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TUTORIAL 01 – 10/09/2019

Question 1

A pyritic ore is reduced with hydrogen according to the following reaction:

FeS2 (s) + 2H2 (g) ↔ Fe (l) + 2H2S (g)

The ore contains 15% inert solid (gangue). 25% excess hydrogen is used, and the cinder
(solid residue) remaining contains 5% FeS2 by weight.

Calculate the volume of furnace gases (at 400oC and 1 atm) per 100 kg of ore charged.

Question 2

A limestone is analysed as follows:

CaCO3 = 93.1 wt. %
MgCO3 = 5.38 wt. %
Insoluble matter = 1.5 wt. %

(a) How many kg of CaO could be obtained from 5000kg of limestone?

(b) How many kg of CO2 will be produced?

Question 3

Antimony can be produced according to the following reaction:

Sb2S3 (s) + 3Fe(s) ↔ 2Sb (l) + 3FeS (s)
Calculate the following for a process in which 800g of Sb2S3 is mixed with 300g of Fe to form
250g of Sb;
(a) The limiting reactant
(b) Percent excess reactant
(c) The degree of conversion of Fe to Fes
(d) The yield of Sb

Question 4

An annealing furnace uses a fuel oil containing 16% hydrogen. The fuel is burnt with 25%
excess air.
Calculate the flue gas analysis assuming complete combustion. Repeat the calculation
assuming that 5% of the fuel is burnt to CO only.

Assume 100kg fuel: 84kg C and 16kg H

Question 5

A copper ore contains 7% Cu and 36% S. The copper mineral is chalcopyrite CuFeS 2 and S is
also present as iron pyrite (FeS2). The rest of the ore is gangue containing no Cu, S and Fe.
The ore is roasted until all the sulphur is removed; the following reactions are taking place:

4FeS2 + 11O2 ↔ 2Fe2O3 + 8SO2

4CuFeS2 + 13O2 ↔ 4CuO + 2Fe2O3 + 8SO2

Calculate the following;

(a) Weight of each mineral and the gangue
(b) Oxygen required in m3
(c) Cubic meter of air
(d) Weight of Fe2O3
(e) Volume of SO2

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