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Conference Proceedings

Sampling and Definitions of Placental Lesions

Amsterdam Placental Workshop Group Consensus Statement
T. Yee Khong, MD; Eoghan E. Mooney, MB, FRCPath; Ilana Ariel, MD, PhD; Nathalie C. M. Balmus, MD; Theonia K. Boyd, MD;
Marie-Anne Brundler, MD; Hayley Derricott, BSc; Margaret J. Evans, FRCPath (Paeds); Ona M. Faye-Petersen, MD;
John E. Gillan, MD; Alex E. P. Heazell, MBChB, PhD; Debra S. Heller, MD; Suzanne M. Jacques, MD; Sarah Keating, MD;
Peter Kelehan, MD; Ann Maes, MD; Eileen M. McKay, MD; Terry K. Morgan, MD, PhD; Peter G. J. Nikkels, MD, PhD;
W. Tony Parks, MD; Raymond W. Redline, MD; Irene Scheimberg, MD; Mirthe H. Schoots, MD; Neil J. Sebire, MD;
Albert Timmer, MD, PhD; Gitta Turowski, MD; J. Patrick van der Voorn, MD; Ineke van Lijnschoten, MD; Sanne J. Gordijn, MD, PhD

 Context.—The value of placental examination in investi- terminologies, and diagnostic criteria. The terminology and
gations of adverse pregnancy outcomes may be compromised microscopic descriptions for maternal vascular malperfu-
by sampling and definition differences between laboratories. sion, fetal vascular malperfusion, delayed villous maturation,
Objective.—To establish an agreed-upon protocol for patterns of ascending intrauterine infection, and villitis of
sampling the placenta, and for diagnostic criteria for unknown etiology were agreed upon. Topics requiring
placental lesions. Recommendations would cover report- further discussion were highlighted. Ongoing developments
ing placentas in tertiary centers as well as in community in our understanding of the pathology of the placenta,
hospitals and district general hospitals, and are also scientific bases of the maternofetoplacental triad, and
relevant to the scientific research community. evolution of the clinical significance of defined lesions may
Data Sources.—Areas of controversy or uncertainty necessitate further refinements of these consensus guide-
were explored prior to a 1-day meeting where placental lines. The proposed structure will assist in international
and perinatal pathologists, and maternal-fetal medicine comparability of clinicopathologic and scientific studies and
specialists discussed available evidence and subsequently assist in refining the significance of lesions associated with
reached consensus where possible. adverse pregnancy and later health outcomes.
Conclusions.—The group agreed on sets of uniform (Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2016;140:698–713; doi: 10.5858/
sampling criteria, placental gross descriptors, pathologic arpa.2015-0225-CC)

Accepted for publication October 2, 2015.

Published as an Early Online Release May 25, 2016.
From SA Pathology, Women’s and Children’s Hospital, University of Adelaide, North Adelaide, Australia (Dr Khong); the Department of Pathology,
National Maternity Hospital, Dublin, Ireland (Drs Mooney and Kelehan); the Department of Pathology, Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center,
Mount Scopus, Jerusalem, Israel (Dr Ariel); the Department of Pathology, Kennemer Gasthuis, Haarlem, the Netherlands (Dr Balmus); the Department of
Pathology, Boston Children’s Hospital, and the Department of Pathology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston,
Massachusetts (Dr Boyd); the Departments of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, and Pediatrics, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada (Dr
Brundler); the Maternal & Fetal Health Research Centre, University of Manchester, Manchester Academic Health Science Centre, Manchester, United
Kingdom (Ms Derricott); the Department of Pathology, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom (Dr Evans); the Department of
Pathology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, (Dr Faye-Petersen); the Department of Pathology, Rotunda Hospital, Dublin, Ireland (Dr Gillan);the
Institute of Human Development, Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences, University of Manchester, and St Mary’s Hospital, Manchester Academic
Health Science Centre, Manchester, United Kingdom (Dr Heazell); the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Rutgers-New Jersey Medical
School, Newark (Dr Heller); Department of Pathology, Hutzel Women’s Hospital/Harper University Hospital, Wayne State University School of
Medicine, Detroit, Michigan (Dr Jacques); the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (Dr
Keating); the Department of Forensic Medicine, Netherlands Forensic Institute, The Hague, the Netherlands (Dr Maes); the Department of Pathology and
Laboratory Medicine, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (Dr McKay); the Departments of Obstetrics and
Gynecology, and Pathology, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland (Dr Morgan); the Department of Pathology, University Medical Center,
Utrecht, the Netherlands (Dr Nikkels); the Departments of Pathology, and Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (Dr Parks); the Department of Pathology, University Hospitals Case Medical Center and Case Western Reserve University
School of Medicine, Cleveland, Ohio (Dr Redline); the Department of Pathology, Royal London Hospital, London, United Kingdom (Dr Scheimberg);
the Departments of Pathology and Medical Biology (Drs Schoots and Timmer) and Obstetrics and Gynecology (Dr Gordijn), University Medical Center
Groningen, University of Groningen, the Netherlands; the Department of Pathology, Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, United Kingdom (Dr
Sebire); the Department of Pathology, Center for Perinatal and Pregnancy-Related Pathology, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway (Dr Turowski); the
Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (Dr van der Voorn); and the Department of Pathology,
Laboratorium voor Pathologie en Medische Microbiologie, Eindhoven, the Netherlands (Dr van Lijnschoten). Drs Khong and Mooney contributed
equally to this paper.
The authors have no relevant financial interest in the products or companies described in this article.
Reprints: T. Yee Khong, MD, Department of Histopathology, Women’s and Children’s Hospital, 72 King William Rd, North Adelaide, SA
5006, Australia (email: [email protected]).
698 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 140, July 2016 Sampling and Definitions of Placental Lesions—Khong et al
S tillbirths and neonatal deaths are a global problem, with
more than 6.4 million deaths occurring each year.1,2 A
systematic review concluded that pathology of the placenta,
nonspecialist pathologists, residents, and pathology assis-
tants. In addition, pathology laboratories are located in
tertiary hospitals as well as community or district general
cord, or membranes is attributed as a cause or contributory hospitals. Cost imperatives were also considered and
to stillbirth in 11% to 65% of cases in various classifications, weighed relative to the possible yield versus the number
depending on the classification used.3 This review also of blocks submitted.
found that protocols of sampling the placenta varied among Placental Weight.—Description of the placenta should
institutions and varying definitions of placental lesions include the placental weight trimmed of extraplacental
made comparisons or efforts to direct improvement in membranes and umbilical cord, and notation of whether the
perinatal care and outcomes difficult.3 placenta was fresh or fixed when measured. Any prior
Since the publication of a practice guideline for examining sampling of the placental parenchyma should also be
the placenta,4 definitions have been further refined and new documented. Any disruption of the basal plate should be
lesions have been described. Thus, a consensus-determined noted.
protocol for sampling the placenta and collectively agreed- The placental weight is a surrogate for placental function,8
upon definitions of placental lesions are cogently needed. and fetoplacental weight ratio has been suggested as a
The following describes the consensus from an international possible indicator of adequacy of placental reserve capacity
workshop convened to address these issues. Its authors in fetal growth restriction (FGR).9
propose that its placental gross descriptors, sampling Where possible, contemporary placental weight standards
specifications, pathologic terminologies, and diagnostic derived from the respective local or similar population
criteria represent a critically needed systematic approach, should be used.
and one that is suitable for worldwide implementation. Fixation of the placenta will affect its weight, with an
Moreover, we propose that the following protocols and increase of 3% to 6%,10 and it was acknowledged that some
definitions can be applied by general practice pathologists lesions are more easily identified after fixation, whereas
and improve the value of placental pathology and perinatal others are better identified in the fresh state. It was felt that
autopsy reports. recording the duration the placenta had been fixed prior to
examination was not feasible because there may be a
DESIGN variable interval between delivery and specimen receipt in
Practicing perinatal pathologists and placental patholo- the laboratory.
gists were invited (by authors T.Y.K., E.E.M., and S.J.G.) to Placental Disk Dimensions.—Description of the pla-
participate in a 1-day workshop to derive recommended centa should include the measurement of the placenta in
standards for placental examination and sampling, and three dimensions: the maximal linear dimension (length),
consensus agreement for diagnostic criteria for placental the greatest dimension of the axis perpendicular to this
lesions. Research-active placental pathologists and mater- linear measurement (width), and the mural minimal and
nal-fetal medicine specialists with a strong placental maximal thickness.
research interest were identified by a search of authors There is some evidence to suggest that shape and size of
through PubMed and by reputation, while an open the placenta are factors that may be statistically associated
invitation was also issued through a global pediatric with pregnancy complications (FGR, reduced fetal move-
pathology e-Web to all practicing perinatal pathologists. ments) and an individual’s long-term health.11–18
The group comprised 52 people who were contacted Measuring the placental dimensions will also allow
directly; 40 people expressed an interest in attending, of further refinement of determining the functional reserve of
whom 27 (68%) actively participated before the meeting by the placenta by correlation of size of any lesions with the
prioritizing placental pathology lesions for discussion and overall dimensions of the placenta.
potential areas of controversy or uncertainty and opinions, Description of Umbilical Cord.—Description of the
which were then circulated prior to the workshop. The umbilical cord should include the average diameter of the
group also built on a well-constructed series of definitions of cord; length; site of insertion in relation to the center/margin
three placental patterns of disease (fetal vascular obstruc- of the placenta, determined by measuring the distance
tion, maternal vascular underperfusion [then termed], and between the insertion site and the nearest placental margin;
inflammatory conditions).5–7 Twenty-six pathologists were the presence of strictures; and whether the cord appears to
able to attend and participate in the workshop held in be hypocoiled or hypercoiled (Figures 1 and 2). Segmental
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, in September 2014. Following or localized areas of hypercoiling should be recorded.
discussion and presentation of evidence, where available, Direction of coiling (handedness) should be noted if
the group constructed recommendations to standardize possible.
definitions of lesions. Thin umbilical cords are associated with FGR, whereas
thick cords are associated with maternal diabetes and with
RECOMMENDATIONS fetal hydrops.19–21 Excessively long and short cords can be
associated with adverse outcomes.22–26
Sampling the Placenta Marginal (,1 cm from the nearest margin)27 and
Participants agreed that standardizing gross examination velamentous insertions, but not peripheral (,3 cm from
and histologic sampling of the placenta is important the nearest margin)28 insertions, are associated with an
because focal lesions should not be missed, and because increased risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes, including
the comparison between studies of frequencies and preterm delivery.28 Hypocoiling (,1 coil per 10 cm) and
significance of lesions is dependent on sampling methods. hypercoiling (.3 coils per 10 cm) may be associated with
It was acknowledged that a range of practitioners, other adverse outcomes in some cases.29–32 Opinion was divided
than pathologists with an interest in the placenta, perform about the best way to assess coiling, especially because
gross evaluation and sampling of placentas, including cords are often incompletely submitted.33 Fixation of the
Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 140, July 2016 Sampling and Definitions of Placental Lesions—Khong et al 699
Because not all of the cord may be received and because
the significance of a localized site or segmental sites of
hypercoiling (Figure 2) is unclear,33 it was felt that such a
nonuniform finding should be recorded until there was
clarity regarding its significance. However, deep grooves
between coils in hypercoiled cords have been associated
with stillbirth35 and should be reported.
Left twist, defined as diagonal seams running from upper
left to lower right, is most common. The clinical significance
of left versus right twist remains unclear, but it may useful to
document this on a research basis.
Description of Membranes.—Description of the mem-
branes should include the color/opacity and completeness.
Recording the shortest distance between the site of rupture
to the placental edge may be useful in some cases of
placenta previa if the rupture was at the edge, but the group
was divided on this recommendation. If circumvallate or
circummarginate, the percentage of the circumference
involved should be noted.
Circumvallation may be associated with bleeding in early
pregnancy and may show iron deposition in the mem-
branes, sometimes with a yellow-brown or brown discol-
oration.36 Iron and meconium pigments are detectable on
histology, and notation of abnormal appearance of the
membranes grossly acts as a reminder to the pathologist at
microscopic examination (Figure 3).
Sampling of Cord, Membranes, and Placental Disk.—
Submit 4 blocks as a minimum: 1 block to include a roll of
the extraplacental membranes from the rupture edge to the
placental margin, including part of the marginal parenchy-
ma; and 2 cross sections of the umbilical cord, one from the
fetal end and another approximately 5 cm from the placental
insertion end. Three other blocks each containing a full-
thickness section of normal-appearing placenta parenchyma
should be submitted. Full-thickness samples should be
taken from within the central two-thirds of the disc and
include one adjacent to the insertion site itself. If the
transmural thickness is greater than the length of the
cassette, two options are available: the upper third
(chorionic plate and subjacent tissue) and lower third (basal
aspect) of the parenchyma can be submitted in one cassette,
or the gross slice can be divided into two and submitted in
two cassettes (ie, a fifth block may be required; Figure 4).
A full-thickness sample should be taken from close to the
umbilical cord insertion site to document fetal vascular
ectasia and fetal and/or maternal inflammatory response.
A consensus number of 3 parenchymal blocks was
selected based on discussion on sampling of placental
lesions (vide infra) and evidence to indicate that 62% of
villitis, as a prime example of a (multi)focal lesion, would be
Description of Lesions.—Grossly identified lesions
should be described with either an estimate of the
percentage of the total parenchymal volume they affect or
a measurement of the two maximal dimensions of each
Figure 1. A, A hypercoiled umbilical cord. B, A hypocoiled cord. lesion. The number of lesions of the same gross appearance
Figure 2. A long and hypercoiled umbilical cord with areas of should be counted and stated as being single or multiple.
relatively less coiling (eg, lower right). The location(s) of the lesions should be stated: central/
paracentral or peripheral. Lesions that are microscopically
cord will affect the length34 and therefore the coiling index, different may appear similar grossly. A block of the lesion
underscoring the importance of stating whether the (one of each type of lesion) should be sampled, with
placenta was fresh or fixed when pathologic examination adjacent normal parenchyma if possible, in up to 3
was performed. additional blocks.
700 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 140, July 2016 Sampling and Definitions of Placental Lesions—Khong et al
Figure 3. A meconium-laden macrophage is seen in the amnion, whereas there is columnar metaplasia of the amniotic epithelium (hematoxylin-
eosin, original magnification 340).
Figure 4. Options for embedding a thick placental slide: preferred options are embedding the lower and upper thirds in 1 cassette or embedding
the lower and upper halves in 2 separate cassettes.
Figure 5. Chronologic dating of infarcts is easier in the fixed placenta because the lesions are better demarcated: the older infarcts appear tan
colored, whereas the fresher ones appear red and congested.
Figure 6. Fresh placental abruption resulting in marked congestion of the overlying placental parenchyma.

The percentage of the total parenchymal volume provides effects of inadequate spiral artery remodeling or spiral artery
an indication of the severity and likely effect of the lesion pathology manifest as a spectrum that includes FGR and
(see ‘‘Placental Weight’’). preeclampsia,38 high-velocity malperfusion may be detri-
In sampling the lesion, part of the lesion and of the mental to placentation in early pregnancy and placental
adjacent normal area should be submitted for histology to function in later pregnancy.39–41 There was considerable
enable placental reactions to the lesion to be elucidated. discussion on the relative merits of terms used to describe
the features seen in cases of MVM, with the terms used
Maternal Vascular Malperfusion of the Placental Bed below selected by consensus.
It is recommended that the term maternal vascular Placental features considered to be indicative of MVM
malperfusion (MVM) be used instead of maternal vascular include both gross and microscopic findings. Gross
underperfusion or other synonyms. Although much of the findings include placental hypoplasia, infarction, and
Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 140, July 2016 Sampling and Definitions of Placental Lesions—Khong et al 701
retroplacental hemorrhage (vide infra). Placental hypopla- nuclear staining of the stroma. There may also be migration
sia is reflected by a placental weight that is low for the of neutrophils into the intervillous space, which may be
stated gestational age and context (weight ,10th centile) compressed or obliterated (Figure 10). Later changes include
and/or a thin cord (,10th centile or ,8-mm diameter at necrotic changes (pyknosis and karyorrhexis of trophoblast),
term). Any infarction seen in a preterm placenta and, at loss of trophoblast nuclear staining, and eventually ghost
term, anything more than 5% of nonperipheral infarction villi.
must be described. Although marginal infarcts in a term Distal Villous Hypoplasia.—Distal villous hypoplasia
placenta may have less meaning than in a preterm (DVH) is defined as the paucity of villi in relation to the
placenta, they should still be described. surrounding stem villi. The villi are thin and relatively
Microscopic findings include abnormalities of villous elongated-appearing, and syncytial knots are increased.
development, which can be separated into distal villous Distal villous hypoplasia is more commonly seen with MVM
hypoplasia, and accelerated villous maturation (vide infra). It in early pregnancy (,32 weeks of gestation).
should be recognized that many of these histologic findings This is best observed at low-power microscopy and by
will coexist in some placentas. comparing the lower two-thirds of the thickness of the
Terminology.—The term maternal vascular malperfusion parenchyma to the subchorionic third (Figure 11). The
should be used instead of the term maternal vascular diagnosis should be made when the features are seen in the
underperfusion. lower two-thirds and involve at least 30% of 1 full-thickness
Infarcts.—In addition to the documenting of gross parenchymal slide. It may be further graded as focal—
lesions, in the instance when potential infarcts are identified finding of lesion in 1 full-thickness slide only—or diffuse—
and one is a central lesion, the central lesion should be present in 2 or more full-thickness slides sampled. Diffuse
preferentially sampled for histology over a peripheral lesion. distal villous hypoplasia is associated with early-onset
The suspected infarcts should also be qualified, where FGR.43
possible, as to whether they are recent or remote. When Accelerated Villous Maturation.—Accelerated villous
central hemorrhage is identified within a lesion, it should maturation is defined as the presence of small or short
also be qualified and a sample taken for histology. When hypermature villi for gestational period, usually accompa-
histology confirms that the hemorrhage is encased by nied by an increase in syncytial knots.
infarction, the proposed term infarction hematoma should be By virtue of the use of this phrase, accelerated villous
used.42 maturation may be difficult to recognize in a term placenta,
Infarcts can be suspected by their generally pyramidal but it is a reproducible pattern to diagnose prior to term. It is
shape and usual involvement of the basal parenchyma or diagnosed by identifying a diffuse pattern of term-appearing
maternal floor of the placenta. Gross chronologic dating of villi with increased syncytial knots and intervillous fibrin,
infarcts is easier in the fixed placenta because the lesions are usually alternating with areas of villous paucity (Figure 12).
better demarcated (Figure 5). Syncytial knot prevalence has been studied at term,44 and
Retroplacental Hemorrhage.—In addition to the rec- knots on more than 33% of villi may be regarded as
ommendation of the documenting of gross lesions, in increased.
instances when a retroplacental hemorrhage is associated Areas adjacent to infarcts should not be relied on for the
with indentation of the placental parenchyma, the inden- diagnosis of accelerated villous maturation.
tation should be described, and two dimensions (length and Accelerated villous maturation is a common pattern that
width) or the percentage of maternal surface area involved may be found in mild, moderate, or severe forms of
should be recorded. Any clot that is separate from the placental insufficiency, which includes FGR, preeclampsia,
placenta but submitted in the specimen container should be and preterm labor.45
weighed and, if possible, measured in three dimensions. At Decidual Arteriopathy.—Decidual arteriopathy should
least one sample of the area of retroplacental hemorrhage be noted. The location should be stated as whether it is in
should be submitted for histology, which should include the membrane roll or basal plate or both.
part of the basal plate. The elements include acute atherosis (Figure 13), fibrinoid
Placental abruption is a clinical diagnosis and the correct necrosis with or without foam cells (Figure 14), mural
descriptor for the pathologic finding is retroplacental hypertrophy (Figure 15), chronic perivasculitis (Figure 15,
hemorrhage or retroplacental hematoma. A), absence of spiral artery remodeling (Figure 16), arterial
The criteria for retroplacental hemorrhage have been thrombosis (Figure 17), and persistence of intramural
published previously.6 Grossly, there is blood accumulation endovascular trophoblast in the third trimester (Figure 18).
on the maternal surface, with congestion and/or hemor- Other Findings.—The consensus was that there is
rhage within or compression of the overlying parenchyma insufficient evidence at this stage that increased islands of
(Figure 6). Microscopically, there is blood accumulation fibrinoid with extravillous trophoblast (so-called X cells),
beneath and dissecting the decidua and compression of the placental pseudocyst (Figure 19), chorion laeve pseudocyst
overlying intervillous space, with villous crowding, conges- (Figure 20), and membranous decidual necrosis46–48 are
tion, and/or intravillous hemorrhage with touching villi; conclusively indicative of MVM.49 Their documentation may
there is also a smudged appearance, as evidence of early facilitate further clinicopathologic studies.
coagulation necrosis of the syncytiotrophoblast nuclei, and
pale appearance of syncytiotrophoblast nuclei (Figures 7 Fetal Vascular Malperfusion
through 9). It is recommended that the term fetal vascular malperfusion
Chronicity of Infarction.—Early infarction and micro- (FVM) be used instead of fetal thrombotic vasculopathy. For
scopic infarction can be diagnosed histologically, and these severe forms of FVM, the term high-grade FVM will be used
should be recorded in the body of the report. (see later). The lesions described under this umbrella of
Early infarcts are seen as crowding and congestion of villi, FVM are likely to be due to obstruction in fetal blood flow
which may be hemorrhagic, accompanied by early loss of that could result from a number of conditions (eg, umbilical
702 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 140, July 2016 Sampling and Definitions of Placental Lesions—Khong et al
Figure 7. Intravillous hemorrhage accompanying retroplacental hemorrhage (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 310).
Figure 8. Dissection of the basal plate in retroplacental hemorrhage. There is congestion of the intervillous space immediately above the
hemorrhage (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 32).
Figure 9. Neutrophils as a vital reaction to the retroplacental hemorrhage (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 340).
Figure 10. Early infarction showing crowding and compression of the intervillous space in the center of the infarct and congestion of villi around its
periphery (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 32).
Figure 11. Distal villous hypoplasia: there is a paucity of villi, many of which are thin and elongated (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 34).
Figure 12. Accelerated villous maturation: there is a combination of areas with increased syncytial knots and intervillous fibrin deposition
(hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 34).

Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 140, July 2016 Sampling and Definitions of Placental Lesions—Khong et al 703
Figure 13. Acute atherosis: there is fibrinoid necrosis with lipid-laden macrophages and a slight perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate (hematoxylin-
eosin, original magnification 320).
Figure 14. Fibrinoid necrosis of small maternal artery without an accompanying lipophage or lymphocytic component (hematoxylin-eosin, original
magnification 340).
Figure 15. A, Mural hypertrophy of maternal arteries in the decidua parietalis; note the scanty chronic perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate. B,
Normal thin-walled maternal arteries in the decidua parietalis (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 310).
Figure 16. A, Absence of spiral artery modeling with retention of musculoelastic elements in the arterial wall; note the acute atherosis affecting the
vessel on the right. B, A remodeled spiral artery shows, by contrast, a distended caliber with replacement of the musculoelastic arterial wall by
fibrinoid (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 310).

704 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 140, July 2016 Sampling and Definitions of Placental Lesions—Khong et al
Figure 19. Gross picture of a placental pseudocyst arising within a
septum that is visible to the naked eye.

vessels, or stem vessel obliteration—although the distribu-

tion of the lesions is segmental, the thrombus or obstruction
would be expected to result in complete obstruction to the
villi downstream. The second is global FVM, indicating
partially obstructed umbilical blood flow with venous
Figure 17. Thrombosis of a maternal spiral artery with overlying ectasia, intramural fibrin deposition in large vessels, and/
infarction of the placenta (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 32). or small foci (,5 villi per focus) of avascular or karyorrhectic
Figure 18. Persistence of endovascular trophoblast intraluminally villi—the obstruction is partial or intermittent, but the
(hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 32). lesions can be distributed over much of the placenta. The
term segmental was chosen to reflect nomenclature used in
cord lesions, hypercoagulability, complications of fetal other organ systems.
cardiac dysfunction, such as hypoxia, etc.).5,50–53 Terminology.—The term fetal vascular malperfusion
At this stage of our understanding of the pathophysiology should be used. The term high-grade fetal vascular malperfu-
of fetal blood flow, findings consistent with FVM are sion should be reserved for a severe form of FVM.
thrombosis, segmental avascular villi, and villous stromal- High-grade FVM is manifest by the finding of more than
vascular karyorrhexis. Other possible markers, such as one focus of avascular villi (a cumulative assessment of 45
vascular intramural fibrin deposition, stem vessel oblitera- avascular villi over 3 sections examined or an average of .15
tion/fibromuscular sclerosis, and vascular ectasia, should villi per section) with or without thrombus, or 2 or more
also be sought. occlusive or nonocclusive thrombi in chorionic plate or
All of the features of FVM have been described in major stem villi, or multiple nonocclusive thrombi.
placentas from live-born individuals and in stillbirths, and Thrombosis.—Whether the thrombosis is arterial or
it can be difficult to tell with confidence whether the venous should be specified when possible. The location(s)
findings of FVM in an intrauterine death are due to a cause, of the thrombosis should be specified as to whether it is at
such as thrombophilia or an obstruction, or be attributable the umbilical, chorionic plate, or stem vessel vascular level,
to involutional or degenerative changes following fetal or any combination thereof.
demise.54 Thrombosis would be considered to be a It may be unclear whether the fetal venous or arterial
premortem process. Finding of a discreet population of circulations are affected. However, in the chorionic plate
avascular villi may be possible in some cases of intrauterine arteries overlie corresponding veins and thrombosed vessels
death, where they contrast with the more cellular pattern of are thus potentially grossly distinguishable from one
villous involution. another (Figure 21). Specification of the location(s) of the
Two patterns of FVM are recognized, and either may be thrombosis may clarify whether thrombosis located any-
low grade or high grade. The first is segmental FVM, where in the fetal vascular tree has the same clinical
indicating thrombotic occlusion of chorionic or stem villous connotations.
Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 140, July 2016 Sampling and Definitions of Placental Lesions—Khong et al 705
Figure 20. Contiguous pseudocysts in the chorion laeve (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 310).
Figure 21. Thrombosis of a fetal artery (overlying a vein) in the chorionic plate (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 310).
Figure 22. A large focus of avascular villi, to the right of which vascularized villi are seen (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 34).
Figure 23. Intramural fibrin deposition in a large main stem vessel (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 34).
Figure 24. Intramural fibrin deposition and calcification, indicating remoteness of lesion, within a wall of the large fetal vessel (hematoxylin-eosin,
original magnification 32).
Figure 25. Villous stromal-vascular karyorrhexis: karyorrhexis of fetal cells with preservation of surrounding trophoblast (hematoxylin-eosin, original
magnification 340).

706 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 140, July 2016 Sampling and Definitions of Placental Lesions—Khong et al
Avascular Villi.—Avascular villi should be qualified in maturation may be taken to reflect the physiologic villous
distribution and extent. pattern. Villous maturation defect was also considered to be
The criteria for avascular villi that have been published nonspecific and could equally mean accelerated as well as
previously5 are amended slightly. Small foci are the finding delayed maturation. More cogently, it was felt that it was
of 3 or more foci of 2 to 4 terminal villi showing total loss of easier to conceptualize delayed villous maturation as being
villous capillaries and bland hyaline fibrosis of the villous the opposite of accelerated villous maturation.
stroma. Intermediate foci are 5 to 10 villi, and large foci are Terminology.—The use of the term delayed villous
more than 10 villi (Figure 22). maturation is recommended.
Intramural Fibrin Deposition.—Intramural fibrin depo- The lesion is defined by a monotonous villous population
sition is the preferred term to replace intimal fibrin cushion. It (defined as at least 10 such villi) with centrally placed
should be qualified as being isolated if there is no more than capillaries and decreased vasculosyncytial membranes,
one such lesion per slide. Whether the lesion is recent or recapitulating the histology in early pregnancy (Figure 28).
remote should be noted. The diagnosis should be made when it is present in at least
The location of the fibrin deposition is subendothelial or 30% of 1 full-thickness parenchymal slide.
intramuscular, and thus intramural. It is also noted that the Proposed Grading Schema.—Grading of the lesion is
depositions are, by definition, nonocclusive. The criteria for suggested at this juncture according to a proposed schema:
intramural fibrin deposition have been published previous- focal, which is a finding of the lesion in 1 full-thickness
ly5: fibrin or fibrinoid deposition (subendothelial or intra- parenchymal slide only, and diffuse, which is a presence in 2
muscular) within the wall of large fetal vessels (indicates or more full-thickness slides sampled.
recent; Figure 23), with calcification (indicates remote; The thresholds for significance of this lesion are unclear at
Figure 24). present, and grading the lesion may help determine the
Although intramural fibrin deposits likely reflect global appropriate levels.
FVM, the significance of finding an isolated intramural fibrin Ascending Intrauterine Infection.—The participants
deposition is unclear. As such, quantification may facilitate recognized that ascending intrauterine infection is clinically
further clinicopathologic studies. important and that its histologic documentation forms a
Villous Stromal-Vascular Karyorrhexis.—Villous stro- substantial amount of the clinically indicated placental
mal-vascular karyorrhexis is the term preferred to hemorrhagic pathology workload. There was agreement to emphasize
endovasculitis. that histologic chorioamnionitis may not be equivalent to
Alternative terms were considered for this lesion, but it clinical chorioamnionitis. There was, however, debate
was felt that the descriptive term matched the finding of the around whether to describe the stage and grade of
lesion. Hemorrhagic endovasculitis was not preferred because inflammation in the reports.
it connotes an inflammatory cause and is not clinically Location and Characteristics of Inflammation.—The
useful. The criteria for villous stromal-vascular karyorrhexis topography and constituents of the inflammatory response
that have been published previously5 are amended slightly: should be documented.
3 or more foci of 2 to 4 terminal villi showing karyorrhexis of The group felt that for the general pathologist, not missing
fetal cells (nucleated erythrocytes, leukocytes, endothelial the inflammation was more important than the grading and
cells, and/or stromal cells) with preservation of surrounding staging of the inflammation (vide infra). Describing the
trophoblast (Figure 25). topography of the inflammation will allow separation of the
Stem Vessel Obliteration.—Stem vessel obliteration (syn- maternal from the fetal inflammatory response. This is
onymous with fibromuscular sclerosis) should be used thought to be important because there is evidence that poor
instead of the term stem vessel endovasculopathy. fetal outcomes are more often associated with a fetal
In stem vessel obliteration there is marked thickening of inflammatory response.60–63 Chronicity of inflammation
the vessel wall and resultant obliteration of the vascular may have clinical implications different from those of a
lumen (Figure 26). purely acute response, and should therefore be documented.
Vascular Ectasia.—Vascular ectasia, when it is observed Subchorial Inflammation.—The presence of neutrophils
histologically, should be noted. in the subchorial intervillous space or beneath the chorion
The cause of vascular ectasia is not clear at this stage and laeve layer in the absence of inflammation elsewhere, is not
may be nonspecific or related to umbilical cord compromise synonymous with acute chorioamnionitis and should be
in combination with FVM. Vascular ectasia is characterized by reported as subchorionitis (Figure 29).
the finding of vessels that are four times the luminal diameter Patchy accumulation of more than occasional polymor-
of the surrounding corresponding vessel (Figure 27).55 phonuclear leukocytes in the subchorionic fibrin and/or at
the choriodecidual interface in the decidua represents an
Delayed Villous Maturation early stage of the response to amniotic fluid infection,
It is recommended that the term delayed villous maturation whereas chorioamnionitis means exactly what it says, that is
be used instead of villous maturation defect, variable villous to say, inflammation in the chorion and amnion (Figure 30).
maturation, or villous dysmaturity. This lesion is seen usually Grading and Staging.—Grading and staging of the
after 36 weeks and rarely before 34 weeks of gestation and is inflammation are encouraged. The structure proposed by
characterized by a monotonous villous population with the Society for Pediatric Pathology7 provides a template and
reduced numbers of vasculosyncytial membranes for the definitions for both (Table).
period of gestation, as well as a continuous cytotrophoblast Involvement of Artery or Vein or Both.—Which fetal
layer and centrally placed capillaries.56–59 vessels show an inflammatory response should be specified.
This term was preferred because villi throughout the Evidence suggests a difference in cytokine levels between
cotyledon differ physiologically, and the term dysmaturity, umbilical arteritis and umbilical phlebitis,64 and a correlation
which connotes different aspects of maturation, was felt to between cytokine levels and the number of vessels
be too nonspecific, whereas the term variable villous involved.64,65 Higher rates of adverse neonatal outcomes
Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 140, July 2016 Sampling and Definitions of Placental Lesions—Khong et al 707
Figure 26. Stem vessel obliteration: there is marked thickening of the vessel wall with resultant obliteration of the vascular lumen (hematoxylin-
eosin, original magnification 310).
Figure 27. Vascular ectasia: the luminal diameter of the chorionic vessel is more than four times that of the adjacent vessels (hematoxylin-eosin,
original magnification 32).
Figure 28. Term placenta showing delayed villous maturation: there is a monotonous villous population of villi with centrally placed capillaries and
decreased vasculosyncytial membranes (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 34).
Figure 29. Neutrophils in the subchorial intervillous space, in itself indicating subchorionitis (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 310).

708 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 140, July 2016 Sampling and Definitions of Placental Lesions—Khong et al
Staging and Grading of the Maternal and Fetal Inflammatory Responses in Ascending Intrauterine Infection
Maternal Inflammatory Response
Stage 1—acute subchorionitis or chorionitis Grade 1—not severe as defined
Stage 2—acute chorioamnionitis: polymorphonuclear leukocytes Grade 2—severe: confluent polymorphonuclear leukocytes or with
extend into fibrous chorion and/or amnion subchorionic microabscesses
Stage 3—necrotizing chorioamnionitis: karyorrhexis of
polymorphonuclear leukocytes, amniocyte necrosis, and/or
amnion basement membrane hypereosinophilia

Fetal Inflammatory Response

Stage 1—chorionic vasculitis or umbilical phlebitis Grade 1—not severe as defined
Stage 2—involvement of the umbilical vein and one or more Grade 2—severe: near-confluent intramural polymorphonuclear
umbilical arteries leukocytes with attenuation of vascular smooth muscle
Stage 3—necrotizing funisitis

Figure 32. High-grade villitis of unknown etiology: this focus affects more than 10 contiguous villi (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 310).
Figure 33. Occasional avascular villi with scattered inflammatory cells suggesting ‘‘burnt-out villitis’’ (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification
Figure 34. Contiguous, uniformly hyalinized, avascular villi suggesting upstream vascular occlusion (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 34).
Figure 35. Bandlike parabasal villitis (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 310).

Figure 30. Acute inflammation extending beyond the chorion laeve layer into the amnion, indicating acute chorioamnionitis (hematoxylin-eosin,
original magnification 310).
Figure 31. Low-grade villitis of unknown etiology: there is inflammation affecting a group of more than 5 contiguous villi (hematoxylin-eosin,
original magnification 320).
Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 140, July 2016 Sampling and Definitions of Placental Lesions—Khong et al 709
Figure 36. A, Eosinophilic/T-cell vasculitis in a chorionic plate vessel. B, High-power view shows a mixture of T lymphocytes and eosinophils
(hematoxylin-eosin, original magnifications 32 [A] and 340 [B]).
Figure 37. Chronic intervillositis: infiltration of the intervillous space by histiocytes (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 320).
Figure 38. Chronic deciduitis: a heavy infiltration of lymphocytes and plasma cells is seen in the basal plate (hematoxylin-eosin, original
magnification 320).

have been reported in neonates with umbilical arteritis chronic villitis. It is usually lymphohistiocytic: although the
compared with those without.64 presence of rare plasma cells does not exclude the diagnosis,
Reporting Format.—Based on our current understanding thorough evaluation for an infectious etiology, such as
of the disease process, it is recommended that histologic cytomegalovirus, is required in a predominantly plasma cell
acute inflammation in the placenta, extraplacental mem- villitis.
branes, and umbilical cord be reported as: acute chorioam- Grading Schema.—Where villitis of unknown etiology is
nionitis (or acute chorionitis) with/without fetal diagnosed, it should be graded as low grade or high grade.
inflammatory response in (specify) chorionic vessels, um- Low grade is defined as the presence of inflammation
bilical vein, and/or umbilical artery (or arteries). affecting fewer than 10 contiguous villi in any one focus
Some pathologists may prefer to use the terms maternal (Figure 31), with more than one focus required for the
inflammatory response and fetal inflammatory response. diagnosis. High grade is defined as the presence of multiple
foci, on more than one section, at least one of which shows
Villitis of Unknown Etiology inflammation affecting more than 10 contiguous villi (Figure
Villitis of unknown etiology (synonymous with villitis of 32).
unknown aetiology) is a histologic diagnosis and, although Distinguishing between low-grade and high-grade villitis
it may have a variable distribution, evidence indicates that 3 is important because there are significant associations
parenchymal blocks will identify 62% of villitis, reaching an between the latter and FGR, neurodevelopmental impair-
asymptote of 6 and 7 blocks identifying 85% of villitis.37 ment, and likelihood of recurrence.66
Villitis of unknown etiology by definition excludes those Low-grade lesions should be further classified as focal
cases where an etiology is identified, such as viral or acute when they are seen in one slide, all foci affecting fewer than
infections, and thus is preferred to the term nonspecific 10 villi, with more than one focus required for diagnosis; or
710 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 140, July 2016 Sampling and Definitions of Placental Lesions—Khong et al
as multifocal when they are present in more than one slide, The group did not explore in detail different grading
all foci affecting fewer than 10 contiguous villi. High-grade schemes that were in use for some lesions, such as villitis of
lesions should be further classified as patchy when there are unknown etiology, but did recommend ones that were most
multiple foci, with at least one focus with 10 or more commonly used and that had the most weight of evidence
contiguous villi, and seen in one or more slides; or as diffuse supporting their use.
when more than 30% of all distal villi are involved. For some lesions where threshold levels have been in use
Rarely, a single focus of affected villi is seen. In the previously, such as infarction, it was thought advisable to
absence of any evidence at present, when the single focus is document their size/volume. For other lesions, such as
small (,10 affected villi) it should be reported as delayed villous maturation, more information is needed to
‘‘ungradable–possible low grade,’’ and when the single refine threshold levels.
focus contains 10 or more affected villi it should be reported Following the meeting, the group considered the need to
as ‘‘ungradable–possible high grade.’’ define critical values in placental pathology. In most cases,
Vascular Damage.—When inflammatory cells damage the relevance of the findings or their absence can change as
vessels that have a muscular wall, the term villitis with stem clinical information emerges. Some lesions, such as chronic
vessel obliteration should be used. When avascular villi are intervillositis, high-grade villitis of unknown etiology, and
seen in a placenta with villitis, the report should designate maternal floor infarction, are important by virtue of their
the finding as chronic villitis with associated avascular villi. high recurrence risk and their association with adverse
Villitis may cause impairment of the fetoplacental pregnancy outcomes. They merit communication to the
circulation. Such damage is associated with adverse effects, clinicians, although not necessarily as findings that demand
such as neurologic impairment.67
immediate interventions, which the term ‘‘critical values’’
Although occasional avascular villi with scattered inflam-
may imply.
matory cells (Figure 33) may indicate ‘‘burnt-out villitis,’’
The group acknowledged that not every pathologist,
and large areas of contiguous, uniformly hyalinized,
avascular villi (Figure 34) may suggest upstream vascular physician, or scientist with an interest in placental pathology
occlusion, it can be difficult to ascribe the avascular villi to could attend the workshop. Nevertheless, we had sought as
either the inflammatory or the obstructive process. wide a participatory group as was possible, and we
Location.—When possible, the distribution of the foci of encouraged those who could attend to discuss widely with
villitis should be reported as being located parabasal/ their colleagues prior to the meeting, and those who could
paraseptal, randomly in the midparenchyma or subchorionic not attend to comment on the issues. It is highly likely that a
zone, or combinations thereof. further update consensus workshop may be necessary as
Parabasal and basal villitis is often associated with chronic developments in our understanding of the pathology of the
deciduitis and is reportedly seen more frequently in placenta, its scientific basis, and the clinical significance of
pregnancies from assisted reproductive technology, espe- these defined lesions evolve.
cially ovum-donor conceptions,68 with implications for the The workshop attendees were aware that as clinical
understanding of aberrant maternofetal immunologic inter- management evolves and our understanding of the patho-
play (Figure 35). Documenting the distribution, together physiology of placenta advances, these definitions, with their
with the extent (grade) of villitis may further our under- grading, may need to be revised. For example, just as it has
standing of the lesion and its clinical associations. been recommended that the definition of ‘‘term’’ pregnancy
Other Inflammatory Lesions.—Entities reported to be be changed to reflect the differences in neonatal outcome
associated with villitis, such as eosinophilic/T-cell vasculitis, between early, full, and late term,78 it is likely that refinement
chronic intervillositis, and chronic deciduitis, should be noted. in definitions may allow closer clinicopathologic correlations.
Eosinophilic/T-cell vasculitis may occur on either aspect of
a chorionic plate vessel, and it consists of T lymphocytes We thank the Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, for hosting
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