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Summative Assessment –I

Assignment No- 5

Chapter -3. Rational Numbers.

Q1) The expression which best describes the rational no. is:

a)0 b)1 c)3 d) none of these.

Q2)The additive inverse of is:

a) b) ) )

Q3)The product of rational no. and its multiplicative inverse is:

a)1 )0 ) )

Q4) The value of |-2 –(- )| is:

a) ) ) d) none of these.

Q5)The sum of rational no. and its reciprocal is:

a)0 b)1 c) d)

Q.6 Express as a rational number with denominator :- (a) -16 (b) 24

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Q.7 Express as a rational number with numerator(a) -25 (b) 625

Q.8 Reduce the following national numbers to the standard form.

(a) (b) (c) - (d)

Q.9 Write 3 equivalent rational numbers of : a) )

Q.10Represent the following rational numbers on the number line

(a) (b)

Also write the nearest integers between which each of them lies.

Q.11 Arrange each of the following in descending order.

, , ’

Q.12 Simplify :

(a) + b) + c) +

d) + e) + f) + +

g) + − − h) i)

j)3 −1

Q.13 Subtract :- a) b) 2

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Q.14 Divide : a) b) −5 1

Q.15 Find 4 rational numbers between and

Q.16 The product of two rational numbers is . If one of them is 3 ,

find the other.

Q.17 The sum of two rational numbers is If one of them is ,find

the other.

Q.18 Simplify: 2 +5 x 1 - 1 ÷ 1

Q19)Find a rational no. which in standard form is equal to and the

sum of its numerator and denominator is 27.

Q20) Arrange each of the following in ascending order:-

a) , ,

b)If you have to arrange health, wealth and character in ascending

order of importance, arrange it according to your priority.

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