Position Paper

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Environment is everything that is around us. It plays an important role
in the healthy living of human beings. It matters because it is the only home
that human have. It provides air, foods, and other needs. It also plays an
important role in regulating air and climate. Another reason why our
environment is so important because it is a source of natural beauty and it’s
necessary for proper physical and mental health too.

Imagine a world in which people would not see trees and blue sky
when they go outside. Imagine stepping out of a house and not being able to
walk a few feet without getting winded because of the amount of pollution in
the air. This might become a reality if our society as a whole does not start
to think about the result of our actions. The environment is a very fragile
thing and if we do not take care of it, future generation will not be able to
enjoy it. I have an experience that reflects about destroying our
environment. One day, I was walking in the street when I saw a big truck
overloaded with logs. I asked my mother about where the logs came from.
She told me that the logs were came from the mountain. She also said that
those logs are came from illegal logging. After that, I became disappointed
and I feel sad to the people who did that kind of mistake which is they
destroyed our environment instead of caring it. They should be the one who
leads the new generation to take care of our environment.

Humans impact the physical environment in many ways:

overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation. Changes
like these have triggered climate change, soil erosion, poor air quality, and
undrinkable water. These negative impacts can affect human behavior and
can prompt mass migrations or battles over clean water. There are some
ways to avoid those negative effects: plant a tree, bike more and drive less,
conserve water, and practice reduce, reuse, and recycle.

Aside of having disadvantages, destroying our environment may also

help in our daily lives that we may consider as an advantage. Most of the
people cut down trees, use dynamite in fishing, building infrastructure in
farmlands to earn money for their needs.

We can say that the destruction of our environment has advantages

and disadvantages. Having advantages doesn’t mean that we should
destroy our environment. As the one who assigned to take care of our
environment, we should do it with wholeheartedly so that the lives of the
next generation and our future will be save

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