Epekto NG Kantutan Sa Mga Kabataan

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Final Requirement for Work


S.Y. 2019-2020

Submitted by:

Mary Sunshine V. Gorobat

Submitted to:

Ms. Leyba Rebanio

March 2020

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1.1 Company Logo

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Table of Contents:

1. Table of Contents………………………………………………………………….3
2. Dedication/Acknowledgement………………………………………………..5
3. Pre – Immersion…………………………………………………………………….5
3.1 Expected Behavior…………………………………………………………....6
3.1.1 Work Ethics (define, describe, share experience)………………6
3.1.2 Safety in Work Place………………………………………………….6
3.1.3 Confidentiality in the Work Place…………………………………..6
3.1.4 Appreciating the Importance of Credentials by:……………….7 Barangay Clearance …………………………………….7 Police Clearance………………………………………….8 Mayor’s Clearance………………………………………..8 Medical Certificate……………………………………….8 Job Interview Skills…………………………………………9
4. During Immersion…………………………………………………………………..9
4.1 The Work Place…………………………………………………………………9
4.1.1 Immersion Company History Profile………………………………..9
4.1.2 Mission/Vision…………………………………………………………...9
4.1.3 Company Organizational Chart………………………………….10
4.2 Activity Report……………………………………………………………….11
4.2.1 Attendance Sheet…………………………………………………..11
4.2.2 List of task checklist………………………………………………….12
4.2.3 Weekly Accomplishment Report…………………………………13
4.2.4 Work Immersion Highlights…………………………………………17
4.3 Reflection……………………………………………………………………..17
4.3.1 Problems Encountered……………………………………………..17
4.3.2 Suggestions and Recommendation…………………………….17

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4.3.3 Reflection of Entire Experience……………………………………18
4.4 Documentation……………………………………………………...………19
5. Post Immersion (Pertinent Documents)……………………………………...20
5.1 Updated Resume…………………………………………………...……….21
5.2 Barangay Clearance…………………………………………………..…..23
5.3 Police Clearance………………………………………………………...….24
5.4 Medical Certificate……………………………………………………...….25
5.5 Mayor’s Clearance…………………………………………………………27
5.6 Work Immersion Evaluation………………………………………………..28

Page 4

First and foremost, it would be an honor to dedicate this compilation with

the help of several individuals who willingly give assistance in the preparation
and completion of this portfolio.

This project gave us an opportunity to develop our skills to do this

compilation and for her valuable support in our Work Immersion which is very
useful in days come.

Pre – Immersion

Our work immersion will be started in October and it gives me a feeling of

personal accomplishment. Before the work immersion started, I attended
seminar in our school regardingwork immersion. They tackled about the do’s
and don’ts, especially, the requirements that we must complete in order for us
to participate to work immersion.

In order to start working in Teleperformance, I have to pass the interview. I

already prepared for that. Even though I’m not fluent in speaking English, I tried
my best to pass the interview. I can say that my interview isn’t that good, but I
passed. I was happy back then, and I happily participated with them.

A. Expected Behavior

Work Ethics

When I finally start my work immersion I expected that our trainers and the
employees there are professional, low tempered, and approachable because

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they are call center knowing that they must be low tempered, calm, and kind to
their client to gain their trust to buy their product. I also expect that their
company is focusing on gaining profit and creating opportunities for everyone.

Safety in Work Place

Before I started the Work Immersion, I visualize the structure of our

workplace. If it is safe, clean, comfortable and the ambiance is good. It is
essential because this would be the workplace of the employees. I expect that
we will work in the office so that; I didn’t worry about our workplace, because I
know this company would never allow their employees to get harm.

Confidentiality in the Work Place

Confidentiality is the protection of personal information. One of the most

important confidentiality elements is that they help build and build trust. It
potentially allows information between the client and the worker, and
recognizes that the personal life of a client and all the issues and problems they
have belong to them. If a good company knows how to keep their employers
and business partners information confidential this notifies other company that
would be willing to work with them.

B. Appreciating the importance of credentials by:

Writing a Resume

Page 6
It is important to make or write a proficient resume if you are planning to
apply for a job. It is more than just a document this because details your history,
experience, and qualifications so a potential employer could quickly and easily
see how your individual experiences will lead to the performance of their
company. This document is the employer’s first impression of you and if you
capture the employer’s attention for even a few seconds, then they are really
interested in what it has to offer and having a chance at winning the job with
the right resume.

Filling out application forms

In filling out an application form is essential because you are giving your
personal information. Application forms typically contain a paragraph
explaining that mistakes or false information reported on the application form
may result in application rejection or employment termination.

Visiting the concerned offices where the ff. could be secured:

Barangay Clearance

The Barangay Clearance is a legal document and important because this

is a basis if you are totally their resident of the municipality. By this document,
they will know you by having a good moral character and duly registered
member of your Barangay. They will give you this document when you inform
them the purpose of your request.

Police Clearance

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The official document published by state or public agency following the
background check by the local authorities is the police clearance. Police
clearance is used for the evaluation and identifying any criminal records
applicants may have. This includes arrests, convictions, lawsuits and criminal
proceedings an applicant might posses.

Mayor’s Clearance

This was one of the most difficult forms to get, because you need to
process for other legal requirements before providing it. The Mayor’s Clearance
is a legal document issued to individuals residing in the municipality for local
employment. It is important to know if you are recently living in the municipality
and to know your records as well. The mayor’s clearance is for individuals who
need a legal purpose.

Medical Certificate

It is important to secure always your healthy lifestyle, the medical

certificate is important especially if you are applying for a job. They required this
to check if you are healthy and no seen defects to your health. Since this is a
recommended clinic from Lakewood there are tons of Lakewoodians there as
well as other future employees. There were tons of people in line so you need to
make sure that you are well hydrated because you will send out you urine and
feces. This will notify them if you are fit to work.

Job Interview Skills

Page 8
Teleperformance conducted a mock interview inside our school campus
to determine who will suit their company’s interest. They tested out our
communication skills and how fluent we could speak in English or How
determined you are to be one of their employees.

During Work Immersion

A. The Work Place

Immersion Company History Profile

Teleperformance was founded way back June 1978 in Paris. It was founded
by Daniel Julien. In 1986 teleperformance established its first international
subsidiaries in Belgium and Italy. Two years later, Teleperformance launched
subsidiaries in other European markets; Spain, Belgium, Sweden, and United

Mission Statement

At Teleperformance, we deliver an outstanding customer experience, at

every single opportunity, as a result of our commitment, passion and dedication
to excellence. In so doing, we create opportunities and values for employees,
clients, customers, communities and shareholders. In order to get a Police
Clearance it took me almost 2 hours, because there are a lot of people need to
get this because this is the one of the most important requirements when you
are applying for the job.

Vision Statement

Page 9
We believe in a simple solution to achieve our goals: happy employees make
happy customers, which, in turn makes happy clients and happy shareholders.

Company Organizational Chart

Michelle Carbonel

ARM 5 Supervisor Manager 3

Valerie Marasigan Lorenzo Jerik Estrella
Vendor Canafranca Visayas &
Management Creatives Mindanao

Danica Jessa Renz Ronnie Supervisor TBH
Doromal Bernardo Paul Abing Davao & Bacolod
Specialist, Cebu & CDO
Vendor Creatives
Angelo Alfafara John Julian
Recruitment Patricmonio
Sourcing Recruiment
Kryztle Mae Fabro Associate Sourcing
Recruitment Sourcing
K-12 Luzon Main POC

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B. Activity Report
Daily Time Record

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List of Task Checklist

Name of Students Mary Sunshine V. Grade and Section 12 – Axlewood A

Lakewood School of
School Alabang, Inc. Immersion Site Teleperformance
Track Academic Strand/Specialization Business, and
Duration of Work 80 Hours



1. Actively participate in Actively participating

every activities in every activities
organized by the organized by the
mentors. mentors.

2. Participate in oral Participating in oral

discussion about BPO. discussion about BPO.

3. Communicate with Communicating with

other departments, other departments,
colleagues, trainers, colleagues, trainers,
clients and staff. clients and staff.

4. Demonstrate Demonstrating
proficiency in filling out proficiency in filling
of forms. out of forms.

Page 12
5. Enhance the job Enhance the job
interview skills. interview skills.

Weekly Accomplishment Report

(Day 1)

This is our first day on our immersion, on Teleperformance Alphaland.

Where, Ms. Grace and Ms. Kryztle evaluate us on everything, or what we will
going through. Both of them divide us on two groups, where we have a lot of
activities regarding on BPO, and Teleperformance. We do a lot of things, that
we also learned from it. We enjoy the wholeday and happily. We know
everyone, and we interact with eachother. And also know their names and

(Day 2)

This is the second day on our Immersion, Thursday. This is the day that we
tackled about BPO, what BPO stands for and what BPO means. This is where we
have an recitation, and also an activities about also in BPO. Today our assigned
outfit is according to our strand, i am ABM so we wore red shirt. We reviewed
about our lesson previously about BPO, traits of American and Filipinos. For an
activity, we had a debate and split for a two groups.

(Day 3)

We wore anything green, and i wore green shirt and pants. Today, we
learned about the call flow and we recited one by one and all of us had
mistakes but I think we all did just good. All of us repreat the callflow, for us to
remember it. There was a time, that we repeat because some of words forgot.

(Day 4)

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They asked to wear a dress for girls, because Ms. Grace and Ms. Kryztle
assigned it for the girl to wear. There was a mini fashion show, and we take a lot
of pictures. Our lecture for today is about the history of the Teleperformance.
After that we watched IT Chapter 2 and we were asked to make a reaction
paper of it.

(Day 5)

Today we have no assigned outfit and we only have to wear our uniforms.
The interview is upcoming, so we started on practicing for the exit interview.
Today we have learned on how to show empathy on our customers. They
taught what is the good characteristics of an customer service.

(Day 6)

Ms. Grace discussed about the 100 Tips on How to learn English. Then also
we have to practice on answering job interview questions and out of the box
question. There’s a dry run of interview and we called us one by one.

(Day 7)

For this exciting day we and our mentor Ms. Kryztle and Ms. Grace, they
help us to answer some possible questions that may be ask for the final interview.
Ms. Grace told us what are the things we need to remember to impress the
interviewer just like look at the forehead of the interviewer if you feel something
different or nervous, smile and be confidence all the time.

(Day 8)

Today is the last day of practicing before the final interview. So again and
again we review about it, and we had a review about the very first lesson up to
the last one. Lesson about meaning the BPO, categories of BPO, front and back
office of BPO, the history of the Teleperformance, types of callers, how to show
empathy to the customers.

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(Day 9)

Today is our final interview and I wore a white polo and skirts. Everyone
was so nervous when we have to go down to the 3rd floor where the interview
will be conducted. Names were being called and I’m the third one. Until it was
my turn, at first u was really nervous but when the interviewer throws her
questions. My score was 13 and 15, i need to catch up more points to pass the
1st one interview.

(Day 10)

This is the last day of our Immersion, Nov 04,2019. Where Ericka, Mori and I
arrived at exavtly 8 in the morning. On our room, everybody was preparing for
the interview. Because ICT strand will be the one to interview on the 3rd floor.
After the interview, Ms. Grace and I wait on the foodcourt. All of them got high
scores, but still they need earn more points. After that we take selfies, because
this is the last day of our immersion. And i know that i will cherish all these
memories, I’ve learned a lot that help me in my future and how to apply it on
my self.

Work Immersion Highlights

In 10 days of working with them. The best day is the last 3 days of our work
immersion because we finally came in the company of Teleperfomance in
Makati. Before we go there, all of us were waiting at starmall alabang because
we wanted to go there together. It’s cool because the workplace are very
confidential and we need to observed our behavior for the reputation of our
school and the teleperformance as well. I loved their company not only
because of the free coffee but also because of the ambiance of their canteen,
workplace, and the building itself.
Page 15
C. Reflection

Problems Encountered

Based on my observation, the problems that I noticed about their

company is the elevator, it makes you feel dizzy so that some of employee are
using stairs instead of elevator.

Suggestions and Recommendations

I suggest that they must change the elevator just like to the elevator of
LRT. Even you use it up and down many times you won’t feel dizziness, you’ll feel
nothing. Imagine if they change the elevator it would be a huge contribution for
their employees and all of their employees would be thankful because finally,
they won’t be tired physically and mentally.

Reflection of Entire Experience

In my entire experienced in Teleperformance. One of my dreams is to

work in a company or to be part of the company, so that’s I was happy back
then when I finally work there. In Teleperformance, I experience a lot of things
like being dependent. It was fearful after all because I’m not familiar to the
places and it was my first time to go alone without the guide of my parent. By
commuting, I learned to be independent and how difficult it is, but it was helpful

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for me after all. I improve myself and the more I learned something about
Business, it is a motivation for me to choose a Business course and entire to the
business world.

We may encounter different challenges in our life through our health,

financial, and in education. But when started I working in Teleperformance, I
regard a lot of opportunities and careers they offer to everyone. You will feel like
you are part of their family and having a one goal to achieve. It was my best
experience to work in this kind of company and if I will give a chance or
opportunity to work in this company, I will grab this opportunity because I know
they help me not only in my financial problem but also to know them more and
to prove mysel

D. Documentation

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This was our first day in Work Immersion. In this picture, we are all happy
because we will have another lesson that we will should learn.

As the time passed by, everyone interact with one another, this is my
squad on our Immersion.

Page 18
Updated Resume

Mary Sunshine V. Gorobat

466 Cupang, Muntinlupa City.


[email protected]


To work in a challenging surrounding that demands all my skills and efforts

to explore, for myself to become accustomed in different fields..

Page 19
Educational background

Senior High School 2018 – Present Lakewood School of Alabang

Junior High School 2014 – 2018 Muntinlupa Business Highschool Main

Elementary 2008 – 2014 Cupang Elementary School

Personal Information

Age : 18 Sex : Female

Date of Birth : April 25, 2001 Civil Status : Single

Place of Birth : Alabang, Muntinlupa City Religion: Roman


Citizenship : Filipino

Work Experience

Teleperformance (Work Immersion) Oct 01 – Nov 04, 2019

2258, China Roces Ave., Makati City


Jonna Mae Sahagun

Business Ethics Teacher

Kryztle Mae Fabro

Recruitment Sourcing Associate

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I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief.


Applicant’s Signature

Barangay Clearance

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Police Clearance

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Medical Certificate

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Mayor’s Clearance

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Work Immersion Evaluation

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