidth
Operating System Questions & Answers –
c) higher seek time
Multimedia System – CPU and Disk Scheduling
d) higher bandwidth
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Answer: c
“Multimedia System – CPU and Disk Scheduling”.
5. The hybrid algorithm that combines EDF with
1. A scheduling algorithm can use either
SCAN algorithm is known as :
___________ priority or ________ priority.
a) EDS
a) static, still
b) SDF
b) static, dynamic
c) live, dead
d) None of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: c
Answer: b
6. If several requests have different deadlines that
2. The priority of a process will ______________
are relatively close together, then using the SCAN
if the scheduler assigns it a static priority.
– EDF algorithm :
a) change
a) the SCAN ordering will service the requests in
b) remain unchanged
that batch
c) depends on the operating system
b) the EDF ordering will service the requests in
d) none of the mentioned
that batch
c) the FCFS ordering will service the requests in
Answer: b that batch
d) none of the mentioned Network Management” and will also be useful for
campus interviews.
Answer: a 1. The three general methods for delivering
content from a server to a client across a network
7. Multimedia systems require _________
are :
scheduling to ensure critical tasks will be serviced
a) unicasting
within timing deadlines.
b) multicasting
a) soft real time
c) broadcasting
b) hard real time
d) all of the mentioned
c) normal
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: d

Answer: b 2. Unicasting delivers the content to :

advertisement a) a single client
b) all clients, regardless whether they want the
8. The EDF scheduler uses ________ to order content or not
requests according to their deadlines. c) a group of receivers who indicate they wish to
a) stack receive the content
b) disks d) none of the mentioned
c) queue
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: a

Answer: c 3. Broadcasting delivers the content to :

a) a single client
9. In SCAN – EDF, requests with the same b) all clients, regardless whether they want the
deadlines are ordered according to : content or not
a) SCAN policy c) a group of receivers who indicate they wish to
b) EDF policy receive the content
c) FCFS policy d) none of the mentioned
d) FIFO policy

Answer: b

Answer: a
4. Multicasting delivers the content to :
Operating System Questions & Answers –
Multimedia System – Network Management a) a single client
b) all clients, regardless whether they want the
This set of Operating System Questions and content or not
Answers focuses on “Multimedia System – c) a group of receivers who indicate they wish to
receive the content
d) none of the mentioned 9. In the TEARDOWN state :
a) the server breaks down the connection and
Answer: c releases the resources allocated for the session
b) the client breaks down the connection and
5. RTSP stands for : releases the resources allocated for the session
a) Real Time Streaming Policy c) the system crashes
b) Real Time Streaming Protocol d) none of the mentioned
c) Real Time Systems Protocol
d) Read Time Streaming Policy Answer: a

Answer: b 10. RTP stands for :

a) real time protocol
6. HTTP is __________ b) real time transmission control protocol
a) a stateful protocol c) real time transmission protocol
b) a stateless protocol d) real time transport protocol
c) a protocol that maintains the status of its
connection with the client Answer: d
d) a stateless protocol that does not maintain the
status of its connection with the client advertisement

11. The problem with unicast delivery is that the :

Answer: d a) memory allocation is difficult
b) server must establish a separate unicast
7. RTSP includes the following states : session for each client
a) SETUP c) the routers must support unicasting
b) PLAY d) the clients must be close to the server
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: b

Answer: d 12. The difficulty with multicasting from a practical

point of view is :
8. In the SETUP state : a) memory allocation is difficult
a) the server is setup b) server must establish a separate unicast
b) the client is setup session for each client
c) the server allocates resources for the client c) the routers must support multicasting
session d) none of the mentioned
d) the client sends requests to the server

Answer: c
Answer: c
13. To let a client have random access to a media c) Stop
stream : d) Read
a) the protocol used must not be stateless
b) the server must support download Answer: c
c) the stream should give access rights to the
client 4. Which of the following is a good practice ?
d) all of the mentioned a) Give full permission for remote transferring
b) Grant read only permission
c) Grant limited permission to specified account
Answer: a d) Give both read and write permission but not
Operating System Questions & Answers – execute
Security – User Authentication

This set of Operating System Multiple Choice Answer: c

Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Explanation: Limited access is a key method to
circumvent unauthorized access and exploits.
“Security – User Authentication”.
5. What is not a good practice for user
1. Which of the following are forms of malicious administration ?
attack ? a) Isolating a system after a compromise
a) Theft of information b) Perform random auditing procedures
b) Modification of data c) Granting privileges on a per host basis
c) Wiping of information d) Using telnet and FTP for remote access
d) All of the mentioned

Answer: d
Answer: d Explanation: Telnet and FTP are not encrypted
and can be compromised.
2. What are common security threats ? 6. Which of the following is least secure method
a) File Shredding of authentication ?
b) File sharing and permission a) Key card
c) File corrupting b) fingerprint
d) File integrity c) retina pattern
d) Password
Answer: b
Explanation: Sharing and associated permissions Answer: d
are usual exploits which can compromise the Explanation: Passwords can be be compromised
system. more easily than to replicate a physical thing like
3. From the following, which is not a common file key card, fingerprint or retina.
permission ? 7. Which of the following is a strong password ?
a) Write a) 19thAugust88
b) Execute b) Delhi88
c) P@assw0rd a) Authorization
d) !augustdelhi b) Authentication
c) Authorization & Authentication are same
Answer: c d) None of the mentioned
Explanation: It has a combination of Alphabet
both capital and small along with number and
special character. Thus always use complex Answer: a
password with combination of all these.
8. Why is one time password safe ? 12. What is characteristics of Authorization ?
a) It is easy to generated a) RADIUS and RSA
b) It cannot be shared b) 3 way handshaking with syn and fin
c) It is different for every access c) Multilayered protection for securing resources
d) It is a complex encrypted password d) Deals with privileges and rights

Answer: c Answer: d
Explanation: One time password is safe since it is
generated per access and thus cannot be brute advertisement
forced or deduced.
13. What forces the user to change password at
9. What does Light Directory Access Protocol
first logon ?
(LDAP) doesn’t store ?
a) Default behavior of OS
a) Users
b) Part of AES encryption practice
b) Address
c) Devices being accessed forces the user
c) Passwords
d) Account administrator
d) Security Keys

Answer: d
Answer: b Explanation: Its administrator’s job to ensure that
password of the user remains private and is
10. What is characteristic of RADIUS system ? known only to user. But while making a new user
a) It is essential for centralized encryption and account he assigns a random general password
to give it to user. Thus even administrator cannot
authentication access a particular users account.
b) It works on Network layer to deny access to 14. What is not a best practice for password
unauthorized people policy ?
c) It provides centralized authentication a) Deciding maximum age of password
mechanism via network devices b) Restriction on password reuse and history
d) It’s a strong File access system c) Password encryption
d) Having change password every 2 years
Answer: c

11. Which happens first authorization or Answer: d

authentication ? Explanation: Old passwords are more vulnerable
to being misplaced or compromised. Passwords d) This violation involves unauthorized use of
should be changed periodically to enhance
security.Operating System Questions & Answers
– Security – Program and System Threats
Answer: d
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on 4. What is breach of availability ?
“Security – Program and System Threats”. a) This type of violation involves unauthorized
1. What is breach of integrity ? reading of data
a) This type of violation involves unauthorized b) This violation involves unauthorized
reading of data modification of data
b) This violation involves unauthorized c) This violation involves unauthorized destruction
modification of data of data
c) This violation involves unauthorized destruction d) This violation involves unauthorized use of
of data resources
d) This violation involves unauthorized use of
resources Answer: c

5. What is Trojan horse ?

Answer: b
a) It is a useful way to encrypt password
2. What is breach of confidentiality ? b) It is a user which steals valuable information
a) This type of violation involves unauthorized c) It is a rogue program which tricks users
reading of data d) It’s a brute force attack algorithm
b) This violation involves unauthorized
modification of data Answer: c
c) This violation involves unauthorized destruction
6. What is trap door ?
of data
a) IT is trap door in WarGames
d) This violation involves unauthorized use of
b) It is a hole in software left by designer
c) It is a Trojan horse
d) It is a virus which traps and locks user terminal
Answer: a

3. What is theft of service ? Answer: b

a) This type of violation involves unauthorized
7. Which mechanism is used by worm process ?
reading of data
a) Trap door
b) This violation involves unauthorized
b) Fake process
modification of data
c) Spawn Process
c) This violation involves unauthorized destruction
of data
d) VAX process c) It is software used to scan system for
introducing attacks by brute force
Answer: c d) None of the mentioned

8. Which of the following is not a characteristic of Answer: b

virus ?
a) Virus destroy and modify user data 12. Which is not a port scan type ?
b) Virus is a standalone program a) TCP scanning
c) Virus is a code embedded in a legitimate b) SYN scanning
program c) UDP scanning
d) Virus cannot be detected d) SYSTEM Scanning

Answer: d Answer: d
Explanation: Virus can be detected by having a
antivirus program. advertisement
9. What is known as masquerading ?
13. Which is not a valid port scan type ?
a) When one participant in communication
a) ACK scanning
pretends to be someone else
b) Window scanning
b) When attacker modifies data in communication
c) IGMP scan
c) When attack is of fraudulent repeat of a valid
d) FIN scanning
d) When attack gains access to remote systems
Answer: c

Answer: a 14. What are zombie systems ?

a) Are specific system which are designed to
10. Who unleashed famous worm attack in 1988
attack by manufacturer
which effected UNIX systems and caused losses
b) They are network of known hacking group
in millions ?
c) These systems are previously compromised,
a) Robert Morris
independent systems
b) Bob Milano
d) None of the mentioned
c) Mark zuckerberg
d) Bill Gates
Answer: c

Answer: a 15. What is known as DOS attack ?

a) It is attack to block traffic of network
11. What is port scanning ?
b) It is attack to harm contents stored in HDD by
a) It is a software used to scan system for attack
worm spawn processes
b) It is a software application designed to probe a
c) It is an attempt to make a machine or network
server or host for open ports
resource unavailable d) Deny users access to websites which can
d) None of the mentioned potentially cause security leak

Answer: c Answer: c
Explanation: Firewall create a protective barrier to
16. With regard to DOS attack what is not true secure internal network. A antivirus can only
detect harmful viruses but cannot stop illegal
from below options ? access by remote attacker.
a) We can stop DOS attack completely 3. What is best practice in firewall domain
b) By upgrading OS vulnerability we can stop environment ?
DOS attack to some extent a) Create two domain trusted and untrusted
c) DOS attack has to be stopped at network level domain
d) Such attack can last for hours b) Create strong policy in firewall to support
different types of users
c) Create a Demilitarized zone
Answer: a
d) Create two DMZ zones with one untrusted
Operating System Questions & Answers –
Security – Securing Systems and Facilities domain

This set of Operating System Multiple Choice

Answer: c
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Explanation: All live servers or workstations are
“Security – Securing Systems and Facilities”. kept in a separate zone than inside and outside to
enhance protection.
1. What is not a important part of security 4. Which direction access cannot happen using
protection ? DMZ zone by default ?
a) Large amount of RAM to support antivirus a) Company computer to DMZ
b) Strong passwords b) Internet to DMZ
c) Audit log periodically c) Internet to company computer
d) Scan for unauthorized programs in system d) Company computer to internet

Answer: c
Answer: a Explanation: Connection from internet are never
Explanation: RAM has no effect on security of a allowed to directly access internal PCs but is
system. System’s protection remains unchanged routed through DMZ zone to prevent attacks.
in increasing or decreasing amount of RAM. 5. What are two features of a tripwire file system
2. What is used to protect network from outside ?
internet access ? a) It is a tool to monitor file systems
a) A trusted antivirus b) It is used to automatically take corrective action
b) 24 hours scanning for virus c) It is used to secure UNIX system
c) Firewall to separate trusted and untrusted d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a d) None of the mentioned

6. How do viruses avoid basic pattern match of

antivirus ? Answer: a
a) They are encrypted Explanation: Disgruntled employees have in past
b) They act with special permissions infected the master copies of software programs
c) They modify themselves to do economic harm to the company.Operating
System Questions & Answers – Security –
d) None of the mentioned Intrusion Detection

Answer: c This set of Operating System Multiple Choice

Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
7. How does an antivirus of today identify viruses “Security – Intrusion Detection”.
1. What are the different ways to intrude ?
a) Previously known patterns
a) Buffer overflows
b) It can detect unknown patterns
b) Unexpected combinations and unhandled input
c) It can take high priority to increase scanning
c) Race conditions
d) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned

Answer: d
Answer: a
2. What are major components of intrusion
detection system ?
8. What is known as sandbox ? a) Analysis Engine
a) It is a program which can be molded to do b) Event provider
desired task c) Alert Database
b) It is program that is controlled or emulated d) All of the mentioned
section of OS
c) It is a special mode of antivirus
Answer: d
d) None of the mentioned
3. What are the different ways to classify an IDS ?
Answer: b a) anomaly detection
b) signature based misuse
9. What is are two safe computing practices ? c) stack based
a) Not to open software from unknown vendors d) all of the mentioned
b) Open and execute programs in admin
Answer: d
c) Open and execute programs in presence of
antivirus 4. What are the different ways to classify an IDS ?
a) Zone based
b) Host & Network based Answer: a
c) Network & Zone based
8. What are drawbacks of signature based IDS ?
d) Level based
a) They are unable to detect novel attacks
b) They suffer from false alarms
Answer: b
c) They have to be programmed again for every
new pattern to be detected
5. What are characteristics of anomaly based IDS
d) All of the mentioned
a) It models the normal usage of network as a
noise characterization Answer: d
b) It doesn’t detect novel attacks
9. What are characteristics of Host based IDS ?
c) Anything distinct from the noise is not assumed
a) The host operating system logs in the audit
to be intrusion activity
d) It detects based on signature
b) Logs includes logins,file opens and program
Answer: a
c) Logs are analysed to detect tails of intrusion
d) All of the mentioned
6. What is major drawback of anomaly detection
a) These are very slow at detection Answer: d
b) It generates many false alarms
10. What are drawbacks of the host based IDS ?
c) It doesn’t detect novel attacks
a) Unselective logging of messages may increase
d) None of the mentioned
the audit burdens
b) Selective logging runs the risk of missed
Answer: b
c) They are very fast to detect
7. What are characteristics of signature based
d) They have to be programmed for new patterns
a) Most are based on simple pattern matching
algorithms Answer: a
b) It is programmed to interpret a certain series of
11. What are strengths of the host based IDS ?
a) Attack verification
c) It models the normal usage of network as a
b) System specific activity
noise characterization
c) No additional hardware required
d) Anything distinct from the noise is assumed to
d) All of the mentioned
be intrusion activity

Answer: d
12. What are characteristics of stack based IDS ? This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
a) They are integrated closely with the TCP/IP Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
stack and watch packets “Security – Cryptography”.
b) The host operating system logs in the audit
1. What is preferred way of encryption ?
a) pre shared secret key
c) It is programmed to interpret a certain series of
b) using key distribution center (KDC)
c) public key-encryption
d) It models the normal usage of network as a
d) symmetric key
noise characterization

Answer: c
Answer: a Explanation: Pre Shared key can be
compromised and either party can be suspected.
advertisement Likewise KDC or symmetric key can have breach
which are undesirable. Public and private key
13. What are characteristics of Network based encryption is a known industry standard.
IDS ? 2. What is not a role of encryption ?
a) They look for attack signatures in network a) It is used to protect data from unauthorized
traffic access during transmission
b) Filter decides which traffic will not be discarded b) It is used to ensure user authentication
or passed c) It is used to ensure data integrity
c) It is programmed to interpret a certain series of d) It is used to ensure data corruption doesn’t
packet happens
d) It models the normal usage of network as a
noise characterization
Answer: d
Explanation: Encryption doesn’t have error
Answer: a correction or detection facility thus cannot be
used to safeguard from data corruption.
14. What are strengths of Network based IDS ? 3. What is cipher-block chaining ?
a) Cost of ownership reduced a) Data is logically ‘ANDed’ with previous block
b) Malicious intent detection b) Data is logically ‘ORed’ with previous block
c) Real time detection and response c) Data is logically ‘XORed’ with previous block
d) All of the mentioned d) None of the mentioned

Answer: c
Answer: d
Operating System Questions & Answers – 4. What is not an encryption standard ?
Security – Cryptography a) AES
b) TES
c) Triple DES
d) DES b) AES
c) DAS
Answer: b d) Digital-signature

5. Which of following is not a stream cipher? Answer: a

a) Two fish
b) RC5 10. What is role of Key Distribution Center ?
c) RC4 a) It is used to distribute keys to everyone in
d) TBONE world
b) It intended to reduce the risks inherent in
Answer: d exchanging keys
c) all of the mentioned
6. What is a Hash Function ? d) none of the mentioned
a) It creates a small flexible block of data
b) It creates a small,fixed block of data
c) It creates a encrypted block of data Answer: b
d) none of the mentioned Operating System Questions & Answers –
Secondary Storage

Answer: b This set of Operating System Multiple Choice

Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
7. MD5 produces __ bits hash data. “Secondary Storage”.
a) 128
1. Which one of the following is not a secondary
b) 150
c) 160
a) Magnetic disks
d) 112
b) Magnetic tapes
c) RAM
Answer: a
d) None of the mentioned

8. SHA-1 produces __ bit of hash.

a) 128 Answer: c
b) 160
2. Which private network uses storage protocol
c) 150
rather than networking protocol?
d) 112
a) storage area network
b) local area network
Answer: b
c) wide area network
d) none of the mentioned
9. Which two of the following are authentication
algorithms ?
a) MAC
Answer: a b) disk mirroring
c) both disk arrays with striping and disk mirroring
3. The time for the disk arm to move the heads to
d) none of the mentioned
the cylinder containing the desired sector is called
a) disk time
Answer: b
b) seek time
Explanation: A variety of disk-organization
c) arm time techniques is called “redundant arrays of
d) sector time independent disks (RAID)”.
8. When we write something on the disk, which
Answer: b one of the following can not happen?
a) successful completion
4. Which algorithm of disk scheduling selects the b) partial failure
request with the least seek time from the current c) total failure
head positions? d) none of the mentioned
a) SSTF scheduling
b) FCFS scheduling Answer: d
c) SCAN scheduling
d) LOOK scheduling 9. During recovery from a failure
a) each pair of physical block is examined
Answer: a b) specified pair of physical block is examined
c) first pair of physical block is examined
5. Operating system is responsible for d) none of the mentioned
a) disk initialization
b) booting from disk Answer: a
c) bad-block recovery
d) all of the mentioned 10. The replacement of a bad block generally is
not totally automatic because
Answer: d a) data in bad block can not be replaced
b) data in bad block is usually lost
6. A swap space can reside in c) bad block does not contain any data
a) Separate disk partition d) none of the mentioned
b) RAM
c) Cache
d) None of the mentioned Answer: b
Operating System Questions & Answers – Linux

Answer: a This set of Operating System Multiple Choice

Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Linux”.
7. RAID level 1 refers to
a) disk arrays with striping
1. Linux uses a time-sharing algorithm a) GRUB
a) to pair preemptive scheduling between multiple b) LILO
processes c) NTLDR
b) for tasks where absolute priorities are more d) None of the mentioned
important than fairness
c) all of the mentioned Answer: c
d) none of the mentioned
6. The first process launched by the linux kernel
Answer: a is
a) init process
2. First linux kernel which supports the SMP b) zombie process
hardware was c) batch process
a) linux 0.1 d) boot process
b) linux 1.0
c) linux 1.2 Answer: a
d) linux 2.0
7. Which desktop environment is not used in any
Answer: d linux distribution?
a) gnome
3. Which one of the following linux file system b) kde
does not support journaling feature? c) unity
a) ext2 d) none of the mentioned
b) ext3
c) ext4 Answer: d
d) none of the mentioned
8. Standard set of functions through which
Answer: a interacts with kernel is defined by
a) system libraries
4. Which binary format is supported by linux? b) kernel code
a) a.out c) compilers
b) elf d) utility programs
c) both a.out and ELF
d) none of the mentioned Answer: a

Answer: c 9. Linux is
a) single user, single tasking
5. Which one of the following bootloader is not b) single user, multitasking
used by linux? c) multi user, single tasking
d) multi user, multitasking a) other threads in the another process can also
read from that file
Answer: d b) other threads in the same process can also
read from that file
10. Which one of the following is not a linux c) any other thread can not read from that file
distribution? d) all of the mentioned
a) debian
b) gentoo Answer: b
c) open SUSE
d) multics
4. The time required to create a new thread in an
existing process is
Answer: d a) greater than the time required to create a new
Operating System Questions & Answers – process
Threads c) less than the time required to create a new
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
c) equal to the time required to create a new
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
d) none of the mentioned
1. Which one of the following is not shared by
threads? Answer: b
a) program counter
b) stack
5. When the event for which a thread is blocked
c) both program counter and stack
d) none of the mentioned
a) thread moves to the ready queue
b) thread remains blocked
Answer: c
c) thread completes
d) a new thread is provided
2. A process can be
a) single threaded Answer: a
b) multithreaded
c) both single threaded and multithreaded
6. The jacketing technique is used to
d) none of the mentioned
a) convert a blocking system call into non
blocking system call
Answer: c
b) create a new thread
c) communicate between threads
3. If one thread opens a file with read privileges d) terminate a thread
Answer: a Answer: d

7. Termination of the process terminates

Operating System Questions and Answers – User
a) first thread of the process and Kernel Threads
b) first two threads of the process
c) all threads within the process This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
d) no thread within the process Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “User
and Kernel Threads”.

Answer: c 1. A thread is also called :

a) Light Weight Process(LWP)
8. Which one of the following is not a valid state b) Heavy Weight Process(HWP)
of a thread? c) Process
a) running d) None of the mentioned
b) parsing
c) ready Answer: a
d) blocked
2. A thread shares its resources(like data section,
Answer: b code section, open files, signals) with :
a) other process similar to the one that the thread
9. The register context and stacks of a thread are belongs to
deallocated when the thread b) other threads that belong to similar processes
a) terminates c) other threads that belong to the same process
b) blocks d) all of the mentioned
c) unblocks
d) spawns Answer: c

Answer: a 3. A heavy weight process :

a) has multiple threads of execution
10. Thread synchronization is required because b) has a single thread of execution
a) all threads of a process share the same c) can have multiple or a single thread for
address space execution
b) all threads of a process share the same global d) none of the mentioned
c) all threads of a process can share the same Answer: b
d) all of the mentioned
4. A process having multiple threads of control d) can increase or decrease the concurrency
implies :
a) it can do more than one task at a time Answer: b
b) it can do only one task at a time, but much
8. The kernel is _______ of user threads.
c) it has to use only one thread per process
a) a part of
d) none of the mentioned
b) the creator of
c) unaware of
Answer: a d) aware of

5. Multithreading an interactive program will Answer: c

increase responsiveness to the user by :
a) continuing to run even if a part of it is blocked
9. If the kernel is single threaded, then any user
b) waiting for one part to finish before the other
level thread performing a blocking system call will
c) asking the user to decide the order of
a) cause the entire process to run along with the
other threads
d) none of the mentioned
b) cause the thread to block with the other
threads running
Answer: a c) cause the entire process to block even if the
other threads are available to run
6. Resource sharing helps : d) none of the mentioned
a) share the memory and resources of the
process to which the threads belong Answer: c
b) an application have several different threads of
activity all within the same address space
10. Because the kernel thread management is
c) reduce the address space that a process could
done by the Operating System itself :
potentially use
a) kernel threads are faster to create than user
d) all of the mentioned
b) kernel threads are slower to create than user
Answer: d threads
c) kernel threads are easier to manage as well as
7. Multithreading on a multi – CPU machine : create then user threads
a) decreases concurrency d) none of the mentioned
b) increases concurrency
c) doesn’t affect the concurrency Answer: b
advertisement c) Many to Many model
11. If a kernel thread performs a blocking system d) One to One model
call, ____________
a) the kernel can schedule another thread in the Answer: a
application for execution
b) the kernel cannot schedule another thread in 2. The model in which one user-level thread is
the same application for execution mapped to many kernel level threads is called :
c) the kernel must schedule another thread of a a) Many to One model
different application for execution b) One to Many model
d) the kernel must schedule another thread of the c) Many to Many model
same application on a different processor d) One to One model

Answer: a Answer: b

12. Which of the following is FALSE ? 3. In the Many to One model, if a thread makes a
a) Context switch time is longer for kernel level blocking system call :
threads than for user level threads a) the entire process will be blocked
b) User level threads do not need any hardware b) a part of the process will stay blocked, with the
support rest running
c) Related kernel level threads can be scheduled c) the entire process will run
on different processors in a multiprocessor d) none of the mentioned
d) Blocking one kernel level thread blocks all
Answer: a
other related threads

4. In the Many to One model, multiple threads are

Answer: d
unable to run in parallel on multiprocessors
because :
Operating System Questions and Answers – Multi a) only one thread can access the kernel at a time
Threading Models b) many user threads have access to just one
kernel thread
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
c) there is only one kernel thread
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Multi
d) none of the mentioned
Threading Models”.

1. The model in which one kernel thread is Answer: a

mapped to many user-level threads is called :
a) Many to One model
b) One to Many model
5. The One to One model allows : d) None of the mentioned
a) increased concurrency
b) decreased concurrency Answer: a
c) increased or decreased concurrency
d) concurrency equivalent to other models
9. In the Many to Many model true concurrency
cannot be gained because :
Answer: a a) the kernel can schedule only one thread at a
6. In the One to One model when a thread makes b) there are too many threads to handle
a blocking system call : c) it is hard to map threads with each other
a) other threads are strictly prohibited from d) none of the mentioned
b) other threads are allowed to run Answer: a
c) other threads only from other processes are
allowed to run
10. In the Many to Many model when a thread
d) none of the mentioned
performs a blocking system call :
a) other threads are strictly prohibited from
Answer: b running
b) other threads are allowed to run
7. Which of the following is the drawback of the c) other threads only from other processes are
One to One Model ? allowed to run
a) increased concurrency provided by this model d) none of the mentioned
b) decreased concurrency provided by this model
c) creating so many threads at once can crash Answer: b
the system
d) creating a user thread requires creating the
corresponding kernel thread Operating System Questions and Answers – The
Fork and exec System Calls

Answer: d This set of Operating System Multiple Choice

Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “The
8. When is the Many to One model at an Fork and exec System Calls”.
advantage ? 1. Which of the following system calls does not
a) When the program does not need return control to the calling point, on termination ?
multithreading a) fork
b) When the program has to be multi-threaded b) exec
c) When there is a single processor c) ioctl
d) longjmp Answer: c

Answer: b 5. Which of the following calls never returns an

error ?
a) getpid
2. The following program:
b) fork
c) ioctl
if(fork()>0) d) open
Answer: a
results in the creation of:
a) an orphan process
b) a zombie process 6. A fork system call will fail if :
c) a process that executes forever a) the previously executed statement is also a
d) none of the mentioned fork call
b) the limit on the maximum number of processes
in the system would be executed
Answer: b
c) the limit on the minimum number of processes
that can be under execution by a single user
3. Which of the following system calls transforms would be executed
executable binary file into a process ? d) all of the mentioned
a) fork
b) exec
Answer: b
c) ioctl
d) longjmp

Answer: b 7. If a thread invokes the exec system call,

a) only the exec executes as a separate process.
b) the program specified in the parameter to exec
4. The following C program :
will replace the entire process
c) the exec is ignored as it is invoked by a thread.
fork();fork();printf("yes"); d) none of the mentioned
prints yes:
Answer: b
a) only once
b) twice
c) four times 8. If exec is called immediately after forking,
d) eight times a) the program specified in the parameter to exec
will replace the entire process
b) all the threads will be duplicated loading
c) all the threads may be duplicated b) the thread loading the page does not stop, but
d) none of the mentioned continues with another task
c) the thread loading the page is paused
Answer: a d) the thread loading the page is cancelled

9. If a process does not call exec after forking, Answer: d

a) the program specified in the parameter to exec
will replace the entire process 3. When one thread immediately terminates the
b) all the threads should be duplicated target thread, it is called :
c) all the threads should not be duplicated a) Asynchronous cancellation
d) none of the mentioned b) Systematic cancellation
c) Sudden Termination
d) Deferred cancellation
Answer: b
Explanation: The new process is purely based
on fork, due to no exec command, duplication Answer: a
will be done.Operating System Questions and
Answers – Thread Cancellation
4. When the target thread periodically checks if it
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice should terminate and terminates itself in an
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on orderly manner, it is called :
“Thread Cancellation”. a) Asynchronous cancellation
b) Systematic cancellation
1. Thread cancellation is :
c) Sudden Termination
a) the task of destroying the thread once its work
d) Deferred cancellation
is done
b) the task of removing a thread once its work is
Answer: d
c) the task of terminating a thread before it has
completed 5. Cancelling a thread asynchronously :
d) none of the mentioned a) frees all the resources properly
b) may not free each resource
Answer: c c) spoils the process execution
d) none of the mentioned

2. When a web page is loading, and the user

Answer: b
presses a button on the browser to stop loading
the page :
a) the thread loading the page continues with the
6. Cancellation point is the point where : signal is sent
a) the thread can be cancelled – safely or d) each signal is maintained by a single bit
otherwise doesn’t matter
b) the thread can be cancelled safely Answer: c
c) the whole process can be cancelled safely Explanation: A field is updated in the process
d) none of the mentioned table when the signal is sent.

3. Signals of a given type :

Answer: b a) are queued
b) are all sent as one
7. If multiple threads are concurrently searching c) cannot be queued
through a database and one thread returns the d) none of the mentioned
result then the remaining threads must be :
a) continued Answer: b
b) cancelled Explanation: The signal handler will be invoked
only once.
c) protected
d) none of the mentioned 4. The three ways in which a process responds to
a signal are :
a) ignoring the signal
Answer: b b) handling the signal
Operating System Questions and Answers –
Signal Handling c) performing some default action
d) all of the mentioned
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Signal Answer: d

1. Signals that occur at the same time, are 5. Signals are identified by :
presented to the process : a) signal identifiers
a) one at a time, in a particular order b) signal handlers
b) one at a time, in no particular order c) signal actions
c) all at a time d) none of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: a
Answer: b

6. When a process blocks the receipt of certain

2. Which of the following is not TRUE : signals :
a) Processes may send each other signals a) The signals are delivered
b) Kernel may send signals internally b) The signals are not delivered
c) a field is updated in the signal table when the c) The signals are received until they are
unblocked a) core dump file generation
d) The signals are received by the process once b) system crash
they are delivered c) program switch
d) signal destruction
Answer: a
Answer: a
7. The _______ maintains pending and blocked
bit vectors in context of each process. 11. In UNIX, the abort() function sends the
a) CPU ________ signal to the calling process, causing
b) Memory abnormal termination.
c) Process a) SIGTERM
d) Kernel b) SIGSTOP
Answer: d d) SIGABRT

Answer: d
8. In UNIX, the set of masked signals can be set
or cleared using the ________ function.
a) sigmask 12. In most cases, if a process is sent a signal
b) sigmaskproc while it is executing a system call :
c) sigprocmask a) the system call will continue execution and the
d) sigproc signal will be ignored completely
b) the system call is interrupted by the signal, and
Answer: c the signal handler comes in
c) the signal has no effect until the system call
9. The usefulness of signals as a general inter
d) none of the mentioned
process communication mechanism is limited
because :
Answer: c
a) they do not work between processes
b) they are user generated
c) they cannot carry information directly advertisement
d) none of the mentioned 13. A process can never be sure that a signal it
has sent _____________
Answer: c a) has which identifier
b) has not been lost
10. The usual effect of abnormal termination of a c) has been sent
program is :
d) all of the mentioned Answer: b

Answer: b 3. Each connection arriving at multi threaded

servers via network is generally :
a) is directly put into the blocking queue
14. In UNIX, the _____ system call is used to
b) is wrapped as a task and passed on to a
send a signal.
thread pool
a) sig
c) is kept in a normal queue and then sent to the
b) send
blocking queue from where it is dequeued
c) kill
d) none of the mentioned
d) sigsend

Answer: b
Answer: c
Operating System Questions and Answers –
4. The idea behind thread pools is :
Thread Pools
a) a number of threads are created at process
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice startup and placed in a pool where they sit and
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on wait for work
“Thread Pools”. b) when a process begins, a pool of threads is
chosen from the many existing and each thread is
1. Thread pools are useful when :
allotted equal amount of work
a) when we need to limit the number of threads
c) all threads in a pool distribute the task equally
running in the application at the same time
among themselves
b) when we need to limit the number of threads
d) none of the mentioned
running in the application as a whole
c) when we need to arrange the ordering of
threads Answer: a
d) none of the mentioned
5. If the thread pool contains no available thread :
Answer: a a) the server runs a new process
b) the server goes to another thread pool
c) the server demands for a new pool creation
2. Instead of starting a new thread for every task
d) the server waits until one becomes free
to execute concurrently, the task can be passed
to a ___________
a) process Answer: d
b) thread pool
c) thread queue 6. Thread pools help in :
d) none of the mentioned a) servicing multiple requests using one thread
b) servicing a single request using multiple
threads from the pool c) instructions
c) faster servicing of requests with an existing d) none of the mentioned
thread rather than waiting to create a new thread
d) none of the mentioned Answer: a

Answer: c 2. _____ is the concept in which a process is

copied into main memory from the secondary
7. Thread pools limit the number of threads that memory according to the requirement.
exist at any one point, hence : a) Paging
a) not letting the system resources like CPU time b) Demand paging
and memory exhaust c) Segmentation
b) helping a limited number of processes at a time d) Swapping
c) not serving all requests and ignoring many
d) none of the mentioned Answer: b

Answer: a 3. The pager concerns with the

a) individual page of a process
advertisement b) entire process
8. The number of the threads in the pool can be c) entire thread
decided on factors such as : d) first page of a process
a) number of CPUs in the system
b) amount of physical memory Answer: a
c) expected number of concurrent client requests
d) all of the mentioned 4. Swap space exists in
a) primary memory
b) secondary memory
Answer: d
c) cpu
Operating System Questions & Answers – Virtual
Memory d) none of the mentioned

This set of Operating System Multiple Choice

5. When a program tries to access a page that is
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Virtual
mapped in address space but not loaded in
physical memory, then
1. Because of virtual memory, the memory can be a) segmentation fault occurs
shared among b) fatal error occurs
a) processes c) page fault occurs
b) threads
d) no error occurs Answer: a

Answer: c 10. Working set model for page replacement is

based on the assumption of
a) modularity
6. Effective access time is directly proportional to
b) locality
a) page-fault rate
c) globalization
b) hit ratio
d) random access
c) memory access time
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: b

Answer: a
Operating System Questions & Answers – Virtual
7. In FIFO page replacement algorithm, when a Memory – Demand Paging
page must be replaced
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
a) oldest page is chosen
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Virtual
b) newest page is chosen
Memory – Demand Paging”.
c) random page is chosen
d) none of the mentioned 1. Virtual memory allows :
a) execution of a process that may not be
completely in memory
8. Which algorithm chooses the page that has not
b) a program to be smaller than the physical
been used for the longest period of time
whenever the page required to be replaced?
c) a program to be larger than the secondary
a) first in first out algorithm
b) additional reference bit algorithm
d) execution of a process without being in
c) least recently used algorithm
physical memory
d) counting based page replacement algorithm

Answer: a
Answer: c

2. The instruction being executed, must be in :

9. A process is thrashing if
a) physical memory
a) it is spending more time paging than executing
b) logical memory
b) it is spending less time paging than executing
c) physical & logical memory
c) page fault occurs
d) none of the mentioned
d) swapping can not take place

Answer: a
3. Error handler codes, to handle unusual errors Answer: a
are :
a) almost never executed 7. Segment replacement algorithms are more
b) executed very often complex than page replacement algorithms
c) executed periodically because :
d) none of the mentioned a) Segments are better than pages
b) Pages are better than segments
Answer: a c) Segments have variable sizes
d) Segments have fixed sizes

4. The ability to execute a program that is only

partially in memory has benefits like : Answer: c
a) The amount of physical memory cannot put a
constraint on the program 8. A swapper manipulates ___________ whereas
b) Programs for an extremely large virtual space the pager is concerned with individual _______ of
can be created a process.
c) Throughput increases a) the entire process, parts
d) All of the mentioned b) all the pages of a process, segments
c) the entire process, pages
Answer: d d) none of the mentioned

5. In virtual memory. the programmer Answer: c

__________ of overlays.
a) has to take care 9. Using a pager :
b) does not have to take care a) increases the swap time
c) all of the mentioned b) decreases the swap time
d) none of the mentioned c) decreases the swap time & amount of physical
memory needed
Answer: b d) increases the amount of physical memory

6. Virtual memory is normally implemented by

________ Answer: c
a) demand paging
b) buses 10. The valid – invalid bit, in this case, when valid
c) virtualization indicates :
d) all of the mentioned a) the page is not legal
b) the page is illegal
c) the page is in memory
d) the page is not in memory paged memory is :
a) p x ma + (1-p) x page fault time
Answer: c b) ma + page fault time
c) (1-p) x ma + p x page fault time
d) none of the mentioned
11. A page fault occurs when :
a) a page gives inconsistent data
b) a page cannot be accessed due to its absence Answer: c
from memory
c) a page is invisible 15. When the page fault rate is low :
d) all of the mentioned a) the turnaround time increases
b) the effective access time increases
Answer: b c) the effective access time decreases
d) turnaround time & effective access time
12. When a page fault occurs, the state of the
interrupted process is :
Answer: c
a) disrupted
b) invalid
c) saved 16. Locality of reference implies that the page
d) none of the mentioned reference being made by a process :
a) will always be to the page used in the previous
Answer: c page reference
b) is likely to be one of the pages used in the last
advertisement few page references
c) will always be one of the pages existing in
13. When a process begins execution with no memory
pages in memory : d) will always lead to page faults
a) process execution becomes impossible
b) a page fault occurs for every page brought into
Answer: b
c) process causes system crash
d) none of the mentioned Operating System Questions & Answers – Virtual
Memory – Page Replacement Algorithms – 1
Answer: b
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Virtual
14. If the memory access time is denoted by ‘ma’ Memory – Page Replacement Algorithms – 1”.
and ‘p’ is the probability of a page fault (0 <= p <=
1). Then the effective access time for a demand
1. Which of the following page replacement c) FIFO
algorithms suffers from Belady’s Anomaly ? d) None of the mentioned
a) Optimal replacement
b) LRU Answer: c
d) Both optimal replacement and FIFO
5. A virtual memory system uses First In First Out
(FIFO) page replacement policy and allocates a
Answer: c fixed number of frames to a process. Consider
the following statements :
2. A process refers to 5 pages, A, B, C, D, E in P : Increasing the number of page frames
the order : A, B, C, D, A, B, E, A, B, C, D, E. If the allocated to a process sometimes increases the
page replacement algorithm is FIFO, the number page fault rate
of page transfers with an empty internal store of 3 Q : Some programs do not exhibit locality of
frames is : reference
a) 8 Which of the following is TRUE?
b) 10 a) Both P and Q are true, and Q is the reason for
c) 9 P
d) 7 b) Both P and Q are true, but Q is not the reason
for P
Answer: c c) P is false but Q is true
d) Both P and Q are false

3. In question 2, if the number of page frames is

Answer: c
increased to 4, then the number of page transfers
a) decreases 6. Users _______ that their processes are
b) increases running on a paged system.
c) remains the same a) are aware
d) none of the mentioned b) are unaware
c) may unaware
Answer: b c) none of the mentioned

Answer: b
4. A memory page containing a heavily used
variable that was initialized very early and is in
constant use is removed, then the page 7. If no frames are free, _____ page transfer(s)
replacement algorithm used is : is/are required.
a) LRU a) one
b) LFU b) two
c) three long time
d) four b) Replace the page that has been used for a
long time
Answer: b c) Replace the page that will not be used for a
long time
d) None of the mentioned
8. When a page is selected for replacement, and
its modify bit is set :
a) the page is clean Answer: c
b) the page has been modified since it was read
in from the disk 12. Optimal page – replacement algorithm is
c) the page is dirty difficult to implement, because :
d) the page has been modified since it was read a) it requires a lot of information
in from the disk & page is dirty b) it requires future knowledge of the reference
Answer: d c) it is too complex
d) it is extremely expensive

9. The aim of creating page replacement

Answer: b
algorithms is to :
a) replace pages faster
b) increase the page fault rate advertisement
c) decrease the page fault rate 13. LRU page – replacement algorithm
d) to allocate multiple pages to processes associates with each page the ______
a) time it was brought into memory
Answer: c b) the time of that page’s last use
c) page after and before it
10. A FIFO replacement algorithm associates with d) all of the mentioned
each page the _______
a) time it was brought into memory Answer: b
b) size of the page in memory
c) page after and before it 14. For 3 page frames, the following is the
d) all of the mentioned reference string :
Answer: a How many page faults does the LRU page
replacement algorithm produce ?
11. Optimal page – replacement algorithm is : a) 10
a) Replace the page that has not been used for a b) 15
c) 11 the stack and put on bottom
d) 12 b) the bottom of the stack is the LRU page
c) the top of the stack contains the LRU page and
Answer: d all new pages are added to the top
d) none of the mentioned

15. The two methods how LRU page replacement

policy can be implemented in hardware are: Answer: b
a) Counters
b) RAM & Registers 3. There is a set of page replacement algorithms
c) Stack & Counters that can never exhibit Belady’s Anomaly, called :
d) Registers a) queue algorithms
b) stack algorithms
Answer: c c) string algorithms
d) none of the mentioned

Operating System Questions & Answers – Virtual Answer: b

Memory – Page Replacement Algorithms – 2

This set of Operating System MCQs focuses on 4. Applying the LRU page replacement to the
“Virtual Memory – Page Replacement Algorithms following reference string :
– 2”. 12452124
1. When using counters to implement LRU, we The main memory can accommodate 3 pages
replace the page with the : and it already has pages 1 and 2. Page 1 came in
a) smallest time value before page 2.
b) largest time value How many page faults will occur ?
c) greatest size a) 2
d) none of the mentioned b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
Answer: a
Explanation: Whenever a reference to a page is
made, the contents of the clock register are Answer: c
copied into the time-of-use field in the page-table
entry for that page. In this way we always have
the time of the last reference to each page. 5. Increasing the RAM of a computer typically
improves performance because:
2. In the stack implementation of the LRU
a) Virtual memory increases
algorithm, a stack can be maintained in a manner
b) Larger RAMs are faster
c) Fewer page faults occur
a) whenever a page is used, it is removed from
d) None of the mentioned 9. The reason for using the MFU page
replacement algorithm is :
Answer: c a) an actively used page should have a large
reference count
b) a less used page has more chances to be used
6. The essential content(s) in each entry of a
page table is / are :
c) it is extremely efficient and optimal
a) Virtual page number
d) all of the mentioned
b) Page frame number
c) Both virtual page number and page frame
number Answer: b
d) Access right information
10. The implementation of the LFU and the MFU
Answer: b algorithm is very uncommon because :
a) they are too complicated
b) they are optimal
7. The minimum number of page frames that
c) they are expensive
must be allocated to a running process in a virtual
d) all of the mentioned
memory environment is determined by :
a) the instruction set architecture
Answer: c
b) page size
c) physical memory size
d) number of processes in memory
Operating System Questions & Answers – Virtual
Memory – Allocation of Frames
Answer: a
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
Questions & Answers focuses on “Virtual Memory
8. The reason for using the LFU page – Allocation of Frames”.
replacement algorithm is :
a) an actively used page should have a large 1. The minimum number of frames to be allocated
reference count to a process is decided by the :
b) a less used page has more chances to be used a) the amount of available physical memory
again b) operating System
c) it is extremely efficient and optimal c) instruction set architecture
d) all of the mentioned d) none of the mentioned

Answer: a Answer: c
2. When a page fault occurs before an executing d) none of the mentioned
instruction is complete :
a) the instruction must be restarted Answer: b
b) the instruction must be ignored
c) the instruction must be completed ignoring the
6. The algorithm in which we allocate memory to
page fault
each process according to its size is known as :
d) none of the mentioned
a) proportional allocation algorithm
b) equal allocation algorithm
Answer: a c) split allocation algorithm
d) none of the mentioned
3. Consider a machine in which all memory
reference instructions have only one memory Answer: a
address, for them we need at least _____
7. With either equal or proportional algorithm, a
a) one
high priority process is treated ___________ a
b) two
low priority process.
c) three
a) greater than
d) none of the mentioned
b) same as
c) lesser than
Answer: b d) none of the mentioned
Explanation: At least one frame for the instruction
and one for the memory reference.
Answer: b
4. The maximum number of frames per process is
defined by :
a) the amount of available physical memory 8. _________ replacement allows a process to
b) operating System select a replacement frame from the set of all
c) instruction set architecture frames, even if the frame is currently allocated to
d) none of the mentioned some other process.
a) Local
b) Universal
Answer: a
c) Global
d) Public
5. The algorithm in which we split m frames
among n processes, to give everyone an equal
Answer: c
share, m/n frames is known as :
a) proportional allocation algorithm
b) equal allocation algorithm 9. _________ replacement allows each process
c) split allocation algorithm to only select from its own set of allocated frames.
a) Local b) it spends a lot of time paging, than executing
b) Universal c) it has no memory allocated to it
c) Global d) none of the mentioned
d) Public
Answer: b
Answer: a
2. Thrashing _______ the CPU utilization.
10. One problem with the global replacement a) increases
algorithm is that : b) keeps constant
a) it is very expensive c) decreases
b) many frames can be allocated to a process d) none of the mentioned
c) only a few frames can be allocated to a
process Answer: c
d) a process cannot control its own page – fault
3. A locality is :
a) a set of pages that are actively used together
Answer: d b) a space in memory
c) an area near a set of processes
advertisement d) none of the mentioned
11. ________ replacement generally results in
greater system throughput. Answer: a
a) Local
b) Global 4. When a subroutine is called,
c) Universal a) it defines a new locality
d) Public b) it is in the same locality from where it was
c) it does not define a new locality
Answer: b
d) none of the mentioned
Operating System Questions & Answers – Virtual
Memory – Thrashing
Answer: a
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Virtual
Memory – Thrashing”. 5. A program is generally composed of several
different localities, which _____ overlap.
1. A process is thrashing if : a) may
a) it spends a lot of time executing, rather than b) must
paging c) do not
d) must not c) it will cause memory problems
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: a
Answer: b
6. In the working set model, for :
26157777516234123444343444 10. If the sum of the working – set sizes
1323 increases, exceeding the total number of
if DELTA = 10, then the working set at time t1 available frames :
(….7 5 1) is : a) then the process crashes
a) {1, 2, 4, 5, 6} b) the memory overflows
b) {2, 1, 6, 7, 3} c) the system crashes
c) {1, 6, 5, 7, 2} d) the operating system selects a process to
d) {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} suspend

Answer: c Answer: d

7. The accuracy of the working set depends on 11. Consider the following page reference string :
the selection of : 12342156212376321236
a) working set model For LRU page replacement algorithm with 4
b) working set size frames, the number of page faults is :
c) memory size a) 10
d) number of pages in memory b) 14
c) 8
Answer: b d) 11

Answer: a
8. If working set window is too small :
a) it will not encompass entire locality
b) it may overlap several localities 12. Consider the following page reference string :
c) it will cause memory problems 12342156212376321236
d) none of the mentioned For LRU page replacement algorithm with 5
frames, the number of page faults is :
Answer: a a) 10
b) 14
c) 8
9. If working set window is too large :
d) 11
a) it will not encompass entire locality
b) it may overlap several localities
Answer: c Answer: d
Operating System Questions & Answers – File
System Concepts
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
13. Consider the following page reference string :
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “File
System Concepts”.
For FIFO page replacement algorithms with 3
frames, the number of page faults is : 1. ______ is a unique tag, usually a number,
a) 16 identifies the file within the file system.
b) 15 a) File identifier
c) 14 b) File name
d) 11 c) File type
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a
Answer: a
14. Consider the following page reference string :
12342156212376321236 2. To create a file
For FIFO page replacement algorithms with 4 a) allocate the space in file system
frames, the number of page faults is : b) make an entry for new file in directory
a) 16 c) allocate the space in file system & make an
b) 15 entry for new file in directory
c) 14 d) none of the mentioned
d) 11
Answer: c
Answer: c

3. By using the specific system call, we can

15. Consider the following page reference string : a) open the file
12342156212376321236 b) read the file
For Optimal page replacement algorithms with 3 c) write into the file
frames, the number of page faults is : d) all of the mentioned
a) 16
b) 15 Answer: d
c) 14
d) 11
4. File type can be represented by
a) file name
b) file extension
c) file identifier
d) none of the mentioned c) volume manager
d) remote mirror
Answer: b
Answer: a
5. Which file is a sequence of bytes organized
into blocks understandable by the system’s 9. Which one of the following explains the
linker? sequential file access method?
a) object file a) random access according to the given byte
b) source file number
c) executable file b) read bytes one at a time, in order
d) text file c) read/write sequentially by record
d) read/write randomly by record
Answer: a
Answer: b

6. What is the mounting of file system?

a) crating of a filesystem 10. file system fragmentation occurs when
b) deleting a filesystem a) unused space or single file are not contiguous
c) attaching portion of the file system into a b) used space is not contiguous
directory structure c) unused space is non-contiguous
d) removing portion of the file system into a d) multiple files are non-contiguous
directory structure

Answer: a
Answer: c
Operating System Questions & Answers – File
System Implementation
7. Mapping of file is managed by
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
a) file metadata
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “File
b) page table
System Implementation”.
c) virtual memory
d) file system 1. Management of metadata information is done
Answer: a a) file-organisation module
b) logical file system
c) basic file system
8. Mapping of network file system protocol to local
d) application programs
file system is done by
a) network file system
Answer: b
b) local file system
2. A file control block contains the information 6. What is raw disk?
about a) disk without file system
a) file ownership b) empty disk
b) file permissions c) disk lacking logical file system
c) location of file contents d) disk having file system
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: a
Answer: d
7. The data structure used for file directory is
3. Which table contains the information about called
each mounted volume? a) mount table
a) mount table b) hash table
b) system-wide open-file table c) file table
c) per-process open-file table d) process table
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: b
Answer: d

8. In which type of allocation method each file

4. To create a new file application program calls occupy a set of contiguous block on the disk?
a) basic file system a) contiguous allocation
b) logical file system b) dynamic-storage allocation
c) file-organisation module c) linked allocation
d) none of the mentioned d) indexed allocation

Answer: b Answer: a

5. When a process closes the file 9. If the block of free-space list is free then bit will
a) per-process table entry is not removed a) 1
b) system wide entry’s open count is b) 0
decremented c) any of 0 or 1
c) all of the mentioned d) none of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: a
Answer: b
10. Which protocol establishes the initial logical
connection between a server and a client?
a) transmission control protocol 4. A file is a/an _______ data type.
b) user datagram protocol a) abstract
c) mount protocol b) primitive
d) datagram congestion control protocol c) public
d) private

Answer: c
Answer: a
Operating System Questions & Answers – File
System Interface Access Methods – 1
5. The operating system keeps a small table
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
containing information about all open files called :
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “File
a) system table
System Interface Access Methods – 1”.
b) open-file table
1. Data cannot be written to secondary storage c) file table
unless written within a ______ d) directory table
a) file
b) swap space Answer: b
c) directory
d) text format
6. In UNIX, the open system call returns :
a) pointer to the entry in the open file table
Answer: a
b) pointer to the entry in the system wide table
c) a file to the process calling it
2. File attributes consist of : d) none of the mentioned
a) name
b) type Answer: a
c) identifier
d) all of the mentioned
7. System wide table in UNIX contains process
independent information such as :
Answer: d
a) location of file on disk
b) access dates
3. The information about all files is kept in : c) file size
a) swap space d) all of the mentioned
b) operating system
c) seperate directory structure Answer: d
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: c
8. The open file table has a/an _______ c) same
associated with each file. d) none of the mentioned
a) file content
b) file permission Answer: a
c) open count
d) close count
3. In the sequential access method, information in
the file is processed :
Answer: c a) one disk after the other, record access doesnt
Explanation: open count indicates the number of
processes that have the file open. matter
b) one record after the other
9. The file name is generally split into two parts : c) one text document after the other
a) name & identifier d) none of the mentioned
b) identifier & type
c) extension & name
Answer: b
d) type & extension

4. Sequential access method ______ on random

Answer: c
access devices.
a) works well
Operating System Questions & Answers – File b) doesnt work well
System Interface Access Methods – 2 c) maybe works well and doesnt work well
d) none of the mentioned
This set of Operating System online test focuses
on “File System Interface Access Methods – 2”.
Answer: a
1. The UNIX sytem uses a/an ________ stored at
the beginning of a some files to indicate roughly
5. The direct access method is based on a
the type of file.
______ model of a file, as _____ allow random
a) identifier
access to any file block.
b) extension
a) magnetic tape, magnetic tapes
c) virtual number
b) tape, tapes
d) magic number
c) disk, disks
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: d

Answer: c
2. The larger the block size, the ______ the
internal fragmentation.
6. For a direct access file :
a) greater
a) there are restrictions on the order of reading
b) lesser
and writing This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
b) there are no restrictions on the order of reading Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “File
and writing System Interface Directory Structure – 1”.
c) access is restricted permission wise
1. To organise file systems on disk, :
d) access is not restricted permission wise
a) they are split into one or more partitions
b) information about files is added to each
Answer: b partition
c) they are made on different storage spaces
7. A relative block number is an index relative to : d) all of the mentioned
a) the beginning of the file
b) the end of the file Answer: b
c) the last written position in file
d) none of the mentioned
2. The directory can be viewed as a _________
that translates file names into their directory
Answer: a entries.
a) symbol table
advertisement b) partition
c) swap space
8. The index contains :
d) cache
a) names of all contents of file
b) pointers to each page
c) pointers to the various blocks Answer: a
d) all of the mentioned
3. In the single level directory :
Answer: c a) All files are contained in different directories all
at the same level
b) All files are contained in the same directory
9. For large files, when the index itself becomes
c) Depends on the operating system
too large to be kept in memory :
d) None of the mentioned
a) index is called
b) an index is created for the index file
c) secondary index files are created Answer: b
d) all of the mentioned
4. In the single level directory :
a) all directories must have unique names
Answer: b b) all files must have unique names
Operating System Questions & Answers – File
System Interface Directory Structure – 1 c) all files must have unique owners
d) all of the mentioned c) it does not isolate users from one another
d) it isolates users from one another
Answer: b
Answer : d
5. In the two level directory structure :
a) each user has his/her own user file directory 9. In the tree structured directories,
b) the system doesn’t its own master file directory a) the tree has the stem directory
c) all of the mentioned b) the tree has the leaf directory
d) none of the mentioned c) the tree has the root directory
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: a
Answer : c

6. When a user job starts in a two level directory

system, or a user logs in : 10. The current directory contains, most of the
a) the users user file directory is searched files that are :
b) the system’s master file directory is not a) of current interest to the user
searched b) stored currently in the system
c) the master file directory is indexed by user c) not used in the system
name or account number, and each entry points d) not of current interest to the system
to the UFD for that user
d) all of the mentioned Answer : a

Answer: c advertisement

11. Path names can be of two types :

7. When a user refers to particular file : a) absolute & relative
a) system MFD is searched b) local & global
b) his own UFD is not searched c) global & relative
c) both MFD and UFD are searched d) relative & local
d) every directory is searched

Answer: c Answer : a
Operating System Questions & Answers – File
System Interface Directory Structure – 2
8. The disadvantage of the two level directory
structure is that : This set of JUnit Problems focuses on “File
a) it does not solve the name collision problem System Interface Directory Structure – 2”.
b) it solves the name collision problem
1. An absolute path name begins at the : a) allows
a) leaf b) may restrict
b) stem c) restricts
c) current directory d) none of the mentioned
d) root
Answer : c
Answer : d
6. With a shared file :
2. A relative path name begins at the : a) actual file exists
a) leaf b) there are two copies of the file
b) stem c) the changes made by one person are not
c) current directory reflected to the other
d) root d) the changes made by one person are reflected
to the other
Answer : c
Answer : d

3. In tree structure, when deleting a directory that

is not empty : 7. In UNIX, a link is :
a) The contents of the directory are safe a) a directory entry
b) The contents of the directory are also deleted b) a pointer to another file or subdirectory
c) contents of the directory are not deleted c) implemented as an absolute or relative path
d) none of the mentioned name
d) all of the mentioned
Answer : b
Answer : d

4. When two users keep a subdirectory in their

own directories, the structure being referred to is : 8. The operating system _______ the links when
a) tree structure traversing directory trees, to preserve the acyclic
b) cyclic graph directory structure structure of the system.
c) two level directory structure a) considers
d) acyclic graph directory b) ignores
c) deletes
Answer : d d) none of the mentioned

5. A tree structure ______ the sharing of files and Answer : b

9. The deletion of a link, ________ the original 1. A mount point is :
file. a) an empty directory at which the mounted file
a) deletes system will be attached
b) affects b) a location where every time file systems are
c) does not affect mounted
d) none of the mentioned c) is the time when the mounting is done
d) none of the mentioned
Answer : c
Answer: a
10. When keeping a list of all the links/references
to a file, and the list is empty, implies that : 2. When a file system is mounted over a directory
a) the file has no copies that is not empty :
b) the file is deleted a) the system may not allow the mount
c) the file is hidden b) the system must allow the mount
d) none of the mentioned c) the system may allow the mount and the
directory’s existing files will then be made
Answer : b obscure
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: c
11. When a cycle exists, the reference count
maybe non zero, even when it is no longer
possible to refer to a directory or file, due to 3. In UNIX, exactly which operations can be
_______ executed by group members and other users is
a) the possibility of one hidden reference definable by :
b) the possibility of two hidden references a) the group’s head
c) the possibility of self referencing b) the file’s owner
d) none of the mentioned c) the file’s permissions
d) all of the mentioned

Answer : c Answer: b
Operating System Questions & Answers – File
System Interface Mounting and Sharing
4. A process _____ lower the priority of another
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice process, if both are owned by the same owner.
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “File a) must
System Interface Mounting and Sharing”. b) can
c) cannot
d) none of the mentioned 8. The machine containing the files is the
_______ and the machine wanting to access the
Answer: b files is the ______
a) master, slave
b) memory, user
5. In distributed file system, ______ directories
c) server, client
are visible from the local machine.
d) none of the mentioned
a) protected
b) local
c) private Answer: c
d) remote
9. Distributed naming services/Distributed
Answer: d information systems have been devised to :
a) provide information about all the systems
b) provide unified access to the information
6. In the world wide web, a ____ is needed to
needed for remote computing
gain access to the remote files, and separate
c) provide unique names to all systems in a
operations are used to transfer files.
a) laptop
d) all of the mentioned
b) plugin
c) browser
Answer: b
d) player

Answer: c 10. Domain name system provides :

a) host-name-to-network-address translations for
the entire internet
7. Anonymous access allows a user to transfer
b) network-address-to-host-name translations for
files :
the entire internet
a) without having an account on the remote
c) binary to hex translations for the entire internet
d) all of the mentioned
b) only if he accesses the system with a guest
Answer: a
c) only if he has an account on the remote system
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: a 11. To recover from failures in the network

Explanation: The world wide web uses operations, ______ information may be
anonymous file exchange almost exclusively.
a) ip address
b) state Answer: a
c) stateless
d) operating system 3. The main problem with access control lists is :
a) their maintenance
Answer: b b) their length
c) their permissions
d) all of the mentioned
12. The series of accesses between the open and
close operations is a :
a) transaction Answer: b
b) procedure
c) program 4. Many systems recognize three classifications
d) file session of users in connection with each file (to condense
the access control list) :
Answer: d a) Owner
b) Group
c) Universe
Operating System Questions & Answers – File d) All of the mentioned
System Interface Protection

This set of Operating System Multiple Choice 5. All users in a group get _______ access to a
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “File file.
System Interface Protection”. a) different
1. Reliability of files can be increased by : b) similar
a) keeping the files safely in the memory c) same
b) making a different partition for the files c) none of the mentioned
c) by keeping them in external storage
d) by keeping duplicate copies of the file Answer: b

Answer: d 6. Universe consists of :

a) all users that aren’t included in the group or
2. Protection is only provided at the _____ level. owners
a) lower b) all users that are not owners
b) central c) all users in the system
c) higher d) none of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: c
7. In UNIX, groups can be created and modified Answer: b
by :
a) superuser advertisement
b) any user
11. In UNIX, the directory protection is handled
c) a programmer only
_________ to the file protection.
d) the people in the group only
a) different
b) similar
Answer: a c) it is not handled at all
d) none of the mentioned
8. To control access the three bits used in UNIX
are represented by : Answer: b
a) r
b) w
12. Disks are segmented into one or more
c) x
partitions, each containing a file system or
d) all of the mentioned
a) left ‘raw’
Answer: d b) made into swap space
c) made into backup space
9. If each access to a file is controlled by a d) left ‘ripe’
password, then the disadvantage is that :
a) user will need to remember a lot of passwords
b) it is not reliable Answer: a
Operating System Questions & Answers – File
c) it is not efficient System Implementation – Allocation Methods – 1
d) all of the mentioned
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
Answer: a Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Allocation Methods – 1”.

10. In a multi level directory structure : 1. The three major methods of allocating disk
a) the same previous techniques will be used as space that are in wide use are :
in the other structures a) contiguous
b) a mechanism for directory protection will have b) linked
to applied c) indexed
c) the subdirectories do not need protection once d) all of the mentioned
the directory is protected
d) none of the mentioned Answer: d
2. In contiguous allocation : d) file control block
a) each file must occupy a set of contiguous
blocks on the disk Answer: a
b) each file is a linked list of disk blocks
c) all the pointers to scattered blocks are placed
6. The VFS (virtual file system) activates file
together in one location
system specific operations to handle local
d) none of the mentioned
requests according to their _______
a) size
Answer: a b) commands
c) timings
3. In linked allocation : d) file system types
a) each file must occupy a set of contiguous
blocks on the disk Answer: d
b) each file is a linked list of disk blocks
c) all the pointers to scattered blocks are placed
7. The real disadvantage of a linear list of
together in one location
directory entries is the :
d) none of the mentioned
a) size of the linear list in memory
b) linear search to find a file
Answer: b c) it is not reliable
d) all of the mentioned
4. In indexed allocation :
a) each file must occupy a set of contiguous Answer: b
blocks on the disk
b) each file is a linked list of disk blocks
8. Contiguous allocation of a file is defined by :
c) all the pointers to scattered blocks are placed
a) disk address of the first block & length
together in one location
b) length & size of the block
d) none of the mentioned
c) size of the block
d) total size of the file
Answer: c

Answer: a
5. On systems where there are multiple operating
system, the decision to load a particular one is
9. One difficulty of contiguous allocation is :
done by :
a) finding space for a new file
a) boot loader
b) inefficient
b) bootstrap
c) costly
c) process control block
d) time taking FCB takes it all
c) the file cannot be extended
Answer: a d) the file cannot be opened

10. _______ and ________ are the most Answer: c

common strategies used to select a free hole
from the set of available holes.
Operating System Questions & Answers – File
a) First fit, Best fit System Implementation – Allocation Methods – 2
b) Worst fit, First fit
c) Best fit, Worst fit This set of Basic Operating System Questions
d) None of the mentioned and Answers focuses on “File System
Implementation – Allocation Methods – 2”.

Answer: a 1. A device driver can be thought of as a

translator. Its input consists of _____ commands
advertisement and output consists of _______ instructions.
a) high level, low level
11. The first fit and best fit algorithms suffer from :
b) low level, high level
a) internal fragmentation
c) complex, simple
b) external fragmentation
d) low level, complex
c) starvation
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: a

Answer: b
2. The file organization module knows about :
a) files
12. To solve the problem of external
b) logical blocks of files
fragmentation, ________ needs to be done
c) physical blocks of files
d) all of the mentioned
a) compaction
b) check
Answer: d
c) formatting
d) replacing memory
3. Metadata includes :
Answer: a a) all of the file system structure
b) contents of files
c) both file system structure and contents of files
13. If too little space is allocated to a file
d) none of the mentioned
a) the file will not work
b) there will not be any space for the data, as the
Answer: c d) none of the mentioned

4. For each file there exists a ___________ that Answer: a

contains information about the file, including
ownership, permissions and location of the file
8. In the linked allocation, the directory contains a
pointer to the :
a) metadata
I. first block
b) file control block
II. last block
c) process control block
a) I only
d) all of the mentioned
b) II only
c) Both I and II
Answer: b d) Neither I nor II

5. For processes to request access to file Answer: c

contents, they need to :
a) they need to run a seperate program
9. There is no __________ with linked allocation.
b) they need special interrupts
a) internal fragmentation
c) implement the open and close system calls
b) external fragmentation
d) none of the mentioned
c) starvation
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: c

Answer: b
6. During compaction time, other normal system
operations _______ be permitted.
10. The major disadvantage with linked allocation
a) can
is that :
b) cannot
a) internal fragmentation
c) is
b) external fragmentation
d) none of the mentioned
c) there is no sequential access
d) there is only sequential access
Answer: b

Answer: d
7. When in contiguous allocation the space
cannot be extended easily : advertisement
a) the contents of the file have to be copied to a
new space, a larger hole 11. If a pointer is lost or damaged in a linked
b) the file gets destroyed allocation :
c) the file will get formatted and lost all its data a) the entire file could get damaged
b) only a part of the file would be affected Answer: a
c) there would not be any problems
d) none of the mentioned 2. If the extents are too large, then the problem
that comes in is :
Answer: a a) internal fragmentation
b) external fragmentation
c) starvation
12. FAT stands for :
d) all of the mentioned
a) File Attribute Transport
b) File Allocation Table
c) Fork At Time Answer: a
d) None of the mentioned
3. The FAT is used much as a _________
Answer: b a) stack
b) linked list
c) data
13. By using FAT, random access time is
d) pointer
a) the same
b) increased Answer: b
c) decreased
d) not affected 4. A section of disk at the beginning of each
partition is set aside to contain the table in :
a) fat
Answer: c b) linked allocation
Operating System Questions & Answers – File
c) hashed allocation
System Implementation – Allocation Methods – 3
d) indexed allocation
This set of Operating System Puzzles focuses on
“File System Implementation – Allocation Answer: a
Methods – 3”.

1. A better way of contiguous allocation to extend 5. Contiguous allocation has two problems
the file size is : _________ and _________ that linked allocation
a) adding an extent (another chunk of contiguous solves.
space) a) external – fragmentation & size – declaration
b) adding an index table to the first contiguous b) internal – fragmentation & external –
block fragmentation
c) adding pointers into the first contiguous block c) size – declaration & internal – fragmentation
d) none of the mentioned d) memory – allocation & size – declaration
Answer: a address of the file in memory and calculate
immediately the disk address of the ith block and
read it directly.
6. Each _______ has its own index block.
a) partition 10. Consider a disk where blocks
b) address 2,3,4,5,8,9,10,11,12,13,17,18,25,26 and 27 are
c) file free and the rest of the blocks are allocated. Then
d) all of the mentioned the free space bitmap would be :
a) 10000110000001110011111100011111…
b) 110000110000001110011111100011111…
Answer: c
c) 01111001111110001100000011100000…
d) 001111001111110001100000011100000…
7. Indexed allocation _________ direct access.
a) supports
Answer: d
b) does not support
c) is not related to
d) none of the mentioned Operating System Questions & Answers – File
System Implementation – Performance
Answer: a
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “File
8. The pointer overhead of indexed allocation is System Implementation – Performance”.
generally _________ the pointer overhead of
1. _______ tend to represent a major bottleneck
linked allocation.
in system performance.
a) less than
a) CPUs
b) equal to
b) Disks
c) greater than
c) Programs
d) keeps varying with
d) I/O

Answer: c
Answer: b

9. For any type of access, contiguous allocation

2. In UNIX, even an ’empty’ disk has a
requires ______ access to get a disk block.
percentage of its space lost to ______
a) only one
a) programs
b) at least two
b) inodes
c) exactly two
c) virtual memory
d) none of the mentioned
d) stacks

Answer: a
Explanation: We can easily keep the initial
Answer: b d) all of the mentioned

3. By preallocating the inodes and spreading Answer: b

them across the volume, we ___________ the
system performance.
7. In the optimized technique for sequential
a) improve
access ___________ removes a page from the
b) decrease
buffer as soon as the next page is requested.
c) maintain
a) write ahead
d) do not affect
b) read ahead
c) free-behind
Answer: a d) add-front

4. ____________ writes occur in the order in Answer: c

which the disk subsystem receives them, and the
writes are not buffered. advertisement
a) Asynchronous
b) Regular 8. With _______ a requested page and several
c) Synchronous subsequent pages are read and cached.
d) Irregular a) write ahead
b) read ahead
c) free-behind
Answer: c
d) add-front

5. In ___________ writes, the data is stored in

the cache. Answer: b
a) Asynchronous Operating System Questions & Answers – File
System Implementation – Recovery
b) Regular
c) Synchronous This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
d) Irregular Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “File
System Implementation – Recovery”.
Answer: a
1. Some directory information is kept in main
memory or cache to ___________
6. A file being read or written sequentially should a) fill up the cache
not have its pages replaced in LRU order, b) increase free space in secondary storage
because _____________ c) decrease free space in secondary storage
a) it is very costly d) speed up access
b) the most recently used page will be used last
c) it is not efficient
Answer: d d) none of the mentioned

2. A systems program such as fsck in ______ is a Answer: a

consistency checker.
6. When an entire committed transaction is
b) Windows
completed, ___________
c) Macintosh
a) it is stored in the memory
d) Solaris
b) it is removed from the log file
c) it is redone
Answer: a d) none of the mentioned

3. A consistency checker __________________ Answer: b

and tries to fix any inconsistencies it finds.
a) compares the data in the secondary storage
7. A circular buffer :
with the data in the cache
a) writes to the end of its space and then
b) compares the data in the directory structure
continues at the beginning
with the data blocks on disk
b) overwrites older values as it goes
c) compares the system generated output and
c) all of the mentioned
user required output
d) none of the mentioned
d) all of the mentioned

Answer: a
Answer: b

4. Each set of operations for performing a specific
task is a _________ 8. All the changes that were done from a
a) program transaction that did not commit before the system
b) code crashed, have to be _________
c) transaction a) saved
d) all of the mentioned b) saved and the transaction redone
c) undone
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: c

5. Once the changes are written to the log, they Answer: c

are considered to be ________ Operating System Questions & Answers – File
System Implementation – Network File System –
a) committed
b) aborted
c) completed
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice c) trivial
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “File d) none of the mentioned
System Implementation – Network File System –
1”. Answer: b
1. A machine in Network file system (NFS) can be
________ 5. The mount mechanism ________ a transitive
a) client property.
b) server a) exhibits
c) both client and server b) does not exhibit
d) neither client nor server c) may exhibit
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: c
Answer: b
Explanation: Mounting a remote file system does
2. A _________ directory is mounted over a
not give the client access to other file systems
directory of a _______ file system. that were, by chance, mounted over the former
a) local, remote file system.
b) remote, local
6. A mount operation includes the :
c) local, local
a) name of the network
c) none of the mentioned
b) name of the remote directory to be mounted
c) name of the server machine storing it
Answer: d
d) all of the mentioned

3. The _________ becomes the name of the root Answer: b

of the newly mounted directory.
a) root of the previous directory
7. The mount request is mapped to the
b) local directory
corresponding _____ and is forwarded to the
c) remote directory itself
mount server running on the specific server
d) none of the mentioned
a) IPC
Answer: b
b) System
c) CPU
4. ___________ mounts, is when a file system d) RPC
can be mounted over another file system, that is
remotely mounted, not local. Answer: b
a) recursive
b) cascading
8. The server maintains a/an ________ that a) name
specifies local file systems that it exports for b) transaction
mounting, along with names of machines that are c) sequence number
permitted to mount them. d) all of the mentioned
a) export list
b) import list Answer: c
c) sending list
d) receiving list
3. A server crash and recovery will __________
to a client.
Answer: a a) be visible
b) affect
9. In UNIX, the file handle consists of a c) be invisible
__________ and __________ d) harm
a) file-system identifier & an inode number
b) an inode number & FAT Answer: c
c) a FAT & an inode number Explanation: All blocks that the server is
d) a file pointer & FAT managing for the client will be intact.

4. The server must write all NFS data

Answer: a
Operating System Questions & Answers – File a) synchronously
System Implementation – Network File System – b) asynchronously
2 c) index-wise
d) none of the mentioned
This set of Operating System Question Bank
focuses on “File System Implementation –
Answer: a
Network File System – 2”.

1. The NFS servers :

5. A single NFS write procedure :
a) are stateless
a) can be atomic
b) save the current state of the request
b) is atomic
c) maybe stateless
c) is non atomic
d) none of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: a
Answer: b

2. Every NFS request has a _________ allowing

6. The NFS protocol, __________ concurrency
the server to determine if a request is duplicated
control mechanisms.
or if any are missing.
a) provides d) more than three
b) does not provide
c) may provide
d) none of the mentioned Answer: b
Operating System Questions & Answers – I/O
Answer: b
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “I/O
7. _______________ in NFS involves the parsing
of a path name into separate directory entries – or
components. 1. I/O hardware contains
a) Path parse a) Bus
b) Path name parse b) Controller
c) Path name translation c) I/O port and its registers
d) Path name parsing d) All of the mentioned

Answer: c Answer: d

advertisement 2. The data-in register of I/O port is

8. For every pair of component and directory a) Read by host to get input
vnode after path name translation : b) Read by controller to get input
a) a single NFS lookup call is used sequentially c) Written by host to send output
b) a single NFS lookup call is used beginning d) Written by host to start a command
from the last component
c) at least two NFS lookup calls per component Answer: a
are performed
d) a separate NFS lookup call is performed 3. The host sets _____ bit when a command is
available for the controller to execute.
Answer: d a) write
b) status
9. When a client has a cascading mount, c) command-ready
_______ server(s) is/are involved in a path name d) control
a) at least one Answer: c
b) more than one
c) more than two 4. When hardware is accessed by reading and
writing to the specific memory locations, then it is
called c) status
a) port-mapped I/O d) magic
b) controller-mapped I/O
c) bus-mapped I/O Answer: a
d) none of the mentioned

9. Which one of the following connects high-

Answer: d speed high-bandwidth device to memory
Explanation: It is called memory-mapped I/O.
subsystem and CPU.
5. Device drivers are implemented to interface a) Expansion bus
a) character devices b) PCI bus
b) block devices c) SCSI bus
c) network devices d) None of the mentioned
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: a
Answer: d

10. A process is moved to wait queue when I/O

6. Which hardware triggers some operation after request is made with
certain programmed count? a) non-blocking I/O
a) programmable interval timer b) blocking I/O
b) interrupt timer c) asynchronous I/O
c) programmable timer d) synchronous I/O
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: b
Answer: a
Operating System Questions & Answers – Disk
Scheduling – 1
7. The device-status table contains
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
a) each I/O device type
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Disk
b) each I/O device address
Scheduling – 1”.
c) each I/O device state
d) all of the mentioned 1. In _______ information is recorded
magnetically on platters.
Answer: d a) magnetic disks
b) electrical disks
c) assemblies
8. Which buffer holds the output for a device?
d) cylinders
a) spool
b) output
Answer: a Answer: d

2. The heads of the magnetic disk are attached to 6. When the head damages the magnetic surface,
a _____ that moves all the heads as a unit. it is known as _________
a) spindle a) disk crash
b) disk arm b) head crash
c) track c) magnetic damage
d) none of the mentioned d) all of the mentioned

Answer: b Answer: b

3. The set of tracks that are at one arm position 7. A floppy disk is designed to rotate
make up a ___________ ___________ as compared to a hard disk drive.
a) magnetic disks a) faster
b) electrical disks b) slower
c) assemblies c) at the same speed
d) cylinders d) none of the mentioned

Answer: d Answer: b

4. The time taken to move the disk arm to the 8. The host controller is :
desired cylinder is called the : a) controller built at the end of each disk
a) positioning time b) controller at the computer end of the bus
b) random access time c) all of the mentioned
c) seek time d) none of the mentioned
d) rotational latency
Answer: b
Answer: c

9. ______ controller sends the command placed

5. The time taken for the desired sector to rotate into it, via messages to the _____ controller.
to the disk head is called : a) host, host
a) positioning time b) disk, disk
b) random access time c) host, disk
c) seek time d) disk, host
d) rotational latency
Answer: c
10. The disk bandwidth is : 3. Consider a disk queue with requests for I/O to
a) the total number of bytes transferred blocks on cylinders :
b) total time between the first request for service 98 183 37 122 14 124 65 67
and the completion on the last transfer Considering FCFS (first cum first served)
c) the total number of bytes transferred divided by scheduling, the total number of head movements
the total time between the first request for service is, if the disk head is initially at 53 :
and the completion on the last transfer a) 600
d) none of the mentioned b) 620
c) 630
Answer: c d) 640

Answer: d
Operating System Questions & Answers – Disk
Scheduling – 2
4. Consider a disk queue with requests for I/O to
This set of Operating System online quiz focuses blocks on cylinders :
on “Disk Scheduling – 2”. 98 183 37 122 14 124 65 67
1. Whenever a process needs I/O to or from a Considering SSTF (shortest seek time first)
disk it issues a ______________ scheduling, the total number of head movements
a) system call to the CPU is, if the disk head is initially at 53 :
b) system call to the operating system a) 224
c) a special procedure b) 236
d) all of the mentioned c) 245
d) 240

Answer: b
Answer: b

2. If a process needs I/O to or from a disk, and if

the drive or controller is busy then : 5. Random access in magnetic tapes is
a) the request will be placed in the queue of _________ compared to magnetic disks.
pending requests for that drive a) fast
b) the request will not be processed and will be b) very fast
ignored completely c) slow
c) the request will be not be placed d) very slow
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: d
Answer: a
6. Magnetic tape drives can write data at a speed
________ disk drives.
a) much lesser than Answer: b
b) comparable to
c) much faster than 10. In the _______ algorithm, the disk head
d) none of the mentioned moves from one end to the other , servicing
requests along the way. When the head reaches
Answer: b the other end, it immediately returns to the
beginning of the disk without servicing any
requests on the return trip.
7. On media that use constant linear velocity
(CLV), the _____________ is uniform.
a) density of bits on the disk
b) density of bits per sector
c) the density of bits per track
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: c

Answer: c
Explanation: The farther a track is from the center advertisement
of the disk.
11. In the ______ algorithm, the disk arm goes as
8. SSTF algorithm, like SJF __________ of some far as the final request in each direction, then
requests. reverses direction immediately without going to
a) may cause starvation the end of the disk.
b) will cause starvation a) LOOK
c) does not cause starvation b) SCAN
d) causes aging c) C-SCAN
Answer: a

Answer: a
9. In the ______ algorithm, the disk arm starts at Operating System Questions & Answers – Disk
one end of the disk and moves toward the other Management
end, servicing requests till the other end of the
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
disk. At the other end, the direction is reversed
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Disk
and servicing continues.
b) SCAN 1. The process of dividing a disk into sectors that
c) C-SCAN the disk controller can read and write, before a
d) C-LOOK disk can store data is known as :
a) partitioning
b) swap space creation
c) low-level formatting controllers and the contents of main memory, and
d) none of the mentioned then starts the operating system.
a) main
Answer: c b) bootloader
c) bootstrap
d) rom
2. The data structure for a sector typically
contains :
a) header Answer: c
b) data area
c) trailer 6. For most computers, the bootstrap is stored in
d) all of the mentioned ________
a) RAM
Answer: d b) ROM
c) Cache
d) Tertiary storage
3. The header and trailer of a sector contain
information used by the disk controller such as
Answer: b
_________ and _________
a) main section & disk identifier
b) error correcting codes (ECC) & sector number 7. A disk that has a boot partition is called a
c) sector number & main section _________
d) disk identifier & sector number a) start disk
b) end disk
Answer: b c) boot disk
d) all of the mentioned

4. The two steps the operating system takes to

Answer: c
use a disk to hold its files are _______ and
a) partitioning & logical formatting 8. Defective sectors on disks are often known as
b) swap space creation & caching __________
c) caching & logical formatting a) good blocks
d) logical formatting & swap space creation b) destroyed blocks
c) bad blocks
Answer: a d) none of the mentioned

5. The _______ program initializes all aspects of Answer: c

the system, from CPU registers to device
9. In SCSI disks used in high end PCs, the 1. Virtual memory uses disk space as an
controller maintains a list of _________ on the extension of _________
disk. The disk is initialized during ________ a) secondary storage
formatting which sets aside spare sectors not b) main memory
visible to the operating system. c) tertiary storage
a) destroyed blocks, high level formatting d) none of the mentioned
b) bad blocks, partitioning
c) bad blocks, low level formatting Answer: b
d) destroyed blocks, partitioning

2. Using swap space significantly _________

Answer: c system performance.
a) increases
10. The scheme used in the above question is b) decreases
known as _______ or ________ c) maintains
a) sector sparing & forwarding d) does not affect
b) forwarding & sector utilization
c) backwarding & forwarding Answer: b
d) sector utilization & backwarding Explanation: Disk access is much slower than
memory access.

Answer: a 3. Linux __________ the use of multiple swap

advertisement a) allows
b) does not allow
11. An unrecoverable error is known as
c) may allow
d) none of the mentioned
a) hard error
b) tough error
c) soft error Answer: a
Explanation: Putting these swap spaces on
d) none of the mentioned
separate disks reduces the load places on the I/O
Answer: a
4. A single swap space ______ reside in two
Operating System Questions & Answers – Swap a) can
Space Management b) cannot
c) must not
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
d) none of the mentioned
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Swap
Space Management”.
Answer: a 8. In UNIX, two per process ________ are used
by the kernel to track swap space use.
5. If the swap space is simply a large file, within a) process tables
the file system, ____________ used to create it, b) swap maps
name it and allocate its space. c) memory maps
a) special routines must be d) partition maps
b) normal file system routines can be
c) normal file system routines cannot be Answer: b
d) swap space storage manager is

9. It is __________ to reread a page from the file

Answer: b system than to write it to swap space and then to
reread it from there.
6. For swap space created in a separate disk a) useless
partition where no file system or directory b) less efficient
structure is placed, _____________ used to c) more efficient
allocate and deallocate the blocks. d) none of the mentioned
a) special routines must be
b) normal file system routines can be
c) normal file system routines cannot be Answer: c
Operating System Questions & Answers – RAID
d) swap space storage manager is
Structure – 1

Answer: d This set of Operating System Multiple Choice

Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “RAID
Structure – 1”.
7. When a fixed amount of swap space is created
during disk partitioning, more swap space can be 1. RAID level 3 supports a lower number of I/Os
added only by : per second, because _______________
I) repartitioning of the disk a) Every disk has to participate in every I/O
II) adding another swap space elsewhere request
a) only I b) Only one disk participates per I/O request
b) only II c) I/O cycle consumes a lot of CPU time
c) both I and II d) All of the mentioned
d) neither I nor II
Answer: a
Answer: c
2. RAID level _____ is also known as block
advertisement interleaved parity organisation and uses block
level striping and keeps a parity block on a
separate disk. 6. A write of a block has to access :
a) 1 a) the disk on which the block is stored
b) 2 b) parity disk
c) 3 c) a parity block
d) 4 d) all of the mentioned

Answer: d Answer: d

3. A performance problem with _________ is the 7. RAID level 5 is also known as :

expense of computing and writing parity. a) bit-interleaved parity organization
a) non-parity based RAID levels b) block-interleaved parity organization
b) parity based RAID levels c) block-interleaved distributed parity
c) all RAID levels d) memory-style ECC organization
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: c
Answer: b

8. RAID level ____ spreads parity and data

4. In RAID level 4, one block read, accesses among all N+1 disks rather than storing data in N
__________ disks and parity in 1.
a) only one disk a) 3
b) all disks simultaneously b) 4
c) all disks sequentially c) 5
d) none of the mentioned d) 6

Answer: a Answer: c
Explanation: Other requests are allowed to be
processed by other disks.
9. The potential overuse of a single parity disk is
5. The overall I/O rate in RAID level 4 is : avoided in RAID level _______
a) low a) 3
b) very low b) 4
c) high c) 5
d) none of the mentioned d) all of the mentioned

Answer: c Answer: c
Explanation: All disks can be read in parallel.
10. RAID level 0+1 is used because, RAID level 0 1. A large number of disks in a system improves
provides ______ whereas RAID level 1 provides the rate at which data can be read or written :
________ a) if the disks are operated on sequentially
a) performance, redundancy b) if the disks are operated on selectively
b) performance, reliability c) if the disks are operated in parallel
c) redundancy, performance d) all of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: c
Answer: b
2. RAID stands for :
advertisement a) Redundant Allocation of Inexpensive Disks
11. If a disk fails in RAID level ___ rebuilding lost b) Redundant Array of Important Disks
data is easiest. c) Redundant Allocation of Independent Disks
a) 1 d) Redundant Array of Independent Disks
b) 2
c) 3 Answer: d
d) 4
3. If the mean time to failure of a single disk is
Answer: a 100,000 hours, then the mean time to failure of
Explanation: Data can be copied from another some disk in an array of 100 disks will be :
disk in raid level 1, for other raid levels all other
a) 100 hours
disks have to be accessed.
b) 10 days
12. Where performance and reliability are both c) 10 hours
important, RAID level ____ is used. d) 1000 hours
a) 0
b) 1 Answer: d
c) 2
d) 0+1
4. The solution to the problem of reliability is the
introduction of __________
Answer:d a) aging
Operating System Questions & Answers – RAID b) scheduling
Structure – 2 c) redundancy
d) disks
This set of Advanced Operating System
Questions and Answers focuses on “RAID
Structure – 2”. Answer: c
5. The technique of duplicating every disk is Answer: b
known as :
a) mirroring 9. RAID level ______ is also known as bit
b) shadowing interleaved parity organisation.
c) redundancy a) 0
d) all of the mentioned b) 1
c) 2
Answer: a d) 3

6. The mean time to failure of a mirrored disk Answer: d

depends on :
I) the mean time to failure of individual disks 10. A single parity bit can be used for :
II) the mean time to repair a) detection
a) Only I b) multiple error corrections
b) Only II c) few error corrections
c) Both I and II d) all of the mentioned
d) Neither I nor II
Answer: a
Answer: c
7. RAID level ________ refers to disk arrays with
11. RAID level ______ is also known as memory
striping at the level of blocks, but without any
style error correcting code(ECC) organization.
a) 1
a) 0
b) 2
b) 1
c) 3
c) 2
d) 4
d) 3

Answer: b
Answer: a

12. RAID level 3 does not have _________ as in

8. RAID level _______ refers to disk mirroring.
RAID level 1.
a) 0
a) efficiency
b) 1
b) enough storage space for data
c) 2
c) storage overhead
d) 3
d) time consumption overhead
Answer: c c) at the same distance as
Explanation: There is one mirror disk for every
d) none of the mentioned
disk in level 1.

Operating System Questions & Answers – Answer: a

Tertiary Storage

This set of Operating System Multiple Choice 5. Optical disks ______ magnetism.
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on a) use
“Tertiary Storage”. b) do not use
c) may use
1. Tertiary storage is built with :
d) none of the mentioned
a) a lot of money
b) unremovable media
Answer: b
c) removable media
d) secondary storage
6. The phase change disk is coated with a
Answer: c material that can freeze into either _______ or
________ state.
a) crystalline, solid
2. Floppy disks are examples of :
b) ice, amorphous
a) primary storage
c) crystalline, liquid
b) secondary storage
d) crystalline, amorphous
c) tertiary storage
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: d

Answer: c
7. WORM stands for :
a) write only, read mandatory
3. A magneto-optic disk is :
b) write once, read many times
a) primary storage
c) write only once, read multiple
b) secondary storage
d) none of the mentioned
c) removable disk
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: b

Answer: c
8. A tape holds _______ data than optical or
magnetic disk cartridge.
4. The magneto-optic head flies ___________ the
a) lesser
disk surface than a magnetic disk head does.
b) more
a) much farther from
c) much lesser
b) much closer to
d) none of the mentioned This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
Answer: b “Protection – Access Matrix”.

1. In domain structure what is Access-right equal

9. Random access to tape is _______ a disk to ?
seek. a) Access-right = object-name, rights-set
a) much slower than b) Access-right = read-name, write-set
b) much faster than c) Access-right = read-name, execute-set
c) comparable to d) Access-right = object-name, execute-set
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: a
Answer: a
2. What is meaning of right-set ?
10. A typical tape drive is ________ a typical disk a) It is a subset consist of read and write
drive. b) It is a subset of all valid operations that can be
a) more expensive than performed on the object
b) cheaper than c) It is a subset consist of read,write and execute
c) of the same cost as d) None of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: b
Answer: a
3. What is Domain ?
advertisement a) Domain = Set of all objects
b) It is a collection of protection policies
11. The surface area of a tape is ________ the
c) Domain= set of access-rights
surface area of a disk.
d) None of the mentioned
a) much lesser than
b) much larger than
c) equal to Answer: c
d) none of the mentioned
4. What does access matrix represent ?
Answer: b a) Rows-Domains, Columns-Objects
b) Rows-Objects, Columns-Domains
c) Rows-Access List, Columns-Domains
Operating System Questions & Answers – d) Rows-Domains, Columns-Access list
Protection – Access Matrix
Answer: a 9. Which is an unsolvable problem in access-
matrix ?
5. What are the three additional operations to a) Owner override
change the contents of the access-matrix ? b) Brute force
a) copy c) Access denied
b) Owner d) Confinement
c) control
d) all of the mentioned Answer: d

Answer: d 10. Which of the following objects require

protection ?
6. Who can add new rights and remove some a) CPU
rights ? b) Printers
a) copy c) Motherboard
b) transfer d) All of the mentioned
c) limited copy
d) owner Answer: b

Answer: d 11. What is ‘separation’ in security of Operating

systems ?
7. What are the three copyrights ? a) To have separate login for different users
a) copy b) To have separate Hard disk drive/partition for
b) transfer different users
c) limited copy c) It means keeping one user’s objects separate
d) all of the mentioned from other users
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: d
Answer: c

8. Which two rights allow a process to change the

entries in a column ? 12. Which of the following statements are
a) copy and transfer correct?
b) copy and owner i) Physical separation – in which process use
c) owner and transfer different physical objects like separate printers
d) deny and copy ii) Physical separation – in which process having
different security requirement at different times
Answer: a iii) Logical separation – In which users operate
under illusion that no other processes exist
iv) Logical separation – In which processes conceal their data and computations
a) i
conceal their data and computations
b) i and ii
a) i c) ii and iii
b) i and iii d) iii and iv
c) ii and iii
d) iii and iv Answer: d

Answer: b 15. What are various roles of protection ?

a) It is used to detect errors which can prevent
contamination of system
advertisement b) It is used used to accelerate a process
c) It is used to optimize system downtime
13. Which of the following statements are
d) None of the mentioned
i) Physical separation – in which process use
Answer: a
different physical objects like separate printers
ii) Temporal separation – in which process having
different security requirement at different times 16. Which of the following objects require
iii) Physical separation – In which users operate protection ?
under illusion that no other processes exist a) Memory
iv) Temporal separation – In which processes b) Monitor
conceal their data and computations c) Power supply unit
a) i d) All of the mentioned
b) i and ii
c) ii and iii
d) iii and iv Answer: a
Operating System Questions & Answers –
Protection Concepts
Answer: b
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
14. Which of the following statements are “Protection concepts”.
i) logical separation – in which process use 1. Which principle states that programs, users
different physical objects like separate printers and even the systems be given just enough
ii) cryptographic separation – in which process privileges to perform their task?
having different security requirement at different a) principle of operating system
b) principle of least privilege
iii) Logical separation – In which users operate
under illusion that no other processes exist c) principle of process scheduling
iv) cryptographic separation – In which processes
d) none of the mentioned c) neither static nor dynamic
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: b
Answer: a
2. _______ is an approach to restricting system
access to authorized users. 6. Access matrix model for user authentication
a) Role-based access control contains
b) Process-based access control a) a list of objects
c) Job-based access control b) a list of domains
d) None of the mentioned c) a function which returns an object’s type
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: a
Answer: d

3. For system protection, a process should

access 7. Global table implementation of matrix table
a) all the resources contains
b) only those resources for which it has a) domain
authorization b) object
c) few resources but authorization is not required c) right-set
d) all of the mentioned d) all of the mentioned

Answer: b Answer: d

4. The protection domain of a process contains 8. For a domain _______ is a list of objects
a) object name together with the operation allowed on these
b) rights-set objects.
c) both object name and rights-set a) capability list
d) none of the mentioned b) access list
c) both capability and access list
Answer: c d) none of the mentioned

5. If the set of resources available to the process Answer: a

is fixed throughout the process’s lifetime then its
domain is 9. Which one of the following is capability based
a) static protection system?
b) dynamic a) hydra
b) cambridge CAP system d) none of the mentioned
c) both hydra and cambridge CAP system
d) none of the mentioned Answer: b

Answer: c 3. The internal code of any software that will set

of a malicious function when specified conditions
10. In UNIX, domain switch is accomplished via are met, is called
a) file system a) logic bomb
b) user b) trap door
c) superuser c) code stacker
d) none of the mentioned d) none of the mentioned

Answer: a Answer: a

4. The pattern that can be used to identify a virus

Operating System Questions & Answers –
Security is known as
a) stealth
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice b) virus signature
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on c) armoured
“Security”. d) multipartite
1. When an attempt is to make a machine or
network resource unavailable to its intended Answer: b
users, the attack is called
a) denial-of-service attack 5. Which one of the following is a process that
b) slow read attack uses the spawn mechanism to revage the system
c) spoofed attack performance?
d) starvation attack a) worm
b) trojan
Answer: a c) threat
d) virus
2. The code segment that misuses its
environment is called a Answer: a
a) internal thief
b) trojan horse 6. What is a trap door in a program?
c) code stacker a) a security hole, inserted at programming time
in the system for later use
b) a type of antivirus decryption
c) security hole in a network d) none of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: b
Answer: a
Operating System Questions & Answers –
Protection – Memory Protection
7. Which one of the following is not an attack, but
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
a search for vulnerabilities to attack?
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
a) denial of service
“Protection – Memory Protection”.
b) port scanning
c) memory access violation 1. What is true regarding ‘Fence’ ?
d) dumpster diving a) Its a method to confine users to one side of a
Answer: b b) It can protect Operating system from one user
c) It cannot protect users from each other
d) All of the mentioned
8. File virus attaches itself to the
a) source file
Answer: d
b) object file
c) executable file
d) all of the mentioned 2. What is not true regarding ‘Fence’ ?
a) It is implemented via hardware register
Answer: c b) It doesn’t protect users from each other
c) It good to protect OS from abusive users
d) Its implementation is unrestricted and can take
9. Multipartite viruses attack on
any amount of space in Operating system.
a) files
b) boot sector
Answer: d
c) memory
d) all of the mentioned
3. What is correct regarding ‘relocation’ w.r.t
Answer: d protecting memory ?
a) It is a process of taking a program as if it
began at address 0
10. In asymmetric encryption
b) It is a process of taking a program as if it
a) same key is used for encryption and decryption
began at address 0A
b) different keys are used encryption and
c) Fence cannot be used within relocation
c) no key is required for encryption and
d) All of the mentioned Answer: b

Answer: a 7. What is all-or-nothing situation for sharing in

memory ?
a) Program makes all its data available to be
4. How can fence and relocation be used together
b) It prohibits access to some
a) To each program address, the contents of
c) It creates rules who can access program
fence register are added
b) To contents of fence register is subtracted from
d) It separates program memory and data
actual address of program
c) To each program address, the contents of
fence register are not added
d) None of the mentioned Answer: a

Answer: a 8. How is disadvantage of all-or-nothing approach

Explanation: This both relocates the address and overcome ?
guarantees that no one can access a location a) Base/Bound
lower than a fence address.
b) Relocation technique
5. What is basic need in protecting memory in c) Fence method
multi-user environment ? d) Tagged architecture
a) We need two registers one ‘start’ and other
‘end’ Answer: d
b) We need a variable register
c) A fence register has to be used known as base
9. What is true regarding tagged architecture ?
a) Every word of machine memory has one or
d) None of the mentioned
more extra bits
b) Extra bits are used to do padding
Answer: c c) Extra bits are not used to identify rights to that
6. What is role of base/bound registers ? d) It is very compatible to code upgrades
a) They give starting address to a program
b) Program’s addresses are neatly confined to Answer: a
space between the base and the bound registers
c) They provide encrypted environment
10. What is best solution to have effect of
d) This technique doesn’t protects a program’s
unbounded number if base/bound registers?
address from modification by another user
a) Tagged architecture
b) Segmentation
c) Fence method 14. What is principle of least privilege ?
d) None of the mentioned a) Less privileges provide difficulty in executing
admin tasks
Answer: b b) Users can get temporary high privilege access
c) Users should be given just enough privileges to
perform their tasks
11. What is major feature of segmentation ?
d) None of the mentioned
a) Program is divided in data memory and
program memory
b) Program is executed in segments Answer: c
c) Program is divided into pieces having different
access rights 15. What is need of protection ?
d) It has effect of an unbounded architecture a) Prevent mischievous violation
b) Prevent and intentional
Answer: c c) Ensure that each program component uses
resources allotted to it only
d) All of the mentioned
12. What is correct way the segmentation
program address is stored ?
Answer: d
a) name, offset
b) start, stop
c) access, rights
Operating System Questions & Answers –
d) offset, rights Protection – Revocation of Access Rights

This set of Tough Operating System Questions

Answer: a
Explanation: OS can retrieve the real address via and Answers focuses on “Protection – Revocation
looking for the table then making a simple of Access Rights”.
calculation : address of the name + offset.
1. What is incorrect methods of revocation of
advertisement access rights ?
13. What is main objective of protection ? a) Immediate/Delayed
a) Ensure all objects are protected individually b) Selective/General
b) Objects have different priority and thus c) Partial/total
different levels of protection d) Crucial
c) Ensure that each object is accessed correctly
and only by allowed processes Answer: d
d) None of the mentioned
2. Why is it difficult to revoke capabilities ?
Answer: c a) They are too many
b) They are not defined precicely d) This system was adopted in MULTICS system
c) They are distributed throughout the system
d) None of the mentioned Answer: a

Answer: c 6. How can Keys be defined or replaced ?

a) create [keyname] [bits].
3. What is the reacquisition scheme to revoke b) set-key
capability ? c) Key
a) When a process capability is revoked then it d) MAKE [Key Name].
won’t be able to reacquire it
b) Pointers are maintained for each object which Answer: b
can be used to revoke
c) Indirect pointing is done to revoke object’s
7. What are characteristics of Hydra system ?
a) It consist of known access rights and
d) Master key can be used compare and revoke.
interpreted by the system
b) A user can of protection system can declare
Answer: a other rights
c) Hydra system is not flexible
4. What is false regarding Back-Pointers scheme d) Hydra doesn’t provide rights amplification
to revoke capability ?
a) List of pointers is maintained with each object Answer: a
b) When revocation is required these pointers are
8. What are characteristics of rights amplification
c) This scheme is not adopted in MULTICS
in Hydra ?
a) This scheme allows a procedure to be certified
d) These point to all capabilities associated with
as trustworthy
that object
b) Amplification of rights cannot be stated
explicitly in declaration
Answer: c
c) It includes kernel rights such as read
d) All of the mentioned
5. What is true about Indirection to revoke
capability ? Answer: a
a) Capabilities point indirectly to the objects
b) Each capability will not have a unique entry in
9. What is the problem of mutually suspicious
subsystem ?
c) Table entries cannot be reused for other
a) Service program can steal users data
b) Service program can malfunction and retain a) local memory
some rights of data provided by user b) clock
c) Calling program can get access to restricted c) both local memory and clock
portion from service program d) none of the mentioned
d) Calling program gets unrestricted access
Answer: c
Answer: b
Explanation: Both calling program and service
program are vulnerable to access each others 2. If one site fails in distributed system
private data/rights. a) the remaining sites can continue operating
b) all the sites will stop working
10. What are characteristics of Cambridge CAP
c) directly connected sites will stop working
system as compared to Hydra system ?
d) none of the mentioned
a) It is simpler and less powerful than hydra
Answer: a
b) It is more powerful than hydra system
c) It is powerful than hydra system
d) It is not as secure as Hydra system 3. Network operating system runs on
a) server
Answer: a b) every system in the network
c) both server and every system in the network
d) none of the mentioned

11. What are two capabilities defined in CAP Answer: a

system ?
a) data & software capability
4. Which technique is based on compile-time
b) address & data capability
program transformation for accessing remote
c) hardware & software capability
data in a distributed-memory parallel system.
d) software capability
a) cache coherence scheme
b) computation migration
Answer: a c) remote procedure call
Operating System Questions & Answers – d) message passing
Distributed Operating System

This set of Operating System Multiple Choice Answer: b

Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Distributed Operating System”. 5. Logical extension of computation migration is
a) process migration
1. In distributed system each processor has its
b) system migration
c) thread migration c) capacity
d) data migration d) none of the mentioned

Answer: a Answer: a

6. Processes on the remote systems are 10. Internet provides _______ for remote login.
identified by a) telnet
a) host ID b) http
b) host name and identifier c) ftp
c) identifier d) RPC
d) process ID
Answer: a
Answer: b

Operating System Questions & Answers –

7. Which routing technique is used in distributed Distributed Operating System – Types &
system? Resource Sharing
a) fixed routing
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
b) virtual routing
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
c) dynamic routing
“Distributed Operating System – Types &
d) all of the mentioned
Resource Sharing”.

Answer: d 1. What is not true about distributed system ?

a) It is a collection of processor
b) All processors are synchronized
8. In distributed systems, link and site failure is
c) They do not share memory
detected by
d) None of the mentioned
a) polling
b) handshaking
c) token passing Answer: b
d) none of the mentioned
2. What are characteristics of processor in
Answer: b distributed system ?
a) They vary in size and function
b) They are same in size and function
9. The capability of a system to adapt the
c) They are manufactured with single purpose
increased service load is called
d) They are real-time devices
a) scalability
b) tolerance
Answer: a d) All of the mentioned

3. What are characteristics of distributed file Answer: a

system ?
a) Its users, servers and storage devices are
7. How are access to resources of various
machines is done ?
b) Service activity is not carried out across the
a) Remote logging using ssh or telnet
b) Zone are configured for automatic access
c) They have single centralized data repository
c) FTP is not used
d) There are multiple dependent storage devices
d) All of the mentioned

Answer: a
Answer: a

4. What is not a major reason for building

8. What are characteristics of Distributed
distributed systems ?
Operating system ?
a) Resource sharing
a) Users are aware of multiplicity of machines
b) Computation speedup
b) Access is done like local resources
c) Reliability
c) Users are aware of multiplicity of machines
d) Simplicity
d) They have multiple zones to access files

Answer: d
Answer: b

5. What are types of distributed operating system

9. What are characteristics of data migration ?
a) transfer data by entire file or immediate portion
a) Network Operating system
b) Zone based Operating system
b) transfer the computation rather than the data
c) Level based Operating system
c) execute an entire process or parts of it at
d) All of the mentioned
different sites
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: a

Answer: a
6. What are characteristic of Network Operating
Systems ?
10. What are characteristics of computation
a) Users are aware of multiplicity of machines
migration ?
b) They are transparent
a) transfer data by entire file or immediate portion
c) They are simple to use
b) transfer the computation rather than the data c) Star
c) execute an entire process or parts of it at d) All of the mentioned
different sites
d) none of the mentioned Answer: d

Answer: b 3. What are sites in network topology compared ?

a) Basic cost
advertisement b) Communication cost
11. What are characteristics of process migration c) Reliability
? d) All of the mentioned
a) transfer data by entire file or immediate portion
required Answer: d
b) transfer the computation rather than the data
c) execute an entire process or parts of it at 4. Which design features of a communication
different sites network are important ?
d) none of the mentioned a) Naming and name resolution
b) Routing strategies
c) Connection strategies
Answer: c
d) All of the mentioned
Operating System Questions & Answers –
Distributed Operating System – Network
Structure & Topology Answer: d

This set of Operating System Multiple Choice

Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on 5. What are characteristics of Naming and Name
“Distributed Operating System – Network resolution ?
Structure & Topology”. a) name systems in the network
b) address messages with the process-id
1. What are parts of network structure ?
c) virtual circuit
a) Workstation
d) message switching
b) Gateway
c) Laptop
Answer: b
d) All of the mentioned

Answer: d 6. What are routing strategies which is not used in

distributed systems ?
a) Fixed routing
2. What are valid network topology ?
b) Token routing
a) Multiaccess bus
c) Virtual circuit
b) Ring
d) Dynamic routing This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
Answer: c “Robustness of Distributed Systems”.

1. How many layers does Internet model ISO

7. What are connection strategies not used in consists of ?
distributed systems ? a) Three
a) Circuit switching b) Five
b) Message switching c) Seven
c) Token switching d) Eight
d) Packet switching
Answer: c
Answer: c
2. Which layer is responsible for The process-to-
advertisement process delivery ?
a) Network
8. How is are collisions avoided in network ?
b) Transport
a) Carrier sense with multiple access (CSMA);
c) Application
collision detection (CD)
d) Physical
b) Carrier sense multiple access with collision
c) Message slots Answer: b
d) All of the mentioned
3. Which layer is the layer closest to the
Answer: d transmission medium ?
a) Physical
b) Data link
9. What is common problem found in distributed
c) Network
system ?
d) Transport
a) Process Synchronization
b) Communication synchronization
c) Deadlock problem Answer: a
d) Power failure
4. Header are ______ when data packet moves
from upper to the lower layers ?
Answer: c a) Modified
Operating System Questions & Answers –
Distributed Operating System – Robustness of b) Removed
Distributed Systems c) Added
d) All of the mentioned d) All of the mentioned

Answer: c Answer: d

5. Which layer lies between transport layer and 9. In which OSI layer encryption and decryption
data link layer ? happens ?
a) Physical a) Application
b) Network b) Presentation
c) Application c) Transport
d) Session d) Data Link

Answer: b Answer: b

6. Which of the following is an application layer 10. What are important step followed when
service ? recovery from failure happens ?
a) Mail service a) Post repairing integration with main system
b) File transfer should happen smoothly and gracefully
c) Remote access b) Upon link failure both parties at end must not
d) All of the mentioned be notified
c) Fault recovery system must me adjusted
Answer: d d) Failures are logged systematically

Answer: a
7. What are different ways distributed may suffer
a) Failure of a link
Operating System Questions & Answers –
b) Failure of a site Distributed File System – 1
c) Loss of message
d) All of the mentioned This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Distributed File System – 1”.
Answer: d
1. What are the different ways in which clients
8. What are design issues in distributed system and servers are dispersed across machines ?
structure ? a) Servers may not run on dedicated machines
a) Scalability b) Servers and clients can be on same machines
b) Fault-tolerance c) Distribution cannot be interposed between a
c) Clustering OS and the file system
d) OS cannot be distributed with the file system a d) System service
part of that distribution
Answer: c
Answer: b
6. What are the different ways mounting of file
2. What are not the characteristics of a DFS ? system ?
a) login transparency and access transparency a) boot mounting
b) Files need not contain information about their b) auto mounting
physical location c) explicit mounting
c) No Multiplicity of users d) all of the mentioned
d) No Multiplicity if files
Answer: d
Answer: c

7. What is the advantage of caching in remote file

3. What are characteristic of a DFS ? access ?
a) Fault tolerance a) Reduced network traffic by retaining recently
b) Scalability accessed disk blocks
c) Heterogeneity of the system b) Faster network access
d) Upgradation c) Copies of data creates backup automatically
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: d
Answer: a

4. What are the different ways file accesses take

place ? 8. What is networked virtual memory ?
a) sequential access a) Caching
b) direct access b) Segmentation
c) indexed sequential access c) RAM disk
d) all of the mentioned d) None of the mentioned

Answer: d Answer: a

5. Which is not a major components of file system 9. What are examples of state information ?
? a) opened files and their clients
a) Directory service b) file descriptors and file handles
b) Authorization service c) current file position pointers
c) Shadow service
d) all of the mentioned Answer: a

Answer: d 3. Implementation of a stateless file server must

not follow ?
a) Idempotency requirement
10. Which is not an examples of state information
b) Encryption of keys
c) File locking mechanism
a) Mounting information
d) Cache consistency
b) Description of HDD space
c) Session keys
d) Lock status Answer: b

Answer: b 4. What are the advantages of file replication ?

a) Improves availability & performance
b) Decreases performance
Operating System Questions & Answers – c) They are consistent
Distributed File System – 2
d) Improves speed
This set of JUnit Questions and Answers for
Aptitude test focuses on “Distributed File System Answer: a
– 2”.

1. What is a stateless file server ? 5. What are characteristic of NFS protocol ?

a) It keeps tracks of states of different objects a) Search for file within directory
b) It maintains internally no state information at all b) Read a set of directory entries
c) It maintains some information in them c) Manipulate links and directories
d) None of the mentioned d) All of the mentioned

Answer: b Answer: d

2. What are the characteristics of stateless server 6. What is coherency of replicated data ?
? a) All replicas are identical at all times
a) Easier to implement b) Replicas are perceived as identical only at
b) They are not fault-tolerant upon client or server some points in time
failures c) Users always read the most recent data in the
c) They store all information file server replicas
d) They are redundant to keep data safe d) All of the mentioned

Answer: d
7. What are the three popular semantic modes ? c) The burden of coordinating file sharing is
a) Unix, Coherent & Session semantics ignored by the system
b) Unix, Transaction & Session semantics d) Easy to implement in a single processor
c) Coherent, Transaction & Session semantics system
d) Session, Coherent semantics
Answer: d
Answer: b

Operating System Questions & Answers – Virtual

8. What are the characteristics of Unix semantics Memory
a) Easy to implement in a single processor This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
system Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Virtual
b) Data cached on a per process basis using Memory”.
write through case control 1. Because of virtual memory, the memory can be
c) Write-back enhances access performance shared among
d) All of the mentioned a) processes
b) threads
Answer: d c) instructions
d) none of the mentioned
9. What are the characteristics of transaction
semantics ? Answer: a
a) Suitable for applications that are concerned
about coherence of data 2. _____ is the concept in which a process is
b) The users of this model are interested in the copied into main memory from the secondary
atomicity property for their transaction memory according to the requirement.
c) Easy to implement in a single processor a) Paging
system b) Demand paging
d) Write-back enhances access performance c) Segmentation
d) Swapping
Answer: b
Answer: b
10. What are non characteristics of session
semantics ? 3. The pager concerns with the
a) Each client obtains a working copy from the a) individual page of a process
server b) entire process
b) When file is closed, the modified file is copied c) entire thread
to the file server
d) first page of a process d) none of the mentioned

Answer: a Answer: a

4. Swap space exists in 8. Which algorithm chooses the page that has not
a) primary memory been used for the longest period of time
b) secondary memory whenever the page required to be replaced?
c) cpu a) first in first out algorithm
d) none of the mentioned b) additional reference bit algorithm
c) least recently used algorithm
Answer: b d) counting based page replacement algorithm

Answer: c
5. When a program tries to access a page that is
mapped in address space but not loaded in
physical memory, then 9. A process is thrashing if
a) segmentation fault occurs a) it is spending more time paging than executing
b) fatal error occurs b) it is spending less time paging than executing
c) page fault occurs c) page fault occurs
d) no error occurs d) swapping can not take place

Answer: c Answer: a

6. Effective access time is directly proportional to 10. Working set model for page replacement is
a) page-fault rate based on the assumption of
b) hit ratio a) modularity
c) memory access time b) locality
d) none of the mentioned c) globalization
d) random access
Answer: a
Answer: b
7. In FIFO page replacement algorithm, when a
page must be replaced
Operating System Questions & Answers –
a) oldest page is chosen Distributed File System – 2
b) newest page is chosen
c) random page is chosen
This set of JUnit Questions and Answers for Answer: a
Aptitude test focuses on “Distributed File System
– 2”. 5. What are characteristic of NFS protocol ?
1. What is a stateless file server ? a) Search for file within directory
a) It keeps tracks of states of different objects b) Read a set of directory entries
b) It maintains internally no state information at all c) Manipulate links and directories
c) It maintains some information in them d) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: d
Answer: b
6. What is coherency of replicated data ?
2. What are the characteristics of stateless server a) All replicas are identical at all times
? b) Replicas are perceived as identical only at
a) Easier to implement some points in time
b) They are not fault-tolerant upon client or server c) Users always read the most recent data in the
failures replicas
c) They store all information file server d) All of the mentioned
d) They are redundant to keep data safe
Answer: d
Answer: a
7. What are the three popular semantic modes ?
3. Implementation of a stateless file server must a) Unix, Coherent & Session semantics
not follow ? b) Unix, Transaction & Session semantics
a) Idempotency requirement c) Coherent, Transaction & Session semantics
b) Encryption of keys d) Session, Coherent semantics
c) File locking mechanism
d) Cache consistency Answer: b

Answer: b 8. What are the characteristics of Unix semantics

4. What are the advantages of file replication ? a) Easy to implement in a single processor
a) Improves availability & performance system
b) Decreases performance b) Data cached on a per process basis using
c) They are consistent write through case control
d) Improves speed c) Write-back enhances access performance
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: d d) none of the mentioned

9. What are the characteristics of transaction Answer: a

semantics ?
a) Suitable for applications that are concerned
2. ______ of the distributed file system are
about coherence of data
dispersed among various machines of distributed
b) The users of this model are interested in the
atomicity property for their transaction
a) Clients
c) Easy to implement in a single processor
b) Servers
c) Storage devices
d) Write-back enhances access performance
d) All of the mentioned

Answer: b
Answer: d

10. What are non characteristics of session

3. _______ is not possible in distributed file
semantics ?
a) Each client obtains a working copy from the
a) File replication
b) Migration
b) When file is closed, the modified file is copied
c) Client interface
to the file server
d) Remote access
c) The burden of coordinating file sharing is
ignored by the system
Answer: b
d) Easy to implement in a single processor
4. Which one of the following hides the location
where in the network the file is stored?
Answer: d a) transparent distributed file system
Operating System Questions & Answers – b) hidden distributed file system
Distributed File System – 3
c) escaped distribution file system
This set of Operating System Multiple Choice d) spy distributed file system
Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Distributed File System – 3”. Answer: a

1. The file once created can not be changed is

called 5. In distributed file system, when a file’s physical
a) immutable file storage location changes
b) mutex file a) file name need to be changed
c) mutable file b) file name need not to be changed
c) file’s host name need to be changed c) both local name and physical storage location
d) file’s local name need to be changed d) none of the mentioned

Answer: b Answer: b

6. In distributed file system, _______ is mapping 10. Which one of the following is a distributed file
between logical and physical objects. system?
a) client interfacing a) andrew file system
b) naming b) network file system
c) migration c) novel network
d) heterogeneity d) all of the mentioned

Answer: b Answer: d

7. In distributed file system, a file is uniquely

Operating System Questions & Answers –
identified by Distributed Coordination
a) host name
b) local name This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
c) the combination of host name and local name Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
d) none of the mentioned “Distributed Coordination”.

1. What are the characteristics of tightly coupled

Answer: c system ?
i) Same clock, usually shared memory
8. There is no need to establish and terminate a ii) Communication is via this shared memory
connection through open and close operation in iii) Multiprocessors
a) stateless file service iv) Different clock
b) stateful file service a) i
c) both stateless and stateful file service b) i, ii and ii
d) none of the mentioned c) ii and iii
d) i, iii and iv
Answer: a
Answer : b
9. In distributed file system, file name does not
reveal the file’s 2. What are the characteristics of tightly coupled
a) local name system ?
b) physical storage location i) Different clock
ii) Use communication links d) iii and iv
iii) Same clock
iv) Distributed systems Answer : b
a) i
b) i and iv 5. What are the advantages of token(with rings)
c) i, ii and iii passing approach ?
d) ii, iii and iv i) One processor as coordinator which handles all
Answer : d ii) No starvation if the ring is unidirectional
iii) There are many messages passed per section
entered if few users want to get in section
3. What are the characteristics of mutual
iv) One processor as coordinator which handles
exclusion using centralized approach ?
all requests
a) One processor as coordinator which handles
v) Only one message/entry if everyone wants to
all requests
get in
b) It requires request,reply and release per critical
section entry a) i
c) The method is free from starvation b) ii and iii
d) All of the mentioned c) i, ii and iii
d) i, ii and iv
Answer : d
Answer : d

4. What are the characteristics of fully distributed

approach ? 6. What is the characteristics of atomicity ?
i) When responses are received from all a) All operations associated are executed to
processes, then process can enter its Critical completion or none are performed
Section b) One processor as coordinator which handles
ii) When process exits its critical section, the all requests
process sends reply messages to all its deferred c) When responses are received from all
requests. processes, then process can enter its Critical
iii) It requires request,reply and release per critical Section
section entry d) Use communication links
iv) One processor as coordinator which handles
all requests Answer : a
a) i
b) i and ii 7. What things are transaction coordinator is
c) ii and iii responsible for ?
a) Starting the execution of the transaction 11. What are the parts of global unique identifier ?
b) Breaking transaction into a number of a) Local unique timestamp
subtransactions b) Remote timestamp
c) Coordinating the termination of the transaction c) Clock number
d) All of the mentioned d) All of the mentioned

Answer : d Answer : a

8. Single coordinator approach has the following 12. Which are the two complementary deadlock-
advantages : prevention schemes using timestamps ?
a) Simple implementation a) The wait-die & wound-wait scheme
b) Simple deadlock handling b) The wait-n-watch scheme
c) bottleneck c) The wound-wait scheme
d) All of the mentioned d) The wait-wound & wound-wait scheme

Answer : d
Answer : a
Operating System Questions & Answers –
advertisement Distributed Synchronization

9. Single coordinator approach has the following This set of Operating System Multiple Choice
disadvantages : Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
a) Bottleneck “Distributed Synchronization”.
b) Slow response
c) Deadlock 1. In distributed systems, a logical clock is
d) One request per second associated with
a) each instruction
b) each process
Answer : a
c) each register
d) none of the mentioned
10. What are the disadvantages of majority
protocol ?
Answer: b
a) Complicated implementation
b) Deadlock cannot occur easily
c) Bottleneck 2. If timestamps of two events are same, then the
d) All of the mentioned events are
a) concurrent
b) non-concurrent
Answer : a
c) monotonic
d) non-monotonic 6. In the token passing approach of distributed
systems, processes are organized in a ring
Answer: a structure
a) logically
b) physically
3. If a process is executing in its critical section
c) both logically and physically
a) any other process can also execute in its
d) none of the mentioned
critical section
b) no other process can execute in its critical
section Answer: a
c) one more process can execute in its critical
section 7. In distributed systems, transaction coordinator
d) none of the mentioned a) starts the execution of transaction
b) breaks the transaction into number of sub
Answer: b transactions
c) coordinates the termination of the transaction
d) all of the mentioned
4. A process can enter into its critical section
a) anytime
Answer: d
b) when it receives a reply message from its
parent process
c) when it receives a reply message from all other 8. In case of failure, a new transaction coordinator
processes in the system can be elected by
d) none of the mentioned a) bully algorithm
b) ring algorithm
Answer: c c) both bully and ring algorithm
d) none of the mentioned

5. For proper synchronization in distributed

Answer: c
a) prevention from the deadlock is must
b) prevention from the starvation is must 9. In distributed systems, election algorithms
c) prevention from the deadlock & starvation is assumes that
must a) a unique priority number is associated with
d) none of the mentioned each active process in system
b) there is no priority number associated with any
Answer: c process
c) priority of the processes is not required
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: a

10. According to the ring algorithm, links between

processes are
a) bidirectional
b) unidirectional
c) both bidirectional and unidirectional
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: b

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