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Continental Biscuits Limited Sukkur

Groups Members:

Sooraj Lal

Mansoor Charan (013-17-0035)

Asad Ali Channa

Tahir Raza
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................................................... 4
Mission statement: ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Vision statement ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Company description .................................................................................................................................... 6
Production Organizational Chart .................................................................................................................. 7
Decision making ............................................................................................................................................ 8
Effective decision-making process ............................................................................................................ 8
Identifying the problem: ....................................................................................................................... 8
Develop Alternatives: ............................................................................................................................ 8
Evaluating and selecting the best alternative: ...................................................................................... 8
Implement and evaluate the decision effectiveness: ........................................................................... 8
DECISION MAKING APPROACHES: ........................................................................................................ 8
Type of the problem and their solutions accordingly: .......................................................................... 9
Manager constraints ..................................................................................................................................... 9
Symbolic view. .......................................................................................................................................... 9
Factors that can affect the organization performance and also decisions ............................................. 10
External environment ......................................................................................................................... 10
Political constraints: ............................................................................................................................ 10
Economic environment: ...................................................................................................................... 10
Demographic environment: ................................................................................................................ 10
How external environment effect managers .......................................................................................... 10
Employee: ........................................................................................................................................... 10
Government: ....................................................................................................................................... 11
Organizational culture: ....................................................................................................................... 11
How Employee learn culture: ................................................................................................................. 11
Planning and goal setting ............................................................................................................................ 12
Goal setting: ............................................................................................................................................ 12
Planning and performance: .................................................................................................................... 12
Strategic planning: .................................................................................................................................. 12
Operational Planning: ............................................................................................................................. 13
Approaches to goal setting (traditional goal setting): ............................................................................ 13
Competitive Advantage: ......................................................................................................................... 13
Social responsibity and ethics in management .......................................................................................... 14
Improvement suggestions in Management process: ............................................................................. 14
Hassan Ali Khan

We are very much pleased with the Sir, who give us chance to share our ideas related to the
management course in practical life means how organizations plans related to the different
circumstances and how they plan to achieve their goal so on this issue we visit the Lu company of
the Sukkur where we meet with the sales manager of the Lu company named Atique Rehman he
was very good personality person and he gave us their precious time to answer our question related
to their organization. Throughout interview journey we learned lot of things means manager told
us that how they plan to achieve their organization goal.
Mission statement:
The mission statement of the company is to be market leader in Pakistan biscuit industry in the
next five years ensuring every second biscuit consumed is proudly made by the continental biscuits

Vision statement
Continental biscuit limited will become Pakistan most preferred company by developing powerful
consumer-loved local and global brands, maintaining world class manufacturing in quality
standards, having superior quality, motivated employees and maximizing shareholders returns.
Company description
This company was built in 1984 by Mr., Hassan Ali khan in the Pakistan. After he signed an
agreement with the general biscuits which is commonly known as the LU which was first acquired
by the DANOONE group. Firstly in 1986 they started with the 200 employees all over the country
but now they have 3000 employees in Sukkur region.

They produce much more products (SBU’s) such as Tiger biscuits, Oreo, Tuc, prince, candi, gala,
bakery, zeera plus, 50 50, wheat able etc.
Production Organizational Chart




2 2 2 2 2
SubOrdinates SubOrdinates SubOrdinates SubOrdinates SubOrdinates

30 70 50 70 30
Decision making
Effective decision-making process

Identifying the problem:

They identify their pack printing machines of the company are not working very effectively and
properly now a days and they are used for too much time so company going to buy the new one
and problem is the selection of the supplier

Develop Alternatives:

The company starts finding the correct suppliers of the machines which give them the best machine
for printing and also give them in a very good deal with fitting charges

Supplier 1: deal- with best quality and give the engineer for care service for the machine

Supplier 2: deal- the normal which you already have but I give you the new one with 30% discount
without fitting chargers

Supplier 3: deal- best quality high working speed better yours and 5% discount on the whole price
of machines and also we give you free fitting service

Evaluating and selecting the best alternative:

The owner of the LU Company evaluates the given offers in deal and then selects the option of 3rd

Implement and evaluate the decision effectiveness:

After doing careful planning owner decides to implement the taken decision and evaluate that the
printing quality on the rapper were more than the previous one and also take review from the
customers. Owner is satisfied on his taken decision after evolution.


1. Rationality

2. Bounded rationality
3. Intuition

4. Evidence-Based Management

LU Company use the EVIDANCE-BASED MANAGMENT their owner or manger visit the
foreign biscuit industries like their manager said that we visit “china” and then they adopt their
way and machinery and methods of working efficiently

Type of the problem and their solutions accordingly:

Structured problems: if they have any problem in their machines and their production will stop
and they must have to complete the order. This is a structural problem and they solve this problem
by their policy of making extra inventory in the company in order to fulfil the urgent orders or
solving that kind of problems.

Manager constraints

Continental biscuit limited is the large Pakistan firm.LU has many managerial constraints .it may
be internal or external. Before going towards constraints, elaborate the management view of the
organization. It may be symbolic or omnipotent.

Symbolic view.

Organization consider managers are important and stakeholder of company. Managers are
responsible to take decision on cost-benefits basis. It is joint venture of family Hasan Ali khan and
Kraft foods of USA. Though financial team make feasible report, marketing team make
promotional plan, HR team responsible for hiring potential employee but all the decision approved
by the CEO Hasan Ali Khan. That’s why company has symbolic view rather than omnipotent of
management view.
Factors that can affect the organization performance and also decisions

External environment

Company either small or large they are effected by many external environmental .the external
Environment which led great impact on managerial decision for instance intrest rates, inflation
population ,income family composition political factor ,laws of nation and out of the country
External challenges may be effect our chosen organization

Political constraints:

Company has the zero effect of political constraints according to the manager of the company

Economic environment:

Economic environment also effect the company performance and the decision making first they
check that its cost is less or not to our profit then company take a correct decision accordingly
must they take decision when profit is more than cost

Demographic environment:

In this environment company select the one option from generation Categories Company most
focus on the post-millennial or Gen Z because they are teen ager and Gen Z is good for company
product (biscuit)

How external environment effect managers


Our HR team is responsible to hire people that are experience and meet the challenges. The
continental biscuit organized training program to motivate the employee. Our main constraints
towards employee are employee management. If there is any problem according to employee they
also fire them after inquire and employee have to give three witness to prove himself an innocent
otherwise they fire them or may be charge penalty on them. And also technology change can effect
on the jobs of employees of company but here is not that much changes in the Pakistan so they are


Government is import for the company. Government interferes in the policy like minimum wages
up to ten thousand. The tax payment to government increase can also create a problem for company
and manger in managing things

Organizational culture:

We believe in the core values of the organization. Our managers strictly follow the vision and
mission of company. The all employee has to report the authority. The non-managerial staff has to
present on time and wear white coat, plastic footwear at the production site. The employees have
to strictly follow the norms. Non-managerial staff have to exit at exact time. They have strong

How Employee learn culture:

We hire potential employee. The new employee indirectly aware with the previous stories and
behavior of the current employee. These are basic ways bay which new employees learn the
culture. We conduct orientation for the managers and training program for the non-managerial
staff. The supervisors give direction to the lower staff at production plant. And also conduct test
from them
Planning and goal setting
We visited LU biscuit company where we meet with manager Sir Atique Rehman. He told us that
there always need of huge planning to run an organization such as we plan how to manage
employees, how to increase our productivity and also how to increase sale. Manager also told that
the plans are ultimately made from the top management to the lower management. Top
management always set the ratio that at this ratio you should increase your sale or production and
lower management focuses on it and try to fulfill it.

Goal setting:
Manager told us that the goal which they are going to accomplish should be SMART, means it
should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and time-trackable. On this manager further
continued that in 2016 our company biscuit production was 60 tons but when New Year starts then
top management decides that now we should increase it then they decided that we should increase
production to 10 tons means now we have to increase production to 70 tons in 2017. The task
which management decided was difficult but it was not that it cannot be fulfilled so whole staff
focus on this thing and they finally achieved it.

 They have also the goal of to become the leader in the business of the biscuit company by
producing the healthy, fresh and good flavored biscuits in the country.

Planning and performance:

On this manager told us that for our organization the planning and performance are closely related
with each other. When we do something with the planning then our performance is increased but
when we did not focus on planning then we get loss. It is also a general phenomenon that when
you work with planning it become good but not then it became vague.

Strategic planning:
This is the long-term planning in which they focus on the increase the sale of each product so that
they can maximize their profit. So manager told us that there is one product of our company named
Tiger biscuit who is not growing well in the market but along with this it is popular in children so
on this he told that we try to increase their sale so he become good as compare to other products
of the company.

Operational Planning:
In this manager told us that each department make planning with their respect. For example: top
management told the production department that now you have to increase your production in
order to increase revenue. The top management also told to marketing department that you should
promote the products more as compare to others in order to increase the popularity of the product.

Approaches to goal setting (traditional goal setting):

LU biscuit company mostly focuses on the traditional goal setting approaches because manager
told us that our company’s goals are set by the owner of the company (Mr. Hassan Ali Khan) and
then they are implemented towards the lower staff of the organization.

Competitive Advantage:
LU biscuit has competitive is that sense they are widely sale able products and have many different
famous brands like as zeera plus, Oreo, gala etc.
Social responsibity and ethics in management

The LU biscuit company describes many ethical values but some ethical values are ought to be
touch on in order to recognize company’s ethics.

 LU manager describes that we give bonuses once in the year to all Muslim, Hindu, christen
and other workers equally but not on the basis of their events
 We give promotion on the basis of performance
 They give 2nd chance to employees who theft and ask them why he/she does and train them
not to do same again if he/she repeat hat activity again he/she will be fired and fine might
be take an action sue to court by their laws
 They motivate workers by giving them surprise payment or giving them promotion
 Every year they celebrate Labor Day with their employees in a selected restaurant with
their family
 They don’t scold employees by late coming but they ask them to spend extra hours which
they missed/absent in the mooring
 The manager maintains certain safety standards by making healthy and hygienic material
in biscuit
 They consider employees needs and give them leave
 They solve employees’ problems of quarrelling by making them friends
 They set their standard of leave only 4 days in a week exceeds four days decrease it per
day salary

Improvement suggestions in Management process:

They should increase space area and there should be proper checking by machines rather than
people because to great extent peoples are disloyal and they should proper Panaflex of its company
name at the main gate that new comer can recognize And they should not hire people on the daily
basis because there is threat of illegal people can get benefit of information which they can harm

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