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Cleaning process

 The first stage is to remove dust and dirt using a winnowing basket or by Using machine.
 .WASHING • the capsules are washed thoroughly in water to remove any soil that has adhered
to them.
 CURING: Soaking green (wet) capsules immediately after harvest in 2 per cent sodium carbonate
solution for 10 min fixes green colour during subsequent drying and storage. Quick dip of
capsules in hot water at 40 degree Celsius and dipping capsules for 10 min in 2 per cent sodium
carbonate had helped in better retention of green colour of cured capsules. Pre-soaking of
capsules in copper formulations and chemicals like NAA, IAA, GA and magnesium sulphate
helped to retain more chlorophyll compared to other treatments
 DRYING Cardamom capsules carry moisture levels of 70—80% at harvest. For proper storage,
the initial moisture level has to be brought down to 8—10%. Cardamom capsules need to be
dried within 24 h, any further delay would result in deterioration of green colour and
 TYPES OF DRYING: 1.Sun Drying 2. Artificial drying
 Artifical DRIER- DRIER Through flow dryer Solar cardamom dryer Cross-flow electric dryer Bin
dryer Kiln drying Sun drying Electrical dryer TEMP(0c) 50 oc 55 oc 55 oc 45-50 oc 45 - 50 oc.
DRYING DRYING TIME(hrs) 22 h 3 days 18-20 h 10-12 h. 18-22 h 5-6 days 10-12 h
 BLEACHED CARDAMOM Bleaching can be done either with dried cardamom capsules or freshly
harvested capsules as starting material. Fresh capsules soaked for 1 h in 20 per cent potassium
metabisulphite solution containing per cent hydrogen peroxide solution degrade the
chlorophyll. Drying of these capsules yield golden yellow colour.
 TYPES OF BLEACHING: (a)Sulphur bleaching (b)Potassium meta bisulphite bleaching (c)Hydrogen
peroxide bleaching (d)Conventional bleaching.
 .GRINDING For grinding, conventional mills like plate mill or hammer mill or pin mill are
employed. The particle size of the ground spice may vary from 250 to 700 microns depending on
the end use. Vacuum-packaged ground cardamom stored at 5 oc retained flavour for longer
periods. Polyester/aluminium foil/polyethylene laminate with its outstanding, moisture, oxygen
and odour barrier properties can offer a long shelf life of over 180 days under normal conditions
for cardamom powde

Pre treatment process

Soaking the cardamom fruits in 2% washing soda (sodium carbonate) for 10 minutes prior to drying

Bleached cardamom in creamy white or golden yellow in colour

Acidic nature of soaking solution brings about the degradation of chlorophyll and further drying yields
yellow colour

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