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Data Analytics

Data Analytics
Concepts, Techniques, and ­Applications

Edited by
Mohiuddin Ahmed and Al-Sakib Khan Pathan
CRC Press
Taylor & Francis Group
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Ahmed, Mohiuddin (Computer scientist), editor. | Pathan, Al-Sakib

Khan, editor.
Title: Data analytics : concepts, techniques and applications / edited by
Mohiuddin Ahmed, Al-Sakib Khan Pathan.
Other titles: Data analytics (CRC Press)
Description: Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group, 2018. |
Includes bilbliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2018021424 | ISBN 9781138500815 (hb : acid-free paper) |
ISBN 9780429446177 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Quantitative research. | Big data.
Classification: LCC QA76.9.Q36 D38 2018 | DDC 005.7—dc23
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Dedicated to
My Loving Parents
—Mohiuddin Ahmed

My two little daughters: Rumaysa and Rufaida

—Al-Sakib Khan Pathan

List of Contributors........................................................................................... xv


1 An Introduction to Machine Learning....................................................3

2 Regression for Data Analytics...............................................................33


3 Big Data-Appropriate Clustering via Stochastic Approximation

and Gaussian Mixture Models..............................................................55

4 Information Retrieval Methods for Big Data Analytics on Text...........73


5 Big Graph Analytics..............................................................................97



6 Transition from Relational Database to Big Data and Analytics........131

7 Big Graph Analytics: Techniques, Tools, Challenges,

and Applications..................................................................................171

8 Application of Game Theory for Big Data Analytics...........................199


viii  ◾ Contents

9 Project Management for Effective Data Analytics..............................219


10 Blockchain in the Era of Industry 4.0.................................................235


11 Dark Data for Analytics......................................................................275



12 Big Data: Prospects and Applications in the Technical and
Vocational Education and Training Sector.........................................297

13 Sports Analytics: Visualizing Basketball Records in

Graphical Form��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 317

14 Analysis of Traffic Offenses in Transportation: Application

of Big Data Analysis........................................................................... 343

15 Intrusion Detection for Big Data........................................................375


16 Health Care Security Analytics...........................................................403



I am grateful to the Almighty Allah for blessing me with the opportunity to work
on this book. It is my first time as a book editor and I express my sincere gratitude
to Al-Sakib Khan Pathan for guiding me throughout the process. The book e­ diting
journey enhanced my patience, communication, and tenacity. I am thankful to
all the contributors, critics, and the publishing team. Last but not least, my very
best wishes for my family members whose support and encouragement contributed
significantly to the completion of this book.

Mohiuddin Ahmed
Centre for Cyber Security and Games
Canberra Institute of Technology, Australia


Big data is a term for datasets that are so large or complex that traditional data
processing applications are inadequate for them. The significance of big data has
been recognized very recently and there are various opinions on its ­definition.
In layman’s terms, big data reflects the datasets that cannot be perceived, acquired,
managed, and processed by the traditional information technology (IT) and
software/­hardware tools in an efficient manner. Communities such as s­ cientific
and technological enterprises, research scholars, data analysts, and technical
­practitioners have different definitions of big data. Due to a large amount of data
­arriving at a fast speed, a new set of efficient data analysis techniques are required.
In ­addition to this, the term data science has gained a lot of attention from both the
academic research community and the industry. Therefore, data analytics becomes
an ­essential component for any organization. For instance, if we consider health
care, financial trading, Internet of Things (IoT) smart cities, or cyber-physical sys-
tems, one can find the role of data analytics. However, with these diverse applica-
tion domains, new research challenges are also arising. In this context, this book on
data analytics will provide a broader picture of the concepts, techniques, applica-
tions, and open research directions in this area. In addition, the book is expected to
serve as a single source of reference for acquiring knowledge on the emerging trends
and a­ pplications of data analytics.

Objective of the Book

This book is about compiling the latest trends and issues of emerging technolo-
gies, concepts, and applications that are based on data analytics. It is written
for graduate students in the universities, researchers, academics, and industry
practitioners working in the area of data science, machine learning, and other
related issues.

xii  ◾ Preface

About the Target Audience and Content

The target audience of this book is comprised of students, researchers, and
­professionals working in the area of data analytics and is not focused on any s­ pecific
application. This book includes chapters covering the fundamental ­concepts, rel-
evant techniques, and interesting applications of data analysis. The chapters are
categorized into three groups with a total of 16 chapters. These chapters have been
contributed by authors from seven different countries across the globe.

SECTION I: Data Analytics Concepts

Chapter 1: An Introduction to Machine Learning
Chapter 2: Regression for Data Analytics
Chapter 3: Big Data-Appropriate Clustering via Stochastic Approximation
and Gaussian Mixture Models
Chapter 4: Information Retrieval Methods for Big Data Analytics on Text
Chapter 5: Big Graph Analytics

SECTION II: Data Analytics Techniques

Chapter 6: Transition from Relational Database to Big Data and Analytics
Chapter 7: Big Graph Analytics: Techniques, Tools, Challenges, and Applications
Chapter 8: Application of Game Theory for Big Data Analytics
Chapter 9: Project Management for Effective Data Analytics
Chapter 10: Blockchain in the Era of Industry 4.0
Chapter 11: Dark Data for Analytics

SECTION III: Data Analytics Applications

Chapter 12: Big Data: Prospects and Applications in the Technical and
Vocational Education and Training Sector
Chapter 13: Sports Analytics: Visualizing Basketball Records in Graphical
Chapter 14: A nalysis of Traffic Offenses in Transportation: Application of
Big Data Analysis
Chapter 15: Intrusion Detection for Big Data
Chapter 16: Health Care Security Analytics

Section I contains six chapters that cover the fundamental concepts of data
­analytics. These chapters reflect the important knowledge areas, such as machine
learning, regression, clustering, information retrieval, and graph analysis. Section II
has six chapters that cover the major techniques of data analytics, such as t­ ransition
from regular database to big data, big graph analysis tools and techniques, and
game theoretical approaches for big data analysis. The rest of the chapters in this
­section cover topics that lead to newer research domains, i.e., project management,
Preface  ◾  xiii

Industry 4.0, and dark data. These topics are considered as the emerging trends in
data analytics. Section III is dedicated to the applications of data analytics in differ-
ent domains, such as education, traffic offenses, sports data visualization and, last
but not the least, two interesting chapters on cybersecurity for big data analytics
with specific focus on the health care sector.

Mohiuddin Ahmed and Al-Sakib Khan Pathan

List of Contributors

Mohiuddin Ahmed  obtained his PhD from UNSW

Australia and is currently working as a lecturer in the
Canberra Institute of Technology at the Centre for Cyber
Security and Games. His research interests include big data
mining, machine learning, and network security. He is
working to develop efficient and accurate anomaly detection
techniques for network traffic analysis to handle the emerg-
ing big data problems. He has made practical and theoretical
contributions toward data summarization in network traffic
analysis. His research also has high impact on critical infra-
structure protection (SCADA systems, smart grid), information security against
DoS attacks, and complicated health data (heart disease, nutrition) analysis. He
has published a number of journals and conference papers in reputed venues of
computer science. Dr. Ahmed holds a bachelor of science degree in computer sci-
ence and information technology with high distinction from Islamic University of
Technology, OIC.

Adam A. Alli received his PhD in computer science and

engineering from the Islamic University of Technology,
Dhaka, Bangladesh. He completed his MSc in computer sci-
ence (2008) from the University of Mysore, India, and his
BSc in computer science (2002) from the Islamic University
in Uganda. He also received a Postgraduate Diploma in
Management and Teaching at Higher Education (2015) from
the Islamic University in Uganda and a Graduate Diploma
in ICT Leadership and Knowledge Society (2013) from the
Dublin City University through the GeSCI program. He was
Dean, Faculty of Science at the Islamic University in Uganda from 2011 to 2016.
He is a lecturer of computer science and engineering at both Islamic University in
Uganda and Uganda Technical College in Bushenyi.

xvi  ◾  List of Contributors

C. Narendra Babu graduated with a BE in computer sci-

ence engineering (CSE) from Adichunchanagiri Institute
of Technology, Chikmagalur, in 2000. He received his
MSc in MTech (CSE) from M. S. Ramaiah Institute of
Technology, Bangalore, in 2004. He received a PhD
degree from JNT University, Anantapur. He is an associ-
ate professor in the department of CSE at M. S. Ramaiah
University of Applied Sciences, Bangalore. His research
interests include time series data analysis and mining
and soft computing. He has published four papers in reputed international
journals and in two international conferences, and has also received the best
author award from IEEE-ICAESM International Conference in 2012 held at
Nagapattinam. He has been a member of IEEE since 2009. His email address is
[email protected].

M. Saiful Bari likes to solve mathematical problems and

build intelligent systems. He completed his bachelor of sci-
ence from the Islamic University of Technology (IUT) in
2016. His undergraduate life at IUT was spent participating
in different programming contests and in coaching univer-
sity students for competitive programming. After his gradu-
ation, he started his job as a lecturer at Southeast University,
Bangladesh. He is currently (March 2018) working as a
research assistant at Nanyang Technological University
under the supervision of Dr. Shafiq Joty. His research objec-
tive involves developing models by deep learning that have the notion of humanity.
Currently, he is working on deep learning-based adversary models. He wants to
explore the application of deep learning in an unsupervised manner. In the future,
he wants to explore the possibility of combining reinforcement learning and deep
learning for a more robust intelligent system.

Abu Saleh Shah Mohammad Barkat Ullah is working as

senior lecturer in the Canberra Institute of Technology with
the department of ICT and library studies. He obtained his
PhD from UNSW, Australia, with significant contribution
in the areas of computational intelligence, genetic comput-
ing, and optimization. He is currently the principal inves-
tigator of a health care cyber security research project. He
has published in reputed venues of computer science and is
actively involved in both academia and industry. He holds
a bachelor of science degree in computer science with out-
standing results and has achieved a Gold Medal for such
List of Contributors  ◾  xvii

performance. He is also one of the pioneers in introducing false data injection

attacks in the health care domain.

Abhay Kumar Bhadani holds his PhD (decision and

data sciences in telecom) from the Indian Institute of
Technology, Delhi, India. He has more than 6 years of
experience in industry and research in the government as
well as the IT sector. Currently, he is associated with Yatra
Labs, Gurgaon, as the senior tech lead—data sciences. He
has more than ten publications in top international com-
puter science and decision sciences conferences and jour-
nals. In his spare time, he conducts different meetings,
loves to teach, and also mentors different technology start-
ups. His interests are in Natural Language Processing,
Machine Learning, Decision Sciences, Recommender Systems, Linux, Open
Source, and working for social causes. He can also be contacted at his personal
email: [email protected].

Robert Biddle  is Professor of Human–Computer

Interaction at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada,
where he is appointed both at the School of Computer
Science and the Institute of Cognitive Science. His quali-
fications are in Mathematics, Computer Science, and
Education, and he has worked at universities and with the
government and industry partners in Canada and New
Zealand. His recent research is primarily on human factors in cybersecurity
and software design, especially in creating and evaluating innovative designs for
computer security software. In particular, his research projects have addressed
novel forms of authentication, user understanding of security, security operation
centers, and tools for c­ ollaborative security analysis. He has led research themes
for cross-Canada research networks on human-oriented computer security, for
software engineering for surface applications, and for privacy and security in
new media environments.

Biozid Bostami  finished his Bachelor of Science in

Computer Science and Information Technology with High
Distinction from the Islamic University of Technology,
OIC. He is working in the area of Big Data Mining,
Machine Learning, and Network Security in collaboration.
He is working to develop efficient and accurate Anomaly
Detection techniques for network traffic analysis to handle
the emerging Big Data problems.
xviii  ◾  List of Contributors

Gerry Chan is a PhD student in the School of Information

Technology at Carleton University located in Ottawa, Canada.
He has a background in human–computer interaction and
psychology. His research interests include visual analytics,
computer-aided exercise, and player pairings in digital games.
Recently, he has been working on the research involving the
use of wearable technologies, gamification principles, and
matchmaking methods for encouraging a more active lifestyle.
Chan is particularly interested in the social and motivational
aspects of the gaming experience. He believes that games are valuable learning tools
and offer ways for building stronger social relationships with others.

Prasenjit Choudhury is an assistant professor in the depart-

ment of computer science and engineering at the National
Institute of Technology, Durgapur, India. He has completed
his PhD in computer science and engineering from the same
institute. He has published more than 40 research papers in
international journals and conferences. His research interests
include wireless network, data analytics, complex networks,
and recommendation systems.

Malka N. Halgamuge is a researcher in the department of electrical and electronic

engineering at the University of Melbourne, Australia. She has also obtained her
PhD from the same department in 2007. She is also the adjunct senior lecturer
(casual) at the Charles Sturt University, Melbourne. She is passionate about research
and teaching university students (life sciences, big data/data science, natural disas-
ter, wireless communication). She has published more than 80 peer-reviewed tech-
nical articles attracting over 780 Google Scholar Citations with h-index = 14 and
her Research Gate RG Score is 31.69. She is currently supervising two PhD stu-
dents at the University of Melbourne—three PhD students completed their theses
in 2013 and 2015 under her supervision. She successfully sought seven short-term
research fellowships at premier universities across the world.

Abid Hasan is a final year student in the Institute of Business

Administration, Dhaka University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. He is
studying bachelor of business administration there. He com-
pleted his secondary and higher secondary education from
Jhenidah Cadet College. His research interests include dark data,
health sector data, business analytics, and survey research. As a
business student, he is studying data analytics with practical busi-
ness value. He has published a journal in the 1st International
Conference on Business and Management (ICBM 2017) in
List of Contributors  ◾  xix

Charitha Subhashi Jayasekara graduated in 2017 from Charles Sturt University,

with a master’s degree in information technology specializing in networking.
Also, in 2014, she obtained her bachelor’s degree in software engineering from the
Informatics Institute of Technology, Sri Lanka, collaborated with the University
of Westminster, London. She is currently working as a project-based developer at
Spatial Partners Pvt. Ltd, Melbourne, Australia. Her work is focused on maps and
spatial data analysis and geographic information system. She is passionate about
data science and big data analysis. Also, she has published one book chapter review-
ing security and privacy challenges of big data.

Muye Jiang is a master of computer science student at the

University of Ottawa, Canada, supervised by Dr. Jochen Lang
and Dr. Robert Laganiere. His major research field is com-
puter vision, specifically in improving object tracking tech-
niques’ speed and accuracy. Currently, he is using traditional
methods for object tracking, such as correlation filter, but he
is also learning some new popular methods, such as Machine
Learning with Convolutional Neural Network.

Andrew Thomas Jones received a bachelor of engineering (mechatronics) degree

with honors in 2010, a bachelor of arts in mathematics with first-class honors in 2011,
and a PhD in statistics in 2017, all from the University of Queensland, St. Lucia,
Australia. His main areas of research interest include the efficient implementation
of statistical algorithms in the context of big data, image clustering and analysis,
statistical models for differential gene expression, and population genetics modeling.
He is also an accomplished programmer in a number of languages including C++, R,
Python, and Fortran, and is the author of a number of R packages. Since late 2016, he
has been working as a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Queensland.

Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan  completed his PhD at

the University of Sydney, Australia. He has been working
as an assistant professor of the department of Technical
and Vocational Education, at the Islamic University of
Technology, Bangladesh, since 2006. He was awarded the
Australian Leadership Award Scholarship (Australia) and
Skill-Road Scholarship (Seoul University, South Korea) based
on his outstanding academic results, teaching, and research
expertise. His research area mainly includes ICT-enhanced
teaching and learning, professional development with a par-
ticular focus on scholarship in teaching (student-centered
teaching, ICT integration), Technical and Vocational Education and Training
(TVET) pedagogy, technology integration in TVET sectors, and Technological
Pedagogical Content Knowledge in national and international contexts.
xx  ◾  List of Contributors

Santoshi Kumari graduated with a BE in computer sci-

ence engineering (CSE) from Rural Engineering College,
Bhalki, India, in 2009. She received her MTech degree
in software engineering from AMC Engineering College,
Bangalore, in 2011. She is an assistant professor in
the department of CSE, M. S. Ramaiah University of
Applied Sciences, Bangalore. She is currently pursuing
her PhD degree from the department of computer sci-
ence. Her research interests are in the areas of big data
and data stream analytics, with an emphasis on data mining, statistical analysis/
modeling, machine learning, and social media analytics. Her email address is
[email protected].

Tamanna Motahar is a lecturer at the electrical and computer engineering depart-
ment of North South University. She completed her master’s degree in electri-
cal engineering from the University of Alberta, Canada. She graduated summa
cum laude with a BSc in computer engineering from the American International
University, Bangladesh. Her high-school graduation is from Mymensingh Girls’
Cadet College, Bangladesh. Her interdisciplinary research works are based on opti-
cal electromagnetics and nano optics. Her current research areas include Internet
of Things, human–computer interaction, and big data. She is taking Junior Design
classes for computer science engineering students in the North South University
and is also mentoring several groups for their technical projects. Her email address
is [email protected].

Mohammad Muhtady Muhaisin attained his bachelor of science

degree from the Islamic University of Technology, Bangladesh,
in 2016. He has coauthored two research publications on signal
processing. His undergraduate thesis was on the application of
game theory in devising a custody transfer mechanism in wireless
sensor networks. His research interest includes ­game-theoretic
approach in modeling energy transaction in smart grids and

Nambobi Mutwalibi is a research member at the department

of technical and vocational education, Islamic University of
Technology, Gazipur, Bangladesh. He specialized in com-
puter science and engineering. He has published and presented
papers on big data and learning analytics, skill development,
MOOCs, and online learning tools.
List of Contributors  ◾  xxi

Ankur Narang holds a PhD in computer science engineering

(CSE) from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India.
He has more than 23 years of experience in senior technology
leadership positions across MNCs including IBM Research
India and Sun Research Labs & Sun Microsystems (Oracle),
Menlo Park, California, USA. He leads the Data Science
& AI Practice at Yatra Online Pvt. Ltd, Gurgaon, India, as
senior vice president for Technology & Decision Sciences.
He has more than 40 publications in top international computer science confer-
ences and journals, along with 15 approved US patents, with five filed patents
pending approval. His research interests include artificial general intelligence,
machine learning, optimization, approximation and randomized algorithms,
distributed and high-performance computing, data mining, and computational
biology and computational geosciences. He is a senior member of IEEE and a
member of ACM (including the Eminent Speaker Program), has held multiple
Industrial Track and Workshop Chair positions, and has spoken in multiple
conferences. He completed both BTech and PhD in CSE from IIT, Delhi, India,
and MS from Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, California, USA.

Hien D. Nguyen holds a bachelor of economics degree and a bachelor of science

(statistics; first-class honors) degree, both granted by the University of Queensland.
He obtained his PhD in image analysis and statistics from the University of
Queensland in 2015. Also, in 2015, Dr. Nguyen was the recipient of the presti-
gious A. K. Head Travelling Scholarship from the Australian Academy of Science,
which he utilized to build collaborations with the SIMEXP group at the Centre
de recherche de l’Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montreal, Canada. In 2017,
Dr. Nguyen was appointed lecturer at La Trobe University, Australia, and was the
recipient of an Australian Research Council (ARC) DECRA Fellowship. In the
same year, he also spent time as a visiting scholar at the Lab of Mathematics, Nicolas
Oresme, Universite de Caen Normandie, France. Starting from 2018, Dr. Nguyen
will commence work on his ARC Discovery Project, entitled “Classification meth-
ods for providing personalized and class decisions.” Dr. Nguyen’s work revolves
around the interplay between artificial intelligence, machine learning, and sta-
tistics. To date, he has published more than 30 research articles and software

Asma Noor graduated in 2017 from Charles Sturt University with a master’s degree
in information technology, specializing in networking and system analysis. In 2011,
she obtained her master’s degree in international relations from the University of
Balochistan, Pakistan. In 2007, she obtained a bachelor’s degree in business adminis-
tration from Iqra University, Pakistan, specializing in marketing. Her hobbies include
reading and writing. Her interests in the field of information technology include cloud
computing, information security, Internet of Things, and big data analytics.
xxii  ◾  List of Contributors

Mark A. Norrie has over 35 years of experience in research,

statistics, administration, and computing. He specializes in
consulting, statistical programming, data management, and
training. He has spent (as have other experienced data scien-
tists) half his life on data munging and preparation, but it has
all been worth it. Clients he has worked with are numerous,
including the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Citibank, and the
Australian Taxation Office. His current work includes pre-
diction of workplace accidents, natural language processing
for client sentiment analysis, and building a decision support
system to classify injuries using semantic methods for icare, the social insurer for
the State of New South Wales.

Md. Mehedi Hassan Onik is a master’s degree student

and is working as a research assistant in the Computer and
Communication Lab at Inje University, South Korea. His
research focuses particularly on blockchain technology,
multipath transmission (MPTCP), and energy-efficient
communication. He also worked as a software engineer in
Bangladesh. He holds a bachelor of science degree in com-
puter science and engineering from the Islamic University of
Technology, OIC.

Pijush Kanti Dutta Pramanik is a PhD research scholar

in the department of computer science and engineering at
the National Institute of Technology, Durgapur, India. He
has acquired a range of professional qualifications in the
core and allied fields of information technology, namely,
MIT, MCA, MBA (information technology), MTech
(computer science engineering), and MPhil (computer sci-
ence). He is actively engaged in research in the domains
of the Internet of Things, grid computing, fog computing,
crowd computing, and recommendation systems, and has
published a number of research articles and book chapters in these areas.

Ahsanur Rahman is an assistant professor of the electrical and computer engi-
neering department at the North South University. He completed his PhD
in computer science from Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA. Before that he has
worked as a lecturer in the computer science and engineering department at
the American International University Bangladesh. He obtained his bachelor’s
degree in computer science and engineering from Bangladesh University of
Engineering and Technology. His research interest lies in the areas of compu-
tational systems biology, graph algorithms, hypergraphs, and big data. He is
List of Contributors  ◾  xxiii

mentoring several groups of NSU for their research projects. His email address
is [email protected].

Taseef Rahman completed his BSc in electrical and

electronics engineering from the Islamic University of
Technology, Bangladesh, in 2016. He is currently work-
ing at a sister concern of Axway Inc. as a cross platform
support engineer. His research interests include big data
analytics, human–computer interaction, and mobile

Ather Saeed is the course coordinator for CSU (network-

ing programs) at the Study Centre Melbourne, Australia.
Currently, he is pursuing his PhD (thesis titled “Fault-Tolerance in the Healthcare
Wireless Sensor Networks”). He has a master’s degree in information technology and
a graduate diploma (information technology) from the University of Queensland,
Australia, along with a master’s degree in computer science (Canadian Institute of
Graduate Studies). He has been involved in the tertiary education since 1999 (prior
to joining CSU, he was the course coordinator at the Federation University for IT
Program) and has published several research papers in journals and international
conferences (held in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany).

Munir Ahmad Saeed is currently enrolled in the professional

doctorate of project management at the University of New
South Wales, Australia. His research is focused on investi-
gating project benefits realization practices. He is working
as lecturer at the College of Business, Canberra Institute
of Technology, Canberra, Australia. Saeed has worked as a
journalist in Pakistan for 10 years and has abiding interest
in politics and current affairs. He holds a bachelor of arts,
bachelor of business, master of English literature, and mas-
ter of project management (with distinction) degrees from
Pakistani and Australian universities.

Dhananjay Kumar Singh  received his MTech degree in

computer science and engineering from the department of
computer science and engineering, National Institute of
Technology, Silchar, India, in 2016. He is currently pursuing
his PhD degree in computer science and engineering at the
National Institute of Technology, Durgapur, India. His pri-
mary research interests include complex networks, social net-
working, graph mining, and recommendation systems.
Chapter 1

An Introduction to
Machine Learning
Mark A. Norrie

1.1 A Definition of Machine Learning................................................................3
1.1.1 Supervised or Unsupervised?..............................................................4
1.2 A rtificial Intelligence.....................................................................................5
1.2.1 Th  e First AI Winter...........................................................................8
1.3 ML and Statistics..........................................................................................9
1.3.1 R  ediscovery of ML..........................................................................13
1.4 Critical Events: A Timeline.........................................................................14
1.5 Types of ML................................................................................................19
1.5.1 Supervised Learning........................................................................19
1.5.2 Unsupervised Learning....................................................................20
1.5.3 Semisupervised Learning.................................................................21
1.5.4 R  einforcement Learning..................................................................21
1.6 Summary....................................................................................................22
1.7 Glossary......................................................................................................23

1.1  A Definition of Machine Learning

It is useful to begin with the definition of machine learning (ML). ML is, in effect,
a computer program or system that can learn specific tasks such as discrimination

4  ◾  Data Analytics

or classification without being explicitly programmed to do so. Learning is the key

word here.
So how did it all start?
There are many strands for this particular story. The modern discipline of data
science (of which supervised learning is a part) has grown in a complex and interest-
ing way and has had inputs from numerous other disciplines and fields. These days,
ML is thought of as a distinct Computer Science subject or discipline.
Another way to look at ML is that it is a process that involves the use of a
computer (machine) to make decisions (or recommendations) based on (usually)
multiple data inputs.
We can see the overall relationships shown in Figure 1.1.
Data science has a substantial overlap with computer science that subsumes
artificial intelligence (AI). AI includes ML and the learning types, supervised and
unsupervised. Data science also includes ML, but not AI as such.

1.1.1  Supervised or Unsupervised?

Some ML methods are effective statistical modeling such as various types of regres-
sion (the dependent variable is also known in ML parlance as the target, while the
independent variables are the predictors that determine the value of the target).
These are among the supervised methods. Other methods can involve determining

Figure 1.1  Data science, ML, and related disciplines.

An Introduction to Machine Learning  ◾  5

the structure or group membership (e.g., classification and/or clustering). Such

methods are also known as unsupervised learning.
There also exists a hybrid method, which is known as semisupervised ML.
Currently, this hybrid method is of great research interest. It is useful especially
when only a modest set of identified or labeled data exists as part of a much larger
dataset. Cost is frequently a factor. Lastly, some programs use an algorithm to
learn by being presented with examples, much like a human being does. This is the
­so-called reinforcement learning.
A number of important algorithms or methods are involved and statistical ana-
logs for this process exist and, in reality, constitute a substantial part of ML because
ML essentially emerged from the field of statistics. Disciplines that have contrib-
uted to the field as well as the research problems that stimulated people to look for
solutions in the first place are well worth examining as they will round out our
understanding and allow us to make the best and most appropriate use of what we
have available to us.

1.2 Artificial Intelligence
The two main disciplines involved predate computers by quite a margin. They are
artificial intelligence (AI) and classical statistics. Interest in AI extends historically
all the way back to classical antiquity. Once the Greeks convincingly demonstrated
that thought and reason are basic physical processes, it was hoped that machines
could also be built to demonstrate thought, reason, and intelligence.
One of the key milestones in the development of AI came from the well-known pio-
neer of information systems, Alan Turing. In 1950, Turing suggested that it should be
possible to create a learning machine that could learn and become ­artificially intelligent.
A couple of years after this, people began to write programs to play games
with humans, such as checkers on early IBM computers (rather large computers
at that, as the transistor hadn’t been invented yet, and Integrated Circuits (ICs)
and Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductors (CMOS) were so far ahead in
the future that nobody had given the matter much thought).
Leading thinkers, such as John von Neumann, long advocated thinking of (and
designing) computer and information systems architectures based on an under-
standing of the anatomy and physiology of the brain, particularly its massively
parallel nature. In the Silliman lectures of 1956, which the dying von Neumann
was too ill to give, this approach is set out in detail. The lectures were published
posthumously as The Computer and the Brain, (1958) by Yale University Press, New
Haven and London [1].
In the year 1957, Frank Rosenblatt, a research psychologist, invented the
Perceptron, a single layer neural network while working at the Cornell Aeronautical
Laboratory. In Figure 1.2, we can see Dr. Rosenblatt’s original Perceptron design.
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Figure 1.2  Frank Rosenblatt’s original Perceptron.

Figure 1.3  The architecture of a Perceptron.

The components of the Perceptron are as follows:

1. Input pattern—a letter or shape, such as a triangle or a circle

2. Random Boolean Units
3. Linear threshold gate (LTG)
4. Bipolar binary output function
5. Decision/classified instance

This design is shown as a basic schematic in Figure 1.3.

Naturally, this invention created an enormous amount of excitement and arti-
cles appeared in both The New York Times [2] and The New Yorker. The New York
Times article [2] is quoted in Box 1.1:
An Introduction to Machine Learning  ◾  7


Psychologist Shows Embryo of Computer Designed to Read and Grow
WASHINGTON. July 7 (UPI)—The Navy revealed the embryo of an
electronic computer today that it expects will be able to walk, talk, see, write,
reproduce itself and be conscious of its existence.
The embryo—the Weather Bureau’s $2,000,000 “704” computer—
learned to differentiate between right and left after fifty attempts In the
Navy’s demonstration for newsmen.
The service said it would use this principle to build the first of its Perceptron
thinking machines that will be able to read and write. It is expected to be
­finished in about a year at a cost of $100,000.
Dr. Frank Rosenblatt, designer of the Perceptron, conducted the demon-
stration. He said the machine would be the first device to think as the human
brain. As do human beings, Perceptron will make mistakes at first, but will
grow wiser as it gains experience, he said.
Dr. Rosenblatt, a research psychologist at the Cornell Aeronautical Lab­
oratory, Buffalo, said Perceptrons might be fired to the planets as mechanical
space explorers.


The Navy said the Perceptron would be the first non-living mechanism
“­capable of receiving, recognizing and identifying its surroundings without
any human training or control.”
The brain is designed to remember images and information it has
­perceived itself. Ordinary computers remember only what is fed into them on
punch cards or magnetic tape.
Later Perceptrons will be able to recognize people and call out their names
and instantly translate speech in one language to speech or writing in another
language, it was predicted.
Mr. Rosenblatt said in principle it would be possible to build brains that
could reproduce themselves on an assembly line and which would be conscious
of their existence. In today’s demonstration, the “704” was fed two cards, one
with squares marked on the left side and the other with squares on the right side.

In the first fifty trials, the machine made no distinction between them.
It then started registering a Q for the left squares and O for the right squares.
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Dr. Rosenblatt said he could explain why the machine learned only in highly
technical terms. But he said the computer had undergone a self-induced
change in the wiring diagram.
The first Perceptron will have about 1,000 electronic association cells
­receiving electrical Impulses from an eye-like scanning device with 400
photo-cells. The human brain has 10,000,000.000 responsive cells, ­including
100,000,000 connections with the eyes.

Interestingly, the IBM 704 computer they were using was state-of-the-art and would
be worth over $17M USD in today’s money. Five months later, in the December
6th issue of the New Yorker an article appeared where Dr Rosenblatt was also
interviewed [3]. The article was imaginatively entitled Rival. He was quoted saying
similar things to what had appeared in the earlier New York Times article. This was
the first true hype around AI. This hype when it finally came off the rails was also
the cause of the first AI Winter.
There is absolutely no doubt that the Perceptron was an astonishing ­intellectual
and engineering achievement. For the first time ever, a non-human agent (and non-
biological for that matter) could actually demonstrate learning by trial and error.
Rosenblatt published a paper (1958) [4] and a detailed report, later ­published as
a book on the Perceptron and used this in his lecture classes for a number of years
(1961, 1962) [5,6].

1.2.1 The First AI Winter

Seven years after that, in 1969, Marvin Minsky and Seymour Papert published
a book on the Perceptron [7], and this was widely quoted. They proved that the
Perceptron could not perform an XOR function and was therefore severely limited
in its functions.
This shortcoming was partly used by James Lighthill, in 1973, to recommend
the withdrawal of funding by the British Government for the United Kingdom’s
AI research [8]. As is common in science and engineering, all funding in AI came
from public sources, so when the funding plug was pulled, it really was the end for
most of this research work.
Only three UK universities were allowed to continue with AI research:
Edinburgh, Essex, and Sussex. Lighthill’s report is somewhat controversial these
days, as it appears he did not understand the primary aim of AI researchers, which
was to actually understand problem solving completely divorced from living
­systems, that is to say, as an abstract process.
Since the early days of computing, there has been a close association between
the United Kingdom and the United States, and Lighthill’s report had a profound
effect on the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA or DARPA as it is known
An Introduction to Machine Learning  ◾  9

these days), and they also pulled the plug on major research funding. In the 1960s,
enormous amounts of money had been given to various AI researchers (Minsky,
Rosenblatt, etc.) pretty much to spend as they liked.
In 1969, the Mansfield Amendment was passed as part of the Defense
Authorization Act of 1970. This required the DARPA to restrict its support for basic
research to only those things that were directly related to military functions and
operational requirements. All major funding for basic AI research was withdrawn.
While it is true that there had been a number of high profile failures, in hindsight
it can be seen that the optimism was partly correct. Today almost all the advanced
technologies have elements of AI within them, as Ray Kurzweil has remarked in his
2006 book The Singularity Is Near: “many thousands of AI a­ pplications are deeply
embedded in the infrastructure of every industry.” [9]
To Kurzweil, the AI winter has ended, but there have been two very highly sig-
nificant ones, the first from 1974 to 1980 and the second from 1987 to 1993. There
have also been a host of minor incidents or episodes, e.g., the failure of machine
translation in 1966 and the abandonment of connectionism in 1970.
It is still the case, apparently, that venture capitalists as well as government
officials get a bit nervous at the suggestion of AI, and so most of the AI research
undertook a rebranding exercise. They also refocused research on smaller, more
tractable problems. This reminds one of what Dennis Ritchie said about why he
invented the UNIX operating system–to concentrate on doing one thing at a time
and doing it well.

1.3 ML and Statistics

ML and Statistics are closely related fields. According to Michael I. Jordan, the ideas
of ML, from methodological principles to theoretical tools, have had a long prehis-
tory in statistics [10]. He has also suggested the term data science as a p ­ laceholder
to call the overall field, at least for the stage that we are in right now.
You could say that (in relation to ML) statistics is running on a parallel track.
Although there are many similarities between ML theory and statistical infer-
ence, they use different terms. This can be quite important and will be more fully
explored later on.
In terms of the statistical element of our story, the timeline extends as far back
as the early 19th century and starts with the invention of the least squares linear
method. It is impossible to overstate the importance of the least squares method as
it is the single most important technique used in modern statistics.
In 1805 and 1806 [11], Adrien-Marie Legendre published Nouvelles Méthodes
pour la Détermination des Orbites des Comètes (Courcier, Paris).
He was studying cometary orbits and on the bottom of page 75 stated: On voit
donc que la méthode des moindres carrés fait connaître en quelque sorte le centre autour
duquel viennent se ranger tous les résultats fournis par l’expérience de manière à s’en
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écarter le moins possible. This sentence translates to English as “This shows that the
least squares method demonstrates the center around which the measured values
from the experiment are distributed so as to deviate as little as possible.”
Gauss also published on this method in 1809 [12]. A controversy erupted (simi-
lar to the one between Newton and Leibnitz about the primacy of invention of
the calculus). It turns out that although it is highly likely that Gauss knew about
this method before Legendre did, he didn’t publish on it or talk about it widely,
so Legendre can be rightly regarded as the inventor of the least squares method
(Stigler, 1981) [13].
Stigler also states: “When Gauss did publish on least squares, he went far beyond
Legendre in both conceptual and technical development, linking the method to
probability and providing algorithms for the computation of estimates.”
As further evidence of this, Gauss’s 1821 paper included a version of the Gauss–
Markov theorem [14].
The next person in the story of least squares regression is Francis Galton. In
1886, he published Regression towards Mediocrity in Hereditary Stature, which was
the first use of the term regression [15]. He defined the difference between the height
of a child and the mean height as a deviate.
Galton defined the law of regression as: “The height deviate of the offspring
is on average two thirds of the height deviate of its mid-parentage” where mid-
parentage refers to the average height of the two parents. Mediocrity is the old term
for average. Interestingly, it has taken on a vernacular meaning today as substan-
dard; however, the correct meaning is average. For Galton, regression was only ever
meaningful in the biological context.
His work was further extended by Udny Yule (1897) [16] and Karl Pearson
(1903) [17]. Yule’s 1897 paper on the theory of correlation introduced the term
­variables for numerical quantities, since he said their magnitude varies. He also used
the term correlation and wanted this to be used instead of causal relation, presaging
the long debate that correlation does not imply causation. In some cases, this debate
still rages today.

As an interesting sidenote, Pearson’s 1903 paper was entitled “The Law of

Ancestral Heredity,” and it was published in the then new journal, Biometrika,
which he had cofounded. There was a debate on the mechanics of evolution
raging at that time, and there were two camps, the biometricians (like Pearson
and Raphael Weldon) and the Mendelians (led by William Bateson, who
had been taught by Weldon). There exists a fascinating letter from Raymond
Pearl written to Karl Pearson, about their robust disagreement on hereditary
theory and Pearl’s removal as an editor of Biometrika (1910). This contro-
versy ­continued until the modern synthesis of evolution was established in
the 1930s [18].
An Introduction to Machine Learning  ◾  11

Yule and Pearson’s work specified that linear regression required the variables to
be distributed in a Gaussian (or normal) manner.
They assumed that the joint distribution of both the independent and depen-
dent variables was Gaussian; however, this assumption was weakened by Fisher, in
1922, in his paper: The goodness of fit of regression formulae, and the distribution of
regression coefficients [19].
Fisher assumed that the dependent variable was Gaussian, but that the joint
distribution needn’t be. This harkens back to the thoughts that Gauss was express-
ing a century earlier.
Another major advance was made by John Nelder and Robert Wedderburn
in 1972, when they published the seminal paper “Generalised Linear Models” in
the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society [20]. They developed a class of general-
ized linear models, which included the normal, poisson, binomial, and gamma
The link function allowed a model with linear and nonlinear components. A
maximum likelihood procedure was demonstrated to fit the models. This is the way
we do logistic regression nowadays, which is the single most important statistical
procedure employed by actuaries and in modern industry (particularly the finance
The multiple linear regression model is given by

yi = β0 + β1x1i + β 2 x 2i +  + βk xki + i  (1) (1.1)

yi is the dependent variable for the ith observation
β 0 is the Y intercept
β1, β2,…, βk are the population partial regression coefficients
x1i, x 2i,…,xki are the observed values of the independent variables x1, x 2,..., xk
and k = 1, 2, 3,..., K are the explanatory variables
The model written in vector form is shown as

y = Xθ + ε (1.2)

where y is an (n × 1) vector of observations, X is an (n × k) matrix of known coef-

ficients (with n > k), θ is a (k × 1) vector of parameters, and ε is an (n × 1) vector of
error random variables εj, shown as,

E ( ε ) = 0 (1.3)

This embodies the assumption that the εj are all uncorrelated, i.e., they have zero
means and the same variance σ2.
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If we assume that a set of n observations comes from distributions with differing

means, such that

µj = ∑x θ ,
i =1
ij i  j = 1,  2,…, n (1.4)

We now have to minimize

 
 yj −

xijθi  (1.5)

which is the sum of squares (Eq. 1.5) in the least squares method [21].
Figure 1.4 graphically demonstrates a line of best fit, i.e., the line which mini-
mizes the squared distance between all the points and the line. This is the basis of
linear regression. The slope of the line corresponds to the regression coefficients and
the intercept is the first term in our model above. Note that this corresponds to the
well-known equation of a straight line: y = ax + b, where the slope is given by a and
b is the intercept.

Figure 1.4  LSR graphical plot.

An Introduction to Machine Learning  ◾  13

Regression methods have been a continuing part of statistics and, even today,
they are being used and extended. Modern extensions include things such as ridge
regression and lasso regression.

1.3.1 Rediscovery of ML
In a sense to take up the slack, expert systems came into vogue during the first
AI Winter. By the end of it, they were waning in popularity and are hardly used
these days.
After about a 15-year hiatus, ML was revived with the invention of backpropa-
gation. This took the Perceptron model to a new level. This helped break the logjam
where it was assumed that neural nets would never amount to anything. The key
paper in 1986 was by David Rumelhart, Geoff Hinton, and Ronald J Williams [22].
It was entitled “Learning Representations by Back-Propagating Errors” and was
published in Nature, the world’s most prestigious scientific journal.
In Figure 1.5, the essential architecture and the process of backpropagation
are shown. The network topology has three layers (there may be more than this,
but three layers is a fairly common arrangement). The weights propagate forward

Figure 1.5  The architecture and process of backpropagation.

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through the layers. Each node in the network has two units: a summing function
(for the weights) and an activation unit that uses a nonlinear transfer function.
Common transfer functions include the log-sigmoid which outputs 0 to 1 and the
tan-sigmoid which outputs –1 to 1.
The weights are rolled up to predict y, and this is compared with the actual
target vector z. The difference is known as the error signal, and it is transmitted
back through the layers, which cause re-weighting that runs forward for another
comparison. The algorithm proceeds to find an optimal value for the output by
means of gradient descent. Sometimes, local minima in the error surface can
disrupt the process of finding a global minimum, but if the number of nodes is
increased, this problem resolves, according to Rumelhart, Hinton, and Williams
Research on neural nets exploded. Three years after that, Kur Hornik, Maxwell
Stinchcombe, and Halber White published Multilayer Feedforward Networks Are
Universal Approximators [23]. As they said, “backpropagation is the most common
neural net model used today it overcomes the limitations of the Perceptron by using
a combination of a hidden layer and a sigmoid function.”
Development in neural nets has expanded enormously, and today the current
interest is in deep belief networks, which are neural networks with multiple hid-
den layers and are topologically quite complex. They have enjoyed recent success
in allowing images to be classified accurately as well as in many other use cases.
Today, it is fair to say that Google makes an extensive use of neural nets (almost
exclusively) and they have also open-sourced such important technologies as
TensorFlow and Google Sling, which are natural language frame semantics parsers
of immense power.

1.4 Critical Events: A Timeline

This list of critical events (Table 1.1) is by no means exhaustive; readers who want
to know more can find a huge amount of material on the web about the history of
­computers and ML.
Table 1.1  Critical Events: A Timeline
Year Event Details

1945 von Neumann A draft report that John von Neumann wrote on Eckert and Mauchly’s EDVAC proposal was
architecture widely circulated and became the basis for the von Neumann architecture. All digital
electronic computers today use this architecture [24].

1950 Turing test In a famous paper, “Computing Machinery and Intelligence” published in the journal, Mind,
Alan Turing introduces what he calls The Imitation Game [25]. Later on, this becomes a more
generalized proposition which in effect states that if a person were unable to tell a

An Introduction to Machine Learning  ◾  15

machine apart from a human being though a remote terminal, then we could say that
artificial intelligence has been achieved.
In his paper, Turing proposed a learning machine, which could learn as much as a child does
with rewards and punishments. This becomes a stimulus to develop genetic algorithms
and reinforcement learning.

1952 Computer checkers Arthur Samuel created a program to play checkers at IBM’s Poughkeepsie Laboratory.

1957 Perceptron Frank Rosenblatt invents the Perceptron. This is the first time that a machine can be said to
learn something. This invention creates a massive amount of excitement and is widely
covered in influential media (The New York Times, The New Yorker magazine, and many
Some of the claims made are quite extraordinary examples of hyperbole and this will be the
direct cause of the first AI Winter.

16  ◾  Data Analytics
Table 1.1 (Continued)  Critical Events: A Timeline
Year Event Details

1969 Perceptrons Marvin Minsky and Seymour Papert publish their book Perceptrons, which outlines a
number of limitations to the use of Perceptrons, most notably their inability to execute an
XOR function. The XOR, or exclusive OR, is a logical operation that outputs as true only
when the inputs differ (one being true, the other false).
This is in practice a severe limitation for case or conditional logic in programming. This
work was seen by many as the major trigger in bringing about the AI Winter.

1973 Lighthill report James Lighthill is commissioned by the British Science Research Council. He published this
report as “Artificial Intelligence: A General Survey” in 1973.
Lighthill was extremely (and unfairly) pessimistic about what AI research has achieved to
date. For example, he stated: “in no part of the field have discoveries made so far produced
the major impact that was then promised.”
However, he also failed to understand that the main purpose of AI research is “studying
the structure of information and the structure of problem solving processes
independently of applications and independently of its realization in animals or
humans.” (John McCarthy, 1974).
The Lighthill report was flawed; however the damage had been done, and after this, the first
AI Winter (which went for at least 15 years) began.

Table 1.1 (Continued)  Critical Events: A Timeline
Year Event Details

1986 Backpropagation It is described by David Rumelhart, Geoff Hinton, and Ronald J. Williams, in a paper in
Nature entitled “Learning Representations by Back-Propagating Errors.”
In effect, they designed a system that involves repeated adjustment of weights of
connections in a hidden layer until they have minimized the overall difference between
the actual output vector and the desired output vector.

An Introduction to Machine Learning  ◾  17

They stated that at the end of the process, the hidden layer comes to represent important
features, and therefore, the ability to create these features distinguishes backpropagation
from earlier simpler methods, such as Perceptrons.

1995 Random forests Tin Kam Ho published the first paper describing a random forest [26]. In the abstract, it was
stated that decision trees are attractive classifiers because of their computational
efficiency, but that traditional trees often can’t be grown to an arbitrary complexity
because generalization starts to break down. In other words, overfitting occurs.
A stochastic modeling method was devised where multiple trees are built in randomly
selected subspaces of the overall feature space. These multiple trees can then be
combined to give a stable estimator.
The algorithm was demonstrated on the NIST handwriting data.

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Table 1.1 (Continued)  Critical Events: A Timeline
Year Event Details

1995 Support vector Corinna Cortes and Vladimir Vapnik published the paper establishing support vector
machines machines [27].
In the paper, they gave a history, starting with Fisher’s linear discriminant function and then
moving on to Rosenblatt’s Perceptron and the recently discovered backpropagation
algorithm. They proposed a support vector network as a new learning machine for two-
group classification problems.
The key idea is that input vectors are nonlinearly mapped to a high dimensional feature
space, where a linear hyperplane can be constructed that gives maximum separation of the
groups. Using dot products as well as the very clever kernel trick, the solution becomes
computationally feasible. SVMs that are known these days give very good performance
and generalizability. They concluded the paper by demonstrating success with the NIST
character recognition data.

1997 Machine defeats chess Garry Kasparov is defeated by IBM’s Deep Blue chess machine.
grand master

2011 Machine wins at IBM’s Watson defeats two human experts in a Jeopardy! Competition. The system is
Jeopardy! extremely sophisticated and uses a hybrid combination of information retrieval, natural
language processing, and machine learning.

2015 Machine beats a human An expert human Go player is defeated by Google’s AlphaGo. This system is based on a
Go champion. combination of tree search and machine learning.
An Introduction to Machine Learning  ◾  19

1.5 Types of ML
There are basically four important types of ML. They are supervised learning,
semisupervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning.
Essentially in supervised learning a known target or label is modeled. The pur-
pose of algorithms that are used in supervised learning is to predict the likelihood
of a specific event or outcome.
A typical example of SL would be a consumer credit risk model employed by a bank.
Unsupervised learning is where the data are investigated for particular pat-
terns or structure, a common example of this is cluster analysis, commonly used
in market segmentation operations. Unsupervised learning is commonly known to
­statisticians as a hypothesis-generating technique.
A typical example of UL is given by market segmentation. This has been found
to be especially valuable for marketing campaigns.
Semisupervised learning falls between supervised and unsupervised learn-
ing, as one might expect. There are a variety of approaches, and one commonly
taken is to use unsupervised techniques to ascertain a class structure and then
switch to supervised learning to verify the structure/target. This process can
occur iteratively.
A typical example of SSL would be the use of a hidden Markov model or HMM,
together with a Baum-Welch learning procedure in speech recognition [28].
Reinforcement learning is characterized by agent-based processes that use
­current knowledge to make a decision where the aim is to maximize a reward.
They proceed in discrete time intervals and usually involve Markov processes.
An example of RL would be teaching a computer to play backgammon and
other games.

1.5.1 Supervised Learning
Supervised learning is the most prevalent form of ML. The key point in supervised
learning is that you have a known target or label. The modeling process involves pre-
diction of the new label or target, based on the characteristics of the dependent vari-
ables in the training set. In a sense, supervised learning is like regression in statistics. It
involves the estimation of new possible cases from known, understood targets or labels.
Most ML uses supervised learning techniques. Essentially, we have an input
vector with the goal of approximating the mapping function so well that we can
predict the output with a high degree of precision.
The two subtypes of supervised machines are classification and regression.
Classification is when the output variable is a category that is binary, ternary, or a
higher number. Either way it is categorical (grouped outcome). The point of regres-
sion is the output variable which is a real number, such as cost or height. Good
examples of supervised ML techniques include linear regression, random forests,
and support vector machines.
Let’s look at the different types of supervised learning algorithms.
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A good place to start is the set of supervised learning algorithms listed in

­scikit-learn, which is a very popular Python ML library. The list is as follows:
1. Generalized linear models
2. Linear and quadratic discriminant analysis
3. Kernel ridge regression
4. Support vector machines
5. Stochastic gradient descent
6. Nearest neighbors
7. Gaussian processes
8. Cross decomposition
9. Naive Bayes
10. Decision trees
11. Ensemble methods
12. Multiclass and multi-label algorithms
13. Feature selection
14. Semisupervised
15. Isotonic regression
16. Probability calibration

Most commercial propensity models involve supervised learning. An example is the

use of a number of inputs, such as age, sex, income, type of housing, and marital
status to predict creditworthiness. Banks use such models (usually derived using
logistic regression) all the time. The model is trained with a set of bad and good
customers. When sufficient accuracy has been achieved, the model is then deployed
into production.

1.5.2 Unsupervised Learning
By contrast, unsupervised learning is a technique in which you have inputs that
have no specific output. The goal is to understand the structure or groupings in the
data. There are two subtypes of unsupervised learning: clustering and association.
Clustering is used to discover inherent groupings in the data; usually confirmatory
discriminant analysis is required as a follow-up to determine the validity of the
discovered structure.
Association rules are about co-occurrence of different attributes. Recommender sys-
tems are usually based on this type of analysis. Past purchase co-occurrences are used to
suggest appropriate additional purchases to a customer. Amazon uses such techniques
very heavily. The other term for association rules is market basket analysis. This has
been used extensively in retail settings, particularly in store layout and redesign.
scikit-learn unsupervised learning algorithms include the following:
1. Gaussian mixture models
2. Manifold learning
An Introduction to Machine Learning  ◾  21

3. Clustering
4. Biclustering
5. Decomposing signals in components (matrix factorization problems)
6. Covariance estimation
7. Novelty and outlier detection
8. Density estimation
9. Neural network models (unsupervised)

A classic example of clustering is market or customer segmentation. The point is

that the sort of conversation or presentation a marketer might make to a 76-year-
old woman is almost certainly going to be different from that to a 22-year-old
male. Market segmentation is used to allow marketers to engage meaningfully with
distinctly different parts of the customer base.
There are plenty of biological examples, where biometric measurement has been used
to separate closely related species. These have been around since the early 20th century.

1.5.3 Semisupervised Learning
Semisupervised learning is a hybrid of the two techniques: supervised and unsuper-
vised learning. It is commonly used where it is impractical or too expensive to label
all of the input data so we only have some of it labeled.
One approach to semisupervised learning involves using the known labeled data
and projecting it into the other data attributes and then testing to see how good this
is. The second approach involves using unsupervised learning to discover structure,
then validating how closely the assigned structure matches with the existing labeled
data. Both approaches converge on a similar outcome.
Support vector clustering can be used for semisupervised learning. This is often
used in industrial applications either when data is not labeled or when only some
data is labeled as a preprocessing operation for a classification pass. Another good
example of semisupervised learning is in the use of HMM, which is commonly
employed with a Baum-Welch learning procedure. This is used in both speech
­recognition and bioinformatics.

1.5.4 Reinforcement Learning
In reinforcement learning the most important thing is characterization of the learning
problem. A key difference between reinforcement learning and supervised learning
is that outcomes are not determined, but the system learns from its own experience.
Two competing processes are set up, commonly referred to as exploitation: the
reapplication of a prior decision and exploration and the search through the solu-
tion space for a better performing decision function. These two operate against each
other in a classic trade-off, and the configuration of agents is important to optimize
both, otherwise convergence is unlikely.
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Key points for this approach usually taken are as follows:

1. An agent is established (an agent is a semi-independent piece of software

or code).
2. Various environmental states are presented to the agent.
3. Actions (decision outcomes) are produced by the agent.
4. State transition rules operate.
5. Reward rules/principles that are related to the transition are activated.
6. Rules for the agent to interpret observation are invoked.
7. Repeat from step 2 onward until a stable estimate is reached.

A key aspect of this learning method is the discrete time dimension. The major
enabling algorithmic process is a Markov decision process.
Currently, there is a tremendous interest in reinforcement learning. It can
be applied in numerous disciplines and contexts, e.g., control engineering, game
­theory, and economics.
An example of reinforcement learning would be to set up a computer to play
backgammon or other games. Building elevator control is another use case.

1.6 Summary
We covered an introduction to both the nature and history of ML. The complex
and, sometimes, convoluted way in which things developed was briefly discussed,
especially the development of AI, which has a fascinating history of stops and starts,
i.e., the so-called AI winter where funding was literally cut off midstream. This is
not uncommon with other types of computer technology development, but it was
especially pronounced in the case of AI. Neural net methods are well established
in the mainstream these days and form the major part of what is being done at
Google, among other tech giants.
We looked at one of the most important methods in statistics, least squares
regression—how it came about historically and just how it works. Statistics and ML
have a long and intertwined history.
The critical timeline from 1945 (the dawn of the Computer and Atomic Age) to
2015 with the defeat of a Go master by a computer gives us a detailed understand-
ing of some of the broad sweep of history.
Lastly, we had a brief exposition on the various types of ML, including super-
vised, unsupervised, semisupervised, and reinforcement learning. Finally, some of
the algorithms available in the scikit-learn Python ML library were listed to give one
an idea of where to start the journey to learn how to apply these methods. An entire
and detailed book could be written on this topic, but hopefully the interested readers
will have gained some idea about where to start their search for further knowledge.
An Introduction to Machine Learning  ◾  23

1.7 Glossary

Term Acronym Meaning

Agent A software program which acts for another,

either an individual or another software
program. These are often bots and are also
used in complex simulations, particularly of
network topology and behavior.

AI Winter Hiatus in AI Research, the first one was from

1973 to 1986, with others less serious since

Artificial AI The ability to get a computer (machine) to

intelligence mimic intelligent behavior often in very
sophisticated ways.

Association A statistical technique where related items

are grouped together, such as in market
basket analysis.

Backpropagation An algorithm where repeated adjustment of

weights of connections in a hidden layer is
carried out iteratively until they have
minimized the overall difference between
the actual output vector and the desired
output vector.

Clustering A multivariate statistical technique to group

related cases together, commonly used in
market segmentation studies.

Correlation A statistical technique to determine the

strength of the linear relationship between
two numeric variables.

Defense Advanced DARPA A US Government agency, created in the

Research Projects panic after the Soviet Union launched the
Agency first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1
(Спутник-1), using a Р-7 Semyorka (Семёрка)
rocket designation 8K71PS, on October 4,
1957, from Baikonur Cosmodrome
(Космодро́м Байкону́р) Site No. 1.

24  ◾  Data Analytics

Term Acronym Meaning

Data science DS A modern and rapidly growing synthesis of

large-scale database operations, ML, and
statistics. It also includes unstructured data
analysis such as text mining, which involves
an understanding of both computational
linguistics and natural language processing.

Decision trees Tools that use human-understandable

graphs to process data to provide a
classification or decision point. There are a
variety of methods, the most common
being recursive partitioning. Both
categorical and numeric variables can be
used in the construction of trees.

Deep belief DBN A complex type of neural network with

networks multiple layers. They have recently been
found to be good at discrimination and
classification of images. DBNs are the most
resistant technique which is able to classify
images that have been deliberately modified.

Dependent A variable which is estimated or predicted

variable using a regression equation.

Deviate A normally distributed random variable with

a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.

Electronic Discrete EDVAC The first ever general-purpose computer,

Variable designed by J. Presper Eckert and John
Automatic Mauchly. They went on to build it as the
Computer Electronic Numerical Integrator and
Computer, which was commissioned at the
University of Pennsylvania on February 15,
1946. It was also Turing-complete. They
went on to found the Eckert-Mauchly
Computer Corporation, which survives
today as Unisys.

Expert systems The first successful AI endeavor. Expert

systems are designed to mimic a human
expert and consist of a knowledge base
component as well as an inference engine.
These are usually rule-based systems using
if-then-else type of statements.

An Introduction to Machine Learning  ◾  25

Term Acronym Meaning

Gaussian Also known as normal distribution. A

distribution symmetrical bell-shaped curve with the
probability density function given by
( x − µ )2
( )= 1 −
f x|µ ,σ 2
e 2σ 2 .
2σ π 2

Gauss–Markov The Gauss–Markov theorem states that in a

theorem linear regression model in which the errors
have expectation of zero and are
uncorrelated with equal variances, the best
linear unbiased estimator of the coefficients
is given by the ordinary least squares
estimator. The error distribution does not
necessarily need to be normal (Gaussian) or
IID (independent and identically
distributed), only uncorrelated with a mean
of zero and having the same finite variance.

Generalized linear GLM A flexible generalization of ordinary linear

model regression that allows response variables
that have error distribution models other
than a normal distribution. It was proposed
by Nelder and Wedderburn in 1972.
Distributions covered in their original paper
included the normal, poisson, binomial, and
gamma distributions.

Google Sling A natural language frame semantics parser.

To quote from their GitHub page: “The
parser is a general transition-based frame
semantic parser using bi-directional LSTMs
for input encoding and a Transition Based
Recurrent Unit (TBRU) for output decoding.”

Linear threshold LTG A device used to discriminate between

gate vectors belonging to two classes. An LTG
maps an input vector x into a single binary
output y. A threshold constant is used to
set the gate. In effect, it is a binary switch.

Long short-term LSTM A type of recurrent neural network. It has the

memory property of being able to transmit some
state information across the layer boundary,
thus mimicking a Markov process.

26  ◾  Data Analytics

Term Acronym Meaning

Machine learning ML The field where computer programs or

systems can learn specific tasks, such as
discrimination or classification, without
being explicitly programmed to do so.

Markov decision MDP A discrete time stochastic control process.

process It provides the ability to model decision-
making in a situation where the outcome
is partly random and partly under the
control of a decision maker. It is used
in dynamic programming and
reinforcement learning and has been
known since 1957, when Richard Bellman
published his paper: “A Markovian
Decision Process” [29].

Markov process A stochastic process in which the

conditional probability distribution of
future states depends only upon the
present state, and not on the events that
preceded it. A Markov chain is the usual

Natural language NLP Afield of computer science, AI, and

processing computational linguistics that deals with
interactions between computers and
human language. Its products are machine
translation and voice-to-text. The AI Winter
had a big impact on this field. Today it is
going well. The voice-to-text product
dragon can be traced back to the Stanford
Research Institute.

Perceptron The first type of artificial neural net devised

by Dr. Frank Rosenblatt in 1957. The
Perceptron was specifically designed as a
(simplified) copy of the human retina. It
consisted of a detector array, a weight
summing function, and a transfer function.
When it functioned correctly
Dr. Rosenberg said that an internal change
in the wiring diagram had occurred. This
was the first instance of successful ML.

An Introduction to Machine Learning  ◾  27

Term Acronym Meaning

Predictive The process of building or creating a

modeling mathematical model to determine a
specific outcome, e.g., linear regression.
When new values are put into the
regression equations, it can be said that a
prediction is being made.
Python A high-level, general-purpose, interpreted,
and dynamic programming language. It is
explicitly designed for code readability, and
its syntax allows programmers to express
concepts in fewer lines of code than other
languages. Python supports multiple
programming paradigms, including
object-oriented, imperative, and functional
programming. It also has a dynamic type
system, automatic memory management,
and late binding.
Random Boolean A component of Rosenblatt’s initial
units Perceptron design. These were, in effect,
hidden layer units, which mapped a given
nonlinearly separable training set of
patterns onto the vectors of a high-
dimensional feature space for that training
set to become linearly separable. LTGs
were used for the output.
Random forests An ensemble learning method for
classification, regression and, other tasks
that are operated by constructing many
decision trees during training. They output
either the class mode or the mean
(regression) of the individual trees. They
are very robust and do not overfit. They
were first proposed by Tin Kam Ho, but
were extended and made famous by Leo
Breiman and Adele Cutler.
Regression A term first introduced by Galton in his 1886
paper: “Regression towards Mediocrity in
Hereditary Stature.” Galton defined the law
of regression as the height deviate of the
offspring is on average two thirds of the
height deviate of its mid-parentage.
28  ◾  Data Analytics

Term Acronym Meaning

Reinforcement RL In this technique, the system learns from its

learning own experience. There are two processes,
exploration and exploitation (decision
function). These two processes are set up
to trade off against each other and cause
the system to iteratively search the solution
space for a better performing function.
Good configuration is important to yield
convergence of the algorithm.

Semisupervised SSL Ahybrid of supervised and unsupervised

learning learning. It is commonly used where it is
impractical or too expensive to label all of
the input data so that only some of it is
The two approaches commonly involve
using known labeled data, projecting, then
testing or using unsupervised learning to
discover structure, and then validating how
closely the assigned structure matches the
existing labeled data.

Supervised SL It involves the use of a known target or

learning label. The modeling process for supervised
learning involves prediction of the new
label or target in new data, based on the
characteristics of the dependent variables
that were determined in the training set
(or as is often said “during training”).

Support vector SVMs Also known as support vector networks.

machines They are supervised learning models that
are used for classification and regression
analysis. SVM maps values into high
dimensional space where the hyperplane
of maximum linear separation is
determined. Computational tractability is
afforded by the use of the clever kernel
trick as well as by dot products.

Target Also known as a dependent variable or

label. It is the known outcome that a
regression or other model is designed to
predict by use of a training set.

An Introduction to Machine Learning  ◾  29

Term Acronym Meaning

TensorFlow TF To quote Wikipedia: “TensorFlow is an

open-source software library for dataflow
programming across a range of tasks…It is
used for both research and production at
Google.” A variant of this, using LSTMs, can
effectively apply a Markov process to an
enormous dataset.

Unsupervised UL Also known as a hypothesis generating

learning technique. It involves grouping observations
in the case of clustering or co-occurrence in
the case of association analysis.

Variables A measured quantity. There are four main

types used in statistics: nominal (e.g. male/
female), ordinal (an ordered list where the
order is more important than the size of
the interval), interval (an ordinal sequence
with equal-sized intervals), and continuous
(quantities such as a person’s weight and

von Neumann The basic architecture of modern digital

architecture computers. There are three basic
components: an input device, an output
device, and a central processing unit that
contains a control unit, an arithmetic logic
unit, and an attached memory module. The
design is also known as the Princeton

Exclusive OR XOR Adigital logic gate that implements an

function or gate exclusive OR. That means a true (1) is
output if one, and only one, of the inputs
to the gate is true. If both inputs are false
(0) or both are true, a false output is
obtained. A good way to remember this is
“one or the other, but not both.”

1. Von Neumann, John (1958) The Computer & the Brain, Yale University Press, New Haven
and London.
2. Anonymous (1958) New Navy Device Learns by Doing; Psychologist Shows Embryo of
Computer Designed to Read and Grow Wiser, The New York Times, July 1958, 25.
30  ◾  Data Analytics

3. Mason, Harding, Stewart, D., Gill, Brendan (1958) The Talk of the Town: Rival, The New
Yorker, December 1958 Issue, pp. 44–45.
4. Rosenblatt, Frank (1958) The Perceptron: A probabilistic model for information storage
and organization in the brain, Psychological Review, Vol. 65, No. 6, pp. 386–408.
5. Rosenblatt, Frank (1961) Principles of Neurodynamics: Perceptrons and the Theory of Brain
Mechanisms, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., Cornell University, New York.
6. Rosenblatt, Frank (1962) Principles of Neurodynamics: Perceptrons and the Theory of Brain
Mechanisms, Spartan books, Washington, DC, pp. xvi, 616.
7. Minsky, Marvin and Papert, Seymour (1969) Perceptrons: An Introduction to Computational
Geometry, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
8. Lighthill, James (1973) Artificial Intelligence: A General Survey, Artificial Intelligence:
A Paper Symposium, Science Research Council.
9. Kurzweil, Ray (2006) The Singularity Is Near, Viking Press, New York.
10. Jordan, Michael Irwin (2014) Comments in Relation to Statistics and Machine Learning,; 09 Sep
11. Legendre, Adrien-Marie (1805, 1806) Nouvelles Méthodes pour la Détermination des
Orbites des Comètes, Courcier, Paris.
12. Gauss, Carl Friedrich (1809) Theoria Motus Corporum Coelestium in Sectionibus Conicis
Solem Ambientum, Friedrich Perthes and I.H. Besser, Hamburg.
13. Stigler, Stephen M. (1981) Gauss and the invention of least squares, The Annals of Statistics,
Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 465–474.
14. Gauss, Carl Friedrich (1821) Theoria Combinationis Observationum Erroribus Minimis
Obnoxiae, H. Dieterich, Gottingen.
15. Galton, Francis (1886) Regression towards mediocrity in hereditary stature, The
Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. 15, No. 1886,
pp. 246–263.
16. Yule, George Udny (1897) On the theory of correlation, Journal of the Royal Statistical
Society, Vol. 60, No. 4, pp. 812–854.
17. Pearson, Karl (1903) The law of ancestral heredity, Biometrika, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 211–236.
18. Pearl, Raymond (1910) Letter Raymond Pearl letter to Karl Pearson, about disagreement on
hereditary theory and his removal as an editor of Biometrika (2/15/1910),
19. Fisher, Ronald Aylmer (1922) The goodness of fit of regression formulae, and the distribu-
tion of regression coefficients, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Vol. 85, No. 4, pp.
20. Nelder, John and Wedderburn, Robert William Maclagan (1972) Generalised linear mod-
els, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (General), Vol. 135, No. 3, pp. 370–384.
21. Stuart, Alan and Ord, J. Keith (1991) Kendall’s advanced theory of statistics. Volume 2,
Classical Inference and Relationship, 5th edition, Edward Arnold, London.
22. Rumelhart, David; Hinton, Geoff and Williams, Ronald J. (1986) Learning representa-
tions by back-propagating errors, Nature, Vol. 323, pp. 533–536.
23. Hornik, Kur; Stinchcombe, Maxwell and White, Halber (1989) Multilayer feedforward
networks are universal approximators, Neural Networks, Vol. 2, pp. 359–366.
An Introduction to Machine Learning  ◾  31

24. Von Neumann, John (1945) First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC, Contract No.
W–670–ORD–4926 Between the United States Army Ordnance Department and
the University of Pennsylvania, Moore School of Electrical Engineering, University of
Pennsylvania, June 30, 1945.
25. Turing, Alan Mathison (1950) Computing machinery and intelligence, Mind, Vol. LIX.
No. 236, pp. 433–460.
26. Ho, Tin Kam (1995) Random Decision Forests, Proceedings of the Third International
Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition. Montreal, Quebec: IEEE. 1: 278–282.
27. Cortes, Corinna and Vapnik, Vladimir (1995) Support-vector Networks, Machine Learning,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 20 (3), pp. 273–297.
28. Baum, Leonard E., Petrie, Ted, Soules, George and Weiss, Norman (1970) A maximiza-
tion technique occurring in the statistical analysis of probabilistic functions of Markov
chains, The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, Vol. 41, No. 1, pp. 164–171.
29. Bellman, Richard (1957) A Markovian decision process, Journal of Mathematics and
Mechanics, Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 679–684.
Chapter 2

Regression for
Data Analytics
M. Saiful Bari
Southeast University
Nanyang Technological University

2.1 I ntroduction............................................................................................... 34
2.1.1 Chapter Roadmap.......................................................................... 34
2.1.2 What Is Regression?.........................................................................35
2.2 Linear Regression........................................................................................35
2.2.1 Dataset Description.........................................................................36
2.2.2 Problem Definition..........................................................................36 To Wrap Up the Whole Thing...........................................39
2.2.3 Probabilistic Interpretation............................................................. 40
2.2.4 Optimization Method.................................................................... 44
2.2.5 Block Diagram................................................................................45
2.2.6 Overview of the Model................................................................... 46
2.3 Logistic Regression......................................................................................47
2.3.1 Problem Definition..........................................................................47
2.3.2 Logistic Function.............................................................................47
2.3.3 Probabilistic Interpretation..............................................................48
2.3.4 Optimization Method.....................................................................49
2.3.5 Overview of the Model....................................................................49
2.4 Problems of Regression................................................................................50
2.4.1 Underfitting and Overfitting...........................................................50
2.4.2 Outlier.............................................................................................50

34  ◾  Data Analytics

2.4.3 Hyper-Parameter.............................................................................51
2.5 Conclusion..................................................................................................52

2.1 Introduction
The world is getting smaller, but in the process of doing so, we are producing a lot
of data (by using data oriented technology, i.e. social network, e-commerce etc.).
Throughout the development of modern civilization, we can divide the whole pro-
cedure into multiple stages. Agriculture (around 1980), industrialization (around
1900–1960) and information technology (around 1960–2007) are the major foot-
prints of human civilization. Now we have entered into the fourth industrial revolu-
tion: artificial intelligence. In the next decade, the advancement of technology and
programming philosophy of the existing field will change drastically and we will get
much closer to the human level intelligence for a lot of tasks without actually telling a
computer what to do. It will be possible only through the amount of data that we are
producing in our day-to-day life. Philosophically, people will develop intelligent sys-
tems by learning from their previous stories and activities. To make a long story short,
people will be able to analyze the huge amount of data more systematically so that
they can take the correct decision based on statistical data. The stage of information
technology gives us a complete platform to gather the necessary data through Internet
of Things (IoT) devices and products. We will explore new methods in the coming
decades to gather and take decisions and solve some major problems of our society.
To be able to cope up with the change that is happening right now, we should
have proper knowledge of understanding data and analyze it so that we can take a
more educative guess, which will be so perfect that we cannot differentiate it from
that of a human. This art of exploration is known as data science. Analyzing big
data is more difficult in terms of technique and usability because of the need for
memory and computational power. To be able to do that, we need more sophisti-
cated algorithms that can also be implemented in real life.
Data science is not “rocket science.” In response to a bigger picture of the relevant
subject, we can safely assume it to be the analysis of pattern exploration in higher
dimension—the dimension that can only be visualized by vectors. Although data sci-
ence is full of attractive, mouthful names, the basic intuitions are so simple that anyone
can grasp the beauty of this so-called MAGIC, given a proper and focused direction.

2.1.1 Chapter Roadmap
This chapter aims to provide the fundamental idea of a data exploration methodol-
ogy, regression. Without a proper understanding of regression, we will not be able
to go further and explore more opportunities to play with the data. Data science is
nothing but exploiting the features of machine learning with proper visualization.
No matter what advanced model [1–3] we might develop in the future, the core of
Regression for Data Analytics  ◾  35

the model will lie in understanding regression. At the start of the chapter, we will
be learning about linear regression and its intuitions. We will be asking the ques-
tion “why?” instead of “how?” We will see some examples and try to understand
what is going on. Later on, we will develop some mathematical thinking based on
our intuitions and begin the question “how?” Finally, we will derive the complete
probabilistic analysis of linear regression. Then we will add a condition on the
linear regression model and see how we can derive logistic regression from linear
regression. We will also discuss the probable mathematical solution of optimization
techniques, though we will not go into details of their optimization algorithms.

2.1.2 What Is Regression?
Regression is the process of estimating a relationship between variables. An event can
be represented by statistical data where multiple variables participate to explain sub-
events. Sometimes these variables might have a correlation between them. Say, given
that you have sufficient knowledge about the perspective, if you know the age and
geographical area of a certain person, you may guess the height of that person in most
cases. If you consider age, geographic area, and height as variables, then you can corre-
late them to guess one value, given other values. Regression helps us to do such things.
In relevance to data science, we will look into linear regression and logistic

2.2 Linear Regression
When the variables are linearly dependent on each other, we can estimate one
­variable from the other by linear regression. Assume X and Y are two variables.
If they are linearly dependent on each other, we can write
Y ∝X
Y = mX
If we write the equation in the form of an equation of a line (for proper mathemati-
cal analysis), then it will become
Y = mX + b (2.2)
So, the relation between X and Y can be defined by m and b. Now given enough sta-
tistical data, our objective will be finding a suitable m and b that support the statisti-
cal data most of the time. But why do we want to do that? Remember that we want to
learn from our actual data. Before going through the formal process, let’s have some
good intuitions about what types of problems we will be solving by linear regression.
A classic example of linear regression is housing price estimation [4]. Suppose
you have some detailed statistical information such as house size, door type, utilities,
36  ◾  Data Analytics

style, roof type, number of kitchens, and most importantly price. The variable we
want to predict is called label. In this case, the price of the house is the label and the
rest of the variables are called feature(s). So, house size, door type, utilities, style,
roof type, number of kitchens are features.
Let’s consider another interesting example. Suppose you have the honest data-
set of a student’s total daily average time of study in hours. Can you estimate the
student’s grade (in number) from the amount of study hours? So, here the student’s
grade is the label and the study hour is the feature.
Linear regression is a supervised problem. You must have the label on the data
for training. For housing price estimation, we need the price of the house and for
student grade estimation, we need the actual grades of the students.

2.2.1 Dataset Description
Let’s assume you have the relevant data. Now our challenge is to generate a ­function
f and feed the function with data in a proper way and expect some results. Let X be
our data and Y be the output. So, we can write

f : X → Y (2.3)

Our objective is to design this function f. Before designing such a function, let’s
introduce our dataset in a more definitive manner:

 { xi , yi }i =1


 is the complete dataset.

N is the number of examples of data.
xi is a D-dimensional vector of features/input.
yi is the response variable/label/output.

Now, we can formally define the problem.

2.2.2 Problem Definition
Given a set of pair  { xi , yi }i =1 where yi is the dependent variable against xi, can you

predict the value of yi for an arbitrary given x̂ ?

A graphical view of the problem is worth a lot.
In Figure 2.1, 1D regression is shown. Here the number of statistical f­ eatures
is 1 (only x). Ten points are shown in Figure 2.1a). We can easily see in the ­figure
that most of the time for a point (x, y), while the value of x increases, y also increases.
This is the correlation between the points. Figure 2.1b shows the regression line
Regression for Data Analytics  ◾  37

Figure 2.1  (a) Some points are drawn in the 2D coordinate system. The x-axis is
the feature and the y-axis is the response variable. (b) A regression line is drawn
based on the given points. (c–f) a new point (pointed as x) is added in each of the
figures, and based on the new points, a new regression line is drawn.

based on the correlation of ten points that are in Figure 2.1a. From Figure 2.1c–f,
each time a new point (showed as cross) is added, a new regression line is drawn.
Notice how the line changes direction while adding a new point in Figure 2.1c–f.
These four continuous figures help us to understand how the correlation is repre-
sented by the regression line. See Figure 2.1f more carefully. An outlier (strongly
oppose the correlation) point causes a bad regression line. We will see some tech-
niques at the end of the chapter to resolve the issue. For the time being, let’s make
38  ◾  Data Analytics

sure that we get an idea of how to represent the correlation of points with the
regression line.
For any arbitrary given x̂ , the value ŷ (  (hat) represents it’s not from the
­dataset) on the line is the estimation. We call this line as the best fitted line (consid-
ering the given points). The line actually explains the best linear relationship for the
given data points. As we learn the line (How? There’s no need to think about that
now.) that shows the relationship between x and y of the data points, we can use
this relationship (equation of line) to generate ŷ for any given x̂ . From Figure 2.1,
now we understand that we have to draw some line (line → linear) to estimate some
points (as they have linear relation).
Assume we have higher dimensions of data. Like, for each x, it’s not one point.
There could be D points. Note that higher dimension does not mean a higher order
of relationship. Two D-dimensional points could have a linear relationship. Just
think about it a bit and don’t skip this if you have any confusion.
When you are expressing something in the higher dimension, the only good
mathematical tools we have are the vector and linear algebra operations. For the rest
of the explanation, we will be explaining everything in terms of vector. If you are
weak in the basics of linear algebra, now it is a good time for a recap.
If we express the equation of a line in linear algebra, it will be as follows:

 w0   x0 
   
w1  *  x1
Y =  = W T X (2.4)
     
   
 w D   x D 

∈= Y − Yˆ (2.5)

where the superscript T represents the transpose operation and * represents the
matrix multiplication. X = [   x0   x1   x 2 … x D   ] is the input of the model. You need

to find a vector W such that Y gets its original value in the dataset. In short, W actu-
ally relates X to Y. Yˆ is the predicted value (the value our model will generate) for
X and Y is the original label in the dataset. Assume ∈ is the residual error. Notice
W T *X is scalar. Now here is the trick. If we take a random matrix for W (as we
don’t know the relation between X and Y, we initialize it randomly), the probabil-
ity will be very low that W T *X can estimate the correct Yˆ that is close to Y. It will
predict something greater or lesser than our expected output Y. Mathematically,
Yˆ  Y or Yˆ  Y . So, what can we do? We can just add an error ∈term to make the
prediction correct. Let’s write the equation:

Yˆ = W T *X +   ∈ (2.6)
Regression for Data Analytics  ◾  39

Now, according to the preceding equation, Y  Yˆ . As long as we select the residual

error ∈ properly, our prediction Yˆ gets right. So, how should we calculate the resid-
ual error ∈? Remember X is our input. We want to change X to Y by W. Based on
W, our error will be calculated. If we visualize our error in our previous data, our
objective is to reduce the error ∈ or the total sum of the lengths of the vertical lines
of Figure 2.2. To Wrap Up the Whole Thing

We have a dataset  { xi , yi }i =1 where X = { xi }i =1 is the D-dimensional input and

Y = { yi }i =1 is the output/label. For learning function f that defines the mapping


between X and Y, we have a model as follows:

Yˆ = W T *X + ∈ (2.7)

For a random initialization of W, our residual error ∈will be much higher. We need
to change (iteratively or algebraically) W in such a way so that the residual error ∈
gets lower. We can only calculate the residual error ∈ when we have a W (guessed
or calculated):

∈= Yˆ − W T *X (2.8)

Now intuitively, it’s quite clear that we need to optimize the residual error ∈or some
form of the residual error. For analyzing which function of ∈needs to be optimized,
let’s interpret the model by probability distribution.

Figure 2.2  Crosses are the predicted values on the regression line. The line from
the given points to cross shows the distance between the predicted and given
40  ◾  Data Analytics

2.2.3 Probabilistic Interpretation
For a data scientist, the main objectives are to implement and visualize the model cleverly
so that one may get the chance to extract useful information from the predictive model.
For that a basic mathematical understanding of the model is the building block. For
readers’ suitability, the mathematical explanation in this ­chapter is derived in a simple X
manner and in details without skipping any c­ alculation. The readers are encouraged to
reason every mathematical form of explanation from this chapter as these mathematical
understandings will be the building blocks for the more advanced models.
There are two types of probabilistic model:

Generative model: A generative model asks the question—which category
is most likely to generate the data? This interpretation works well only with
large amounts of data. It calculates the complete probability model, perform-
ing inference condition on the data and model.
Discriminative model: A discriminative model doesn’t care about how data
is generated, but it only classifies the data. Its elegance is simplicity. Compared
to the generative approach, most of the time discriminative model can work
with small amounts of data.

For the problem discussed previously, we can decide that we need a discriminative
probabilistic model. As we are not working on data generation, only the discrimina-
tive model will suffice.
We can represent the problem as p ( y | x ) that implies,
what is the probability of outcome y given an input x?
We assume that residual error ∈ follows normal distribution ( ) with zero
mean (µ = 0) and constant variance (σ), which implies the conditional probability
of y given x:
( )
∈~  µ = 0, σ 2 (2.9)

( {
p y | x, W , σ 2 }) =  ( y | µ ( x ) , σ 2
( x )) (2.10)
Here, σ and W are the parameters of the model. σ is constant (constant noise).
For  linear regression, we assume that µ ( x ) = W T x . Suppose the input is one-
dimensional. Then we define μ(x) as
µ ( x ) = w1x + w0 = W T x (2.11)
W T = [   w0   w1   ]
 1 
x= 
 x 
Regression for Data Analytics  ◾  41

As we are calculating everything in vector, we took x = [  1  x   ] for robust imple-


mentation of Eq. (2.2). Note that x is a vector and x is a scalar. The conversion of
x to x is called basis function expansion. With basis function expansion, we can
make a linear model nonlinear. Basis function is generally written as ϕ(x). General
basis function is

φ ( x,d ) =   1x x 2 … x d   

If we visualize the model based on normal distribution, we get the representation

as shown in Figure 2.3.
Now we will be calculating the likelihood of our model. Likelihood is one kind
of probability where we have the data before calculating probability. We have data
y, and we assume it comes from some distribution and the data examples are inde-
pendent and identically distributed (IID). This means all the examples of data have
the same probability distribution as the others and all are mutually independent.
Linear regression follows normal distribution. It is an inductive bias of the model.

Figure 2.3  A regression line is drawn. Based on Eq. (2.10), each point on the
line is calculated based on the zero mean of the normal distribution of the points
around it.
42  ◾  Data Analytics

Inductive bias is the assumption that your model takes into account before l­earning/
computation. The total likelihood is the product of the likelihood for each point yi

p ( y ,θ ) =   ∏ p ( y ,θ ) (2.12)

where θ is the model parameter. The total log likelihood is

p ( y ,θ ) = l (θ ) =   ∑ log ( p ( y ,θ )) (2.13)

As log is a monotonically increasing function, log-likelihoods have the same rela-

tions of order as the likelihoods. But applying log will make the model easier to
calculate and more precise. As an example, we can see the simplification by taking
log of the probability density function (p.d.f) of the normal distribution. If x is the
random variable,

1 − ( x − µ )T Σ −1 ( x − µ )
p ( x, θ ) =  ( µ ,σ ) = e 2 (2.14)
( )
(2π det Σ )

d d 1
log p ( x,θ ) =   − log ( 2π ) − log ( det Σ ) −   ( x − µ ) Σ −1 ( x − µ ) (2.15)

2 2 2

As we are working on 1D data points (two values in x), our p.d.f for normal
­distribution will be

1 − 2σ 2 ( y −W T x )
1 2

 µ ,σ 2
) =
2πσ 2
e (2.16)

Now, according to the definition of log likelihood in Eq. (2.13),


l (θ )  log p ( D|θ ) =   ) ∑ i =1
p ( yi | x i , θ ) = ∑ log ( N ( µ,σ ))
i =1

− 2 ( yi −W T x i ) 
 1 1 2

l (θ )  ∑
i =1
log 
 2πσ
e 2σ


N 1
−l (θ ) 
log 2πσ 2 +   2 RSS (W )

Regression for Data Analytics  ◾  43


∑ ( y − W x ) = ∑ ∈ (2.17)
RSS (W )  T 2
i i
i =1 i =1

Here, RSS means residual sum of squares. This is also called Sum of squared errors
(SSE). If we take the mean, it will be

MSE =   SSE (2.18)

MSE is the mean squared error or l2 norm. This is considered as the loss of the model
(remember ∈; We finally get the function of ∈ that must be reduced/optimized
according to Eq. (2.8)).
For the discriminative model, we calculate the maximum likelihood estimation
(MLE) θˆ to estimate the value. Minimizing error is equivalent to maximizing like-
lihood as the likelihood defines how likely it is for y to be selected for a given x,
which means that we can also calculate the value of the parameter θ for which the
loss will be minimized. According to Eq. (2.17), parameter θ is W .

θˆ  arg max log ( p (  ,θ )) (2.19)


where  is the dataset. So, for linear regression,

( )
θˆ  arg max log  ( µ , σ 2 ) = arg max l (θ )

Note that for a better model, we need to reduce the residual error ∈ according to
Eq. (2.5). Reducing ∈is the same as maximizing likelihood. Maximizing likelihood
is the same as maximizing log likelihood and minimizing negative log likelihood.
If we can convert the same problem to a minimization problem by taking
­negative log-likelihood,

θˆ  arg min ( −l (θ ))

From Eq. (2.17), we get

θˆ = arg min RSS ( w )



∑( ) ∑∈
θˆ = arg min
yi − W T x i = (2.20)
i =1 i =1

Remember at the end of Section 2.2.2 that we need to optimize the residual
error. Equation (2.20) is the final form of the equation that we need to optimize.
44  ◾  Data Analytics

This equation also works for a higher dimension. You may need to tweak the size of
W according to the dimension of x, for a higher dimension.
After optimizing the loss function, we will have such a representation of W that
maps the data X to Y. Actually, W will contain such a value for which if you take
a new example that is not in the dataset, W will be able to estimate the value of
y based on its experience (training process) with the dataset. The accuracy of the
linear regression will depend on the size of the dataset and the design of the model.
In a real-life scenario, linear regression is not the feasible solution. You may need
to try nonlinear regression or extend the concept of linear regression to further
advanced models.

2.2.4 Optimization Method
For the calculation of arg min part, we need an optimization method. There are
two types of optimization methods for linear regression.

Iterative method: Use some learning algorithms such as gradient descent,
stochastic gradient descent [5], Adam [6], and Newton’s optimization
Closed-form solution: Use vector algebra to derive the solution.

The discussion of the learning algorithms such as stochastic gradient descent, Adam
etc. is out of the scope of this chapter. In this chapter, we will be discussing the
closed form solution. For the closed-form solution, we will be doing some algebraic
derivation and we will try to minimize negative ­log-likelihood by vector algebra.
From Eq. (2.15), taking negative log-likelihood,

d d 1
−l (θ ) = log ( 2π ) + log(det Σ ) + ( x − µ ) Σ −1 ( x − µ ) (2.21)

2 2 2

d d
For our case, log ( 2π ) + log ( det Σ ) and Σ−1 terms are constant. So, we can
2 2
ignore these terms. Remember, for our model, µ ( x ) = W T x . Our reduced negative
log-likelihood (NLL) term will be (In Eq. [2.21], x is the random variable. In our
problem, y is the random variable that we want to predict. Equation [2.21] is just
an example of normal distribution.):

−l (θ ) = NLL (W ) = ( y − xW )( y − xW )    as  W T x = xW   

With some vector algebra, we can easily simplify the equation as follows:

NLL (W ) = ( y − xW ) ( y − xW )

Regression for Data Analytics  ◾  45

= yT − ( xW )
) ( y − xW )  as  ( A + B ) T
= AT + BT 

= yT − W T xT ) ( y − xW )  as  ( AB ) T
= BT AT 

= yT y − yT xW − W T xT y + W T xT W

= yT y − 2W T xT y + W T xT xW    as   AT ( BC ) = ( BC ) A 

NLL ( w ) = yT y − 2W T xT y + W T xT xW   (2.22)

Now, we need to minimize the NLL with respect to its parameter w:

θˆ = arg min ( yT y − 2W T xT y + W T xT xW )

Taking derivative with respect to W,

NLL (W ) = −2xT y + xT xW
For minimization according to calculus,

−2xT y + xT xW = 0

( ( ) x y)
W = 2  xT x
−1 T

θˆ =  (( x x ) x y )
T −1 T

We can drop 2 as it is a constant term.

2.2.5 Block Diagram
Block diagram is a way of representing the model in a brief way. In this diagram,
the variables that are open to access by the model are shaded.
Step 1: At the beginning of the experiment, feature X is observed. We assume
W is the transformation matrix such that multiplying W T with X, we get Y. But
W is unknown (initialized randomly). So, at this stage, W is hidden (Figure 2.4).
Step 2: Together with X and Y, we train the model to estimate the best fitting.
At this point, Y is observed and W is converging to its best solution (Figure 2.5).
Step 3: Now with trained W and a given X̂ , we can estimate any Yˆ . As W is
trained, we can access W. At this stage, there’s no need to access Y (Figure 2.6).
46  ◾  Data Analytics

Figure 2.4  Y is hidden and X is observed.

Figure 2.5  X and Y is observed. Together, they train W.

Figure 2.6  Now after training W, we can predict Y for any given X.

2.2.6 Overview of the Model

The basic assumption of the model is called inductive bias. For the short view of
a model, we need to explain some key features of the model: inductive bias, basis
function, cost/loss function, and training algorithm. Before implementing any model,
you may need to follow up these key features of the models.

◾◾ Inductive bias: Error maintains Gaussian distribution with mean 0 and

­constant variance. Training examples are IID.
◾◾ Basis function: φ ( x ) = [  1 x  ]
∑ ( y -W x ) 1
2 2
◾◾ Cost/loss function: MSE =   i
i =
N i =1
N i =1
◾◾ Training:
– Iterative method
– Closed-form solution
Regression for Data Analytics  ◾  47

2.3 Logistic Regression
Linear regression is a regression model where the dependent variable (DV) is
­continuous. Logistic regression or logit regression or logit model is a regression
model where the dependent variable (DV) is categorical.
Suppose you have the last 5 years’ daily weather information (if it is rainy or
not) of a specific geographic region. Can you estimate if tomorrow’s weather will be
rainy or not (yes or no question)?
Another example will be, suppose you have the honest dataset of a student’s
total daily average time of study. Can you predict if the student will pass the exam
or not from his/her amount of study hours (yes or no question)?
Logistic regression is also a supervised problem. You need to have the label of
the data about which you want to predict.

2.3.1 Problem Definition
Given a set of pairs  { xi , yi }i =1 where yi is the dependent binary or dichotomous

variable against xi, can you predict the category ŷ (either 0 or 1) for an arbitrary
given x̂ ?
Logistic regression predicts either 0 or 1. The probability distribution of linear
regression is Gaussian distribution. We will change the distribution to the Bernoulli
distribution as the Bernoulli distribution is discrete and it categorizes the data as
either 0 or 1.

p ( y|x ,W ) = Ber ( y | µ ( x )) (2.24)

We will implement the Bernoulli feature by using sigmoid function. It is also known
as logistic or logit function.

2.3.2 Logistic Function
The equation of sigmoid/logistic/logit function is

1 eη
sigmoid (η )  = (2.25)
1 + e   1 + eη
The term sigmoid means S-shaped squashing function. Look at Figure 2.7.
From the figure, you may see that all the outputs of the sigmoid function are
between 0 and 1.

0 ≤ sigmoid ( x ) ≤ 1

So, by applying the logistic function, we squash the value from 0 to 1.

This gives us the advantage to calculate the Bernoulli random variable.
48  ◾  Data Analytics

Figure 2.7  S-shaped logit curve.

Let’s evaluate some important values:

sigmoid ( − inf ) = 0

sigmoid ( 0 ) = 0.5

sigmoid ( inf ) = 1

We often utilize these features and set a range to classify

p ( yi = 1|x ,W ) = sigmoid ( w0 + w1xi ) (2.26)

yˆ = 1 if p ( yi = 1|x ,W ) > 0.5

yˆ ∈{0,1}

2.3.3 Probabilistic Interpretation
Logistic regression is a discriminative model. The parameter descriptions are given
in the text that follows:
As logistic regression follows the Bernoulli distribution, the log-likelihood will
be the probability mass function (p.m.f) of the Bernoulli distribution.

p ( y|x,W ) = Ber ( y | µ ( x ))

φ ( x ) = x = [  1 x   ]
Regression for Data Analytics  ◾  49

where μ is the linear function of x and ϕ(x) is the basis function. As we apply the
logit/logistic function over the equation of linear regression, we call this procedure
as logistic regression.
The MLE derivation for the loss function is given below. The derivation is simi-
lar to linear regression. The only difference is the use of the Bernoulli distribution
instead of the Gaussian distribution.


( )
l (θ )  log p ( |θ ) = ∑ log ( p ( y |x ,θ )) = ∑ log Ber ( y | sigmoid (W x ))
i =1
i i
i =1

−l (θ ) = − ∑ log Ber ( y | sigmoid (W x )) (2.27)

i =1

We can also write the same equation in plain form as

−l (θ ) =   ∑  y log(µ ) + (1 − y ) log (1 − µ )

i =1
i i i i (2.28)

where yi ∈{0,1}. This is also called cross entropy, which is the loss function.
We need to optimize this function.

2.3.4 Optimization Method
We cannot write down the MLE optimization of logistic regression in closed form.
So, we will have to use an iterative method such as gradient descent and Newton’s
optimization method. These iterative methods of learning will be discussed later.

2.3.5 Overview of the Model

◾◾ Inductive bias: Maintains the Bernoulli distribution. Training examples are
◾◾ Basis function: x = [  1  x   ]

◾◾ Cost/loss   function: −l (θ ) = ∑  y log(µ ) + (1 − y ) log (1 − µ ),

i =1
i i i i where

yi ∈{0,1}
◾◾ Training:
– Iterative method: using a convex optimizer such as gradient descent and
Newton’s optimization method.
50  ◾  Data Analytics

The basic operation of linear and logistic regression is very similar. The difference
is the assumption or inductive bias on the probability distribution which derives
the loss function. A good example of this could be, suppose you have a huge col-
lection of labeled images of digits (0–9) [7]. Given a new image of a digit, can you
predict the digit number in it? Observe carefully, here the number of categorical
values is 10. So, is this a logistic regression? No, this is called softmax regression
or multinomial regression. Here we use multinomial distribution as the likelihood
function to predict the outcomes. The whole procedure of designing such a model
is the same, except that in place of sigmoid function, another specialized function
named s­oftmax (for multinomial distribution) is used.

softmax ( x ) : R K → [0,1]

e xi
softmax ( x )i = for i = 1, 2,…,  k (2.29)

e xk
k =1

2.4 Problems of Regression
Regression is a very naïve model that is heavily dependent on data. The perfor-
mance of regression depends on how the statistical variables are correlated and,
more importantly, on the amount and quality of data. Here, we discuss some of the
specific problems of regression.

2.4.1 Underfitting and Overfitting

Curve fitting [9,10] is always a hard problem. In regression, we basically want to
calculate the best fitting curve based on the statistical data. Regression is highly data
oriented. If the features and label are not linearly dependent, a line cannot predict the
value properly. Maybe a nonlinear curve (like degree 4 in Figure 2.8) can fit the data
properly. On the contrary, if we have a higher degree curve that fits all the points per-
fectly, then we may not be able to get a good prediction from that. From Figure 2.8,
we saw a degree 15 curve which overfits the data. If we predict y for an arbitrary given
x̂ based on degree 15 curve in the Figure 2.8, then there is a high probability that
it will be miss-classified or will estimate a wrong value. It is always a hectic job to
find the right degree of curve to fit the data properly. We need to use good intuition,
visualization technique, and evaluation method to solve this problem.

2.4.2 Outlier
Outliers are the points that oppose the correlation of the points in the dataset
(Figure 2.9). The cost function of regression is the square difference of the real value
and predicted value. We can see from Figure 2.2 that our objective is to reduce the
Regression for Data Analytics  ◾  51

Figure 2.8  The same data distribution is mapped by three different degrees of
curves. The Degree 1 curve is a straight line that cannot fit the data properly.
The Degree 15 curve perfectly fits the data, but it’s accuracy in predicting a
value ­correctly will be very low. But the Degree 4 curve can properly fit the data
and more accurately predict the value for some unknown data that is not in the
training/given data [8].

length of the vertical segments. But one outlier dominates the total length of the
vertical line, thus creating a bad regression curve. To attack this type of a problem,
we change the loss function a bit. The changed loss function is called Huber loss.
For calculating Huber loss, a threshold distance is taken into account. If any seg-
ment length crosses the threshold, we assume it as an outlier and take the absolute
value of the output instead of squaring. Other than that, we take half of the regular
square distance. The loss function of Huber loss is
 1

 2
( y − f ( x ))2   for  y − f ( x ) ≤  δ
Lδ ( y , f ( x )) =  (2.30)
 1
δ y − f ( x ) − δ 2 otherwise
 2
where δ is the threshold.

2.4.3 Hyper-Parameter
Hyper-parameters are the parameters whose values are set before the learning process
begins. In Eq. (2.4), we took a D × 1 dimensional weight matrix. Before the learning
procedure begins, you must fix the value of D. D is the number of parameters that you
will be learning by the learning algorithm. If D is higher, the computation gets higher.
If D is smaller, then we may not be able to learn the correlation between the points
properly. To solve a specific problem, we may need to check different values of D for a
better model (you may have to change other parameters of the model also). There are
also some algorithms for ­hyper-parameter optimization [11,12].
52  ◾  Data Analytics

Figure 2.9  (a) A set of points with their regression line. (b) An outlier is added
(marked by cross) in the graph and a regression line is drawn.

2.5 Conclusion
The main context of this chapter is to realize how different kinds of probabilis-
tic analysis lead to different kinds of regression. However, readers should also
grow strong intuitions about the applicability and about the types of problems
that regression can solve. In the era of deep learning, linear regression and logistic
regression are hardly used as a single unit. These two are considered the most pre-
liminary model of machine learning. Most advanced discriminative models (that
perform far better than these two models) actually consist of one of these two basic
models. These two are like the smallest LEGO® bricks among a lot of complex
problems. Before going to the next chapters, the readers are requested to make their
concepts clear of linear regression and logistic regression.
Regression for Data Analytics  ◾  53

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2. Sepp Hochreiter, Jurgen Schmidhuber. Long short-term memory, Neural Computation
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Sherjil Ozair, Aaron Courville, Yoshua Bengio. Generative Adversarial Nets. Advances in
neural information processing systems, 2672–2680, 2014.
4. Dean De Cock. Ames, Iowa: Alternative to the Boston housing data as an end of
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6. Diederik Kingma, Jimmy Ba. Adam: A method for stochastic optimization, International
Conference on Learning Representation, San Diego, CA, 2015.
7. Yann LeCun, Léon Bottou, Yoshua Bengio, and Patrick Haffner. Gradient-based learning
applied to document recognition, Proceedings of the IEEE 86(11):2278–2324, 1998.
8. Fabian Pedregosa, Gaël Varoquaux, Alexandre Gramfort, Vincent Michel, Bertrand
Thirion, Olivier Grisel, Mathieu Blondel, Peter Prettenhofer, Ron Weiss, Vincent Dubourg,
Jake Vanderplas, Alexandre Passos, David Cournapeau, Matthieu Brucher, Matthieu
Perrot, Edouard Duchesnay. Scikit-learn: Machine learning in {P}ython, Journal of Machine
Learning Research 12:2825–2830, 2011.
9. Sandra Lach Arlinghaus. PHB Practical Handbook of Curve Fitting. CRC Press, 1994,
249pp. Persistent URL (URI):
10. William M. Kolb. Curve Fitting for Programmable Calculators. Syntec, Incorporated,
11. James Bergstra, Yoshua Bengio. Random search for hyper-parameter optimization,
Journal of Machine Learning Research 13:281–305, 2012.
12. James Bergstra, Remi Bardenet, Yoshua Bengio, Balazs Kégl. Algorithms for
­Hyper-Parameter Optimization, Advances in neural information processing systems,
2546–2554, 2011.
Chapter 3

Big Data-Appropriate
Clustering via Stochastic
Approximation and
Gaussian Mixture Models
Hien D. Nguyen
La Trobe University
Andrew Thomas Jones
University of Queensland

3.1 Introduction................................................................................................56
3.1.1 Chapter Roadmap...........................................................................58
3.2 Stochastic Approximation Algorithm..........................................................58
3.2.1 C onvergence Result.........................................................................59
3.3 Gaussian Mixture Model............................................................................60
3.4 A n SAA for Maximum Likelihood Estimation of GMMs...........................61
3.5 Simulation Results......................................................................................63
3.5.1 P  ractical Considerations................................................................. 64
3.5.2 S imulating Gaussian Mixture Models.............................................65
3.5.3 C omparisons....................................................................................65
3.5.4 Results............................................................................................ 66
3.6 MNIST Application....................................................................................68
3.6.1 Data Preprocessing..........................................................................68
3.6.2 Results.............................................................................................69
3.7 Conclusions.................................................................................................70

56  ◾  Data Analytics

3.1 Introduction
Let Zn = {Zi }i =1 be an IID (independent and identically distributed) ran-

( )
dom sample of n ∈  observations, where Zi = Xi ,Yi , X i ∈ X ⊂ R p and
Yi ∈ q  = {1,…, q } (i ∈[n ]). Here, p, q ∈ , where  is the set of natural numbers
(zero exclusive),  is the set of real numbers, and (⋅) is the matrix transposition

operator. We call X i and Yi the feature vector and label of the ith observation from
the sample Z n, respectively.
We suppose that the data generating process (DGP) of Z n is unknown, but that
each observation Zi is generated by the following mechanism:
(A1) First, generate Yi from a distribution with probabilities  (Yi = y ) = π y > 0,

where ∑π y =1
y = 1.

(A2) Given Yi = y, generate X i from a probability density function (PDF) f y(X).

We call f y(X) the component PDF of the yth mixture component.
(A3) Concatenate the vector components X i and Yi to obtain the observation
vector Zi = Xi ,Yi . ( )
Utilizing the usual convention of uppercase for random variables and lowercase
for realizations, we suppose that we only observe the realization x n = {x i }i =1 of the

feature vectors X = { X i }i =1, but not the corresponding set of labels Y = {Yi }i =1 .
n n n n

Each y ∈ q  can be viewed as one of the q subpopulations of the DGP. We can
then propose to estimate the realized labels y n (corresponding to xn) by some set
y*n = { y ( x i )}i =1, where each y ( x i ) ∈ q  is a function that estimates the label Yi.

Here, we seek labelings y*n that are optimal in some sense, with respect to a math-
ematical criterion, or that are sensible with respect to some scientific hypothesis or
theory. This is the problem of clustering (or vector quantization).
A model-based approach to clustering is one where the DGP that yields either
X n is modeled directly. This approach is advocated in the well-referenced books
[1,2]. A common and popular probabilistic model used when applying the model-
based clustering approach is the Gaussian mixture model (GMM).
GMMs are one of the earliest proposed techniques for clustering and they
date back to the famous work of [3]. Since then, GMM-based methods have been
among the most influential and successful methods for solving the aforemen-
tioned clustering problem. For examples regarding applications and implementa-
tions of GMMs, refer to the works and the results of [1,2,4,5]. In particular, we
note the great success of the mclust software package [6–9] for the R statistical
programming language [10], over many years. Unfortunately, when faced with
big data (which we define in the sequel), traditional software packages, such as
mclust, which rely on older ­computation paradigms, such as batch expectation-­
maximization (EM; [11]) ­a lgorithms (cf. [12]), cannot be applied due to computa-
tional and ­storage limitations.
Big Data-Appropriate Clustering  ◾  57

We note that model-based clustering is not the only available paradigm for solv-
ing the problem of data clustering. Examples of other popular clustering paradigms
include centroid-based clustering, hierarchical clustering, and modal clustering.
Good and instructive references regarding clustering algorithms and their applica-
tion in general include [13–16]. For brevity of exposition, we shall forgo further
discussions of such alternative clustering paradigms.
There are many available notions of big data in the literature. We choose to
define the big data analysis context via the “three Vs” [17]. The three Vs stand for
variety, velocity, and volume, and each can be defined as follows:
Variety: The data arise from multiple subpopulations that exhibit heteroge-
neous behaviors with differing idiosyncrasies.
Velocity: The data are not available as a static batch, but rather arrives to the
analyst in a continuous stream or in chunks or mini-batches.
Volume: The data are large to the point that they cannot be contained within
the storage of a single computing unit and cannot be manipulated
upon by said computer, in their entirety.
In this chapter, we consider the clustering of data using GMMs, fitted via the
maximum likelihood (ML) criterion using a bespoke stochastic approximation
algorithm (SAA). The algorithm that we utilize is a specialization of the SAA that
[18] derived for the fitting of mixtures of exponential power family distributions,
a class of distributions that include the GMM as a special case. The original algo-
rithm was developed for the fitting of the aforementioned mixture distributions in
the context of medium-sized and low-dimensional biomedical data analytic prob-
lems; see also [19]. We shall demonstrate that the SAA of [18] is also applicable in
the big data setting. That is, we demonstrate that the derived SAA allows for the
rapid fitting of GMMs in a low-memory and stream-suitable manner.
Although a powerful paradigm, the presented specialization of the SAA of [18] only
allows for the estimation of spherical-covariance GMMs. Thus, it cannot estimate the
entire spectrum of covariance matrix specifications and restrictions that software pack-
ages, such as mclust, allow. However, it is well known that clusterings via a spherical-
covariance and homoskedastic GMM, estimated via the ML criterion, and clustering
via the k-means algorithm share many similarities in algorithmic construction and in
paradigm (cf. [20]). Thus, the presented SAA can instead be considered as comparable to
the k-means algorithm of [21] and its many big data variants, such as those of [22–26].
Along with the presentation of the SAA for fitting spherical-covariance GMMs,
we also briefly describe the theoretical framework behind the SAA paradigm of
[18]. This then allows us to present a discussion regarding the convergence of the
presented SAA algorithm. A set of numerical simulations are also presented to dem-
onstrate the capability of the SAA when applied to clustering problems of various
sizes and specifications. For a real-world demonstration of our methodology, we
then apply the SAA to fit a GMM for the clustering of data from the famous
MNIST handwritten digits dataset of [27].
58  ◾  Data Analytics

3.1.1 Chapter Roadmap
The rest of the chapter proceeds as follows: the theoretical framework surrounding
the SAA approach of [18] is briefly described in Section 3.2. The GMM is described
in Section 3.3, along with its usage in model-based clustering. The specialization of
the SAA of [18] for ML fitting of spherical-covariance GMMs is then presented in
Section 3.4. Reports of conducted simulation studies are presented in Section 3.5.
The SAA for GMM-based clustering is demonstrated via clustering of the MNIST
dataset in Section 3.6. Conclusions are drawn and future directions are discussed
in Section 3.7.

3.2 Stochastic Approximation Algorithm

Suppose that we wish to solve an optimization problem that can be phrased as the
maximization or minimization of some function.

g ( ψ ) =  W  H ( ψ ; W )  , (3.1)

where W ∈ W ⊂ R p is a random variable and ψ ∈Ψ ⊂  d is a parameter vector

( d , p ∈ ). Here,  W (⋅) indicates the expectation with respect to the DGP of W
and H(ψ;w) is a measurable function in w, for all ψ, and is continuously differ-
entiable in ψ, for all w. Let the partial derivative ∇H ( ψ ; w ) (with respect to the
parameter vector ψ) exist for every w ∈ and ψ ∈Ψ. To maximize or minimize
(3.1), we can consider obtaining a root of the system

h ( ψ ) ≡  W ∇H ( ψ ; W )  = 0, (3.2)

where 0 is a zero vector of appropriate dimensionality.

Suppose that the DGP of W is unknown, but well-behaved in a manner that will
be made clearer in the sequel. Given a sequence of IID observations from the same
DGP as W that is increasing in size, W n = { Wi }i =1, we can obtain a root of (3.2) via

the iterative scheme

( )
ψ (i +1) = ψ (i ) + γ i ∇H ψ (i ) ; Wi +1 , (3.3)

{ }
where ψ (i ) is a sequence of solutions that iterate with the index i and γi > 0
i =0
is a gain factor that will be explained in the sequel. Here ψ(0) is an initial value of
the parameter vector that is selected arbitrarily over the parameter space Ψ. The
problem can further be made concrete when the sequence W is replaced by some
observed stream of data w n = { w i }i =1.
Big Data-Appropriate Clustering  ◾  59

The iterative scheme (3.3) is generally referred to as an SAA for obtaining a root
of equation system (3.2). The study of SAAs date back to the early works of [28,29].
Good expositions regarding the modern theory of SAAs can be found in [30,31].
A recent review of the literature can be found in [32].

3.2.1 Convergence Result
The appeal of the SAA of [18] is that the conditions under which convergence can
be established are quite simple to state and verify. We first begin by supposing that
the sequence W consists of n IID observations drawn uniformly with replacement
from some finite (but potentially very large) set of N observations w N = { w j } j =1.

Here, we can consider that w N is itself a realization of a sample of N observations

from some other higher level DGP. Under this scenario, by equiprobability, we can

write h ( ψ ) = N −1 ∑ ∇H ( ψ ; w ).
j =1

Let ⋅ denote the usual Euclidean norm. Assume that there exists an objective
function of interest g ( ψ ) with stationary points that correspond to the elements of
{ }
the set Ψ * = ψ ∈Ψ : h ( ψ ) = 0 . Define the sets

Ψ 0 = ψ 0 ∈Ψ : h ( ψ ) is not continuous at ψ 0 , or g ( ψ ) is not differentiable at ψ 0 }

Ξ= {{ψ }
(i ) ∞
i =1
: there exists a closed subset Q of Ψ  Ψ 0 such that ψ (i ) ∈Q ,

for all i ∈  . }
( ) ( )
Further, let Bi +1 = ∇H ψ (i ) ; Wi +1 − h ψ (i ) , so that the SAA scheme (3.3) can be
rewritten as

 ( )
ψ (i +1) = ψ (i ) + γ i  h ψ (i ) + Bi +1  .

Make the following assumptions regarding the sequences {γ i }i =1 and {Bi }i =1 : (B1)
n n

n n

γi > 0 for all i ∈  and limi →∞ γ i = 0, (B2) lim n→∞ ∑i =1

γ i = ∞, (B3) lim n →∞ ∑γ
i =1
i < ∞,

and (B4) supi Bi2 < ∞. Furthermore, make the following regularity assumption on
g ( ψ ) and h ( ψ ) : (C1) g ( ψ ) is continuous and differentiable, and for any ψ ∈Ψ,
60  ◾  Data Analytics

− h ( ψ ) = ∇g ( ψ ), and (C2) sup ψ ∈Q − h ( ψ ) < 0 for any compact subset Q of

Ψ  Ψ * . Under assumptions (B1)–(B4), (C1) and (C2), [18] presented the following
result regarding the scheme (3.3).

Theorem 1. If we assume that (B1)—(B4), (C1), and (C2) hold, then as n → ∞, we have
( ) ( )
limn →∞ dist ψ (n ) , Ψ * = 0 almost surely on Ξ,  where dist ψ (n ) , Ψ * = inf ψ ∈Ψ *ψ (n ) − ψ .
We note that [18], in fact, states a more general result that replaces assumptions
(B1) with a criterion regarding the generalized gradient of g ( ψ ) in the sense of
[33]. This allows for the maximization or minimization of functions that may not
be continuously differentiable. As we do not require such a strong result, we have
chosen to simplify the assumptions for brevity of exposition.

3.3 Gaussian Mixture Model

Assume that data Z are generated according to a DGP that follows the structure
described by (A1)–(A3). For each y ∈ q  , replace the component PDFs f y(x) in
(A2) by the multivariate Gaussian density function

φ ( x ; µ y , ∑ y ) = 2π ∑ y exp  − ( x − µ y ) ∑ −y 1 ( x − µ y )  ,
−1/2 

 2 

where µ y ∈  p is a mean vector and ∑ y ∈  p × p is a positive, definite, and symmet-

ric covariance matrix, for each y ∈[ g ]. We then say that the data X n arise from a
GMM in the sense that the marginal PDF of each X i (i ∈[n ]) can be written as the
convex combination of q Gaussian PDFs:

f ( x; θ) = ∑π φ ( x; µ , ∑ ) , (3.4)
y =1
y y y

where θ is a parameter vector that contains the unique elements of πy, μy, and Σy.
Suppose it is know that the DGP of Z n is a GMM, as described above, or can
be approximated by a GMM with the parameter vector θ 0 containing the unique
elements of the parameter components π 0y, μ0y, and Σ0y ( y ∈[q ]). Suppose that we
observe only the realizations xn of the feature vectors X . We can utilize the usual
maximum a posteriori (MAP) rule for model-based clustering in order to compute
n n
the estimated labels y* that best predict the labels Y . The MAP rule for mixture
models is to predict Yi (i ∈[n ]) by the label that yields the highest a posteriori prob-
ability based on Bayes’ rule (cf. [2]). For GMMs, the MAP rule for the prediction
of the label Yi based on the observed feature xi can be written as

y ( x i ) = arg max π 0 y φ ( x i ; µ 0 y , Σ 0 y ) . (3.5)

y ∈ q 
Big Data-Appropriate Clustering  ◾  61

Upon computing y (xi) for each i, we can concatenate the predicted label in order to
obtain the set of cluster allocations y* for the observed feature vectors xn.
Note that the application of rule (3.5) requires that we know the parameter
vector θ 0 and that we know the number of clusters or labels q. Using the SAA that
was described in Section 3.2, we shall demonstrate how an estimate for θ0 can be
obtained in the big data context. The determination of q is however outside of the
scope of this chapter.
There are numerous ways by which q can be determined. Recent results of [34]
suggests that the Bayesian information criterion of [35] asymptotically correctly
selects the true number of labels under generous regularity conditions. For a finite
number of observations, Maugis and Michel [36] utilized an oracle result of [37]
that can be combined with the computational technique of [38] in order to com-
pute an estimate of q with good penalized loss properties. The aforementioned
methods are all probability based. Yet other methods for choosing q exist outside
of such a setting. A good recent reference for such methods is [39]. We refer the
interested reader to [40] for an excellent summary on the topic of determining q in
the context of GMMs.

3.4 An SAA for Maximum Likelihood

Estimation of GMMs
We now narrow our attention to the restricted class of spherical-covariance GMMs.
That is, we shall only consider the case where Σ y = λ y2 2 I, for each Σy in (3.4)
( y ∈[q ]). Here, λy > 0 and I is an identity matrix of appropriate dimensionality. As
a result, we can write (3.4) as
 
f ( x; θ) = ∑
y =1
π yφ  x ; µ y ,


q 1
 1 
∑π 2 −2
exp  − 2 ( x − µ y ) ( x − µ y ) ,

= y πλ I
y =1  λy 

where θ now contains the elements of the parameter components πy, μy, and λy. The
parameter components λy control the volume of the confidence sets of each of the
respective mixture component PDFs.
Suppose that we are given a realization xn of X that arises from a DGP that
can be characterized by a GMM with a PDF of form (3.6) with the parameter
vector θ 0 or can be well-approximated by a GMM with a PDF of form (3.6) with
the parameter vector θ 0. We are then required to estimate the parameter vector θ 0
from the data in order to obtain the best possible fitting GMM. Traditionally, this
is achieved via ML.
62  ◾  Data Analytics

Define the log-likelihood function (or more correctly, the quasi-log-likelihood

function when the model is used only as an approximation; cf. [41]) of xn, under
the assumption of a GMM to be

n q
 λ y2 
L (θ) =
n ∑ ∑
i =1
y =1
π yφ  x n ; µ y , I  . (3.7)
 2 

We then seek to obtain the ML estimator θ̂ θn, which can be defined as an appropri-
ate root of the score equation ∇L ( θ ) = 0. Here, we cannot define the ML estimator
purely as the maximizer of (3.7) since the objective function is highly multimodal
and lacks identifiability under permutation of the mixture components (cf. [42]).
A stochastic version of the ML estimation problem is to maximize

l ( θ ) =  X l ( θ; X )  (3.8)

instead, where l ( θ; x ) = log f ( x ; θ ), f ( x ; θ ) is of form (3.6), and X arises as a uni-

form draw from a very large finite population of random variables, where each
member of the population is itself drawn from a distribution that can be character-
ized by a PDF of form (3.6) and the parameter vector θ 0. Here,  X (⋅) denotes the
expectation with respect to the DGP of X. In the same way that the optimization
of (3.1) corresponds to finding a root to (3.2), the problem of maximizing (3.8) cor-
responds to finding a root of the equation system

s ( θ ) ≡  X ∇l ( θ; X )  = 0. (3.9)

Unfortunately, solving for the roots of (3.9) is made difficult due to the restrictions on
the parameter space of θ. That is, although μy is unrestricted in  p , π = (π 1 ,…, π g )

is restricted by the conditions that πy > 0 and ∑π

y =1
y = 1, and λy > 0, for each y ∈ q  .

The parameter map that allows for simplification of the root finding process is Set

π y = exp (π *
y ) ∑ exp (π ) for y ∈q − 1 and π
j =1
q = 0. Further set λ y* = log ( λ y )

and µ = µ y (for consistency of notation), for each y ∈ q  . The parameter vector

( )
θ*, which contains the components π *y ∈ , µ *y ∈  p, and λ y* ∈  >, y ∈ q  maps
one-to-one between the space of real vectors in  q ( 2 + p )−1 and the restricted space
of the original parameterization θ. We can now consider the ­simpler problem of
obtaining a root to the equation system
Big Data-Appropriate Clustering  ◾  63

( )
s * θ * ≡  X ∇ *l ( θ; X )  = 0 (3.10)

instead, where ∇ * is taken to mean partial differentiation with respect to the alter-
native parameterization θ*.
We can write the components of ∇ *l ( θ; x ) with respect to π *y as

 λ y2 
π yφ  x ; µ y , I
 2 
∇ π* *y l ( θ; x ) = −π y,
f ( x; θ)

For y ∈  q − 1, and with respect to µ *y and λ y* as

 λ y2 
π yφ  x ; µ y , I
 2  2
∇ *µ *y l ( θ; x ) =
f ( x; θ) λ y2
(x − µ y ),

 λ y2 
π yφ  x ; µ y , I
 2  2 
∇ *λ *y l ( θ; x ) =  2 (x − µλ ) (x − µλ ) −

p ,
f ( x; θ) λ
 y 

for y ∈[q ]. Given a stream of data X n, we can apply scheme (3.3) for solving (3.10)
to obtain the SAA

( )
θ *(i +1) = θ *(i ) + γ i ∇ *l θ(i ) ; X i +1 , (3.11)

which can then be made concrete upon substitution of a realized sample xn in place
of X .
For a well-chosen sequence of gain factors {γ i }i =1, the SAA algorithm that is

defined by Eq. (3.11) can be shown to satisfy the regularity conditions of Theorem 1
(i.e., conditions (C1) and (C2) are fulfilled). Thus, the conclusion of Theorem 1
applies to the SAA sequence of parameters that is generated via Eq. (3.11).

3.5 Simulation Results
The SAA algorithm described in Section 3.4 is implemented in the Rstatistical
programming language [10], with particularly computationally intensive loops pro-
grammed in C and integrated into the core program via the Rcpp package of [43]. The
implementation can be freely obtained at
64  ◾  Data Analytics

SAGMM. All computations were conducted on a MacBook Pro 15-inch ­laptop

with a 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7 processor, 16 GB of 1600 MHz DDR3 memory, and
a 500 GB SSD. Computational times that are reported are obtained via the proc.
time() function. GMM-based clusterings are obtained using MAP rule (3.5).

3.5.1 Practical Considerations
Although the SAA for fitting GMMs from Section 3.4 is theoretically sound, there
are some minor issues that require resolution in order for it to yield successful and
consistent outcomes. First, we require a choice for the sequence of gain factors
{γ i }in=1 that fulfill assumptions (B1)–(B3). In [18], the authors choose a sequence
of the form γ i = γ 0i0 max {i0 , i }, for i ∈ , where γ 0 , i0 > 0. Via some preliminary
experimentation, we have found that such sequences were not successful in our
In [44], the so-called search-then-converge sequence was suggested for SAA and
similar algorithms. The suggested sequence of gain factors {γ i }i =1 have the form

γi = ,
1 + i /i0

where γ 0 , i0 > 0. In all of our applications, we utilize the search-then-converge

sequence with the setting of γ0 and i0, which is to be discussed in the sequel. It is
simple to check that search-then-converge sequences satisfy assumptions (B1)–(B3).
Next, we must bring to attention the problem of setting the initial parameter
vector θ(0). Considering the closeness of the method of clustering via spherical-­
covariance GMMs to the method of k-means (as discussed in Section 3.1), we
­propose a k-means initialization using a small proportion of the overall stream of
the data, which we will call the burn-in.
Suppose that the total length n of the data stream is known and that we can
partition n into two components, the burn-in n 0 and the remainder n1 = n – n 0.
Here, we shall define the burn-in b to be proportional to the total size of n. That is,
define n 0 = n/b, where b ∈   {1} is the burn-in ratio and ⋅ is the floor operator.
Using the burn-in sample of n0 observations, we then run a k-means algorithm
(here we use the kmeans() function in R) to search for k = q centers. These centers
( ) ( )
are then used as initial values µ 0y i ∈ q  . π 0y y ∈ q  is then obtained as the
proportion of the burn-in sample that the k-means algorithm assigns to each of
( ) ( )
2 2
the centers. Initial covariance parameter values λ10 =  = λ g0 are taken to be
equal to the maximum diagonal sample covariance element that is obtained from
the sample covariance matrix over the n0 burn-in observations. The method of
k-means initialization is standard in the mixture modeling literature and has been
reported in key references, such as [12]. Upon selecting a burn-in ratio b and com-
puting n 0 = n/b, we have found success in utilizing a hybrid search-then-converge
Big Data-Appropriate Clustering  ◾  65

sequence, where γ i = log n /n for i ∈[n0 ], and γ i = γ 0 (1 + i /i0 ) for i ∈[n ]  [n0 ],
with γ 0 = log n / n and i0 = n1. For the remainder of the paper, we utilize the initial-
ization scheme and gain factors that are described above.

3.5.2 Simulating Gaussian Mixture Models

In order to ease the burden of exposition, we have chosen to utilize an off-the-shelf
package for the simulation of data from GMMs for our numerical simulations. The
chosen package to be used is the MixSimR package of [45] that was developed for
the explicit purpose of generating GMMs for assessing the performances of com-
peting clustering algorithms.
We utilize the core MixSim() function from the package, which allows for the
generation of n observations from a p-dimensional q-component GMM with vari-
able parameters that are controlled to adhere to some properties. First, we set the
Gaussian components of the GMMs to each be spherical in nature (so as to ­conform
with our spherical covariance clustering methodology). Secondly, the mixture pro-
portions are set to be generated randomly such that the smallest ­possible π y y ∈ q  )
is no less than 0.5/q. Lastly, the MixSim() function allows for setting of a closeness
parameter ω that controls the probabilistic overlap between the generated Gaussian
components. The definition of ω and its control methodology are laborious and we
refer the interested reader to [45] for details. We choose to set ω ∈{0.01,0.1}.
Along with our choices for ω above, we also select b ∈{5,10}, n ∈ 104 ,105 , }
p ∈{5,10}, and q ∈{5,10}. This results in a total of 16 unique simulation scenarios,
where the SAA is implemented with the two different values of b that we had chosen
above. Aside from the feature vectors that are generated from the MixSim() func-
tion, we also retain the labels that indicate the subpopulation mixture c­ omponent
from which each observation arises.

3.5.3 Comparisons
For each scenario, we repeat the simulation ten times and compute the average time
taken using the proc.time() function from R. Additionally, we assess the quality of
the GMM clusterings via the well-known and popularly used adjusted-Rand index
(ARI) of [46], for comparison of the obtained clusterings to the true subpopulation
labels. The ARI is a measurement that takes value between −1 and 1. A value of 0 or
lower indicates a poor clustering performance, whereas a value close to 1 indicates
a high-quality clustering.
For comparisons, we assess the performance of the SAA-fitted GMM cluster-
ings against those of the k-means algorithm implemented via the kmeans() function
in the R with all default settings, except that we allow the algorithm to restart ten
times. We note that this is a batch algorithm and we should expect it to perform
better than our stream-based algorithm, since it is allowed to utilize the information
66  ◾  Data Analytics

from all of the data, simultaneously. We also compare our methodology to the
DSC_CluStream() function from the streamMOAR package [47], which is a port of
the two-stage stream k-means algorithm of [23], from [48]. We make a final note
that we do not compare our algorithm to any batch GMM methods as they are
generally significantly slower and thus are not applicable in our scenarios.

3.5.4 Results
The average timing results and the ARI results for the three tested algorithms are
reported in Table 3.1. We observe that the SAA for fitting GMMs is the fastest
among the three algorithms in all but two scenarios. Between the two configura-
tions for the burn-in ratio b, we find that b = 10 is faster than b = 5. On average,
the algorithm implemented with b = 10 requires approximately 88% the time of
the b  =  5 implementation. Furthermore, and as expected, we also find that all
­a lgorithms increase in computational time with increases in d, g, and n.
With regards to ARI, the SAA-fitted GMM outperforms or matches the perfor-
mance of the two comparison algorithms in all but three of the simulation scenar-
ios. This is particularly surprising when comparing to the batch k-means algorithm,
since it is not required to learn the clustering in a streamed manner but is able to

Table 3.1  Average (over Ten Repetition) Computation Time (in Seconds) and
ARI Results for the SAA-Fitted GMM Algorithm, the Batch k-Means Algorithm,
and the Stream k-Means Algorithm of [23] for Each Simulation Scenario
Batch Stream
D q N ω SAA (b = 5) SAA (b = 10) k-Means k-Means
Time (s)
5 5 1.00E+04 0.01 0.21 0.18 0.22 1.05

5 5 1.00E+04 0.1 0.21 0.18 0.30 0.99

5 5 1.00E+05 0.01 2.24 1.77 3.41 10.61

5 5 1.00E+05 0.1 2.36 1.84 5.24 10.35

5 10 1.00E+04 0.01 0.36 0.34 0.30 1.06

5 10 1.00E+04 0.1 0.37 0.34 0.49 0.98

5 10 1.00E+05 0.01 3.82 3.54 4.53 10.09

5 10 1.00E+05 0.1 4.14 3.63 7.04 9.91

10 5 1.00E+04 0.01 0.34 0.30 0.34 1.78

10 5 1.00E+04 0.1 0.35 0.30 0.45 1.72

Big Data-Appropriate Clustering  ◾  67

Table 3.1 (Continued)  Average (over Ten Repetition) Computation Time

(in Seconds) and ARI Results for the SAA-Fitted GMM Algorithm, the Batch
k-Means Algorithm, and the Stream k-Means Algorithm of [23] for Each
Simulation Scenario
Batch Stream
D q N ω SAA (b = 5) SAA (b = 10) k-Means k-Means

10 5 1.00E+05 0.01 3.45 3.07 4.84 18.29

10 5 1.00E+05 0.1 3.77 3.14 6.96 16.73

10 10 1.00E+04 0.01 0.61 0.56 0.47 1.85

10 10 1.00E+04 0.1 0.64 0.58 0.77 1.65

10 10 1.00E+05 0.01 6.58 5.79 6.72 17.97

10 10 1.00E+05 0.1 6.89 6.17 12.27 15.54

5 5 1.00E+04 0.01 0.87 0.83 0.93 0.93

5 5 1.00E+04 0.1 0.59 0.59 0.57 0.51

5 5 1.00E+05 0.01 0.82 0.86 0.92 0.84

5 5 1.00E+05 0.1 0.53 0.60 0.52 0.47

5 10 1.00E+04 0.01 0.84 0.91 0.87 0.78

5 10 1.00E+04 0.1 0.50 0.50 0.46 0.38

5 10 1.00E+05 0.01 0.88 0.87 0.86 0.76

5 10 1.00E+05 0.1 0.49 0.52 0.48 0.41

10 5 1.00E+04 0.01 0.82 0.92 0.89 0.79

10 5 1.00E+04 0.1 0.50 0.56 0.59 0.31

10 5 1.00E+05 0.01 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.87

10 5 1.00E+05 0.1 0.42 0.50 0.50 0.27

10 10 1.00E+04 0.01 0.88 0.90 0.86 0.73

10 10 1.00E+04 0.1 0.52 0.32 0.47 0.17

10 10 1.00E+05 0.01 0.92 0.90 0.88 0.79

10 10 1.00E+05 0.1 0.43 0.44 0.44 0.22

Note: The bold values indicate the minimum computational time out of the
four methods that were assessed.
68  ◾  Data Analytics

construct the clustering from all of the data, simultaneously. Also interesting is the
fact that the GMM clustering outperforms the stream k-means clustering from
the DSC_CluStream() function in all but one of the problems. This is an excel-
lent outcome considering that the DSC_CluStream() function represents one of
the state-of-the-art algorithms for clustering streamed data. Lastly, we note that
there appears to be little predictable pattern regarding the setting of b with regard
to the performance outcome of the SAA-fitted GMM algorithm. As such, we can
recommend that b = 10 be used when choosing between 5 and 10, since it requires
lesser amount of data in order to initialize the algorithm.

3.6 MNIST Application
The MNIST dataset is a famous and publicly available machine learning dataset
that can be obtained from [27]. The dataset zn consists of n = 70,000 handwrit-
ten images of digits yi (i ∈[n ]) between 0 and 9 (coded as y ∈[10 ] for a total of
q = 10 classes), each rendered as a 28 × 28-pixel image of intensities x i, taking values
between 0 and 255. The numbers of images of digits in the dataset between 0 and
9 (in order) are 6903, 7877, 6990, 7141, 6824, 6313, 6876, 7293, 6825, and 6958.
We utilize the SAA algorithm for GMM-based clustering to cluster the
MNIST data using the feature vectors xn without knowledge of the digit labels
yn. We then utilize the labels yn in order to assess the quality of the clustering
outcome via the ARI, as we had done in Section 3.5. We further compare the
GMM clustering to those obtained via the the kmeans() function in the R as well
as the DSC_CluStream() function, in order to gain some insight into how our
method benchmarks against a standard batch methodology and a state-of-the-art
streamed data clustering algorithm. Clustering performances are once again mea-
sured with the ARI statistic and computation times are measured using the proc.
time() function.

3.6.1 Data Preprocessing
In the original format, each feature vector x i is p = 282 = 784 dimensional. Upon
inspection of the data, many of the pixels, or features, take value zero for all i ∈[ n ] .
As such, we can remove these zero features in order to decrease the dimensionality
of the data dramatically. Using the R data processing package caret [49], we can
remove these features by using the nearZeroVar() function.
Upon removal of the zero features, we are left with p(1) = 250 dimensional
{ }
feature vectors x (i1) . For each coordinate k ∈  p(1)  of the feature vector x (i1)
i =1

( )
(denoted as xik ), we take the logarithm transformation xik( 2) = log xik(1) + 1 , in order

to mitigate the large spread on the original intensity scale. A principal compo-
nent analysis (PCA; see, for instance, [50]) is then conducted and the first five
Big Data-Appropriate Clustering  ◾  69

and ten principal components are used to form the reduced-dimensional datasets
{ } { }
n n
x [n5] = x [i 5] and x[n10] = x [i10] .
i =1 i =1

3.6.2 Results
Using the PCA reduced-dimensional datasets x [n5] and x [n10], we then perform clustering
using the GMM fitted by SAA with burn-in ratios set to b ∈{5,10} and q ∈{10, 20}.
Here, we perform analysis for q = 20 in order to capture the potential of heterogeneity
within the digit subpopulations. For example, some sevens may be crossed, whereas
others are not. Along with the GMM clusterings, we also perform clustering using
the kmeans() and the DSC_CluStream() functions in R, for the same values of q and
PCA reduced data x [n5] and x [n10]. Each clustering method and combination of settings
is repeated ten times. The average timing and ARI results are presented in Table 3.2.
From Table 3.2, we observe that the SAA for fitting GMMs is the fastest
among the compared methods in every scenario (when implemented with b = 10).
Furthermore, the GMM clusterings were able to match the performance of the
batch k-means algorithm with respect to ARI performance in all but one scenario.
This is a good result considering that the algorithm can be fitted iteratively and does
not require the entire dataset simultaneously.

Table 3.2  Average (over Ten Repetition) Computation Time (in Seconds) and
ARI Results for the SAA-Fitted GMM Algorithm, the Batch k-Means Algorithm,
and the Stream k-Means Algorithm of [23] for Clustering of the MNIST Data
Principal Batch Stream
Components Q SAA (b = 5) SAA (b = 10) k-Means k-Means
Time (s)
5 10 2.66 2.29 3.78 7.70

5 20 5.07 4.53 6.93 8.17

10 10 4.44 3.99 5.78 13.70

10 20 8.54 7.76 8.46 13.87

5 10 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30

5 20 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.27

10 10 0.40 0.38 0.41 0.34

10 20 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.33

Note: The bold values indicate the minimum computational time out of the
four methods that were assessed.
70  ◾  Data Analytics

3.7 Conclusions
The big data context, which can be characterized by the three Vs, is a prevalent set-
ting for modern data analysis. Here, the Vs stand for variety, velocity, and volume,
and modern algorithms that operate with big data are required to be able to cope
with all three of these data characteristics.
In this chapter, we presented an algorithm for conducting model-based cluster-
ing, which utilizes an SAA to fit heterogeneous spherical-covariance GMMs. The
SAA framework allows the GMMs to be fitted to very large datasets that arrive to
the analyst in a stream and, thus, the algorithm is suitable in the big data context.
The clusterings produced by our algorithm can be directly comparable to other
streamed k-means algorithms such as that of [23].
We provided a brief introduction of the SAA framework for algorithm
­construction and derived the algorithm for the ML estimation of GMMs within
the discussed framework. The derived algorithm can be proved convergent due to
the known results of [18].
To demonstrate the SAA algorithm GMM-based clustering, we perform a set of
numerical simulations and apply the algorithm to cluster the well-known MNIST
dataset. In both cases, the SAA-fitted GMM algorithm compared very favorably
against the state-of-the-art stream k-means algorithm of [23] as well as the tra-
ditional batch k-means algorithm, in terms of both clustering performance and
computation time.
The positive assessment of the algorithm leads to numerous avenues for future
study. For example, we can restrict the algorithm to fitted homogeneous Gaussian
components with equal component probabilities in order to produce a “soft” k-means
algorithm in the sense of [20]. Alternatively, we can expand upon the current work
and utilize the matrix derivative expressions of [51] in order to produce an SAA algo-
rithm for estimating heterogeneous non-spherical GMMs. Both of these directions
are potentially highly impactful and require further attention and investigation.

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Chapter 4

Information Retrieval
Methods for Big Data
Analytics on Text
Abhay Kumar Bhadani and Ankur Narang
Yatra Online Pvt. Ltd

4.1 Introduction to Information Retrieval.........................................................74
4.2 Vector Space Models...................................................................................75
4.2.1 D ocument-Term Matrix...................................................................75
4.2.2 Distance Metrics............................................................................. 77 E  uclidean Distance........................................................... 77 M  ahalanobis Distance...................................................... 77 Jaccard Index.....................................................................78 Cosine Similarity...............................................................79 W  ord Mover’s Distance.....................................................79
4.2.3 T  erm Frequency–Inverse Document Frequency...............................80
4.3 Information Retrieval Approaches...............................................................82
4.3.1 L atent Semantic Analysis.................................................................82
4.3.2 w
 ord2vec.........................................................................................83 CBOW Model...................................................................83 S kip-Gram Model............................................................ 84
4.3.3 f astText............................................................................................85
4.4 Walk-Through of IR: An Illustrative Example.............................................87
4.5 Applications................................................................................................92

74  ◾  Data Analytics

4.5.1 Sentiment Extraction.......................................................................92

4.5.2 Text Categorization/Spam Detection...............................................92
4.5.3 Translation to Other Languages......................................................92
4.5.4 Automated Q&A and Chatbots.......................................................93
4.5.5 Text Summarization........................................................................93
4.5.6 Resume Short Listing......................................................................93
4.5.7 R eplacing Medical Codes from Patient’s Prescription......................93
4.5.8 W riting Automatically/Text Generation/Poetry...............................93
4.6 Conclusions.................................................................................................94

4.1  Introduction to Information Retrieval

Information retrieval is one of the most important topics as it has a wide range of
applications in the real world, from retrieving documents, aggregating similar news
articles to recommending articles, and so on. IR has varied meanings that can differ
from retrieving textual data from a vast amount of text stored in an unstructured
format to retrieving information from a well-structured database. However, in this
chapter, we focus on different approaches to retrieve text document in some order
from a vast pool of unstructured textual data.
Text classification is a part of IR activities, where the algorithm tries to tag each
document in the text with a relevant class. Some of the classic examples of text
classification are understanding sentiment and email classification for promotion,
social, primary, spam, and so on. In this digital era, millions of digital contents are
being created every moment from different sources. With such a pace, it is almost
impossible to perform any sort of solid analysis with just human effort. Rather, it
would require a huge amount of time along with human effort to assign them to
different matching categories, such as spam and non-spam, social, and primary.
Text classification algorithms under the NLP umbrella come to our rescue here.
According to Wikipedia, “IR is the science of searching for information in a
document, searching for documents themselves, and also searching for metadata
that describes data, and for databases of texts, images or sounds” [1].
However, to be precise and to stick to the context of IR systems from text
document extraction, IR can be defined as “retrieving relevant textual information
from a vast pool of unstructured text data stored in digital format on a computer
system” [2].
Though IR has its presence in the early 1940s, it started to seek attention only
with the advent of search engines, which can be accessed via the Internet. The
most prominent search engines that help in retrieving relevant documents today
are Google Search and Bing. However, Archie was the first commercial web search
engine that existed in 1993, which was followed by many others, such as Altavista,
Yahoo search, Google search, and Bing.
Information Retrieval Methods  ◾  75

IR has many applications ranging from web search, searching emails, recom-
mending similar jobs, finding similar users, understanding trends, search polarity,
determining sentiments, and so on. However, despite rapid advancement in search
engines, there are numerous challenges that still exist which have the potential to
improve the quality of results and determine the document order in the fastest pos-
sible manner. These challenges are increasing day by day as a huge amount of text
is getting generated in various forms, such as blogs, digitization of libraries, com-
ments, and posts on social networks.
Recently, models developed on neural networks have become increasingly pop-
ular [3–5]. We will discuss different models that are based on neural networks as
well as linear models to understand its effectiveness in building IR systems.
One of the critical parts of IR lies in fetching relevant documents by captur-
ing the intent of the search phrase, based on which results can be retrieved and
displayed. In this chapter, we address some of the concerns related to captur-
ing the intent of the user and developing a context-based information retrieval

4.2  Vector Space Models

As we all know, computers are good at computation, hence the first step lies in
representing any information (be it text, image, speech, or anything) in a numeric
format or precisely in a vector format. Thus, vector plays an important role in
addressing this basic requirement. We can represent any piece of information in a
vector format. Once we represent the desired information in the form of vectors, we
can apply different vector arithmetic operations for the retrieval task.
Vector space model (VSM) is defined as a statistical model for representing the
text document in a vector format that can be used for IR tasks [2]. In the simplest
form, a VSM may consist of information regarding the number of terms occurring
in a corpus. A corpus is a collection of large text documents and the importance of
words that each document contains [6]. However, by using advanced word embed-
ding approaches, complex and compact information (Word2Vec [7], GloVe [8],
FastText [9], etc.) can be stored in a vector format to represent different words and
their contexts.

4.2.1  Document-Term Matrix

Document-term matrix is a numerical representation of terms present in a corpus
in a vector format. A corpus can have multiple paragraphs. Here, one document
represents one paragraph. A paragraph is a sequential collection of terms (or words)
in some order, which conveys some meaning. The corpus can be a collection of
documents in any of the languages (such as English, French, German, Hindi, and
76  ◾  Data Analytics

A document-term matrix is thus a representation of the document that can be

used for analyzing the text. Each row in the matrix represents a document (i.e., a
paragraph). Thus, the size of the matrix would be the number of documents in a
corpus and the frequency of unique terms (i.e., vocabulary) in the corpus [2,6,10].
Since each document may not cover most of the words, the document-term matrix
is highly sparse.
Let us consider a simple example to illustrate the concept. Suppose we have a
corpus consisting of three sentences:

“The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.”

“The fox was red but dog was lazy.”
“The dog was brown, and the fox was red.”

The abovementioned sentences are broken down into three separate documents.
Here, we have just one sentence in one paragraph, but a paragraph can also have
more than one sentence.

doc1: “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.”
doc2: “The fox was red but dog was lazy.”
doc3: “The dog was brown, and the fox was red.”

The document-term matrix for the above corpus would look like Table 4.1.
Now, we have a document-term matrix for each document. Thus, we can also
say that now we have a vector representation for each document. The length of the
vector is equal to the size of the vocabulary in the corpus. In our example, the size
of vocabulary is 11, which is also the length of the vector for representing each
Let’s assume that we have these example sentences stored in the underlying
database, which will be used to serve the search request raised by a query phrase.
Let us say that the query is “fox jumps over brown dog.”
First, the query will be converted to an equivalent vector of size 11 (Table 4.2).
Now, the task is to retrieve relevant documents based on some similarity score for
the given query.
Table 4.1  Document-Term Matrix
The quick brown fox jumps over lazy dog was red and

doc1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0

doc2 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 2 1 1

doc3 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 2 1 1
Information Retrieval Methods  ◾  77

Table 4.2  Document-Term Matrix for Query: “fox jumps over brown dog”
The quick brown fox jumps over lazy dog was red and

query 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0

In order to perform this operation, we are required to use distance metrics that
will help in deciding the order of the documents retrieved, based on the relevance
of the searched phrase.

4.2.2  Distance Metrics

In this section, we will introduce the concepts related to commonly referred dis-
tance metrics in text data. In the distance-based methods, similarity or dissimi-
larity are conceptualized as the distance between two sentences. It means that if
the two sentences are similar, then it is likely to have less distance, whereas if the
sentences are not at all related, then we can expect their distance to be bit higher.
Though there are different distance metrics that can be referred in the literature, we
are limiting ourselves to Euclidean distance, Jaccard similarity, Mahanalobis dis-
tance, cosine similarity, and Word Mover’s Distance as they are used in computing
the dissimilarity between the text documents.  Euclidean Distance

The Euclidean distance is the straight-line distance between two points in Euclidean
space. Mathematically, it is written as

n −1

Eucledian( x , y ) = ∑|x − y | (4.1)

i =0
i i

where x and y are two vectors used for computing the Euclidean distance.  Mahalanobis Distance

Mahalanobis distance is a statistical measure, which is better in performance com-
pared with other statistical measures, such as Euclidean distance and Manhattan
distance. It is computed by obtaining the correlation among the various dimensions
or features for the problem under study. Thus, it is useful for addressing classifica-
tion as well as clustering problems [11]. Mahalanobis distance accounts for the fact
that the variances in each direction for a feature vector are different. It also takes
78  ◾  Data Analytics

into consideration the covariance between the features. And, further, if the covari-
ance matrix is equal to the identity matrix, then the Mahalanobis distance is like
computing the Euclidean distance between two vectors.
The Euclidean and Mahalanobis distance compute the magnitude of the feature
vector and, thus, portrays similar objects closer in a variable space. Mathematically,
the Mahalanobis distance is defined as follows:


( X i − X j )T ∑( X − X ) (4.2)
i j

where Xi and Xj are the vector representations for i and j cases, whereas Σ is the
group variance–covariance matrix.  Jaccard Index

The Jaccard similarity index (also termed as Jaccard similarity coefficient) performs
a comparison between the members of two sets to evaluate which members are
common and which are distinct. The similarity between two sets ranges between 0
and 1. The closer it is to 1, the more similar are the two populations. The beauty of
Jaccard similarity is that it is easier to interpret; however, with small samples sizes or
missing values, the results may not be reliable, thus showing an extremely sensitive
behavior. Mathematically, it is represented as

J ( X ,Y ) = | X ∩ Y | / | X ∪ Y | (4.3)

where X and Y are the two different sets for comparison and compute the similarity.
Let’s say we have two sentences: (A) “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy
dog.” and (B) “The fox was red but dog was lazy.”
These sentences can be represented using the following set notations:

A = {“The”, “quick”, “brown”, “fox”, “jumps”, “over”, “lazy”,


B = {“The”, “fox”, “was”, “red”, “but”, “dog”, “lazy”}

Then the Jaccard similarity index will be the following:

J(A,B) = |{“The”, “fox”, “dog”, “lazy”}| / |{“The”, “quick”,

“brown”, “fox”, “jumps”, “over”, “lazy”, “dog”, “was”,
“red”, “but”}|
= 4/11
= 0.36
Information Retrieval Methods  ◾  79  C
 osine Similarity
Cosine similarity computes the normalized dot product of two vectors of equal
length. It helps to find the cosine of the angle between the two vectors. The mathe-
matical notation for the cosine similarity is given as Equation 4.4, and the extended
notation is given in Equation 4.5.
The cosine of 0° is 1 (it also means that there is no difference between the two
vectors and hence 0, which means the similarity between the two vectors computes
to 1), and it is less than 1 for any other angle. If the distance is closer to 1, the terms
are somewhat closer or similar in nature. On the other hand, if the distance is closer
to 0 (i.e., the two vectors are at 90°), it indicates that the terms are not related. Thus,
cosine similarity is a judgment of orientation and does not focus on magnitude.

x. y
cos( x , y ) = (4.4)
|| x |||| y ||

n −1
x i yi
cos( x , y ) = i =0
∑ ∑
n −1 n −1
( xi )2 ( yi )2
i =0 i =0

It is particularly used in positive space and the outcome is bounded within [0, 1].
One of the primary reasons for the popularity of cosine similarity is that it can be
evaluated very efficiently, especially if the vectors are sparse in nature.  Word Mover’s Distance

A critical success factor for any application lies in the metric that is used for com-
paring the results and carrying out a benchmark analysis. It acts as a valuable
building block. In NLP applications, cosine similarity works well, if bag-of-words
representation is used. However, when we want to compare different documents
(or sentences) having similar meaning, cosine similarity with BOW representation
may not work in the real world. Thus, it becomes important to decide on the simi-
larity metrics judiciously while building a solution that may require comparing or
clustering similar documents. Ideally, a metric should have the capability to capture
semantically related information.
Usually, one measures the distance between two word2vec vectors using the
cosine distance, which measures the angle between vectors. WMD, on the other
hand, uses the Euclidean distance. The Euclidean distance between two vectors
might be large because their lengths differ, but the cosine distance is small because
the angle between them is small; we can mitigate some of this by normalizing
the vectors. Two similar documents will have a high similarity score and a small
80  ◾  Data Analytics

distance; two very different documents will have low similarity score and a large
distance. Document lengths have a high impact on the running time of WMD.
WMD is a method that allows us to assess the “distance” between two documents
in a meaningful way, even when they have no words in common [12,13]. It uses
word2vec/fastText vector embeddings of words.

4.2.3  Term Frequency–Inverse Document Frequency

In the previous section, we discussed term-frequency (TF) approach to create
the vectors for each document. However, it has certain limitations, which will be
discussed here. We will also discuss some corrective measures that would help in
improving the IR algorithm.
As a preprocessing step, we suggest removing stop words. Stop words are those
words that do not contribute much to the query string. A few examples are: the, is,
that, had, has, have, he, she, her, etc. Thus, these stop words won’t be part of the
vector any more. After this, we will improve the weights of the vector by increasing
the importance of those words which occur infrequently. The infrequently occur-
ring terms across the collection is a measure of its importance. This step is known
as inverse document frequency (IDF). We can say that the importance of a term is
inversely proportional to the frequency of the occurrence of the term as given in the
following equation:

 N
idf t = log  1 +  (4.6)
 nt 

N is the number of documents in the corpus

nt is the number of documents containing the term t

TF–IDF is a way to compute the vector representation for each document

by considering both TF matrix and IDF matrix [10]. One of the simplest ways is
to multiply TF with IDF matrix. However, many other variants of the TF–IDF
scheme have been studied.
The IDF matrix for the corpus is shown in Table 4.3.
The TF–IDF matrix is presented in Table 4.4.

Table 4.3  IDF Matrix

The quick brown fox jumps over lazy dog was red and

IDFt 0.301 0.602 0.398 0.301 0.602 0.602 0.398 0.301 0.398 0.398 0.602
Table 4.4  TF–IDF Matrix
The quick brown fox jumps over lazy dog was red and

doc1 0.602 0.602 0.398 0.301 0.602 0.602 0.398 0.301 0.000 0.000 0.000

Information Retrieval Methods  ◾  81

doc2 0.602 0.000 0.000 0.301 0.000 0.000 0.398 0.301 0.796 0.398 0.602

doc3 0.602 0.000 0.398 0.301 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.301 0.796 0.398 0.602

query 0.000 0.000 0.398 0.301 0.602 0.602 0.000 0.301 0.000 0.000 0.000
82  ◾  Data Analytics

4.3  Information Retrieval Approaches

In this section, we will discuss different algorithms that are used for IR tasks.
But before we proceed further, we will first discuss n-grams. An n-gram is a
continuous sequence of words occurring together in a given order in a sentence
or speech. The value of n decides how many times these n-sequences of words
occur together in a corpus. If the value of n is 1, we typically call it 1-gram or
unigram; similarly, if n is 2, we call it bigram; if n is 3, it is called trigram; and
so on. An n-gram model is a probabilistic model that is used in understanding
the languages, which can help in predicting the next sequence of words or the
missing words in a sentence. The value of n determines the accuracy of predic-
tion. However, if the value of n increases the size of vocabulary increases as well
as the storage and processing time. Unigram model stores the word vocabulary
list, whereas bigrams or trigrams will store vocabulary with two or three words
and also store their frequency count. We normally use a variant of n-gram model
to find word embedding for the word(s).
One of the most popular applications of n-gram models is in detecting plagia-
rism. However, the major limitations of n-gram word model lie in the fact that it is
unable to predict the new word that is not yet seen by the model, i.e., the word was
not present in the corpus, while it was being trained.

4.3.1  Latent Semantic Analysis

Latent semantic analysis (LSA), also known as latent semantic indexing (LSI),
helps in analyzing documents so that the underlying meaning or concepts of
those documents can be found [14]. LSA was proposed by [15] for processing tasks
related to NLP. Ideally, each word should have a single meaning and concept, in
which case LSA’s work would have been to describe each concept by one word;
however, it is not the case. It has been observed that a single word carries differ-
ent meanings when used in different contexts in almost all the languages. This
creates a certain level of ambiguity that obscures the concepts and makes it hard
for people to understand the meaning. In the English language, there are around
13 million estimated tokens; unfortunately, most of them are not completely unre-
lated, for example, hotel and motel. Not only that, some of them convey different
meanings depending on the context of usage. For example, the word “bank” when
used together with the names of rivers means a place beside the river, whereas if
it is used with respect to loans, credit cards, exchange rates, and mortgage, then
probably it means a financial institution. Now, we explain some of the basic differ-
ences between frequently used terms, such as latent semantic analysis (LSA), latent
semantic indexing (LSI), and singular value decomposition (SVD).
SVD is a topic from standard linear algebra and statistics, which helps in reduc-
ing the dimension of a matrix based on eigenvalues [16]. LSI is an application of
Information Retrieval Methods  ◾  83

SVD for information retrieval tasks. LSA is a special case where LSI is applied to
natural language processing and principal component analysis is a statistical tech-
nique that is an application of SVD.
LSA approach makes three claims: that semantic information can be captured
from a co-occurrence matrix of a document; one of the essential parts of this
approach is dimensionality reduction; and any documents or words can be repre-
sented as a point in a Euclidean space. It is a class of statistical models in which the
semantic properties of words and documents are expressed in terms of probabilistic

4.3.2  word2vec
As the name itself suggests, word2vec is a technique that converts words to vector
representation. Primarily, there are two approaches to compute the vectors: (a) con-
tinuous bag-of-words (CBOW) and (b) skip-gram model.
As we know, n-grams are a sequence of words occurring in an order. Though
it is logical to think of a sequence of words, however it has been shown that skip-
grams work equally good while computing the word embeddings. Skip-grams or
more specifically skip-n-grams consider the subsequence of words that may occur,
at most, within some k-neighborhood distance.
The probabilistic feedforward neural network language model proposed by
Vincent et al. [17] is the basis for designing word2vec [18]. It consists of input
layers, projection, hidden, and output layers. The N previous words are encoded
using 1-of-S coding, where S is the size of the vocabulary. The input layer is further
projected to a layer P that has dimensionality N * D, using a distributed projection
matrix. At a given time, only N inputs are active; hence, the composition of the
projection layer is a relatively computationally efficient operation.  CBOW Model

CBOW architecture is very similar to probabilistic feed forward neural network
language model [19], but in CBOW, the nonlinear hidden layer has been elimi-
nated and the projection layer shares all words; thus, all words get projected into
the same position. This architecture is known as a bag-of-words (BOW) model as
the order in which words occur does not affect the projection layer.
In this model, the middle or missing words are predicted, provided k words
occurring before and k words occurring after the middle word are provided to the
model. As a result, it tries to predict the middle word. In a simple form, we can
say the task of BOW (or, precisely, CBOW as it is continuous in nature) model is
to predict the middle word, given the context words. An illustrative diagram of
CBOW is shown on the left side of Figure 4.1.
84  ◾  Data Analytics

Figure 4.1  CBOW model.  S
 kip-Gram Model
In the skip-gram model, we are given a corpus of words w and their contexts c. So,
we can model this phenomenon with conditional probabilities, i.e., p(w|c) and then
try to compute the probabilities for the predicted word. We also need to under-
stand that the prediction lies on the appropriateness of tuned parameters or hyper-­
parameters, which is normally denoted by θ. So, to be precise, the conditional
probability equation is represented as p(w|c; θ).
Information Retrieval Methods  ◾  85

 arg p(c | w ;θ ) (4.7)
θ ( w ,c )∈S

Here, S is the set of possible words and context pairs that is built from the corpus.
The concept behind skip-gram is to train a model in the context of each word,
such that similar words end up having similar embeddings. The skip-gram model
in word2vec uses neural networks to estimate the hyper parameters θ by adjust-
ing the weights using backward-propagation. It models the conditional probability
p(w|c; θ) that uses soft-max classifier in the last layer of the neural networks.

e vc . vw
p( c | w ; θ ) = (4.8)
∑ c ′∈C
e v c ′ . vw

where (vc, vw) ∈ Rd are vector representations for c and w, respectively, and C is the
set of all available contexts. The parameters θ are vci, vwi for w ∈ V, c ∈ C, I ∈ 1, 2,...,
d (a total of |C|*|V|*d parameters).
While defining context in a sentence having n words w1,...,wn, contexts
of a word wi come from a window of size k in the neighborhood of the word:
C(w) = wi−k,…, wi−1, wi+1,…, wi+k, where k is a parameter.
At this point, we are ready to fine-tune the parameters such that the product
(4.4) is maximized. This product operation can be converted to summation if we
apply log on both sides for easier computation. An illustrative diagram of the skip-
gram model is shown on the right side of Figure 4.2.
Overall, word2vec treats each word in the corpus like an atomic entity and gen-
erates word-embedding for each word and context words. Thus, the smallest unit in
word2vec is a word. The main limitation of this approach is that it fails to generate
or classify words that do not exist in the corpus.
In Section 4.3.2, we will see how fastText overcomes this limitation by using
n-gram character as its basic unit for creating the word embeddings.

4.3.3  fastText
fastText is one of the recent advances in the area of NLP, which helps to generate
word embeddings, very similar to what word2vec does [9]. It is an open-source
library created by Facebook for carrying out their NLP activities, such as word
embeddings or text classification. However, the beauty of fastText lies in the fact
that it takes several orders of magnitude less time to train a model. fastText takes
less than ten minutes to train a model using a standard multicore CPU and can
classify 312K classes in less than a minute for half a million sentences.
Its performance is comparable and even better in few cases than deep learn-
ing approaches, such as word2vec and GloVe, in terms of accuracy, but it is many
orders of magnitude faster for training and evaluation. Thus, it helps in reducing
86  ◾  Data Analytics

Figure 4.2  Skip-gram model.

the training time. The basic unit for fastText is character n-gram, whereas the basic
unit for word2vec is word or n-gram word.
It represents a text by a low-dimensional vector, which is an aggregation of
words appearing in the text. It treats each word as a composition of n-gram char-
acters. For example, we want to understand how orange is treated by fastText using
n-gram character. Here, there are two hyper-parameters that need to be set initially
Information Retrieval Methods  ◾  87

(i.e., n-gram min and n-gram max). Let’s say n-gram min is 3 and n-gram max is 7.
Then, orange will be represented as follows:

<or, ora, oran, orang, orange, orange>,

ran, rang, range, range>,
ang, ange, ange>,
nge, nge>,

The beauty of this approach lies in the fact that it generates a decent word embed-
dings for words that occur rarely. This happens due to the fact that the character
n-grams used to construct the words share the vector representation of different
words. Hence, it is likely that the embeddings can still be acceptable.
This approach of character n-grams also helps in constructing words that were
not seen previously in the corpus. Thus, out-of-vocabulary problems are handled
using this approach.
In spite of some good points, it also comes with a price. Since it trains the model
on a character level or a character n-gram level, it ends up taking more time  to
generate word embeddings compared to word2vec. So, we must be selecting the
hyper-parameters carefully, as the values of min and max have direct impact on
this time. One of the limitations of fastText is that it works better on small datasets.

4.4  Walk-Through of IR: An Illustrative Example

In this section, we will discuss two examples illustrating the concepts related to
different distance metrics on a text corpus.

Example 1
Let us consider the discussed example again.

doc1: “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.”
doc2: “The fox was red but dog was lazy.”
doc3: “The dog was brown, and the fox was red.”

We have learned the two basic and most popular distance metrics (Euclidean and
cosine) that can handle vector arithmetic and one advanced metric WMD. Now,
we will compute the scores and document retrieval order using Euclidean and
cosine metrics. Further, we will show a detailed example to show WMD.
The search query is: “fox jumps over brown dog”
Here, we discussed how to compute and retrieve documents, given a query
string using two approaches in Tables 4.5 and 4.6.
However, there are certain limitations with this approach. The document vector
representation we explained, is also popularly called BOW vector representation.
88  ◾  Data Analytics

Table 4.5  Euclidean Distance

Computation and Retrieval Order
Document Euclidean Distance Order

doc1 2.4494897428 1

doc2 3.7416573868 3

doc3 3.4641016151 2

Table 4.6  Cosine Computation and

Retrieval Order
Document Cosine Similarity Order

doc1 0.6741998625 1

doc2 0.2581988897 3

doc3 0.3872983346 2

In BOW, the basic assumptions about the data are that the order of words is not
important, but only the term frequency matters. So, we can say, BOW is a collec-
tion of unordered list of terms. One of the major limitations of this approach is
that it does not capture the context. It may fail to detect the difference between a
valid positive sentence and, maybe, a negative sentence composed of the same set
of words, or even sarcasm may go undetected. For Example:
“The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” is, in this context, identical
to the document “The lazy brown dog jumps over the quick fox.” It is so because
both the sentences have the same vector representation (i.e., BOW representation).
It may be a good fit if we intend to find similarity in the topics, something
like grouping political news, sports news, scientific news, and so on. Now, we will
again compute both the metrics based on TF–IDF matrix (refer Table 4.4) to see
if there are any differences.
We see that the document retrieval order does not change in Tables 4.7 and
4.8, in this particular case. But, if we have a large corpus, then TF–IDF works bet-
ter compared to the document-term matrix. It is so because it penalizes frequently
occurring words and gives more weight for those words whose frequency is less.

Table 4.7  Euclidean Distance Computation and

Retrieval Order Based on TF–IDF
Document Euclidean Distance Order

doc1 0.1324138712 1

doc2 1.9478555502 3

doc3 1.5957805672 2
Information Retrieval Methods  ◾  89

Table 4.8  Cosine Computation and Retrieval

Order Based on TF–IDF
Document Cosine Similarity Order

doc1 0.7392715831 1

doc2 0.1437187361 3

doc3 0.2692925425 2

Example 2
Now, we will take another example shown on a real dataset of Amazon’s book
reviews. It is a rich dataset and comprises of real reviews written by several cus-
tomers based on their experience. Few researchers have used this dataset to address
some real challenges, such as answering product related queries and recommend-
ing products [20,21] The dataset can be downloaded from [19]. It consists of the
following fields.

◾◾ reviewerID: unique identification of the reviewer

◾◾ asin: unique product ID
◾◾ reviewerName: name of the reviewing customer
◾◾ helpful: helpfulness rating of the review, e.g., 2/3
◾◾ reviewText: text of the review
◾◾ overall: rating of the product
◾◾ summary: summary of the review
◾◾ unixReviewTime: time of the review (Unix time)
◾◾ reviewTime: time of the review (raw)

In our case, we extracted “asin” and “reviewText” columns for training our
model. Word embedding is an approach where the words (in any language, i.e.,
English, Chinese, French, Hindi, etc.) are represented using dense vectors and
still maintain their relative meaning. We can also say that the word embedding is
a continuous vector space where semantically related words are mapped to nearby
points. It is an enhanced way of representing the words in a dense vector format
as compared with BOW (document-term matrix), which is sparse representation.
Dense vector representation of textual data is usually achieved using neural net-
works having certain hidden nodes trained over the underlying corpus. Once the
model is trained, it can be reused again and again for multiple purposes. The usage
can vary from finding synonyms, finding dissimilar words, machine translation,
and sentence generation to name a few.
A word embedding (W: words -> Rn) is a representation technique of mapping
words in some language to high-dimensional vectors (perhaps 100–300 dimen-
sions) by training a neural network.
For simplicity, we have trained our model having ten dimensions (though it
may not be desirable). The dense vector representation of a few initial words from
the review corpus that is trained using word2vec-CBOW approach is shown in
Table 4.9.
90  ◾  Data Analytics
Table 4.9  Dense Word Vector Representation Having Ten Dimensions Generated Using word2vec
book −0.17 −0.96 0.48 4.78 0.18 0.58 −0.14 −1.44 −0.56 2.17

read −0.96 −1.13 0.53 4.97 −0.72 1.57 1.52 −0.10 −1.68 4.78

story 0.21 0.52 −2.28 3.11 0.93 2.44 −2.88 −2.36 0.69 0.56

one 1.13 −1.10 −0.24 2.58 −0.47 0.46 −0.09 0.69 −0.80 2.28

like 0.73 −0.21 −0.46 1.70 1.51 −0.57 0.20 0.25 −3.70 1.57

characters 1.14 0.58 −2.40 3.17 2.59 1.62 −6.31 −2.91 0.08 0.17

books −0.11 −2.24 1.65 3.82 1.01 0.90 −0.24 −1.66 −0.14 4.49

would −0.45 1.31 1.85 3.90 0.03 −1.85 −1.48 −0.30 −1.78 2.53

good −0.71 0.23 −1.32 3.41 0.63 1.03 0.40 −1.42 −2.34 3.17

reading −1.65 −0.52 2.02 6.05 −1.03 1.76 0.52 0.09 −0.86 2.38

could −0.72 0.84 1.69 6.37 1.05 1.08 −3.81 0.62 0.01 1.61

really 0.74 0.17 −0.95 4.69 1.59 −0.62 −1.61 −0.93 −1.98 1.72

rest 1.74 −3.95 −0.76 5.12 0.62 1.48 0.93 −0.23 −2.20 0.44

great −0.37 0.11 −2.73 3.17 −0.09 2.67 0.30 −1.50 −0.64 4.01

love 2.08 0.96 −4.09 2.02 −1.96 −1.46 −1.34 −1.51 −1.13 3.30
Information Retrieval Methods  ◾  91

Table 4.10  Document Retrieval by Word Mover’s Distance

WMD Document

0.0 (QUERY:) good and easy reading having fantastic romantic,

motivational story

2.8175 This is a good story and story and easy read. I am a Grisham fan
and this did not disappoint.

2.9357 Awesome book I was very impressed with the story the plot was good
it made me cry hf oe nf pdd awww ggtt vgvbh cvcvg dfrw shyev

3.0640 This was a wonderful book, it was an easy read with a great story. I
am happy to own this book.

3.1404 It’s a book definitely for relaxation. The courtroom description is

fantastic. Nice easy reading. Enjoyed it very much.

8.8928 A favorite. can’t wait for the movie

We will illustrate an example, which has been trained using word2vec on

Amazon’s book reviews dataset. It learns the word embeddings based on the words
used in a sentence, i.e., reviews. word2vec has two different implementations: the
CBOW model and the skip-gram model. Algorithmically, both these models work
similarly, except that CBOW predicts target words (e.g., “mat”) from source con-
text words (“the cat sits on the”), whereas the skip-gram does the inverse and
predicts source context words from the target words.
Query string: “good fantastic romantic, jealous, motivational”
Results of the queried string are shown in Table 4.10.
It can be clearly observed that the WMD of the query string is 0.0, whereas
sentences that have closely related meaning have low scores. However, if the sen-
tences are not related then the distance is farther as we can see in case of the last
line “a favorite. can’t wait for the movie”.
Apart from information retrieval tasks, these word embeddings can also help
us in finding similar words or find odd words from a given set of words.
For example, if “book” is related to “kindle,” so “children” is related to ????

result = model.most_similar(positive=[`book’, `children’],

negative=[`kindle’], topn=5)

[(`teenagers’, 0.8260207772254944), (`age’,

(`normal’, 0.8047794699668884), (`girls’,
(`older’, 0.8039965629577637)]
Similarly, we can find out odd words out, i.e., which word
is least related:
result = model.doesnt_match(“motivational fabulous bad
92  ◾  Data Analytics


result = model.doesnt_match(“notes book author players


result = model.doesnt_match(“author men women children”.


The results presented here are dependent on the trained corpus, and we may expect
a few changes in the results as the corpus changes. The quality of results is likely to
improve with the increase in the size of the dataset.

4.5  Applications
NLP is a special branch that falls under a broad application of artificial intelligence.
It has many implications for the ways that people and computers have started inter-
acting. NLP has the power to become an important technology that has the potential
to bridge the gap between human communication and digital data. A few applica-
tions that are very useful and are yet to mature are enlisted in Sections 4.5.1–4.5.8.

4.5.1  Sentiment Extraction

Sentiment extraction is helpful in several ways, such as understanding the mar-
ket sentiment for a particular political party or a company. Many people refer to
Glassdoor reviews or Google reviews before they plan to join a new organization.
Similarly, people read product reviews before buying a product or read restaurant
reviews before choosing the restaurant for birthday parties.

4.5.2  Text Categorization/Spam Detection

The goal of text categorization is to classify the topic or theme of a document. One
of the important applications is to classify news in different sections, such as sports,
politics, financial news, and country-specific. Emails can be classified as spam,
social, promotional emails, important, and so on.

4.5.3  Translation to Other Languages

Translation is the problem of converting a source text written in a particular lan-
guage to a desired language. It is considered to be an important application of NLP
and has huge application in real life. It is almost impossible to know all possible
languages in the world, but anyone can visit or meet people during their course of
Information Retrieval Methods  ◾  93

interaction. Often, it becomes difficult to communicate if both the parties don’t

understand the same languages. Machine translation can act as a rescue application
that can help them to communicate without much problem.

4.5.4  Automated Q&A and Chatbots

Chatbots are important applications that may help in answering the questions asked
by a human, especially, if it is a routine question. However, it would be interesting
to design such an application that is smart enough to replace a human expertise.

4.5.5  Text Summarization

Document summarization is an application where a brief description is created
from the original, typically large document. Some examples of document sum-
marization may include assigning a suitable title for the document, predicting the
author or organization from where the article might have been published, generat-
ing abstract automatically from a large text article, and so on.

4.5.6  Resume Short Listing

Resume/CV matching for a particular job is one of the most important and critical
applications for most organizations. It may also be used to predict the behavior of
the candidate and so on. Gathering details from different formats of CVs to correct
spots is still an application that most of the companies would like to have. However,
it is still a distant dream while this book gets written.

4.5.7  R
 eplacing Medical Codes from Patient’s Prescription
Medical codes (commonly referred to as the International Classification of Disease
[ICD]) are a standard set of codes that are used by the insurance agencies to cross-
verify the procedures followed by the physicians or hospitals while serving a patient
during his/her visit. Accordingly, payments are released, if the procedures followed
lie under the policy. Converting patient’s prescriptions to medically coded docu-
ments requires human interference, in spite of the fact that these are a standard set
of practice that is followed in a standard way. Placing correct medical codes at the
right place is a challenging task, even for humans, and it still suffers from errors
leading to declination of the payment. Developing such solutions is the need for
processing huge amount of patient’s prescriptions.

4.5.8  W
 riting Automatically/Text Generation/Poetry
Text generation is one of the ambitious projects that are being researched upon.
Writing or generating correct and meaningful sentences in a particular language
94  ◾  Data Analytics

is still a far-sighted dream. However, deep learning in NLP has proved to be quite

4.6  Conclusions
In this chapter, we discussed the basics of vector space model and its need for min-
ing textual data for extracting meaningful insights in terms of information retrieval,
classification, or sentiment analysis. We introduced some basic concepts related to the
vector space model and how words are represented for deriving word embeddings.
Different distance metrics have been discussed which are used frequently. We dis-
cussed different approaches such as TF–IDF, word2vec, and fastText for representing
the words in dense vector notation. Toward the end of the chapter, several applications
of NLP and text analysis along with relevant examples were discussed. After reading
this chapter, the readers must have become aware of the nuances of text mining and
handling textual data.

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of Machine Learning Research, 3:1137–1155, 2003.
18. T. Mikolov, K. Chen, G. Corrado, and J. Dean. Efficient estimation of word representa-
tions in vector space. CoRR, abs/1301.3781, 2013.
19. Amazon. Amazon product data.
categoryFiles/ reviews_Books_5.json.gz, 2016.
20. J. McAuley and A. Yang. Addressing complex and subjective product-related queries
with customer reviews. In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on World Wide
Web, WWW ‘16, pp. 625–635, Republic and Canton of Geneva, Switzerland, 2016.
International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee.
21. R. He and J. McAuley. Ups and downs: Modeling the visual evolution of fashion trends
with one-class collaborative filtering. In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on
World Wide Web, WWW ‘16, pp. 507–517, Republic and Canton of Geneva, Switzerland,
2016. International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee.
Chapter 5

Big Graph Analytics

Ahsanur Rahman and Tamanna Motahar
North South University

5.1 Introduction................................................................................................98
5.1.1 Motivation and Challenges of Big Graph Analytics.........................98
5.1.2 Frameworks for Big Graph Analytics...............................................99
5.1.3 Organization and Goal of This Chapter...........................................99
5.2 Distributed Frameworks for Analyzing Big Static Graphs...........................99
5.2.1 Vertex-Centric Frameworks...........................................................100 Classification of Vertex-Centric Frameworks...................102
5.2.2 B  lock-Centric Frameworks............................................................108 BLOGEL.........................................................................108 GIRAPH++..................................................................... 110
5.2.3 S ubgraph-Centric Frameworks...................................................... 111 NScale............................................................................. 111
5.2.4 Matrix-Based Frameworks.............................................................112 P EGUSUS.......................................................................112
5.2.5 DBMS-Based Frameworks............................................................. 114 Pregelix............................................................................ 114 DG-SPARQL.................................................................. 115
5.3 Single-Machine Frameworks for Analyzing Big Static Graphs.................. 116
5.4 Distributed Frameworks for Analyzing Big Dynamic Graphs................... 118
5.4.1 F  rameworks for Analyzing Temporal Graphs................................ 119 DeltaGraph...................................................................... 119 Chronos...........................................................................120
5.4.2 F  rameworks for Analyzing Streaming Graphs...............................120

98  ◾  Data Analytics

5.5 Single-Machine Frameworks for Analyzing Big Dynamic Graphs............121

5.5.1 LLAMA and SLOTH...................................................................121
5.5.2 STINGER.....................................................................................121
5.6 Conclusions...............................................................................................122

5.1 Introduction
Nowadays, people, devices, processes, and other entities are much more connected
with each other than in any other time of history. This connectivity stems from
the popularity of online social networks (such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and
LinkedIn), mobile communication networks, online forums, collaboration networks
(such as Stack Overflow, Quora, Ubuntu Forums,, and Mendeley),
wireless sensor networks, World Wide Web (WWW), and many other networks.
These networks often contain billions of entities (vertices) and/or connections
(edges) and as such have been aptly named as large-scale graphs [1] or simply, big
graphs [2,3]. An example of a big graph is the Twitter network which contains more
than 40 million users and more than a billion edges (leader–follower relations) [4].
Big graphs may have other characteristics other than their huge sizes. Specifically,
big graphs can be characterized by the three V ’s of big data1: volume, variety, and
­velocity [5]. A big graph (i) must have high volume, i.e., it must contain numerous2
vertices and edges, (ii) it may contain a variety of vertices/edges (e.g., we can form a big
graph using Facebook data consisting of undirected edges representing friendship rela-
tions, directed edges representing who follows whose status updates, undirected edges
representing connections among the persons in the same Facebook group, directed
edges representing who liked/shared whose status, etc.), and (iii) it may have high
velocity, i.e., it may change its topology with time (from now on, we will call such
graphs big dynamic graphs, whereas graphs that don’t change with time will be called
big static graphs). Note that while high volume is a necessary feature of big graphs, hav-
ing a high variety or velocity is not required for a network to be called a big graph.3

5.1.1 Motivation and Challenges of Big Graph Analytics

Analysis of big graphs has many applications, such as product recommendation,
data cleaning, plagiarism detection, and traffic route planning [6]. However, the
characteristics of big graphs (discussed previously) pose significant ­computational
challenges in storing and analyzing them. Specifically, it is impossible to fit these
graphs entirely into a typical RAM. Moreover, analyzing them with a single
­processor is often practically infeasible. These issues are even harder to cope with
while dealing with big dynamic graphs or graphs containing different types of
­vertices/edges. Therefore, a traditional, simple sequential computational model is
not suitable for analyzing big graphs.
Big Graph Analytics  ◾  99

5.1.2 Frameworks for Big Graph Analytics

A number of computational frameworks/platforms have been proposed in the
­literature to tackle the challenges of big graph mining. These frameworks enable
the programmers to implement parallel graph mining algorithms without ­worrying
about the low-level details related to parallel processing, such as how the graph
should be partitioned into different processors or worker machines, how the
­processes should communicate with each other, and how/whether to synchronize
the execution of the parallel processes. These abstractions provided by the big graph
frameworks simplify the task of the programmers.
These frameworks can broadly be classified into different categories based on (i)
whether they are distributed or are single-machine systems and (ii) whether they are
designed for static or dynamic graphs. In this chapter, we will discuss about these
categories and subcategories of big graph frameworks and compare them. We will
highlight their relative advantages and disadvantages and discuss which use cases are
best suited for each type of framework. We will also briefly review some popular big
graph platforms and discuss how to implement some important graph algorithms in
these frameworks. Section 5.1.3 highlights the detailed organization of the rest of
this chapter.

5.1.3 Organization and Goal of This Chapter

In Section 5.2, we will explore some notable distributed frameworks that are
­capable of analyzing big static graphs. In Section 5.3, we will briefly discuss about
single-machine frameworks that have been designed to analyze big static graphs.
Sections 5.4 and 5.5 are dedicated, respectively, to the discussions on distributed
and single-machine frameworks designed to process big dynamic graphs. We will
draw conclusions in Section 5.6.
Note that this chapter is intended to serve as a quick beginner’s guide on under-
standing, using, and comparing big graph frameworks. Our ultimate goal is to
enable the reader to evaluate different types of frameworks and determine which
ones are best suited for his/her needs. Therefore, we don’t intend to discuss in
details how these frameworks are implemented. For a more detailed discussion of
these frameworks, please read the book written by Yan et al. [7].

5.2 Distributed Frameworks for

Analyzing Big Static Graphs
Distributed systems are obvious choices for analyzing big graphs due to the d ­ ifficulty
in processing/storing them in a single machine (unless the machine is very p­ owerful).
As a result, a number of distributed frameworks have been designed for processing
big graphs. In this section, we will discuss such frameworks. This section will occupy
a major part of this chapter because most research on big graph analytics was done
100  ◾  Data Analytics

on these types of frameworks. We divide these frameworks into the following types
based on their working principles: (i) vertex-centric frameworks, (ii) block-centric
frameworks, (iii) subgraph-centric frameworks, (iv) matrix-based frameworks, and
(v) DBMS (database management system)-based frameworks. We dedicate separate
sections to each of these types of frameworks as discussed next.

5.2.1 Vertex-Centric Frameworks
Vertex-centric frameworks enforce the programmers to “think like a vertex”
(TLAV).4 Specifically, programmers define a user-defined function (UDF),5 which
is to be executed on each vertex using only the “local data” available to that vertex,
i.e., data about itself and its adjacent vertices/edges. These programs are executed
for a certain number of iterations or until a predefined convergence criterion is sat-
isfied. These programs typically communicate with each other via message passing
or by accessing a shared memory. Thus, it is possible to execute these functions in
parallel, thereby yielding high scalability.
As an example, we illustrate the procedure (Algorithm 1) of Pregel [1], the pio-
neer vertex-centric graph processing framework. Pregel allows the ­programmers to
define a function to initialize the vertices (init function in line 2 of Algorithm 1)
as well as a UDF (compute function in line 5). It takes three inputs: a graph, maxi-
mum number of iterations, and a set of vertices (called the active vertices6) upon
which the UDF will be executed in the first iteration. After initializing the vertices,
Pregel iteratively executes the compute function on the set of active vertices (lines 4
and 5). While running the compute function, an active vertex may send messages
to its neighbors. At the end of each superstep, all the vertices which received some
message(s) form the new set of active vertices, upon which the compute UDF is run
in the next iteration. The program terminates when no vertex receives any message
in a superstep or when the number of iterations crosses the given threshold (line 3).

Algorithm 1: Pregel (G, MaxIteration, A)

Inputs: G = (V, E): the input graph whose set of vertices is V and set of edges is E
 MaxIteration: maximum number of iterations (set it to ∞ if not needed),
A: initial set of active vertices.
1. foreach v ∈V  do
2. v.init()
3. while numIteration ≤ MaxIteration AND A ≠ ∅ do
4. foreach v ∈ A do in parallel
5. v.compute()
6. A ← set of vertices which received message(s) in this superstep
Big Graph Analytics  ◾  101

Figure 5.1  Illustration of how shortest paths from vertex a to other vertices are
computed in Pregel. Active vertices are shown in gray shade, active vertices that
send messages are shown as dashed circles, messages from one vertex to another
are shown as dashed arcs, and thick dashed arcs represent messages which
cause their end vertices to update their current values in the next superstep. The
value beside each edge in the initial graph (inset [a]) indicates its weight, whereas
the value beside a dashed arc in the other insets [b–f] indicates a message sent by
a vertex to its out-neighbors.
We will now explain how the compute() UDF of Pregel can be defined
(Algorithm 2) to calculate single-source shortest paths (SSSPs, in short) in a graph
(Figure 5.1). Just like Dijkstra’s algorithm, we set the initial value of each vertex to
∞. Then a message containing the value zero is sent to the source vertex (vertex a
in Figure 5.1) so that it becomes an active vertex and as such the compute UDF is
executed on it in the next (i.e., first) iteration. During the execution of the compute
UDF, an active vertex checks if the smallest of its received messages is less than its
current value (line 1 of Algorithm 2), and if so, it replaces its current value by the
smallest received message and then sends a message (containing the sum of its new
value and the edge weight) to each of its out-neighbors (lines 2–4 of Algorithm 2).
Upon completion of the compute() UDF, the active vertex is always automatically
deactivated in Pregel unless it receives a new message.
Each superstep of Algorithm 1 calls this function (line 5 of Algorithm 1) on
each of the current active vertices, which causes updates of their states (Figure
5.1b–g). This process terminates when there is no active vertex left. The values of
the vertices in the final graph give their SSSP distances (Figure 5.1h).

Algorithm 2: compute()  for computing SSSP

Data: v.incoimgMessages: list of incoming messages of vertex v

v.value: current value of vertex v
v.outNeighbors: list of out-neighbors of vertex v
102  ◾  Data Analytics

1. if v.value < min (v.incoimgMessages) then

2. v.value ← min (v.incoimgMessages)
3. foreach u ∈v .outNeighbors do
4. v.send (u, v.value + weight (v,u))

Connected components (CCs) of an undirected graph can be computed in a simi-

lar manner. Different algorithms are available for computing CCs. Here we will
discuss how the HashMin algorithm [8] can be implemented in Pregel to compute
CCs. At first, all the vertices are made active and each of them has its ID as its
­initial value (by appropriately defining the init function of line 1 of Algorithm 1).
The compute function for computing CCs is identical to Algorithm 2 except in
line 4, an active vertex broadcasts only its own value to its neighbors. In each super-
step, each active vertex sets its value to the smallest of all its incoming messages
(lines 1 and 2 of Algorithm 2). Thus, after sufficient number of iterations, the value
of each vertex becomes the smallest vertex ID in its CC, which also serves as the ID
of that CC. In other words, when the framework stops its execution, each vertex
knows which CC it belongs to (Figure 5.2).
Note that this algorithm is quite slow. Its inefficiency stems from the fact that only
neighboring vertices are allowed to communicate. Thus, it will take a lot of time to
settle the values of vertices in a CC with large diameter (e.g., a long chain). However,
unlike some other frameworks (such as GraphLab [9]), Pregel allows communication
between two vertices as long as the sender vertex knows the ID of the receiver. Faster
algorithms have been designed to compute CCs that exploit this facility [8]. Classification of Vertex-Centric Frameworks

Vertex-centric frameworks can be classified in different ways based on (i)
whether the execution of the UDFs are synchronized or not, (ii) how the vertices

Figure 5.2  Computation of CCs of a graph using HashMin algorithm [8]. Active
vertices are shown in gray color, messages from one vertex to another are shown
as directed edges (arcs), and their associated messages are shown beside those.
The value inside each vertex represents its current value (equal to its ID in the ini-
tial graph). In insets (b–d), undirected edges are shown between two n ­ eighboring
vertices only when no communication is happening between them.
Big Graph Analytics  ◾  103

communicate with each other, (iii) how the graph is partitioned among worker
machines, and (iv) which type of programming model is used in this framework.
We will briefly discuss these classifications as well as their relative advantages and
disadvantages below. For a more detailed discussion of these classifications, please
read the review paper written by Mccune et al. [10]. Partitioning Graph
Distributed vertex-centric frameworks typically partition the input graph first
and then assign those partitions to different worker machines7 before the actual
execution of the framework starts. For example, Pregel uses a hash function to
determine the worker machine to which a vertex will be assigned. It also allows
the user to replace this default partitioning algorithm by an algorithm of his/
her choice [1]. Different algorithms can be used to partition the graph. Among
them, hash-based algorithms and range-based algorithms (which assign a range
of vertex IDs to a certain worker) are the simplest to implement and they are the
fastest to execute as well. However, a lot of edges may be present between the par-
titions generated by these algorithms. As a result, the number of messages passed
between worker machines (during the actual execution) can potentially be very
high, which may hamper the total efficiency of the framework. This issue can be
solved by employing more advanced partitioning algorithms that try to minimize
the number of edges between partitions. Although rigorous partitioning algo-
rithms (such as METIS [11]) can reduce the communication cost during actual
execution, they also incur a huge preprocessing time, especially for big graphs.
Another ­disadvantage of these algorithms is that unlike hashing-based methods
(which can be used to quickly compute the ID of the worker machine that will
process a query vertex), these algorithms make it difficult for a message-sender
(active vertex) to find the location of a message-receiver. Distributed hash tables
or some other mechanisms can be used to solve this problem, but those come with
additional communication overhead [12].
A lot of research has been going on that attempt to design better partition-
ing algorithms. These algorithms can be classified into two categories: distributed
heuristics and streaming algorithms. The goal of distributed heuristics [13,14] is to
detect communities efficiently using distributed label propagation algorithm [15].
Communities are good candidates for graph partitions because communities tend
to have few edges between them. Streaming partitioning algorithms, on the other
hand, attempt to assign each vertex to a worker at a constant time. For e­ xample,
LDG [16], a prominent streaming partitioning algorithm, puts a vertex to a ­partition
that contains most of its neighbors. Streaming algorithms are typically implemented
on top of the graph loader so that vertices are partitioned while the graph is loaded
from the file-system to the main memories.
So far, we have discussed about algorithms for partitioning vertices among
workers, which is used as a preprocessing step in most vertex-centric frameworks.
104  ◾  Data Analytics

Figure 5.3  Illustration of vertex-cut partitioning of a graph. Here, vertex a is

split into two mirror vertices: a1 and a2, which are assigned to two different work-
ers. a1 does not need to know that c and d are also its neighbors. Similarly, a2
does not need to know that b and d are its neighbors. As a result, only a partial
adjacency information of vertex a can be stored in each worker, which reduces
resource requirement of worker machines. The bi-directed edge between a1 and
a2 indicates the communication between them to achieve synchronization.

However, partitioning vertices may cause the problem of load imbalance due to the
skewed degree distribution of real-world networks. Specifically, real graphs often
follow power-law degree distribution, i.e., only a few vertices in these graphs have
very high degrees (such vertices are called hubs), whereas most vertices tend to have
moderate or low degrees. Thus, partitioning of vertices may yield some partitions
containing the hubs. Processing these partitions typically requires more resources
than processing other partitions8 does; thus, working loads of different workers
becomes imbalanced (this is called the load imbalance problem) [17].
Vertex-cut algorithms attempt to solve this problem by partitioning edges9
among the workers. Specifically, the data of a vertex (e.g., its adjacency list/matrix)
is split into multiple workers (Figure 5.3). This approach has been found to reduce
load imbalance [7] and therefore decrease the communication cost [10]. However,
this approach does not come without price. To be able to use vertex-cut ­partitioning,
a framework must adopt some mechanism (via message passing, for example) to
synchronize these workers, i.e., whenever the vertex data is changed in a worker,
this update must be reflected into its mirrors. Some frameworks that use vertex-cut
partitioning10 are PowerGraph [18], PowerLyra [19], and GraphX [20].
Even if we use a good partitioning algorithm before the actual execution of the
framework, load imbalance may still occur after some iterations of the framework
because the number of active vertices in a worker may be drastically different from
that in another worker. In order to solve this issue, Mizan [12], GPS [21], and some
other frameworks migrate active vertices from one worker to another during the
execution of the framework. This strategy is called dynamic repartitioning [10]. Communication among UDFs

Two most common methods used by vertex-centric frameworks for inter-process
communication are (i) message passing and (ii) shared memory. In message passing
Big Graph Analytics  ◾  105

systems, one process communicates with another by sending messages to it, whereas
in shared memory systems, processes communicate with each other by reading/
writing to a memory shared by all of them (Figure 5.4).
Message passing systems are very common among distributed vertex-centric
frameworks. If both the sender and the receiver vertices are processed by the same
worker, then the messages are directly delivered to the recipient vertices. However,
if sender and receiver vertices are in different machines, then the message is sent to
the worker that possesses the recipient. Typically, these messages are sent in batches,
i.e., the sender worker stores its messages in an outgoing message buffer until the
number of messages in that buffer exceeds a threshold, at which point all the
­messages are sent to their recipient workers. Sending messages in batches reduces
communication overhead [22]. Moreover, it allows a worker to group ­messages
by their destinations11 and to send each such group-message in one go (instead
of sending multiple messages). This technique reduces network traffic and there-
fore improves the network throughput [23]. Similarly, a buffer is also used in the

Figure 5.4  Two ways of communication among the UDFs running on the v­ ertices
of the graph of Figure 5.3(a) are illustrated. (a) In message passing ­system, a
­process sends a message to another process, which activates the second ­process.
Here, process a is sending messages to processes b, c, d, and e. Each arc ­indicates a
­message and the big arrow represents a batch message from worker 1 to worker 2.
Incoming message buffer of worker 1 and outgoing message buffer of worker 2
are not shown for simplicity. (b) In the shared memory system, a process (here
process a) writes its state to a shared memory, which are later read by some other
processes (here processes b, c, d, and e). Here, solid lines represent edges in the
graph and dashed gray lines represent read/write operations on shared memory.
106  ◾  Data Analytics

receiver side to store the incoming messages temporarily before they are ­delivered
to the corresponding receivers and are subsequently processed by the UDF running
on the recipient vertices.
In a shared memory system, processes do not have to deal with messages because
they communicate with each other by accessing a shared memory, as if they are
running in a single machine. In reality, the shared memory is distributed across
­different machines. Since the data of the same vertex are either split (in case of vertex-
cut partitioning used by PowerGraph, for example.) or copied (in case of ordinary
­partitioning used by GraphLab, for example.) among different workers, ensuring
data consistency among them is a big challenge for shared memory s­ ystems. For this
purpose, GraphLab uses pipelined distributed locking [24], whereas PowerGraph
uses parallel Chandy-Misra locking [25]. Both these approaches ensure consistency
via inter-machine communication.
Another challenge for shared memory frameworks is to handle race condi-
tions that may arise when the same memory location is accessed by multiple
processes. In such a case, memory consistency is typically ensured via mutual
exclusions, i.e., by ordering the memory accesses of processes in such a way that
no two ­processes work on the same memory location at the same time. In other
words, shared ­memory ­systems ensure that the schedule of memory accesses by
the ­processors has an equivalent sequential schedule. Such a schedule is called a
serializable schedule [10].  Execution of UDFs

Pregel and many other vertex-centric frameworks mimic bulk synchronous paral-
lel (BSP) [26] execution model, which synchronizes the execution of concurrently
running programs. For example, in each superstep of Pregel, the UDF is executed
on all the active vertices. After its execution is finished in all the active vertices, they
are allowed to send messages to each other. When all the messages are passed and
no vertex remains active (this is ensured by a layer called synchronization barrier),
the next superstep begins. Thus, in each superstep, each vertex knows the current
values of its in-neighbors. This kind of execution is called synchronous execution [10].
To our knowledge, most vertex-centric frameworks follow this execution model.
While synchronous frameworks are conceptually simple, they may cause
­significant wastage of resources because no vertex can start the next round of
­execution until all the processes finish. However, it is unlikely that all processes
will take similar amounts of time unless the workload is evenly distributed, which
is very difficult to ensure. Some frameworks tried to solve this issue by providing
the option to execute asynchronously. Specifically, in asynchronous execution, one
vertex does not wait for another vertex to finish its execution. Vertex execution
order is determined by a scheduler, which dynamically maintains vertex schedule.
Once the execution of a UDF is finished on a vertex, computing resources become
free and the next vertex in the schedule starts executing its UDF immediately [10].
Big Graph Analytics  ◾  107

By getting rid of the synchronization barrier, asynchronous systems avoid the

bottleneck encountered by the synchronous models. As a result, asynchronous
platforms often converge faster than their synchronous counterparts when loads
are imbalanced. For example, Lu et al. [27] found that in case of large diameter
graphs, HashMin algorithm runs faster in the asynchronous mode than in the syn-
chronous execution mode of GraphLab [9]. However, synchronous mode outper-
forms its asynchronous counterpart when a small diameter graph is used. Because,
in that case, the ­communication overhead of asynchronous mode u ­ ndercuts
the efficiency achieved from faster convergence. Besides, it is harder to design
­a synchronous ­systems because of the added complexity for designing the scheduler
and for ensuring data consistency [10]. Also, due to the unrestricted nature of the
schedule, such frameworks do not ensure that execution of certain algorithms (e.g.,
PageRank) will always give us the same result—which is clearly undesirable in
many ­applications [7].
Hybrid systems combine the best of both synchronous and asynchronous sys-
tems. These systems intelligently switch between synchronous and asynchronous
modes in an attempt to ensure little idle time, low latency,12 and high efficiency.
A mode-switcher module is used which decides when to switch modes. Typically,
this module is initially trained on multiple instances to make decisions about later
instances or it takes decision based on the execution profiles of the UDFs [28].
Table 5.1 shows the classification of some notable big graph frameworks based
on their execution modes and methods of communication. Programming Model
Different frameworks adopt different programming models depending on their
mode of execution, communication, and/or other design choices. For example,

Table 5.1  Classification of Vertex-Centric Frameworks Based on How the

UDFs Communicate with Each Other and Whether Their Executions Are
Synchronized or Not
Communication Synchronous Asynchronous Hybrid

Message Passing Pregel [1], GPS [21], Maiter [30], GiraphUC PowerSwitch
Pregel+ [17], [31], MOCgraph* [28],
Giraph [29], Mizan [32], GraphHP [34],
[12] GiraphAsync [33] Hieroglyph [35]

Shared Memory GiraphX [36] GraphLab* [9], –

PowerGraph* [18],
PowerLyra* [19]
The frameworks marked by asterisks (*) support both synchronous and asynchro-
nous modes of execution.
108  ◾  Data Analytics

Table 5.2  Classification of Vertex-Centric Frameworks Based on Their

Programming Models
Programming Model Frameworks Using This Model

Single phase Pregel, Giraph, Pregel+, GPS, MOCgraph,


Scatter–gather X-Stream

GAS PowerGraph, PowerLyra, PowerSwitch

Pregel adopts a single phase model, i.e., in each iteration, only one UDF, namely,
the compute() function, is executed on active vertices. Giraph, MOCgraph, Mizan,
and so on (see Table 5.2) also adopt similar strategies.
X-Stream adopts a programming model consisting of two phases: (i) scatter: in
this phase, an active vertex broadcasts its values to some other vertices (typically,
its neighbors) and (ii) gather: in this phase, an active vertex collects data from the
­adjacent vertices and then uses them to update its own value. Such a model is
­t ypically used by frameworks which read/write edge values [37].
PowerGraph, PowerLyra, and PowerSwitch use a programming model c­ onsisting
of three phases: (i) gather, (ii) apply, and (iii) scatter. The meanings of gather and
scatter phases remain the same as that of X-Stream; the apply phase combines the
data gathered in the previous phase. Such a programming model is called gather–
apply–scatter or GAS model, in short. Briefly, in each iteration of such a model, an
active vertex gathers data from its neighboring vertices and/or edges, aggregates
those data to update its own value (apply phase), and then scatters this updated value
across its neighbors [18].

5.2.2 Block-Centric Frameworks
Vertex-centric frameworks like Pregel try to achieve extreme parallelism, even
among the processes running on the vertices within the same worker. This goal
comes at the cost of high communication overhead. To solve this problem some
­systems adopt sequential execution of the vertices within the same worker while
keeping execution of worker processes parallel. Following Yan et al. [7], we will
call them block-centric frameworks. In this section, we will discuss two such
­frameworks: BLOGEL [38] and Giraph++ [39]. BLOGEL
BLOGEL considers the problem of skewed degree distribution where a few nodes
have very high degrees and most others have low/moderate degrees. BLOGEL
Big Graph Analytics  ◾  109

s­ upports three types of tasks: (i) computation on vertices, (ii) partitioning graph,
and (iii) computation on blocks. In the first two tasks, the message receiver (called
the worker vertex), ∈Γv ,13 is identified by hashing id(u) when a vertex v sends
message to its neighbor. On the other hand, in block-centric tasks, the vertices
are divided into blocks by a partitioning algorithm at first. These blocks are then
executed by the B-workers (in block-centric computation, a worker is called a
B-worker). The block of a vertex v is denoted by block(v) and the worker of a block
B is denoted by worker(B). An ID is then assigned to a vertex v represented as a
triplet: trip(v) = {id(v), block(v), worker(v)}. A B-worker will be able to get the worker
and the block of vertex v using its ID. A block B can reach any of its vertices. Also, a
block can send message to any other block B while worker(B) is available. Similarly,
it can send message to any vertex v if worker(v) is available. Each B-worker has two
message buffers: one is to receive/send messages to/from vertices and the other is for
block level messaging. A combiner is used to combine these two which is associated
with each buffer.
BLOGEL provides numerous predefined partitioning algorithms. It also sup-
ports user-defined partitioners. While partitioning, each vertex v is assigned to a
block, denoted by block(v). After partitioning, each block B is assigned to a worker,
denoted by worker(B), in such a way that load imbalance is minimized. The steps
followed for assigning workers to blocks are given below:

Step 1: At first, each partitioner divides the group of vertices into blocks and
sends the master the number of vertices of each block. The master collects
these numbers from the partitioners and uses these to compute an aggregated
number of vertices in blocks.
Step 2: Using a greedy algorithm, the master then computes the workload and
broadcasts the block-to-worker assignment to each block.
Step 3: According to the received assignment, each partitioner selects its worker
from its vertices and transmits this to all workers.

BLOGEL can be applied to solve different graph problems, such as for computing
PageRank of vertices. It has been found that PageRank runs faster (especially on
web-graphs14) in BLOGEL than in Pregel because the former benefits from initial-
izing PageRank values using the information of its blocks. In Blogel, calculation
of PageRank value is done in two steps. The first step is done in the block mode
and, in this step, each block B calculates the local PageRank of each vertex in B
from the single-machine PageRank algorithm. Then the BlockRank is computed
by combining all the PageRank results using vertex-centric PageRank algorithm,
and therefore, a weight is assigned to all outgoing edges. Then the BlockRank is
dispersed to outgoing neighbors in proportion to the assigned edge weights. Finally,
in the second step, the standard PageRank algorithm is applied for the total graph
using the current BlockRank.
110  ◾  Data Analytics GIRAPH++
GIRAPH++ is a distributed graph processing platform, which exposes the partition
structure to the programmers so that they can exploit it via asynchronous com-
munication within the partition. It has been found that this technique makes it
more flexible and more efficient than the corresponding vertex-centric frameworks
because it has less communication overhead.
In this model, the graph is divided into multiple subgraphs. The vertices within
each subgraph are called internal vertices. The neighbors of internal vertices outside the
subgraph are called boundary vertices. Thus, internal vertices can be in only one sub-
graph, but boundary vertices can be in more than one subgraph. A partition has access
to all the information of its internal vertices, but it knows only the vertex numbers of
its boundary vertices. In GIRAPH++ boundary, vertices can only send messages to the
primary copies of the internal vertices since communication among the internal vertices
are cheap and spontaneous. State changes of boundary vertices have to wait for the next
superstep, while internal vertices can change their states at any point of time. The inter-
nal vertices can be active or inactive, whereas boundary vertices do not have such states.
Algorithm 3 shows how PageRank can be implemented in GIRAPH++. Here
each vertex has two components/fields: (i) its current PageRank score ( in
Algorithm 3) and (ii) the iterative updates of its PageRank score computed from
other vertices within its partition, which is called its delta value ( in Algorithm
3). Initially, these fields are initialized (lines 1–4 of Algorithm 3) with zeros (except
that the delta values of active internal vertices are initialized with (1-d), where d is
the damping factor). Then these two fields of all active internal vertices are i­teratively
updated and all their neighbors’ delta values are updated accordingly (lines 5–10).
Finally, delta values of all the boundary vertices are reset (lines 11 and 12).

Algorithm 3: PageRank _GIRAPH++(G, MaxIteration, A, d)

Inputs: G = (V,E): the input graph whose set of vertices is V and set of edges is E
 MaxIteration: maximum number of iterations (set it to ∞ if not needed)
A: set of active internal vertices
B: set of boundary vertices
d: damping factor (typically, 0.85)
Data: page rank value of vertex v current delta value of vertex v
v.incomingMessages: list of incoming messages of vertex v
v.numOutGoingEdges: number of outgoing edges incident upon v
v.neighbors: list of neighbors of v
1. if superstep > MaxIteration then exit
2. if superstep = 0 then
3. foreach v in V do = 0, = 0
Big Graph Analytics  ◾  111

4. foreach v ∈ A do = + (1−d)

5. foreach v ∈ A do
6. v .delta + =∑v .incomingMessages
7. if > 0 then
8. =
9. u = d*
10. foreach w ∈v .neighbors do = u
11. foreach v ∈ B do
12. if > 0 then send to v and set to zero

5.2.3 Subgraph-Centric Frameworks
Although many graph problems can be solved by “thinking like a vertex,” many
problems cannot be solved via a TLAV framework. For example, computing local
clustering coefficient of a vertex requires the information of the whole subgraph
induced by that vertex as well as by its neighbors. To solve such problems, some
frameworks (such as NScale [40] and Arabesque [41]) propose to “think like a
subgraph”, i.e., they ask the programmers to write UDFs on subgraphs, instead of
vertices. We will discuss one such framework here, namely, NScale.  NScale
NScale [40] is a Hadoop-based big graph framework, which allows distributed pro-
cessing of subgraphs in the cloud. It provides three special features: (i) subgraph-
centric computation on a graph, (ii) computation on selected subgraphs, and (iii)
space-efficient packing of subgraphs into memory.
In this framework, the programmer needs to specify (i) the subgraphs in which
the user is interested and (ii) an UDF that will be executed on these subgraphs.
The UDF is written using a graph API called BluePrints. The NScale execution
engine ensures that the UDF has access to only its corresponding subgraph. It also
allows the users to select a subgraph formed by the k-hop neighborhood of a vertex
filtered by some given properties of the nodes and edges. Thus, the user can choose
any desired subgraph with special attributes (e.g., subgraphs formed by vertices
annotated with certain hashtags). Then the selected subgraph will entirely reside in
a single machine to be processed.
NScale has two major components:

GEP (graph extraction and packing module): It extracts the relevant sub-
graphs, decides the optimum number of machines that will process these
subgraphs and distributes the workload in a balanced fashion.
Distributed execution engine: It executes the UDFs on subgraphs of
112  ◾  Data Analytics

In the GEP module, Map Reduce jobs are executed depending on the size of the
graph and sizes of the machines. This module follows the following steps.
First step: In this map step, the GEP module reads the graph and finds out
the query vertices. It also filters the vertices and edges that do not match with
the ­purpose/interest of the user and evaluates the space necessary according to the
graph structure and weights. There are a few cases to consider here.

Case 1: If a single machine can contain the filtered graph, then all the ­vertices,
their weights, and their incident edges are sent to the reducer that constructs
the subgraph and applies the packing algorithm to map each vertex to a
Case 2: If a single machine cannot contain the filtered graph, then a distributed
process completes both subgraph extraction and packing. The steps of this
process depend on the radius of the subgraph of interest.

Second step: It is the packing stage where the extracted subgraphs are packed into
minimum possible number of partitions. A standard bin packing algorithm is used
to find the minimum number of partitions.
The distributed engine provides different execution modes: (i) the vector ­bitmap
mode allows parallel execution on subgraph-centric UDFs, (ii) the batch bitmap mode
decreases memory consumption but increases execution time, and (iii) the single-bit
bitmap mode decreases space requirement, but it allows only serial e­ xecution of UDFs.
NScale, like many other distributed graph frameworks, uses the bulk synchro-
nous protocol (BSP) to support iterative processes. However, unlike the original
BSP model, messages within a subgraph are transferred using shared memory,
which reduces communication overhead. Only messages between subgraphs are
transmitted via a barrier synchronization step to confirm the completion of ­message
exchange among the subgraphs.

5.2.4 Matrix-Based Frameworks
Some frameworks such as Hama [42], PEGUSUS [43], GBASE [44], and System
ML [45] represent the graph as a matrix (e.g., the adjacency matrix) and translate
­different graph computations into matrix operations. Some of these frameworks
require the programmers to think of graphs as matrices, while others still rely upon
­traditional programming models, thereby hiding the underlying matrix calcula-
tions. We call both these types of frameworks matrix-based frameworks. In this
section, we will discuss one such framework, namely, PEGUSUS, to give the reader
an idea about such frameworks.  PEGUSUS
PEGUSUS is a peta-scale graph framework that can be used to quickly process a
big static graph. It is implemented on the Hadoop platform. The main primitive
Big Graph Analytics  ◾  113

of PEGUSUS is GIM-V (generalized iterative matrix-vector multiplication), which

provides a way to process computations on a graph via efficient matrix vector
Suppose M is an n × n adjacency matrix of a graph and v is a vector of size is n.

So, their product is v = M × v =

j =1
v where mi, j is the (i, j) th element in the
i, j j

M matrix. Then v' can be computed using the following UDFs:

combine2(): computes xi = mi, j × vj

combineAll(): computes the sum of the results obtained from Combine2
(x1, x 2,…xn). Let this sum be vnew.
assign(): decides the next value of vi based on the current value of vi and the
value of vnew

These steps can be customized to implement different convenient algorithms,

such as PageRank, Random Walk with Restart, CCs, and diameter approxima-
tion. For example, PageRank algorithm can be implemented using GIM-V in the
following way.
The eigenvector equation of PageRank algorithm is p = (dET + (1 − d)U)p.
Here, p is the PageRank vector of size n, where n is the number of vertices, d is the
damping factor (typically, has a value around 0.85), E is the row-normalized adja-
cency matrix, and U is a matrix each of whose elements is equal to 1/n. The current
PageRank vector is denoted by pcurr, and the next PageRank vector is denoted by
pnext. So, the eigenvector equation becomes pnext = (dET + (1 − d)U)pcurr. The GIM-V
calculation can be directly applied to PageRank. First, a column-normalized matrix
M is constructed by taking the transpose of E, and then the following operations
are executed to compute PageRank scores.
Combine(mi,j, vj): return c × mi,j × vj
(1 − d ) +
CombineAll(x , x ,…x ): return
1 2 n
n ∑x
j =1

Assign(vi, vnew): vi = vnew

V + E V +E
One iteration of GIM-V takes O(V + E) space and O  log 
 M M 
time. The main contribution of PEGASUS is to provide a highly scalable and effi-
cient tool to process large scale graphs, such as “Yahoo” and other web graphs.
Moreover, the authors of PEGUSUS applied different optimization techniques and
found that the best combination of these optimizers makes it five times faster than
its non-optimized version. Among these optimization techniques are performing
GIM-V on sub-matrices/blocks instead of individual elements, clustering edges,
and ­reducing number of iterations via multiplication of diagonal sub-matrices with
their ­corresponding vectors.
114  ◾  Data Analytics

5.2.5 DBMS-Based Frameworks
Several frameworks, such as Pregelix [46], DG-SPARQL [47], and GraphX [20],
depend on DBMSs and their operations to store and analyze big graphs. These
frameworks attempt to bring the fruits of long research on the storage and query
optimization techniques in the area of DBMSs to the area of big graph a­ nalysis.
Typically, these types of frameworks use some kind of database as their back
end engines. For example, Pregelix uses traditional relational database, whereas
DG-SPARQL uses graph database in the back end. In the next two subsections, we
will discuss about these two frameworks. Pregelix
Pregelix [46] is a big graph analytics system that uses an iterative dataflow approach.
It transformed the Pregel programming model into a set of database operations.
To reconstruct the execution of Pregel states, Pregelix uses a set of nested relations
shown in Table 5.3.
Here, each instance of Vertex relation is read as an input and constitutes a row
of this relation. Each vertex has three attributes: vertexID, halt, value, and neigh-
bors. The value and neighbors are user defined that represent its current state and
list of neighbors. Vertices whose halt value is False are considered to be active.
The Msg relation represents the messages sent to an instance of Vertex whose ID
is ­destinationID and whose received message is denoted by payload. GS relation
holds the global state of execution of an UDF. The aggregate attribute of this rela-
tion ­represents an aggregated value over all iterations and the superstep denotes the
­current iteration count. If halt = True in this relation, then the program terminates.
Pregelix has been implemented on top of Hyracks platform, a data-­parallel
engine capable of processing big data. Pregelix first loads the graph (i.e., the
Vertex relation) from a distributed file system to Hyracks, partitions it using the
­vertexIDs, and then dispatches these partitions to Hyracks for processing them
in ­parallel. The partitioning can be done by a user defined partitioning function.
After finishing the full process (determined by the attributes of the GS relation), the
partitioned vertex relation is scanned and dumped back to the file system. During
execution, the message-passing behavior of Pregel is achieved via joining Vertex
and Msg relations. On the other hand, different UDFs of Pregel are written by

Table 5.3  Nested Relational Schema of Pregel State

Relation Schema

Vertex (vertexID, halt, value, neighbors)

Msg (destinationID, payload)

GS (halt, aggregate, superstep)

Big Graph Analytics  ◾  115

the programmers as database queries, which may in turn affect the relations of
Table 5.3. For example, the compute UDF may affect the relations in the following
way in a superstep: it may change some attributes of its corresponding Vertex tuple,
it may add/update the list of outgoing messages in Msg relation, it may change the
attributes of GS relation, or it may mutate the graph (via adding/deleting tuples
from Vertex relation). DG-SPARQL
DG-SPARQL [47] is a distributed graph database management system. Graph data-
bases store the graph data as entities (vertex) and relationships (edges). Each vertex
in a graph database stores a list of relationship records that signify its relationships
to other vertices. These relationship records are organized by type and direction
and may hold additional attributes. Whenever a JOIN operation is executed, the
database just uses this list and directly accesses its neighbors, which eliminates the
need for an expensive search or match computation that are done in traditional
relational databases. As a result, graph databases often outperform relational data-
bases in terms of efficiency. Graph databases also allow the user to perform different
graph queries including subgraph matching queries, path algebras, regular path
queries, and reachability queries. Queries in a graph database are written using a
graph query language, such as OpenCypher, SPARQL, GRAPQL, or Gremlin.15
For example, DG-SPARQL uses a version of SPARQL as a query language.
DG-SPARQL is a distributed implementation of G-SPARQL [48], which is a
centralized graph DBMS. Following G-SPARQL, DG-SPARQL provides a hybrid
storage system in which the structure of a big attributed graph resides in the distrib-
uted memory and the graph data resides in a relational database whose replicas are
contained in each node. This hybrid approach allows DG-SPARQL to execute part
of the query using fast in-memory graph traversal algorithms. The rest of the query
is executed in RDBMS via SQL as usual. It also optimizes the query processing by
(i) using a divide and conquer algorithm that splits the query plan into some manage-
able chunks and (ii) cleverly selecting the appropriate number of database nodes based
on a cost model. It allows the user to search the graph based on both the ­structural
properties and the attributes of the vertices/edges of the graph. Specifically, the
­following types of structural queries can be processed in DG-SPARQL: (i) ­reachability
query: check if any path exists between two vertices, (ii) shortest path query: find the
shortest path between two vertices, and (iii) pattern matching queries: search for the
incidences of subgraphs based on patterns in a big graph.
Figure 5.5 shows an attributed graph representing a student database which
contains information (age) about some students, courses, degrees, departments,
and the interrelations among them. Figure 5.6 shows a sample query on this graph
database, which searches for all pairs of students (A, B) such that A’s age is at least
22 years and A is senior to B. In this code, line 3 represents the requirement that
A must be senior to B, lines 4 and 5 represent the filtering condition that the age
116  ◾  Data Analytics

Figure 5.5  A sample attributed graph of student database.

Figure 5.6  A sample DG-SPARQL query on the graph database shown in

Figure 5.5.

of A must be at least 22, and line 6 is used to filter out any possible paths between
vertices within a five-hop distance.

5.3 Single-Machine Frameworks for

Analyzing Big Static Graphs
Although distributed systems are natural choices to process big graphs, a num-
ber of single-machine systems have been proposed in the literature that can effi-
ciently handle big graphs. These systems are usually built on a powerful machine
with enough memory as well as high computational and storage capacity. These
frameworks do not incur any network communication overhead, which gives
Big Graph Analytics  ◾  117

them an extra advantage over their distributed counterparts. Among these frame-
works, Ligra [49], GraphChi [50], X-Stream [37], FlashGraph [51], GraphMat [52],
and GRACE [53] are some of the well-known ones. Ligra uses a fast implemen-
tation of BFS [54] to encode traversal-based graph algorithms. Both GraphChi
and X-Stream use edge-centric GAS programming model and provide out-of-core
execution of graph algorithms by loading a graph into the memory, one partition
at a time. FlashGraph keeps vertex data in the memory and edge data in SSDs.
In order to decrease I/O cost, it only accesses those edge data that are required by
the algorithm and are not already available in the cache. Grace is an asynchronous
block-centric graph framework that can process graphs efficiently when they fit into
the main memory.
In this section, we will discuss about one single-machine framework, namely,
GraphMat, in greater details. GraphMat [52] is a single-machine multicore static
graph framework that achieves good multicore scalability with 1.1–1.7 times speed
up as compared to other notable distributed frameworks. It is implemented based
on a generalized sparse matrix vector multiplication (SPMV) scheme that is similar
to the GIM-V technique of PEGUSUS. However, GraphMat has two distinctions/
advantages over PEGUSUS: (i) unlike PEGUSUS, it does not suffer from network
communication overhead, and (ii) it does not expose the matrix calculations to the
user/programmer; rather its front end is based on the popular GAS programming
model of vertex-centric frameworks—which makes it easy for the programmers to
make a transition from vertex-centric frameworks to GraphMat.
In the back end, GraphMat uses SPMV that exploits the optimization tech-
niques developed over the last few decades for manipulating sparse matrices in order
to do efficient computations on matrix representations of graphs. Thus, GraphMat
combines the best features of “both worlds”: expressiveness of vertex-centric GAS
model and efficiency of optimized algorithms for sparse matrix computation.
Specifically, GraphMat is built on the idea that many vertex-centric iterative
­processes can be transformed into some matrix vector operations. For example, for
an unweighted graph, multiplying the transpose of its adjacency matrix with a ­vector
of all ones yields a vector of vertex in-degrees (Figure 5.7). Similarly, vertex out-
degrees can be obtained by multiplying the adjacency matrix with an all one vector.
GraphMat programming model has four functions that the programmer/user
needs to define: send_message(), process_message(), reduce(), and apply(). The first
and last UDFs are analogous to the scatter() and apply() UDFs of the GAS model,
respectively. On the other hand, the second and third UDFs together mimic the
gather() UDF of GAS model. From the programmer’s point of view (front end),
these UDFs work in the following way. At first, each vertex is initialized and some
of them are activated. The send_message() function is called on each active vertex,
which produces a message based on the value of that vertex. The process_­message()
function reads the incoming messages along with the information of the edge
through which it came and then processes them to compute a processed message.
The reduce() function combines all the processed messages received by a vertex to
118  ◾  Data Analytics

Figure 5.7  (a) A graph, (b) its adjacency matrix, and (c) in-degree calculation
via SPMV.

compute a single value. The apply() function uses this value to decide whether/how
the vertex data should be updated.
However, in the back end, these functions use SPMV to achieve the goal.
Specifically, send_message() UDF creates a sparse vector representing the active
vertices. The tasks of process_message() and reduce() UDFs are accomplished via
an ­operation (typically, multiplication) on this vector and the adjacency matrix
of the input graph. Finally, apply() does the same thing as the apply() UDF of
GAS model.

5.4 Distributed Frameworks for Analyzing

Big Dynamic Graphs
Unlike static graphs, dynamic graphs change their topologies over time. In other
words, they have different topologies at different time points.16 Each of these time
point-specific topologies is a static graph itself which is called a snapshot. Thus,
dynamic graphs can be considered as a sequence of snapshots [55].
There are two types of dynamic graphs: (i) temporal/historical/time-varying
graphs, whose entire history (i.e., sequence of topologies at all time points) of topo-
logical changes is already known to the user when s/he analyzes them, and (ii)
streaming graphs, which are continuously being updated as we analyze them [7].
Both types of graphs raise some interesting questions, which are somewhat differ-
ent from the questions asked about static graphs, e.g., how rumors/diseases spread
in dynamic networks [56], which edges/links are important for disease/rumor
propagation [57], how to compute “time-respecting” shortest paths [56] or node-
disjoint paths [58] in dynamic networks, how to detect evolving communities [59],
Big Graph Analytics  ◾  119

how PageRank scores (or some centrality measures) of vertices change with time,
how to classify vertices of dynamic networks [60], etc.
In general, two types of analyses can be done on dynamic graphs: (i) point-
in-time analysis—which analyzes a specific snapshot to answer some questions
about it (e.g., what are the highest degree vertices in the Facebook friendship graph
on Dec 30, 2017?) and (ii) time-range analysis—which analyzes graphs in a time
range to answer some questions related to their dynamic nature (e.g., which non-
hubs became hubs17 in Facebook friendship graph between Jan 1, 2010, and Jan 1,
2017?). While traditional big static graph frameworks can still be used for point-in-
time analysis, time-range analysis requires special purpose frameworks.
Note that although both temporal and streaming graphs raise similar research
questions, answering them often requires one to apply distinct techniques. In gen-
eral, graph frameworks should be designed specifically to store and analyze any of
these types of dynamic graphs. In the next two subsections we will discuss some
notable frameworks that can handle each of these types of dynamic graphs.

5.4.1 Frameworks for Analyzing Temporal Graphs

Till now a few frameworks have been proposed in literature that can process big
temporal graphs. We will discuss two of them in this section: DeltaGraph [55]
and Chronos [61]. These frameworks focus on solving different problems related to
temporal graphs as discussed below. DeltaGraph
DeltaGraph is a distributed graph database system designed to support snapshot
queries in a big dynamic graph. Specifically, it supports two types of queries: (i)
­single-point snapshot query—which is used to search for the snapshot/graph of a
given time point (e.g., “retrieve the subgraph induced by the vertices a, b, and c
on Jan 2, 2018”) and (ii) multipoint snapshot query—which is used to search for
all the snapshots between a range of time points (e.g. “retrieve all the subgraphs
induced by the vertices a, b, and c between Jan 2, 2018 and Jun 13, 2018”). To
process queries in an efficient manner, it maintains an in-memory index in the
form of a rooted directed acyclic graph (DAG). The root of this DAG is an empty
graph, the lowest level vertices of this DAG represent18 snapshots, and internal
nodes typically represent the intersection graph19 of its children. An edge between
a parent and a child in this DAG is associated with the information about the dif-
ference (called delta) between the graphs represented by the parent and child. Thus,
the graph corresponding to a node of this DAG can be formed by applying the
deltas across all the edges from the root to that node. A weight is assigned to each
such edge (­parent–child relation) which captures the cost of reading its associated
delta and applying that on the parent graph to form the child graph. Thus, single
point snapshot queries can be efficiently answered by computing the shortest path
120  ◾  Data Analytics

from the root of this DAG to one of its leaves, which correspond to the given time
point. Similarly, multipoint snapshot queries can be answered by first finding the
leaves that fall under the given time range and then computing a Steiner tree that
­connects those leaves to the root. Chronos
Chronos has been designed to efficiently store and analyze big dynamic graphs.
It partitions the vertices of the input dynamic graph and then assigns each of
these partitions along with the entire history of vertex-states in that partition to
a worker machine. Han et al. [61] noticed that partitioning vertices in this fash-
ion yields much better performance than partitioning snapshots. Partitioning this
way allows Chronos to execute UDFs on each vertex across all the snapshots in a
batch. This strategy also allows Chronos to do incremental computations (doing a
­computation on a snapshot utilizing the results of that computation done on a pre-
vious snapshot;e.g., computing the SSSP distances in the first snapshot, using these
results to update SSSP distances in the second snapshot, then using these results
to update SSSP distances in the second snapshot, and so on) efficiently. Chronos
also allows one to store and use deltas of consecutive snapshots to achieve greater
efficiency in incremental computation. It can be implemented both in a single pow-
erful machine and in a distributed system.

5.4.2 Frameworks for Analyzing Streaming Graphs

Although analysis of temporal graphs gives valuable insights, we are often interested
in analyzing the most recent graph in real time. For example, Facebook may want
to recommend friends and ads to users based on the up-to-date friendship and/or
­follower–followee network. Streaming graph frameworks are the best choice for
such applications. So far, a number of frameworks have been specifically designed
to store, update, and/or analyze streaming graphs. Some frameworks of this class are
GraphTau [62], Kineograph [63], GraphInc [64], TIDE [65], DISTINGER [66],
and BLADYG [67]. GraphTau is a framework built on Apache Spark that achieves
efficient and fault tolerant processing of streaming graphs via several o­ ptimization
techniques. Kineograph implements two layers: the storage layer is responsible for
storing and updating graphs in real time and the computation layer is ­responsible for
processing the recently generated graph (by the storage layer) efficiently. GraphInc
is a Pregel-based framework designed to handle real-time incremental analysis of
streaming graphs. TIDE computes the probability of an edge to be present in the
current graph using a user-defined function and uses that to generate the most
recent graph from one or more previous snapshots. DISTINGER is a distributed
implementation of STINGER [68], a single-machine framework discussed in the
next section. BLADYG is a block-centric framework adapted to handle streaming
graphs in a distributed setting.
Big Graph Analytics  ◾  121

5.5 Single-Machine Frameworks for

Analyzing Big Dynamic Graphs
Although distributed systems are obvious choices for developing frameworks for
big dynamic graphs, a few single-machine frameworks have shown their ­capabilities
of storing and/or processing such graphs in powerful machines. Here we will
discuss three such frameworks: LLAMA, SLOTH [69], and STINGER [68] as
­representatives of this class of frameworks.

5.5.1 LLAMA and SLOTH

LLAMA is a single-machine framework designed to efficiently perform whole
graph analysis on systems that receive incremental graph updates in a steady rate.
LLAMA allows both in-memory and out-of-core execution of graph algorithms.
Since most graph algorithms do not change the graph itself, many frameworks
use a compact immutable/read-only data structure (called compressed sparse row or
CSR, in short) to represent graphs. While CSR is highly space efficient, it is neither
suitable for static graphs (due to its immutability) nor does it provide a way to store
graphs in a persistent storage. Mutable data structures allow a framework to handle
dynamic graphs. On the other hand, storing snapshots in a persistent storage allows
a platform to perform out-of-core execution as well as enables the user to process
the same snapshot multiple times. The author of LLAMA attempted to achieve
these two goals in order to store and process large dynamic graphs efficiently. To
achieve persistency, the author designed an on-disk graph representation that closely
­mimics the CSR format. He achieved mutability by adding multi-versioned array
support to CSR. Specifically, LLAMA uses a large multi-versioned array (LAMA)
data structure (called the vertex table) to store vertex information. For versioning of
this array, LLAMA uses a software copy-on-write technique. It also uses an array
of edge records (called an edge table) to store the information of the edges added/
deleted in each snapshot. Vertex table contains pointers to the edge table which are
used to determine the adjacency list of each vertex. LLAMA was able to decrease
the reading cost by using this augmented CSR representation while allowing the
programmer to process dynamic graphs. It also decreases the writing cost by using
a buffer that temporally stores newly added/deleted edges before updating the snap-
shot in the storage. The author of LLAMA also built SLOTH—a sliding-window
framework based on LLAMA, which reduces space requirement by storing only the
most recent k snapshots (k is the window size) and deleting the older ones.

STINGER (Spatio-Temporal Interaction Networks and Graphs Extensible
Representation) is a single-machine framework that supports storing and
122  ◾  Data Analytics

analyzing streaming graph updates that may come in a nonsteady rate and as
such may not have temporal resolution. STINGER maintains a single in-memory
representation of the most recent snapshot. For this purpose, it uses a modified
version of the CSR data structure to store graphs. This data structure combines
the ideas of both CSR and adjacency list. Specifically, it stores the record of the
neighbors of each vertex as a list of arrays. When a neighbor gets deleted, a nega-
tive value is placed in its cell—which creates a “hole” in that place. When a new
neighbor is added, its record is placed in a hole; if no hole is present, a new array
is created to place it and the new array is linked with the existing arrays of neigh-
bors. Thus, STINGER is able to update the graph (edge insertions/deletions)
efficiently. To achieve high parallelism, STINGER runs graph-reader processes
(called by the graph algorithm running in this framework) along with graph-
updater processes in parallel. The authors of STINGER reasoned that in a big
graph, the probability of conflict between graph readers and graph updaters will
be very low. However, this may cause inconsistencies since different passes of a
reader process may read different information. STINGER tolerates such incon-
sistencies because it assumes that the current graph is already an approximate
representation of the concerned real-world network, in which case, these incon-
sistencies will not affect the result significantly.

5.6 Conclusions
In this chapter, we have explored different categories of frameworks that are
capable of analyzing big graphs, discussed their features, and highlighted
their advantages/disadvantages. We also briefly discussed about some notable
frameworks. We hope that this discussion will help the reader to get an idea
about the evolution of research in this area. Specifically, the very first frame-
work for ­processing big static graphs was Pregel. It is a vertex-centric distributed
­f ramework, which is conceptually easy to design and understand. However, it
may suffer from high idle time due to its strict adherence to the BSP model
even at the vertex level. To solve this issue, block-centric frameworks were pro-
posed. However, both these types of frameworks force the programmer to write
operations from a vertex-centric point of view, which makes it difficult to encode
graph algorithms that require the programmer to think like a subgraph (e.g.,
algorithms for computing dense clusters). Subgraph-centric, matrix-based, and
DBMS-based frameworks offer different solutions to this problem. While many
of these frameworks are designed as distributed systems, rapid decrease in costs
of high-configuration workstations encouraged many researchers to develop
single-machine frameworks of similar/superior capabilities. Also, currently
the focus of this line of research is shifting more and more towards processing
dynamic graphs since they better represent real-world networks than their static
Big Graph Analytics  ◾  123

1 Because big graph is really a type of big data.
2 We could not find any standard lower bound of graph size that has been used to
define big graphs. However, most papers on big graphs discuss about graphs with at
least millions, and most often, billions of vertices/edges.
3 We have found in the literature that whenever a graph has high volume it is consid-
ered to be a big graph, even if it does not have a high volume/velocity.
4 Vertex-centric frameworks are also known as vertex-oriented or TLAV frameworks.
5 In TLAV frameworks, this function is also called a vertex program kernel or simply, a
vertex program.
6 A vertex upon which the UDF is run is called an active vertex.
7 To keep our discussion simple, previously (in Section 5.2.1) we have discussed two
Pregel algorithms in such a way that it may seem to the reader that each vertex is
assigned to only one processor. However, in reality, a big graph contains billions of
nodes and as such multiple vertices may be assigned to the same worker.
8 Because hubs need to communicate with many more vertices than other vertices,
since it has too many neighbors as compared to others.
9 This approach is called vertex-cut partitioning because it “cuts/splits” the data of some
vertices into different machines that contain their incident edges.
10 Since these frameworks assign edges (instead of vertices) to workers and/or requires
the programmer to define some UDFs for processing edges, they are sometimes
called edge-centric frameworks [38]. However, we consider them to be vertex-­
centric ­frameworks, just like Yan et al. [7] and Mccune et al. [10] did, because
these ­frameworks require the programmer to define some vertex-centric UDFs, i.e.,
­f unctions for ­processing vertices (just like other vertex-centric frameworks).
11 This may happen when multiple vertices are assigned to the same worker and some
of those vertices want to send messages to the same recipient. For example, vertices a
and e in Figure 5.4(a) tries to send messages to vertex d.
12 The time required to finish communication between two machines in the network.
13 Γv is the set of adjacent vertices of v.
14 The authors of BLOGEL construct a web-graph by considering each webpage as a
vertex and put an edge between two webpages if one contains a link to another. They
also grouped all vertices in a block that have the same host name.
16 Typically, time is considered to be a discrete variable in big graph analysis [7].
17 Vertices with very high (statistically significant) degrees are called hubs.
18 Each leaf of this DAG represents a snapshot; none of them actually contains a graph.
Graphs are partitioned into different workers, as usual.
19 Internal nodes can represent some other graph (other than intersection graph) formed
from the graphs of its children.

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Chapter 6

Transition from
Relational Database to
Big Data and Analytics
Santoshi Kumari and C. Narendra Babu
M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences

6.1 Introduction..............................................................................................132
6.1.1 Background, Motivation, and Aim................................................133
6.1.2 C  hapter Organization....................................................................133
6.2 Transition from Relational Database to Big Data......................................134
6.2.1 R elational Database.......................................................................134
6.2.2 I ntroduction to Big Data...............................................................135
6.2.3 R elational Data vs. Big Data..........................................................136
6.3 Evolution of Big Data................................................................................138
6.3.1 F acts and Predictions about the Data Generated............................139
6.3.2 A
 pplications of Big Data................................................................139
6.3.3 F
 undamental Principle and Properties of Big Data........................141 I ssues with Traditional Architecture for Big Data
Processing����������������������������������������������������������������������� 141 F  undamental Principle for Scalable Database System......142 P  roperties of Big Data System..........................................143
6.3.4 G eneralized Framework for Big Data Processing...........................144 S torage and Precomputation Layer..................................144

132  ◾  Data Analytics K nowledge Discovery Layer (Serving Layer)....................144 Real-Time Data Processing Layer (Speed Layer).............. 145
6.4 Big Data Analytics....................................................................................146
6.4.1 Big Data Characteristics and Related Challenges...........................146 Volume............................................................................146 V  elocity............................................................................147 Variety.............................................................................147
6.4.2 W hy Big Data Analytics?...............................................................147 Text Analytics..................................................................148 A  udio Analytics...............................................................148 V  ideo Analytics...............................................................148 S ocial Media Analytics....................................................148 Predictive Analytics.........................................................149
6.4.3 Challenges in Big Data Analytics..................................................149 Collect and Store Data.....................................................149 D  ata Management...........................................................150 Data Analysis...................................................................150 Security for Big Data....................................................... 152 Visualization of Data....................................................... 152
6.5 Tools and Technologies for Big Data Processing....................................... 153
6.5.1 T ools..............................................................................................154 Thrift...............................................................................154 ZooKeeper....................................................................... 155 H  adoop DFS................................................................... 155
6.5.2 R  esource Management...................................................................156
6.5.3 N  oSQL Database: Unstructured Data Management.....................156 Apache HBase................................................................. 157 Apache Cassandra............................................................ 157
6.5.4 D ata Processing............................................................................. 157 Batch Processing.............................................................. 158 Distributed Stream Processing.........................................160 Graph Processing.............................................................160 High-Level Languages for Data Processing..................... 161
6.5.5 D ata Analytics at the Speed Layer.................................................162
6.6 Future Work and Conclusion....................................................................163
6.6.1 F uture Work on Real-Time Data Analytics....................................163
6.6.2 C onclusion.....................................................................................166

6.1  Introduction
The term big data was invented to represent large data generated continuously
with the advancement in digital technology, smart devices, and cheap hardware
Relational Database and Big Data  ◾  133

resources. Enterprises, businesses, and government sectors producing a large amount

of valuable information need to be processed to make better decisions and improve
their performance [1]. Processing a huge amount of unstructured data is difficult
using relational data management technologies. Efficient tools and ­technologies
are required to process such large-scale and complex data. Several tools such as
Google’s Map Reduce [2], Spark [3], and Mahout [4,5] were developed to overcome
the limitations of traditional methods.
Understanding the fundamental principles and properties [6] of big data
­system is essential for building robust and scalable tools and technologies. Various
­frameworks and tools such as Hadoop, Spark, Cassandra [7], ZooKeeper [8],
HBase, and MLlib [9] are introduced for batch processing, stream processing, and
graph processing of large-scale data.

6.1.1 Background, Motivation, and Aim

The data generated from social media, sensor-equipped smart device, Internet
of Things (IoT), E-business, and research centers is spiking every day with an
increase in complexity [10]. This huge amount of data generated essentially
requires new technology to store, process, and analyze the data to discover hid-
den insights for better decisions. Parallel processing is one such technique of
big data system that achieves significant efficiency in processing terabytes and
petabytes of complex data.
The key features of the emerging database systems for advanced analytics have
been a boundless motivation to take a look into big data processing frameworks,
like Hadoop [11,12] and Spark. A thoughtful review on the development of new
systems to overcome the drawbacks of traditional analytical methods for large data
is taken into account. To develop a generalized system for processing large dataset,
the Lambda Architecture [6] provides three layers of architecture structure, which
in turn helps to understand the basic requirement for processing and analyzing
large data in batch, stream, and real time.
This chapter aims to present interpretations on the drawbacks of traditional
methods for processing big data, the characteristics and challenges of big data, the
properties of big data analytics, and the tools and technologies for processing big
data. There are several benefits of big data analytics [13] in various areas, such as
finance and marketing, government, and health care.

6.1.2 Chapter Organization
This chapter is organized as follows: Section 6.2 provides a review on the t­ ransition
from relational database to big data and the difference between relational data and
big data. Section 6.3 elaborates on the evolution of big data, the basic principles and
properties of big data, and the generalized framework for big data systems. Section
6.4 describes big data analytics, the necessity of big data analytics, and the challenges
134  ◾  Data Analytics

in big data analytics. Lastly, tools and technologies for big data processing are dis-
cussed in Section 6.5. Conclusion and future work are presented in Section 6.6.

6.2 Transition from Relational Database to Big Data

This topic provides an overview of the transition from the relational database sys-
tem to the big data system. Starting with the evolution of relational database man-
agement system (RDBMS) and its introduction, it outlines the characteristics of
relational database systems, traditional tools, and the drawbacks of the tools in
handling unstructured large data.
A later part provides a brief introduction to big data and an understanding on
different types of data formats. Finally, it concludes with comparisons between
RDBMS and big data in terms of performance evaluation parameters, such as scal-
ability, efficiency, storage and management, and size and schema.

6.2.1 Relational Database
In 1970, E. F. Codd [14] introduced a new approach for calculating and manipulat-
ing data in relational database format. Since then, RDBMS has been implemented
and used for more than four decades, satisfying the business needs. It is a tradi-
tional method for managing structured data in which rows and columns are used
to store the data in the form of tables and each table has a unique primary key.
The key characteristics of relational database are to support ACID (atomicity,
consistency, isolation, and durability) property [15] that guarantees consistency in
handling all the transactions. RDBMS includes a relational database and a schema
to manage, store, query, and retrieve the dataset. The RDBMS maintains data
integrity through the following characteristics:

1. Tuple and attribute orders are not important.

2. Each entity is unique.
3. Each cell in the table contains a single value.
4. An attribute should contain all the values of the same data space.
5. In a database, table names and attributed names should be unique. But two
different tables can have similar attribute names.
6. SQL (Structured Query Language) is used for administrative operations,
which include data definition language (DDL), data manipulation language
(DML), and data access layer (DAL).

Data warehouses and data marts are the key methods for managing the structured
datasets. A data warehouse integrates data from multiple data sources that are used
for storing, analyzing, and reporting, whereas a data mart is used to access the
data stored in a data warehouse so that data is filtered and processed. Preprocessed
Relational Database and Big Data  ◾  135

data is given as an input for data mining and online analytical processing to find
new values to solve various business problems. The two ways to store data in a data
warehouse are as follows:

◾◾ Dimension table—To uniquely identify each dimension record (row), it

maintains a primary key, and it is associated with a fact table. Using primary
key data from the fact table, the associated data is filtered and grouped into
slices and dices to get various combinations of attributes and results.
◾◾ Normalization—Normalization splits the data into entities to create several
tables in a relational database. It has a property of duplicating data within the
database and often results in the creation of additional tables. The tables are
classified based on data categories, such as data on employee, finance, busi-
ness, and department.

There are several challenges faced by today’s enterprises, organizations, and govern-
ment sectors due to some limitations of the traditional database system which are
as follows:

◾◾ Real-time business decision is difficult using the traditional database system

due to the complexity of processing and analysis of real-time unstructured data.
◾◾ Difficult to extract, manage, and analyze the data islands, such as data from a
personal digital assistant (PDA) (mobiles, tablets) and other computing devices.
◾◾ Traditional data models are nonscalable for large amounts of complex data.
◾◾ Data management cost increases exponentially with the increase of data and

Hence, big data analytics, tools, and technologies were introduced to overcome the
limitations of traditional database systems for managing complex data generated
rapidly in various formats characterized by [16] volume, velocity, variability, and

6.2.2 Introduction to Big Data

The term big data emerged to describe complex unstructured data generated from
click streams, transaction histories, sensors, and PDAs. Big data technologies find new
opportunities to make quick and better decisions from large complex data at less cost.
Big data is characterized mainly by four V’s [16,17], which are described by
identifying the drawbacks of traditional methods as follows:

◾◾ Volume: Large data is generated continuously so that traditional methods

fail to manage it.
◾◾ Velocity: Data is generated at a very high frequency which traditional meth-
ods are incapable of processing it.
136  ◾  Data Analytics

◾◾ Variety: Data is generated in different formats such as audio, videos, log files,
and transaction history from various sources, which no longer fits traditional
◾◾ Veracity: Large amount of unorganized data is generated, such as tweets,
comments with hash tags, abbreviations, and conversational text and speeches.

In order to address the above characteristics of big data, several new technologies
such as Not only SQL (NoSQL), Hadoop, and Spark were developed.

◾◾ NoSQL database: NoSQL [18,19] database is a schema-less database used

to store and manage unstructured data, where the management layer is sepa-
rated from the storage layer. The management layer provides assurance of
data integrity.
NoSQL provides high performance scalable data storage with low-level
access to a data management layer, so that data management tasks are han-
dled at the application layer. Advantage of NoSQL is that the structure of the
data is modified at the application layer without making any changes to the
original data in the tables.
◾◾ Parallel processing: Many processors (300 or more in number) work in
loosely coupled or shared nothing architecture. Independent processors with
their own operating systems and memories work parallelly on different parts
of the program to improve the processing speed of the tasks and memory
utilization. Communication between tasks takes place through messaging
◾◾ Distributed file system (DFS): DFS allows multiple users working on dif-
ferent machines to share files, memories, and other resources. Based on access
lists on both servers and clients, the client nodes get restricted access to the
file systems, but not to the whole block of storage. However, it is again depen-
dent on the protocol.
◾◾ Hadoop: It is a fundamental framework for managing big data on which
many analytical tasks and stream computing are carried out. Apache Hadoop
[20] allows distributed processing of huge datasets over multiple clusters of
commodity hardware. It provides a high degree of fault tolerance with hori-
zontal scaling from a single to thousands of machines.
◾◾ Data-intensive computing: Data parallel approach is used in parallel com-
puting application to process big data [21]. This is based on the principle of
association of data and programs to perform computation.

6.2.3 Relational Data vs. Big Data

Table 6.1 highlights some of the key differences between RDBMS and big data
Relational Database and Big Data  ◾  137

Table 6.1  Difference between Relational Data and Big Data

SI. No RDBMS Big Data

Description Structured data is split into Unstructured data files are

many tables containing spared across many
rows and column. clusters where distributed
Tables are interrelated. file system handles data
A foreign key stored in one redundancy.
of the columns is used to Hadoop on DFS supports
refer the interrelated many application interfaces
tables. for processing large-scale

Properties RDBMS is characterized by Big data is characterized by

ACID properties. four V’s: volume, velocity,
verity, and veracity.

Data supported Supports only structured Supports structured,

data. semistructured, and
unstructured data.

Data size Terabytes Petabytes

Database SQL database: It deals with NoSQL: It deals with

management a structured data table; unstructured data record;
hence, data is stored at a hence, data is stored
single node and it requires across multiple nodes and
fixed table schemas. no fixed schema is

Scalable Vertical scaling: The Horizontal scaling: More

database is scaled by machines are added to a
increasing server and pool of resources to scale
hardware powers. Building up the database.
bigger servers to scale up
is expensive.

Maintaining Maintaining RDBMS Require less maintenance.

systems is expensive and Many features such as
requires a skilled resource. auto-repair, data
redundancy, and easy data
distribution are supported.

138  ◾  Data Analytics

Table 6.1 (Continued)  Difference between Relational Data and Big Data
SI. No RDBMS Big Data

Schema Fixed schema: SQL Dynamic schema: NoSQL

database is schema database is schema-less.
oriented. Data is stored in Data format or data model
the form of tables can be changed
containing rows and dynamically, without
columns with a unique making any changes to
primary key so that the application.
format of data cannot be
changed at any time.

Management Relational database NoSQL database separates

and storage combines both data storage data management from
and management layers. data storage.

6.3 Evolution of Big Data

In 1989, British computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee introduced the hypertext sys-
tem to share information between computers across the world, and eventually the
World Wide Web (WWW) was invented. As more and more systems are connected
to the Internet, huge amounts of data are generated.
In 2001, Doug Laney [17], an analyst at Gartner, presented a paper “3D Data
Management: Controlling Data Volume, Velocity and Variety.” It defines com-
monly accepted characteristics of increasing data. With the introduction of Web
2.0 in 2004, numerous devices were connected to the Internet and also many web-
based applications were hosted, which led to the explosion of data. Later, Roger
Mougalas invented the term “big data” in 2005 to define a huge volume of complex
data generated at high speed.
To manage this large-scale complex data, a new tool called Hadoop was intro-
duced by Yahoo in the same year. To perform large-scale distributed computing, a
Map Reduce software concept was introduced by Oracle in 2004. Initially, Hadoop
was built on top of Google Map Reduce to index WWW. Later, Hadoop was made
available as an open source, and it is in use by many organizations to manage their
increasing data.
Currently, the importance of big data technology is increasing in various fields,
such as health care, business, government, sports, finance, and security for mak-
ing better decisions and cost-effective and process improvements. For example,
financial trading like investments in stock market and purchase and sale of shares
is dependent on big data analytics. Big data analytics using real-time traffic data
collected from sensors, Global Positioning System (GPS), and social media help in
optimizing traffic flow and predicting weather condition.
Relational Database and Big Data  ◾  139

6.3.1 Facts and Predictions about the Data Generated

According to “A Comprehensive List of Big Data Statistics” (Big data statistics,
2012), August 1, 2012, a list of big data generated from various sectors, such as
business, market, education, and social media, is given as follows:

1. Data generated in every 2 days is equal to data generated from the beginning
of time until 2003.
2. Over 90% of all the data in the world was produced in the past 2 years.
3. By 2020, the amount of digital information generated is expected to grow
from 3.2 ZB today to 40 ZB. Data generated by industries gets doubled in
every 1.2 years.
4. Every minute, 200,000 photos are uploaded on Facebook, 204 million emails
are sent, 1.8 million likes are shared on Facebook, and 278,000 tweets are
posted, and around 40,000 search queries are served by Google every second.
5. In YouTube, every minute, around 100 hours of video are uploaded and it
would take 15 years to watch all the videos uploaded in a single day.
6. Thirty billion pieces of information are exchanged between Facebook users
every day.
7. Every minute, around 570 new websites are hosted into existence.
8. Around 12 TB of tweets is analyzed every day to measure “sentiment.”
9. An 81% increase in data over the mobile network had been observed per
month from 2012 to 2014.

6.3.2 Applications of Big Data

Applications of big data technology making significant differences in a wide range
of areas are discussed below.

Understanding and aiming customers: Understanding the necessities and
the requirements of customers is one of the important factors for many busi-
ness entities to improve their business. Big data applications play an important
role in understanding the customers, their behaviors, and their inclinations
by analyzing the behaviors and sentiments of the customers from previously
collected large data. In order to get a more comprehensive picture of their
customers, many companies are keen to increase their datasets with social
media data, browser logs, as well as text analytics and sensor data. Nowadays,
using big data, e-business giants such as Flipkart and Amazon are able to
predict what products are on demand and can be sold, and they can suggest
similar products to the customers. Similarly, telecom companies are now able
to better understand the customer expectations and can make better deci-
sions. Exit polls of elections are more predictive using big data analytics [22].
140  ◾  Data Analytics

Understanding and improving business practices: Big data helps in boost-
ing the business processes [23]. Analytics on social media data, search histo-
ries on web sites, and weather forecasts help retailers in adjusting their stocks.
GPS systems and sensor-equipped vehicles are used to track the delivery of
goods, and analysis of live traffic data helps in finding the shortest path. Most
importantly, customer feedback on social media helps to improve the busi-
ness processes.
Health care: A large amount of patient medical history help in understand-
ing the symptoms and in predicting possible diseases and solutions [24,25].
Better prediction on a disease pattern enables to provide better treatments.
For example, a success factor of in vitro fertilization treatment can be pre-
dicted by the analysis of multiple attributes of N number of patient records.
The risk factors in a patient’s treatment can be identified by analyzing con-
ditions such as blood pressure levels, asthma, diabetes, genetics, and previ-
ous records. Future judgments in medicine would not be limited to small
samples, instead it would include a huge set of records.
Sports: IBM SlamTracker tool used for video analytics in tennis tournaments
works on big data analytics. The performance of players in football and base-
ball games can be tracked and predicted based on the analysis of historical
data and sensor technology in sports equipment. Big data analysis and visu-
alization can help players a lot to improve their performance, for example, a
cricket player can improve his/her bowling skills by understanding what kind
of shots are played by the opponent.
Science and research: Current potentials of big data analytics are trans-
forming science and research technology. For example, CERN, the Swiss
nuclear physics lab data center, has 65,000 processors. It generates huge
amounts of data by experimenting on the discovery of universe coverts
and analyzes 30 PB of data on many distributed computers across 150 data
centers. This data is used in many other research areas to compute new
Optimizing machine and device performance: A large data used to train
machines and devices with the help of artificial intelligence and machine
learning makes better and smarter devices without human involvement. The
more the training data, the more accurate and smarter the device. For exam-
ple, Google’s self-driving car uses data captured from sensors, cameras, and
GPS systems to analyze the traffic movement and for safe driving without
human intervention.
Security and law enforcement: Big data analytics is used by many developed
countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, and Singapore
to advance security and law enforcement. For example, the National Security
Agency in the United States and National Computer Systems in Singapore
use big data analytics to track and avoid terrorist activities.
Relational Database and Big Data  ◾  141

Smart cities: Big data analytics [26] help optimize traffic flow by predicting
weather using real-time traffic data collected from sensors, GPS, and social
media. Analysis of data from tweets, comments, blogs and end-user feedback
helps in building better transportation systems and hence in making better
decisions for building smarter cities and a smarter planet.
Financial operation: Big data analytics plays an important role in mak-
ing financial decisions and improving financial operations. Understanding
costumer requirements and inclinations helps to provide best services, such
as insurance, credit, and loan facilities. Further financial operation process
improvements can be made based on the analysis of feedbacks. Nowadays,
most of the financial trading such as investments in stock market and pur-
chase and sale of shares is dependent on big data analytics.

6.3.3 Fundamental Principle and Properties of Big Data

Before we dive into big data tools and technologies, it is necessary to understand the
basic principle and properties of big data. It is also essential to know the complexity
and scalability issues of traditional data systems in managing large data as discussed
previously. To overcome the issues of traditional methods, several open-source tools
are developed, such as Hadoop, MongoDB, Cassandra, HBase, and MLlib. Theses
system scale to huge set of data processing and management. On the other hand,
to design and understand a robust and scalable system for big data processing, it is
essential to know the basic principle and properties of big data. Issues with Traditional Architecture

for Big Data Processing
There are many issues with the traditional systems to deal with increasing complex
data. Some major challenges are identified and discussed as follows:

Architecture was not completely fault tolerant: As the number of machines
increases, it is more likely that a machine would go down as it is not hori-
zontally scalable. Manual interventions are required such as managing queue
failures and setting replicas to keep the applications running.
Distributed nature of data: Data is scattered in pieces on many clusters, and
the complexity is increased at the application layer to select the appropriate
data and process it. Applications must be aware of the data to be modified
or must inspect the scattered pieces over the clusters and process it and then
merge the result to present the final result.
Insufficient backup and unavoidable mistakes in software: Complexities
are pushed to the application layer with the introduction of big data technol-
ogy. As the complexity of system increases, the possibility of making mistakes
142  ◾  Data Analytics

will also increase. Systems must be built robust enough to avoid or handle
human mistakes and limit damages. In addition, a database should be aware
of its distributed nature. It is more time consuming to manage distributed

The big data system scalability and complexity issues of traditional systems are
addressed and resolved in a systematic approach.

◾◾ First, replication and fragmentation are managed by the distributed nature

of database and distributed computation methods. Furthermore, systems are
scaled up by adding more machines to the existing systems to cope with
increasing data.
◾◾ Second, database systems should be immutable to design systems in different
ways to manage and process large-scale data, so that making changes to the
original data does not destroy the valuable data.

To manage a large amount of data, many large-scale computation systems, such

as Hadoop and Spark, and database systems, such as HBase and Cassandra, were
introduced. Hadoop has high computation latency for batch processing large-scale
data in parallel, whereas database Cassandra offers a much more limited data mode
to achieve their scalability.
The database systems are not human fault tolerant as they are alterable.
Consequently, every system has its own pros and cons. To address these arbitrary
issues, systems must be developed in combination with one another with least pos-
sible complexity. Fundamental Principle for Scalable Database System

To build scalable database systems [6], primarily we need to understand “what does
a data system do?” Basically, database systems are used to store and retrieve infor-
mation. Instead of limiting it to storage, new generation database systems must be
able to process large amounts of complex data and extract meaningful information
to take better decisions in less time.
In general, a data system must answer queries by executing a function that takes
the entire dataset as an input. It is defined as

Query = function ( on all data )

To implement the above arbitrary function on random dataset with small latency,
Lambda Architecture provides some general steps for developing scalable big data
systems. Hence, it becomes essential to understand the elementary properties of big
data systems to develop scalable systems.
Relational Database and Big Data  ◾  143 Properties of Big Data System

Fault tolerant and reliable: Systems must be robust enough to tolerate
faults and manage their work when one or two machines are down. The
main challenge of distributed systems is to “do the right thing.” Database
systems should be able to handle complications such as randomly chang-
ing data in distributed database, replication of data, and concurrency so
that we can drive around the systems and make the systems recalculate the
original systems immutably. The system must be tolerant to handle human
errors [27].
Minimal latency for reads and update: Several applications read and update
the database. Some applications need updates to be transmitted immedi-
ately. Without compromising on the speed and robustness of the systems,
database systems should be able to satisfy low latency reads and updates for
High scalability and performance: Increasing the data size would increase
the load; however, this should not affect the performance of the system.
Scalability and performance of the system are achieved by adding more
machines with an increased processing capacity. To handle increasing data
and load, systems are horizontally scaled over all the layers of the system
Support for a wide range of applications: A system should support a
diverse range of applications. To achieve this, systems are built with many
combinations and are generalized to support a wide range of applications.
Applications such as financial management systems, hospital management,
social media analytics, scientific applications, and social networking require
big data systems to manage their data and values [28].
Compatible system with low cost: Systems should be extensible by adding
new functionalities at low cost to support a wide range of applications. In
such cases, old data is required to relocate in new formats. Systems must be
easily compatible to support past data with minimal upgrading cost for sup-
porting a wide range of applications.
Random queries on a large dataset: Executing random queries on a large
dataset is very important to discover and learn interesting insights from the
data. To find new business insights, applications require random mining and
querying on datasets.
Scalable system with minimal maintenance: The number of machines
added to scale should not increase the maintenance. Choosing a module with
small implementation complexity is key to reduced maintenance. The more
complex the system is, the more likely it is that something will go wrong,
hence requiring more debugging and tuning of the system. Minimum main-
tenance is obtained by keeping a system simple. Keeping processes up, fixing
144  ◾  Data Analytics

errors, and running efficiently when machines are scaled are the important
factors to be considered for developing systems.
Easy to restore: Systems must be able to provide the basic necessary informa-
tion to restore the data when something goes wrong. It should have enough
information replicas saved on distributed nodes to easily compute and restore
the original data by utilizing saved replicas.

6.3.4 Generalized Framework for Big Data Processing

Based on the abovementioned basic principle and properties of big data, Lambda
Architecture provides [6] some general steps for implementing an arbitrary func-
tion on a random dataset in real time. The challenges of big data processing are
framed into a three generalized layer architecture to produce a result with small
latency. The three layers of the framework are storage layer, knowledge discovery
layer, and speed layer, as shown in Figure 6.1.
It is redundant to run a query on the whole dataset to get the result, consider-
ing the general equation “query = function (on all data).” It takes a large amount
of resources and hence is expensive. However, the data can be processed efficiently
using the layered architecture shown in Figure 6.1. Storage and Precomputation Layer

According to the basic principle of data processing, the storage layer precomputes
the function on the whole data and stores the results in a number of batches and
indexes them. Subsequent queries use the precomputed data, instead of preprocess-
ing whole dataset again. Hence, this layer helps to get the results quickly by giving
a precomputed view of data.
Precomputed view gets outdated whenever new data is collected in the data
store (Hadoop DFS [HDFS]) and hence the queries. To resolve this problem, the
batch layer (MAP REDUCE) [2] precomputes its view on the main dataset after a
particular time period. It is a high latency operation as it executes a function on the
entire dataset at periodic intervals.
This layer has two tasks: to store an absolute persistently increasing master data-
set and to execute a random query on that dataset. It is simple to use as parallel
­computation across the clusters and to manage varying sizes of datasets at the pre-
computation layer. Knowledge Discovery Layer (Serving Layer)

It saves and stores precomputed views for extracting valuable information by effi-
ciently querying the precomputed view. The basic function of the serving layer is
to update the precomputed views from the distributed database and make them
Relational Database and Big Data  ◾  145

Query Query

Real time Real time

View view New
analytics and
Visualization MLLIB,
Real Time Data
Processing Layer

Reduction and
Processing Map-Reduce

Discovery Layer

Storage and
Data Storage

Figure 6.1  Generalized framework for big data processing.

available for knowledge discovery. Finally, it periodically refreshes the precomputed

views to update new datasets.
It requires storage layer updates and random reads. It does not support arbitrary
writes as it increases the complexity in the database. Hence, it makes the database
systems simple, robust, easy to configure, and easy to operate, for example, HBase
and Cassandra.
All the desired properties of big data systems are accomplished at the storage
and serving layers, except low latency. Hence, the next real-time data processing
layer resolves the problem of low-latency updates. Real-Time Data Processing Layer (Speed Layer)

The purpose of this layer is to increase the computation speed so that arbitrary data
in real time is computed by arbitrary functions. Finally, the issues that are needed
146  ◾  Data Analytics

to be addressed in present and future research work is real time data processing and
computation [29]. Instead of precomputing the data from the storage layer, real-
time views are updated with new data that gets generated, eventually achieving the
highest possible latency.
This layer provides solutions for datasets generated in real time to improve
latency, whereas the storage layer produces precomputed views on the entire data-
set. Datasets that are no longer essential in real-time processing are removed, the
results are temporarily saved, and the complexity is pushed to the application layer.
Hence, the real-time data processing layer is more complex than the storage and
serving layers.
Finally, valuable results are obtained by joining the results from the precom-
puted views and real-time views. Hence, future research work would be focused
on bringing together the batch and real-time views to produce new and valuable
insights and to make better decisions. It requires advanced machine learning and
analytical techniques to improve the computational speed with maximum accuracy
for continuously changing random datasets.
A generalized flexible architecture with distinct components focused on spe-
cific purposes leads to more acceptable performance. Applications must be robust
enough to precompute values, corrupted values, and results by eventually executing
the computation on whole datasets to relocate or fix problems.

6.4 Big Data Analytics

Advancement in electronics and communication technology leads to increased
digitization of the world, such as IoT, social media, and sensor networks. It results
in massive amounts of data eruption every day. The capability to analyze such large
volumes of data brings in a new age of invention [16]. “Big data is a collection
of large, dynamic, and complex datasets. New innovative and scalable tools are
required to deal with it. Analytics refers to processing and extracting meaningful
data, which could help in making better predictions and decisions.” There are many
advantages of big data analytics and many challenges as well.

6.4.1 Big Data Characteristics and Related Challenges

The three basic characteristics—volume, velocity, and variety—as shown in Figure
6.2 are used to define the nature of big data [17]. Volume
A large amount of unstructured data is generated and archived compared to tradi-
tional data. This data is generated continuously from various sources, such as sys-
tem logs, sensor data, click streams, transaction-based data, email communications,
Relational Database and Big Data  ◾  147

• Size: Terabyte, Petabyte of Data

Volume • Storage: Cloud, Hard disks
• Challenges: process large amount of data

• Speed:Stream of Data generating at high speed

Velocity fromTweeter, Social media, Facebook, etc.
• Challenges: process data with minimum time

• Structure: Unstructured, Semi structured

Variety • Variety: Audio, video, log message, transactions
• Challenges: Efficiently process different variety of data

Figure 6.2  Big data characteristics and related challenges.

housekeeping data, and social media. The amount of data is increasing [10] to a
level that the traditional database management and computation systems are inca-
pable of handling it. The solution based on data warehouse may not be capable of
analyzing and processing huge data due to the lack of a parallel processing design.
So, increasing volume is one of the biggest challenges as it requires a new level of
scalability for storage and analysis. Velocity
The amount of data increased is exponential to the increase of IoTs, sensor-equipped
devices, e-business, and social media. The data generated continuously at high speed
makes it challenging to process and analyze it. It is essential to device an algorithm
to get quick results from streaming data. For example, online interactions and real-
time applications require high rate of analysis. Variety
A variety of data is generated from various sources in different structures, such as
text, video, audio, images, and log files. A combination of structured, unstructured,
and semistructured data is not supported by the relational database system. Hence,
this requires modified storage and processing methods for manipulation of hetero-
geneous data.

6.4.2 Why Big Data Analytics?

Big data analytics refers to the analysis of large unstructured data to extract the knowl-
edge hidden in every single bit of data for making better decisions and predictions. It
is essential to discover new values from past unused data and predict a better future.
148  ◾  Data Analytics

Many large-scale organizations and enterprises require big data tools and tech-
nologies to analyze their past history and customer information to understand cus-
tomer needs, in order to improve their business and finally to make better decisions
and predictions to survive in the competitive era. They also need [16] robust big
data analytics tools and technologies to make new innovations, process improve-
ments, monitoring, security, and many other functions. The analytical methods
used to handle big data in different areas are listed in Sections– Text Analytics
The process of mining valuable and meaningful information from text data is called
text analytics. Some of the examples of text data are mail threads, chat conversa-
tions, reviews, comments, tweets, feedbacks, financial statements, and log records.
Text analytics comprise natural language processing, statistical analysis [29,30],
machine learning [32], and computational linguistics. Meaningful abstracts are
extracted from large-scale text data by applying many text mining and analyti-
cal methods. Text analytics is basically used for question answering, information
extraction, sentiment analysis, and text summarization. Text analytics is very essen-
tial in analyzing social media data [31] such as tweets and Facebook comments to
understand peoples’ sentiments and events happening in real time. Audio Analytics
Audio analytics refers to the extraction of valuable and meaningful information
from audio data. It is most commonly used in call centers and health care services
for improving skills and services provided by call centers and also for improving
patient treatments and health-care services. It is also essential in customer relation-
ship management to understand the customers and improve the quality of products
and facilities to satisfy their needs and to maintain their relationships. Video Analytics
Video analytics refers to extracting valuable data by tracking and analyzing the
video streams. It is used in key application areas, such as marketing and operations
management. Analyzing video streams of sports such as tennis and cricket helps to
improve the performance of the sports person. Social Media Analytics

Social media channels contain huge volume of structured and unstructured data,
which help to identify recent trends and changes in the market by analytics. Real-
time analysis of social media is essential to identify events happening around
the world, to understand the sentiments of the people toward particular issues,
Relational Database and Big Data  ◾  149

people interest for particular products, and so on. Many organizations are trying
to improve their markets by analyzing social media data, such as people behav-
ior, sentiments, and opinions. According to [33], social media are categorized as

1. Social news: Reddit, Digg

2. Wiki: Wikihow, Wikipedia
3. Social networks: LinkedIn, Facebook
4. Microblogs: Tumblr, Twitter
5. Sharing Media: YouTube, Instagram Predictive Analytics
Predictive analytics is used to make predictions on future events based on the anal-
ysis of current and historical data. According to [33,30], statistical methods form
the base for predictive analysis.
Making use of in-memory data analytics, big data tools have improved the per-
formance of data query notably. Big data analytics is not just about making better
decisions but also about real-time processing that motivates businesses to derive
new values and improve performance and profit rates from insights gained.
Big data beats RDBMS in several ways including robust backups, recovery,
faster search algorithms, overall scalability, and low-latency reads and writes.

6.4.3 Challenges in Big Data Analytics

Capturing the data generated at high speed from various sources, storing huge data,
querying, distributing, analyzing, and visualization are the major challenges of a
big data system. Data incompleteness and inconsistency, scalability, timeliness, and
data security are the challenges [34] in analyzing the large data of big data systems.
The primary step in big data analytics is to clean and preprocess raw data to get
quality information. However, efficient access, analysis, and visualization would
still remain big challenges for future research work. Some of the challenges in each
phase of big data analytics are discussed in Sections– Collect and Store Data

The enterprise storage designs, such as direct-attached storage (DAS), storage area
network (SAN), and network-attached storage (NAS), were usually used for col-
lecting and storing data. In large-scale distributed systems, some drawbacks and
limitations of all these existing storage structures are observed.
On highly scalable computing clusters, concurrency and throughput for
each server are essential for the applications, but current systems lack these fea-
tures. Improving data access is a way to improve the data intensive computing
150  ◾  Data Analytics

performance [21]. Data access needs to be improved by including the replication of

data, distribution of data, relocation of data, and parallel access. Data Management
The traditional methods of managing structured data includes two important
parts. One is a schema to store the dataset and another is a relational database for
data retrieval. Data warehouse and data marts are the two standard approaches for
managing large-scale structured datasets. SQL is used to perform operations on
relational structured data. Data warehouse is used to store, analyze, and report the
outcomes to users. Access and analysis of the data obtained from a warehouse is
enabled by a data mart.

To overcome the rigidity of normalized RDBMS schemas, big data system

accepts NoSQL. NOSQL is a method to manage and store unstructured and
­non-relational data, also known as “Not Only SQL” [19], for example, HBase
Since SQL is simpler and is a reliable query language, many big data analytical
platforms, such as SQL stream, Impala, and Cloudera, still use SQL in their
database systems.
NoSQL employs many approaches to store and manage unstructured data.
Data storage and management are controlled independent to each other to
improve the scalability of data storage and low-level access mechanism in
data management. However, the schema-free structure of NoSQL database
allows applications to dynamically change the structures of tables and data
are not needed to rewrite. Apache Cassandra [7] is the most popular NoSQL
database used by many businesses, such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and Netflix.
Updating the developments and deployments of applications, NoSQL pro-
vides very flexible methods and is also used for data modeling. Data Analysis
According to Moore’s law, to cope with increasing data size, researchers gave more
attention to speeding up the analysis algorithms. As the data size increases sig-
nificantly faster than the CPU speed, there is a remarkable change in processor
technology, even though processors are doubling the clock cycle frequency. It is
essential to develop on-line, sampling, and multi-resolution analysis means. On the
other hand, development of parallel computing is required with increasing num-
bers of cores in processors. Large clusters of processors, distributed computing,
and cloud computing are developed fast to aggregate several different workloads.
In real-time applications like navigation, social networks, finance, biomedi-
cine, astronomy, intelligent transport systems, and IoT, speed is the top priority.
It is still a big challenge to be addressed for stream processing by giving quick
Relational Database and Big Data  ◾  151

and appropriate replies when large amounts of data need to be processed in a

short span of time. Algorithms for Big Data Analysis

In big data analysis, data mining algorithms play a dynamic role in determining
the cost of computation, requirement of memory, and accuracy of final results.
Problems associated with large data generation have been appearing since the last
decade. Fan and Bifet defined [35] the terms big data and big data mining for rep-
resenting large datasets and knowledge extraction methods from large data, respec-
tively. Many machine learning algorithms play a major role in solving big data
analysis tasks. Data mining, machine learning algorithms, and their importance in
big data analytics are described as follows:

Clustering algorithms: In data clustering, many challenges are emerging
in addressing the characteristics of big data. One of the important issues
that need to be addressed in big data clustering is how to reduce the data
complexity. Big data clustering is divided into two groups [36]: (i) single-
machine clustering using sampling and dimension reduction solutions and
(ii) ­multiple-machine clustering using parallel and Map Reduce solutions
[37]. Using sampling and dimension reduction methods, complexity and
memory space required for data analytical processes will be reduced.
Inappropriate data and dimensions are discarded before data analysis pro-
cess starts. To reduce the data size for data analysis processes, data sampling is
used, and for reducing the whole dataset, dimension reduction is used.
To perform the clustering process in parallel, CloudVista [38] uses cloud
computing. It is a common solution for clustering big data. To handle large-
scale data, CloudVista uses balanced iterative reducing and clustering using
hierarchies (BRICH) and sampling methods.
Classification algorithms: Many researchers are working toward developing
new classification algorithms for big data mining and transforming traditional
classification algorithms for parallel computing. Classification [39] algorithms
are designed in such a way that they take input data from distributed data
sources and use various sets of learners to process them. Tekin et al. presented
“classify or send for classification” as a novel classification algorithm.
In the distributed data classification method, the input data should be
processed in two different ways by each learner. One performs classifica-
tion functions, whereas the other forwards the input data to another labeled
learner. Big data classification problem improves the accuracy using these
kinds of solutions.
For example, to perform big data classification, Rebentrost et al. [40]
defined a quantum-based support vector machine and showed that with
O(log NM) time complexity the proposed classification algorithm can be
152  ◾  Data Analytics

implemented, where M represents the amount of training dataset and N is

the number of dimensions.
3. Association rules and sequential pattern mining algorithms: The early
methods of pattern mining were tried to analyze the transaction data of large
shopping malls. At the beginning, many researches tried to use frequent pat-
tern mining methods for processing big datasets. FP-tree (frequent-pattern
tree) [41] uses the tree structure to reduce the computation time of association
rule mining. Further, Map Reduce method was used in the frequent pat-
tern mining algorithms to improve its performance [42,43]. Big data analysis
using the Map Reduce model significantly improves the performance of these
methods compared to old-style frequent pattern mining algorithms running
on a single machine.
4. Machine learning algorithms for big data: Machine learning algorithms
[44,45] typically work as the “search” algorithms for required solutions and
are used for different mining and analysis problems compared to data min-
ing methods. To find a fairly accurate solution for the optimization problem,
machine learning algorithms are used. For example, machine learning algo-
rithms and genetic algorithms can also be used to resolve the frequent pattern
mining problems as they are used to solve the clustering problems. Improving
the performance of the other parts of knowledge discovery in databases (KDD),
the potential of machine learning is used as input operators feature reduction.
The consequences indicate that machine learning algorithms have become
the essential parts of big data analytics. Subsequently, many statistical meth-
ods, data mining algorithms, data processing solutions, graphical user inter-
faces, and several descriptive tools also play major role in big data platforms. Security for Big Data

To improve data security, data protection laws are implemented by several
developed and developing countries. Intellectual property protection, financial
information protection, personal privacy protection, and commercial secrets are
major security issues. Data security is difficult as large amounts of data are gen-
erated due to the digitization in various sectors. Hence, the big data security
challenges in many applications to protect the increasing distributed nature of
big data need to be addressed in future research work. It is even more complex
to identify the threats that can intensify the problems from anywhere in the big
data network. Visualization of Data
Information hidden in large and complex datasets can easily be conveyed in both
functionality and visual forms. The challenges in data visualization [46] are to
Relational Database and Big Data  ◾  153

represent facts more instinctively and effectively by using distinct patterns, graphs,
and visualization techniques. For valuable data analysis, information should be
abstracted in some schematic form from complex datasets, and it should include
variables or attributes for the units of information.
To extract and understand the hidden insights from the data, e-commerce com-
panies, such as eBay and Amazon, use big data visualization tools, such as Tableau
[47]. This tool helps to convert large complex datasets into interactive results and
intuitive pictures. For example, data about thousands of customers, goods sold,
feedback, and their inclinations. However, there are many challenges in the current
visualization tools, such as scalability, functionalities, and response time that can
be addressed in future work.

6.5 Tools and Technologies for Big Data Processing

The extensive changes in big data technologies come with remarkable challenges,
with the need of innovative methods and techniques of big data analytics. Many
new methods and techniques are developed by data scientists to capture, store,
manage, process, analyze, and visualize the big data. Multidisciplinary methods
such as statistics, math, machine learning, and data mining [48,49] are applied to
unearth most valuable pieces from big data. This topic is followed by a brief dis-
cussion on some of the important tools and technologies developed for processing
big data.
There are three classifications on which the current technologies are built:
batch processing, stream processing, and interactive analysis tools and technolo-
gies. Most batch processing technologies, such as Map Reduce [2] and Dryad [50],
are based on Hadoop. Storm and S4 [51] are examples of stream processing tools
usually used for real-time analytics for streaming data. The third category is inter-
active analysis where the data analytics is done interactively with the user inputs.
The user can interact in real time and can review, compare, and analyze the data
in graphic or tabular form or both at a time. Examples of interactive analysis tools
are Google’s Dremel [52] and Apache Drill. Tools of each category are discussed
in the following Sections 6.5.1–6.5.5.
Hadoop was developed by Yahoo for large-scale computation, and later it was
taken over by the Apache Foundation. The framework was based on the Google’s
Map Reduce system and Google File System [53]. The initial version of Hadoop
lacks the capability to access and process the huge volume of data with the com-
modity hardware in a distributed environment. To make the computation layer
more robust, it is separated from storage layers. The storage layer, named Hadoop
distributed file system (HDFS), is capable of storing huge amounts of unstructured
data in large clusters of commodity hardware, and the Map Reduce computation
structure is built on top of the HDFS for data parallel applications. A complete
154  ◾  Data Analytics

Message Protocol
Distributed Protocol

5. Visualization Tableau

4. Data Analytics MLlib/Mahout/MLbase R/Python

3. Data Processing
Batch Stream High level language Graph
Map Spark S4 Strom
Reduce Hive/Pig Pregel/Giraph

2. Resource management Yarn/Mesos

1. File System

HDFS NoSQL HBase Cassandra

Figure 6.3  Hadoop stack.

stack of big data tools was built on Hadoop by Apache to support different applica-
tions as shown in Figure 6.3. The later version of Hadoop is called Apache YARN
in which a new layer, called resource management layer, is added for efficient utili-
zation of resources in clusters of big data.
There are five layers in big data systems (Figure 6.3). Distributed file stor-
age is the bottom layer for storing large distributed data, above which there is
a ­cluster resource management layer. The purpose of this layer is to manage
large clusters of hardware resources and to allow the upper layers to utilize the
resources efficiently. The data stored in distributed file systems are processed by
the data processing layer as batch, stream, or graph processing. Preprocessed
data is fed to the data analytic layer to analyze and extract more valuable infor-
mation. To represent valuable results, high-level abstractions are built in the
visualization layer.

6.5.1 Tools Thrift
Thrift is a scalable cross-language services library and code generation tool set to
support scalable back-end services. Its major goal is to provide efficient and reli-
able communication across different programming languages by selecting portions
of each language that require the most modification into a common library and
finally implementing them in each language. Thrift [54] supports many languages
such as Haskell, Java, C++, Perl, C#, Ruby, Cocoa, Python, D, Delphi, Erlang,
OCaml, PHP, and Smalltalk.
Relational Database and Big Data  ◾  155 ZooKeeper
Yahoo developed a distributed coordination system called ZooKeeper [8], and later,
it was taken over by the Apache Software Foundation. To coordinate the distrib-
uted applications, it offers an integrated service. ZooKeeper provides the following
support for distributed coordination:

◾◾ Sequential consistency: Client updates are made in an orderly manner as

they are sent.
◾◾ Atomicity: All the updates should be complete. No partial updates are
◾◾ Single system: Distributed ZooKeeper system has a single system image for
◾◾ Reliability: The updates are more persistent and more reliable.

The capabilities of ZooKeeper can be used by applications to build functions with

higher level of controls, such as read/write maintainable locks, queues, hurdles, and
leader. Hadoop DFS
HDFS is a hierarchical file system consisting [55] of directories and files similar to
a UNIX file system. Users can perform all the administrative and manipulation
operations such as create, delete, copy, save, and move files to the HDFS as in a
normal UNIX system.
HDFS architecture: HDFS architecture consists of two units: a single name
node and multiple data nodes. Name node is a local file system responsible for
managing the file system namespace and tracks. Edit log keeps track of the logs and
updates whenever changes are made to the file system. Additionally, it keeps track
of all the blocks in the file system assigned to data nodes and mapping of blocks to
data nodes.
Name nodes are replicated for fault tolerance. To manage a large number of
files, file systems are divided into a number of blocks and are saved on data nodes.
The operations on files and directories such as opening, closing, and renaming are
performed by the name node. Mapping of blocks to data nodes is tracked by the
name node. The client directly communicates to the data nodes by obtaining a list
of files from the name node to read a file.
Block report is used to manage the copies of files. A separate file is created for
each block stored in the local file system by the data node. It also creates directories
for dividing the files belonging to different applications.
Fault tolerance in HDFS: HDFS replicates the files into blocks and keeps
them in different data nodes for fault tolerance. The name node uses the replicated
copy of blocks to process the requested data chunk if any data node goes down.
156  ◾  Data Analytics

6.5.2 Resource Management
Clusters of commodity servers are cost-efficient solutions for intensive scientific com-
putations and are used for running large Internet services. The issues of traditional
resource management for Hadoop and Storm are described in two aspects: First, a
system that runs Hadoop or Storm should be commodity hardware. Second, Hadoop
requires a lot of configurations and scheduling to support fine-grained tasks.
To address these issues of traditional resource management system, new tools
such as YARN [56] and Mesos [57] are introduced.

◾◾ YARN: It offers a resource management structure in cluster for better

resource utilization. Before introducing YARN into the Hadoop framework,
the cluster is partitioned to share the resources and different frameworks are
run on these partitions. But this was not a promising way of efficient resource
utilization. Hence, YARN was introduced in Hadoop V2.0 to handle diverse
computational frameworks on the same cluster.
◾◾ Mesos: It is another cluster resource manager that supports processing frame-
works such as Hadoop, Spark, Storm, and Hypertable run on shared cluster

The abovementioned two resource management approaches are compared in terms

of their design and scheduling work.
Mesos first finds free and available resources and then calls the application
scheduler. This model includes a two-level scheduler with pluggable scheduling
algorithms and is called a non-monolithic model. Mesos supports an unlimited
number of scheduling algorithms, thus allowing thousands of schedulers to run as
multi-tenants on the same cluster. Each structure has the flexibility of deciding the
algorithms that are used to schedule the tasks to be run.
However, in Apache YARN, when a job request arrives, it tries to approximate the
available resource and schedules the job accordingly in a monolithic model. YARN
is improved for scheduling Hadoop jobs, typically batch jobs, with a long running
time. It does not handle DFSs or database services. Combining the new algorithms,
the scheduling program allows YARN to handle different types of workloads.

6.5.3 NoSQL Database: Unstructured Data Management

NoSQL database is used to manage unstructured, complex, nested, and hier-
archical data structures [18,19]. As relational database systems are no longer
capable of handling the unstructured data or they need a lot of manipulations,
it is not a good solution for big data analytics. There is a dramatic change in
the requirements of database management with the evolution of interactive web
applications and smartphone applications. The need of high-performance data
Relational Database and Big Data  ◾  157

computing, availability, and scalability is fulfilled by the NoSQL database. It is

a schema-less design and does not need to follow any format like the tables in a
relation database. Apache HBase
HBase is stimulated by the Google Bigtable application [4]. It is built on HDFS
and is a multidimensional, distributed, column-oriented data storage method. It
provides faster access to records and updates for the data tables. It uses HDFS to
store the data and ZooKeeper framework for distributed coordination. Row key,
column key, and a timestamp are used for distributed index mapping in the HBase
multidimensional data model. The row keys are used for organizing the mapping.
Each row has its unique key, and a set of columns and number of columns are
added dynamically to the column families. Apache Cassandra
Apache Cassandra [7] was developed by Facebook and is based on a peer-to‐peer
distributed key-value store construct. Cassandra is a row-oriented data model where
all nodes are treated as equal. Cassandra is suitable for real-time applications where
a large data needs to be handled with a faster random access.
Three orthogonal properties called consistency, availability, and partition toler-
ance (CAP) [58] are considered to develop distributed applications. It is difficult
to satisfy all three properties together to have tolerable latency for the operations,
according to the CAP theorem. By loosening the value of strong consistency to sub-
sequent consistency, Cassandra satisfies two properties, high availability and parti-
tion acceptance. Cassandra uses partitioning and replication similar to the Amazon
Dynamo database model.
Architecture: Cassandra data model is based on the design of Google Bigtable.
The data model is partitioned into a number of rows, and each row contains a
number of columns. Similar to SQL, Cassandra offers a query language CQL
(Cassandra Query language). Tables are designed to hold duplicates of the data, but
CQL does not support join operations. For faster access to data values, Cassandra
present indexes on columns.

6.5.4 Data Processing
Basic data processing frameworks are divided into batch mode, stream mode, or
graph processing and interactive analysis mode based on their processing meth-
ods and speed. The resource managers, Mesos and YARN, manage these runtime
systems in clusters at the lower layers. Unstructured data from HDFS as well as
structured data from NoSQL are used as an input to these systems. Output of these
158  ◾  Data Analytics

structures are redirected to these storage layers or cached for performing analytics
and visualization on it. Batch Processing
Batch processing is suitable for processing large amounts of data stored in batches.
Hadoop Map Reduce is a basic model introduced to process huge amounts of data
in batch. However, it is not suitable for all kinds of batch processing tasks such
as iterative processing. To overcome some of these disadvantages, new processing
models, Spark and Apache Hama, are presented.

1. Hadoop
Hadoop is a distributed processing framework to processes big datasets over
groups of computers [16] using simple programming models. It is planned
and designed for scale-up from single servers to thousands of machines. The
role of each computer is to provide storage and local computation, instead
of depending on hardware, to provide high-availability. Machine learning
libraries are designed and modified to handle failures at the application layer,
hence providing an extensive service on top of the clusters.
Hadoop framework was introduced and published by Google, illustrat-
ing its method to manage and process a large data. Afterward, Hadoop is the
typical structure for storing, processing, and analyzing terabytes to exabyte
of data. As Doug Cutting started developing Hadoop, the framework got its
name “Hadoop” from his son’s toy elephant.
Yahoo is a main contributor to Hadoop advancement. Using 10,000-core
Hadoop clusters, by 2008, Yahoo’s web search engine index was generated.
It was developed to run on local hardware, and without any system interven-
tion, it can scale up and down. Three important functions of Hadoop frame-
work are storage, resource management, and processing.
– Hadoop Map Reduce (prior to version 2.0): Hadoop Map Reduce
structure consists of three main components: HDFS, job tracker (master),
and task tracker (slave). HDFS is used to store and share the data among
Map Reduce jobs computational tasks. First, the job tracker reads the
input data from the HDFS and splits it into partitions to run map tasks
on each input partition, and the intermediate results are stored in the
local file system. Second, reduce tasks read the intermediate results from
map tasks and run the reduced code on it. The results of the reduce phase
are saved in HDFS.
– Hadoop Map Reduce Version 2.0: A new version of Map Reduce intro-
duces the resource allocation and scheduling tool, Apache YARN [59].
Task tracker is replaced by YARN node managers. To keep track of the
finished jobs, job history server is a new added feature to the architecture.
Relational Database and Big Data  ◾  159

Initially, clients request YARN for the resources required for their
jobs. The resource manager assigns a place to execute the master task on
– Hadoop characteristics:
1. Fault tolerant: The Hadoop cluster is highly prone to failures as thou-
sands of nodes are running on the commodity hardware. However,
data redundancy and data replication are implied to achieve fault
2. Redundancy of data: Hadoop divides data into many blocks and
stores them across two or more data nodes to improve the redun-
dancy. The master node preserves information of these nodes and
data mapping.
3. To scale up and scale down: The distributed nature of Hadoop file
system allows Hadoop to scale up and scale down by adding or delet-
ing the number of nodes required in the cluster.
4. Computations moved to data: Queries are computed on data nodes
locally and the results are obtained by combining them in paral-
lel to avoid the overhead of bringing the data to the computational
2. Spark
Spark was built on top of HDFS as an open-source project [60] by the
University of Berkley to address the issues of Hadoop Map Reduce. The
objective of the system is to support iterative computation and increase
the speed of distributed parallel processing to overcome the limitations of
Hadoop Map Reduce.
In-memory fault-tolerant data structure, resilient distributed datasets
(RDDs), was introduced by [61,62] the Berkeley University for efficient data
sharing across parallel computations. It supports batch, iterative, interactive,
and streaming in the same runtime with significantly high performance. It
also allows applications to scaled up and scale down with efficient sharing of
data. Spark differs from Hadoop by supporting simple join and group-by basic
Spark with RDDs runs applications with 100 times faster in memory and
10 times faster on disk compared to Hadoop Map Reduce.
Spark overcomes some of the limitations of Hadoop as follows:
1. Iterative algorithms: Spark allows applications and users to explicitly
cache data by calling the cache () operation, so that subsequent queries
can use intermediate results stored at the cache and provide dramatic
improvements in time and memory utilization.
2. Streaming data: Spark offers an application programming interface to
process the streaming data. It also gives an opportunity to design meth-
ods to process real-time streaming data with minimum latency.
160  ◾  Data Analytics

3. Reuse intermediate results: Instead of saving output to the disk every

time, it is cached to reuse for other computations, thus reducing the time.
RDDs are fault tolerant as they record the modifications and use them
to rebuild a lost copy of dataset rather than the actual data. If any slice
of RDD crashes, it stores sufficient information for recomputation and
recovery without demanding costly replication.
4. Unlike Hadoop, Spark is not only limited to iterative Map and Red­
uce tasks that need an implicit group-by. Further, map phase should
need serialization and disk I/O call in each iteration. RDDs are basi-
cally ­in-memory cache aids to avoid frequent serialization and I/O
overhead. Distributed Stream Processing

Apache Storm [63] and Apache S4 [51] are the two main distributed stream pro-
cessing tools. Twitter built Apache Storm and Yahoo developed S4 “Simple Scalable
Streaming System” for real-time stream processing.

1. Storm
Storm is an open-source distributed real-time computation framework, dedi-
cated to stream processing. It offers a fault-tolerant mechanism to execute
computation on an event as it runs into a system.
Using Apache Storm, it is easy to process real-time streaming [63] data.
It has many useful applications, such as real-time analytics, online machine
learning, continuous computation, distributed RPC (remote procedure call),
and ETL (extract, transform, and load). Storm is easy to set up and operate.
It is also scalable and fault tolerant. Storm typically does not run on top of
Hadoop clusters, and it uses Apache ZooKeeper and its own master worker
processes to manage topologies.
2. S4
S4 offers a modest programing model [51] for programmers and offers an ease
and efficient automated distributed execution, for example, automatic load
balancing. On the other hand, in Storm, the programmer should take care
of load balancing, adjusting size of the buffer, and the level of parallelism for
getting optimum performance. Graph Processing
The earlier method of graph processing on top of Map Reduce was inefficient as
it took entire graphs as input and processed them and then wrote the complete
updated graph into the disk. Pregel [64], Giraph [65], and many other systems are
developed for efficient graph processing and to overcome the limitations of Map
Relational Database and Big Data  ◾  161

Pregel was constructed on the bulk synchronous parallel model (BSP) [64]
as a graph processing parallel system. In the BSP model, a set of processors
that are interconnected by a communication network follow a different set
of computation threads in which individual processors are armed with a fast
local memory. The platform based on the BSP model consists of the following
three important mechanisms:
– Trained system for processing local memory transactions (i.e., processors)
– Efficient networks for communication between these systems
– A hardware support for synchronization between the systems
Apache Giraph
Giraph is developed on top of Apache Hadoop for graph processing. Giraph
is built on Pregel for distributed processing of a graph [65]. Pregel is built
on top of Apache Hadoop, and it runs into map tasks of Map Reduce. To
coordinate between its tasks, Pregel uses Apache ZooKeeper, and for inter-
node communications, it uses Netty. A set of vertices and edges are used to
represent a graph in Giraph. Vertices perform computational tasks and con-
nections are represented by edges. Compared to Giraph, Pregel is used for
very large-scale graph processing. High-Level Languages for Data Processing

To retrieve the information from huge amounts of data stored in HDFS and
NoSQL database, small batch jobs were used by programmers. The high-level lan-
guages enable programmers to easily access the data stored in HDFS or NoSQL
database. Pig and Hive are examples of high-level languages for data processing.

It is a procedure-oriented high-level programming language developed by
Yahoo for scripting Hadoop Map Reduce jobs. The language is also called Pig
Latin. Data pipelines are represented in a more usual way as it is a procedure-
oriented language. Due to its procedural nature PIG is suitable for iterative
data processing, data pipeline applications, and transformation jobs, and is
best suited for processing unstructured data.
A major advantage of PIG [66] compared to a declarative language is
that one can have control and check the operations performed over the data.
In declarative languages, programmers must have a good knowledge of the
algorithms and data operations and should also have knowledge on query
optimizer to choose the appropriate query to process the data.
Hive [67] is developed on Hadoop as a high-level language to perform
analytics on big data. It supports large amounts of structured data process-
ing. It offers a method to map a structure of the data stored in HDFS and
162  ◾  Data Analytics

query it by using a query language such as HiveQL. Like SQL in RDBMS,

HiveQL is a query language for Hadoop systems to query large-scale struc-
tured data. The queries are sometimes compiled to Map Reduce jobs to
read the data. Whereas simple queries are run directly without map reduce
to read the data from HDFS. To maintain the metadata about tables, Hive
uses RDBMS tables. In JDBC, Hive JDBC drivers are used to access the
tables created by Hive, making them available for a rich set of operations
supported by Java.

6.5.5 Data Analytics at the Speed Layer

Standard data analytical methods are developed using machine learning and data
mining algorithms for specific applications [4,44,68]. Advancing these methods is
necessary for optimizing the performance of analytical tasks for large-scale data.
Machine learning libraries are built to archive different machine learning algo-
rithms to apply for different applications on the speed layer.

Mahout is a set of machine learning algorithm library [4] built on Hadoop
Map Reduce to support various analytical tasks. It also aims to include vari-
ous algorithms for machine learning on different distributed systems. Mahout
library includes several algorithms for various tasks as shown in Table 6.2.
It is a machine learning library developed on Spark [9,68] that consists of a set
of machine learning algorithms, as shown in Table 6.3, for classification and
clustering, regression analysis, and collaborative filtering.
A summary of the chapter on relational data and big data analytical
methods and technologies is presented in Table 6.4 and Figure 6.4. An over-
view of characteristics and tools and technologies for managing structured
and unstructured data is represented in the form of a flowchart to easily
understand the overview of bog data tools and technologies. It also shows the

Table 6.2  Algorithms in Mahout

Algorithms Task

Naive Bayes, neural networks, boosting, logistic regression Classification

Hierarchical clustering, canopy clustering, k-means, fuzzy Clustering

k-means, spectral clustering, minimum hash clustering,
top-down clustering, mean shift clustering

Frequent item mining Pattern mining

Relational Database and Big Data  ◾  163

Table 6.3  Algorithms of MLlib

Algorithms Task

Logistic regression, linear support vector machines Binary


Linear regression, L1 (lasso) regression, L2 (ridge) Regression


k-means Clustering

Alternating least squares Collaborative


area of applications for which big data technology and relational database are

6.6 Future Work and Conclusion

6.6.1 Future Work on Real-Time Data Analytics
In earlier days, producing a result by processing petabyte of data in an hour was a
challenging task. Nowadays, technological progresses have made it possible to see the
results in a minute. Advancement of data analytics and computational intelligence
made it possible to think about questions and get answers in a fraction of seconds.
Introduction of big data technology improves and supports data-driven
­decision-making from large-scale data. However, applications of big data analytics
are currently bound by significant latency. Many of the above big data technologies
need to advance toward real-time analytics. The challenging task is to find results
on time or in a fraction of seconds. The challenges further intensify when data is
related with other data.
The focus of big data analytics so far is to collect previously unused data, store
it in a database, and manage, preprocess, and analyze the data to find new insights.
However, the main objective of real-time big data analytics [29] is to process and
analyze continuously generating, randomly changing, streaming data. It will be
challenging to store all the data and events and get answers within a fraction of
seconds. Therefore, real-time big data analytics systems should process data by sam-
pling events without losing any valuable information from the data.
Fast processing and analysis for making quick decisions is important for real-
time big data analytics. So, future research work in this direction will give better
predictions and actionable decisions in real time. Real-time analytics of big data
finds its application in numerous areas including finance, health care, fraud detec-
tion, finance industry, and social media.
Table 6.4  Relational and Big Data Tools and Technologies

164  ◾  Data Analytics

Storage and Data
Data Characteristics Management Tools Processing Analytics Visualization Application

Relational Atomicity, DBMS, data SQL On-line Data mining, Graph, chart Employee
data consistency, warehouse, transaction clustering, details
(structured isolation, and data mart processing classification management,
data) durability [14] (OLTP), hospital
On-line management,
analytical insurance
processing company

Big data Volume, HDFS (DFS) NoSQL [19] Batch: Mathematic: Tableau Social media
(unstructured velocity, HBase [4] Hadoop Statistics, (Jason computing,
data) veracity, verity Cassandra Map Fundamental Brooks, health care,
[17] [7] reduce [2] Mathematics 2016) government,
Spark [60] R TOOL finance,
PYTHON business, and

Coordinator: Stream: Data analysis: Text analytics,

ZooKeeper S4 Data mining web analytics,
Thrift Storm Machine stream
learning: analytics,
MLlib predictive
Mahout analytics

Table 6.4 (Continued)  Relational and Big Data Tools and Technologies
Storage and Data
Data Characteristics Management Tools Processing Analytics Visualization Application

Relational Database and Big Data  ◾  165

Resource Graph:
management: Giraph
(job Pregel

166  ◾  Data Analytics






BIG DATA ZooKeeper










Figure 6.4  Flow chart of big data analytical tools and technologies.

6.6.2 Conclusion
Enormous amounts of data are generated with increasing speed in different formats
due to digitization around the world. Big data technology will definitely enter every
domain, enterprise, and organization. Traditional database management system
Relational Database and Big Data  ◾  167

fails to scale for growing data needs such as multiple partitioning and paralleliz-
ing abilities. It is also incapable of storing, managing, and analyzing unstructured
data generated from different sources such as sensors, smart applications, wearable
technologies, smartphones, and social networking websites. Evolution of big data
analytics and tools and technologies made it possible to efficiently handle huge
unstructured growing data. One of the most popular open source frameworks,
Hadoop, is a generally recognized system for large-scale data analytics. It is mainly
known and accepted for support in large-scale distributed parallel computing of
clusters, and is cost-effective, fault tolerant, reliable, and provides highly scalable
support for processing and managing terabyte to petabyte of data. However, it is
not suitable for real-time data analytics. To overcome the incapability of this earlier
version of Hadoop system for real-time analytics, a new framework was introduced,
known as Spark. To support real-time analytics, Spark with RDDs gives results in a
fraction of seconds. Several areas such as business, social media, government, health
care, and security are implementing big data technologies to gain knowledge from
previously unused data to make better decisions and predictions. In the future, it
will be motivating to overcome the drawbacks of the Spark and Hadoop systems
and work toward real-time analytics. The challenges in batch processing and stream
processing analytical systems also need to be addressed in the future work.

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Chapter 7

Big Graph Analytics:

Techniques, Tools,
Challenges, and
Dhananjay Kumar Singh
National Institute of Technology, Durgapur

Pijush Kanti Dutta Pramanik and Prasenjit Choudhury

National Institute of Technology, Durgapur

7.1 Introduction..............................................................................................172
7.2 Graph + Big Data = Big Graph..................................................................175
7.2.1 The Scale of Big Graph: How Big Is Big Graph?............................175
7.2.2 V ’s of Big Graph............................................................................ 176
7.2.3 Graph Databases............................................................................ 176
7.3 Big Graph Analytics..................................................................................179
7.3.1 Definition......................................................................................179
7.3.2 Relationships: The Basics of Graph Analytics................................179
7.4 Big Graph Analytics Approaches...............................................................180
7.4.1 In-Memory Big Graph Analytics...................................................183
7.4.2 S SD-Based Big Graph Analytics....................................................184
7.4.3 D  isk-Based Big Graph Analytics....................................................185

172  ◾  Data Analytics

7.4.4 Other Big Graph Analytics Frameworks........................................186

7.5 G raph Analytic Techniques.......................................................................186
7.5.1 Centrality Analysis........................................................................186 D  egree Centrality............................................................186 Eigenvector Centrality.....................................................187 K atz Centrality................................................................187 PageRank Centrality.......................................................187 Closeness Centrality........................................................188 Betweenness Centrality...................................................188
7.5.2 Path Analysis.................................................................................188
7.5.3 Community Analysis.....................................................................188
7.5.4 Connectivity Analysis....................................................................189
7.6 A lgorithms for Big Graph Analytics..........................................................189
7.6.1 PageRank.......................................................................................189
7.6.2 Connected Component.................................................................189
7.6.3 Distributed Minimum Spanning Tree...........................................189
7.6.4 Graph Search.................................................................................189
7.6.5 C  lustering......................................................................................190
7.7 Issues and Challenges of Big Graph Analytics...........................................190
7.7.1 H igh-Degree Vertex.......................................................................190
7.7.2 S parseness......................................................................................190
7.7.3 D ata-Driven Computations........................................................... 191
7.7.4 U nstructured Problems.................................................................. 191
7.7.5 In-Memory Challenge................................................................... 191
7.7.6 Communication Overhead............................................................ 191
7.7.7 Load Balancing.............................................................................. 191
7.8 Applications of Big Graph Analytics......................................................... 191
7.8.1 Social Network Analysis................................................................192
7.8.2 Behavior Analytics.........................................................................192
7.8.3 Biological Networks.......................................................................192
7.8.4 Recommendation Systems.............................................................193
7.8.5 Smart Cities...................................................................................193
7.8.6 Geospatial Data and Logistics.......................................................193
7.8.7 Insurance Fraud Detection............................................................194
7.9 Conclusions...............................................................................................194

7.1 Introduction
The attainment of Google has made the phrase “to Google” synonymous with
the search for anything. The success mantra behind Google’s dominance as
a search engine is its ability to exploit the direct and indirect connections
Big Graph Analytics  ◾  173

among the humongous amounts of data. Google has adopted the graph-centric
approach to represent and model the relationships between documents and has
used graph analysis techniques to understand their semantics and contexts and
find out relevant information. The more vast and diverse data it can explore, the
more relevant information can be extracted. With the explosion of the digital
world, the amount of digital data originated from varied sources is increasing
colossally. In today’s world, the devices, processes, people, and other entities
are becoming more connected than ever before. As the number of data sources
increases, it is vital that we define the underlying relationships between them.
Social media, sensors, surveillance intelligence, industrial control systems, and
connected devices have become visibly important in the data-procurement
scenario. With this explosive increase of global data, the term “big data” was
coined and mainly used to describe huge datasets that are generated from
numerous heterogeneous sources [1]. Mining and analyzing these data helps us
to get an in-depth knowledge of the hidden values that bring new opportuni-
ties for discovering new values. As the variety and volume of our data increase,
more sophisticated methods are required to unveil the valuable information
hidden in it.
Although big data generated from diverse sources might appear to be discrete
and isolated on the surface, they are all nodes of a bigger network that binds them
through complex relationships. The modern big data increasingly appears in the
form of large-scale complex graphs/networks. Some of the examples of massive
complex networks include the World Wide Web, the physical Internet, phone
networks, online social networks (OSNs), and biological networks. In addition
to their big sizes, these graphs/networks are transient, noisy, and dynamic. They
also conform to most of the popular V’s (e.g., volume, velocity, variety) that
define big data. Hence, these large-scale graph-structured data are referred to as
the “big graph.”
The term “graph analytics” refers exactly to the study and analysis of data that
can be transformed into big graph representations.
Graph analytics is a fast-growing field in both big data mining and visualiza-
tion community that is utilized for numerous multidisciplinary and high-impact
applications, such as network security, finance, and health care. Even though the
analysis of unstructured collections of multidimensional points has already been
addressed in the past by several methods, graph analytic technologies form a rather
recent trend and they pose many challenges, concerning not only the performance
of the data mining algorithms that promote knowledge discovery through algorith-
mic computation but also the production of effective graph visualizations in order
to enhance human perception.
Graph analytics is all about modeling, storing, retrieving, and performance
analysis of graph-structured data by applying a combination of statistical, graph
theoretic, and graph database techniques. These techniques enable us to understand
174  ◾  Data Analytics

the structure of a large network and how it changes in different conditions, identify
clusters/modules or closely interacting subgroups inside the graphs, find subgraphs
that are similar to a given pattern, or find paths between the pairs of entities that
satisfy different constraints.
The main purpose of graph analytics is to analyze graph-structured data to
find the answers to questions (e.g., Who are the most influential people in a com-
munity? What are the important infrastructure nodes in the Internet or urban
networks?) for better practical actions and decision-making.
Thus, graph analytics can be used to model all sorts of relationships and pro-
cesses in a wide range of applications. For instance, they can reveal the patterns
across varying datasets that signal at the beginning of cyberattacks.
Graph techniques can also identify the root (cause) of surrounding or bigger
events, i.e., they can help in finding the most influential people in social media.
Alternatively, graph analytics can help in the identification of communities that
revolve around a certain theme, i.e., it helps in detecting patterns in communica-
tion that might indicate a threat to national defense by identifying the groups of
people who have been communicating about terrorist events, something security
agencies and/or authorities might be interested in.
Throughout the history of computation, graph analytics has always been an
interesting topic for researchers, but due to the big data movement, which has seen
an increased use of the advanced analytics on huge volumes of semistructured or
unstructured data, the research on big graph processing has also attracted the atten-
tion of the computer science fraternity in recent years.
In the modern digital ecosystem, the need for differently advanced graph ana-
lytics to make out something of the big data becomes more than essential as the
sources, types, and the amount of data continue to expand. In this respect, the con-
textual impact of data and the impact of graph analytics technologies on organiza-
tions seeking to discover the cause, effect, interrelation, and the influence of events
on business outcomes need to be defined. In this way, big graph analytics are not
only able to identify the key insights in the big data but also able to visualize them.
Moreover, they can detect correlations of the findings and determine their nature
and their significance within the given environment. New tools and algorithms
need to be developed regularly to help the business stakeholders optimize their key
business processes and open new opportunities.
The rest of the chapter is organized as follows: Section 7.2 examines the bigness
of the graph and how graphs are related to big data. To store big graph data, we
need special databases. This section also mentions some popular graph databases.
Section 7.3 defines and explains big graph analytics. Section 7.4 mentions differ-
ent big graph analytics approaches while categorizing different frameworks for each
approach. Sections 7.5 and 7.6 discuss different techniques and algorithms used in
graph analytics. Section 7.7 mentions the issues and challenges involved in big graph
analytics. Section 7.8 identifies a number of such application areas for big graph ana-
lytics. Section 7.9 concludes the chapter.
Big Graph Analytics  ◾  175

7.2 Graph  + Big Data = Big Graph

Graphs are widely used structures that aid in representing networks consisting of
nodes and their interconnections called edges. They could be exploited to describe
paths in a city, circuit networks like telephone and computer ones or even social
networks, whereby each node is a structure and contains information such as per-
son name, date of birth, and address. It, thus, becomes apparent that data used in
a wide range of applications can be intuitively formulated into a graph, providing a
holistic view of the correlations that an entity participates in and extending to both
visualization and analytics fields.
Generally, the complex interactions, relationships, and interdependencies
between the objects are naturally modeled as graphs. Graph is the best method to
store and query the complex interconnected data. To represent the data in a wide
range of application domains (e.g., computational biology, knowledge bases, social
science, computer networks, astronomy, telecommunications, protein networks,
semantic web, bioinformatics applications, and much more), graphs are used.
To model different types of relations and processes in biological, social, physical,
and information systems, graphs can be used. For example, in computer science,
massive graphs are used to represent networks of communication, computational
devices, data organization, and computation flow.
Though graph structures have been used since the early days of computer sci-
ence [2], the importance of graphs has been rejuvenated with the emergence of big
data, e.g., recommender systems, consumer web [3], social graphs, etc. The big
data is often represented graphically and is referred to as big graph because graphi-
cal modeling helps in understanding the relationships among big data that are
really complex and diverse in nature. Considering the overgrown data size, con-
structing proper queries for information retrieval has become difficult, time con-
suming, and sometimes ineffective. The graph has a big role to play in information
retrieval in the big data era. The connected data, in a grand fashion, will be able
to express its semantics and context, independently and automatically [4]. Our
ability to understand and utilize big graphs will lead us beyond mere information
retrieval. Proper big graph analysis unearths the answers that might otherwise go
unquestioned explicitly.

7.2.1 The Scale of Big Graph: How Big Is Big Graph?

One of the examples of a massive graph is the web graph. Recently, Google estimated
roughly that the total number of web pages exceeds one trillion and the WWW
experimental graphs contain more than 20 billion pages and 160 billion hyperlinks
[5]. Another example of a large-scale graph is social networks. In 2012, reportedly,
the Facebook network contained more than thousands of millions of users (nodes)
and more than 140 billion friendship relationships (edges) [5]. As of the third quar-
ter of 2017, monthly active Facebook users has reached up to 2.07 billion [6]. In the
176  ◾  Data Analytics

LinkedIn network, very nearly 8 million users (nodes) and 60 million friendship
relationships (edges) exist. The latest estimate states that the user count reached 500
million [7]. And in the semantic web network, DBpedia ontology contains nearly 4
million objects (nodes) and almost 400 million facts (edges) [5].

7.2.2 V’s of Big Graph

Big data is often defined by the famous five V’s: volume, variety, velocity, value, and
veracity. Similarly, big graph may also be described using some of these V’s as well.
The following four V’s more appropriately define big graphs.

Volume: The volume represents the size of the graph in terms of the number of
nodes and edges. As the volume of graph increases, the analysis gets difficult.
Data-to-analysis time is too high if the volume of the graph is big [8].
Velocity: The velocity is the rate at which the graphs increase in size and com-
plexity (in large graphs, the streaming edges). These streaming edges make
graph analytics very difficult. The continuous stream of edges does not fit in
the memory. And this makes it difficult to compute a metric, e.g., the shortest
distance between two nodes and counting of strongly connected groups [8].
Variety: There are different sources and types of data that are combined to form
the graphs. The graphs data are often created through integration, e.g., XML/
JSON, relational, document, and graph-structured data [8]. The different
types of large graphs may have different meanings that can make the things
more complex if they are combined. Some examples are citation networks,
social networks, protein–protein interaction networks, ontologies, and linked
data/semantic web.
Valence: Valence refers to the degree of connectedness or interdependence. If
the valence is high, then the data elements are strongly related. In graph
analytics, this relatedness is significantly exploited. In some cases, as the
time valence increases, the average distance between the arbitrary node pairs
decreases and the parts of massive graph become denser [8].

7.2.3 Graph Databases
Legacy relational database management systems (RDBMSs) have been successfully
utilized to store, manage, and retrieve data for a long time. But the emergence of
big data has exposed the weakness of RDBMSs in handling relationships between
a huge number of heterogeneous data points semantically, which is absolutely nec-
essary to generate unforeseen insight from various data sources. Their tabular data
models and rigid schemas make it difficult to add connections that are new and/or
diverse in nature [9]. As the relationships between data points are more important
than the isolated data points, to leverage those data relationships, different DBMS
approaches are needed, which prioritize storing the relationship between the data
Big Graph Analytics  ◾  177

rather than the data itself. Graph databases do exactly the same. A graph database
is a database that uses graph structures to represent and store data. The relation-
ships between data (nodes) are represented through the directed edges of the graph.
Storing big data using graph database is like having a mini web inside our big data
applications. To crawl through that web, one can set off from a logical starting
point and fan out through the edges until the goal is attained. Graph databases
not only store the relationships between the data points effectively, but they are
also flexible in adding new and diverse kinds of relationships or in adapting a data
model to new business requirements [9]. A graph database is more appropriate for
dealing with complex, densely connected, and semistructured data. Some of the
popular graph databases are discussed briefly as follows:

Neo4j (Neo Technology): Neo4j [10], the world’s leading graph database, is a
high-performance, scalable, and robust database that is appropriate for enter-
prise deployment. The features of Neo4j are high-speed querying through
traversals, scales to trillions of nodes and relationships, declarative graph
query language, and so on.
DEX: DEX [11] is a high-performance graph database querying system. For
temporary graphs, DEX includes best integrity model. DEX makes the graph
querying possible in various networks, e.g., pattern recognition, link analysis,
keyword search, and social network analysis.
InfoGrid: InfoGrid [12] is an open-source web graph database and is being
developed in Java. It includes many important software components, which
make the buildup of web applications on a graph very easy.
InfiniteGraph: InfiniteGraph [13] is a scalable, cross-platform, and distributed
graph database. It is able to manage very complex relationships which require
multiple hops and are designed to yield very high throughput. InfiniteGraph
provides very high performance in terms of the query and also allows graph-
wise indexes on multiple key fields.
HyperGraphDB: HyperGraphDB [14] is an open-source graph database based
on generalized hypergraphs. It is a transactional, embedded graph database
designed as a universal data model. HyperGraphDB is used in the model-
ing of the graph data for very complex, large-scale knowledge representation
applications, e.g., natural language processing, artificial intelligence, bioin-
formatics, and so on.
Titan: Titan [15] is a very highly scalable graph database for querying and stor-
ing graphs having billions of vertices and trillions of edges. In real time,
Titan supports a large number of concurrent users executing the complex
graph traversals. It gives very fast responses to very complex queries and also
provides various important features, such as support for the global graph data
analytics using Apache Giraph integration.

Table 7.1 compares the properties of the abovementioned graph databases.

178  ◾  Data Analytics
Table 7.1  Comparison of Different Graph Databases
Name Language Type Features Weakness Strength

Neo4j Java Transactional Native graph storage and Does not support ACID-compliant
processing sharding transactional database

Dex C++ Bitmap-based Allows for integration of Integrity High-performance and

multiple data sources constraint scalable

InfoGrid Java Web graph Data integration, Data Linkage Combine data
referencing description integration with
language knowledge discovery

InfiniteGraph Java Distributed Cloud-enabled, cross- Loosely Designed to handle the

platform, scalable, etc. synchronized very high throughput
batch loader

HyperGraphDB Java Embedded, Directed hypergraphs- Reachability Portable

Transactional based open-source data
storage mechanism

Titan Java Highly scalable Batch graph processing Dependent on the Scaling feature
using Hadoop framework third-party
storage backend
Big Graph Analytics  ◾  179

7.3 Big Graph Analytics

Big graph analytics is an exciting new area for data analytics. In big graph analytics,
to model, store, retrieve, and perform analysis, a combination of statistical, graph
theoretic, and graph database techniques is applied to the graph-structured data.
These techniques are very useful for the researchers to understand the structure of
a large network and how it changes in different conditions, e.g., finding subgraphs
that are similar to a given pattern, identifying closely interacting subgroups inside
a graph, and finding paths between the pairs of entities that satisfy different con-
straints [16].

7.3.1 Definition
The big graph analytics is essentially an important and effective tool for knowledge
discovery in big data. In big graph analytics, the underlying data can be modeled or
is natively structured as a set of graphs. Graph analytics leverage graph-structured
data to visualize and understand relationships that exist between devices or people
in a network. It is used to model the pairwise relationships between objects, people,
or nodes in a network. Big graph analytics can uncover insights about the strengths
and directions of the relationships hidden in the big data. Example of strengths of
the relationship—How frequently do individuals or nodes communicate with each
other? What other individuals or nodes tend to join that conversation? Example of
directions of the relationship—Who does typically start the conversation? Is it a two-
way conversation or does one always lead? In what situations and how often does the
conversation get forwarded to others?
Big graph analytics defines and strengthens these complex relationships by
using mathematical concepts of graph theory. Graph analytics can help to answer
the questions—What is the maximum number of friends an individual has? How
many friends do individuals have on average? How interconnected are the groups of
users? Are there isolated groups of individuals who are connected to each other, but not
to individuals that are not in their group?

7.3.2 Relationships: The Basics of Graph Analytics

The OSNs (e.g., LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook) are driven by the fundamental
concepts of connections and relationships. The Facebook users can use services
such as Graph Search to find friends of friends who like the same cricket team or
who live in the same city, and based on the mutual connections that two or more
unconnected individuals have established, the site frequently suggests “people you
may know.” LinkedIn emphasizes on helping professionals to increase their social
connections. Moreover, the ability to assess and comprehend such relationships is a
key component that drives the world of business analytics. The business managers
180  ◾  Data Analytics

are often interested to know—Who are the most social influencers? or Who has the
social power to influence the perspectives of others?
Consider the important question—How two or more persons might be con-
nected to social media? This question may seem simple, but when we look closely it
gets complicated. The simplest problem is in looking at how two or more persons
may be connected on Facebook. These connections might be friends or friends of
friends. Sometimes, two individuals may only get the connection by sharing a few
“Likes.” This information may be valuable to the business. So, we want to know
those specific persons out of the trillion users on Facebook so that we can target
those persons directly for online advertisements.

7.4 Big Graph Analytics Approaches

This section discusses different approaches used for big graph analytics as well as
the frameworks that follow these approaches. Figure 7.1 shows the classification of
different big graph analytics frameworks, while Table 7.2 summarizes and com-
pares the frameworks listed here.






Big Graph Analytics

SSD-Based FlashGraph



Disk-Based X-Stream



Figure 7.1  Classification of Big Graph Analytics Frameworks.

Table 7.2  Comparison of Different Big Graph Analytics Frameworks
Name Language Type Features Weakness Strength

Pregel C/C++ In-memory Vertex-centric Not suitable for Design for sparse graph
scalable computation dense graph

Apache Java In-memory Sharded aggregators, To reduce maximum Message-based

Giraph graph the vertex-centric API memory usage, it communication, global
processing does not have better synchronization, and
system workload balancing massively parallelizable

GraphLab C++ Graph-based Distributed data graph It does not support It preserves strong data
computation in which the program dynamically consistency guarantees
the state is stored as a evolving graphs
directed graph

Big Graph Analytics  ◾  181

Pregelix Java Dataflow- Pregel API with data — It handles both the in-memory
based parallel query and out-of-core workloads
Pregel-like evaluation
system techniques

GraphChi C++ Disk-based PSW method Limited parallelism, To minimize the number of
parallel graph separate steps for random accesses, it uses PSW
engine I/O processing and method
CPU processing

182  ◾  Data Analytics
Table 7.2 (Continued)  Comparison of Different Big Graph Analytics Frameworks
Name Language Type Features Weakness Strength

GraphX Scala Distributed Low-cost fault — It supports graph parallel

tolerance, abstractions and iterative
transparent recovery graph algorithms

PowerGraph C++ Distributed GAS decomposition, Time-evolving Highly parallel bulk

vertex partitioning graphs, out-of-core synchronous Pregel model of
storage, etc. computation, asynchronous
GraphLab model of

TurboGraph C++ Disk-based Pin-and-slide model — Full parallelism and full overlap
parallel graph (implements column of CPU processing and I/O
engine view of matrix-vector processing

Ringo C++ and Interactive, Interactive Python — Powerful operations to

Python large memory interface construct various types of
multicore graphs
Big Graph Analytics  ◾  183

7.4.1 In-Memory Big Graph Analytics

The in-memory graph analytics helps to quickly detect patterns, analyze the mas-
sive volume of graph data on the fly, and perform their operations very quickly. The
advantages of in-memory graph analytics include dramatic performance improve-
ments and cost-effectiveness The prominent big graph analytics frameworks that
follow this approach are mentioned as follows:

Pregel: Pregel [17] is a scalable, in-memory, fault-tolerant, graph-parallel dis-

tributed analytics engine. It is inspired by the Valiant’s bulk synchronous
parallel (BSP) model [18]. A C++ application programming interface (API)
of Pregel is specifically designed for graph algorithms, challenging researchers
to “think like a vertex.” In Pregel, at the beginning of a program, the input
graph is loaded once and all the operations are performed in-memory [16].
Pregel maintains data locality (to avoid communication overheads) by mak-
ing sure that computation is performed on the locally stored data.
Apache Giraph: Apache Giraph [19] is an iterative graph-processing platform built
for large graphs. It is mostly used to analyze social media data. For example,
Yahoo, Facebook, and Twitter are all users of Apache Giraph. These compa-
nies are tweaking Giraph to their own purposes. Apache Giraph is the open-
source counterpart to Pregel and is developed at Google. Beyond the basic
Pregel model, Apache Giraph adds many features, such as the master computa-
tion, edge-oriented input, sharded aggregators, and out-of-core computation.
For the coordination, checkpointing, and failure recovery schemes, Apache
Giraph uses the Apache ZooKeeper. At large scale, for unleashing the potential
of structured data, Apache Giraph is the best choice. Facebook uses Apache
Giraph to analyze the social graphs formed by the users and their connections.
GraphLab: GraphLab [20] is an asynchronous, in-memory, large-scale graph-­
parallel distributed analytics engine. Unlike Pregel that works on the BSP model,
GraphLab allows the vertices to be processed asynchronously as per the scheduler
[16]. Some of the characteristics of GraphLab are automatic fault tolerance, flex-
ibility in expressing arbitrary graph algorithms, and shared memory abstraction
(in contrast to Pregel that uses message-passing programming model). GraphLab
extends the shared memory concept to the distributed setting by relaxing the
scheduling requirements, refining the execution model, and introducing the new
distributed data graph, execution engines, and fault tolerance systems.
Ringo: Ringo [21] is an in-memory interactive graph analytics system that com-
bines the high-productivity analysis with fast and scalable execution time
[16]. It offers several features:
1. An interactive easy-to-use Python interface.
2. A rich set of over 200 advanced graph operations and algorithms, inte-
gration of tables and graph processing, and support for efficient graph
construction and transformations between tables and graphs.
184  ◾  Data Analytics

3. Object provenance tracking to make it easier for a data scientist to follow

multiple data exploration paths in parallel and later to reproduce the analyses.
Trinity: Trinity [22] is a scalable, memory-based distributed graph engine. The
main focus of Trinity is to optimize the memory and the communication costs
under the consideration that entire graph is divided across the memory cloud. It
is mainly designed to support fast graph exploration and efficient parallel graph
computations. To support large-scale graphs, Trinity organizes the memories
of multiple machines into the globally distributed addressable memory address
space. Furthermore, it leverages the graph access patterns in both offline and
online computations to optimize the memory and communication costs for
better performance. For bridging the data storage and graph model, Trinity
provides the support of a language called Trinity Specification Language.
PowerGraph: PowerGraph [23] is a scalable, graph-parallel distributed computa-
tion framework written in C++. With PowerGraph, it is possible to emulate
both computationally efficient asynchronous GraphLab model of computation
as well as the highly parallel bulk synchronous Pregel model of computation
[16]. For splitting high-degree vertices, factoring vertex programs over edges,
and exposing greater parallelism, PowerGraph uses the gather–apply–scatter
(GAS) model of computation. And to effectively place its large-scale graphs in a
distributed environment, PowerGraph allows vertex partitioning. PowerGraph
uses vertex partitioning and the fast-greedy heuristic collections to reduce the
communication costs and the storage of massive distributed power-law graphs.
GraphX: GraphX [24] is a graph analytics engine that supports distributed data
flow frameworks, such as Spark. To express the existing graph APIs, GraphX
introduces a composable graph abstraction. Its API enables the composition of
tabular and graph with unstructured data and permits the same physical data
to be viewed both as collections and as a graph without data duplication or
movement [16]. GraphX unifies the data-parallel and graph-parallel systems.

7.4.2 SSD-Based Big Graph Analytics

Analyzing massive-scale graphs requires a cluster of machines. So, the aggregate
memory exceeds the graph size. This problem can be solved by utilizing commodity
solid-state drives (SSDs) with a minimal performance loss. One of the well-known
frameworks that follow this approach is FlashGraph.

FlashGraph: FlashGraph [25] is a scalable, semi-external memory graph-­

processing engine on top of a user-space SSD file system that stores vertex
state in the memory and edge lists on the SSDs. To realize both high IOPS
(input/output operations per second) and lightweight caching for the SSD
arrays on nonuniform memory and the I/O systems, FlashGraph uses SAFS
(set-associative file system) and a user-space file system. FlashGraph reduces
data access by selectively accessing the edge lists required by the graph
Big Graph Analytics  ◾  185

algorithms from SSDs. It conservatively merges I/O requests to reduce the

CPU consumption and to increase the I/O throughput. To express the wide
range of graph algorithms and their optimizations, FlashGraph provides a
concise and flexible programming interface.

7.4.3 Disk-Based Big Graph Analytics

Analyzing massive-scale graphs such as biological networks, social networks, and
chemical compounds is a very challenging task. Many distributed graph analytics
engines analyze the massive-scale graphs efficiently but incur overheads of efficient
graph partitioning and distribution of graph over a cluster of machines. Distributed
graph processing also requires cluster management and fault tolerance. In order to
overcome these problems, many disk-based graph processing systems are proposed.
Some of them are mentioned as follows:

GraphChi: GraphChi [26] is a disk-based graph processing system for computing

efficiently on large-scale graphs. It can execute a number of advanced machine
learning, data mining, and graph mining algorithms on graphs having billions
of edges. GraphChi first gathers the data from neighbors by reading the edge
values, then computes and applies the new values to the vertices, and then
scatters the new data to the neighbors by writing the values on edges [16].
If random I/O accesses are reduced by using the Parallel Sliding Windows
(PSW), GraphChi is able to process the large-scale graphs in a reasonable time.
X-Stream: X-Stream [27] is an edge-centric graph processing system for analyt-
ics on massive graphs. To utilize the sequential streaming bandwidth of stor-
age medium, X-Stream uses the streaming partitions [16]. X-Stream exposes
the familiar scatter–gather programming model, but it works on the concept
of streaming data from storage. It is similar to the systems such as Pregel [5]
and PowerGraph [10].
TurboGraph: TurboGraph [28] is a disk-based parallel graph processing system
that processes massive graphs very efficiently. It exploits (i) the full parallelism
(including the Flash SSD I/O parallelism and the multicore parallelism) and
(ii) the full overlap of I/O processing and CPU processing as much as pos-
sible [16]. TurboGraph can restrict the computation to just a subset of vertices
utilizing two types of threads (execution threads and callback threads) by
interpreting the matrix vector multiplication column view.
Chaos: Chaos [29] is a scalable graph processing engine designed for analytics on
massive graphs using the small clusters. Using three synergistic techniques—
(i) streaming partitions, (ii) flat storage, and (iii) work ­stealing—Chaos
achieves the computational load balance, the sequential storage access, and
the I/O load balance. In order to achieve sequential access to the storage,
Chaos uses the streaming partitions, but parallelizes the execution of the
streaming partitions.
186  ◾  Data Analytics

GridGraph: GridGraph [30] is a massive graph processing system build on a

single machine using the two-level hierarchical partitioning. In this graph
processing system, large graphs are broken into one-dimensional partitioned
vertex chunks and two-dimensional partitioned edge blocks [16].

7.4.4 Other Big Graph Analytics Frameworks

Recently, different approaches based on dataflow method, shared memory, and mul-
ticore machines have received a significant attention for processing and analysis of
large-scale graphs. A couple of well-known big graph analytics frameworks that are
based on dataflow and shared-memory concept are mentioned below.

Pregelix: Pregelix [31] is a dataflow-based graph analytics engine which is

designed to handle both the in-memory and the out-of-core workloads. It
is an open-source Pregel-like system that sustains multiuser workloads. To
support the large-scale graph analytics, Pregelix combines the Pregel API
with data-parallel query evaluation techniques. It leads to an effective and
transparent out-of-core support, throughput, scalability, and also increased
physical flexibility and software simplicity.
Ligra: Ligra [32] is a lightweight, shared-memory programming model for
parallel or multicore machines. Based on the user-provided threshold, Ligra
switches between the push-based and pull-based operators automatically.

7.5 Graph Analytic Techniques

7.5.1 Centrality Analysis
Centrality analysis enables the identification of relevancy to find the most impor-
tant vertices within a graph. It detects and characterizes the most significant nodes
in a network with respect to the specific analysis problem. For example, it addresses
the question—Who is the most important or central person in this network? Degree Centrality
In the real-world interactions, we often consider people with more connections to be
more important. A degree centrality is a simple centrality measure which counts, e.g.,
How many neighbors does a node have? There are two types of degree centrality measures:

In-degree: It is the number of predecessor nodes or the number of incoming
Out-degree: It is the number of successor nodes or the number of outgoing
Big Graph Analytics  ◾  187

Since the in-links are given by other nodes in the network, typically we are inter-
ested in the in-degree, while the out-links are determined by the node itself. Eigenvector Centrality
By incorporating the importance of the neighbors, eigenvector centrality tries to
generalize degree centrality. Eigenvector centrality is defined for both the directed
graphs as well as the undirected graphs. To keep track of neighbors, we can use the
adjacency matrix A of a graph. The eigenvector centrality is defined as

c e ( vi ) =
j =1
c ( vi )
j , i e

where ce ( vi ) denote the eigenvector centrality of node vi, λ is some fixed constant,
and A denotes the adjacency matrix of the graph, to keep track of the neighbors,
assuming ce = ( ce ( vi ) ,  ce ( vi ) ,..,  ce ( vi )) is the centrality vector for all the nodes.
T Katz Centrality
A potential problem with eigenvector centrality is that it works well only if the graph is
(strongly) connected. In this case, by adding the bias term to the centrality value, the
problem can be rectified. For all the nodes, irrespective of the network topology, the
bias β is added to the centrality values. The Katz centrality measure [33] is formulated as

C Katz ( vi ) =  α ∑A
j =1
j ,  i  C Katz ( v j ) +   β

where α is a constant. The bias term β avoids the zero centrality values. PageRank Centrality
A major problem with Katz centrality arises when a node with high centrality is
connected to many nodes and then all these nodes get high centrality. In many
cases, however, this is not so significant if a node is only one among the many that
are linked. To solve this problem, one can divide the passed centrality value by the
number of outgoing links (out-degree) from that node such that each connected
neighbor from the source node gets a fraction of the source node’s centrality. The
PageRank centrality [34] of a node vi is defined as

C p (v j )

C p ( vi ) =  α   ∑A
j =1
j ,  i
d out
+ β

where, c p ( vi ) denote the PageRank centrality of node vi, and d out

j is nonzero.
188  ◾  Data Analytics Closeness Centrality
Closeness centrality [35] is a centrality measure that measures the mean distance
from one vertex to the other vertices. The concept of closeness centrality is that
the more the central nodes , the more quickly they can reach the other nodes. The
closeness of a node v is defined as

closeness  ( v ) =  
∑ d vi
 i   ≠ v

where i and v belong to the set of vertices of the graphs (networks). Betweenness Centrality
It measures the number of shortest paths in which a vertex is in sequence of vertices
in the path. For a node vi, the betweenness centrality [36] is defined as the number
of shortest paths between other nodes that pass through node vi.

σ st ( vi )
C b ( vi ) =   ∑
s   ≠ t   ≠ vi
σ st

where σ st denotes the number of shortest paths from node s to t, and σ st ( vi ) denotes
the number of shortest paths from s to t that pass through vi.
Betweenness centrality needs to be normalized to be comparable across

7.5.2 Path Analysis
Path analysis is used to identify and explore all the connections between a pair of
nodes. For example, in the graph, path analysis can be used to determine the short-
est distance between two nodes. Route optimization is an obvious use case that is
particularly applicable to supply, logistics, distribution chains, and traffic optimiza-
tion for smart cities.

7.5.3 Community Analysis
In general, a community is formed by individuals in such a way that the individuals
within the group interact with each other more often than with those outside the
group. The distance-based and density-based analyses are used to find the groups
Big Graph Analytics  ◾  189

of frequently interacting people. Community analysis plays an important role in

understanding the issues in sociology and biology.

7.5.4 Connectivity Analysis
In a graph, how nodes are connected with each other is defined by connectivity. To
determine weakness in utility networks, such as power grid, connectivity analysis
can be used. Another example where connectivity analysis is used is in the compari-
son of connectivity across the networks.

7.6 Algorithms for Big Graph Analytics

7.6.1 PageRank
PageRank [37] is an algorithm for measuring the importance of website pages.
In the Google search engine, PageRank is used to rank the websites. Some of the
applications of PageRank are in recommendation systems, OSNs, and the natural
science to study the relationships between proteins and ecological networks.

7.6.2 Connected Component
In a graph, the connected component is the maximal subgraph in which all the
vertices are connected with each other. A graph can be made of many connected
components. Consider a social network that is made up of two or more groups of
friends in which none of the individuals from one group knows any individuals
from the other groups and vice versa. Each group of friends represents different
components because the members of one group are not connected with the mem-
bers of the other groups.

7.6.3 Distributed Minimum Spanning Tree

For a weighted, undirected graph, minimum spanning tree is a spanning tree (a
subset of the graph having all vertices with the minimum number of edges) with
minimum weight. The input graph of a distributed minimum spanning tree algo-
rithm (DMST) does not need to be connected, but it must be undirected. The
DMST [38] produces the minimum spanning forest for the unconnected graph.

7.6.4 Graph Search
A graph is basically a collection of nodes where each node might point to the other
nodes. The graphs can be directed like one-way streets or can be undirected like
190  ◾  Data Analytics

two-way streets in the city. Suppose we want to go through this graph, and specifi-
cally suppose we want to do something, like figure out if there is a path from one
node to another. There are two common ways of doing this:

Breadth-first search (BFS): The BFS is a level-by-level graph traversal algo-
rithm that performs searching on unweighted, undirected graph from the
given start vertex and assigns the distance to each vertex.
Depth-first search (DFS): The DFS is typically a recursive graph traversal algo-
rithm that explores as deeply as possible using one neighbor before backtracking
to other neighbors. DFS does not go through all the edges. The vertices and
edges, which depth first search has visited, form a tree (graph spanning tree).

7.6.5 Clustering
Clustering is a task of grouping the set of nodes that have denser relations among
each other in comparison with the rest of the network. Based on the characteristics
of objects, the bunch of objects is placed in one group that has high intra-cluster
similarity and low inter-cluster similarity. Clustering is used in many applications,
such as data or text mining, statistics, image processing, and machine learning.

7.7 Issues and Challenges of Big Graph Analytics

To solve large-scale graph problems, much research remains to be done in paral-
lel graph processing [39]. There are many properties of graph problems that pres-
ent significant challenges for efficient parallelism. A brief discussion on the issues
and challenges that must be addressed for effective big graph analytics is given in
Sections 7.7.1–7.7.5.

7.7.1 High-Degree Vertex
Graphs having high-degree vertices are very common, e.g., in OSNs, a very popular
person (e.g., Prime Minister of India: Narendra Modi) is connected to many other
persons; in text analysis we have a popular word that appears in many documents; and
so on. These types of graphs are computationally challenging and difficult to partition.

7.7.2 Sparseness
In real-world graphs, most vertices have relatively few neighbors, whereas a few have
many neighbors. For example, in the Twitter follower graph, some people have more
than 50 million followers [40] (e.g., President of the United States: Donald J. Trump),
whereas a normal user just has a hundred followers or even lesser. More computation,
synchronization, and communication are required to split the sparse graphs.
Big Graph Analytics  ◾  191

7.7.3 Data-Driven Computations
The graph computation algorithms are in most cases completely data driven. In these
algorithms, if the structure of graph computations is not known a priori, then the
parallelism based on the partitioning of the computation can be difficult to express.

7.7.4 Unstructured Problems
In general, data in graph problems are unstructured and irregular in nature. While par-
allelizing the graph problems, the irregular structure of the graph problem data makes it
difficult to extract the parallelism by partitioning the graph problem data [16].

7.7.5 In-Memory Challenge
The size of natural graphs is massive in nature, and it does not fit in a single mem-
ory. To reduce the response time, the graph data should reside in the RAM, instead
of the hard disk drive (HHD) or SSD.

7.7.6 Communication Overhead
The high-degree vertices (like more popular people on Twitter) lead to communica-
tion overheads. At present, high-degree vertices are in the billions, but in the future,
it will be in the trillions and beyond.

7.7.7 Load Balancing
Many of the natural graphs have followed the power law of the degree distribution. It
means that most of the vertices are connected to a small number of vertices and only
those small number of vertices are connected to a larger number of other vertices. When
we analyze such graphs, there is a need to pay extra attention to the load balancing.

7.8 Applications of Big Graph Analytics

There are many potential applications of big graph analytics such as the following:

◾◾ Conducting research in bioinformatics including disease pathologies, medi-

cal research, and analysis of the biochemical pathways and chemical structure
◾◾ Applying influencer analysis in social network communities.
◾◾ Spotting instances of both internal and external frauds, which applies to
fraudulent activities in telecommunications, applications and claims of fraud
in insurance, benefits fraud in government, and fraudulent transactions and
applications in banking and financial services companies.
192  ◾  Data Analytics

◾◾ Detecting financial crimes such as money laundering.

◾◾ Maintaining quality of service in grid networked services (e.g., identifying
weaknesses in water grids, power grids, and network quality of service in
transportation networks).
◾◾ Preventing crime and performing counterterrorism.
◾◾ Optimizing routes in highways, railways, and airlines.
◾◾ Package routings for better logistics in manufacturing industries and retail.
◾◾ Online map applications (e.g., Google maps) to compute driving direction.
◾◾ For root cause analysis in networking and information technology.
◾◾ Recommending suitable products for the online buyers.

Basically, the predominant uses of graph analytics are in those areas that require
addressing relationship-based problems. Some of the prominent applications of big
graph analytics are briefly discussed in Sections 7.8.1–7.8.7.

7.8.1 Social Network Analysis

Large graphs are heavily employed in the OSNs (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn,
etc.). The fundamental task in OSNs (e.g., LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) is
relationship analysis. In the social networks, relationship analysis is involved in
finding the paths between users (nodes). A graph offers various types of relation-
ships that are important for the social networks. From one application to another
application, the properties and the characteristics of massive graphs vary signifi-
cantly. For example, in Twitter, the follower–following relationship graphs are
directed graphs having users as their vertices.

7.8.2 Behavior Analytics
In social media, individuals exhibit different behaviors that can be categorized into
individual and collective behaviors. Individual behavior is the behavior that an
individual targets toward

1. Another individual (which is known as the individual–individual behavior).

2. An entity (which is called the individual–entity behavior).
3. A community (which is known as the individual–community behavior).

Collective behavior is the behavior when a group of individuals having or not hav-
ing any coordination act in an aligned manner.

7.8.3 Biological Networks
Interactions arise naturally in biology. Genes produce proteins, proteins regu-
late the functions of other proteins, cells transmit signals to other cells, etc. All
Big Graph Analytics  ◾  193

these interactions can be assembled into the graphs where each node represents
the biological entity and each edge represents associations or interactions between

7.8.4 Recommendation Systems
Graph-based recommendation systems help many companies to personalize con-
tent, services, and products by leveraging the multitude of connections. One popu-
lar example of recommendations is the friend recommendations in the OSNs.

7.8.5 Smart Cities
Nowadays, cities have various interacting networks, such as mobile-to-mobile and
broadband Internet Protocol networks, power networks, and sewage and water net-
works. Graph analytics is used for planning the smart hubs, energy-optimal rout-
ing, estimating the congestion patterns, etc.

7.8.6 Geospatial Data and Logistics

Graphs can be used to represent many scenarios; maps are one of them. If we think
about maps, we can also think about geospatial and logistics applications. The geo-
spatial applications that can take advantages of graph databases range from cal-
culating the routes between locations in the networks, such as the road networks,
railway networks, or airline networks, or logistical network, to spatial operations,
such as calculating the intersection between two or more regions, finding the center
of a region, and finding all points of interest in a bounded area.
eBay, one concrete example of graph analysis being used in logistics, provides a
service based on graphs that are used to compute quick delivery of goods between
sellers and buyers.
Let us consider a highly simplified scenario. A parcel needs to be delivered
and the delivery man needs to deliver it at the earliest time possible. So, he should
choose the fastest route to the customer’s doorstep from the delivery center.
We can solve this problem by representing the streets (between the delivery
center and the customer) as a graph. Hence the intersections or road junctions are
represented as nodes of the graph and the lanes connecting the junctions are repre-
sented as edges of the graph.
So, now finding the fastest route is essentially a matter of weighted shortest
path calculation. We calculate it by keeping in mind the two attributes of the

1. Distance (actual distance between the intersections).

2. Coverability (depends on a lot of factors, such as traffic, road condition, and
194  ◾  Data Analytics

7.8.7 Insurance Fraud Detection

According to Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (SIIS) report, about
10% of all the insurance claims are fraudulent, and in the United States, almost
$80 billion is spent annually [41] in fraudulent claims. The insurance fraud is defi-
nitely an issue that needs to be addressed.
The insurance fraud can be perpetrated by either the buyer or the seller. Buyer
fraud happens when a buyer consciously and intentionally exaggerates or invents the
loss to get more receive or coverage money for damages. Few examples are faking acci-
dents, postdated life insurance, false medical history, and murder for proceeds. Seller
fraud happens when a seller of a policy hijacks usual processes to make as large a profit
as possible. Some examples include fee churning, premium diversion, and many more.
To detect and prevent this type of fraud, there are many traditional methods,
such as identifying the outliers, calculating the statistical parameters, duplicate
testing using date validation systems, and identifying gaps in sequential data. To
catch most of the casual (single fraudsters) offenders, these are the best methods,
but highly advanced fraud rings use generally well-planned methods, i.e., tradi-
tional methods are unable to detect advanced fraud rings. In this scenario, graph
analytics plays a significant role.

7.9 Conclusions
In this chapter, we have presented an overview of big graph and big graph analytics.
We have understood the importance of graph in big data analytics. As big data is
growing even bigger, traditional database techniques are turning out to be ineffec-
tive in generating innovative insights needed for the organizations to be competitive.
Storing big data graphically ensures prioritizing relationships between data over the
data that automatically reflects the semantics of the data connections. This has helped
data analysts to expose new knowledge, thus helping organizations to take innovative
business decisions. Big graph analytics may be used for a variety of analytical purposes,
such as identifying notable persons in OSNs, spotting fraudulent acts in financial net-
works, and analyzing consumers’ buying patterns in order to consider better market-
ing strategies. Familiar DBMSs are incapable of coping with the expectations from
big data. Graph databases are required to store big graph data. It gives responses to
complex queries in a few milliseconds. Many such graph databases are emerging in the
market, Neo4j being one of them. Different approaches for big graph analytics such
as in-memory, SSD-based, and disk-based are adopted by different big graph analyt-
ics frameworks. Several techniques (e.g., centrality analysis, path analysis, community
analysis, and connectivity analysis) and algorithms (e.g., PageRank, clustering, etc.) are
used in big graph analytics. Big graph analytics is extremely helpful in industries, such
as online business solution, health care, online media, financial sector, social network,
communication, and retail. Though big graph has a lot of promises, some hitches such
as sparseness, high-degree vertex, and load balancing are to be taken care of.
Big Graph Analytics  ◾  195

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Chapter 8

Application of Game
Theory for Big
Data Analytics
Mohammad Muhtady Muhaisin
Huawei Technologies Bangladesh Limited

Taseef Rahman
Axway Inc.

8.1 Introduction............................................................................................. 200
8.1.1 Chapter Roadmap.........................................................................201
8.2 Basics of Classical and Evolutionary Game Theory...................................202
8.2.1 C  lassical Game Theory..................................................................202
8.2.2 E  volutionary Game Theory............................................................202
8.2.3 Nash Equilibrium......................................................................... 204
8.2.4 P  areto Efficiency........................................................................... 204
8.2.5 R  epeated Game............................................................................ 204
8.2.6 Bayesian Game..............................................................................205
8.2.7 Chicken Game.............................................................................. 206
8.2.8 Tit-for-Tat Game............................................................................207
8.2.9 Stackelberg Game..........................................................................207
8.2.10 Potential Game............................................................................. 208
8.3 Game-Theoretic Application in Big Data Analytics.................................. 208

200  ◾  Data Analytics

8.4 Limitations and Future Work.................................................................... 215

8.5 Conclusion................................................................................................216
References.......................................................................................................... 217

8.1 Introduction
In today’s technology-driven world, data is being produced at an astronomical
rate. As a matter of fact, more than 85% of the data in the world today has been
created in the past 2 years. Also, experts suggest a 4,300% increase in annual
data production by 2020 [1]. This staggering amount of data generated every sec-
ond, which is to be processed and analyzed, has given rise to the domain of big
data. Expounded as the data that requires processing beyond the conventional
­methods, big data size is an ever-varying factor. Added to that, with the fear of
being left behind, many business entities today are becoming data-rich, but with
very poor data insight. They are storing data that they have no idea what to do
with, without extracting meaningful information from it. Furthermore, these
stored data have a finite life span as after some time they become outdated. As
a result, novel tools are being deployed to extract valuable information from this
ocean of data collected and stored.
Rowly et al. [2] distinguished between knowledge and wisdom by formulating
data, information, knowledge, understanding, and wisdom (DIKUW) hierarchy
represented in Figure 8.1. Game theory is a branch of mathematics that helps gain
“wisdom” by finding an optimal solution for a given situation when “rational” deci-
sion makers are at play. Big data explosion has paved the path for implementing the
game theory features in this domain because the game theory system theoretically
becomes more accurate with each iteration as it collects data in every stage. To
make sense of the huge chunk of data at hand, game theory data science might turn

Figure 8.1  DIKUW hierarchy [2].

Application of Game Theory  ◾  201

out to be an auxiliary concept that data analysts can deploy to forecast and devise
effective data-driven decisions under strategic circumstances. Game theory has the
potential to supersede the intuitive evaluation of big data analysis with quantifiable
data-driven decision-making.
When implemented, “rational” independent players participating in the game
always try to maximize their own profit. Whether a player gains a profit is decided
by the success of that particular step or action [3].
Modern game theory began with an idea regarding the existence of mixed-­
strategy equilibria in two-person zero-sum games and its proof by John von
Neumann. The evolutionary game theory, on the other hand, comes into play when
more than two players are involved [4]. Then the best strategy to be chosen may
depend upon the strategies used by other players [5]. It also takes into account not
only the outcomes of various competing strategies but also the frequencies with
which those various strategies are found in the populace.
Recently, the application of game theory in various facets of big data analytics
has gained traction due to its ability to converge fast into optimality. To name a
few, game theory is used to set up pricing mechanisms in decentralized transac-
tions, in incentivizing cooperative behavior in crowdsourcing platforms, in intru-
sion detection in cybersecurity platforms, and in devising data exchange protocols
among Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Besides, game theory is emerging as the
perfect tool to address the V factors of big data analytics—velocity, volume, value,
variety, and veracity.
The major contributions of this chapter are as follows:

◾◾ An overview of the classical game theory and evolutionary game theory.

◾◾ A review of the recent implementations of those games in various big data
◾◾ Discussion on the future challenges that are to be addressed by applying
game theory mechanisms.

Thus, readers will be able to get a lucid idea about the basics of game theory, with
the scopes of application of game theory and evolutionary game theory in big data
analytics discussed in various sections of this chapter.

8.1.1 Chapter Roadmap
The chapter is organized as follows: Section 8.2 focuses on briefing the readers on
the basics of classical and evolutionary game theory and on some technical terms
frequently used in the chapter. After that, Section 8.3 aims at reviewing the litera-
ture on the application of game-theoretic approaches in multiple facets of big data,
followed by Section 8.4 that sheds light on the challenges to be addressed. Lastly,
Section 8.5 concludes the chapter.
202  ◾  Data Analytics

8.2 Basics of Classical and Evolutionary Game Theory

Game theory has a wide field of applications ranging from economics to computer
science and biology. Application of game theory in critical decision-making pro-
cesses has been proven to be quite effective. In Section 8.2.1, various types of games
are discussed with respect to the number of players involved, payoffs, and preferred

8.2.1 Classical Game Theory

Game theory is a branch of applied mathematics that provides tools for analyzing
situations in which parties, called players, make decisions that are interdependent.
This interdependence causes each player to consider the possible decisions, or strate-
gies, of other players while formulating his/her own strategy. A solution to a game
describes the optimal decisions of the players, who may have similar, opposed, or
mixed interests and the outcomes that may result from these decisions.
It has been over a decade that game theory is being used as an attractive mecha-
nism to solve numerous problems in wireless networking and, in recent times, in
the IoT network, cloud security platforms, crowdsourcing, etc. The so-called game
consists of a set of players, a set of strategies for each player, and a set of correspond-
ing utility functions or payoffs. Let the parameters assigned to each of the n nodes in
a game be H = [O ,T ,V ] where H is a particular type of game and O = [o1 , o2 , , on ]
is a finite set of nodes. Then T = [T1 ,T2 , ,Tn ] is the set of corresponding strategies
of sensor node i represented by Ti [i = 1, 2, , n ] and V = [v1 , v 2 , , vn ] is the set of
respective payoff functions of node i represented by vi [i = 1, 2, , n ]. This vi is the
value of the utility that each of the nodes receives at the end of each round of the
Each node always aims to maximize its own payoff and thus acts selfish. The
focus is always to formulate the payoff functions so that the maximum output is
obtained by the node i in choosing a strategy Si against other strategies of n − 1
nodes. The strategies t = t i , t −i are called strategy combinations where ti is the partic-
ular strategy chosen by node i and t −i is the particular strategy chosen by the other
nodes in the game. The strategy combinations, i.e., s, should always aim at reaching
the nash equilibrium that defines a steady-state condition in a game of two or more
players. More on nash equilibrium will discussed in later sections.

8.2.2 Evolutionary Game Theory

Evolutionary game theory also assumes that the survival of a node is proportional
to the payoff of the strategy that the nodes select. It is to be noticed that as the
nodes have mutual dependency on each other, the strategy distribution of nodes
determines their superiority. Now, if we consider there are k strategies that are to be
chosen by two players, i.e., nodes, then a k ∗ k payoff matrix is obtained, A = [aij ],
Application of Game Theory  ◾  203

which represents all possible strategy pairs of these two players. Aij ,(i , j = 1, 2,3,...k )
denotes the payoff of strategy i while competing with strategy i against strategy j.
Let xi (i = 1, 2,...k ) denote the ratio or relative frequency of each strategy [6,7].
All xi sum up to 1, i.e.,

∑x = 1 (8.1)
i =1

The expected payoff f i of strategy i is given by


fi  = ∑x a (8.2)
j =1
j ij

The average payoff of the nodes becomes


ϕ= ∑ x f (8.3)
i =1
i i

From these equations, we can find the standard replicator equations.

xi ′ = xi ( f i − ϕ ) , i = 1, 2,3….,  n (8.4)

where the superscript stands for time derivation. Equation 8.4 represents that the
number of players selecting strategy i increases with the relative difference between
the expected payoff of strategy i and the average payoff of all the strategies. This
equation only stands for an infinitely large and well-mixed population where every
node can equally play games with all the other nodes. Now, if we want to con-
sider the evolutionary game dynamics on a k-regular graph [8], the modified payoff
matrix would become A′ = [aij′ ]. This modified matrix is the sum of the original n ∗ n
payoff matrix, A = [aij ] and a n ∗ x modifier matrix M = [mij ] where mij describes
the local competition between strategies i and j. Now, the expected payoff g i for the
local competition of strategy i is defined as

gi = ∑x m (8.5)
j =1
j ij

It has to be noted that the average payoff of the local competition of strategy i sums
to zero.

∑x g = 0 (8.6)
i =1
i i
204  ◾  Data Analytics

So, the average payoff ψ of the population on graph will be

n n

Ψ = ∑x ( f + g ) = ∑x f (8.7)
i =1
i i i
i =1
i i

If xi is used to denote the frequency of strategy i on a k-regular graph, then the

replicator equation on graph can be written as

xi′ = xi ( f i + g i − Ψ ) , i = 1, 2,3, , n (8.8)

8.2.3 Nash Equilibrium
For an N finite set of networking nodes, Ti are all the possible strategies where
i represents the player and T = (t1 , t 2 ,...t 3 ) is the set of strategies for each player
and T−i is the strategy profile T without agent i’s strategy [9]. In relation to that,
Vi (T ) is the payoff for a node i if the strategy profile is T. Ti is the best response
to T−i if Vi (t i ,T−i > Vi (t i′,T−i )) for every strategy t i′ available to agent i where
(t i ,T−i = (t1 , , t i −1 , t i′, t i +1 , , t n )). This set of strategies t = (t1 , , t n ) can be termed
as nash equilibrium, when for every i, ti is the best response to Ti , which means no
node can do better by unilaterally changing its strategy. Every game with a finite set
of participants/players is bound to have at least one nash equilibrium. For the game
to reach an equilibrium, each node has to identify its optimal strategy in response
to the strategies of the other players and all the nodes have to play with their opti-
mal strategies simultaneously.

8.2.4 Pareto Efficiency
Pareto efficiency, another important criterion of game theory, is defined as a situa-
tion where there is no way for a node to choose a different strategy and get benefited
without making other nodes worse off [3]. A strategy profile T Pareto dominates
a set of strategies T ′ if no player ends up with a worse payoff with T than with T ′.
Mathematically put, Vi (T ) ≥ Vi (T ′ ) for all i and at least one player gets a better
payoff with T than with T ′, i.e., Vi (T ) ≥ Vi (T ′ ) for at least one i.

8.2.5 Repeated Game
In repeated games, a set of players will play the game repeatedly with the same strat-
egy, taking into consideration the history of the past behavior. For better under-
standing, let us consider a repeated prisoner’s dilemma game.
It is a strategic game in which a player, in this case a prisoner, is unaware of
the other player’s action and chooses its action simultaneously and independently.
The strategy chosen by a player and the corresponding payoff has been provided in
Table 8.1. Each of the players, i.e., prisoners, aims to reduce their sentences [10].
Application of Game Theory  ◾  205

Table 8.1  Prisoner’s Dilemma

Cooperate Defect

Cooperate 2, 2 10, 0

Defect 0, 10 4, 4

If cooperation is present, then both of them will remain silent and each will be
sentenced to 1 year in prison. In case they defect, i.e., both confess, then each will
be sentenced for 3 years. If only one of them confesses, then she/he will be freed,
while the other will end up with 4 years’ incarceration. Although it will be ben-
eficial for both the prisoners to cooperate, i.e., not confessing to the crime, but as
each has an incentive to get freed, in isolation both players will defect leading to
a unique nash equilibrium (defect, defect) of the game in case of a non-repeated
game. But if the players repeatedly take into account the past outcomes, then the
mutual desirable outcome will be to cooperate, which will ensure a long-term gain
but a short-term loss.

8.2.6 Bayesian Game
In games of complete information, the players know not only their own prefer-
ences, but also the preferences of the other players as well. But in many situations,
however, there is likely to be considerable uncertainty on the part of each player
regarding the preferences of his or her opponents. To incorporate this possibility,
Bayesian games or games of incomplete information is introduced. In Bayesian
games, each player can be one of a certain number of types. Each player knows his/
her own type but cannot observe the type of the other players directly, which influ-
ences each player’s payoff.
In the Battle of Sexes, suppose there are two players—player 1 and player 2.
They have different preferences on whether to watch ballet or football. But player
1 does not know whether player 2 wishes to meet or wishes to avoid player 1.
Therefore, this situation is of “incomplete information.” We represent this by con-
sidering that player 2 has two different types, one type that wishes to meet player
1 and the other that wishes to avoid him. More explicitly, suppose that these two
types have probability 1/2 each (Tables 8.2).

Table 8.2  Bayesian Game


Cooperate 5, 2 0, 0

Defect 0, 0 2, 5
206  ◾  Data Analytics

Then the game takes the form of one of the following two with probability 1/2.
Crucially, player 2 knows which game it is (she knows the state of the world), but
player 1 does not. Most importantly, from player 1’s point of view, player 2 has two
possible types (or equivalently, the world has two possible states each with prob-
ability 1/2 and only player 2 knows the actual state). Let us consider the following
strategy profile (C , (C , F )), which means that player 1 will play C, i.e., ballet, while
in state 1, player 2 will also play F (when she wants to meet player 1) and in state
2, player 2 will play F, i.e., football (when she wants to avoid player 1). Clearly,
given the play of B by player 1, the strategy of player 2 is the best response. Let us
now check if player 1 is also playing the best response. Since both states are equally
likely, the expected payoff of player 1 is

E [C ,(C , F )] = 1/ 2 ∗ 2 + 1/ 2 ∗ 0 = 1 (8.9)

If, instead, he deviates and plays F, his expected payoff is 1.

E [ F ,(C , F )] = 1/ 2 ∗ 0 + 1/ 2 ∗ 1 = 2 (8.10)

Therefore, the strategy profile (C, (C,F)) is a (Bayesian) nash equilibrium.

Interestingly, meeting at football, which is the preferable outcome for player
2 is no longer a nash equilibrium. Why not? Suppose that the two players will
meet at football when they want to meet. Then the relevant strategy profile is
(F, (F,C)) and

E [ F ,( F ,C )] = 1/ 2 ∗ 1 + 1/ 2 ∗ 0 = 2 (8.11)

If, instead, player 1 deviates and plays C, his expected payoff is

E [C ,( F ,C )] = 1/ 2 ∗ 0 + 1/ 2 ∗ 2 = 1 (8.12)

8.2.7 Chicken Game
Let us understand the chicken game with a quintessential scenario. Let us say that
there are two cars (players) heading toward each other. If the players continue on
the same path, they bump into each other; if one swerves out of the way and the
other does not, then that player “loses” and is labeled as the chicken, while the sec-
ond, implicitly braver player, wins.
The payoff matrix is mentioned in Table 8.3. In the table, (−2, 2) and (2, −2) are
two pure nash equilibria because if either of the players deviates from their current
strategies in these two cases, then they would end up with more negative payoffs.
But the same cannot be said for (−100, 100) and (0, 0) because deviating from these
Application of Game Theory  ◾  207

Table 8.3  Chicken Game

Keep Going Swerve

Keep going −100, −100 2, −2

Swerve −2, 2 0, 0

strategies would yield a higher payoff for each individual. So, they can be ruled out
from being equilibria stages.

8.2.8 Tit-for-Tat Game
Tit for tat is a game theory with a payoff matrix similar to that of prisoner’s
dilemma. It is relevant to a problem called the iterated prisoner’s dilemma. This
strategy can be implemented in games involving repeated moves. A player using
this strategy will first cooperate, then replicate an opponent’s previous action. If
the opponent had been cooperative, the player would have been cooperative and
vice versa.
This strategy states that a person is more successful in game theory if he/she
is cooperative with another person. The idea is that if a person rewards another
with good behavior, according to this theory, then he/she reciprocates with good
behavior. This strategy is based on the concept of forgiveness (retaliation). When
faced with a dilemma, an individual cooperates only when the other person has an
immediate history of cooperating and does not cooperate when the counterparty
previously defaulted.

8.2.9 Stackelberg Game
The original Stackelberg game is an asymmetric duopoly. Player 1 takes on the
role of leader, while player 2 takes on the role of follower. It is a two-period model
where in the first period the leader chooses its strategy. This decision is irreversible
and cannot be changed in the second period. The leader might emerge in a game
because of historical precedence, size, reputation, innovation, information, and so
forth. In the second period, the follower chooses its strategy after observing the
strategy chosen by the leader (the strategy chosen by the follower must, therefore,
be along its reaction function).
There are some variations of this game. If both players are followers, then you
have a Cournot game. If both players believe themselves to be the leaders, then
neither will be successful at following the strategy above. This is a leader–leader
game, and it will lead to a Stackelberg disequilibrium. The leader–leader model
208  ◾  Data Analytics

will require both parties to start with incorrect assumptions about each other, and
it will lead to nonoptimal output in the market.
In a multistage game, as rational players, the players will revise their expecta-
tions. As a result, either one will take the role of follower or a player will exit the
market, providing with the remaining leader a monopoly.

8.2.10 Potential Game
A potential game is one where the incentives of all the players to change their strate-
gies can be expressed using one global function called potential function. Two types
of potential games are the ordinal and cardinal potential games. In cardinal games,
the difference in individual payoffs for each player obtained by individually changing
one’s strategy only must have the same value as the difference in values for the poten-
tial function. In ordinal games, only the signs of the differences have to be the same.
The potential function is a useful tool to analyze equilibrium properties of
games, since the incentives of all players are mapped into one function, and the set
of pure nash equilibria can be determined by finding the local optima of the poten-
tial function. Convergence and finite-time convergence of an iterated game toward
a nash equilibrium can also be understood by studying the potential function.

8.3 Game-Theoretic Application in Big Data Analytics

Gathered knowledge from big data analysis can be used to form regulations to
which a particular game can stick to. Inversely, game theory has the capability to
improve the understanding of rules that govern big data analytics. In a game, play-
ers can be tempted to perform with the potential of high reward to aid the process
of data aggregation. In this section, we are going to review how game-theoretic
approaches have been implemented in big data analytics.
At present, the field of geoscience and remote sensing generates a huge amount
of data. The decision makers have to sort out the conflicting and redundant data
from this data pool to take the right course of action. Game theory plays a vital
role in decision-making in this field, particularly in solving the problems of feature
selection and automated ground cover classification. Lori Mann Bruce [11], in this
work, focuses on the application of the game-theoretic approach in spectral band
selection while utilizing hyperspectral imagery. All the players, i.e., band groups in
this game who are inclined to maximize individual payoffs, might undermine the
overall system payoff. That is why the author applies the principle of Pareto-efficient
nash equilibrium. He demonstrates that when the proposed hyperspectral band
grouping using game theory is implemented in multi-classifier decision fusion sys-
tem, the overall accuracy rises to 77% in comparison with 63% and 58% produced
by uniform partitioning and Bhattacharyya distance and spectral band correlation,
Application of Game Theory  ◾  209

Liu et al. [12] model the interaction between the customers and the hotel indus-
try as a noncooperative two-stage bargain game. The customers around the world
look for the best hotel to stay and receive the highest cost performance. Here, first,
the necessity of the customers and hotel managements have been analyzed, fol-
lowed by sorting out the decision factors that affect the chosen policies by the cus-
tomers. Then analyzing the interactions between the clients and the hotel operators
based on big data, the modeled game has been simulated. The results supported by
Monte Carlo simulation infer that the proposed game with big data generates the
best output because the two-stage game provides the customer with an extra chance
to choose and the hotel with an extra chance to accept the price. The outcome infers
that this novel method can reduce the price for the customers to select a hotel at a
lower price with lesser failure rate, thus benefiting the hotel operators as well.
Lancelot et al. [13] address the problem of joint policy correlation (JPC) in the
multi-agent reinforcement learning mechanism. A new algorithm is put forward
that allows independent learners to measure the extent of correlation of policies,
which in turn helps in visualizing the acuteness of the overfitting problem. This
novel algorithm is capable of immensely lessening JPC while participating in the
partially observable coordination games. Furthermore, it generates a defense mech-
anism utilizing the decision-making approach of other participating players in a
competitive imperfect information game.
Map Reduce, a framework developed by Google, processes big data from dis-
tributed servers and runs several responsibilities in parallel to each other. Till today,
Map Reduce applications have been bottlenecked by various limitations, e.g., exe-
cution time and capacity allocation. Gianniti et al. [14] focus on establishing novel
capacity allocation techniques for ensuring more robust performance among pri-
vate clouds. Game-theoretic approach leading to a generalized nash equilibrium
solves the problem of joint admission control, which in turn helps improve the
capacity allocation of multi-class Hadoop clusters (Table 8.4).
The explosion of online services and the resultant big data containing personal
information of the users have resulted in assigning intrinsic economic values to
these personal data. Chessa et al. [15] put forward a game-theoretic mechanism
termed as public good game, which is capable of quantifying the worth of reveal-
ing personal data. Selecting the cooperative game appropriate for the model, the
authors quantify the value of personal data using core and Shapley values. Also,
while implementing network games, it is inferred that creating more links among
neighbors helps them increase the value of their personal data. This in turn provides
higher incentives that benefit all as they also ascertain a stable network.
Jiang et al. [16] proposed the application of game theory in detecting com-
munities in dynamic social networks. Every day people are getting more involved
with each other on social networks, which has led to the generation of big data in
this domain. Game theory, being the tool for extracting valuable information from
these complex relations in networks, has been used in this work in the form of a
noncooperative game. Here, each rational independent node is able to switch, join,
210  ◾  Data Analytics

Table 8.4  Applications of Game Theory in Big Data Analytics

Reference Objective

Lori Mann To select spectral bands utilizing hyperspectral imagery

Bruce [11]

Liu et al. [12] To design a hotel–customer transaction with lower price

and lesser failure rate

Lancelot et al. To address a joint policy correlation problem in the

[13] multiagent reinforcement learning mechanism

Gianniti et al. To ensure the robust cloud performance with the novel
[14] capacity allocation technique.

Chessa et al. To quantify the value of personal data used in online

[15] services

Jiang et al. [16] To detecting communities in dynamic social networks

Tao et al. [17] To analyze the behavior of protocols in big data domain

Zheng et al. [18] To maximizing the data transmission rate in wireless sensor

Pillai et al. [19] To devise a resource allocation mechanism for virtual

machines of cloud system

Chung et al. To introduce rationality by using Q-learning in intrusion

[20] detectors.

Kaur et al. [21] To evaluating the automated employee performance using

IoT monitoring devices

Tosh et al. [22] To promote cyber security information sharing to raise

security infrastructure

Zhang et al. [23] To introduce an incentive mechanism among workers on a

crowdsourcing platform

Hoh et al. [25] To implement a data authentication mechanism on a

crowdsourcing platform

Wang Yi [26] To efficiently integrate decision-making with data mining

Wu et al. [27] To formulate privacy level hierarchy among datasets

Zheng et al. [28] To propose a novel incentive mechanism for data controllers
in WCN

Application of Game Theory  ◾  211

Table 8.4 (Continued)  Applications of Game Theory in Big Data Analytics

Reference Objective

Kargupta et al. To solve the problem of PPDM using game theory

[29] considering non-ideal behavior from each party

Wang et al. [30] To apply data mining on manufacturing data with rules
derived from game theory

Miyaji et al. [31] To model a game-theoretic protocol for PPDM

Peng et al. [32] To discuss two types of incentive mechanism:

crowdsourcer-centric model and user-centric model

Luo et al. [33] To model heterogeneous crowdsourcing with the

assumption that each worker’s probabilistic knowledge is

Wang et al. [34] To devise a twofold incentive mechanism for smartphone

users in a crowdsourcing platform

Kumar et al. To discuss a strategy selection process in VCPS using a

[35] stochastic coalition game

Pouryazdan To ensure truthfulness among users of a mobile

et al. [36] crowdsensing system

or leave a community independently after evaluating certain factors like participa-

tion degree in the existing community and the strength of friendship in it. The
utility function has been designed as the difference between gain function and
loss function described in the chapter. Finally, the obtained local nash equilibrium
shows that each individual can find their suited communities effectively.
Tao et al. [17] address the challenges concerning the exchange of information
among the protocols of IoT, big data, and cloud computing. An extensive imper-
fect information game-based model is designed to analyze the behavior of the par-
ticipating protocols. The fairness properties and the rationality of the players are
selected as the payoff and an exchange protocol game is designed in such a way that
only one player is allowed to take the action at a certain stage. This work further
compares the proposed model with Buttyan’s model and shows that the proposed
model strictly contains the Buttyan’s by attaining a subgame perfect equilibrium.
A tree analysis mechanism supported by a linear algorithm is designed to verify the
business security properties of cloud computing.
With the emergence of big data domain, it has become necessary to find an
efficient approach to optimize this huge amount of data for fast convergence of the
data and network size. To achieve that, Zheng et al. [18] model a hierarchical net-
work and a pricing mechanism to formulate the Stackelberg game. The Stackelberg
212  ◾  Data Analytics

game is chosen because in the designed hierarchy the agents (network operators)
of the network help the leader (ISP) in attaining its objective. Moreover, the fast
and smooth linear convergence is independent of the network size as the objective
functions have been designed as convex functions. This ensures the model’s proper
functioning in big data networks. Lastly, this work verifies the designed pricing
framework’s fast convergence in a virtualized wireless network where the agents
always aim to maximize the total data transmission rate by allocating the maxi-
mum resource possible.
Pillai et al. [19] in their work apply the uncertainty principle of game theory
to design a resource allocation mechanism among the virtual machines of a cloud
system. To cope with the surge in demand for infrastructure-as-a-service of cloud
platform, the distributed virtual machines need to form a coalition among them-
selves. This work shows that the coalition and uncertainty-oriented model is better
suited for optimal resource allocation and utilization that is capable of attaining a
lower task completion time in comparison with the existing systems.
In modeling security games, the efficiency of machine learning application
has been tested previously where a huge amount of historical data was fed to the
machine learning system. As a result, the system becomes sensitive to the attacks
which only has relevance to previous attacks as per the historical data. Chung
et al. [20] introduce rationality by using Q-learning approach which reinforces the
decision-making model by adapting to newer intrusion patterns by analyzing the
previous iterations. As a result, this novel approach is better suited in taking neces-
sary actions to maximize the payoff of the security system administration against
newer attacks.
Kaur et al. [21] propose an automated employee performance evaluation using
IoT-based monitoring devices. The authors implement a game-theoretic approach
while checking the performance appraisal to ensure unbiased evaluation. In the
designed model, employees get rewards for positive performance and vice versa.
Prior to applying game theory for making the decision, data is mined from the IoT
devices using colocation mining. Performance comparison carried out in this work
infers that implementation of game-theoretic approach reduces the execution time
for the system significantly in comparison to the other decision-making processes,
such as fuzzy systems or Bayesian model. The equilibrium obtained shows that the
strategy of rewarding the employees ensures better performance from them, which
helps in attaining a stable business environment.
Tosh et al. [22] propound the concept of establishing a structure called cyber
information exchange (CYBEX) with a view to promote mutual security infor-
mation sharing for improving security infrastructure of the funds. As the funds
will always have a tendency to dominate the market, the competition among them
will always be noncooperative. But the authors devise a mechanism based on the
distributed noncooperative game model to impose a self-enforcement mechanism,
which maximizes the participation from the firms in sharing their security infor-
mation and also maximizes the CYBEX incentive for its sustenance in the market.
Application of Game Theory  ◾  213

Capable of reaching an evolutionary stable strategy (ESS), deploying evolutionary

game theory works as the perfect learning heuristic for the firms while learning
to update their strategy at each stage, based on the feedback from the previous
Zhang et al. [23] model a repeated game to formulate incentive protocols among
workers and requesters on a crowdsourcing platform. The proposed model erases
the drawbacks of existing pricing schemes, such as currency inflation and free-
riding [24]. Choosing a flat-rate pricing scheme and designing the transaction as an
asymmetric gift-giving game, the authors formulate the repeated game to ensure
revenue maximization of the website owner. This model relies on a ­reputation-based
reward and punishment scheme that provides generous incentive to the workers on
ex ante basis. Simulation analysis displays an equilibrium closer to Pareto-efficient
outcome as a result of using intrinsic parameters (reward, patience, cost) and the
workers’ attributes in devising an incentive protocol.
TruCentive, a crowdsourced parking information-providing platform, was pro-
posed by Hoh et al. [25]. This platform utilizes a three-stage incentive mechanism
to ensure authentic data from an unreliable mobile using crowd. The incentive
protocol uses game theory analysis and ensures that the users are providing accu-
rate parking information instead of lying as the game-theoretic model is set with a
reward parameter where reselling gain is more than lying and refund policy. This
protects the platform from malicious participants by reducing high volume of use-
less false data.
Yi [26], in this paper, presents a framework that integrates data mining and
game theory by adapting to an innovative approach. This approach involves rep-
resenting gained knowledge as a set of rules. These rules can be used for decision-
making or strategy selection process. Here, the general framework that combines
data mining and game theory consists of four steps: data selection, data preprocess-
ing, data mining, and, finally, strategy selection. The mining process is further
divided into three separate steps, namely, classification, clustering, and association,
to provide the aspects that would define the combination process.
Maximizing data utility compromises privacy constraints and vice versa. Also,
the privacy level of some datasets can be influenced by the privacy parameters of its
neighbors other than itself. So, Wu et al. [27] seek to formulate a correlated privacy
game after measuring the influence of correlated datasets, utility of data, and value
of privacy to seek the trade-off between utility and privacy. This game consists of
a finite set of players, a finite strategy space, and a payoff function. The conditions
for obtaining nash equilibrium and the price of anarchy are also considered while
analyzing the aforementioned game.
A rapid increase in the rate of data generation in wireless communication net-
works (WCNs) is not possible to be handled only by the controllers in WCNs.
But agents have their own tasks and they need to be incentivized. This paper [28]
addresses this incentivization problem by forming it as a hierarchical game between
agents and controllers, which can also be used as an incentivization mechanism so
214  ◾  Data Analytics

that controllers can ask agents to help in their respective tasks. Here, previous issues
in the case of applying game theory in wireless big data processing, namely, conver-
gence conditions, convergence speed, and scalability, are also discussed.
In real-life applications of privacy-preserving distributed data mining (PPDM),
where multiple parties are involved, every party does not always behave according
to the protocols. Kargupta et al. [29] intend to solve this problem by forming a
game where each party tries to optimize its benefit, assuming a nonideal behavior
from each party. It presents a case study in the form of equilibrium analysis of
secure sum computation as an example. Furthermore, to achieve an optimal solu-
tion, a distributed penalty function mechanism is discussed to help achieve equi-
librium without any collusion between the parties involved.
To address the difficulty of applying game theory in manufacturing engineer-
ing, Wang et al. [30] discuss a new approach that amalgamates game theory and
data mining to utilize real-life manufacturing datasets. It divides an iterative pro-
cess called game mining into six stages with an aim to provide a general framework.
Alongside discussing the game behavior and levels and addressing the drawbacks
of game theory, it utilizes mining algorithm based on the work of association and
dynamic mining to achieve the desired goal.
Owing to the need to preserve privacy, there have been various adversaries mod-
eled till now, namely, semi-honest, malicious, and covert. But game theory gives
us the scope to assume that each party acts in its own interest. So, this paper [31]
discusses a protocol involving two parties in light of game theory. Here, verifiable
random functions are used as cryptographic algorithms underlying the protocol.
It is also shown that it satisfies nash equilibrium and stability conditions.
Smartphone users can be used by crowdsourcers on the condition of receiving
enough rewards for participation. So, this paper [32] visualizes a noncooperative
dynamic game consisting of multiple mobile crowdsourcers and a crowd of smart-
phone users to study the interrelationship between them. The game is later evolved
to a repeated game to consider joint acts between the crowdsourcers. The problems
related to the amount of reward for smartphone users, interaction with the market,
and stability of the market are also discussed.
Luo et al. [33] model heterogeneous crowdsourcing with a view that each work-
er’s probabilistic knowledge is different. Here, an incentive mechanism is designed
in an incomplete information scenario using an auction-based framework. In the
process, they also discuss strategy autonomy, i.e., the phenomenon of workers
behaving the same in a heterogeneous setting as they would in a homogeneous set-
ting. Later, they obtain accurate solutions for achieving equilibrium despite assum-
ing an unorthodox setting.
Realizing the great potential of smartphone users as a medium of crowdsensing,
Wang et al. [34] discuss two types of incentive mechanisms: crowdsourcer-centric
model and user-centric model. In the crowdsourcer-centric model, crowdsourcer is
the leader and vice versa for the user-centric model. For the first case, the condi-
tions for Stackelberg equilibrium are considered. For the latter case, an auction-based
Application of Game Theory  ◾  215

incentive mechanism is discussed which is quite effective. Subsequently, evaluations

and validations of implementation and verification of these models are also discussed.
Kumar et al. [35] in this work propose a strategy selection process in Vehicular
Cyber-Physical Systems (VCPS) using a stochastic coalition game where vehicles
are assumed as players. Some predefined strategies help learning automata to aggre-
gate data from the environment which are placed in the vehicles. At any given
moment, the player with the highest payoff is permitted to make a move to main-
tain stability when considered against the actions of all the players. Later, it is also
shown to have better performances in particular cases, e.g., duration of clustering
and maintenance cost where the proposed scheme is applied.
To ensure the voters’ truthfulness in a mobile crowdsensing system, they need
to be incentivized. Pouryazdan et al. [36] in this paper suggest a game-theoretic
recruitment system consisting of three phases: user recruitment, collaborative
­decision-making, and badge rewarding. Here, the incentivizing mechanism is
based on the subgame perfect equilibrium and gamification techniques and adopts
a method called social network-aided trustworthiness assurance and a consequent
badge reward. Later, successful resistance against users with low quality data con-
tribution are also demonstrated via simulation.

8.4 Limitations and Future Work

In spite of a stark rise in the implementation of game theory to make big data analysis
more efficient, there remain a lot of limitations to be addressed (Figure 8.2). For example,

◾◾ In modeling cybersecurity solution designs using game theory, there remains

an incompleteness/imperfectness in the information of the player participat-
ing in the game. As a result, imperfect information stochastic games are in
play in many cases that have to go through a lot of iterations in learning
phases to accurately predict the outcome. There lies a big challenge in reduc-
ing the number of iterations while learning from a big data pool with rein-
forcement learning to solve partially observable stochastic games.
◾◾ While applying the Q-learning method in adapting to malicious attacks, the
accuracy of the system depends on the completeness of the attack models that
are used in training the system to take rational decisions. Limitations still
remain in covering undefined actions or states as well as in fixing the reward
metrics for successful attack detection.
◾◾ Application of game theory in cybersecurity still lacks scalability. Limitation
in considering the states of the systems as finite can be alleviated by involving
an infinite state assumption which will aid in making the model more realistic.
◾◾ At present, the utility and payoff functions of the security models are employed
depending on ad-hoc strategies. Implementation of big data analytics in fine-
tuning the payoff and utility functions is yet to be explored.
216  ◾  Data Analytics

Figure 8.2  Emerging fields of application of game theory in big data domain.

◾◾ While applied in marketing measurement, game theory falls short in giving

an accurate analysis if the participating players behave “irrationally.” There is
still a lot of work to be done assuming variable behavior from decision makers
to make game theory compatible for application in this field.
◾◾ In the crowdsourcing domain, a situation similar to Designers Dilemma
arises with the application of game theory. In the practical situation, one
player’s decision-making process is affected by that of others, which can affect
the overall game process. This presents a significant challenge as it might
result in particular situations giving different outcome than anticipated.

8.5 Conclusion
There is obviously a shift in the progress of decision making processes where previ-
ously time consuming, inefficient models were built for ensuring accurate estimates
and judgments. Reality was simulated using data-driven models accumulated from
big data pool. Strategic decision-making from a huge amount of data is a research
area with far-reaching implications/effects. In summary, the concept of game the-
ory is not a core part of traditional data science, rather a tool that can analyze a
huge amount of data with meaningful visualizations and quantifiable data-driven
decision-making. This chapter has synopsized game-theoretic applications in the
field of big data analytics. Application of game theory is already being used in
Application of Game Theory  ◾  217

making the decision-making process more rationalized in an interactive context

and with the potential to contribute further.

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Chapter 9

Project Management for

Effective Data Analytics
Munir Ahmad Saeed
UNSW Canberra

Mohiuddin Ahmed
Canberra Institute of Technology

9.1 Introduction.............................................................................................. 219
9.1.1 Chapter Roadmap........................................................................ 220
9.2 Big Data Projects.......................................................................................221
9.3 Project Management Body of Knowledge.................................................223
9.4 Projects in Controlled Environment 2.......................................................225
9.5 A gile......................................................................................................... 226
9.6 ISO 21500:2012....................................................................................... 228
9.7 Key Insights..............................................................................................230
9.8 Conclusion................................................................................................233

9.1 Introduction
Over the years, project management (PM) has developed into a discipline in its
own right and has received increasing interest from researchers. PM comprises a
number of tools and techniques, and if applied effectively, it can lead to the delivery
of specified outcomes.

220  ◾  Data Analytics

Snyder et al. [1] stated that though stories about the evolution of PM go back to
the building of pyramids in Egypt however, modern PM started in the 1950s and the
first article on PM appeared in 1958. Snyder stated that in 1960 very few people knew
what the project manager was about, but now the project manager is a key member
of management teams. Johnson et al. [2] stated that PM did not get any mention
in management literature before World War II (WWII). He argues that during the
Cold War there were pressures to develop new defense systems swiftly and operational
research, systems engineering, and PM because of increasing realization by the scien-
tists, managers, and engineers that conventional methods of management and devel-
opment were inadequate. From its inception to the early years of evolution, PM was
technical and industry specific. Morris et al. [3] highlighted the journey of PM from
tools such as Gantt chart, program evaluation and review technique (PERT), and crit-
ical path method in the 1950s to work breakdown structure (WBS) and value analysis
in the 1960s; resources scheduling, concurrency, and people in the 1970s; technology,
procurement, risk, and fast tracking in the 1980s; and philosophy, quality, knowledge
management, and Project Management Office in the 1990s and 2000s.
Tracing the technical and institutional factors behind the emergence of PM,
Johnson et al. [4] stated that the Manhattan Project, to build a nuclear bomb,
was the single most important project of the WWII that was managed by Leslie
Groves of army corps of engineers. The Manhattan Project was a significant event
in the history of PM for developing a scientific product. From its origins in the
military, PM spread to other sectors in the United States. The emergence and devel-
opment of PM has its roots in the United States, except a little influence from
Germany because Von Braun’s team was involved in the development of rocket sys-
tems. Initially, PM was limited to the military projects that required secrecy; there
were only a few influences from other industries in the United States because these
industries did not face similar levels of technological challenges, uncertainties, and
pressures of rapid development as experienced by the defense projects. Therefore,
the management style that emerged in aerospace and computing industries has the
signatures of technical and organizational problems of the military [4]. Pollack et al.
[5] provided a comprehensive analysis of PM literature from 1962–2012, where it
is identified that PM has moved from a technical and industry specific focus to
interpersonal issues. The main themes of current research in the PM discipline are
environment issues, strategic planning, project knowledge management, business,
and innovation [5]. Since PM has played a key role in research and development of
new technologies, it will be interesting to explore how PM can assist data analytics
as an emerging discipline.

9.1.1 Chapter Roadmap
The rest of the chapter is organized as follows: Section 9.2 discusses the big data
projects. In Sections 9.3–9.6, different types of PM methodologies are described in
detail and the relationship with data analytics is established. Finally, in Section 9.7,
Project Management  ◾  221

the key insights gained from these methodologies are discussed from the perspec-
tive of data analytics. The chapter concludes in Section 9.8.

9.2 Big Data Projects

According to Standish Group CHAOS report 2017 [6], about $250 billion were
spent on 175,000 information technology (IT) projects, but only 28% of soft-
ware projects at small size companies were completed on time and within the
budget. Similarly, 31% projects will be cancelled and nearly 53% projects will be
189% over budget. According to the report, the project success rate in medium
size companies in the United States is 16%, while larger size companies present
a dismal rate of project completion, i.e., merely 9%. The report did not highlight
whether the company size has any impact on the project success rate. The results
of this report also reflect in big data projects and, according to Informatica [7],
data analytics proof of concepts fail to complete on time and within the budget
and, consequently, these projects fail to meet the top management expectations.
In companies where big data projects are being implemented, only 27% executives
consider their data projects to be successful because there are only 13% companies
where big data projects are in full-scale production. Since big data projects are less
known, therefore there is a need for research to identify the factors behind the
failure of big data projects. Informatica identifies some of the factors that lead to
the failure of big data proof of concepts such as projects failing to align with the
strategic objectives of sponsoring executives, lack of planning and design, scope
creep, and ignoring data management. According to Informatica [7], if projects
align to top management strategic plans, it guarantees the wholehearted support
of organization executives. In order for projects to get executives’ support, the proj-
ects must align to the organization’s strategic objectives by creating value for the
organization. Therefore, Informatica argues that it is very important that PM pro-
cesses are geared toward aligning projects with organizational strategic objectives.
Lack of planning and design is another cause for the failure of big data projects.
Informatica recommends that big data projects should run for 6 weeks as starting
small reduces the risks, but it also emphasizes that early stage planning, architec-
ture, and design are the other key factors in the implementation of big data proj-
ects. Though due to its very nature, big data projects cannot have a fully defined
architecture and design right from the start, but Informatica states that it is still
important to understand the significance of various technical components at the
beginning. Scope creep is a major challenge in all project types and in all indus-
tries; therefore, big data projects are not exception [8]. In software development
projects, the potential for scope creep is higher than in projects of other indus-
tries, such as construction. The main reason behind scope creep in software-based
projects is the lack of details in design and architecture at the start as mentioned
earlier. Informatica states that big data projects are more prone to overlooking
222  ◾  Data Analytics

the basic principles of data management. If the very data that instigates big data
project’s proof of concepts is not reliable, then the project will not be able to solve
the business problem, which will ultimately lead to failure in fulfilling the expec-
tations of the top management and also failure int creating value for the business.
Due to these factors highlighted by Informatica, there are only 13% organizations
where big data projects are in full production; therefore, big data project managers
are facing a phenomenal task of increasing the success rate of big data projects by
addressing the various factors discussed earlier.
In order to improve the success rate of big data projects, we can seek guidance
from the mainstream PM. Before we discuss how PM can help big data projects to
achieve higher success rates, it would be pertinent to discuss how PM as a discipline
is contributing toward the economic activity and helping businesses achieve their
strategic objectives and generate value from projects [9].
PM plays an important role as an economic activity globally, and it has
been tremendously adopted by various industries, particularly since the 1980s.
Projects are important tools in the hands of organizations for achieving their
strategic objectives. Therefore, projects have been employed as management
tools by ­various industries. It is important to explore how far projects have been
effective as management tools for organizations. Projects have been employed to
achieve  strategic objectives by various industries since the 1950s, starting with
the defense industry in the United States. The important role played by projects
as an effective tool can be gaged from the share of projects in the global economic
activity. Bredillet et al. [10] stated that globally more than 20% of the economic
activity occurs in the form of projects, and in the emerging economies this ratio
is more than 30%. Referring to the World Development Indicators, Bredillet
et al. stated that out of $48 trillion of the world’s gross domestic product, 22%
is entirely project based. These statistics indicate the role of PM in value creation
at the global level [10].
Since projects were adopted to achieve strategic objectives, the success of p
­ rojects
also became an important issue for practitioners and researchers. According to PM
literature, where the success debate started in the 1980s, a project is considered suc-
cessful if it is completed within the cost, time, and meeting scope specifications,
though the success debate has moved further to include stakeholder’s satisfaction as
another key variable There is an increasing emphasis on value generation from PM
and value is not just limited to economic and financial gains but encompasses social,
ethical, and ecological value as well. Since 2010 various authors have challenged the
classical success criteria of triple constraints (on cost, time, and scope) and argue for
assessing project success not on the basis of project outputs rather on the basis of
project outcomes. Project outputs are the artifacts or deliverables, whereas project
outcomes are goals for which projects are initiated and implemented. Project out-
comes lead to value for the organization, which is also known as project benefits.
PM literature makes a powerful case for PM as the most effective management tool
to implement organizational strategy, achieve strategic objectives, and obtain value
Project Management  ◾  223

for the organization. Big data analytics need to learn from current debates in PM
and evaluate its project’s success not only on the basis of triple constraints but also
on the basis of project outcomes and benefits. In order to ensure project success, the
mainstream PM discipline employs various PM frameworks and methodologies,
and according to Pearson et al. [11], following are the key PM methodologies:

◾◾ PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge)

◾◾ PRINCE2 (Projects in Controlled Environment)
◾◾ Agile
◾◾ ISO 21500:2012

9.3 Project Management Body of Knowledge

Project Management Institute’s (PMI) methodology, famously known as PMBOK,
is based on a generic project life cycle approach, which can be applied to any
­industry, project size, and complexity in public and private sectors.
Pearson et al. [11] provided the following features of PMBOK framework:

◾◾ PMI’s PMBOK provides a generic life cycle approach.

◾◾ It can be applied to projects of all sizes and complexities across all industry
and government sectors.
◾◾ It provides valuable body of knowledge around PM in general.
◾◾ It provides understanding of key tools and techniques applied in other meth-
odologies and frameworks, such as PRINCE2®, ISO 21500:2012, and Agile.
◾◾ It is based on ten components known as knowledge areas that cover the entire
project life cycle

Figure 9.1 shows PMBOK knowledge areas:

◾◾ Scope management
◾◾ Time management
◾◾ Cost management
◾◾ Quality management
◾◾ Human resources management
◾◾ Communications management
◾◾ Risk management
◾◾ Procurement management
◾◾ Governance management
◾◾ Integration management

PMBOK comprises five main processes: initiation, planning, execution, monitoring

and control, and closing. These processes can be seen in Figure 9.1.
224  ◾  Data Analytics

Figure 9.1  PMBOK project management life cycle process. (Adapted from [11].)

Like any effective PM framework, PMBOK provides governance mechanism to

keep projects on track and ensure that the project remains aligned to organizational
strategies. These are ensured throughout the process of PM, but the framework
has some decision gates to make stop or stay on course decisions. However, these
­decision gates are not provided throughout the project life cycle as in PRINCE2,
where such decisions could be made at the end of every project stage. PMBOK stage
gates can be seen in Figure 9.2.
PMBOK is a very comprehensive PM standard and a framework, and it has
inspired other PM methodologies, such as PRINCE2, Agile, and ISO 21500:2012.
PMBOK can be tailored to suit the inherent nature of big data projects, but
PMBOK insists on defining project scope and product description during the
­planning phase, which does not suit the very nature of big data projects that are
software based. Therefore, PMBOK can be employed to manage time, cost, qual-
ity and risk management, and governance and integration of the project, whereas
Agile approach can be applied to develop big data proof of concepts and product
development through iterations.

Figure 9.2  PMBOK decision gates. (Adapted from [11].)

Project Management  ◾  225

9.4 Projects in Controlled Environment 2

PRINCE2 was originally developed by the UK Office of Government Commerce,
now the Cabinet Office. This methodology provides a nonproprietary best practice
guidance on PM. PRINCE2 is based on stage gates and management by excep-
tions, as shown in Figure 9.3.
PRINCE2 is predominantly applied in Australia in the public sector by the
Commonwealth and state governments. This methodology is based on stage
gates where the project governing board can make stop or go-ahead decisions on
­completion of each stage. This methodology facilitates to ensure that the project
remains aligned to organizational strategic objectives and mitigates the issues if the
project deviates from organization objectives. PRINCE2 has an intensive reporting
mechanism and allows for planning at each stage. It has a comprehensive initia-
tion process, which includes business case in which project objectives are clearly
defined and aligned to organizational strategic objectives. Business case also identi-
fies the project product description and provides a mechanism for project review
and assesses how far the project has been able to achieve stated objectives and goals,
thus leading to business/organizational value. PRINCE 2 has a strong governance
mechanism in which the project board performs the role of directing the project.
The project board comprises three main roles: executive, senior user, and
senior supplier. The executive owns the business case throughout the project and is

Figure 9.3  PRINCE2 process. (Adapted from [11].)

226  ◾  Data Analytics

responsible for overall business assurance of the project. The senior user represents
the end users of the product, and therefore specifies the characteristics and features
of the project product. The senior supplier represents those who are involved in
designing, developing, facilitating, procuring, implementing and, possibly, oper-
ating and maintaining project product. The senior supplier role is based on the
assumption that project environment is based on the customer/supplier relation-
ship. PRINCE2 is best suited for public sector projects spread over a longer duration
with strong governance and reporting mechanisms, whereas big data projects, as
stated by Informatica, should not run for more than 6 weeks. Therefore, PRINCE2
does not provide a project framework that can resolve the PM challenges faced by
big data projects. Particularly, being software projects, big data projects cannot be
initiated with finalized product description that is required by PRINCE2 as the
product details may evolve with the project progress. However, PRINCE2 offers
a good mechanism for the involvement of key stakeholders in important decision-
making at various stages. Big data projects can also learn from PRINCE2 about
benefits management to win over the confidence of executives about the value of
investment in big data projects.

9.5 Agile
Larson et al. [12] stated that the traditional approaches to PM such as PMBOK are
based on comprehensive upfront planning of the entire project, which inherently
requires the availability of project product description and demands a high level of
predictability to be effective. However, in certain cases, particularly the software
development projects, the finite product information is not possible; therefore, the
need for a new project methodology was direly felt and Agile endeavored to pro-
vide the role of an effective PM methodology. Larson et al. [12] stated some of the
­following key features of Agile:

◾◾ It is based on incremental, iterative development cycles to complete less pre-

dictable projects.
◾◾ It is best suited for exploratory projects in which product requirements are
less known at the start and need to be discovered and new technology needs
to be tested.
◾◾ As a PM methodology, it focuses on active collaboration between the project
team and customer representatives.
◾◾ It is based on the continuous design improvement and offers flexibility for
later additions and changes in scope; thus, it is based on evolving scope rather
than on scope freeze as propounded by PMBOK and PRINCE2.
◾◾ It embraces change due to its inherent iterative design, whereas other
approaches to PM attempt to minimize changes through effective change
control processes.
Project Management  ◾  227

Figure 9.4  Agile process of product development. (Adapted from [12].)

◾◾ It promotes continuous, intensive interaction with the stakeholders,

­particularly customers, compared to other project methodologies.
◾◾ Agile project teams are self-regulated and managed compared to conventional
project teams.

Figure 9.4 shows the incremental and iterative Agile process of product development.
Larson et al. [12] argued that traditional PM approaches were designed to work
in a predictable environment where the project scope is well defined and the tech-
nology is stable. On the contrary, Agile is the response to project environment,
which are unpredictable and undefined; therefore, agile is more experiential and
adaptive of managing projects in unstable and unpredictable circumstances. Agile
approach to PM identifies three main roles that play key responsibilities in man-
aging project activities: product owner, self-organizing team, and scrum master.
Product owner helps identify the product description and initial features. The prod-
uct owner has the authority to change product features at the end of each sprint
(iteration). Agile project teams, unlike traditional PM teams, are self-managing and
the team members decide who is going to do what work, and the team is responsible
for the commitments made at the review meetings. The role of a scrum master is
quite similar to that of a project manager who facilitates scrum meetings. Scrum
meetings are a series of coordinated meetings to manage the development process;
in other words, these are project team meetings held on a daily basis.
Though Agile is best suited for software development projects because of its
iterative and flexible nature, it does not provide any guidance on the other aspects
of PM, such as cost and time management, risk management, quality management,
and governance. Larson et al. [12] stated that Agile approach does not address
­management’s top concerns about possible costs and expected timeline for a given
project. In many cases, a maximum budget ceiling is identified which is not expected
to exceed a certain limit. Agile PM approach faces project integration challenges
228  ◾  Data Analytics

when various teams are working on different product features. Therefore, to ensure
effective integration, processes external to Agile would be necessary.
The Agile approach is also silent on post project implementation activities such
as project review, and most of all, it does not guide on benefits management such as
how to identify, implement, and realize benefits of software solutions delivered as
a project product. It does not seek to direct how an organization can get value by
realizing benefits from a big data solution. The fundamental characteristics of Agile
are that it facilitates working on project product with initial features, and its itera-
tive nature makes it a strong candidate project approach for big data projects.

9.6 ISO 21500:2012
The ISO 21500:2012 framework has been developed by ISO and it is more of a
guidance framework than a full-fledged methodology like the other frameworks
discussed previously. It provides a high-level description of various PM processes
that can be employed by public or private sector organizations irrespective of the
organization size, project size, and complexity. In other methodologies, projects
are conceived within the context of portfolios and programs, but ISO 21500:2012
framework sees projects as stand-alone entities; therefore, issues about general man-
agement have been addressed only in the context of PM rather than at higher levels,
such as programs and portfolios.
This framework considers organizational strategy as the starting point in the
PM process, where projects are initiated to exploit opportunities in the light of
organizational strategic objectives. Figure 9.5 provides an overview of the ISO
21500:2012 framework.
ISO 21500:2012 has great similarities to the PMBOK framework proffered by
PMI in project life cycle. The similarities between the two frameworks can be seen
in Table 9.1.
According to Varajaoa et al. [13], ISO 21500:2012 is closely aligned with
PMBOK and have almost similar project processes, as can be seen in Table 9.2.
Since there are lot of similarities between ISO 21500:2012 and PMBOK, it is
advisable to use PMBOK which is a globally recognized PM standard and which
situates projects within the context of programs and portfolios, thus offering
effective PM. ISO 21500:2012 framework can be tailored to implement big data
projects; however, like PMBOK and PRINCE2 methodologies, ISO 21500:2012
framework also requires scope definition and product description at the planning
phase, whereas big data proof of concepts being software projects are started with
the basic product features and are finalized as the product gets developed.
However, system development life cycle (SDLC) proposed by Kimball et al. [14]
offers a good model, which can be applied to big data projects. Kimball’s SDLC
model is fundamentally geared toward designing, developing, and deploying data
warehousing business intelligence systems. The Kimball model comprises 11 main
Project Management  ◾  229

Figure 9.5  ISO 21500:2012 framework. (Adapted from [11].)

Table 9.1  Life Cycle Comparison between PMBOK 2013 and

ISO 21500:2012
ISO 21500:2012 Project Life Cycle PMBOK Project Life Cycle

Initiating Initiate

Planning Planning

Implementing Executing

Controlling Monitoring and controlling

Closing Closing

processes, and these are nested in PM context, which makes this model unique.
Most of the common SDLCs are predominantly designed for software develop-
ment, but these overlook the PM aspects in software development. It is possible that
such SDLCs either consider PM processes out of the scope of software development
or assume that PM processes can be addressed at the organization level. However,
the model demonstrates that SDLC can be more effective when implemented in
combination with PM processes and PM context.
As can be seen in Figure 9.6, Kimball’s model assumes that there exists a PM
environment in the organization, where the key PM aspects such as time and
cost management, quality and risk management, governance and stakeholders’
230  ◾  Data Analytics

Table 9.2  Comparison of ISO 21500:2012 with PMBOK

ISO 21500:2012 PMBOK

Integration Integration

Scope Scope

Time Time

Cost Cost

Resources Human resources

Quality Quality

Risk Risk

Stakeholders Stakeholders

Procurement Procurement

Communication Communication

Figure 9.6  Data warehouse SDLCs. (Adapted from [14].)

management are taken care of. Therefore, the Kimball model starts with business
requirements definition with the assumption that PM processes have already been
completed for a given project. Figure 9.6 shows Kimball’s model.

9.7 Key Insights
As mentioned at the start of this chapter, the success rate of IT projects is abysmally
low and the project failure rate in bigger organizations is even higher; therefore,
Project Management  ◾  231

big size organizations who are prime beneficiaries of big data projects would also
be facing similar low success rates for such projects. Project success is a major issue
even in mainstream PM. Although modern project management started in the
1950s, project success started appearing in literature from the 1980s [1,15]. During
the early years, project success remained focused on the project delivery within
the triple constraints of “on cost,” “on time,” and “within specifications.” As the
concept of project success matured gradually, stakeholders’ satisfaction was added
as another criterion for success. The efforts to identify project success factors con-
tinued, and various authors such as Pinto and Slevin [16] identified ten success fac-
tors for projects such as project mission, top management support, project schedule
plan, client consultation, personnel matters such as human resources and training,
technical tasks—adequate technology to support projects, client acceptance, moni-
toring and feedback, communication, and troubleshooting. Similarly, Freeman and
Beale [17] identified seven main elements of project success and stated that the first
five have been more frequently mentioned:

◾◾ Technical performance
◾◾ Efficiency of execution
◾◾ Managerial and organizational implications (mainly customer satisfaction)
◾◾ Personal growth
◾◾ Manufacturability and business performance
◾◾ Technical innovation
◾◾ Manufacturability and business performance

Dvir and Shanhar [18] investigated the relationship between project planning
and project success and argued that planning is central to modern-day PM and a
minimum level of planning is required for project success. The authors argue their
research found three factors such as “development of functional requirements,”
“development of technical requirements,” and “implementation of PM processes
and procedures” have critical roles in project success. The authors identified a posi-
tive relationship between the efforts made to determine project goals, functional
requirements, and technical specifications of the product and project success, par-
ticularly from the end users’ perspective. However, the current debate on project
success in the mainstream PM literature has extended beyond the execution of
the project and it now centers on project benefits realization, which values project
outcomes more than project outputs. Since organizations spend precious resources
on projects, in return, it is reasonable for them to expect that the intended benefits
will flow into the organization. There is a growing realization that benefits accrued
by the host organization should be a criterion of project success. Cook-Davies et al.
[19] reviewed the six bodies of knowledge in PM and concluded that expected ben-
efits have become the benchmark for stage-gate decision-making and continuous,
informal assessment in PM. Zwikael et al. [20] challenged the most commonly
used criteria of project success, which is based on project outputs rather than on
232  ◾  Data Analytics

outcomes, and offered a new framework to evaluate project success in providing

project benefits to the organization. The new framework argues for the inclusion
of benefits realization phase into the project life cycle. Zwikael et al. [20] defined
project benefits as value that is accrued from a project. They also propose to extend
the project life cycle to project realization management. The authors support value
management (VM) as a management style for projects and argue that if VM is
employed proactively, it can help align value system from the start and ensure that a
project progresses effectively and efficiently. Zwikael et al. [20] took the project suc-
cess debate to a new level by arguing to make project outcomes rather than outputs
the foundation of project evaluation process. The authors endeavor to modify the
conventional view from input–process–output (IPO) to input–­transform–outcome
(ITO) of project activity. The ITO model developed by the Zwikael and Smyrk
gives more importance to project outcomes (ITO) compared to project output
(IPO). Zwikael et al. [21] stated that PM literature and relevant PM standards over-
whelmingly focus on the need for providing project deliverables within the triple
constraints such as time, cost, and specifications, but argued that this focus ignores
the significance of project effectiveness in delivering project benefits or value to
stakeholders. In light of this discussion, it is fair to say that if big data projects wish
to align with the mainstream PM, it should also give due importance to benefits
management and realization from its projects. Effective benefits realization would
help big data projects win over the executives for more investment as they would see
the value accruing to the organization.
As the above discussion on various PM methodologies demonstrates, there is
no readymade PM methodology that can be applied to big data projects. Therefore,
the viable option with big data projects is that a customized PM methodology be
developed which addresses the PM aspects and facilitates the unique nature of big
data projects that are basically software projects. Among the methodologies dis-
cussed in this chapter, Agile and Kimball’s SDLC model come closer to provide
solutions to address the PM and software development challenges of big data proj-
ects. The most appropriate is Kimball’s SDLC model that provides a PM context
to the software development of big data projects. However, Kimball’s SDLC model
needs to be improved with the addition of benefits realization as one of the last pro-
cesses; the current model terminates the life cycle at growth and maintenance, but
it should continue to include benefits realization as the last process. Taking a cue
from Zwikael and Smyrk [20], the Kimball model should be geared toward project
outcomes rather than outputs.
As highlighted during the discussion of all the main PM methodologies, big data
projects can borrow various PM processes to improve the success rate of p ­ rojects.
Unfortunately, none of the major PM methodologies offer a customized readymade
solution to big data projects, however where it can adopt Agile p ­ rocess and Kimball’s
model for software development; it can adopt other important processes as well, such
as time and cost management, quality and risk management, project governance,
and stakeholders’ engagement from PMBOK and PRINCE2. To keep abreast of the
Project Management  ◾  233

current PM practices in various industries, big data projects need to give due impor-
tance to benefits management and realization, as in the end every project is initiated
and implemented for project outcomes so that benefits and value can flow into the
investing organization. For this to happen, big data projects need to adopt program
and portfolio management as this will facilitate benefits management throughout
the organization. By ensuring that benefits are realized, the m ­ anagers of big data
projects can improve the project success rates and also enhance the confidence of top
management in the efficacy and value of big data projects.

9.8 Conclusion
The chapter establishes the relationship between PM and big data analytics. The
existing PM methods were developed without considering the impact of big data.
However, the increasing amount of data in any project will have to be treated well
for effective PM and outcomes. Therefore, in this chapter, we have highlighted the
importance of PM for optimized data analytics. We have critically analyzed the state-
of-the-art methodologies for PMs and have provided key insights based on the analy-
sis. This chapter will be particularly helpful for project managers who have to deal
with large amounts of data and, at the same time, have to look for successful projects.

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in Project Management: The Nine Schools. Global Business Perspectives, vol. 1, no. 1,
pp. 3–28.
19. Informatica (ND). How to Run a Big Data POC in Six Weeks.
Data%20POC%20in%206%20weeks.pdf, accessed on February 27, 2018.
20. Cao, Longbing (2017) Data Science: Challenges and Directions. Communications of the
ACM, vol. 60, no. 8. pp. 59–68.
21. Datameer (ND). The Guide to Big Data Analytics.
analytics-ebook.pdf?mkt_tok, accessed on February 25, 2017.
Chapter 10

Blockchain in the Era

of Industry 4.0
Md. Mehedi Hassan Onik
Inje University

Mohiuddin Ahmed
Canberra Institute of Technology

10.1 Introduction..............................................................................................236
10.1.1 Chapter Roadmap.........................................................................237
10.2 Emergence of Industrial Revolutions.........................................................237
10.2.1 F ourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0)..................................239
10.2.2 D efinition of Industry 4.0..............................................................239
10.2.3 C ore Components of Industry 4.0.................................................241
10.3 Blockchain and Cryptocurrency................................................................245
10.3.1 D efinition of Blockchain.............................................................. 246
10.3.2 C omponents of Blockchain............................................................247
10.3.3 W orking Procedure and Algorithm................................................250
10.3.4 C ryptocurrency.............................................................................252
10.4 Blockchain’s Impact on Industry 4.0.........................................................253
10.4.1 H
 ow Blockchain Supports Industry 4.0.........................................253
10.4.2 A
 pplication Domains of Blockchain in Industry 4.0......................257
10.4.3 A daptation Issues and Open Research Challenges........................ 260
10.4.4 C hallenges Associated with Law, Policy, and Standardization.......263
10.4.5 Recommendations for Adaptation................................................ 264

236  ◾  Data Analytics

10.5 Potential Use Case and Comparative Analysis...........................................265

10.5.1 Use Case: DSC............................................................................. 266
10.5.2 C omparative Analysis................................................................... 266
10.6 Conclusion................................................................................................269

10.1  Introduction
The fourth industrial revolution has begun and this is not going to be like other
­revolutions. It is not about the steam that powered our factories in the first
­revolution or the mass production model that dominated the second or even the
emergence of computer-driven systems from the third revolution that we are living
in today. The fourth industrial revolution or Industry 4.0 is about connectivity and
communication. The current digital economy is based on the trust formed between
groups of business-minded authorities. Meanwhile, the fourth industrial revolution
demands an automated business process with ubiquitous digitization, i.e., a tech-
nology that can narrow the gap between human and system. It is an opportunity
to radically change the way industry responds to the needs of society. The world is
waiting for another industrial revolution, which is capable of automatic machine-
to-machine (M2M) communication via a secure and decentralized cyber-physical
system (CPS). This exponential challenge must be mobilized by technologies such
as blockchain, shared ledger, and cryptocurrency.
The main theme of blockchain is a distributed ledger instead of a traditional
centralized system. A closer look at this technology shows the following key
­characteristics that have opened immense opportunities for Industry 4.0:

◾◾ Decentralized storage: This will allow any asset or document to be stored in

a way that will be public, transparent, and accessible from the network. There
will be no centrally controlled database.
◾◾ Public consensus: Access, transfer, and communication will no more be
controlled by any single authority. Any modification will act only after an
independent approval from the public.
◾◾ Immutability: There will be no scope for adjustment or alteration of any
information. It will provide a two-layer security system to make business
reliable and secure.
◾◾ Increased capacity: By removing every kind of middleman and approval
system, it will provide a cost-effective and faster settlement of any contract,
agreement, or approval.

Now, cryptocurrencies are for blockchain, what email was for the Internet in the
early 1990s. Digital currency or cryptocurrency is an Internet-based commodity
exchanging medium that acts like a bank check, note, and coin. The first usage
of blockchain technology, bitcoin (BTC), came in the year 2009. Since then quite
Blockchain in the Era of Industry 4.0  ◾  237

a few have been generated. Some superior cryptocurrencies are BTC, ethereum,
ripple, BTC cash, litecoin, etc.
Initially, BTC was the only dominant application of blockchain technology,
but with further technological achievements, it can be used in other sectors too.
Major industries that can utilize the aforementioned properties of blockchain tech-
nology are finance and insurance, health and medicine, Internet of Things (IoT),
academia, copyright, vehicle sharing, supply chain management, energy manage-
ment, gambling, government, retail, human resource management, etc. Presently,
we have middlemen everywhere, for example, bank for currencies, postal service
for product insurance, election commission for election, contract lawyer, court and
registry office for land registration, etc. Blockchain can remove these middle par-
ties, secure communication, and build a digital reputation for a trustless secured
business. However, there are arguments in the context of technology, standardiza-
tion, policy, and social adaptability. Although standardization and synchronization
for an acceptable blockchain are ongoing, it is important to clear up the upcoming
fourth industrial revolution issues such as energy and power consumption, aberrant
cryptocurrency value, transaction time and cost, and privacy and regulations.
Blockchain technology has many things to offer, which will surely affect the
future industry structure in Industry 4.0. After this revolution, industries can
exploit the real digital enterprises, with physical products at the pivot, and decen-
tralized storage, augmented interfaces, and immutable crypto transaction at the
end. To underscore the effect of blockchain on Industry 4.0, this chapter lists
­challenges, scopes, and current status of these technologies in detail. In addition
to that, their flaws, effects, and requirements are also pointed out with adequate
examples, which can be a good reference point for future study.

10.1.1 Chapter Roadmap
Rest of the chapter is organized as follows: Section 10.2 elaborates the fourth
­industrial revolution and its components within the scope of Industry 4.0.
Section 10.3 contains discussion on blockchain and cryptocurrencies. It also pres-
ents the scope of blockchain technology and its correlation with Industry 4.0.
In Section 10.4, the impacts of blockchain on diverse industries are highlighted.
Section 10.5 highlights the changes that blockchain can bring in the industrial
architecture with a potential use case. Finally, Section 10.6 concludes the chapter
followed by necessary references.

10.2 Emergence of Industrial Revolutions

As the previous industrial revolution was led by innovations in m ­ anufacturing
­processes and systems, the advancement of Industry 4.0 will be driven by a smart,
interconnected, pervasive environment. A well-equipped industry under this
238  ◾  Data Analytics

Figure 10.1  Industrial evolution with key developments (Industry 1.0 to Industry

revolution will be capable of planning ahead with a clear strategic vision and will
be focused on discovering how smart products and processes can be developed.
Industry 4.0 will take away isolated silo-driven development, which limits the
scopes and values of new projects. Instead, it will move the current industry toward
large-scale and proactive integration across their enterprise and among their cus-
tomer, supply base, and products to ensure that they are aware of every possible
opportunity a smart factory has to offer. Under the umbrella of Industry 4.0, a
trader understands the value chain from which products are designed, how they
are produced, who they are sold for, and how they are purchased. An organization
may become radically different in the future with a range of products, services, and
processes that we cannot currently predict. We must plan ahead and fight radical
changes with integrated radical actions to welcome the new era of the fourth indus-
trial revolution (Industry 4.0). Figure 10.1 shows a gradual change of the industrial
revolution from the year 1784 to 2017.

◾◾ Industry 1.0
From the beginning of the eighteenth century, for the greater benefit of workers,
water and steam-powered machines were invented. Due to industry 1.0, pro-
duction capabilities maximized, business grew from individual to organization
level, and from stakeholders to customers all came under the same platform.
◾◾ Industry 2.0
By the beginning of the twentieth century, industries got the taste of electric-
ity and division of labor. By the virtue of electricity, machines had their own
power sources, which empowered factories for mass production. In this revo-
lution, workers did only a part of the total job, which increased the overall
productivity and efficiency.
◾◾ Industry 3.0
The invention of electronic cheapest, integrated circuit, the programmable
logic controller (PLC) spawned the development of computerized software
Blockchain in the Era of Industry 4.0  ◾  239

technology to capitalize on the electronic hardware. In the last few decades of

the twentieth century, product cost was reduced by replacing operators with
low-cost software and transistors. Finally, the manufacturer could move their
plant to a cost-effective geographical location for assembly and refabricating,
which developed the supply chain management system.

10.2.1 Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0)

In the twenty-first century, complexities and requirements in the industries d
­ rastically
increased. Global manufacturing competition, increasing market ­volatility, smaller
supply chains, and global economic unrest put stakeholders in serious trouble [1].
Existing value creation ways could not fulfil the cost efficiency, stability, and feasi-
bility requirements of the currently overgrown industrialization. Requirements for
the competitive market were going higher, and thus, new technologies were also
involved manifold, which led us to think of a new industrial revolution. Artificial
intelligence allows us to think beyond human capacity; people have started to mine
data for policy improvement; smart grid is smoothening the way of using power;
IoT has connected every day-to-day life object; big data and cloud computing have
reconciled marketing policies and opened up storage bindings; augmented and vir-
tual realities are emerging; 5G is on its way with endless opportunities; robots are
being deployed in root-level production; additive ­manufacturing has already started
to produce 3D products; and finally, the shared ledger or blockchain technologies
are providing financial independence and security through cryptocurrencies. The
combination of all these factors has led us to believe that we need an industrial
revolution for an organized impact on manufacturing factories. Now, Industry 4.0
can help these programs reach their fullest potential.

10.2.2 Definition of Industry 4.0

It was 2011 when the declaration “Industrie 4.0” or “fourth industrial revolution”
or “Industry 4.0” was first announced publicly by the German manufacturing
industry (an association of business and academia) [2]. Later on, in light of this
the German federal government announced that “Industrie 4.0” would be an inte-
gral part of its “High-Tech Strategy 2020 for Germany” initiative [3]. Thereafter,
they formed the “Industrie 4.0 Working Group,” which reported their primary
recommendations for the fourth industrial revolution back in 2013 [4]. After this,
it spread worldwide, for example, “industrial Internet” was proposed by General
Electric in 2014 [5]; in the same year, a $2 billion fund was given for research
in “Advanced Manufacturing” (President’s Council of Advisors on Science and
Technology, 2014), and more work has been done on the same path with different
names such as “Integrated Industry” [6] and “Smart Industry” [7]. In the United
States, Industrial Internet Consortium is working on its improvement.
240  ◾  Data Analytics

Industry 4.0 can be defined as an end-to-end digitization and decentralization

of all information, and physical assets were the main focus of Industry 4.0. The
ultimate goal of this revolution is proposing a digital ecosystem with partners of a
supply chain management. Generating, analyzing, and communicating data with-
out any interruption by the third party and introducing new technologies to the
manufacturing sector are its final outcomes. An intelligent factory system is where
CPS generates a virtual world to communicate through IoT and where transaction
is secured by a shared ledger (blockchain).
Since the elements combining Industry 4.0 has not finished yet, it is a gradual
process which needs further modification and standardization for adaptation and
popularity. Since this trend is still in its infancy, we will mention some widely
accepted definitions. According to MacDougall of German Trade and Invest, the
definition is as follows:

Smart industry or ‘INDUSTRIE 4.0’ refers to the technologi-

cal ­e volution of embedded systems to cyber-physical systems. Put
simply, INDUSTRIE 4.0 represents the coming fourth industrial
revolution on the way to an Internet of Things, Data and Services.
Decentralized intelligence helps create intelligent object network-
ing and independent process management, with the interaction of
the real and virtual worlds representing a crucial new aspect of the
manufacturing and production process. INDUSTRIE 4.0 represents
a paradigm shift from “centralized” to “decentralized” production –
made possible by technological advances which constitute a reversal
of conventional production process logic. Simply put, this means
that industrial production machinery no longer simply “processes”
the product, but that the product communicates with the machinery
to tell it exactly what to do. INDUSTRIE 4.0 connects embedded
system production technologies and smart production processes to
pave the way to a new technological age which will radically trans-
form industry and production value chains and business models (e.g.
“smart factory”) [8].

According to Cornelius Baur of McKinsey, the definition of blockchain is as

Industry 4.0 is the next phase in the digitization of the m­ anufacturing
sector, driven by four disruptions: the astonishing rise in data volumes,
computational power, and connectivity, especially new low-power wide-
area networks; the emergence of analytics and business-­intelligence
capabilities; new forms of human-machine interaction such as touch
interfaces and augmented-reality systems; and improvements in trans-
ferring digital instructions to the physical world, such as advanced
robotics and 3-D printing [9].
Blockchain in the Era of Industry 4.0  ◾  241

Davies of European Parliament also defined the fourth industrial revolution in

2015 as follows:
Industry 4.0 is a term applied to a group of rapid transformations in
the design, manufacture, operation and service of manufacturing sys-
tems and products. The 4.0 designation signifies that this is the world’s
fourth industrial revolution, the successor to three earlier industrial
revolutions that caused quantum leaps in productivity and changed the
lives of people throughout the world [10].
Finally, according to Gartner report, Industry 4.0 is defined as follows:
Industrie 4.0 is a German-government-sponsored vision for advanced
manufacturing. The underlying concept of Industrie 4.0 is to connect
embedded systems and smart production facilities to generate a d ­ igital
convergence between industry, business and internal functions and
processes. Industrie 4.0 refers to a fourth industrial revolution (follow-
ing water/steam power, mass production and automation through IT
and robotics) and introduces the concept of “cyber-physical systems” to
differentiate this new evolutionary phase from the electronic automa-
tion that has gone before [11].
Figure 10.2 shows three indispensable characteristics and features that are
needed to design the skeleton of Industry 4.0 where decentralization brings auton-
omous manufacturing and transparent business transactions, technologies assists
workers in developing smart products, and compatibility harmonizes devices and
sensors for cost efficiency.

10.2.3 Core Components of Industry 4.0

Several catchwords and trends connected with this fourth industrial revolution
have been widely researched in several studies and surveys [12–14]. The main

Figure 10.2  Features of Industry 4.0.

242  ◾  Data Analytics

components of Industry 4.0 are mentioned in the text that follows (Figure 10.3),
though there are other ongoing technologies connected with Industry 4.0.
Manufacturing industries of the fourth industrial revolution will have the
abovementioned components (Figure 10.3). A secure CPS is used with cloud com-
puting and big data analysis to improve policies. IoT, Internet of systems (IoS), and
additive manufacturing technologies are used to increase the quality and quantity
of the product. Training and production systems become more secure and efficient
with smart sensors and augmented reality. Finally, blockchain and cryptocurren-
cies can provide a middleman less, secure, and decentralized transaction facilities.
A detailed description of Figure 10.3 is given as follows:

◾◾ Cyber-physical systems
Physical and computational elements can be controlled through the Internet
via a CPS. These interactions among the machines are dynamic, which change
the context to represent a complete system in a digital way. With intelligent
embedded sensors, machines will be able to communicate, thus resulting in a
smart network for a particular product throughout its supply chain. “Smart
anything” is its main concept, which includes everything surrounding us
(e.g., cars, buildings, homes, manufacturing, hospitals, factory, grids, and
appliances). It is a bridge between the computing and noncomputing devices
around us. Lee proposed two main components of CPS: (i) a real-time bidi-
rectional communication for physical and cyber world and (ii) an intelligent
data analysis for building an intelligent cyber space [15]. For  example, the

Figure 10.3  Core components of the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0).
Blockchain in the Era of Industry 4.0  ◾  243

Distributed Robotic Laboratory of Massachusetts Institute of Technology

developed a group of robots that are responsible for taking care of a tomato
garden through navigation, sensors, and wireless technologies.
◾◾ Internet of Things
A bidirectional connection between “things” (objects and machines) and the
Internet can be the easiest way of expressing IoT. The difference between
CPS and IoT is that all IoT devices are CPSs, but all CPSs are not neces-
sarily ­connected to the Internet and thus are not necessarily IoT devices.
Jayavardhana Gubbi categorized the IoT components into three types: (i)
hardware (sensors, actuators), (ii) middleware (storage and computing tools),
and (iii) application (visualization and interpretation) [16]. The need for
­time-sensitive networking with dedicated add-ons tailored to fulfil the require-
ments of automation for IoT was discussed in a study by Wollschlaeger [17].
Industrial IoT is an extended version of IoT, especially evolved for the fourth
industrial revolution, for example, the health-care monitoring IoT devices
where doctors can remotely monitor patients and store clinical information
for future use [18].
◾◾ Internet of Services
The technology program AUTONOMIK fürIndustrie 4.0 (in English:
AUTONOMICS for Industry 4.0) by the Federal Ministry for Economic
Affairs and Energy (BMWi) of Germany introduced “Smart Face” [19]. That
was the beginning of the service-oriented architecture. The whole manu-
facturing section was divided into smaller parts. A server-based application
directs the parts production schedule. Another automated machine distrib-
utes the workload to complete the whole procedure. Ultimately, a central
workflow planning system will be removed by this IoS system. The main
idea of IoS is that it turns a simple product into services. A product will
automatically evaluate user’s expectation and transform itself as a service for
more value generation. Several manufacturers have already exploited this. For
example, a food-supplying company of the Netherlands analyze patient data
from hospitals to decide the meal menu. Another example can be a Tesla car,
which automatically upgrades its hardware and software by online ordering.
Sometimes people get confused among IoT, IoS, and CPS. Actually, these
three things are completely different based on their applied position, where
the Internet is a service and CPS smart production is an application of that
service. At the system level, CPS communicates among devices with an infra-
structure made by the IoT. Over all, a CPS delivers services like IoS by com-
munication among products through IoT. Figure 10.4 describes the details of
CPS, IoT, IoS, and Internet’s application position in Industry 4.0.
◾◾ Smart factory and product
In a smart factory, a product has an independent production process, which is
easily identifiable and locatable. It is not cost efficient currently, but the pro-
ductivity of the factory increases for smart product supply chain [4]. A smart
244  ◾  Data Analytics

Figure 10.4  Application layer of Industry 4.0 components.

factory must have a feedback and coordination system, implemented on the

cloud and analyzed by big data mining [20]. Similarly, a smart product’s
life cycle is not limited up to its delivery, even after the customer buys a
product, its evaluation and service as a product continues. A digital system
of ­customer-specific product variants is the ultimate outcome of this smart
product idea. In 2017, Abramovici describes this smart product as “By fin-
ishing the manufacturing and delivery phase a cyclic process including the
phases of Smart Product use, reconfiguration and remanufacturing begins”
[21]. A good example can be the Siemens plant in Germany that claims to be
roughly 75% automated, where all the 1,150 employees mostly operate com-
puters and check the process status.
◾◾ Big data, cloud, and global positioning system (GPS)
Intelligent big data mining technology provides a range of business-to-­
business communications that include data supply, cleansing, enrichment,
and analysis. It is a cloud-based system offering a secure storage, which
facilitates easy access to information. Facilities for location, tracking, and
navigation are the three main things offered by the GPS. A self-aware and
self-maintained machine proposed by Lee et al. [22] could report pressures,
fuel flow rate, temperature, and the rotational speed of the bulldozer to the
cloud storage, which then automatically identified the location of the particu-
lar vehicle and took necessary action.
◾◾ Machine-to-machine (M2M) communication
In an M2M communication, a machine of one working level can commu-
nicate with a machine of another working level via wireless or wired media
without any human involvement. It is highly linked with the business-to-
business (B2B) communication for the formation of the fourth industrial
revolution (Industry 4.0). For example, a printer can automatically order a
color-supplying ink cartridge supplier machine when it runs out of ink [22].
Blockchain in the Era of Industry 4.0  ◾  245

The development of M2M communication as a new technology is changing

the way of B2B communication across the world. A customer acquisition
with his/her owner’s satisfaction will increase many times in Industry 4.0
with these (M2M and B2B) new technologies.
◾◾ Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR)
Even a few years ago, people used AR and VR for playing and fun p ­ urposes
only, but currently they are adding a new dimension to Industry 4.0. A
matured AR or VR can effectively change the whole idea of the current
­factory to generate a real smart factory. AR is the technology that combines
the physical and real world with computer- and mobile-generated data to
bring a virtual object into reality. For example, with “Google glass,” a smart
factory will be able to train its employees with AR and VR. A training can
be more interesting, secure, and cost effective with this technology. Pierdicca
also predicted a few applications of AR and VR in Industry 4.0, such as car
troubleshooting, shopping, makeup, and game technologies
◾◾ Additive manufacturing
Additive manufacturing (AM; 3D printer) is another transformational pillar
and innovation accelerator for Industry 4.0. AM is the technology that builds
(prints) 3D objects. According to Martha Rehnberg, global value chains will
be highly affected due to the extensive use of 3D printers [24]. Product model
creation, customization, and spare parts production will be easier with this
technology. Plastic, metal, concrete, or, in future, human tissue can also be
made with this technology. A use case can be architecture and construction,
medical, aeronautics, industrial goods production, electronics, etc.
◾◾ Artificial intelligence and robotics
Artificial intelligence and robotics make this industrial revolution more dra-
matic than what people have predicted before. Robots have started to run
in the background. A robot can correlate the previous actions taken by the
operator and act accordingly, which grows the company value. Robots are
learning the product cycle and involved in a way where they can respond and
solve a new problem in continuously changing environments. Two industrial
robots arms, robot A (learned from the previous operator of the industry) and
robot B (learned from human–robot interaction) were compared where it was
proved that a physical human–robot interaction is an improved way of using
robots in the context of user experience for Industry 4.0 [25].

10.3 Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

The social network has evolved exponentially in the past few years. Storage and
computing power are already having a shared architecture for cloud computing.
IoT has connected our devices too. The smart market idea has opened a commu-
nication mechanism between businesses. The only thing that was left behind was
246  ◾  Data Analytics

Figure 10.5  Evolution of blockchain and cryptocurrency.

a common, transparent, and shared economy; finally, blockchain filled that space.
Companies are facing shared social economy, crowd funding, digital identities, and
entrepreneurship. Therefore, stakeholders must welcome blockchain-based transac-
tion for fitting their company to global payment settlement, accounting, or cus-
tomer loyalty. It was first started in the year 2008 and Satoshi Nakamoto explained
about the general idea of the blockchain [26]. The main idea of his BTC white
paper was about money transactions between peers without requiring the help of a
third party, such as banks or trusted middleman. Instead of trust what was needed
was a digital transaction system based on cryptography. It helped to solve the
­double-spending problem through something called proof of work (POW) through
the use of digital wallet. Due to gradual development over time, this technology
has become the largest way of solving global economic barrier. As BTC becomes
popular worldwide, similar cryptocurrencies are also being developed. Figure 10.5
explains the gradual development of BTC and blockchain over time. It started
with the domain registration of in 2008. The official publication of the
blockchain idea publicly happened in the same year. In 2017, BTC and blockchain
became mature enough to join as a key technology of Industry 4.0.

10.3.1 Definition of Blockchain
The blockchain is a decentralized ledger of all transactions across a peer-to-peer
(P2P) network. Without a central authority and middleman, this technology can
confirm the transaction with the approval of an already established and proved
Blockchain in the Era of Industry 4.0  ◾  247

group. The blockchain is the base technology on which BTC and other cryptocur-
rencies are based. Swan mentioned in his book Blockchain: Blueprint for a New
Economy about two versions of blockchain technology based on its use: version 1.0
was all about currency and version 2.0 reflects smart contract with all other shared
ledger use [26]. There are different studies and research trying to introduce and
define blockchain and BTC technology from their own viewpoints. According
to Robert Hackett of the Fortune magazine, “This coding breakthrough—which
consists of concatenated blocks of transactions—allows competitors to share a
digital ledger across a network of computers without the need for a central author-
ity. No single party has the power to tamper with the records: the math keeps
everyone honest” [27]. The blockchain can also allow more advanced transactions
other than transferring money with smart contracts [28]. In 1997, Nick Szabo
defined backsmart contract as a cryptographic contract. It is a digital protocol
to satisfy  common contractual conditions such as payment, license, and busi-
ness deal. A smart contract can reduce transaction costs by removing the trusted
­intermediaries [29].
Zibin Zheng in 2017 has found four key characters of blockchain technologies:
decentralization, persistency, anonymity, and auditability [30]. The International
Organization for Standardization (ISO) has also started a technical committee on
blockchain in Australia to propose “Standardization of blockchain technologies
and distributed ledger technologies.”

10.3.2 Components of Blockchain
Major technologies constituting blockchain are shown in Figures 10.6–10.8). Hash
function, architecture of a block, and public and private keys in digital signature
are discussed as follows:

◾◾ Hash
A hash algorithm changes arbitrary data into definite length hash. Generally
written as hexadecimal, a slight change in original data results in a significant
difference in output hash value by the use of this hash function. It makes fal-
sification difficult that guarantees blockchain data security. Every new block
creation or transaction utilizes the calculation of hash value. The hash value
calculator that is mostly used is double SHA256 hashing algorithm and this
technology was mentioned in this study [31]. An example of hash function
is as follows: If an input data in BTC is “2190,” after going through a hash
function it becomes “e80G1.” For the next transaction, if the input data is
changed slightly to “2191,” after going through a hash function it will gener-
ate “2cc6L” as an output. The following scenario shows that in Figure 10.6,
2190 and 2191 are almost similar, but “e80G1” and “2cc6L” are difficult to
predict. Blockchain adopts this security mechanism to generate random hash
values for data storage and authentication.
248  ◾  Data Analytics

Figure 10.6  The working procedure of hash function.

◾◾ Block
Block can be easily defined as a source of information storage for a ­transaction.
A block is thus a permanent store of records that, once written, cannot be
altered or removed. If we make a comparison with record kipping common
style it’s a page of a ledger, we only go to the next page of a ledger when it fin-
ishes. Similarly, a block indicates the current transaction, and when the next
block is created, it becomes the latest one. Each time a block is “completed,” it
gives way to the next block in the blockchain. There is no limit to the number
for blocks being created; it will continue to grow as long as people use them
for transactions. Its parts are header, transaction counter, and block content,
which are shown in Figure 10.7. The header contains the basic information
about a particular block such as block version, timestamp, nonce, and parent
block hash. The basic size of BTC is around 100 bytes per transaction, out of
which 80 bytes belongs to the header.
Block header contains the following components as shown in Figure 10.7:

Block Version: It includes the ID, the size of the block, and the version ­number
(the set of rules that a particular block conforms to is also mentioned).
ParentBlock Hash: 2x SHA256 hash of the previous block header, this is
how the blockchain is created by pointing to the previous block.
MerkleTree Root Hash: Encodes blockchain data efficiently and securely.
It uses double SHA-256. A double hashing is done to generate a tree
Timestamp: Used to figure out the mining difficulty re-target. When a node
connects to another, it generates a timestamp where 1–2 h delay is normal.
Target Threshold: This is related to mining and how hard it is to successfully
mine the block.
Blockchain in the Era of Industry 4.0  ◾  249

Figure 10.7  Block format (blockchain architecture).

Nonce: It is a random number. It is used for searching a suitable hash, and

this is what the miners are looking for.
Transactions Counter: Transaction counter counts the total number of
transactions that happen.
Transactions: Transaction value totally depends on the use. Whenever the
block transacts, it saves that (data) in this section. It can be BTC transac-
tion, contract records, or business data, etc.

Figure 10.7 represents the aforementioned details of block information

graphically where header, transaction counter, and transaction are the three
main parts of the block.

◾◾ Digital signature
This digital signature was first used by Johnson as the elliptic curve digital
signature algorithm (ECDSA) in the year 2000 [32]. A digital signature is a
procedure to prove the authenticity of the blockchain transmission. It mainly
contains public and private keys to provide a double-layer protection of trans-
action information. Signing phase and verification phase are the two steps
needed for this verification. A private key is reserved for personal transactions,
whereas a public key is sent globally for outside security. In the signing part,
one encrypts data with the private key and sends the original data-encrypted
result, both. In the verification part, the receiver can easily check the validity of
250  ◾  Data Analytics

Figure 10.8  Digital signature (blockchain architecture).

the received data with the sender’s public key. The sender sends data and hash
value, and, on the other hand, the receiver can verify the information that was
actually generated from the hash and the private key of the sender. It can be
71–73 bytes long. The private and public keys for BTC are 32 and 33 bytes,
respectively. A more detailed elaboration is given in Figure 10.8.

10.3.3 Working Procedure and Algorithm

Generally, a group of people decided to exchange something through a blockchain
transaction. First, every user validates each other’s ability status. Afterward, if pre-
vious transactions are validated, then a new transaction happens and the new block
stores new transaction information. A copy of each transaction is saved in every
user’s node. So, when a new block of transactions is added to the blockchain, the
node has to prove that it had done some work to create the new block, and this
clarification is done through consensus algorithms such ask POW, proof of stake
(POS), proof of activity, proof of burn, practical byzantine fault tolerance (PBFT),
Tendermint, etc. In POW, the node in the network calculates the hash value of the
block header. The block header contains a nonce and the node (miner) would try
to find the correct nonce by changing the nonce frequently to get different hash
values until the calculated value is equal to or smaller than a certain given value.
And when the node reaches the targeted value, it would broadcast the block to
other nodes, and then the other nodes must acknowledge the correctness of the
hash value. If the block is valid, other miners would append this new block to their
own blockchain. Different consensus algorithms follow their own procedures for
consensus finality achievement. As a working procedure of blockchain, we will
show how a BTC transaction occurs from the sender to the receiver account with
ten steps (Figure 10.9). First of all, the sender node records data and broadcasts it in
the network. Second, the receiver node checks the authenticity of the received data;
if found correctly, it generates a block. The next step is getting an approval from
the miner who executes blockchain algorithms with that block. After that block
Blockchain in the Era of Industry 4.0  ◾  251

Figure 10.9  Step-by-step working procedure of blockchain (BTC).

executed the consensus algorithm and every node with the last block information
approved that block, it extends the chain base on this block.
In order for a node in the network to accept the verification of creation of blocks
or transactions by other nodes , they must agree with each other on how the system
works, so they must find a consensus on that. In the blockchain world, some of the
well-known consensus algorithms are (i) PBFT [33], (ii) POW [26], and (iii) POS
[34] which is the backbone of Bitshares [35]. The consensus algorithm that collec-
tively uses the trusted sub-networks of a larger network is called ripple [36]. Manu
Sporny, in 2017, compared different blockchain-related algorithms and identified
the feasibilities and risks in his study [37].
Because the POW requires a huge amount of energy, it has motivated the research-
ers to find more suitable alternative blockchain protocols. This would eliminate the
need of POW by changing the protocol which consumes lesser energy with the same
guarantee of work [38]. So, the POS has solved this enormous ­computation power
that is required by the POW. By changing the concept where security levels of the
network were not dependent on energy consumption, it provides an energy-saving
efficiency and more cost-competitive end-to-end cryptocurrency transactions. POS
also requires hashing by the nodes in the network, but it is needed for a limited search
space. It is also known as proof of ownership because the verification is done by the
one who owns the highest amount of cryptocurrency. There is a belief that the owner
having the highest amount will not corrupt the network [30], but there are also others
252  ◾  Data Analytics

who think otherwise because of the concept “rich gets richer.” Although POS helped
us to reduce the massive energy consumptions, it has some disadvantages as well,
for example, several potential security issues where the coin age might be abused by
some malicious nodes helping them to gain significant network weight that leads to
a successful double-spending. Another issue related to the coin age is that the honest
nodes can be seen abusing the system by staking only on a periodical basis, which can
be considered as an unsecured network. In the current system, all the existing com-
ponents of a POS are predictable enough to allow the precomputation of future POS,
wherein (BlackCoin’s Proof-of-Stake protocol v2) Vasin [39] illustrated these issues
and provided a solution for them. Improved POS also enables more transactions per
second and also it is a censorship resistance that prevents maximizing the profit of the
members at the expense of nonmembers, and through this improved version, it can
recover from netsplits as well as from mass crash failure.
Another group introduced Casper “the Friendly Ghost” for improving the POS
[40]. First, there is security-deposit-based security and authentication where the
node’s “bonded validators” must place a security deposit (bonding) for serving the
consensus by producing blocks. Second, gambling on consensus, Casper makes its
validators bet a big part of their security deposits on how the consensus process is
going to turn out. The consensus process “turns out” according to their bet and the
validators have to bet their deposit on how they expect the rest to be betting their
deposits as well.

10.3.4 Cryptocurrency
Cryptocurrency is just an application of blockchain technology in real life. It is
virtual money for P2P electronic transactions. It started with BTC, and currently,
there are more than 900 cryptocurrencies in the market, which will be discussed in
detail in later sections. “Announcing the first release of BTC, a new electronic cash
system that uses a peer-to-peer network to prevent double-spending. It’s completely
decentralized with no server or central authority.”—Satoshi Nakamoto announced
this on January 9, 2009 [26]. A comparison analysis was done by Manu Sporny
and Ashiq Anjum in their study stated below, which clearly compares the perfor-
mances of different crypto coins that vary with situations [37]. According to that
study, interplanetary file system (IPFS) and hashgraph performance are better in
the context of system availability, scalability, failure tolerance, and latency. On the
contrary, BTC, Ethereum, and Blockstack are better in terms of auditability, liveli-
ness, and denial of service, but their performance decreased with higher transac-
tions and verification times. It shows that BTC, Ethereum, and Blockstack spend
around 30–60 minutes for achieving consensus. IPFS and Steller are more scalable
than other cryptocurrencies. Over 900 cryptocurrencies have been listed up to now
[35]. A study by Vigna in 2016 discussed how cryptocurrencies are changing the
trends of the age-old economic system and presenting a transparent, shared, and
independent transaction system [41].
Blockchain in the Era of Industry 4.0  ◾  253

Every technology evolved with problems and limitations, and with time they
got their actual shape for future commanding. Several reports identified the follow-
ing issues and challenges of blockchain and BTC [30,42]. Common transactions
will be impossible in actual business with the current blockchain problems, such
ase lack of data modification scope, long approval time, huge power consumption,
storage, and security issues. These were identified as flaws of the current blockchain
technology in a survey done by the Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
[43]. They mentioned some security issues such as network cutoff (eclipse attack)
and 51% error. 51% error can happen in the current POS protocol where an indi-
vidual or a group of people getting more than 50% share can control the ­activity of
the chain. More issues like this will be discussed in Section 10.4.

10.4 Blockchain’s Impact on Industry 4.0

10.4.1 How Blockchain Supports Industry 4.0
The blockchain is a new technology that is adding a new dimension in the fourth
industrial revolution. Over time, industries need a transparent, democratic,
­decentralized, efficient, and secure architecture, and this is where the blockchain
technology comes handy in meeting the goal of the fourth industrial revolution
(Industry 4.0). Business is based on trust and the way we interact and exchange
commodities is based on trust. Though Internet communication was possible, but
it could not provide the trust that is highly needed for business communications.
Until the advent of blockchain-based transactions, banks, financial service provid-
ers, letter of credit, human intervention, and online marketplaces are used to serve
as a third party, but blockchain now allow people to do trade with no prior relation-
ship and trusted third party. This will surely redefine the structure of industries.
It allows market participants to trade directly without changing any structure of
the company. There are various hybrid models of blockchain depending on the use
cases, where they can be both private and public. For example, a gambling com-
pany can form a blockchain only with the member of the house, a bank can do so
with its customers, and it can also be created for certain local companies to large
global companies. Dr. Reinhard Geissbauer of PwC Global Industry 4.0 surveyed
between November 2015 and January 2016 with over 2,000 senior executives from
26 countries and found that, on average, a company’s operational expenditure will
decrease by 3.6% per annum, while efficiency will go up by 4.1% annually by
the use of smart manufacturing initiatives [44]. The effect of blockchain on the
fourth industrial revolution will be enormous. Research and development, trad-
ing, storing, and logistics of companies will be highly affected in Switzerland by
the fourth industrial revolution, according to the review [45]. P2P transaction will
be more secure and business will be more global. Since blockchain replicated all
the business data, this is an open infrastructure that can secure any digital asset.
254  ◾  Data Analytics

Uncertainty will be removed from every kind of business and transparency will
take that place. Many companies are facing problems in managing different ven-
dors in the ­horizontal supply chain, where every vendor is having an individual
policy and company architecture, which creates a communication gap in business
development. Blockchain can remove this barrier easily. With the blockchain, each
company can independently monitor and validate other companies without a cen-
tral authority. From raw material to complete value development, the cycle is open
not only to stakeholders but also to the consumers. For example, a car manufactur-
ing company needs to manufacture gear lever, seat belt, steering wheel, windscreen,
fuel gauge, temperature gauge, etc. A car manufacturer needs to do business with
several other organizations for a successful product development. Now, other orga-
nizations may or may not have a similar infrastructure to support the supply chain
mechanism of that particular car company. This is where blockchain is offering
vertical networking for a smart production system for every organization involved
in that product development life cycle. Figure 10.10 clearly shows that blockchain
and Industry 4.0 fit each other in several aspects, which makes blockchain a real
contender for becoming a member of the fourth industrial revolution.
Blockchain provides a platform for digital transformation of the current
­industry to adapt to Industry 4.0. This technology is offering the following items
to current industry architecture to make it more acceptable and dynamic. The
left side of Figure 10.10 shows the needs of Industry 4.0. Autonomy, CPS, P2P

Figure 10.10  Common features between Industry 4.0 and blockchain technology.
Blockchain in the Era of Industry 4.0  ◾  255

communication, and other latest technologies are the requirements of the fourth
industrial revolution. On the other hand, the right side reflects the characteristics
of the blockchain such as scalability, transparency, decentralization, and secured
communication. The abovementioned characteristics of blockchain technology are
capable enough of fulfilling the requirements of Industry 4.0.

◾◾ Digital trust
From a very lower level of business to the top level, the term that makes a
successful completion of the deal is trust. Employees to customers, everyone
wants trust without dependencies. Currently, blockchain is there to generate
digital trust among the business parties. Juri Mattalia describes that digital
trust requires three factors in a system: security, identifiability, and trace-
ability [46]. When we choose to do transactions, we trust that the products
and services provided are secure against malware and data abuse. Again, trust
must be there regarding the identity of the involved parties. Finally, if, for any
circumstance, the contract is not executed, then the contractual right is well
preserved for both parties, which is also a kind of trust. Blockchain transac-
tion shelters every party involved in a business-to-business communication.
Therefore, in the fourth industrial revolution, digitalized trust will be offered
by blockchain technologies.
◾◾ Intelligent data management
Data mining, especially big data analysis, has already been deployed in all
sectors. In future, manufacturers will use artificial intelligence and neural
networking for big data mining in business intelligence development [47].
Business intelligence can transform data into information and that informa-
tion transfers as knowledge for future use. By virtue of blockchain technol-
ogy, data will be more secure and reliable. Data manipulation and privacy
have been big issues until now, but decentralized databases and a two-layer
protection mechanism of blockchain will encourage more data mining. From
medical sector to insurance sector, data will more be secure with stakeholders
(researchers, customer, public authorities, etc.) participating in the network
as blockchain “miners” [48]. So, it is obvious that every kind of industry can
deploy blockchain technology for business intelligence development by min-
ing data.
◾◾ Smart ecosystem
Companies and organizations along with their suppliers, lead producers,
competitors, and other stakeholders form the business ecosystem. Blockchain
has a lot to contribute in generating a smart ecosystem for business. P2P
and cyber-physical communication protected by blockchain can create a
new era of the smart ecosystem that can reduce cost, time, and system loss
for Industry 4.0. It brings the concept of “smart contract” [49] that helps
to exchange money or anything of value in a transparent and indisputable
way. This not only keeps the contract stable but also ensures that it happens
256  ◾  Data Analytics

successfully and, best of all, it ensures privacy and execution of the agreed
terms between the parties.
◾◾ Digital supply chain (DSC)
Kari Korpela described the DSC as an integrated business process where an
effective connection will be there between parties involved in service, delivery,
marketing, and selling [50]. In DSC, product will be trackable throughout the
supply chain. This addition of DSC brings transparency in the fourth industrial
revolution. In the current DSC transactions, organizations are executing the
transactions via a reliable third party, preferably banks, and here comes the need
for blockchain that helps in minimizing the need for an unnecessary third-
party “bank.” One of the blockchain advantages is that it includes a public
ledger of the transactions without the need for the transaction party identities.
This is because it uses a public key infrastructure to help in notifying the coun-
terparties. Every party involved in an agreement can verify the details of execu-
tion. Blockchain can check whether every aspect of the contract has been well
maintained, and if not, a party can legally cancel the contract or agreement.
◾◾ Cybersecurity
Blockchain saves data in hash functions with timestamps, so it is highly
unlikely to be tempered since data once written cannot be overwritten; thus,
there is no chance of manipulation. According to Pentagon, blockchain tech-
nology can be used as a cybersecurity shield. The Washington Times stated
that US military sees blockchain technology as a reliable way of maintaining
security. American military and security sector can reduce the mega hacking
of drone, satellite, and communication media with the help of blockchain
technology [51]. The bank’s information systems are considered to be one of
the most secure systems. Individual banks maintain their interbank com-
munication with highly encrypted data transfer. Transfer of money, settle-
ments, information by banks were trustworthy until recent cyberattacks on
the banking sector started growing rapidly. Day by day people are losing their
faith on these banks due to corruption and political, technical, and social
competition. Security systems like “SWIFT” have also been overcome by
cyber attackers. A distributed ledger or a shared database offered by block-
chain technology can also be a secure option for banking sector communica-
tion. Confidentiality, integrity, and availability of a blockchain service are
the three main security challenges for Industry 4.0 as identified in a study
by Chhetri [52]. Since blockchain can recode every detail of a transaction,
interbank communication improves in the context of data validation, time
validation, and identity validation. Since security related issues lose a lot of
money for a business and manufacturing industry, blockchain technology
can be a good option to secure a business. Hacking and fraudulence cost busi-
nesses $400 billion a year. The report also mentioned that global revenues for
companies that offer digital security solutions were a total of $2.7 billion in
2015 and are predicted to be more than $4.7 billion in 2020 [53].
Blockchain in the Era of Industry 4.0  ◾  257

10.4.2 Application Domains of Blockchain in Industry 4.0

Blockchain has been widely applied in various application domains. Though BTC
and other cryptocurrencies have taken the leading role as applications of blockchain,
in future, this can bring a revolution for age-old business ideologies. From finance
to health, from insurance to vehicle-sharing start-up, from country g­ overnance to
office maintenance, from company reputation to patent authentication, every sin-
gle sector can deploy this technology. An overview of opportunities in blockchain
technology is shown in Figure 10.11. We will now highlight a few ­sectors affected
by blockchain.

◾◾ Banking and insurance

The banking and financing sector all over the world is keeping eye on block-
chain technology. What can the banking sector attain from this? Everything
that it was lacking before, for example, a secure transaction approval system,
an irreversible information storage, a timestamp-based tracking, etc. Banking
giants such as Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan, Union Bank of Switzerland,
HSBC, Industrial & Commercial Bank of China, Bank of America, Citigroup,
Morgan Stanley, Deutsche Bank, Barclays Bank, Ping An Bank, and China
Merchants Bank have already established their own blockchain-related
research centers for developing their own blockchain-based banking systems.

Figure 10.11  Industry influenced by blockchain technology.

258  ◾  Data Analytics

For this reason, research industries and software industries have also started
developing banking applications to hold this rising market. For e­ xample, R3,
a US-based software company, has invested $107 million for developing a
blockchain or shared ledger-based finance-related application. This company
released the second version of “CORDA” software after collaborating with
more than 100 banks, layers, and professionals to shape it as the best available
banking application [54,55]. According to McKinsey survey in May 2016, half
of the bank executives believe that within the next 3 years, there will a substan-
tial effect of blockchain and cryptocurrencies on the banking and financing
sector [56]. Another similar kind of survey reported that blockchain will be
implemented in 15% of the banks present all over the world by the end of 2018
[57]. IBM reported that in the next 4 years, blockchain will be implemented
commercially in 66% of the global banks [58]. Blockchain-enabled smart con-
tract applications can easily be extended in building a P2P or crowdfunding
insurance model. The new model is expected to focus on supply and demand
matching and risk calculation aspects, where insurers will build platforms for
potential customers to post their customized requirements for insurance plans.
Insurers would apply their risk assessment techniques to perform necessary
calculations. Once the calculations are ­finalized, insurers can place their pre-
mium estimations giving a chance for investors to subscribe to the plan.
◾◾ Medical and health care
In the health-care industry, blockchain can secure the valuable patient data.
Sometimes, the health sector uses patient information for improving the
intelligence of health-care systems without any prior permission from the
patient. This privacy issue can be solved by a decentralized and secured block-
chain technology [59]. Again, Deloitte has surveyed the health care oppor-
tunities in Blockchain: Opportunities for Health Care [60], which identified
blockchain as a promising new distributed framework to amplify and support
the integration of health care information. Blockchain-based systems have
the potential to reduce costs of current intermediaries between doctors and
patients. In the health–care industry, blockchain technology use cases can be
quality medicine, patient care and outcomes research, and global standard
health-care system. The application field can be clinical data sharing, public
health data storage, research and clinical trials, administrative and finan-
cial health information, and doctor and food identification and prioritiza-
tion. For example, wearables and IoT devices collect patient information, and
blockchain can secure this by replacing individual cloud to the shared ledger.
Another example can be when a patient with several health issues undergoes
a severe operation, blockchain consensus technique can be applied among
specialist doctors to finalize the medical decision.
◾◾ Energy and power grid
Blockchain decentralized and privacy-protected scope can authenticate and
manage the billing process in power grid billing systems. James Basden
Blockchain in the Era of Industry 4.0  ◾  259

describes two use cases of blockchain that can be used in the future power
grid sector: (i) Participants of a microgrid project living in a city can sell
electricity produced by their solar panels to the neighbors. Information and
transactions of this application can be maintained by blockchain technology
where each house can be considered as a “node” or miner in reference to the
blockchain. (2) Selling of unused power during the break time of a company
to another company of the same grid [61]. Private companies are deploying
fossil fuel-based electricity generation companies. They are supplying power
to the national grid where governments are facing difficulties in dealing with
environmental pollutions, stealing, and corruptions. A shared database in
this sector can track the exact flaws. Even the payment, billing, and user
identity validation take longer times for this centralized power grid system.
Blockchain transparency, census, and reputation log can remove this extra
time taken for validation.
◾◾ Vehicle and transport
Business related to vehicle sharing and renting will be highly affected by
blockchain technology. Nowadays, from bicycle to car are deploying as a
shared business in every country. The decision, rating, and approval can be
done by a shared database like the blockchain technology. Scania truck sus-
pension, booking, and maintenance system discussed by Lindberg can be a
good example for other companies of similar type [62]. Sensing and smart
vehicle communication algorithm was discussed by Sean Rowan where the
vehicle-to-vehicle communication security was ensured by a similar ­a lgorithm
like the blockchain private–public key [63].
◾◾ Marketplace
The blockchain trustless business communication policy will have a huge
impact on online marketplaces of the fourth industrial revolution. Payment
system, client-to-seller relation, product guarantee, and review after business
all can be blockchain based with more security and reliability. Fraud buy-
ers and sellers will be easy to detect if it is a public blockchain. Buyers and
sellers will be able to connect themselves without any middlemen and the
payment system will be more secure too. The smart contract with a built-in
reputation system can open markets such as OpenBazzar [64]. In the real
estate business, blockchain can help in tracking, verifying, and transfer-
ring document and property, which can be done with the smart contract of
blockchain [65].
◾◾ Internet of Things
If we consider the success of Airbnb and Uber for the shared economy, we
can make an estimate of how the IoT can be occupied by the blockchain
technology. On the one side, we can share our devices, vehicles, buildings,
and even services by the means of embedded sensors and network connectiv-
ity, and on the other side, blockchain helps us to keep a record of all these in
a safer way [66]. IBM has started to use its shared cloud for product tracing.
260  ◾  Data Analytics

From root-level producers to consumers, every stakeholder is tracked by IBM

when he/she delivers goods. IBM has identified three main effects that the
IoT industry will have due to blockchain: (i) build trust between parties, (ii)
remove cost by avoiding middleman, and (iii) reduce settlement time in real
time. When IoT handles our personal things (information), the communica-
tion among things must be secured. Blockchain census and shared storage
can do the approval in a secured way as was mentioned by Konstantinos
Christidis [67]. I-Scoop surveyed in 2017 and reported that IoT data and
shared ledger can automate sectors such as health, insurance, and trade [68].
◾◾ Governance
Due to the current political unrest and transparency issues, several ­studies
tried to represent a government and voting system based on blockchain
technologies. Blockchain-based decentralized governance, state authority,
citizenship, and democracy were analyzed by a study [69]. The reports sug-
gested that governance can be decentralized as an autonomous organization.
For maintaining all the sectors of a complete government, it required huge
amounts of money and manpower, and still, corruption and manipulation
have been occurring. Blockchain can present a governance system without
any central authority or organization. Governing bodies and policy makers
can use this for their internal procurement and planning. At present, a central
authority handles the communication between relevant stakeholders within
and between the agencies, between the government and third parties, and
between the government and the citizenry. Recordkeeping, value transfer,
and smart contracts provided broader cases for possible adoption of block-
chain in this sector. Some use cases are identity management for the smart
citizens, land registration, and voting. Reports suggested that blockchain will
save $15–20 billion annually in the financial services of future industries by
the year 2022 [70].

10.4.3 Adaptation Issues and Open Research Challenges

Since both blockchain and Industry 4.0 are in their infancy, there will be technical
and social issues and challenges on their adaptation. Since blockchain will have a
robust impact on the fourth industrial revolution, it is high time to standardize the
architecture and policies for blockchain and Industry 4.0.

◾◾ Transaction time
For building a consensus (approval for transaction), there is a requirement
of 10–60 minutes or even longer to get the approval for a transaction. This
kind of situation is not acceptable for business in the current blockchain,
so it has to be changed in order to get the business attention to blockchain.
Long finality time (a transaction finalized time) is a big issue in making this
technology fit for the smart factories of the fourth industrial revolution [71].
Blockchain in the Era of Industry 4.0  ◾  261

After a user decides to do a particular transaction, getting approval from oth-

ers and eliminating simultaneous block creation require extra time, which is
a big issue in the current blockchain architecture. According to blockchain.
info, the average confirmation time of a BTC transaction, during December
2017, was 13 minutes. The lowest value calculated during that time was 9
minutes, but it can take even 18 minutes [72] which is very alarming for
real-life businesses.
◾◾ Modification and edition
Once information is added to the block, it sticks and there is no way to alter
this information. But in business and industry, at some point, modifications
or editions can be needed. Blockchain cannot provide such flexibility to the
fourth industrial revolution. Since there can be no modification, there is no
way of correcting or reversing a transaction, which sometimes makes it unfit
for future smart businesses. In June 2016, a bug was identified in a smart
contract (Ethereum) called “The DAO,” but due to the lack of modification
opportunities, it cost around $250 million to remove the bug [73]. Since it
is a shared decision-based system where the party involved in POW cannot
be always trusted, it can cause errors, but there is no way to return from that
immutable blockchain information.
◾◾ Timestamping Authority (TSA)
In a business environment, it is common and important to specify as well
as record the date and time of a transaction. An important issue of current
blockchain architecture, which must be resolved to suit Industry 4.0, is the
lack of obligation with TSA or Time Assessment Authority. An accurate
­storing of time is very crucial for any business, but blockchain lags behind
in this case [43]. From successful product manufacturing to delivery, every-
thing must be well tracked. In the current blockchain architecture, it takes
10–60 minutes for a particular transaction to be completed. For example, a
node (company A) wants to transfer money to another node (company B) for
making a business deal. Company A initiated the transaction at 10:00 p.m.,
but it takes 15 minutes to generate a census (approval from all other nodes),
and then blockchain can store the transaction time as 10:15 p.m., not 10:00
p.m. The actual time when the new block is created gets stored in the current
architecture, and not the time of initiation.
◾◾ Storage consumption
Blockchain participation with smaller capacity will be in trouble since this is
a shared database system. Every node has the same copy of information and
this can increase the cost of storage for devices such as phones and comput-
ers. For big companies, storage management will not be a problem, but a
company with smaller capital and infrastructure will surely face problems in
adapting to this. In December 2017, each node (block) already had 160 GB
or more data, which is very alarming for the future. According to blockchain.
info, in the year 2017, each block size exceeded 1.05 MB (average). It was just
262  ◾  Data Analytics

600 KB during the end of 2016 and increased rapidly to become 3.6 MB at
the end of 2017 [72]. This trend can demotivate stakeholders while deploy-
ing blockchain technologies into a real business. An architectural change is a
must to resolve this problem.
◾◾ Energy consumption
Resources (machine power) use high-configuration computers for informa-
tion processing and transactions. Electricity consumption and the main-
tenance cost of these computers are huge. People worldwide bring more
energy-hungry computers to mine the digital currency. BTCs estimated that
the annual electricity consumption is 34.34 TWh. Electricity consumed per
transaction is 240 kWh, which raises the question that whether industries
will invest this much electricity for communication, transaction, and security
[73]. The answer is probably yes since atomic energy is producing enormous
electricity that can fulfil the needs of blockchain technology. Reports also
suggested that the entire BTC network now consumes more energy than
some countries lsuch as Serbia, Denmark, and Belarus. Another issue pointed
out by the report was carbon footprint, which is 117.63 kg of CO2 per trans-
action. Blockchain architecture and principle must be evaluated again to
fit into the fourth industrial revolution. The biggest problem with POW is
energy wastage. BTC, in particular, is voracious in its appetite for energy. revealed the energy consumption data for the month of
October–November, 2017 [73]. On November 17, 2017, energy consumption
for BTC was 28.5 TWh. The dangerous fact is that it was just 22 TWh on
October 20, 2017. This rapid growth in energy consumption can limit the
use of blockchain.
◾◾ Security issues
The blockchain is mainly a P2P network technology with a strong security
shield. Still, technical issues are arising, such as 51% error, eclipse attack, race
attack, finery attack, brute force attack, and block discarding [43,74,75]. A
51% attack is generated when fraudulent people consume more than 50%
of POS. Eclipse attack happens when the network is cut off. When a person
tries to spend two BTCs at the same time, it is called race attack. Private
mining to generate blockchain fork produces brute force attack. Studies also
mentioned about some social security issues such as bribery attack, wallet
stealing, and fake delay creation. When BTC was started, miners were hon-
est and worked without any influence, but since the market started going
high (1 BTC = US$9,000) powerful stakeholders started finding an alternate
way for corruption. In Industry 4.0, security threats will be seriously taken;
therefore, blockchain must fulfil the security needs of the future industry
[52]. Stakeholders are paying money to bring about corruption, delay specific
consensus, steal keys, etc. In the real business system, the third party involved
resolves the issues. Since there are no middlemen in this technology, correct-
ing issues are also difficult. Too many hackers are also getting involved for
Blockchain in the Era of Industry 4.0  ◾  263

making easy money. Gordian recently reported a money laundering case of

$500,000 where the attacker bought a fake Picasso. Such intermediate-less
transactions can influence the economies of poor and corrupted countries
where money laundering, black money, drug dealing, kidnapping, etc. will
be easier and untraceable [43,74].
◾◾ Social challenges
Factory structures and abilities differ from country to country. The ­technical
senses are not the same for employees across different organizations.
Technically sound people are needed for adapting blockchain in Industry
4.0. Company policy and budget should also meet the requirements for
blockchain technology. Blockchain stores all the transactions in the block
and makes them accessible to everyone, so this opens up a privacy issue. All
transaction record is open, which may discourage its use by people or compa-
nies that do not want their personal data to be used for mining. Organizations
do not want to open their transaction records for business policies, which
can be financially dangerous in the future. PwC [44] reported that “Lack of
digital culture and training is the biggest challenge facing companies.” They
also identified the three vital characteristics: transparency, legitimacy, and
effectiveness. From owner to customer, everyone must change technically and
mentally to welcome blockchain.

10.4.4 Challenges Associated with Law,

Policy, and Standardization
The applications followed by issues were mentioned for blockchain and fourth
industrial revolution, but the most important thing needed for a successful future
for blending these two technologies together is setting up a law and policy for both
blockchain and fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0). Vendor-specific block-
chain technologies are coming from research organizations, banks, and factories
with independent policies and architectures. For successful inclusion in Industry
4.0, they must be synchronized and must follow a specific pattern for compatibil-
ity. Until now, both blockchain and Industry 4.0 are vendor and use case specific
in isolated production systems. In order to make a successful Industry 4.0 with
­blockchain, current independent approaches must be replaced by open and stan-
dardized policies. Service-level agreements are needed for getting proper services
from blockchain technology. If Industry 4.0 does not finalize its standardization,
then technologies such as blockchain, IoT, big data, smart simulator, AR, and VR
will grow independently. This will cause serious trouble in future intercompat-
ibility. The requirements of blockchain need to be clarified for business deploy-
ment. Industry, academia, and the public sector will have to design and implement
similar kinds of blockchain, and there should be standardized training facilities
among blockchain users and engineers [43]. Standardization process has already
been started by the international organizations where a two-way communication
264  ◾  Data Analytics

between users and standard developers is a must before developing the standards
and regulations. In June 2016, a workshop was conducted by the World Wide Web
Consortium ( to discuss web and blockchain technology [76]. A coor-
dination between ISO TC 307, ITU-T, and SWIFT took place in 2017 to stan-
dardize blockchain protocol-related issues. Federal Reserve System is also taking
initiatives to standardize their monetary transactions via blockchain technology
[77]. Unstable market values of cryptocurrencies will create problems in real-life
blockchain implementation in the industry. Currently, bank charges are fixed and
currency rates are also predictable. On the other hand, in cryptocurrency, fees are
hard to predict due to frequent changes in its value. Taxation procedures, profit-
making, price estimation, and cost analysis will be much more complicated.
Financial stability is very much needed; otherwise, stakeholders will move away
from blockchain due to higher business risks. Prices for the same product can vary
significantly from one day to the next, which is very unusual for any business.
According to, at the end of 2016, transaction fees cost around 136
(BTC, which was raised to 784 BTC at the end of 2017. This dissimilarity hap-
pened due to uneven changes in its market value. The same website stated that the
market value for 1 BTC was US$3,777 on December 17, 2016, which went up to
US$19,500 on December 17, 2017, without any legit variable. It is predicted that
popularity, energy and storage consumption, and the price of other cryptocurren-
cies are the main factors affecting BTC’s value [72].

10.4.5 Recommendations for Adaptation

Although opportunities are there but for turning it into a revolution, the culture
of blockchain technology should be present from the root to the top level. When
the first Internet emerged, it faced the same struggle, but technically sound people
motivated the stakeholders. Similarly, the stockholders should know now what
blockchain can provide. The applicable field, security, and, confidentiality must
be clear to the investors. There must be collaboration and consideration among
companies during the primary phase of investment. Parties mentioned in Figure
10.12 must adapt themselves for introducing a blockchain-based fourth industrial
revolution. A collaborative work is needed for adapting this blockchain technol-
ogy to the fourth industrial revolution. Blockchain service developers, industry
stakeholders, researchers, trainers, customers, and governments all have to play
their part. To overcome key challenges and accelerate the fourth industrial revo-
lution, business, blockchain technology developers, and government stakeholders
need to take immediate actions. Technology providers such as software companies
and research and development centers must provide adequate training and dem-
onstrations to make their products popular and acceptable. On the other hand,
investors and factory owners must understand the necessity of this new technology
along with its pros and cons. Finally, policy makers should remove the burden from
cryptocurrencies. They must apply strong regulations to control its price. Similarly,
Blockchain in the Era of Industry 4.0  ◾  265

Figure 10.12  Recommendation to adapt blockchain.

from company level to country level, policy makers must synchronize the laws and
­regulations. They should also think elaborately about new technologies to cope with
the current trends. The vital requirement for bringing about a successful fourth
industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) is the cooperation among aforementioned par-
ties (Figure 10.12). For example, if a bank wants to deploy a blockchain technology,
there must be collaboration among the bank’s customers, software developers, and
other banks. If a fruitful cooperation takes places among them, only then bank
owners can invest reliably.

10.5 Potential Use Case and Comparative Analysis

In the fourth industrial revolution, product is traceable from the raw material to the
distribution stage. Point-to-point communication across different countries ­having
different laws slows down the supply chain of every business. In May 2017, IBM and
Maersk reported some cases in their survey. Maersk reported that for t­ ransferring
one product from East Africa to Europe, they need to pass 30 organizations and
200 interactions, which makes their product delivery time longer [78]. Since com-
panies such as DHL, FedEx, Maersk, and UPS need to deliver m ­ illions of products
from region to region, they are also considering this blockchain technology as a
266  ◾  Data Analytics

possible solution. By involving the blockchain shared ledger system, they can trace
and reduce the product supply time. Next we will discuss a digital product delivery
system (DSC) as a blockchain use case.

10.5.1 Use Case: DSC

A similar use case was discussed by another survey done by the Japan Government
[43]. In blockchain product delivery, every party involved in manufacture, retail, logis-
tic department, human resource department, product marketing department, product
delivery, and product consumption acts as a node. A shared database can track costing,
quality, and feedback of a particular product which is essential for Industry 4.0.

◾◾ Information management
Blockchain can manage all the information related to the supply chain of
an industry. Receipt, delivery report, identification numbers, and guarantee
papers all can be protected by blockchain technology.
◾◾ Utilized function
Secured and shared data storage of blockchain technology has a lot to con-
tribute in supply management. The three important blockchain functions
used in supply chains [43] are “execution of applications using a dedicated
script (smart contracts),” “ensuring traceability of data and enabling transpar-
ent transactions (shared ledger and consensus),” and “maintaining the ecosys-
tem against any attacks by malicious users without a central authority (public
and private key security).”
◾◾ Impact on industrial structure
Order placement for raw material, quotation supplying, delivery, checking,
and payment methods are also traceable. If at any level of the chain, defec-
tive goods delivery reports are found against a particular supplier, then that
information will be open and visible to all.
◾◾ Other possibilities
Retailers (downstream), wholesalers (middle stream), and manufacturers
(upstream) communication procedure can be made independent by block-
chain where everyone can contact each other. Here, the reputation or trust
is not provided by a middleman and communication will happen from the
root level to the top level if blockchain is used for supply chain management.

10.5.2 Comparative Analysis
Table 10.1 shows the comparative analysis of the effects that blockchain will have
on the future industry.

◾◾ Industrial data management

Figure 10.13 shows a brief view of how current factories may change after
the integration of blockchain in the fourth industrial revolution. Currently,
Blockchain in the Era of Industry 4.0  ◾  267

Table 10.1  Positive and Negative Effects of Blockchain on Future Industry

Positive Effects on Future Industry Negative Effects on Future Industry
Information’s availability and Verification process time will be
reliability will go up higher
Auditability, trust, and transparency Data storage will be limited or costly
will increase
Increasing confidence, decreasing Higher energy and power cost
Irrevocable transaction, increase Cost for integrating blockchain in the
accuracy of data factory will be higher
Paperless digital office Worker may not be mentally ready
Industry will be able to do trustless Company’s information technology
exchange sector needs to be redesigned
Company database will be consistent, Security thread can bring abrupt loss
timely, accurate, and easily
Empowered workers with high morals Immutability may create reputation-
related problem
Interprocess integrity goes up A powerful stakeholder can dominate
start-ups in a negative way
Company-to-company transaction Workers may not be technically
with less time sound
No third-party or transaction cost Lesser space for correction and

Figure 10.13  Current and future industry data access architecture.

268  ◾  Data Analytics

each industry has its own database; therefore other companies can only have
information that is supplied by that particular company. This creates data
manipulation and system loss. Blockchain can replace a shared system where
intercompany communication will be automatic. Industry 4.0 will certainly
use this technique to make business interactions more transparent.
◾◾ Human resources and procurement management
Potential contractors and partner identification and recruitment will be easier
since both employer and employee can have a highly secured, distributed
database. A company structure in recruitment can be changed as shown in
Figure 10.14 where previous companies and academies can generate a reputa-
tion database and the next destination can be selected automatically from this
data. Similarly, product and services can be ranked, which will generate more
revenue for any reputed manufacturer in Industry 4.0 architecture.
◾◾ Trade and transaction management
Middlemen from transactions will die out and industry’s logistic and business
architecture will be different. In current transactions (Figure 10.15), ­exporters
and importers do business via banks. After blockchain-based shared storage
provides direct transaction facilities, product development will be cost and
time efficient.

Figure 10.14  Current and future industry recruitment architecture.

Figure 10.15  Current and future industry transaction architecture.

Blockchain in the Era of Industry 4.0  ◾  269

10.6 Conclusion
The blockchain is not a magic, but it is an innovative, general-purpose technology,
offering a new way of value creation for almost all domains of industries. In this chap-
ter, we have discussed the influence of blockchain and cryptocurrencies on Industry
4.0. First, we precisely mentioned the prerequisite of fourth industrial revolution, and
consequently, we identified the key characteristics and components of blockchain
technology that blends with the ongoing industrial revolution. While reporting the
challenges and issues of blockchain technologies, we also mentioned that collabora-
tion is a must among stakeholders for bringing about a solid blockchain standard.
Finally, we have described the future scopes and applicable sectors for blockchain in
the fourth industrial revolution. In summary, this chapter is a sole attempt toward
highlighting the impact of blockchain on Industry 4.0. We believe that our discus-
sion will help readers to easily understand the strategic, organizational, economic,
informational, and technological aspects of blockchain and Industry 4.0.

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Chapter 11

Dark Data for Analytics

Abid Hasan
Institute of Business Administration

11.1 Introduction..............................................................................................276
11.1.1 Chapter Roadmap.........................................................................277
11.2 Origin of Dark Data.................................................................................277
11.3 R isks of Dark Data...................................................................................278
11.4 Dark Data Analytics: An Untapped Opportunity.....................................279
11.4.1 I mplication of Dark Data in the Health Sector............................. 280
11.4.2 D ark Data for Gaining Market Advantage....................................281
11.4.3 D ark Data for Social Media Insights.............................................282
11.4.4 Retailers Providing Personalization with the Help of Dark Data.....282
11.5 Different Ways to Eliminate Dark Data....................................................283
11.5.1 T ools and Technique for Collecting and Analyzing Dark Data.....283
11.5.2 A Brief Introduction to DeepDive................................................ 284
11.5.3 S ix Steps to Identify and Manage Dark Data.................................285
11.6 Dark Data Solution Provided by Companies............................................ 286
11.6.1 A I Foundry’s Agile Solutions for Transformation of Dark Data......286
11.6.2 D ark Data Fracking by Datumize.................................................287
11.6.3 N uix Information Governance Solution........................................287
11.6.4 Deloitte: Insight’s Way to Start Extracting Value from Dark Data..... 288
11.7 International Data Corporation’s Research on Organization’s Ability
to Derive Value from Dark Data...............................................................289
11.8 Recommendations on Managing Dark Data.............................................290
11.9 Conclusion................................................................................................291

276  ◾  Data Analytics

11.1 Introduction
The whole world is now more linked and shared than ever before. As the Internet
becomes even more indispensably attached to our everyday lives, we start to tread
on the path that leads to a technology-driven future. We are also creating huge
amounts of data in the process, both willingly and unwillingly. Humongous
amounts of data are being generated that most of us are not even aware of because
most of them are unstructured data hiding in plain sight. A c­ ompany must increase
productivity, decrease cost, be up to date with market opportunity, and influ-
ence potential customers to keep up with the evolving environment. All of these
goals can be achieved if we can tap into the realm of dark data, i.e., unstructured,
unused, and unexplored big data. Dark data analytics is still new and untapped. It
is a unique opportunity to go beyond the traditional routine spreadsheet analytics.
There are both risks and opportunities in dark data. Let us look at a simple but
insightful example about how an employee of Target used its unstructured, unused,
and unexplored customer data to gain a business advantage.
Target, a discount store retailer, found out about the pregnancy of a girl even
before her father did only by analyzing the buying patterns of pregnant women [1].
Target assigns a unique ID number to its customers that is linked with their email IDs,
names, and credit card numbers, and it remains in their database. When this event
happened, competitions were fierce among the retail stores for acquiring pregnant
customers so that they would purchase everything related to their babies in the future
and persuade them to become loyal and long-lasting customers. So, the store that
reached a pregnant woman before anyone else hit the jackpot and gained a profitable
buyer. Target statistician, Andrew Pole, was given the responsibility to find a way so
that they could reach out to pregnant women before any other store could. He was
given the job of predicting customer pregnancy. So, he observed the buying behaviors
among the ladies who signed up for their baby registries in the past. And surprisingly,
there were significant differences between a regular and a pregnant woman’s buying
patterns. Crawling through the database, Pole identified about 25 products with dif-
ferentiable characteristics. All of them were analyzed together by Pole. After that he
was able to assign each shopper a “pregnancy prediction” value based on their buying
pattern. Now, let us go back to the story where the girl was sent an email with coupons
for baby products and her father got angry at Target for sending this email as his high-
school-going daughter could not be pregnant. A few days later, Target called him to
apologize, but instead of the Target authority, the father was apologizing as he did not
know about his daughter’s pregnancy beforehand. Now, this may seem interesting and
very much profitable for Target, but this event also posed privacy questions. Should a
retail store know about someone’s pregnancy even before the family does? Many ques-
tions were raised which made them change their strategy to mix pregnancy-related
advertising with day-to-day ads so that people did not feel that their privacy was being
violated [1]. Even though this event raised controversy, we can see that the data was
available all the time, but it was hidden, and all it needed was some attention.
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Dark data offers the possibilities to shape the business in the future. From this
example, it is clear that how much opportunity lies in the untapped world of dark
data. But dark data analytics is not as easy as it sounds. There are different tools
and techniques out there to derive value from dark data. Hadoop and DeepDive
are noteworthy solutions to the problem of dark data. Corporate solutions are also
provided by prominent companies to transform and extract value from dark data.
Solutions also vary according to the source and type of data. Data is going to be the
driving force in the near future and to be in the driving seat. We need to ensure that
this huge amount of dark data is handled effectively and efficiently.

11.1.1 Chapter Roadmap
Rest of the chapter is organized as follows: Section 11.2 explains how data goes
dark in the first place. Section 11.3 contains a discussion on risks that dark data
possesses, followed by the various opportunities of dark data discussed in Section
11.4. Section 11.5 describes the tools and techniques for collecting and analyzing
dark data and portrays ways of eliminating dark data. Section 11.6 discusses dif-
ferent dark data solutions provided by different companies. Section 11.7 deals with
International Data Corporation’s research on an organization’s ability to derive
value from dark data. Section 11.8 contains recommendations on managing dark
data, and Section 11.9 concludes the chapter.

11.2 Origin of Dark Data

Dark data is also called big data that is sitting idle. Now, it can be really costly if
companies miss out on this opportunity. Let us explore how dark data is created in
the first place. Before dark data, there was big data. Dark data is technically unused
and unexplored big data. Big data, in short, is the collection of a large volume of
structured and unstructured data. Businesses are flooded with these types of data
on a daily basis. How companies handle and use the data is much more important
than the creation of big data itself. Big data can be analyzed to produce actionable
insights that can lead to better business decisions and strategies.
Every minute, Google conducts 3.6 million searches, 100 million emails are
sent by spammers, 527,000 photos are sent through Snapchat, 456,000 tweets are
published, and 46,740 pictures are shared on Instagram [2]. This is just a fraction
of what lies ahead of us in terms of big data creation. Every day 2.5 quintillion
bytes of data are created. And 90% of all the data in the world was created in the
past 2 years. Big data has different dimensions such as volume, velocity, variety, and
veracity [3]. From the above examples, we can understand the huge volume of data
that is created from different sources, varieties of data—like simple queries—that
generate customer insights, and numerous photos and tweets that help create social
insight. A huge amount of data created within a minute indicates the velocity, and
278  ◾  Data Analytics

Figure 11.1  Four V’s of big data. (Adapted from [4].)

lastly the spam emails that alert us not to trust every source indicate veracity or the
accuracy of the source. Besides, these data can be irregular and inconsistent with
seasonality. All of these make it really difficult to search, process, store, and ana-
lyze. Due to the lack of awareness, proper knowledge, accessibility measures, and
extraction methods, big data turns into its evil twin, i.e., dark data (Figure 11.1).
Dark data includes emails, documents, presentation files, including both inter-
nal and external archived sensor data from Internet of Things (IoT), spreadsheets,
backups of operation database, images, partial documents, audio files, CCTV sur-
veillance footage of a superstore, geographic data, partial codes, zip files, log files,
and everything that is unused, underutilized, neglected, or forgotten in the system.
Networking devices generate a huge amount of information. If this huge amount
of data is not analyzed, it will simply go dark. Due to our inability to handle data
efficiently and inconsistency in the format of the data that analytics do not support,
we cannot turn these into actionable information [5].
To some extent, data buried in the deep web can be considered as dark data,
too. Deep web is not indexed by our typical search engines and includes data from
academia, government agencies, legal documents, scientific studies, subscription
only information, financial records, user communities, and many more. And dark
web is something inside the deep web that is completely untraceable and hidden,
and it cannot be accessed with the standard web browsers [6].

11.3 Risks of Dark Data

Dark data is produced, collected, and stored in a business, and it is never used
again. In most of the cases, dark data remains dormant, but it is present, unknown,
Dark Data for Analytics  ◾  279

inactive, and unmanaged. The data remains dark when it is forgotten. Unmonitored
and unsecured data always poses threat because there are different compliance rea-
sons, and there is also the risk of sensitive information falling into the wrong hands.
Hackers can easily hack into the system when the location and even the content is
unknown to the authority, and it can be deadly in terms of reputation and business
profits, and may result in complete shutdown. Dark data poses serious security risks
in this ever-connected world where one can easily hack into a system and cause
havoc. A company can be unaware of the existence of a data just to find out about
it only after it is exposed to the public. How can one protect or hide something
that they do not even know about? Also, when a company is asked to provide some
data, it really hurts their reputation when they are unable to do that. Apart from
the obvious risks of losing business opportunities derived from dark data, we also
have to be aware of the other risks associated with it [7].

11.4 Dark Data Analytics: An Untapped Opportunity

Networking machines generate a huge amount of data from servers, firewalls,
­monitoring tools, and from other operations. We can keep the data from going
dark by using it to analyze the security features of the network and also to monitor
activity patterns so that network infrastructure is optimized [5].
We need to combine data along the value chain of the manufacturing ­process.
Also, by combining analytics, we can create a “digital thread,” which will be
extended from customers to the suppliers [8]. Greater visibility along the value
chain will help us analyze dark data that will lead to actionable insights. Data
collected from machine logs or from equipment sensors, product telematics, and
consumer data from clickstream can help the company forecast future supply needs
and react fast to optimize the production process and delivery [8]. By using the
dark data from different sensors and telematics, companies can separate production
issues that remain hidden inside the manufacturing process. When the company
sees and analyzes the total process with proper data collected from all parts of the
value chain it will definitely increase productivity and profitability.
Customer interactivity data are really crucial, like when they contacted, which
communication medium they used, duration of the interaction, whom they con-
tacted, and anything related to customer-support. Rather than using this data
when it is needed, one can adapt and integrate this information into the analytics
workflow to predict when and how future customers are going to connect [5].
Now, if a company has a mainframe system and thinks that it is impossible to
use the current analytics software to derive meaning from it, they are wrong. They
can offload these system logs from their current system into Hadoop and pull out
the “legacy” data from the dark [5].
While analyzing data we only think about textual ones. But in today’s world,
the amount of non-textual data is staggering. There are video, audio, photo, and
280  ◾  Data Analytics

even emojis that can tell a lot about social patterns. One can analyze the associated
metadata, translate audio to text, use photo recognition, and categorize emojis into
different intensities of feelings expressed to gain more insight and understand the
content. Now, it requires a lot of effort than for the textual ones and may not be
worth it in many cases, but it does not need to turn into dark data. At the very out-
set, we can filter out and sort the data from the most important to the least, which
will definitely result in the most time-efficient outcome. And in a world of sharing
­nontextual information, which is only going to increase in the future, it is very
unlikely that effort to mitigate dark data will go in vain. So better late than never;
it is high time that we took nontextual data seriously and built a self-sustainable
and long-lasting system around it [5].

11.4.1 Implication of Dark Data in the Health Sector

Prevention is always better than cure. With the help of credit card data, h ­ ospitals
are now predicting sickness [9]. Carolinas HealthCare, a nonprofit hospital
­network in North and South Carolina, has been purchasing customer data from
brokers. They are feeding all this information including their credit card infor-
mation into algorithms to identify high-risk patients so that they can intervene
even before someone is sick. Our health is determined by the food we eat and, in
this case, the saying is put into practice. They are using a multivariable regression
model to identify the sick people. They are the first of its kind who are using credit
card data for taking health decisions. Now, there are obvious privacy issues where
patients are not comfortable with hospitals having their personal information, so
time will tell whether this practice becomes successful or the use of private infor-
mation [10] is stopped.
Think about a situation where a doctor tells you to change a particular ­behavior
or a medication so that your life expectancy may increase up to 6 years. In the
United States, with the help of big data, it is possible to predict which patients are
going to be readmitted into a hospital within 30 days of release. Remedial action
is also predicted for individual patients. We are generating a huge amount of data
with fitness trackers, calorie counters, and health-related applications. Data such
as duration of our sleep, heart rate, walking distance, burnt calorie, and consumed
calories is available. Retail stores have our consumption data and we have already
seen how Target predicted pregnancy from buying habits. If the available dataset
is more, it will lead to more accurate predictions and this will help us eliminate
­surprises and anticipate unexpected outbreaks and demands [11]. Now, there are
ethical concerns where personal data may be sold by/to a recruiting agency or a
bank and all of this might affect his/her chances of getting a job or even a m
­ ortgage.
On the other hand, many are not bothered about it as this is, in the end, helping
them to serve public health goals and may be useful for the greater good [12].
A huge amount of data is being produced by different devices and sensors that
are used for health-related issues, but most of this data is still unused. With proper
Dark Data for Analytics  ◾  281

user permission, we can eliminate the legal issues and then develop a model that
will predict future sickness. It can be done by monitoring people’s consumption
patterns and also by observing historical data on how a certain type of consump-
tion leads to different outcomes. We can observe Mr A’s health compared to Mr B’s,
based on their food habits over a year and deduce the reason for different or similar
outcomes. Now, think about millions of user data accumulated in a single system
and analyze it to find a relationship between food habits and health. We will be able
to predict health issues successfully and help prevent diseases, instead of curing it
after it has already happened.
Indiana University Health (IU Health) wants to personalize individual health
care and improve overall health outcomes. To achieve this goal, they are exploring
the world of unstructured and non-traditional data. The relationship between the
hospital and patient has been based on individual visits and treatments. A holis-
tic approach is missing in the current system. IU Health wants to build loyalty
among patients and provide efficient but affordable health care solutions with the
help of unexplored data. For that they need to have a 360° understanding about
their patient. Both verbal and written free-form notes are given to patients by their
consultants and all of that remains unmanaged. With the help of voice recogni-
tion, text analysis, and deep learning those unmanaged data can be utilized for the
patient’s betterment in the future. These historical medical records will enrich the
file of a patient by adding relevant information. All of this will allow IU Health to
develop an in-depth understanding about patient needs and formulate a model on
how patients can use the health-care services more efficiently. They are also trying
to find patterns of sickness, access to health care, and historical mapping of a local
area’s health outcomes. Cognitive computing and both external data and patient
data can find out how socioeconomic factors may affect someone’s relationship with
health-care providers. In the end, they want to use this scattered and unused dark
data and unveil its potential to improve individual health care as well as the overall
health of the population [13].

11.4.2 Dark Data for Gaining Market Advantage

Information is really crucial for intelligent investment decisions. While some
­information is easily accessible, others are not. Due to its nature, dark data is mostly
inaccessible to most of us, but to gain competitive advantage over others, we need
to discover the hidden potential of dark data. Indus Valley Partners have arranged
market-related data into different parts according to its visibility. When the data
is well displayed, structured, is easily available, and can be analyzed, it is called
light market data. To access gray data, we need to have contacts and means to
access them. Now, dark data is not easily accessible and requires advanced tools and
technologies. Sentiment analysis of social media, supply chain analysis, and satel-
lite imaging can be sources for new insights. The challenge is to unveil dark data’s
potential before anyone else can in order to gain market advantage [14].
282  ◾  Data Analytics

11.4.3 Dark Data for Social Media Insights

Dark data can help unravel trends in social media and find out the strengths and
weaknesses of a particular brand among their target audiences. It can open new
doors of opportunities to improve operations and optimize user experience. The
challenge is to find out the symphony among the noise in social media and put it
to use. Most of the social data are now unstructured, i.e., dark. But they are also
organic in nature [15]. Social post sharing, online reviews, posting photos in a bar
or restaurant, commenting or mentioning a friend, all of these are done naturally
and that’s why these are really important. After visiting a restaurant, purchasing a
laptop or mobile, buying a car, receiving a service, and experiencing almost any-
thing related to a brand, one may tweet with a hashtag or someone may give a post
on Facebook, and others may share photos on Instagram. All of these represent
perception about a brand—how people are accepting or rejecting them, criticizing
or praising them, referring or forbidding someone to buy from them, and loving or
hating them. This huge pool of unstructured data is the source of actual and honest
social media insights that a brand can rely on. This dark data can help a brand to
strengthen its online presence by working on its flaws.
It is also now possible with sentiment analysis to find out the words associated
with a brand. If your brand is doing good and customers are satisfied, then it is
most likely that your brand name will be associated with positive words. And, in
case of bad reputations, the chances are high that negative words will be seen with
your brand name. In simple words, with sentiment analysis, we can gain valuable
insights from dark data about the sentiments of the masses toward any particular
brand or, in general, about any keywords, like which words are coming up with the
keywords “customer service.” Now, the answer can be either positive or negative
customer service, and we can also find out if any brand name is associated with it.
This can help a company to identify its problems and rectify them so that in the
future there will be more positive sentiments and reviews among the users, thus
leading to increased revenues [15].

11.4.4 Retailers Providing Personalization

with the Help of Dark Data
You will be surprised to know that for every dollar that is spent in an offline store,
$0.56 of it is influenced by digital media [16]. So, it is really important to deliver
expected digital experiences that a customer wants. The available dark data from
customers’ digital lives can provide retailers with valuable insights that can help
develop merchandising, product promotion, and development, and can enhance
user experiences tailored for individual people. Stitch Fix is making use of all the
data available with permission from the user to analyze their sense of style and
then sending them clothes matched to their styles on a regular basis. They analyze
user’s Pinterest board, social media sites, and all the digital footprint, and scan
Dark Data for Analytics  ◾  283

images to understand their sense of style. They begin the process with a detailed
­questionnaire about their choice and preference in clothing. Sixty data scientists
work together to analyze all of it and produce a detailed understanding about their
customers. Kroger Co., a grocery supermarket chain, is using its customer’s pur-
chasing history to give on-time suggestions about purchasing a product on a 4-inch
display mounted in the aisles [13].
Have you wondered how ads are shown on Facebook related to a product, right
after you have searched it on Google? How are they even doing that? No wonder
that your particular interest is channeled through the mediums and is used in mar-
keting different products. You are visiting a website and a few minutes later their ad
is shown on Facebook. They are exploiting every possible source of customer infor-
mation to get to potential buyers. They are not giving any chance for the creation of
dark data, so others also should not sit idle and watch valuable data turn into dark
data. Data is now the competitive currency in today’s digital transformation [6].
Consumer behavior has changed dramatically over the years. Digital marketing
has taken over traditional marketing and every bit of customer information is now
critical for company success.

11.5 Different Ways to Eliminate Dark Data

11.5.1 Tools and Technique for Collecting
and Analyzing Dark Data
One of the main reasons why organizations fail to tackle dark data is the lack of
resources. Tools and techniques for analyzing audio and video, computer vision,
pattern recognition, and machine learning are not always available to them. Luckily,
some common tools can be used to analyze dark data, which include Apache
Hadoop, SAP HANA 2, IBM Watson, and Cognitive Services by Microsoft in
Azure. DeepDive, an open-source solution, created by Stanford University can
extract value from dark data and can be integrated with other databases with the
help of SQL tables. Stanford University also created Hidden Web Exposer, a pro-
totype engine, for scraping the deep web for information. Deep Web Technologies
(AGT) and BrightPlanet offer tools to harvest data from the deep web [6].
According to IDC, by 2020, one billion terabytes of data will be generated.
And, it is coming from various resources, for example, 4–5 TB of data is generated
every day by the New York Stock Exchange, and 240 billion photos are hosted by
Facebook, which is growing per month at 7 PB. There is a lot out there, but we are
struggling to collect, store, and analyze it all. Our storage capacity has increased
over the years, but the speed at which we access or read the data from the drives
has not been increased that much. In the 1990s, a typical drive storage was around
1,370 MB and its transfer speed was 4.4 MB/second. So, data could be read in
5 minutes approximately. In 2015, storage increased to 1 TB and its transfer speed
284  ◾  Data Analytics

became 100 MB/second. Now, it takes 2.5 hours to read all of it and this is really
a long time. We can read data simultaneously from multiple sources to reduce the
time when drives work in parallel and provide shared access to each other. But
there are two problems when we connect multiple disks: One is the high chance
of hardware failure and another is to combine data from different disks during the
analysis. And, this is where Hadoop steps in [17]. One of the main reasons behind
the popularity of Hadoop is that Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Yahoo use it on
the largest sets of data in the world. Hadoop also addresses the two main problems
stated above with its two main components. Hadoop Distributed File System helps
to manage data by splitting and putting it on different nodes, then replicating and
managing it. Map Reduce processes and calculates the data on each node [18].
We need to have a way to transform data into different forms according to the
needs of different analytics platforms. Syncsort’s Big Data solutions suite enables
one to access data, to translate, and integrate it with the help of DMX-h to move it
easily into Hadoop. It allows integration with traditionally dark environments such
as mainframes [5].
Hadoop clusters and NoSQL databases have the ability to process this huge
amount of data, which makes it possible to integrate dark data into the application
and unlock business value. A Hadoop-based data warehouse in Inc.
has speeded up the old time-consuming process that made the data invalid by the
time it was analyzed. It has opened up new dimensions of data and helped in reduc-
ing the operating cost. People who work with keyword acquisition for paid searches
and online presence can now probe real-time data to analyze the change in buying
patterns, which will eventually affect the marketing tactics. And, according to the
blog post of Philip Potloff, chief information officer at Edmunds, the newly estab-
lished system saved more than $1.7 million between February and mid-June. Merv
Adrian, a Gartner analyst, said that increasing number of companies are going to
audit archives of data to point out the dark ones and streamline them to possible
business requirements. We know that the transactions are occurring, but we do not
know what is happening around them and that is something we need to figure out
so that we can turn the dark data into a potential business gold mine [19].

11.5.2 A Brief Introduction to DeepDive

We can extract value from turning unstructured dark data into structured data by
using the DeepDive system. This system takes in dark data and makes it usable for
standard data management tools such as OLAP, Tableau, R, or Excel [20]. This is
the result of the DeepDive project at Stanford University, led by Christopher Ré
[21]. We have access to huge amounts of scientific data, but it is not possible for us
to read everything and extract insights from all of that. It is required to read pages
after pages to get a single answer and then read again for another question. Now, to
go through all the resources and make a structure out of it, we need machines that
can process it like humans. In DARPA’s MEMEX, law enforcement agencies use
Dark Data for Analytics  ◾  285

DeepDive to fight human trafficking. The assumption was that trafficked individu-
als offer sexual services at a lower cost than others. Ads are given online in plain
sight in different websites. In this case, DeepDive is used for searching all over the
Internet for low-cost sexual services that is related to trafficking. All of this resulted
in the real perpetrators getting arrested [22]. While training data is used by most
of the machine learning techniques, DeepDive learns from distant supervision that
is less costly than the traditional method [23]. DeepDive uses machine learning
techniques, but it is different from traditional systems in many ways. DeepDive
asks users for features rather than algorithms and can extract data from millions
of sources. It allows developers to write simple rules and adapt by learning from
the user feedbacks. It can achieve higher quality than humans. PaleoDeepDive has
achieved a winning performance in extracting complex knowledge by assembling
synthetic paleontological databases in entity relation extraction competitions [21].
Let us see how DeepDive functions following the four steps: The first step is data
processing that includes adding raw input data, giving the raw data a structure, and
then feature representation. The second step is distant supervision of the dataset
to enable machine learning. It is also known as data programming for extracting
features, training classifiers, and predicting relations. After that, the third step is
to specify the model on which DeepDive will perform learning and inferencing.
We need to specify the connections and features of the variables that the system
will predict for us and DeepDive will perform statistical inference over the model.
Lastly, it will determine the probability of each variable being true. In the last step,
we will have to measure its accuracy, i.e., accuracy of the model—estimating the
precision with Mindtagger, browsing the data with Mindbender, and monitoring
the statistics with dashboard and calibration plots [24].

11.5.3 Six Steps to Identify and Manage Dark Data

According to ARMA International President, Fred A. Pulzello, we can follow these
six steps to manage dark data [25].

1. We have to identify the source of the data and define it. System-generated
data is more likely to be helpful compared to employee-generated data. We
need to collect in a conducive form that is analyzable. But there is always a
chance that these efforts may go in vain.
2. The next step is doing a cost–benefit analysis to understand the usefulness
of the data in hand. The data should serve a definite purpose, and we should
avoid the temptation to preserve the data after the purpose is met.
3. Now, we have to select what data we will keep and what we will delete. We
have to find out which ones are useful and can be useful in the future, and,
on the other hand, we have to delete data with no apparent value. It is wise to
think that some of it might come in handy in the future, but storing it may
create chaos and confusion when it gets mixed up with important data.
286  ◾  Data Analytics

4. We also have to justify why we deleted some data by mapping it to the reten-
tion and disposition schedule. The data that is not yet addressed is addressed
by creating new categories on the retention schedule. This is important
because some policy may or may not address issues that may arise.
5. We have to execute our defensible disposition plan and make sure it is actu-
ally done. But it is important to keep the documents, mentioning the “why”
and the “when” of deletion.
6. Every year, we need to look back and calculate whether the repurposed data
is adding any value to the organization or not. It not, then there is no reason
to use it again and it should be buried in a proper, defensible manner.

Dark data may seem like a buzzword, but it is going to be a part of every organiza-
tion in recent future as the volume of electronically stored information is only going
to increase. The best way to respond to that problem is to implement an information
governance program. It will properly and efficiently manage all of the organization’s
data produced throughout its life cycle. It will also recognize the possibility of any dark
data occurrence and implement measures to make it usable or to properly delete it [25].
We can also get the value out of dark data in three steps. We have to find,
review, and determine the value. Now, the first step is the hardest one. Different
costs such as architectural cost are associated with it, and there are legal issues;
this three-step data analysis process needs to be done by disrupting the ongoing
workflow of an organization. All of this makes the executives reluctant in finding
dark data. Now, to do all this with minimum disruption, we need to search across
every file and folder, then categorize it attribute wise, provide administrative access
through all the storage platforms, and lastly report according to the usage and
purpose so that the value can be determined. One of the most important things
is to ensure smooth integration of data from all over the platform. Dark data have
unfulfilled value that can provide actionable insights which can lead to profits [7].
The four key steps in information governance are identifying the sources of
data, analyzing key categories and issues, managing accordingly—like delet-
ing unnecessary data, analyzing data with potential value, and securing sensitive
data—and lastly monitoring the whole process with relevant metrices and evalu-
ating the whole process. After completing these four steps, we have to utilize the
feedback to improve and evolve [26].

11.6 Dark Data Solution Provided by Companies

11.6.1 AI Foundry’s Agile Solutions for
Transformation of Dark Data
AI Foundry is a Kodak Alaris business unit. By integrating information, ­people,
and processes they transform enterprise operations for increased insight and
Dark Data for Analytics  ◾  287

improved decision-making. Dark data leads to chaos. It also results in bad

­customer ­service, loss of productivity, and the risk of confidential or personal
information leak. Now we need to transform this dark data into operational
data. The first step is to separate the outdated, redundant, and trivial data. Every
organization have data scattered throughout the system, maybe in Google Drive,
Dropbox, SharePoint, or a content management system. AI Foundry’s enterprise
crawler looks carefully through the data stores and identifies the redundant files,
duplicate files, personally identifiable contents, and extraneous log or temp files.
They believe that removing this junk can clean 30% or more of the redundant
data that is mixed up and hidden within the important organizational data. The
second step is to group documents into different categories that have similarities
between them just like the library shelves. The third step is to add metadata and
indexes or, in other words, data about the data that includes retention periods,
security issues, and indexes. Step fourth step is to search intelligently with key-
words, phrases, or categories as they are already indexed and have metadata. The
last and fifth step is to use it for business, i.e., work smartly with the organized
and searchable system [27].

11.6.2 Dark Data Fracking by Datumize

The mission of Datumize is to become the number one company in the world in
terms of enlightening dark data. For that, recently, they have developed data frack-
ing. The overall process is simple: capture, process, and integrate. Dark data can be
of two types: temporary data and closed proprietary data. Data that contains value
about activity within a short time period and is generated in ERP, CRM, or B2B
is generally temporary data. This data will be lost if not captured immediately and
they are extracted with the help of network sniffing techniques. On the other hand,
closed proprietary data locked inside machines are extracted via specific protocol-
level methods. These protocol-level methods are developed for dark data formation.
After capturing both types of dark data, they are ready to be processed. This may
include cleaning unnecessary data, aggregating to reduce data volume and increase
semantic usefulness, or transforming to a format. After processing, it will look like
a standard information, i.e., a refined product which is ready to be used. Now,
this usable data is going to be used in a wide range of applications and in several
departments in an organization through different technologies. It can be integrated
with other applications to create new analytical products. All of this will increase
efficiency and give better and faster decision-making [28].

11.6.3 Nuix Information Governance Solution

Nuix is a software company based in Australia, providing information governance
solution. According to Nuix white paper on information governance, there are
mainly four steps to derive the business value from dark data [29].
288  ◾  Data Analytics

1. First, we need to shed light on the dark data by understanding its nature and pri-
oritizing it. How much do we have, in which formats, where is it, how old it is, and
what does it contain? We need technological tools to index and normalize it. After
that, with automated tools and targeted searches, we have to classify everything
into three categories: redundant data, risky data, and data with business value. By
keeping an inventory, it will be easy to prioritize and set objectives for the next
phase. It is not possible to address all the pain points at once. First, we need to
address projects with higher returns on investment and then process the rest.
2. The first phase will allow the organization to make informed decisions. We
need to analyze and review different data sources that warrant deeper inspec-
tion with powerful searching and advanced analytical tools. After that, they
can generate a list of targeted sources to act on.
3. After the first two steps, we should know what to do with different sources
of dark data. This is where analysis is turned into actions. Risky and sensitive
data must be reviewed by HR, legal, risk, or compliance departments, alerting
respective personnel. Organizations should dispose or delete all the redundant,
obsolete, or trivial data with no legal or business value. All other data should
contain some sort of business value that can be used by connecting it through
an enterprise search tool, moving or copying it to modern archive, quarantin-
ing some with a suitable security profile, or by migrating it into a manage-
ment software based on the requirement. In simple words, this step is all about
channeling the data smoothly throughout the organization according to the
specific business needs of a particular department.
4. Next, we need to implement sustainable policies after the generation of a com-
plete index of unstructured data throughout the previous stages. With regular
updates and iterations of its proven processes, an organization can be “ever-
green” and can maintain a “living index” of real-time user-generated commu-
nications. It will be able to search instantly for eDiscovery and investigations.
All of this will allow an organization to reduce data volume, which will decrease
the time and cost of initiatives such as audits, eDiscovery, or investigations even by
50%. It will also minimize the risk from dark data and maintain compliance and
allow us to adhere to policies. Lastly, but most importantly, it will help us to extract
the values from dark, unstructured data that can bring unimaginable benefits to
an organization. The overall aim of information governance is to take control over
all the data that goes around in an organization and develop a self-sustaining pro-
cess for the future to reduce the amount of dark data as much as possible because
­volume of data is only going to increase exponentially in the coming days [29].

11.6.4 Deloitte: Insight’s Way to Start

Extracting Value from Dark Data
Very soon most of the companies will be overwhelmed with the amount of data
generated by IoT devices. The chances are high that it will be mostly unstructured.
Dark Data for Analytics  ◾  289

Now, it is not possible to overhaul the whole system and be data driven overnight,
rather it is a continuous process. Small steps toward the big goal can lead to data-
driven insights for now and game changing opportunities for the future. The first
step is to ask the appropriate questions rather than rummaging through everything
that one has in his/her disposal. Now, we need to identify the potential sources of
dark data that can answer the questions, for example, if a marketing team wants
to increase sales in a certain region, then its analytics team can look for relevant
data on that target region only. The data can include video footage of customer
traffic or product placement pictures. Next, we need to look outside for available
demographic or local data outside the organization. For example, a doctor can
give advice to his/her asthma patients by reviewing the weather data and assist the
patient through a flare-up during the pollen season. Employers can find out the
relationship between commute time to workplace and job satisfaction by using
geospatial tools, employee turnover, and traffic patterns. A company also needs to
have expert data scientists in the team to handle all these steps for turning dark
data into operational data. But the insights generated by the data scientist as a
printout of advanced Bayesian statistics will not be comprehendible by most of
the business heads, so we need to represent these results in an easier form. Most
people inside an organization need to understand the complex insights before they
can turn insight into action, and visualization tools can help in this aspect in the
form of an infographic or a dashboard. After developing new strategies, it is wise
to extend it throughout the value chain, from suppliers to customers, for holistic
upgradation [13].

11.7 International Data Corporation’s

Research on Organization’s Ability to
Derive Value from Dark Data
A research done by International Data Corporation (IDC) shows that 90% of all
digital information is unstructured. It is hidden in different formats and in differ-
ent places. But if used properly they can boost sales, reduce costs, and connect with
customers more efficiently. IDC wanted to identify organizations that could derive
more value from this untapped information than any other organization. Their sur-
vey was done across six countries and included 2,155 organizations. They also did 11
in-depth interviews with organizations in United States and Europe. They coined
the term knowledge quotient (KQ). KQ is a score to identify an organization’s
ability to derive value from information. KQ is composed of four different compo-
nents: process, technology, socialization, and culture. Process refers to the ability to
access, analyze, and share pertinent information. Information can be initiated both
inside and outside the organization. Technology is the availability, satisfaction, and
quality of unstructured information software that is used in accessing, sharing, and
290  ◾  Data Analytics

Figure 11.2  The KQ. (Adapted from [30].)

analyzing in the processing part. Socialization is the organization’s ability to share

and reuse the information. Culture is how management is recognizing information
as a key organization asset and also supporting and funding likewise. Important
lessons are learned from this research on how one can unlock the hidden value and
also increase its KQ. Connecting both structured and unstructured data sources
by creating information access and analysis strategy, we can implement the search
strategy that will cover all our sources. We also need to make an organization cul-
ture so that the information is embraced, used, shared, and disseminated as a key
asset. Text analytics along with auto categorization, tagging, and taxonomy genera-
tion should be used to extract additional value from the unstructured information
to establish a connection with the structured data repositories. Lastly, key perfor-
mance indicators are also important to determine success. Definite measurements
and methodologies can help in this aspect [30] (Figure 11.2).

11.8 Recommendations on Managing Dark Data

Dark data is only going to increase across all the organizations if proper steps are
not taken. It can be redundant at times, it can contain private and sensitive infor-
mation, and most importantly it can possess immense opportunity for an organi-
zation. We have already discussed how important value dark data holds in today’s
business environment, if properly handled. From the understanding of the relevant
literature, some things are really important while working with dark data. We need
to find the source from where data is going dark. And, it will be best if we can
channel data to the respective systems at the point of production. As for example,
weather updates, log files, sensor data, website traffic, customer queries, prescrip-
tions, blood reports, video footage, shared images, or audio files can either serve
a definite purpose or bear no value. So, we need to put a filter right when it is
Dark Data for Analytics  ◾  291

being produced so that it isn’t overlooked or forgotten later. All the data will pass
through a system and then will be divided according to needs and deleted after a
particular time period when it no longer has any potential. Sometimes, we do not
know whether we will need some information or not. In that case, it is wise to ask
the right questions and understand the nature and value of the data. If not done
properly, we can need up wasting time on useless information. So, asking the right
question by identifying business needs is really important. After that, categorizing
the data according to its purpose is crucial. There are technologies that can turn
unstructured data into analyzable data, and after that, the existing big data tools
can do the rest. But before that, we have to feed the system the right data and ask
the right questions to make brilliant use of it. We will get rid of dark data from our
organization only when we build a self-sustainable system to stop data from going
dark in the first place. Then it will only be big data, not dark data.

11.9 Conclusion
In this chapter, we discussed how dark data has become a pressing issue due to its
sheer volume and nature. Whether they are aware of it or not, every organization
has a huge amount of unused, unexplored, and unstructured information at its
disposal. Proper knowledge about one’s business and about how to use this data
in improving business is really necessary. Ignorance can be costly in this case, in
terms of both risks and returns. Opportunity in data analytics is endless, and there
are also different ways and systems to manage dark data. Hadoop and DeepDive
are the potential solutions to this dark data problem. Information governance also
warns us about managing the total information chain properly to ensure that data
does not go dark and is not left unchecked. Dark data analytics is still an untapped
opportunity for us, but if we can manage all our data sources properly, then we can
mitigate the risks and use this wonderful opportunity.

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Chapter 12

Big Data: Prospects

and Applications in
the Technical and
Vocational Education
and Training Sector
Mutwalibi Nambobi and Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan
Islamic University of Technology

Adam A. Alli
Islamic University in Uganda

12.1 Introduction..............................................................................................298
12.1.1 W hat Is Big Data?.........................................................................298
12.1.2 Chapter Roadmap........................................................................ 300
12.2 Big Data Technologies...............................................................................301
12.2.1 B ig Data Architecture Framework.................................................302
12.2.2 Big Data Learning Experience Cycle............................................. 304
12.2.3 Benefits of Big Data.......................................................................309 Enabling Personalized Learning......................................309 Proper Decision-Making................................................. 310 Measure Return on Investment....................................... 311

298  ◾  Data Analytics Performance Prediction...................................................312 Determination of Student Behavior.................................313
12.3 Tools, Algorithms, and Analytic Platforms for Educational Purposes....... 314
12.4 Recommendation and Conclusion............................................................ 314
References.......................................................................................................... 315

12.1 Introduction
Many big data algorithms, applications, and techniques constitute the buzzword
“big data,” which find its way beyond computer science into the essential tools
for business, government, and very recently in education. The word big data was
coined in 2001 by researchers to describe voluminous and complex datasets that
cannot be processed by traditional means. Since then, organizations and, later on,
academic institutions have created avenues to build tools that assist in defining (i)
goals around their big data, (ii) milestones in the maturity and use of big data appli-
cations, (iii) capacity of use, and (iv) areas that require the use of big data. Given
that big data analytics is growing rapidly, we are not at liberty to understand what
big data is all about and whether it is useful, but the main concern is to understand
how we can yield its use in different areas of society that prove to be useful in
the development of society. Considering this developmental issue, the Technical
Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sectors are very much interested in big
data applications to get benefits from it.
TVET, which is gaining acceptance in many countries as a part of tertiary edu-
cation, is dedicated to converting skilled manpower for the economic development
of any country. The TVET sector constantly needs to be evaluated and transformed
so that it can follow the fast pace of changing trends in different sectors of the mar-
ket, which in turn can create a variety of demands in the workplace [1,2]. A recent
survey shows that 80% of the data created in the world is unstructured and this
assertion does not isolate TVET institutions. One challenge associated with this
massive generated data is how to structure them and make use of them as an asset
in boosting educational process in the TVET industry. The second challenge is
how we can store it. Though a number of technologies have been developed to sup-
port the analytics and storage function of big data, which include but not limited to
Apache Hadoop, Map Reduce, Pig, Hive, HBase, Sqoop, Spark, Oozie, etc., they
are still expensive for small institutions, more specifically in the TVET institutions.

12.1.1 What Is Big Data?

Big data is one of the major trends that have radically altered the way education
will be conducted in future. The concept of big data has been widely accepted as an
important and inexorable technology to facilitate change, and therefore, it is no lon-
ger processing the province of computer science niche alone. Big data technologies
Big Data: Prospects and Applications in the TVET Sector  ◾  299

enable easy storage of information and accumulation of data repositories with time.
When this information is of varying sizes, very extensive, and of highly complex
magnitude, it becomes big data [3,4]. According to Michalik et al. [5], big data
is defined by its size; it comprises a large, complex, and independent collection
of datasets, each with the potential to interact. In addition, an important aspect
of big data is the fact that it cannot be handled with standard data management
techniques due to inconsistency and unpredictability of the possible combinations.
In other words, big data can be defined as data that is growing too large and fast,
different, complex, important, and valuable for providing interesting insights and
patterns. Big data characteristics are summarized as volume (size), variety (sources,
formats, and types), and velocity (speed and frequency), and add complexity to the
data, which is, in fact, another attribute in concern [6]. Big data is context-specific
having different data formats, such as structured, semistructured, and unstruc-
tured data that ranges from sector to sector. The common challenge is that all these
sectors must be able to make use of the data by processing and enabling data-driven
improvements through high-level big data analytics [7,8].
In order to improve the current practices, TVET institutions will increasingly
need to capture and analyze data from diverse sources so as to respond to diverse
data flows, such as data coming from learning management systems (LMSs), smart
devices (phones, wearable devices etc.), call center voice and access point messages,
image and video feeds picked up from online classes, emails, transaction data and
social networks, and other learning platforms/sources where students and teachers
are continually interacting and engaging in learning and teaching activities [9].
Besides, from a technical point of view, the key challenge in the education industry
is to adapt and learn from big data. In this case, two things need to be considered:
data coming from different sources and vendors and the current platforms that were
not designed for this data. From a practical point of view, staff and institutions
need to learn the new data management and analysis tools and new skills that are
required to visualize and analyze data from the analytics platforms.
With a number of big data technologies becoming available for institutions,
TVET sectors can now leverage data to (i) understand how long it took for a stu-
dent to access content after starting the course, (ii) visualize the time of day they
interacted with the data or with each other, (iii) find out how long they spent look-
ing at specific content, (iv) seek whether they collaborated with each other or logged
on to the same forums, (v) find out whether they asked questions and what type of
questions were asked, and (vi) understand which format did they engage in during
their course. Using the information obtained from big data platforms, users (teach-
ers and administrators) can process data quickly and establish insights into the
interesting patterns about their students. These sorts of pattern interactions ­produce
huge data that have significance in improving the quality of technical education. As
more data gets analyzed, the decision makers in TVET sectors ­particularly need to
find out ways to interpret the data in a meaningful way so that they can predict the
future direction in a learner’s learning behavior.
300  ◾  Data Analytics

Graduates from TVET institutions are deployed straight in the field of work.
These graduates are a source of data for TVET institutions about how and what
should be included in the curriculum to match the current market demands. Using
big data analytics, it is easy to collect data from the market and other TVET insti-
tutions, and thereafter analyze them in a meaningful way that has a direct impact
on the future labor market prediction and market demands.
In many cases, the TVET curriculum of developing countries follows
teacher-centered teaching and uses a conventional teaching method, i.e., the
same teaching content, the same teaching methods, and the same time for deliv-
ery are used [10]. Therefore, it places less emphasis on students’ understand-
ing of taught subjects. Previous literature reports that such curriculum often
leaves gaps in the development of a learner. Using big data analytics on how
students interact during learning can change the way learning and development
is achieved by students and this process can predict the course of action between
teachers and students. This, in turn, insinuates in finding ways to provide tai-
lored instructions to individual students who have difficulties in learning. In the
past, many students have failed to reach anywhere near their potential because
of the inability to correctly find the deficiencies in learning potential. Big data
presents tools necessary for teachers and students to better understand each
other in the learning environment, which in turn gives students better opportu-
nities for success in learning.
In brief, many technologies are making way in our society, among them
Internet of Things (IoT), social media, virtual reality, and 3D printing, which
will be useful to TVET sectors. These technologies will use and create avenues
to produce a myriad of data that contain huge information, attributes, and fea-
tures that can be used in TVET sectors when proper analytics and strategy are

12.1.2 Chapter Roadmap
In this chapter, we present the prospects and applications of big data in the
TVET sector. Big data technologies present a myriad of opportunities and prac-
tices in teaching, learning, and administration of TVET institutions. Using big
data in management and teaching in the TVET sector does not only provide
the ability to make informed decisions but also enable the prediction of learn-
ers’ behavior, thus leading to customized learning among others. The rest of the
chapter has been o­ rganized as follows: Section 12.1 provides an overview of big
data. Section  12.2 presents big data technologies that are commonly available
in the industry to activate big data functionalities such as data input, cleaning,
performing analytics through modeling, the framework, the learning cycle, pos-
sibilities, and benefits of big data technologies in TVET. Section 12.3 presents
tools and analytical p ­ latforms for educational purposes. Section 12.4 provides
recommendation and conclusion.
Big Data: Prospects and Applications in the TVET Sector  ◾  301

12.2 Big Data Technologies

Big data technology consists of technologies such as Hadoop, Map Reduce, Pig,
Hive, HBase, Sqoop, Spark, and Oozie (see Table 12.1) that provide organizations
with big data tools to extract, prepare, visualize, and perform analytics that will
change the way TVET institutions will perform their business in the future. Like
other educational technologies such as instructional technology, behavioral tech-
nology, and instructional design technology [11], big data is visualized to have a
significant impact on TVET sectors in particular and other educational sectors
in general. Impact of big data on TVET sectors includes but not limited to self-
assessment of students, gathering information about the students’ progress, evalu-
ation and monitoring, etc. Naturally, big data and other educational technologies
provide a platform upon which learning can be achieved by understanding and
measuring the progress of learners in learning and of the instructors in teaching,
except for big data technologies where value is added through analytics. With ana-
lytics, it is possible for TVET students to set realistic goals in learning based on
their previous interactions via LMS, to improve their educational performances,

Table 12.1  Learning Theories for TVET Sectors

Learning Theory Description

1. Behaviorism Based on this theory, learners provide response to

external stimulus, and therefore, learning occurs
through repetition and reinforcement. The main
purpose of this theory is to change apprentices’
skills (behavior). Therefore, when designing a
teaching and learning experience, this theory
concentrates on shaping the student behavior.
Collecting and analyzing (huge) data from LMS will
forecast learners’ changing behaviors and will
measure learners’ changed behaviors.

2. Cognitivism This theory links with the mental process of the

learner. When designing big data algorithms,
emphasis should be laid on how information is
received, organized, stored, and retrieved by the
brain when designing prediction and
recommendations systems. According to Piaget’s
instruction, the teaching and learning environment
should be organized, sequenced, and presented in
a manner so that students understand the process.
The accumulated huge data from the TVET sectors
is therefore analyzed to find out learners’ ability to
grasp knowledge in a particular TVET context.

302  ◾  Data Analytics

Table 12.1 (Continued)  Learning Theories for TVET Sectors

Learning Theory Description

3. Constructivism Learning is more meaningful when apprentices are

able to interact with a problem or a concept. This
theory assumes that a learner has prior knowledge,
and thereafter, students discover things on their
own (self-directed) by using the prior knowledge.
This theory focuses on creating new knowledge
and ideas in TVET sectors, which come into
practice when learners’ engagement, motivation,
and interactions could be ensured. Self-directed
active learning is ensured via myriad technology
supported tools in TVET sectors. These sorts of
learning experiences provide huge data that need
big data and learning analytic in TVET sectors.

4. Deconstructionism According to the theory of deconstructionism, one

may discover meaning from a reading text. This
concept could be used in big data applications in
TVET sectors. “Big data offer a way for teachers to
understand students’ learning characteristics, in
order to determine the comparative efficacy of
different types of learning opportunities and offer
support to the undesirable leaners” [15].

and to track their progress. There are many other benefits that may not reflect in
this section. Therefore, Section 12.2.1 provides literature that enables the reader to
understand and measure the value that is added to TVET by big data technology.

12.2.1 Big Data Architecture Framework

Big Data Architecture Framework comprises components that address the big data
ecosystem in TVET. Big data aspects that are considered in this framework are
orthogonal and complementary. The following architecture captures the flow of big
data implementation in real time. It has the following five main stages (Figure 12.1):

◾◾ Input data
◾◾ Big data management
◾◾ Big data analytics and tools
◾◾ Big data infrastructure (BDI)
◾◾ Big data security and privacy

The first stage describes the input data that is going to be processed on the big
data platform. Different forms of data are inserted at this stage. It can be structured
Big Data: Prospects and Applications in the TVET Sector  ◾  303

Input data Management

o Life cycle
o Data cleaning
o Structured Data o Transformation
o Unstructured o Provenance
o Semi-structured o Curation
o Etc.


Big data infrastructure Analytics’

o Computers
o Cloud Results of o Application
o Networks analytics o Methods and tools
o Operations o Target use
o Support
o etc

Security and Privacy

Figure 12.1  Big data architecture framework.

or unstructured with varying data formats like text, audio, video, etc. In the sec-
ond stage, the focus goes on managing the raw data that is processed in the first
stage. It utilizes the big data life cycle management system to process the data in the
flow. The third stage contains big data tools and configurations needed to process the
large datasets into useful information. Some tools are commonly accessible, such as
Hortonworks ( or Cloudera (, to run the
analytics algorithms on the large input files. The fourth stage performs multiple tasks,
for instance, BDI contains different forms of storing devices, infrastructure, services
delivery, and operational support for the processed data. The fifth stage is responsible
for the security and privacy of results of the analytics process. It is necessary to secure
the results analyzed by the BDI. So, security mechanisms such as Kerberos security or
other encryptions and crypto-algorithms are used to secure big data systems.
Technology is moving at a fast pace creating a big gap or a big disruption.
Technical education also faces the same challenge in training technicians using these
technologies at places of work. This gap creates a constant change in the way TVET is
delivered. The main goal of TVET is to prepare the skilled manpower for the future
world of work. The current and future work force would face a number of dynam-
ics that make TVET institutions fail in finding out what exact skills are required
by its graduates in the future for a particular profession. Especially, TVET stake-
holders of many developing countries may not provide straight answers to questions
such as: What future skills will be required in a particular discipline? What will be the
304  ◾  Data Analytics

Gather Data Design Experience

Unstructured Learner experience
Semi-structured Instructor experience
Other experiences

Model Data Analyze learning Experience

Summarizes insights
Predictions’ signals
Training trends
Very results patterns
Test classifications
Optimize comparison
correlations etc

Figure 12.2  Big data learning experience cycle.

demography of workers? What industry or industrial capabilities will be needed? What

human intellectual developments TVET should be focused on? In order to address these
issues, TVET education should be connected with recent trends. Special focus there-
fore should be given on understanding the art of teaching, classroom management,
and learners’ requirements in teaching TVET, to bridge the gap between TVET
institutions and industrial practices. It further links TVET practices to existing the-
ories, teaching design, learning experience, data collection, analysis of the learners’
data, model development, and redesigning the learning experiences. All the stated
activities and possibilities are somehow connected to big data analytics. These prac-
tices could be shown in Figure 12.2, which is updated from the studies of [12,13].

12.2.2 Big Data Learning Experience Cycle

Teaching and learning has shifted from a teacher-centered to a student-centered
model very rapidly within the last decade [14]. The way TVET students used to
learn before is not the way students are learning or perceiving learning in the
present time. The main reason for this shift is due to having diverse possibili-
ties through technology in education and very recently in technical education.
The new and innovative technology supported tools have been greatly modern-
ized and they keep changing rapidly; therefore, it requires improvements and
upgrades. The Figure 12.2 shows that learning is based on continual improve-
ment, which is linked with the use of diverse modes of technology. For these
Big Data: Prospects and Applications in the TVET Sector  ◾  305

reasons, students’ learning styles and preferences in TVET sectors are changing,
and therefore, students’ learning experiences are connected with diverse learn-
ing theories that were not seen before. The main learning theories are briefly
described in Table 12.2 to link them with the learning experience of the existing
These theories provide a systematic process and applications of big data tech-
nologies to facilitate the acquisition of skills and knowledge in various learning
environments in the TVET sectors.

Table 12.2  Tools for Big Data in TVET

Tools Application in TVET

1. No Database Oracle NoSQL Database gives a superior ability to

SQL (Oracle) model a variety of problems, it provides an excellent
platform to perform learning analytics in TVET, given
that it is scalable and designed to provide high
reliability. Besides being integrated with a wide range
of Oracle products, NoSQL fits well with the open
source application. This simplifies development and
deployment of multiple solutions developed from
multiple platforms. It retrieves the data that is
modeled by means other than the tabular relations.
This tool is used in TVET to perform learning analytics
on students and instructors’ data as they continue to
engage in learning as well as other related datasets.

2. Storm Storm is a multidimensional tool whose application

includes real-time analytics, machine learning, extract
load and transform, and remote procedure call, among
many other big data tools. Given that it is open source,
scalable, fault tolerant, and available for use free of
cost, storm is favorable for use by TVET institutions
that cannot afford expensive tools for analytics.
Storm is very good in processing real-time data. It has
attracted many use cases of storm including data
monetization, real-time customer management,
cybersecurity analytics, operational dashboards, and
threat detection. For the above reason, it can give an
attractive tool to use cases that involve learning
analytics in TVET sector.

306  ◾  Data Analytics

Table 12.2 (Continued)  Tools for Big Data in TVET

Tools Application in TVET

3. Hadoop Apache Hadoop is an open source software platform

that can be directly used in TVET sectors. For personal
and career development, TVET educators and
apprentices may use this platform. It is a framework
that allows for the distributed processing of large
datasets across clusters of computers using simple
programming models. It is designed to scale up from
single servers to thousands of machines, each offering
local computation and storage.

4. SenseiDB Sensei is a distributed data system that is built to support

many social sites’ data. SenseiDB can be used to build
TVET applications that include hands-on experiments
on distributed systems. Such applications will help
students and teachers in many contexts. Among the
context is the ability of students to link theory to
practice and the time students take to conceptualize a
learning item and/or the students’ preferences. Web:

5. Voldemort Voldemort contains ACID (atomicity, consistency,

isolation, and durability) properties. These four
properties can be implemented on TVET application to
deal with transaction databases.

6. Cassandra Cassandra is a scalability tool that provides high

availability without compromising on performance. It
is durable, scalable, decentralized, and performant.
These powerful features of Cassandra make it reliable
for big data applications in the TVET sector. This tool is
widely used to manage large amounts of data.
Therefore, when plans for processing large data in
TVET are required, Cassandra gives the best alternative.

7. S3 Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is used to

store and retrieve any amount of data at any time from
anywhere on the web. In situations where institutions
do not have sufficient infrastructures for big data
analytics, AWS S3 gives an alternative option at
affordable cost.

Big Data: Prospects and Applications in the TVET Sector  ◾  307

Table 12.2 (Continued)  Tools for Big Data in TVET

Tools Application in TVET

Since considerable TVET institutions are located in

countries whose BDI is still wanting, the use of S3
provides space for storage, database, analytics,
machine learning, and other services.

8. MongoDB MongoDB works on the concepts of collection and

documentation. It gives a platform with expressive
query language that has strong consistency, scalability,
and flexibility. This makes MangoDB suitable for use in
TVET sectors for any purpose in document analysis
and other advanced analytics.

9. MapReduce MapReduce is a programming model to process huge

data on the Hadoop platform. We can implement this
technology in TVET by providing the knowledge on
Hadoop cluster and its programming language.

10. Cloudera Cloudera is an open-source Hadoop distribution. It

provides Hadoop services in one system. This tool is
useful in TVET to give sessions on all Hadoop services
such as HDFS, MapReduce, Oozie, and Spark.

11. Hortonworks The Hortonworks is used for big data analysis in the
ultimate cost-effective and open-source architecture
for all types of data. This tool also provides Hadoop
services such as HDFS, Ambari Cluster, MapReduce,
Oozie, and Spark.

12. FlockDB It is used for graph databases. This tool is useful for
graphical data designing and processing in TVET sectors.

The steps (Figure 12.2) involved in designing learning experiences are described
as follows:

i. Continuous improvement: Teaching and learning is changing at a very fast

pace. The ways the students used to learn before cannot follow the same path
today. The technology-enhanced teaching and learning greatly influence the
process of teaching and learning. Therefore, improvements and upgrades are
308  ◾  Data Analytics

required not only in learning but also in educational management and col-
laboration [16]. A key challenge that teachers face is adapting their teaching
techniques to the needs of different students, each of whom learns differently
and at his/her own pace. Big data tools can be used for adaptive learning,
i.e., it can be used for helping teachers adjust their pace of instructions to an
individual student’s interests, abilities, and prior knowledge.
ii. Relating experiences to learning theories: Teaching in face-to-face, blended,
and online modes should be designed on the basis of learning theories for mean-
ingful outcomes. The above stated theories (Table 12.1) have to be linked with
both teaching and learning processes while considering big data applications.
Therefore, a systematic process and the application of big data technologies
facilitate the acquisition of skills and knowledge in various learning environ-
ments using different teaching and learning techniques and experiences.
iii. Design teaching and learning experience: Different nations have different
learning styles, curriculums, and qualification framework. When designing
online learning management systems to facilitate international learning, we
have to consider or put in mind that different people interact differently on
the system user interface [17–19]. In this case, big data developers have to
customize data extraction and algorithms in relation to the environment and
learners’ interaction experiences.
iv. Data collection: Data collection is the systematic approach to gathering and
measuring information from a variety of sources to achieve accurate results.
Data collection enables an individual or an organization to answer relevant
questions, evaluate outcomes, and make predictions about future probabil-
ities and trends in TVET sectors. Data currently exist in different forms,
both structured and unstructured. In fact, data is increasingly available to the
extent that it no longer has to be collected, rather it just has to be connected
using the available attributes, data behavior, and outcomes [20]. For example,
to measure students’ motivation toward a technical subject, individual stu-
dent’s attitudes (attribute) will be required. The researchers and educators
need to connect it with the behavior and thereafter generate the outcomes.
Note: Data collected for any one at any point in time will limit the analysis
that can be made. Data collected over time in which trends can be identified will
enhance the abilities of instructors, administrators, and curriculum planners to
make the right decision for strengthening current educational programs [21].
v. Analysis of the data: In the establishment of big data analytics, it is impor-
tant to keep in mind that analyzing TVET data tends to be sophisticated and
requires the establishment of standards [21]. TVET is associated with indus-
trial tool engagement skills (hands-on) and theoretical knowledge. It is worth
mentioning that different techniques are involved in analyzing data, such
as predictive analysis, network analysis, and association and cluster analy-
sis, which can be utilized in finding educational questions, decision-making,
forecasting, and improving teaching practices [22].
Big Data: Prospects and Applications in the TVET Sector  ◾  309

vi. Model development: The data modeling is composed of the following main
a. Conceptual modeling: get involved in the sector
b. Logical modeling: define attribute
c. Information modeling: identify the attribute required to describe a thing
or entity
d. Physical modeling: combine and flatten the data
e. Deployment modeling
The structural institutional data can be known, such as core business concepts
(I know where my business comes from, both theoretically and practically),
relationship (can be many to many), institutional drivers (agents), and attribute
(student ID, demography), and the like. On the other hand, semistructured
or unstructured data means some attributes are unknown. Therefore, there
is need to take the known key and separate it with the context that describes
it. This is observed in the ensemble data modeling [23,24]. In this case, if
the attribute is important to someone, then he/she keeps it. Developers dur-
ing designing models use different methods, like try and error (trying many
possibilities or variables available using linear and non-linear relationships).
This is done through model transformation and generalization. For example,
different models will work on different clusters of students such as urban tech-
nical students and village technical students. They both have different user
interactivities and accessibilities in this case.
vii. Redesigning the learning experiences: In this phase, big data technolo-
gists have to validate the model, assess the model, and find the relationship
[25,26]. For example, this is done by collecting research data such as students’
attitudes and survey data and then correlating it with models of students’
behaviors to learn the dominant characters of students that can predict their
behavior. When redesigning the learning experience, we have to consider
the sequence available, the association rules, and causal data to achieve the
desired learning outcomes.

12.2.3 Benefits of Big Data Enabling Personalized Learning
Studies like those of Skinner and Plato have documented about the neces-
sity of p
­ ersonalized learning [27], i.e., learning which is controlled by an indi-
vidual learner. Currently, the adaptive and personalized learning processes for
students include: personalized e-learning, intelligent tutoring systems, adaptive
courses, historical performance and demographics data integrated with external
data ­captured from the social network, and the behavioral studies. The above
can be analyzed to show interesting aspects of the individual learning process
[28]. Grubisic [29] found over 5,500 pieces of literature that are related to these
310  ◾  Data Analytics

sorts of adaptive and personalized learning processes, which are computer soft-
ware ­generated. The main goal of the education software available in adaptive
and personalized learning processes is to accomplish adaptability. Most technical
schools in developed nations apply some form of this in reading classes or stan-
dardized testing to place ­students in the appropriate reading or remedial read-
ing classes as needed. These processes are used to identify the specific needs or
support services so that students in technical education have a better chance at
graduating and retaining knowledge. Personalized learning also helps facilitators
to know which students need teachers’ assistance the most. In many cases, stu-
dents do not willingly talk about their difficulties or are not responsive in class.
TVET institutions will able to turn this potential for early intervention through
personalized learning experiences [28]. The importance of personalized learning
is further ­emphasized on:
It cannot deny that personalized learning is setting the trend for
future development of education. Big data in education makes the
process of learning become possible to meet every student’s need
through a personalized recommendation system which could recom-
mend adapted learning resources and proper path, as well as give
­academic advice [15]. Proper Decision-Making
At the moment, big data and data-driven decisions in TVET are primarily used in
developed nations for predictive modeling, identification of the optimal patterns
of learning, tracking individual information, and research [30]. Earlier, decision
makers and educators were trying to assess teaching and learning by answering
questions like the following:

i. Where are the students?

ii. What are the students doing?
iii. What do they know?
iv. How are they thinking?

These questions were very useful but not sufficient. In the TVET sector, we also
have to ask the following:

i. Where is the student going?

ii. Is he/she going to pass or fail the technical course?
iii. Is he/she ready for the next course?
iv. What are the motivational factors in relation to teaching and learning?
v. Are the TVET graduates ready for their careers?
vi. Are the TVET graduates competent for the world of work?
Big Data: Prospects and Applications in the TVET Sector  ◾  311

All the above aspects lead toward the success of any course in TVET. Big data
in the TVET sector shows potential in providing learning support and facilitates
learning across learning management systems. When trying to assess the success
of any course, it is important to look at learners’ misconceptions and the goals of
learning. Decision makers intervene to help learning take place. Intervention from
teachers, researchers, parents, and counselors provides feedback about: Which stu-
dents finish their classes? And who learns? This provides improvements to the TVET
curriculum. Literature shows that different individuals learn in different ways. Let
us consider three different learning styles as an example. Auditory learners are more
likely to learn effectively by hearing, e.g., reading loudly to enhance recitation;
visual learners learn best by seeing, e.g., watching graphics and demonstrations,
and reading; and kinesthetic learners obtain knowledge best through “hands-on”
experiences, e.g., attending activities and writing notes.
It has been presented that students’ collaborative work on the same assignment
that follows different interaction patterns affects the performance and assessment
of the group work in collaborative learning. Continuous focus, self-reflection, live
­collaboration, and fairly even distribution of workload are naturally more likely to
lead to more refined and coherent assignments and, consequently, lead to better
learning outcomes. But again there are some regulations that are widely accepted
in improving learning effectiveness, e.g., regular reviewing, more practice, and
active collaboration and discussion, and so forth. In relation to TVET apprentices,
learning behavior, knowledge composition, and knowledge acquisition are differ-
ent from case to case. It is thus vital to identify the optimal learning patterns for
individual students or groups to maximize learning performance and to identify
key impact factors that would allow the generalization and formulation of the best
practice guidelines in this space [17]. Measure Return on Investment

Upon application of big data methods, a large amount of student related informa-
tion become instantly available to institutions via LMS. Allowing LMS to gain
from focused analytics, assists these institutions in decision-making. Daniel [31]
reports that investment in big data yields surprising returns through examining
the contributions of big data and analytics on a micro, meso, and macro levels.
Now data is available, and in many cases, it is real time across all sectors including
the TVET sector, that is to say, data can be available as public data (government),
institutional data (vocational schools and colleges), business data (industries), and
social data (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.).
On the micro level, these analytics are useful in improving the condition of
teaching and learning as well as in comprehending the student learning activities.
Researchers and educators can track the data that students have left behind through
their social connections, library searches, test scores, LMS, and the like over certain
312  ◾  Data Analytics

periods of time. Analysis of this data shows or predicts future patterns of learning
and teaching and related problems. On the meso level, performances can be mea-
sured by collecting data about the improvement in graduate rates. Another example
would be the measurement of students’ overall performances in specific teachers’
classes over a period of time.
Additionally, since large institutions should prepare reports for investors and
stakeholders of TVET, it is required to focus on a broad macro view of institu-
tional performance. Therefore, TVET institutions need to address key areas such
as teaching and learning that have to be reported to the stakeholders. Benefit is seen
in the development of models that can assess an institution’s current state of per-
formance while providing accurate predictions for future performance outcomes.
In relation to the existing model, descriptive models enable TVET facilitators
to detect student trends in admission, rate of improvement, and graduation rates.
A predictive model, the second type, is that whose purpose is to discover previ-
ously undetected relationships in data and to predict future outcomes. For example,
schools might be able to ascertain at-risk students during their academic programs
at primary and secondary levels. These prescriptive models provide the foundation
for action plans constructed upon knowledge acquired from both types of models;
thereby, allowing institutions to accurately appraise their current situations and
make data-driven choices about other possibilities. All this facilitates a great return
on investment in TVET sectors when properly utilized. Performance Prediction
We predict the future in order to improve the present context, otherwise why
should we predict in the first place? Performance prediction can be done by sending
reports to TVET facilitators/tutors or parents and by gaining an actual picture of
class engagement and motivation in the teaching and learning situation. This also
provides information about answering questions such as: (i) How are the students
prepared for future learning? (ii) Which student will succeed now or later as the class
continues? These types of information could be achieved through assessment of top-
ics, knowing which students ask for help often in the LMS, and which ways and
how frequently each student gets involved in learning via LMS.
Synthesizing and applying knowledge to solve unseen problems enhance the
quality of student learning. Literature shows that TVET sectors are mostly less pre-
ferred [8]. By using big data in an appropriate way, TVET institutions can improve
student performance. For instance, it controls directly and indirectly the dropout
rates and therefore increases the graduation rates. These could be possible by estab-
lishing student relationships within the TVET learning environment and ensuring
interactions with peers and instructors via LMS. This will further provide a way of
gathering information about the performance of particular populations within the
student groups. In brief, identifying learners’ performance in a particular domain
of TVET sector will assist the overall improvement of this domain [5].
Big Data: Prospects and Applications in the TVET Sector  ◾  313 Determination of Student Behavior

Student behavior, as suggested by BF Skinner, Thorndike, and Pavlov, can be
­distinguished by following certain fundamental principles and guidelines. They
are as follows:

1. Reinforcement of learning.
2. Improve and control undesirable behavior following principles of classical or
operand conditioning and laws of learning.
3. Eliminate all incorrect responses and fix only the right responses.

Student behavior is shaped through the feedback on learners’ performance such as

complaints, approval, encouragement, and engagement [30]. It is important that
TVET administrators, when handling attitude and career preparation, ask the fol-
lowing questions: (i) What attitude possesses great social outcomes? (ii) What student
behavior generates a positive or negative outcome? (iii) What do we need to know for
learning? Use of big data in this sector helps educational administrators and facilita-
tors to find out answers to the stated questions.
Figure 12.3 is a block diagram that presents the combination of authentic stu-
dent observations and their interactions. Analyzing through big data tools and
algorithms will predict a pattern for student behavior. This symbolic strategy also
helps educators to distinguish disengaged students, struggling students, disrupting
students, and fluctuating material. In LMS, it was reported earlier that different
countries tend to use different fashions and user interfaces. Designing the right
model to trace the interaction of the students will help you know which students
are off-task and also their connected posing time. Such interfaces will directly
assist students and further provide information to the educators. Knowing what

Students Data Big Data Tools Student behavior

 Students bio data  Hadoop  Desirable behavior
 Class activities  Pig  perception
 Academic  Hive  action to improve
records etc  HBase etc

 Learner experience (social
media, LMS etc.)
 Web experience
 Logs and feeds

Figure 12.3  Determining student behavior.

314  ◾  Data Analytics

particular students are doing provides an informal cheat code to the educators
(administrators) such as the following: (i) What do students find interesting on the
Internet? (ii) What games do they like playing? (iii) What do they watch and what social
network do they associate with in the teaching and learning contexts?
These sorts of acts and information assist the facilitators to know more about
the level of student behavior and their level of performance, hence providing a
­platform where the student feels recognized and wanted.

12.3 Tools, Algorithms, and Analytic

Platforms for Educational Purposes
At present, there are many big data tools available in the market. These tools claim
to provide cost efficiency, time management, and analysis of data to find out inter-
esting patterns. This is also termed as open analytics. Technology has provided
the ability to collect data either directly from students or from observations or
choices made by students and to analyze this information so that educators can give
­individual attention to each learner [32]. Table 12.2 provides the names of possible
tools connected with big data in TVET sectors.

12.4 Recommendation and Conclusion

Data is growing exponentially, and therefore, the amount of data stored during the
past 2 years is more than that done in any other time of history. With this pace,
at one point storage will be exhausted. To handle this huge volume of data, a dis-
tributed file system will be suitable. Educational authorities, particularly in TVET
sectors, are scared about the governance issues connected to big data technologies,
for instance, lack of competency level in handling the use of analytics and their
interactions, lack of skills and awareness of teachers, difficultly in synchronizing
the TVET systems to the growing pace of data, etc.
In a nutshell, data is not only getting big, but it also presents itself in different
complex structures: (i) structured data (organized in data forms and data schemas
that are fixed like data found in relational databases), (ii) semistructured data
(partially organized, lack of the formal structure of data modeling such as JSON
files and XML), and (iii) unstructured data (unorganized and unknown schema,
and multimedia files such as videos, photos, and sensor data). Subjecting this
big data to computations becomes a bottleneck (storage capacity vs disk transfer
performance) [31].
In this chapter, therefore, we have documented prospects, tools, and a­ pplications
of big data in the TVET sector. It is noted that application of learning analytics in
the TVET sector brings many advantages to learners, instructors, and administra-
tors which include but not limited to personalized learning, providing insights into
Big Data: Prospects and Applications in the TVET Sector  ◾  315

the learners’ behavior, and consequently providing directions for the instructors
to tailor the way they teach. Considering learning analytics in TVET sector will
enable the administrators to visualize the actual pattern of TVET graduates, and
eventually be able to properly document future success factors of TVET. Lastly, we
provide useful information for readers, educators, curriculum developers, policy
makers, and other TVET stakeholders on implementing big data technologies to
ensure the quality TVET education.
Besides, big data technology facilitates the creation of new knowledge and
enhancement of competences in TVET sectors.

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Chapter 13

Sports Analytics:
Basketball Records
in Graphical Form
Muye Jiang
University of Ottawa

Gerry Chan and Robert Biddle

Carleton University

13.1 Introduction.............................................................................................. 318
13.1.1 Chapter Roadmap.........................................................................321
13.2 Background and Related Work.................................................................321
13.3 Design Details..........................................................................................324
13.3.1 Converting Text Format Data........................................................324
13.3.2 D rawing Charts and Graphs..........................................................325 Line Chart.......................................................................325 Track Lines......................................................................326 Dynamic Elements..........................................................327
13.3.3 T echnologies..................................................................................327
13.3.4 S ystem Usage.................................................................................328 General Usage..................................................................328 Specific Usage..................................................................329

318  ◾  Data Analytics

13.4 User Study.................................................................................................329

13.4.1 D esign and Participants.................................................................329
13.4.2 Measures........................................................................................330 Search Efficiency and Clarity...........................................330 Usability and Learnability...............................................331 Visual Appeal..................................................................331 User Experience and Improvement..................................331
13.4.3 Materials and Apparatus................................................................331
13.4.4 P rocedures.....................................................................................331
13.5 Results.......................................................................................................332
13.5.1 Search and Clarity.........................................................................332
13.5.2 Usability and Learnability.............................................................336
13.5.3 Visual Appeal................................................................................336
13.5.4 Overall Experience.........................................................................337
13.5.5 Subjective Report...........................................................................338
13.6 Discussion.................................................................................................338
13.6.1 Limitations and Future Work........................................................339
13.7 Conclusions.............................................................................................. 340
Acknowledgments............................................................................................. 340
Declaration of Conflicting Interests....................................................................341

13.1 Introduction
Statistics has long been an inherent component in professional sports. Sports
­visualization is growing, yet most games tend to leave the statistics in numerical
format and use very few in-game visual representations. Basketball is a game that
still leaves the statistics in numerical and text format. An enormous amount of data
is generated in one basketball game. Live basketball play-by-play records in the
National Basketball Association (NBA), for example (Figure 13.1), are organized in a
tabular format listing events that occur during a game [1]. To search for a particular
event, a user must scroll up and down a long list of records and calculate the amount
of time at 12-min intervals per quarter. This makes it very difficult for users such
as coaches, players, audiences, sports reporters, and analysts to search for particular
events. We believe that live basketball records could be represented in a better format.
To our knowledge, no designer has attempted to redesign the format for show-
ing live basketball records. There is one visualization for showing the performance
of basketball players for an entire season [2] (Figure 13.2) and one design scheme
for showing three different game levels (season, game, and session) [3], as well as
some research regarding the potential applications of information visualization for
representing sports statistics [4,5], but no designer has yet focused on a design for
Sports Analytics  ◾  319

Figure 13.1  NBA play-by-play basketball records [1].

Figure 13.2  Visualization for performance of basketball players for an entire

season [2].

visualizing team performance during a specific game. We propose a new format

for representing in-game basketball records: a graphical chart, which we called
BasketBallVis (Figure 13.3), is composed of three primary components: (1) a line
chart, (2) track lines, and (3) dynamic elements. We believe that our new design
approach is of value to users for supporting rapid detection of events and score
advantage during and after a game because no scrolling or mental computation is
needed here. To test the value of our new design approach, we conducted a user
study to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness for supporting visual search and
320  ◾  Data Analytics
Figure 13.3  Graphical chart for visualizing basketball records of a specific game designed and used for testing, which we named
Sports Analytics  ◾  321

query. Our results show that the graph we designed and tested is clear, usable, and
visually appealing. We found evidence that it is both easier and faster to find critical
information about the game using the graph as opposed to the traditional text chart.
We have empirical evidence to support the assertion that the graph yields better user
experience than a traditional text chart, particularly for experts than for novices.
This graph displays basketball records clearly, and during a game, users will likely
find it quick and useful for finding information they wish to know.
The main goal of this project was to design a visualization that will better aid
visual search and query and test its effectiveness. Due to the large amount of scroll-
ing and computation1 required for the use of a text chart, it was hypothesized that
the new graph chart (Figure 13.3) will be more usable than a conventional text
chart (Figure 13.1) in many ways. For example, no scrolling is required while using
the graph chart and, thus, users will be able to detect an event almost instanta-
neously. Also, no computation of time is required because a continuous track line
is conveniently located at the top of the graph chart. In addition, to no need for
scrolling and computation, visualization elements such as colors, symbols, patterns,
and hover queries have been applied to the graph to aid visual search and query.

13.1.1 Chapter Roadmap
The subsequent sections of this chapter are organized as follows: Section 13.2
­provides the background information about basketball and related literature.
Section 13.3 outlines the design approach along with the design principles, tech-
nology, and user tasks. Section 13.4 provides details regarding the user study, while
Section 13.5 explains the method that was employed for comparing a traditional
text chart vs. graph. Section 13.6 presents a report of the results of the study, and
Section 13.7 offers interpretation of the results, limitations, and suggestions for
future research.

13.2 Background and Related Work

For most sports with complex rules such as basketball, baseball, ice hockey, and
so on, one game generates a large amount of data. These data are usually stored in
a text or numerical format. Saving records in text or numerical format takes less
storage space compared to saving images and videos, but this makes tasks such as
analyzing and utilizing data extremely time-consuming for users. When it comes
to making decisions during a live basketball game, time is a critical factor because
most users need to respond very quickly. For example, coaches need to generate
attack or defense strategies according to a current game status in a short amount
of time—usually less than 1 min. The domain of information visualization—“the
use of computer-supported, interactive, visual representations of abstract data to
amplify cognition” [6]—offers good solutions to save time and help users see trends
322  ◾  Data Analytics

in the data because the use of good visualization principles, such as colors and hover
queries, could increase visual salience and support rapid search and query [7].
We focused our sports data visualization research on basketball games because
basketball has a fixed game time for each quarter and its scores changes dramati-
cally, usually three or four times each minute, all the time. These basketball char-
acteristics make it a perfect choice for visualizing game data. However, very little
research has explored the area of sports using data visualization, and topics of these
research projects focus on other specific games, such as baseball [8]. In contrast,
game data visualization is very popular in Esports [9]. High-level professionalized
Esports, such as Starcraft II [10] (Figure 13.4) or Dota 2 [11] (Figure 13.5), are also
popular in game data visualization and are very detailed and well rounded. The
visualization (Figure 13.3) introduced in this chapter was inspired by one of these
professionalized Esports called League of Legends [12] (Figure 13.6).

Figure 13.4  Starcraft II [10]—Real-time strategy game performance visualization


Figure 13.5  Dota 2 [11]—Trends organized by week [14].

Sports Analytics  ◾  323

Figure 13.6  Team gold advantage visualization in League of Legends [12] match
history record.

Figure 13.6 is a screenshot of League of Legends [12] game data visualization

showing records of match history. It contains two main parts: (1) a track line and
(2) a graph. The first part is the red and blue track lines located at the top of the
whole visualization. The track line is used for recording important events that hap-
pened at different times for the red team and blue team. The second part is the line
chart which is used for recording the team gold advantage that serves as a reference
for the game’s current status because the leading team always has the team gold
advantage. We believe that data generated during a live basketball game share many
similar characteristics with the data generated in League of Legends [12].
A standard NBA basketball game has four quarters and each quarter lasts for
12 min. There are two teams on the basketball court. Each team consists of five
on-court players and several substitution players. Like most other ball games, a bas-
ketball game has only one ball, and the two teams will try their best to gain control
of the ball and shoot the ball into their opponent’s basket in order to gain scores.
The team with higher scores will have a score advantage and the team that has the
score advantage at the end of the fourth quarter wins. A basketball game usually
contains many important events, which occur at different times of the game, such
as fouls, substitutions, and timeouts. These events change the trend of the game.
In general, there are four types of basketball game data users. The first type
of users are coaches. Coaches need the game’s data to evaluate the game’s current
status and to make attack or defense strategies. The game’s data also contain some
vital information such as specific player performance, number of fouls, and the
amount of stamina left. Coaches will use this information to plan substitutions and
improve their strategies. The second type of users are players. Unlike coaches, play-
ers usually focus their attention on more simple game data, like the number of fouls
they have and their matchup player’s performance. The third type of users are bas-
ketball analysts and reporters. They need the game data to explain to the audiences
324  ◾  Data Analytics

what is happening on the basketball court. Sometimes, they will use the teams’ or
players’ previous game data and compare it to the current game data to predict the
final result of the current game and evaluate players’ performance. The last type of
user is audiences. They simply focus on the performance of their favorite team(s)
or player(s) because they experience enjoyment when their favorite team wins or if
their favorite player scores a lot of points.
Little research has explored the merits of using visualizations for representing
sport statistics. Legg et al. [15] designed an algorithm for the layout of metaphoric
glyphs at different spatial scales called “MatchPad” and examined its effective-
ness for supporting rapid information seeking in a Rugby context. The researchers
found that MatchPad was useful for coaches and analysts in making important
match decisions in a short time period and was successful at helping examine
events in detail while maintaining a clear overview of the game situation. They
concluded that glyph-based visualization offers an efficient and effective way for
conveying large amounts of event records. In a different study, Dietrich et al. [8]
developed a new visual analytics tool called “Baseball4D” for analyzing, visual-
izing, and tracking the performance of baseball players. Although the design
was not empirically tested, the authors believe that their design is valuable for
teams and coaches to study gameplay and player performance. Losada et al. [16]
created an interactive visual prototype called “BKViz” for analyzing basketball
games which focuses on the processing and presentation of play-by-play data. To
validate the tool, the researchers consulted with experts and received much posi-
tive feedback with respect to the usefulness of their design, such as the capability
of comparing game situations where multiple players are or are not on the court
together, filtering of events to reveal when various plays occur, and linking of
multiple interactive visualizations to show the potential of predicting a variety
of conclusions. Although informative, there are a lot of basketball performance
visualizations, but they are all created after the games rather than during the
games (live).

13.3 Design Details
For basketball game data visualization, it should complete two major missions. The
first mission is converting the text format data into unified data structure and the
second mission is using the data structure to create charts and graphs. We separated
our program into two parts according to the two missions.

13.3.1 Converting Text Format Data

Text format basketball game data recorded what happened at a specific time.
Figure 13.7 [1] is an example of text format data. And, we called the data stored in
one row in Figure 13.3 as an “event.” Although there are many kinds of events, such
Sports Analytics  ◾  325

Figure 13.7  The event surrounded by a yellow box shows the time that an event
occurred at 1:10 (each quarter for lasts 12 min and 1:10 = 12:00–10:50), the type
of event is “scoring,” and the team that created this event is Boston Celtics. The
event also contains some detailed information, such as the name of the player and
the player’s scoring method [1].

as scoring and substitutions, these events share some common characteristics. We

designed our data structure according to these common characteristics. Dictionary
structures were used to store events’ information. This dictionary structure contains
four keys: the first key is “time” that represents the moment when this event hap-
pened; the second key is “team” that represents the team or the team’s player that
generated this event; the third key is “type” that represents what this event is, such
as “timeout” and “injury”; and the last key is “detail” which is a sub-­dictionary, and
its keys are based on this event’s “type”—for an “injury” event, its keys are “injured
player’s name” and “type of injury.”

13.3.2 Drawing Charts and Graphs

The visualizations used to create BasketBallVis (Figure 13.3) are a combination of
(1) a line chart, (2) track lines, and (3) dynamic elements. Line Chart
The most important component of our visualization is the line chart. Time appears
on the x-axis because the two basketball teams (home and guest) that are playing this
game use the same timescale, and overtimes are rare in basketball games. The most
interesting feature of this chart lies on the y-axis. Usually, chart designers will plot
each team’s current scores on the y-axis. But, each team’s scores mean very little to
all the users (players, coaches, analysts, reporters, and audiences); instead, the score
difference between the two teams (or we can also call it score advantage) is the criti-
cal information that users need. As a result, we decided to show score advantage on
326  ◾  Data Analytics

Figure 13.8  Pre-attentive features applied to the design of BasketBallVis. (a) The
blue circles represent the home team has the score advantage, while the green
circles represent the visiting team has the score advantage. (b) Green circles that
are farther from the horizon (pink line) means that the visiting team has a larger
score advantage at that time.

the y-axis, and the points above the x-axis represent that the guest team has the score
advantage, whereas the point below the x-axis represents that the home team has
score advantage. To make the points in the line graph more meaningful, we added
more features to these points to contain more information. Since players and coaches
need quick and accurate access to this information, we selected two pre-attentive
features suggested by Ware [7] (Figure 13.8). The first feature is color to show which
team has score advantage (Figure 13.8a). The second feature is distance to the hori-
zon to show how large the score advantage is (Figure 13.8b).
Like the points, the score line is also a major part of a line chart, and we utilized
the line’s orientation to represent the game’s tendency. If the line is getting closer
to the top of the chart during a specific period, it means the guest team is gaining
an upper hand during this period (Figure 13.3: from time 30:00 to time 48:00).
Otherwise, it means the home team is gaining an upper hand (Figure 13.3: from
time 10:00 to time 20:00). In addition to color and size, we also found a way to
utilize the chart’s background. Each basketball game consists of four quarters, and
each quarter is exactly 12 minutes long. Thus, different background colors were
used to represent each quarter. Low-saturated light colors were used here because
this could make crucial small subsets, such as points, and the line more visible and
distinct from the background [7]. Track Lines
Track lines are used here to record the critical events of each team. There are four
kinds of critical events: injuries, substitutions, fouls, and timeouts. Although visual
appeal is not important for players and coaches, it is so for the audiences. A well-
designed symbol set can be appealing (meets audience’ requirements) and readily
found [7] (meets players’ and coaches’ requirements); thus, symbols were integrated
into the graph (Figure 13.9a). According to Ware [7], symbols should be distinct
Sports Analytics  ◾  327

Figure 13.9  (a) The four blue track lines to events belonging to the Boston team
and the four green track lines to events belonging to the Houston team. (b) A
red cross is commonly associated with first-aid and medical services, so it was
used to denote player injury. (c) Two rotating arrows forming a circle is usually a
symbol for swapping and recycling. We used it to represent players’ substitutions.
(d) Basketball referees will blow a whistle when players commit an offense or a
foul, so we used whistles to represent players’ fouls. The colors of the whistles
represent the number of fouls the players have at that time. (e) A clock is used for
showing time and we used it to represent timeout.

from the background and other symbols. Four symbols were created for denoting
each critical event by following this principle (Figure 13.9b–e). Dynamic Elements
The events mentioned before usually contain more detailed information than
the event’s type and the time when the event happened. But displaying all these
detailed information at the same time would make our graph too complex and
unfocused. Thus, we chose to introduce interactions and dynamics into our graph.
Since coaches and players need to access information fast, “Hover Queries” [7],
which supports one of the quickest epistemic actions [17] in our graph, was applied.
When a user places the mouse cursor over a symbol on the track line or over a point
on the line graph, a pop-up message appears to reveal player and score information
(Figure 13.10a and b).

13.3.3 Technologies
Our program is based on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript programming language that
are the core technologies for web development. Recall that our program consists of
two parts. For the first part, since the text game data provided by the NBA’s official
328  ◾  Data Analytics

Figure 13.10  (a) This small window contains more information regarding a par-
ticular substitution event. “Lee” and “Zeller” are the two players’ names. (b) This
small window contains more information about a scoring event. “Ariza” is the
player’s name and “Driving Layup shot” is the scoring method.

website [1] utilizes a unified format, we used JavaScript language’s original string
methods to convert the data into our designed structure. For the second part, we
used SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) to draw our visualization because SVG speci-
fication is an open standard developed by W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)
and it has many good characteristics. For example, SVG is based on vector images
and is very flexible. The visualization’s dynamic parts were implemented by the
D3.js JavaScript library [18]. D3’s core idea is based on data-driven documents
[18] so it is convenient to manipulate the document’s elements. For some of our
program’s functions, such as filtering a specific player’s game record on the visual-
ization, we filtered the game’s data, and D3 helped us remove the unbound game
record (other players’ record) from the visualization.

13.3.4 System Usage
The visualization is for supporting visual search and query during a live basketball
game. There are two kinds of usage for the visualization. The first kind of usage
is general usage that is designed for all kinds of users. The second usage is specific
usage that is designed for specific kinds of users. General Usage
General usage is focused on the score advantage. When users want to know the
score advantage at a specific time, they will start with the x-axis (time-axis). Users
will find the specific location on the x-axis first and use it as a reference to find
the closest scoring event circle in the line chart. Then, users will try to identify
the circle’s color and the distance between the circles with respect to the horizon.
Sports Analytics  ◾  329

Finally, users will get the result which team has the advantage by the color and the
result is how much the score advantage is by the distance. Specific Usage
Players, since they usually focus on their own performance, will use the visualiza-
tion’s filtering function to filter the events which are related to them. They can also
know the number of fouls they have accumulated by looking at the color of the
whistles located on the foul’s track line.
Coaches will use the slope of the line charts to evaluate his decisions and strat-
egies. For example, if the coaches called a player substitution at 5 minutes of the
game, he should look at the line’s slope during the 5 and 10 minutes of the game. If
the slope is inclined toward his team direction, this means the substitution is a good
decision. On the other hand, if the slope is inclined toward the opposite team’s
direction, this means the substitution is a bad decision. Aside from the evaluation
usage, the visualization can also help the coaches make decisions. For example, if
he finds his most valuable player’s record contains an orange or red whistle at the
first or second quarter of the game, he should call a substitution to prevent the most
valuable player from getting six fouls and get fouled out too early in the game.
Basketball analysts and reporters can compare the shape of the current game’s
line charts of the two teams with the shape of the previous game’s line charts to
predict which team will win the current game. Furthermore, they can also use the
line chart’s slope to explain which team is having the current advantage.

13.4 User Study
The dependent variables of this study are search efficiency, clarity, usability, and visual
appeal, while the independent variables are two types of charts: text and graph. The
research question of this study is: Can basketball records and events be better repre-
sented using a graph and symbols rather than text format? Following are six hypotheses:

H1: It will be easier to search for information on a graph than on a text chart.
H2: It will be easier to identify information on a graph than on a text chart.
H3: It will take less time to find information on a graph than on a text chart.
H4: A graph will be more usable than a text chart.
H5: A graph will be more visually appealing than a text chart.
H6: A graph will yield better user experience than a text chart.

13.4.1 Design and Participants

A 2 (chart type: text vs. graph) by 2 (user type: novice2 vs. expert3) within
­participant, counter-balanced design was used. University students were recruited
330  ◾  Data Analytics

via convenience and opportunistic sampling. Posters were posted around the uni-
versity campus and email notices were sent to colleagues in our class asking for their
participation. Twelve participants (ten males, two females; six experts, six novices)
ranging in age from 23 to 29 years old (M = 25.08 years, SD = 2.07 years) volun-
teered to participate in the study. Six user representatives in each user category were
sufficient for the purposes of this evaluation because of eventual data saturation
[19]. All participants were graduate students studying in the fields of engineering,
psychology, and computer science.

13.4.2 Measures
A combination of subjective and objective measures was gathered for analysis.
Subjective measures included search efficiency, clarity, usability, learnability, and
visual appeal. These were integrated into two post-record questionnaires: one for
evaluation of the conventional text chart (Figure 13.1) and the other for evaluation
of the new graph (Figure 13.3). The post-record questionnaire also included one
question that evaluated overall experience and one final question to provide sugges-
tions for improving the chart. Time was recorded as an objective measure of search
efficiency. Search Efficiency and Clarity

Five custom items (Table 13.1) using a 5-point Likert scale (1 = strongly disagree
to 5 = strongly agree) were developed to evaluate the ease of visual search and the
clarity of information. As an objective measure, the length of time it took to find
an event and report the team that is taking the lead was recorded for each chart.
More time it takes to find an event and report the team that is taking the lead on a
chart indicates poor search efficiency, whereas less time it takes to search and report
information indicates good search efficiency.

Table 13.1  Post-Record Questionnaire Statements That Evaluated Ease of

Search and Clarity
Measures Questionnaire Statements

Search It was hard to find the information I was looking for.

Clarity It was easy to identify the trend of the game.

The chart was hard to understand.

I could tell right away when team A had the largest score

It was unclear which team was taking the lead at a specific time
(e.g., 20 minutes).
Sports Analytics  ◾  331 Usability and Learnability

The System Usability Scale (SUS) [20] is a ten-item scale measuring the level of
usability (e.g., I thought the chart was easy to use) and learnability (e.g., I think I
would need the support of a technical person to be able to use this chart) of a system
(r = 0.99 and 0.78, respectively). It consists of five positively worded items and five
negatively worded items. Participants were asked to indicate their responses on
a 5-point Likert scale with responses ranging from 1 = strongly disagree to 5 =
strongly disagree. As suggested by Lewis and Sauro [21], item 8 was changed from
“cumbersome” to “awkward,” and the word “system” was replaced with the word
“chart” to better fit the nature of the study. Visual Appeal
Lindgaard et al. [22] developed a 9-point scale (1 = very unappealing to 9 = very
appealing) for measuring characteristics (e.g., interesting—boring; good design—bad
design) of visual appeal, (R 2 = 0.94, p < 0.001). These characteristics were integrated
as statements (e.g., the chart was interesting) into the post-record questionnaires
consisting of three positively worded items and two negatively worded items. To
maintain consistency with other statements in the questionnaire, participants were
asked to indicate their responses on a 5-point Likert scale with responses ranging
from 1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree. User Experience and Improvement

The last section of the post-record questionnaire consisted of two questions: (1)
a closed-ended question that assessed the overall experience of the chart using a
10-point Likert scale, 1 = bad to 10 = good, and (2) an open-ended question asking
participants to provide feedback for improving the chart.

13.4.3 Materials and Apparatus

Charts were displayed using a web browser (Google Chrome) on a 15-inch,
1920 × 1080 pixels notebook computer running Windows 10. A different notebook
computer that displayed a built-in stopwatch in a web browser (Google Chrome)
was used to record time. A mouse with a scroll wheel was connected to the com-
puter for better interaction. Participants completed paper questionnaires and a time
record sheet was used to organize time data.

13.4.4 Procedures
Ethical approval for the current research was obtained from the university’s
Research Ethics Committee. The experiment was approximately 30 minutes long
332  ◾  Data Analytics

and was divided into two parts: an exploration session followed by an experimen-
tal session. In a closed laboratory setting, six participants explored and evaluated
the graph chart followed by the text chart, while this order was reversed for the
reminder of participants. For participants who were unfamiliar with basketball,
the experimenter briefly explained the mechanics of the game and the scoring sys-
tem. After initializing the informed consent, participants scrolled through and
explored a chart for about 1 minute. Next, participants were asked and timed on a
series of eight questions relating to the chart they explored and completed a post-
record questionnaire. The same procedure was repeated with a different chart type.
Finally, participants completed a demographics questionnaire, were debriefed, and
thanked for their participation.

13.5 Results
Data were analyzed using IBM SPSS Version 22.0 and figures were generated using
Microsoft Excel 2010. Prior to analysis, data were screened for missing values, out-
liers, and out of range values. Subjective results (Table 13.2) were drawn from the
analysis of the post-record questionnaires, whereas objective results were obtained
from the analysis of time. Nonparametric tests were selected to perform the analysis
because the use of an ordinal scale in the post-record questionnaires and the shape
of the distributions were skewed. A p-value threshold of 0.05 was set for all statisti-
cal tests4.

13.5.1 Search and Clarity

To decide which chart type (text or graph) was easier to find information with
respect to the user type (expert or novice), a Friedman test was conducted on each
of the statements in the post-record questionnaire that evaluated search efficiency
and clarity. Results (Table 13.3) showed no significant differences for search, but it
showed significant differences for the two statements that evaluated clarity.
Next, post hoc analyses were conducted using a Wilcoxon’s signed-rank test to
further examine where the differences lay. The statement, “It was easy to identify
the trend of the game,” showed marginally significant results (Figure 13.11) for
both experts (Z = –1.84, p = 0.07) and novices (Z = –1.83, p = 0.07). The statement,
“I could tell right away when team A had the largest score advantage”, showed
marginally significant results (Figure 13.12) for experts (Z = –1.83, p = 0.07) and
significant results for novices (Z = –2.12, p = 0.03). Both of these results suggest
that the graph is clearer than the text chart.
Time was used as an objective measure of search efficiency. To compare which
chart type (graph or text), was easier to perform visual search with respect to the
user type(expert or novice), two separate Wilcoxon’s signed-rank tests were con-
ducted on time. Statistically significant results (Figure 13.13) shown for both
Table 13.2  Descriptive Statistics for Level of Agreement on a 5-Point Likert Scale (1 = Strongly
Disagree to 5 = Strongly Agree) with Respect to Post-Record Survey Statements
Total Sample Size (N = 12) Descriptive Statistics

Measure Post-Game Survey Statements Mean SD Median Skewness Kurtosis

Search It was hard to find the information I 1.83 1.19 1.00 0.96 2.21
was looking for.

Clarity The chart was hard to understand. 2.00 1.13 2.00 0.76 2.13

It was easy to identify the trend of 4.50 0.52 4.50 0.00 0.92
the game.

I could tell right away when team A 4.67 0.65 5.00 −1.61 4.15
had the largest score advantage.

Sports Analytics  ◾  333

It was unclear which team was 2.75 2.01 1.50 0.27 1.04
taking the lead at a specific time
(e.g., 20 minutes).
Note: Descriptive statistics for graphical chart for novice and experts.
334  ◾  Data Analytics
Table 13.3  Mean Rank Results of a Freidman Test for Chart Type with Respect to User Type on Level of
Agreement on a 5-point Likert Scale (1 = Strongly Disagree to 5 = Strongly Agree) in the Post-Record
Text Graph

Measure Post-Record Survey Statements Expert Novice Expert Novice χ2 p

Search It was hard to find the information I was 2.33 3.42 1.75 2.50 5.94 0.11
looking for.

Clarity The chart was hard to understand. 2.24 3.25 1.83 2.50 4.21 0.24

It was easy to identify the trend of the 2.00 1.67 3.67 2.67 9.00 0.03*

I could tell right away when team A had 2.25 1.25 3.42 3.08 12.89 0.01**
the largest score advantage.

It was unclear which team was taking the 2.25 2.92 2.50 2.33 1.08 0.79
lead at a specific time (e.g., 20 minutes).

*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01.

Sports Analytics  ◾  335


Mean Ranks

2.50 2.50


0.00 0.00
Text Graph
Chart Type

Figure 13.11  Mean rank results of a Wilcoxon’s signed-rank test for the ­statement:
“It was easy to identify the trend of the game.”



Mean Ranks



0.00 0.00
Text Graph
Chart Type

Figure 13.12  Mean rank results of a Wilcoxon’s signed-rank test for the ­statement:
“I could tell right away that team A had the largest score advantage.”


20.00 17.89
Mean Ranks


Text Graph
Chart Type

Figure 13.13  Mean rank results of a Wilcoxon’s signed-rank test for search
­efficiency. Lower mean rank scores indicate less search time.
336  ◾  Data Analytics

experts (Z = –4.71, p = 0.00) and novices (Z = –5.53, p = 0.00) suggest that the
graph is more efficient for performing visual search than the text chart.

13.5.2 Usability and Learnability

First, an overall SUS score was computed by subtracting all the negatively
worded items from 5 and all the positively worded items from 1, followed by
multiplying the sum of item score contributions by 2.5.5 To compare which chart
type was more usable with respect to the user type, two separate Wilcoxon’s
signed-rank tests were conducted on the overall SUS score. Marginally signifi-
cant results (Figure 13.14) shown for both experts (Z = –1.78, p = 0.08) and nov-
ices (Z = –1.75, p = 0.08) suggest that the graph is slightly more usable compared
to the text chart.

13.5.3 Visual Appeal
Before conducting the analyses, the scores were averaged for the positively worded
items, where higher scores on the measure corresponded to higher levels of visual
appeal. Since the original 9-point scale was replaced with a 5-point scale, a reliabil-
ity analysis was conducted to test the internal consistency of the data. A Cronbach’s
alpha of 0.895 indicates high internal consistency. To compare which chart type
(text or graph) was more visually appealing with respect to the user type (expert or
novice), two separate Wilcoxon’s signed-rank tests were conducted on an averaged
visual appeal score. Marginally significant results (Figure 13.15) shown for both
experts (Z = –1.89, p = 0.06) and novices (Z = –1.84, p = 0.07) suggest that the
graph chart is more visually appealing than the text chart.


4.00 3.80
Mean Ranks

2.00 Expert

Text Graph
Chart Type

Figure 13.14  Mean rank results of a Wilcoxon’s signed-rank test for level of
usability and learnability.
Sports Analytics  ◾  337


Mean Ranks 4.00

3.00 2.50 2.50

0.00 0.00
Text Graph
Chart Type

Figure 13.15  Mean rank results of a Wilcoxon’s signed-rank test for visual appeal.


4.00 3.50 3.60

Mean Ranks


Text Graph
Chart Type

Figure 13.16  Mean rank results of a Wilcoxon’s signed-rank test for overall

13.5.4 Overall Experience
To compare which chart type (graph or text) elicited better overall experience
with respect to the user type (expert or novice), two separate Wilcoxon’s signed-
rank tests were conducted on the question: “On a scale of 1 (bad) to 10 (good),
please rate your overall experience with this chart” in the post-record question-
naire. Statistically significant results (Figure 13.16) shown for experts (Z = –2.23,
p = 0.03) suggest that the graph yields better experience compared to the text chart,
and nonsignificant results shown for novices (Z = –1.59, p = 0.11) suggest that both
the graph and the text chart yield the same experience.
338  ◾  Data Analytics

13.5.5 Subjective Report
Results in this section are comments that were gathered from the open-ended
­question in the post-record questionnaire. They are all related to improving the
graph. One participant noted that additional information about the game, such as
steal, block, and missed shot, is needed. Another participant recommended that
the colors on the graph should match the official colors of the team. Furthermore,
several participants reported a slight confusion with the score advantage due to the
negative signs below the midline on the y-axis. Participants also suggested adding
more interactive elements on the graph, such as providing a link to a video clip of an
event or providing a legend for indicating the meaning of colored whistles.

13.6 Discussion
The purpose of this study was to explore the possibility of representing live
­basketball records in graphical format. A graphical representation was designed
leveraging a variety of visualization principles, such as colors, patterns, symbols,
and hover queries [7]. The design was tested against a traditional text chart on
measures of clarity, search efficiency, usability, visual appeal, and user experience
with respect to two user types—experts and novices. Because of the application of
good design principles for supporting visual search and query, it was hypothesized
that the graph would be more efficient, usable, visually appealing, and yield better
user experience than the text chart. In general, results showed that the graph was
rated better than the text chart on all measures. Recall the six hypotheses of this
study that are as follows:

H1: It will be easier to search for information on the graph than on a text chart.
H2: It will be easier to identify information on a graph than on a text chart.
H3: It will take less time to find information on a graph than on a text chart.
H4: A graph will be more usable than a text chart.
H5: A graph will be more visually appealing than a text chart.
H6: A graph will yield better user experience than a text chart.

The finding that participants rated their ability to detect information such as the
trend of the game and score advantage to be faster while using the graph than a
text chart supports H1, H2, and H3. Additionally, the finding that irrespective of
the user type, expert or novice, it took less time to search and report details on the
graph than on the text chart also supports H1, H2, and H3. These findings suggest
that the graph is more efficient for supporting visual search and query than a tra-
ditional text chart. Likewise, H4 and H5 were supported in that both experts and
novices rated the graph to be more usable and visually appealing compared to the
text chart. Finally, H6 was partially supported in that findings differed depending
Sports Analytics  ◾  339

on user type. Experts rated their overall experience with the graph to be better than
with the text chart, whereas novices rated their overall experience of both chart
types to be about the same.
The findings of this study have implications for information visualization and
design. One major finding was that the graph was more efficient for performing
visual search and queries than a traditional text chart. This suggests that the graph
was well designed. Good use of visualization principles (colors, symbols, patterns, and
hover queries) enabled participants to easily find what they were asked to search for.
Thus, the traditional text chart could potentially be replaced by a graph. Basketball
is a quick-paced game and coaches need to make important decisions within a lim-
ited timeframe. Making injudicious decisions could result in lost of a game. A more
usable, search efficient, visually appealing, and clearer way of displaying records,
could reduce the chances of making unwise decisions and could increase the chances
of winning a game. With respect to the finding that novices did not have a preference
for graph or text chart with respect to overall experience, it is likely that novices have
never been exposed to or used a graph or text for looking up basketball records, and,
thus, chart type did not make a difference. Perhaps there needs to be some understat-
ing and enthusiasm for the game before one can appreciate the merits of the graph.
From a human–computer interaction perspective, the results of this study
­provide some interesting insights for designers and users. The main goal of interac-
tion design is to help users quickly become experts by making the user-interface
as easy to use as possible. Although marginally significant, the graph was rated
more usable than the text chart. Particularly for experts, the graph elicited better
use experience than the text chart. It is possible that until now no designer has
attempted a way to improve the display of live basketball records. Results of this
study provide statistical evidence that users can quickly become familiar with this
new graph and, possibly, use it more effectively than a traditional text chart. As
for the subjective reports, although most comments were associated with minor
aesthetic issues, recall that one novice participant suggested adding more interac-
tive elements on the graph, such as providing a link to a video clip of an event. This
finding is interesting because simply by looking at and interacting with basketball
records evoked an interest in the game. From a design perspective, the interactive
elements in the graph could have encouraged further exploration.

13.6.1 Limitations and Future Work

One of the main limitations of this study is with respect to participant charac-
teristics: all participants were graduate students, the relatively small sample size,
and the comparison of only two user types: experts and novices. Players, coaches,
sports analysts, and reporters play an important role in basketball, particularly
coaches because they must assess the game situations and make critical decisions
in a short amount of time and, thus, the results of this study may not generalize to
other user types. A future study could aim to recruit more participants and other
340  ◾  Data Analytics

user types. Another limitation is that the experiment was conducted in a closed
laboratory setting and, thus, results may not be valid in the field. To increase the
ecological validity, a future study could examine the usefulness of the graph during
a live ­basketball game. One more limitation of this study is the reliance on subjec-
tive measures with the exception of time as an indication of search efficiency. To
further test the efficiency and effectiveness of the graph for supporting visual search
and query, additional objective measures such as the level of accuracy or the num-
ber of errors made during search could be gathered. Moreover, time was recorded
rather loosely: the experimenter simply asked the question, and when a response
was heard, a timestamp was recorded. Recording time this way allows for much
variability with respect to individual differences. A more precise method for record-
ing time could be managed by a computer. For example, present each question on
a full screen and provide a “start” button to allow the user initiate time. Once the
user has an answer, provide a “stop” button to end time.
More generally, the graph can be adapted for other sports and application areas.
Baseball, for example, is another sport that generates a great deal of data during a
single game and, perhaps, the same graph designed in this research project could be
modified to show live baseball records. As for other application contexts, recall that
the graph was inspired by a graphical visualization from a multiplayer online game:
League of Legends [12]. What was learned in this research could in turn inform the
design of video or online game visualizations, such as the progress and performance
of teams and players.

13.7 Conclusions
We sought to improve the format of how live basketball records are represented.
After comparing both the conventional text chart and a newly designed graph, we
found that a graph is clearer, more usable, and visually appealing than a conven-
tional text chart. Not only does a graph better represent live records, but it also
invites interaction and further exploration. Due to the limited amount of research
in the area of sports visualizations, we would like to encourage other designers and
researchers to explore other possibilities of showing sports statistics using different
visualization methods in other sports contexts. In closing, this is a preliminary
attempt at improving the format of live basketball records and it provided some
new insights into the advantages of using visual methods for showing in-game
sports statistics, as well as the application of information visualization principles
for designing graphical charts.

We thank all the participants who kindly volunteered to participate in this research.
Sports Analytics  ◾  341

Declaration of Conflicting Interests

The authors declared no potential conflicts of interests with respect to the a­ uthorship
and/or publication in this chapter.

The authors received no financial support for the research and/or authorship of this

1 Time begins at 12 minutes—countdown from 12:00 to 00:00 per quarter (4 quarters
in total, total time = 48 minutes). To know when an event occurs, a user must add and
subtract time. For example, to determine which team has the largest score advantage
at 30 minutes into the game, a user must add 12 + 12 + 12 to reach the third quarter
and subtract 6 from 36.
2 Novice = with very limited to no knowledge of basketball.
3 Expert = basketball amateurs; play and watch basketball frequently and uses text
chart while watching NBA game.
4 *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01
5 Example formula in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet: (((J5)–1)+(5-(K5))+((L5)–1)+​
(5–(M5))+((N5)–1)+(5–(O5))+((P5)–1)+(5–(Q5))+((R5)–1)+(5– (S5)))*2.5

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7. C. Ware. Information Visualisation: Perception for Design. 2012.
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Game Reconstruction & Visualization.” In 2014 IEEE Conf. Vis. Anal. Sci. Technol.
VAST 2014- Proc., pp. 23–32, 2015.
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Game Data Visualization for the Web.” In Brazilian Symp. Games Digit. Entertain.
SBGAMES, pp. 70–79, 2016.
10. “StarCraft II Guide.” Control, 2011. Available:
11. “Valve- Dota 2.”
12. G. Guide. “League of Legends.” Riot Games, 2014. Available: www.gamesinformations.
13. “GGTracker.” Available:
14. “Heros Trends.” Available:
15. P. A. Legg et al. “MatchPad: Interactive Glyph-Based Visualization for R ­ eal-Time
Sports Performance Analysis.” Comput. Graph. Forum, vol. 31, no. 3pt4, pp. ­1255–1264,
16. A. G. Losada, R. Theron, and A. Benito. “BKViz: A Basketball Visual Analysis Tool.”
IEEE Comput. Graph. Appl., vol. 36, no. 6, pp. 58–68, 2016.
17. D. Kirsh and P. Maglio. “On Distinguishing Epistemic from Pragmatic Action.”
Cogn. Sci., vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 513–549, 1994.
18. M. Bostock, V. Ogievetsky, and J. Heer. “D3 Data-driven Documents.” IEEE Trans.
Vis. Comput. Graph., vol. 17, no. 12, pp. 2301–2309, 2011.
19. J. Nielsen and T. K. Landauer. “A Mathematical Model of the Finding of Usability
Problems.” In Proc. SIGCHI Conf. Hum. Factors Comput. Syst.—CHI’93,
pp. ­206–213, 1993.
20. J. Brooke. “SUS: A “Quick and Dirty” Usability Scale.” In Usability Evaluation in
Industry, Jordan, P. W., Thomas, B., Weerdmeester, B. A., and McClelland (Eds.), pp.
189–194. Taylor & Francis, London, UK, 1996.
21. J. R. Lewis and J. Sauro. “The Factor Structure of the System Usability Scale.” Lect.
Notes Comput. Sci. (including Subser. Lect. Notes Artif. Intell. Lect. Notes Bioinformatics),
vol. 5619 LNCS, pp. 94–103, 2009.
22. G. Lindgaard, G. Fernandes, C. Dudek, and J. Browñ. “Attention Web Designers:
You Have 50 Milliseconds to Make a Good First Impression!” Behav. Inf. Technol.,
vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 115–126, 2006.
Chapter 14

Analysis of Traffic
Offenses in
Application of Big
Data Analysis
Charitha Subhashi Jayasekara, Malka N. Halgamuge,
Asma Noor, and Ather Saeed
Charles Sturt University

14.1 Introduction............................................................................................. 344
14.1.1 Chapter Roadmap........................................................................ 346
14.2 Material and Methods.............................................................................. 346
14.2.1 Data Inclusion Criteria................................................................. 346
14.2.2 Data Preprocessing........................................................................347
14.2.3 Data Analysis................................................................................ 348 Linear Regression............................................................349 Nonlinear (Polynomial) Regression.................................349
14.2.4 Data Analysis Algorithms..............................................................349
14.2.5 Statistical Analysis......................................................................... 351

344  ◾  Data Analytics

14.3 Results....................................................................................................... 351

14.3.1 T op 15 Traffic Offenses..................................................................352
14.3.2 D irectly Time-Related Offenses.....................................................352
14.3.3 O ffenses against Year of Occurrence..............................................353
14.3.4 Offenses against Month of Occurrence..........................................354 Regression Model............................................................354 Top 15 Traffic Offense Frequencies against Month..........356 Obtained Results.............................................................356
14.3.5 Offenses against Weekday of Occurrence......................................356 Regression Model............................................................356 Top 15 Traffic Offense Frequency against the Day of
the Week������������������������������������������������������������������������ 360 Obtained Results............................................................ 360
14.3.6 Offenses against Time of Occurrence........................................... 360 Regression Model........................................................... 360 Top 15 Traffic Offense Frequency against Time Period.....365 Obtained Results.............................................................365
14.3.7 Summary of the Proposed Regression Models...............................365
14.4 Discussion.................................................................................................365
14.5 Conclusion................................................................................................372

14.1 Introduction
Due to the rapid advancement in technology, the amount of data and the speed of
data collection are swiftly increasing. Especially in the traffic and transportation
field, multiple techniques are used to collect data on a daily basis. For instance,
surveillance cameras are operating 24 hours and speed cameras are recording
vehicle speeding offenses. Furthermore, offense details and traffic violations can
be automatically recorded or logged manually by the police. Therefore, at the
end of each day, extremely large datasets known as big data are created in differ-
ent formats with structured, semistructured, and unstructured data. However,
with the use of different data analysis techniques, this data can be analyzed to
identify patterns and trends. Also, this analysis is useful to draw attention to any
anomaly that can be noticed in the dataset. The biggest benefit is that processing
a large collection of data provides better accurate results, delivering more precise
outcomes when appropriately analyzed. Those identifications are helpful for vari-
ous purposes such as preventing future issues, making predictions, understand-
ing needs, improving safety, and making laws.
With the purpose of improving the road safety, this chapter has used descrip-
tive statistical analysis methods and regression modeling to analyze a dataset
Analysis of Traffic Offenses in Transportation  ◾  345

of traffic offenses. According to statistics from 2007 to 2016 announced by

the Victorian Police, Australia [1], the number of impounds is increasing with
each calendar year. The data shows an increase of 62.4% in vehicle impounds
during this period, with incidences more than doubling over a 10-year period.
Moreover, the Australian Bureau of Statistics reports [2] that the number of
vehicles in Australia has grown by 2.1% from 2015 to 2016 with 18.4 million
registered motor vehicles in Australia as of January 31, 2016. Consequently, the
growing number of vehicles is a reminder that the specialists need to pay more
attention to road accidents and traffic violations. At the same time, law enforce-
ment authorities are encouraged to come up with more viable and efficient traf-
fic laws that provide better infrastructure facilities to minimize the accidents.
When there is better infrastructure, the authorities can make better and more
reasonable decisions that could prevent future traffic offenses. Therefore, there is
a strong necessity to conduct research in the field of traffic offenses to increase
preventative measures.
Previous studies in this field have focused on driver behaviors, pedestrians,
driver attitudes, and road safety technologies, but overall there needs to be more
attention as this is quite an under-researched area. Most of the researches [3–6] in
this area provide a deeper understanding of areas such as each individual’s behav-
ior, current technologies related to traffic, and individual offense types. However,
despite the significance of this work, there is a lack of research interest in seasonal
traffic violations. The psychological state, moods, and emotions of a person can be
different during different seasons [7,8]; thus, this needs to be taken into consider-
ation when an offense occurs. For instance, the mood of a person on a Friday night
can be different from a Monday morning, and this aspect needs more research
attention in order to reduce road danger depending on the time of year it occurs.
Therefore, the current analysis has been conducted to analyze how traffic offenses
differ during different times and days in a month. In addition, the top 15 viola-
tions were analyzed separately to help understand what type of offenses happened
the most during peak time periods as it will be helpful in further optimizing
danger reduction.
In order to find out whether there is a relationship between the offenses and
the time of occurrence, the study started with the null hypothesis, which sug-
gested that there was no relationship between the two variables. Computing tech-
nology and the data mining algorithm of regression modeling were then used
to determine the acceptance or rejection of the null hypothesis. This technique
has been used by many researchers for predictive modeling [9–11] as it helps to
identify the increase or decrease in a certain group of data group by creating
a regression equation. The selected attributes were categorical and well suited
for regression modeling to identify patterns of data distribution in the dataset.
The regression equations showed whether and how the number of traffic offenses
changed during the given time period proving that the null hypothesis could be
346  ◾  Data Analytics

rejected by using the equation, as it was possible to calculate the approximate

number of offenses on a given time.
Furthermore, the dataset used for the study included various types of traffic
offenses that occurred on a particular date and at a particular time. After preprocess-
ing, there were approximately 300 types of offenses and out of them, the majority
occurred due to 15 types. Therefore, these 15 types were the focus of this analysis.
The study can be useful for many studies related to traffic control and road
safety. Particularly, the results of this study will be useful for the traffic authorities
when creating transport strategies to minimize road hazards, and it can also be
used for further analytical studies related to traffic offenses.

14.1.1 Chapter Roadmap
The chapter is organized as follows: Section 14.1 introduces the aim of this chap-
ter. It shows the importance of big data analysis and how it can be used in the traf-
fic and road safety area to get improved decision-making. Section 14.2 explains
the material and methods used. Once the data was collected it was necessary to
understand the data types, which methods were most appropriate, and how the
expected outcomes could be generated. Furthermore, the software tools that were
used are described. Section 14.3 includes the statistical tests and results. It shows
the regression models created and the generated expressions. Section 14.4 is the
discussion section that explains the trends found and decisions made using the
results. Section 14.5 is the conclusion that provides final thoughts on this chapter.
It briefly summarizes the rest of the chapter and also explains how the tests can be
improved in the future.

14.2 Material and Methods

Data for this research was obtained through openly licensed public datasets from
the Australian government website: The dataset acquired from this
site consisted of 574,166 instances of traffic reparations in Australia. Each instance
had 27 attributes and the data was collected from July 1, 2015, to June 30, 2016
(Figure 14.1).

14.2.1 Data Inclusion Criteria

The attributes used for analysis are described in Table 14.1. Other attributes such as
penalty written on notice, corporate fee amount, and expiation offense code were
not incorporated into the data as they were not related to the focus of the study.
Furthermore after preprocessing, 521,811 of the offenses were deemed suitable for
use in analysis.
Analysis of Traffic Offenses in Transportation  ◾  347

Figure 14.1  Analysis of 521,811 traffic offense data to understand seasonal

offenses using regression models.

14.2.2 Data Preprocessing
The raw data was preprocessed before being used for the data analysis. Since there
are 916 types of traffic offenses they were categorized depending on the type of
offenses into 301 groups. Table 14.2 shows some of the offenses added under the
“Exceed speed limit” category.
348  ◾  Data Analytics

Table 14.1  Selected Attributes for the Analysis

Attribute Data Type Description
Offense type Categorical Type of offense as recorded by the police,
(nominal) e.g., exceed speed limit, alcohol-related
Year of occurrence Categorical Year the offense occurred
(ordinal) e.g., 2015, 2016
Month of Categorical Month the offense occurred
occurrence (Ordinal) e.g., January, February,…
Weekday of Categorical Day the offense occurred
occurrence (ordinal) e.g., Monday, Tuesday,…
Time of Categorical Time the offense occurred. Time has been
occurrence (interval) rounded to the nearest 30 minutes.
e.g., 0000, 0030,…

Table 14.2  A Sample Portion of Offense Categories

Category Offense Description
Exceed speed limit Exceed signed speed by 1–9 kmph
Exceed speed limit Exceed signed speed by 10–19 kmph
Exceed speed limit Exceed signed speed by 20–29 kmph
Exceed speed limit Exceed signed speed by 30–44 kmph
Exceed speed limit Exceed speed by 45 kmph or more
Alcohol-related offenses Blood alcohol concentration: 0.08–0.149
Alcohol-related offenses Blood alcohol concentration: above 0.15
Alcohol-related offenses Probationary driver exceeding 0.00 blood alcohol
Alcohol-related offenses Possess liquor in public place contrary to
… …

14.2.3 Data Analysis
The main aim of this analysis was to understand the seasonal traffic violation pat-
terns that explain the relationship between the offenses and the time of occurrence.
Additionally, the analysis also aimed to measure the frequency of offenses that
occurred during different times of the year.
Analysis of Traffic Offenses in Transportation  ◾  349

The IBM SPSS (version 23) software was chosen for the data analysis since it has
a number of features for statistical analysis, including predictive modeling suitable
for big data analytics.
There are several data analyzing methods and it is important to select the ­correct
method depending on the dataset and expected outcome. Considering the dataset
used in this chapter, all the data used was categorical and the counts of observations
were of different categories. Therefore, regression analysis was selected as the data
analysis method. The two major types of regression analysis used in this analysis
will be discussed next. Linear Regression
Linear regression can be used to determine the relationship between one dependent
variable (denoted by y) and one or more independent variables (denoted by x). Its
formula generates a straight line. In this research, it was used to show the relation-
ship between weekdays and offense frequency on each weekday. As an example,
y = mx + b represents a linear regression model. Nonlinear (Polynomial) Regression

Nonlinear regression is used to represent a relationship between one dependent
variable (denoted by y) and one or more independent polynomial variables (denoted
by x) such as squared or cubed (x 2 or x 3) and coefficients. This creates a quadratic or
cubic curve. In this research, it was used to show the relationships between months
and offense frequency for each month and time periods and its offense frequency.
As an example, y = bx + cx 2 + a represents a nonlinear regression model.

14.2.4 Data Analysis Algorithms

The data classification was done according to the frequency types, and then the
types were calculated. After that, the frequencies were sorted according to the date
and time of occurrence before creating regression models.
Furthermore, three algorithms were used to carry out the analysis. At the end of
each algorithm, three different regression equations were created.
Algorithm 1 shows how the regression model was generated to analyze the
monthly offense frequency.

Algorithm 1: Offenses against Month of Occurrence

int [] offense frequency » Offense frequencies of each month

int [] month » Numeric values of months (from 1 to 12)

get a dataset of offenses within a year

350  ◾  Data Analytics

generate regression model

int y » Offense count

int b » Regression slope
int c » Regression slope
int x » Month
int a » Regression intercept

determine values for b, c, and a using regression model

generate regression equation using the determined values of
b, c, and a
compute y for given x using the generated regression
print y

Algorithm 2 shows how the regression model was generated to analyze the weekly
offense frequency.

Algorithm 2: Offenses against Weekday of Occurrence

int [] offense frequency » Offense frequencies of each day

of the week
int [] month » Numeric values of days of the week (from 1 to 5)

get a dataset of offenses within a year

generate regression model

int y » Offense count

int b » Regression slope
int x » Day of the week
int a » Regression intercept

determine values for b and a using regression model

generate regression equation using the determined values of
b and a
compute y for given x using the generated regression
print y

Algorithm 3 shows how the regression model was generated to analyze the offense
frequency during different time slots.

Algorithm 3: Offenses against Time Slot of Occurrence

int [] offense frequency » Offense frequencies of each time

Analysis of Traffic Offenses in Transportation  ◾  351

int [] month » Numeric values of a time slot (from 1 to 8)

get a dataset of offenses within a year

generate regression model

int y » Offense count

int b » Regression slope
int c » Regression slope
int d » Regression slope
int x » Timeslot
int a » Regression intercept

determine values for b, c, d, and a using regression model

generate regression equation using the determined values of
b, c, d, and a
compute y for given x using the generated regression equation
print y

14.2.5 Statistical Analysis
The hypothesis test is important when selecting a dataset and the test was done for
this analysis using the SPSS tool. For the current research, the selected null hypoth-
esis (H0) and the alternative hypothesis (H1) were:

H0: There are no differences among the months/ day of week/ time and offense
H1: There is a difference between the months/ day of week/ time and offense

Table 14.3 shows the p-values of each group used to generate results. All the
p-values are less than 0.05. Therefore, the null hypothesis can be rejected.

14.3 Results
The analysis of the frequency of traffic offenses and the time periods in which they
occurred was the main focus of the study. A descriptive statistical analysis was used
to measure the frequencies and regression models created to analyze the data.
Table 14.3  p-Values among Groups Used for the Test
Type P-Value of Offense Frequency

Month 0.018

Day of week 0.001

Time 0.016
352  ◾  Data Analytics

Figure 14.2  First 15 traffic offenses with the highest frequencies of occurrence.

14.3.1 Top 15 Traffic Offenses

Although there were 301 categories of offenses, approximately 88% of them
belonged to 15 types of offenses. Therefore, an analysis was performed on the top
15 types as shown in Figure 14.2.
According to the results, drivers who exceeded the speed limit showed the high-
est number of offenses with 251,529 cases. Therefore, 48.2% of the cases from the
total offense count belonged to speeding.
Moreover, the analysis also showed that there were offenses that could have been
prevented earlier as they did not relate to the moment it occurred. For example, fail-
ing to wear a seatbelt or driving an unregistered vehicle could prevent the accident
earlier, although exceeding the speed limit or traffic light violation can happen
suddenly while driving. Therefore, further analysis was carried out to i­dentify the
direct time of the offenses.

14.3.2 Directly Time-Related Offenses

The time at which the offense occurred was taken into consideration when
­categorizing the data with offenses identified as either “directly time dependent” or
“not directly time dependent.” For example, unregistered and uninsured vehicles
offenses could have been prevented earlier so they are “not directly time dependent,”
while vehicles passing through a red traffic light are “directly time dependent.”
Table 14.4 shows the list of offenses categorized according to the time dependency.
Analysis of Traffic Offenses in Transportation  ◾  353

Table 14.4  Time Dependency of the First 15 Offense Counts

Time Number of
Dependency Offense Type Offenses

Directly time Exceed speed limit 251,529

Traffic light-related offenses   45,213

Use of handheld mobile phone   11,810

Bicycle offenses   7,796

Fail to give way offenses   3,307

Drive at night/in hazardous weather   3,268

w/out effective light

Fail to keep safe distance from vehicle   3,102

in front

Alcohol-related offenses   7,647

Cannabis-related offenses   7,615

Smoking- or cannabis-related offenses   5,362

Other drug-related offenses (except   3,981


Fail to wear s/belt (driver)   3,742


Not directly time Unregistered vehicle-related offenses   75,150

Uninsured vehicle-related offenses   16,789

Disqualified/suspended or other   12,470

license-related offenses


According to Figure 14.3, 77% of offenses were directly related to the time at
which they occurred. This gives a strong indication that time is an important factor
to be considered when discussing traffic offenses.

14.3.3 Offenses against Year of Occurrence

The number of offenses that occurred during the period 2015–2016 is illustrated in
Figure 14.4, and it is noticeable that there was no significant difference with only a
0.96% decrease in the number of offenses in 2016.
354  ◾  Data Analytics

22.76 Directly time

Not directly
time dependent

Figure 14.3  Percentages of time dependency of offenses.

Figure 14.4  Traffic offense frequency against year of occurrence.

14.3.4 Offenses against Month of Occurrence Regression Model
The total number of offenses during each month was analyzed asshown in Figure 14.5.
A regression analysis was carried out to determine the change in the number
of offenses in each month. The analysis created a nonlinear quadratic curve as
­illustrated in Figure 14.6.
Table 14.5 shows the model summary and parameter estimates.
According to the results, the R-squared value was 0.591 and it was approxi-
mately a 60% fit model. Furthermore, the p-value was 0.018.
The regression model obtained was y = ax + bx 2 + c, where y is the offense
count, b and c are regression slopes, x is the month, and a is the regression inter-
cept. Therefore, in order to determine the number of offenses per day during each
month, the equation y = –2051.97 x + 161.16x 2 + 48092.25 can be used.
Analysis of Traffic Offenses in Transportation  ◾  355

Figure 14.5  Traffic offense frequency against month of occurrence.

Figure 14.6  Regression model for monthly offense frequency.

356  ◾  Data Analytics

Table 14.5  Monthly Offense Frequency Regression Model Summary and

Parameter Estimates
Model Summary Parameter Estimates

Equation Square F df1 df2 Sig. a b c

Quadratic 0.591 6.500 2 9 0.018 –2051.974 161.166 48,092.250

Note: The dependent variable is monthly offense frequency, and the independent
­variable is month. Top 15 Traffic Offense Frequencies against Month

The top 15 traffic offense counts were analyzed against each month as shown in
Figure 14.7. It gave a clear view of how each offense varied over time. Obtained Results
This study found that there was a significant difference in offense frequencies in
­different months of the year. However, June shows the least number of offenses,
while January and December show the highest. Therefore, from the beginning of
the year, the number of violations decreases, and it increases when the year ends. The
difference between the highest and the lowest number of offenses was around 8,000.
Considering the top 15 traffic offenses, offenses such as alcohol- and bicycle-
related offenses showed the lowest number of occurrences during the middle of the
year, whereas offenses such as failing to keep a distance from the vehicle in front
and driving without effective lights were higher in the same period.

14.3.5 Offenses against Weekday of Occurrence Regression Model
Offenses were also analyzed on each day of the week. Figure 14.8 shows the offense
frequency of each day of the week.
Using weekdays and the number of offenses, a regression analysis was done
to analyze the increase in detail. It creates a linear model as shown in Figure 14.9.
Table 14.6 shows the summary and parameter estimation of the model.
The R-value of the model was 0.992, and it was very close to 1. Therefore,
there is a strong connection between the number of offenses and the day of a week
­making it a better fit to the created model.
The regression model obtained was y = bx + a, where y is the offense count,
b is the regression slope, x is the day of week, and a is the regression intercept.
Therefore, to predict the number of offenses in a day during weekdays, the equation
y = 3670.1x + 63733.3 can be used.
Analysis of Traffic Offenses in Transportation  ◾  357

Figure 14.7  Monthly frequencies of top 15 traffic offenses.

358  ◾  Data Analytics

Figure 14.7 (CONTINUED)  Monthly frequencies of top 15 traffic offenses.

Analysis of Traffic Offenses in Transportation  ◾  359

Figure 14.8  Traffic offense frequency against day of occurrence.

Figure 14.9  Regression model for daily offense frequency.

360  ◾  Data Analytics

Table 14.6  Daily Offense Frequency Regression Model Summary and

Parameter Estimates
Coefficients Model Summary

Coefficient Std. R Adjusted Std. Error of

Value Error Sig. R Square R Square the Estimate

a 63733.3 904.588 0.000 0.992 0.984 0.978 862.49

b 3670.1 272.743 0.001 Top 15 Traffic Offense Frequency

against the Day of the Week
Figure 14.10 shows the frequency of each traffic offense according to the day of the
week. It clearly illustrates the variation in the number of occurrences over a week.
In the graphs, 1–7 represent the days starting from Sunday to Saturday. Obtained Results
Thursday and Friday showed the highest number of incidences, whereas Monday
was the lowest, although there is no significant fluctuation among the 7-day counts.
However, the graph shows that there is a very clear increase in the number of
offenses during the week (Monday to Friday). In other words, each day number of
offenses increases by almost the same amount. The difference between the Monday
and Friday counts was approximately 15,000.
However, all seven days of the week were considered to analyze the top 15
offenses. According to the graphs, offenses such as alcohol- and drug-related viola-
tions are higher on weekends, but most other offenses do not show a significant
increase. Also, offenses involving handheld devices, failing to wear the seatbelt,
and failing to keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front are outstandingly lower
during weekends.

14.3.6 Offenses against Time of Occurrence Regression Model
The frequency of offenses during the day was analyzed in Figure 14.11.
However, in order to improve the analysis, the 48 time records (00:00, 00:30,
01:00, 01:30,…) were grouped into eight time slots as presented in Table 14.7.
Figure 14.12 clearly shows the variation in offense frequencies during each time
Analysis of Traffic Offenses in Transportation  ◾  361

Figure 14.10  Daily frequencies of top 15 traffic offenses.

362  ◾  Data Analytics

Figure 14.10 (CONTINUED)  Daily frequencies of top 15 traffic offenses.

Analysis of Traffic Offenses in Transportation  ◾  363

Figure 14.11  Traffic offense frequency against time of occurrence.

Table 14.7  Grouped Time Slots

Grouped Time Slot Number Time period

1 0:00–3.00

2 3:30–6:00

3 6:30–9:00

4 9:30–12:00

5 12:30–15:00

6 15:30–18:00

7 18:30–21:00

8 21:30–23:30

For further analysis, a cubic graph was created through a regression curve
­estimation as illustrated in Figure 14.13 to understand the variation better.
Table 14.8 shows the summary and parameter estimates.
The R-squared value is 0.905, which indicated that there was a strong ­connection
between the time slots and the number of expiations in each time slot. Furthermore,
the p-value of 0.016 showed that the relationship was significant. Using the resulted
parameter, the regression equation shown below was created.
364  ◾  Data Analytics

Figure 14.12  Traffic offense frequency against time slot of occurrence.

Figure 14.13  Regression model for timely offense frequency.

Table 14.8  Timely Offense Frequency Regression Model Summary and

Parameter Estimates
Model Summary Parameter Estimates

Equation Square F df1 df2 Sig. a B c d

Cubic .905 12.702 3 4 .016 19,657.57 −15,544.93 14,228.95 −1,526.65

Note: The dependent variable is timely offense frequency, and the independent
­variable is timeslot.
Analysis of Traffic Offenses in Transportation  ◾  365

The obtained regression model is y = a + bx + cx2 + dx3, where y is the offense

count; b, c, and d are regression slopes; x is the time slot; and a is the regression inter-
cept. Therefore, in order to predict the number of offenses in a particular time period,
the equation y = 19657.57 + –15544.93x + 14228.95x2 + −1526.65x3 can be used. Top 15 Traffic Offense Frequency against Time Period

Figure 14.14 shows the hourly frequencies of the top 15 traffic offenses. The graphs
illustrate the disparity of offense frequencies among different time slots within a
day. Each time period is grouped as outlined in Table 14.7. Obtained Results
Compared to month and day of the week, time shows a highly significant
fluctuation. The number of offenses increases slowly from the morning, peak-
ing at 17:00,  then dropping suddenly by midnight. That is, according to
Figure 14.12, the number of offenses is highest from 15:30 to 18:00 and lowest
between 03:30 and 06:00.
Although most of the offenses occurred during the daytime, bicycle-, alcohol-,
drug-, and smoking-related traffic violations are outstandingly higher during midnight.
Furthermore, the number of offenses of failing to wear a seatbelt, give way offenses,
and failing to keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front shows fluctuations during
the night time. To find the time periods of each offense, a cross-tabulation was used as
shown in Table 14.9.
Table 14.9 shows the maximum number of offenses by type that occurred on
Thursdays and Fridays. Offenses such as traffic light- and speeding-related inci-
dences that occur due to carelessness and impatience are highest from 15:30 to
18.00, whereas alcohol- and drug-related offenses show a variance. Therefore, in
a separate graph, alcohol- and drug-related offenses during each time slot are pre-
sented in Figure 14.15.
According to Figure 14.15, alcohol-related offenses are higher in the evening up
until midnight, whereas smoking- and drug-related offenses begin to rise from noon.

14.3.7 Summary of the Proposed Regression Models

Summary of the three regression models (proposed) generated to predict the fre-
quency of traffic offenses is represented in Table 14.10.

14.4 Discussion
The aim of this research was to identify the frequency of offenses during different
seasons of the year. This will help to identify possible reasons for the variation in
366  ◾  Data Analytics

Figure 14.14  Hourly frequencies of top 15 traffic offenses.

Analysis of Traffic Offenses in Transportation  ◾  367

Figure 14.14 (CONTINUED)  Hourly frequencies of top 15 traffic offenses.

368  ◾  Data Analytics

Table 14.9  Mostly Occurred Time Periods of Offenses

Day of the
Offense Type Month Week Time Slot
a Bicycle offenses January Thursday 18:30–21:00
a Exceed speed limit January Saturday 15:30–18:00
a Fail wear s/belt-driver February Thursday 9:30–12:00
a Smoking- or cannabis-related offenses March Friday 9:30–12:00
a Cannabis-related offenses April Thursday 18:30–21:00
a Fail to give way offense May Thursday 15:30–18:00
a Drive at night/in hazardous weather June Friday 18:30–21:00
w/out effective light
a Fail to keep safe distance from vehicle June Thursday 15:30–18:00
in front
a Use of handheld mobile phone September Wednesday 15:30–18:00
a Alcohol-related offenses December Saturday 0:00–3.30
a Other drug-related offenses (except December Friday 15:30–18:00
a Traffic light-related offenses December Friday 12:30–15:00

Uninsured vehicle-related offenses January Friday 12:30–15:00

Unregistered vehicle-related offenses January Wednesday 12:30–15:00

Disqualified/suspended or other July Thursday 15:30–18:00

license-related offenses
a Directly time-related offenses.


Offense Count



0:00-3.00 3:30-6:00 6:30-9:00 9:30-12:00 12:30-15:00 15:30:18:00 18:30-21:00 21:30-23:30
Time slot

Alcohol related offences Cannabis related offences

Other drugs related offences Smoking or cannabis related offences

Figure 14.15  Alcohol-, smoking-, and drug-related offenses against time slot.
Analysis of Traffic Offenses in Transportation  ◾  369
Table 14.10  Summary of the Proposed Regression Models
Coefficient Coefficient Coefficient Coefficient
Item Figure No. Best-Fit Model (a) (b) (c) (d) R2 Value

Offenses against month  6 Polynomial  48,092.25 −2,051.97 161.16 – 0.591

of occurrence F(x) = bx + cx2 + a

Offenses against  9 Polynomial 63,733.3 3670.1 – – 0.984

weekday of occurrence F(x) = bx + a

Offenses against time 13 Polynomial 19,657.57 −15,544.93 14,228.95 −1,526.65 0.905

of occurrence F(x) = a + bx+
cx2 + dx3
370  ◾  Data Analytics

offenses and to attain a better understanding of seasonal patterns of traffic ­violations

so that research can help reduce road danger.
The major finding determined from the results was that the offense frequencies
are approximately similar in both 2015 and 2016, but the offense frequency during
different times of the year varies.
In terms of the month when offenses occurred, the holiday season of December
and January had the highest overall offense rates. The amount of alcohol consump-
tion can be taken as one of the reasons for the increased offenses during this time
[12,13] as the alcohol-related offenses are dramatically higher in these periods.
Furthermore, several studies [14–16] have shown that driving under the influence
of alcohol is one of the major reasons for traffic accidents and alcohol can result in
other offenses, such as exceeding the speed limit. A Norwegian study [17] showed
that alcohol-related accidents are more dangerous than drug-related offenses,
such as taking a medicinal drug, cannabis, amphetamine, or methamphetamine.
However, cannabis-related offenses are higher in April compared to other months.
In the cannabis culture, the “weed day” or “420 days” falls on April every year to
protest for the legalization of marijuana and people use more Marijuana during this
period [18]. This can lead to more cannabis-related offenses during this period of the
year. In addition, during summer people tend to go outdoors and enjoy the hedo-
nistic existence of festivals [13], thus exposing themselves to more traffic offenses,
unlike in winter when people are usually home. Compared to June, the months of
December and January have approximately 10,000 more recorded offenses proving
that more offenses happen during the summer season. Also, the use of handheld
mobile phones distracts drivers, thus causing traffic offenses [15], and the frequency
fluctuates throughout the year; unlike other offenses, it is dramatically low during
the December and January periods. Also, the number of offenses caused by driv-
ing at night in hazardous weather without effective lights is higher during May to
August, which is the winter season that is darker than the other months of the year.
Next, narrowing down from months to weeks, the discussion focuses on how the
offense count varies during each day of a week.
The analysis of offenses during weekdays shows an overall traffic violation rise
from Monday to Friday, whereas the frequencies stay the same over the weekend.
From the start to the end of the week, the offenses increase by 5.4%. People are
more reinvigorated and ready to start the week on Monday, but by Friday weekend
parties and alcohol consumption increase resulting in a rise in traffic violations.
A study done with a group of Chinese workers showed that daily work stress is
strongly related to the use of alcohol [19]. In other words, after working through
the week, stress drives them to consume alcohol. Furthermore, among students,
Thursday is known as “Thirsty Thursday” [20] as it is the time to party and drink
alcohol. At the same time, there is also an increase in alcohol-, cannabis-, smoking-,
and other drug-related offenses, starting from Thursdays that last up to Sundays.
Furthermore, alcohol and drug consumption lead to speeding offenses that occur
Analysis of Traffic Offenses in Transportation  ◾  371

more frequently during the same days of the week. In addition, both pedestri-
ans and drivers are exposed to road dangers due to irresponsible alcohol intake,
especially during the festive season. The use of handheld mobile phone offenses
dramatically drops by approximately 70% on the weekends compared to weekdays.
This is because during the business hours and in the busy weekdays people use their
mobile phones more even while driving. This distraction can cause drivers to violate
traffic light laws, exceed speed limits, fail to keep a safe distance from the vehicle
in front, and not wear a seatbelt. Moreover, driving at night in hazardous weather
without effective lights is highest from Thursday to Saturday. This could be caused
by people tending to stay longer at parties during this period rather than the other
days and it leads them to drive at night, which could make the drivers sleepy and
lead to traffic accidents [21]. Next, an analysis of the time periods in which traffic
violations occur will be discussed.
Considering the overall frequencies, the time from 09:30 to 18:00 showed the
highest number of traffic violations. There was an 83% increase from the period of
03:30 to 06:00, with the highest number of recorded offenses occurring between
1530 and 1800. Exceeding the speed limit, traffic light-related offenses, the use of
handheld devices, failure to give way, and failure to keep a safe distance from the
vehicle in front are also higher from 15:30 to 18:00. This is the peak traffic time
when people return home from work violating more laws and increasing road dan-
ger. For instance, getting stuck in a long queue of vehicles at a traffic signal gives
drivers an urge to pass the lights as soon as possible, which can result in traffic-
related offenses, such as exceeding speed limits and failing to give way. The alcohol-
related offenses are highest between 18:30 and 03:00 as people consume alcohol
after regular business hours and this explains the reason for most of these offenses.
However, the number of smoking-, cannabis-, and other drug-related offenses were
highest most of the time, except during 03:30 to 09:00. Unlike alcohol, cannabis
and certain drugs stay in the body for a longer period. Therefore, officers can detect
the drugs even when they were taken hours ago. For instance, on an average, can-
nabinoid level is detectable for up to 9.8 days [22] in the body of a frequent cannabis
user. Furthermore, failure to wear a seat belt is highest from 09:30 to 12:00; as the
regular offices start around 9:00, the drivers might forget to wear seat belts in their
hurry to reach office on time.
With the discussion of traffic offenses during different time periods of a year
it is proved that application of big data analysis is important and can be used to
obtain thoughtful and reasonable decisions. Data science is a broad subject starting
from a simple descriptive analysis to deep learning neural networks. Depending
on the factors such as data types, necessary results, and available infrastructures,
­different techniques and methods can be used for the analysis [23–27].
This research will help scholars understand the correlation between times and
incidences that lead to time specific traffic violations so that further actions can be
taken by creating feasible policies to reduce them.
372  ◾  Data Analytics

14.5 Conclusion
This study showed that there was a significant fluctuation in the number of traffic
offenses depending on the time and day of occurrence. Using 521,811 traffic offense
data instances, this study clearly illustrated that the traffic offense count increases
during festival times, weekends, and during the evening. Moreover, further analy-
sis shows variations in the different types of violations. For instance, it distinctly
showed that speeding offenses are higher during the evenings and drugs-related
traffic offenses are higher from noon to midnight. The analysis will be helpful for
police officers, traffic authorities, psychologists, and other researchers interested in
traffic-related offenses since it intends to deliver improved solutions to reduce road
danger and enhance road safety. Also, sustainable transport policies can be created
with active transport strategies to optimize danger reduction. However, based on
this study, further research can be carried out to find out the psychological aspects
that lead to offenses during different times.
In addition to the insights on traffic violations, this research also proved that
big data analysis is very useful for making important decisions. Unlike assump-
tions, analyzing real data is helpful in coming to more practical conclusions and
in predicting future trends. Therefore, the theories that were applied to traffic and
transportation in this chapter can be similarly used to a vast range of domains to
scrutinize real-world problems in detail.

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Chapter 15

Intrusion Detection
for Big Data
Biozid Bostami
Islamic University of Technology
Mohiuddin Ahmed
Canberra Institute of Technology

15.1 Big Data and Intrusion Detection System.................................................377
15.1.1 Chapter Roadmap.........................................................................377
15.2 W hat is Big Data?.....................................................................................378
15.3 Security Issues with Big Data....................................................................378
15.4 Intrusion Detection System.......................................................................379
15.5 Classification of Intrusion Detection Systems...........................................379
15.5.1 L ocation-Based Classification........................................................380
15.5.2 E valuation Criteria-Based Classification........................................380
15.6 Collaborative Intrusion Detection and Big Data.......................................381
15.6.1 W hy Is It Necessary?.....................................................................383
15.7 A rchitecture of CIDS................................................................................383
15.7.1 Centralized Architecture................................................................383
15.7.2 Hierarchical Architecture..............................................................384
15.7.3 Distributed Architecture................................................................385
15.8 Building Blocks of CIDS..........................................................................386
15.8.1 Local Monitoring...........................................................................386
15.8.2 Membership Management.............................................................387
15.8.3 Correlation and Aggregation.........................................................387

376  ◾  Data Analytics

15.8.4 Data Dissemination..................................................................388

15.8.5 Global Monitoring....................................................................389
15.9 Attacks on Collaborative Intrusion System............................................389
15.9.1 External Attacks.......................................................................389 Disclosure Attack......................................................389
15.9.2 Evasion Attack..........................................................................390 Internal Attack..........................................................391
15.10 Cloud Framework and Collaborative Intrusion Detection System.........391
15.11 Coordinated Attacks.............................................................................392
15.11.1 Large-Scale Stealthy Scans........................................................393
15.11.2 Worm Outbreaks......................................................................393
15.11.3 Distributed Denial-of-Service Attacks......................................393
15.12 S tate-of-the-Art Existing Literatures......................................................394
15.13 F uture Direction and Conclusion..........................................................399

Big data, a technology which stores the data in distributed cloud infrastructures,
is changing the business logic and application models. The valuable information
that big data contains is driving the decisions businesses are making toward
data-driven processes. However, when it comes to security, it is the concern of
the owners and users. Security and privacy can be increased by securing the
computing environment. In network security scheme, intrusion detection sys-
tems (IDSs) play a vital role. This chapter explores the collaborative intrusion
detection systems that enhance the security of the big data and also handle
the cloud vulnerabilities. Cyberattack sources are heterogeneous. Correlating
cyberattack incidents generated from different sources and time can provide a
concrete view and an increased awareness about the vulnerabilities of cyberat-
tacks. Conventional intrusion detection systems are not suitable for distributed
environments and they cannot detect cooperative attacks. For defending against
the correlated attacks collaborative intrusion systems are introduced that ana-
lyze the suspicious behaviors collected from other IDSs to increase the efficiency
of intrusion detection.
Coordinated attacks are also a common scenario in big data. Such attacks
like large-scale stealthy scans, worm outbreaks, and distributed denial-of-service
(DDoS) attacks occur simultaneously over multiple networks and this makes it
nearly impossible for a standalone intrusion detection system (IDS) to detect such
attacks as it can only monitor certain portions of the network. In this chapter, we
have presented a brief summary of the research done on coordinated attacks with
collaborative intrusion detection systems (CIDSs).
Finally, this chapter will be helpful for both the security and data analytics
professionals, academics, and graduate level students.
Intrusion Detection for Big Data  ◾  377

15.1 Big Data and Intrusion Detection System

We live in an era where every aspect of our life is influenced by data. From stream-
ing music to analysis of health problem diagnosis, everything is dependent on
data. With the emergence of big data, it is now possible to analyze data and give a
quick response. With big data scalability, availability is no longer a problem. There
are three Vs that define big data: velocity, volume, and variety. Volume represents
the amount of data. Data processing speed represents the volume of big data.
Variety in big data is represented by the complexity raised by the heterogeneous
sources of data. Big data has opened up new doors for inventions and future prod-
ucts. But the flip side of the coin is that big data is also the prime target of data
security issues for criminal activities and malware. Intrusion detection is one of
the main cybersecurity issues in the field of big data. In order to protect the data
from different types of cyberattacks, organizations implement intrusion detection
systems. The system that detects different kinds of intrusions and protects systems
from different attacks acts as the second line of defense. An IDS monitors a host
or a network and analyzes it for signs of intrusions that are manifested by mali-
cious behavior or security policy violations. Thus, its goal is the detection of any
attempt to compromise confidentiality, integrity, availability, or simply to bypass
the security mechanisms of a computer or network [3]. But traditional intrusion
detection systems are not suitable for the distributed architecture of big data.
That is why collaborative intrusion detection systems are proposed. Collaborative
intrusion detection systems monitor from different endpoints of the network and
takes decision collectively, which is much more secure than traditional intrusion
detection approaches. In this chapter, we will explore state-of-the-art methods and
techniques in network intrusion detection and the advances and challenges of big
data analytics in intrusion detection to explore new techniques that aid in intru-
sion detection analysis.

15.1.1 Chapter Roadmap
In this chapter, we give an overview of the intrusion detection systems for the big
data architecture. In this chapter, the key aspects of big data analytics are pre-
sented in detail. Section 15.2 starts with the definition of big data. Section 15.3
reflects the challenges associated with big data. Section 15.4 provides introduction
to intrusion detection systems. Section 15.5 discusses about the classification of
intrusion systems. In Section 15.6, we introduce collaborative intrusion systems
for big data. Section 15.7 focuses on the architecture of the collaborative intrusion
systems. Section 15.8 presents the building blocks, Section 15.9 describes different
types of attacks of CIDS, and Section 15.10 gives a brief idea about the importance
of CIDS in a cloud environment. In Section 15.11, we discuss about some of the
well-known coordinated attacks and in Section 15.12, we present the research done
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by different researchers and explore their limitations and strong points. Finally, in
Section 15.13, we conclude the chapter by discussing about the opportunities.

15.2 What is Big Data?

The concept of big data has been around for years [1]. It is used by different com-
munities like technological enterprises, scientific organizations, research scholars,
data analysts, and technical practitioners, etc. They all have different definitions
of big data. Big data can be defined as a collection of large datasets that cannot be
processed using traditional computing technologies, such as tools/software [2]. It is
highly connected with the system configuration, i.e., RAM and HDD capacity [4].
NIST [6] defines big data as following: “Big data means the data of which the data
volume, acquisition speed, or data representation limits the capacity of using tra-
ditional relational methods to conduct effective analysis or the data which may be
effectively processed with important horizontal zoom technologies, which focuses
on the technological aspect of Big data.” IBM and Microsoft [5,7] also define big
data in terms of the three Vs model: “In the 3V model, Volume means, with the
generation and collection of masses of data, data scale becomes increasingly Big;
Velocity means the timeliness of Big data; Variety indicates the various types of
data, which include semi-structured and unstructured data such as audio, video,
web page, and text, as well as traditional structured data.” In many literature, big
data is described in terms of Vs as volume, variety, variability, velocity, and verac-
ity [9]. Volume represents the amount and dimensionality of the data. The diverse
sources of data are the main attractions for companies in the fields of health care,
social networking, finance, or genetics. Variety refers to the heterogeneity and mix-
ing of data. In big data analysis, the data do not follow any ordered form. These
data can be highly structured, semi-structured, or unstructured like video, audio,
or images [10]. Velocity involves the streaming of big data from sources for analysis
and decision-making. Veracity is related to the certainty, precision, approximation,
ambiguities, and latency. Due to veracity, results derived from big data cannot be
proven, but they can be assigned a probability [9]. Variability is more related to the
variety in terms of semantics and communication protocol [10]. In a summarized
way we can define big data as datasets that could not be captured, managed, and
processed by general computers within an acceptable scope [10]. In the next section,
we will be focusing on the security issues of big data.

15.3 Security Issues with Big Data

The big data era brings a set of challenges in data acquisition, storage, manage-
ment, analysis, privacy, security, and so on. We will be focusing on the security and
data privacy section. Cybersecurity is critical as computerized systems are evolving
Intrusion Detection for Big Data  ◾  379

into a distributed nature. One of the most significant concerns in cybersecurity is

intrusion detection. In order to prevent attacks, awareness of an attack is essential
to be able to defend against attackers. Cyber defense can be improved by introduc-
ing intrusion detection systems that monitor the network and detect abnormality
and suspicious activities and also take appropriate actions against them. Intrusion
detection can be helpful in providing early warnings and in minimizing damage.
In the next section, we will focus on the overview of intrusion detection systems.

15.4 Intrusion Detection System

The first layer of defense for data security consists of authentication, firewall, cryp-
tography, authorization, etc., whereas the intrusion detection system is considered as
the second line of defense [2]. To protect vital information, organizations implement
intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS) [12]. An intrusion prevention
system acts like an intrusion detection system with additional features for preventing
repetitions of malicious events. By turning off the prevention feature, an intrusion
prevention system can act as an intrusion detection system. An IDS can monitor dif-
ferent types of protocols. An IDS that monitors protocols like hypertext transfer pro-
tocol (HTTP) is known as protocol-based intrusion detection system (PIDS). Some
IDSs are designed to monitor application-specific protocols, for example, database
structured query language (SQL) protocol also known as application protocol-based
intrusion detection system (APIDS). IDSs can be configured so that their behavior
and output are altered according to the network host types and event sources [49].
Four types of data, which are honeypot data, http packet, DNS reply, and
IP flow record, are used for correlation and monitoring. Flow record can provide
information for botnet communications. Core router, NetFlow, provides all the
communication over the Internet and enterprise networks and vice versa. HTTP
packets contain uniform resource identifiers along with the payloads embedded in
them, which can be studied to detect and prevent malicious communication over
the network. DNS replies are monitored to detect and prevent malicious attacks at
particular domains. A honeypot that emulates services and fake production data
can be used to find out the attacker’s target, IPaddress, network protocol, and scan-
ning methods from the logging files [13].
In the following section, we will be describing the classification of intrusion
detection systems.

15.5 Classification of Intrusion Detection Systems

Based on the location point and anomaly detection techniques intrusion detection
systems can be classified into different types. We will be describing them in the
following section.
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15.5.1 Location-Based Classification
Depending on the location of deployment in a network, IDSs can be classified into
two categories. They are host-based intrusion detection system and network-based
intrusion detection system [14].
Host-based intrusion detection system is responsible for monitoring individual
devices or hosts. It monitors all the incoming and outgoing traffic to Internet and
vice versa of the attached host as well as monitors the internal system calls. But it
is not aware of the overall network situation. That is the limitation of host-based
intrusion detection systems.
Network-based IDSs (NIDS) situated at the edge points of the network are
responsible for monitoring the traffic at those points. NIDs use the packet sniffers
and analyze the data to correlate the intrusion. Whenever suspicious packet or traf-
fic is detected the alarm is triggered. But, NIDs are unaware of the internal network

15.5.2 Evaluation Criteria-Based Classification

Depending on the evaluation methods of intrusion detection, the intrusion detec-
tion system can be classified into three major types: signature-based intrusion
detection, anomaly-based detection, and hybrid intrusion detection system.
Signature-based intrusion is also known as misuse detection. It considers the
behavior as a mode and matches whether the behavior of the subject conforms to
a mode. The modes are also known as signature features. That’s why it is called
­signature-based intrusion detection. The network specialist can design newer modes
based on the attack signature or the behavior, if any unknown attack is found and
studied. This type of intrusion detection is very good at detecting the attacks with
known signatures and it creates less number of false positive alerts. But if the attack
signature is altered then it cannot detect the attacks as efficiently.
Anomaly detection analyzes the historical data over a period of time and builds
up the pattern to detect abnormal behavior over the network. The main drawback
of this system is in designing and training of the algorithm. The anomaly detection
algorithm can use the unsupervised learning approach that does not need the labelled
pattern but creates high false alarms [16]. Anomaly-based detection is limited to the
network layer only; it cannot detect the attack if the payload is involved, for example,
an attack on Microsoft IIS induces the users to download a malicious script file. Since
there are no invalid packet header fields involved, header-based techniques will not
trigger any alarm. Malicious payload, remote-to-local (R2L), and user-to-root (U2R)
belong to application level attacks; if the payload is ignored in anomaly-based detec-
tion, poor performance in detecting payload associated attacks is obvious [17].
The hybrid-based detection approach is a combination of both anomaly-based
detection and signature-based detection to improve the performance of the detec-
tion and prevention systems [18] (Tables 15.1 and 15.2).
Intrusion Detection for Big Data  ◾  381

Table 15.1  Overview of the Signature-Based Method and the

Anomaly-Based Method for Intrusion Detection [18]
Methodology Description Limitation

Signature- Takes decisions based • Need to update to

Based on known attacking identify the new attacks.
Detection pattern or signatures. • False negative rate is
Anomaly- Learns from known • Designing the algorithm
Based activity and alerts is costly.
Detection when significant • False positive rate is
deviation is noticed. high.

In the following section, we will be focusing on the intrusion detection systems

designed for distributed architecture like big data, which is known as the collabora-
tive intrusion detection system, and on its necessity.

15.6 Collaborative Intrusion Detection and Big Data

A collaborative intrusion detection network (CIDN) is a network of connected
intrusion detection systems (IDSs). It allows the exchange of intrusion alerts,
suspicious files, blacklists, and detection rules among the IDSs. CIDS acts like a
dynamic distributed system where the participating IDSs form new organizational
structures like teams and play different roles to accomplish a common goal which
is not achievable through single participation. Enterprise networks like big data and
cloud computing environments is built upon the distributed nature with multiple
entry points. This widely adopted topology ensures and enhances the accessibility
and availability of the network. But this topology possesses security vulnerabilities
that are exploited by the attackers with advanced attack schemes, like cooperative
intrusions. Unlike traditional attack schemes, cooperative intrusions are directed
by the botnets and attacks are launched simultaneously by the slaved machines.
Attack instances are organized by the attacker at all the entry points of the enter-
prise network to penetrate the system. Since the attack traffic is evenly distrib-
uted these cooperative intrusions can evade detection by the traditional standalone
IDSs. This is because the standalone IDSs do not raise an alarm if the traffic at
every entry point does not deviate from normal behavior. After exploring all the
ports of the network, the cooperative attack targets the vulnerable services within
the network. Even an attacker can initiate attacks on all the vulnerable services
simultaneously over the network. To match these types of attacks, intrusion detec-
tion needs to improve.
382  ◾  Data Analytics
Table 15.2  Performance Evaluation of Three Detection Methods [19]
Detection Resource
Techniques Alarm Rate Speed Consumption Flexibility Scalability Robustness

Anomaly High Low High High High High

Signature Low High Low Low Low Low

Hybrid Moderate Moderate High High High High

Intrusion Detection for Big Data  ◾  383

15.6.1 Why Is It Necessary?
Traditional standalone IDSs are likely to be invaded by the cooperative attacks,
so their performance is poor in the distributed environment cloud computing or
big data. By correlating suspicious evidence between different IDSs, collaborative
intrusion detection systems (CIDSs) improve the efficiency of intrusion detection.
Unlike conventional standalone IDSs, IDSs located at a local network’s entry points
share the information among themselves. In practice, the IDS is organized within
the CIDS over a large network following a decentralized or hierarchical pattern.
Communication takes place between each IDS directly or via a central coordinator
through the applied mode. By aggregating the network information received from
other IDSs in the CIDS, a complete attack diagram of the network is generated. The
central coordinator, which analyzes the aggregated information, generates a com-
plete attack diagram of the network. Collaborative intrusion and malware detection
offers an anonymous communication scheme. Participating IDSs can share infor-
mation with the interested partners based on the intrusion ontology. CIDS also pro-
vides a decentralized group formation algorithm and a robust collaborative model.
In the following section, we will be describing the architecture of collaborative
intrusion detection systems and their classification.

15.7 Architecture of CIDS
Early IDSs were designed to monitor a single host or port over a network by carry-
ing out local analysis. There was no scope for communication. Clearly, those design
approaches are not suitable for distributed networks. They were not designed to estab-
lish connection between events occurring in different places simultaneously. Thus,
collaborative IDS (CIDS) was proposed for the protection of large networks and large
IT ecosystems. CIDS is a collection of several monitors acting as sensors and collect-
ing data. They usually contain several analysis units that are responsible for intru-
sion detection from the collected data coming from sensors. Complex task done by
the network administrator is significantly reduced by the CIDS because it provides
high accuracy in intrusion detection [8]. Based on the specification, monitoring and
the analysis unit can be co-located. In this chapter, we will assume that a monitor is
built with both the monitoring unit and the analysis unit. By ensuring cooperation
between the monitors, CIDS becomes more scalable than traditional IDS. Following
their communication architecture, CIDS can be classified into three different catego-
ries: centralized, decentralized, and distributed CIDS.

15.7.1 Centralized Architecture
In this architecture, several IDSs are attached to their respective hosts for monitoring
the traffic and behavior (as shown in Figure 15.1). Monitored data is then shared with
384  ◾  Data Analytics

Figure 15.1  Centralized architecture.

the central unit for analysis. The data sent to the central monitor can be either local
traffic or they can be alerts produced by intrusion detection. Hence, alert correlation
algorithm is applied on the alerts sent by other monitors or the detection algorithm
is applied by the central unit.
But this architecture has some limitations. As a standalone IDS, with the
increasing size of the system, centralized CIDS cannot be scaled easily. This archi-
tecture works for small-scale enterprise networks. It has two major drawbacks.
If the central unit fails then complete alert correlation will fail as well since it is
dependent on the central unit. It is commonly known as the single point of failure
(SPoF). The second drawback is that all the edge monitors send the monitored data
to the central unit. If the data flow exceeds the capacity of the central unit then
some data might get loss and the performance might decrease.

15.7.2 Hierarchical Architecture
For overcoming the drawbacks of a centralized design, the hierarchical architecture
was proposed. In this architectural design, the CIDSs are placed in a hierarchical
model that is based on multiple small communication groups. This group formation
is done by some of these features: (1) administrative controlling, (2) geographical
position, (3) similarity of the platform, and (4) intrusion type. Every communica-
tion group acts as a subset of the overall hierarchy. Every group has a parent analysis
node that is responsible for correlating all the alerts and traffic data belonging to
the respective group. After data from edge node is collected by the parent node of
a group then it forwards the processed data to the higher order node in the hier-
archy for analysis. Usually, IDS situated at the base level of the hierarchy acts as
the detecting unit. IDSs situated at the higher levels act as detection units as well
as correlation units. Higher-level nodes do all the analysis on the data sent by the
lower level nodes. After correlation and analysis of the alerts and the traffic data,
the result is sent to the higher level and this continues until it reaches the maximum
level from where the decision is distributed to the lower levels.
The hierarchical architecture (as in Figure 15.2) works better than the central-
ized design, but it still has some drawbacks. The whole system can be hampered
Intrusion Detection for Big Data  ◾  385

Figure 15.2  Hierarchical architecture.

if the higher-level nodes stop their functionality. In that case, the whole hierarchy
will fail. Moreover, at the top level, it is difficult to scale, keeping pace with the
increased network. Again, due to input data abstraction at the top-level nodes,
there is limited detection coverage.

15.7.3 Distributed Architecture
In the distributed architecture, the task of analysis is distributed among all the
monitors in the network, making sure that each monitor has its own analysis unit
and is not directly dependent on other nodes for analysis. The distributed architec-
ture is similar to the peer-to-peer (P2P) architecture in which the data correlation,
data aggregation, and data analysis are done in a distributed manner with the par-
ticipation of all the monitors.
The fully distributed architecture focuses on the scalability property of CIDS.
But there are still many challenges and open issues related to accuracy of detection,
scale, and load balance.

◾◾ Accuracy: Depending on the information dissemination, some attack infor-

mation does not get access to the place where the decision is made for a par-
ticular attack. That is why to get the same accuracy rate as compared to the
centralized approach, we need to take into account the trade-offs between
false alarm and rate of detection. The common goal of intrusion detection
research is to achieve maximum accuracy and minimum false alarm propor-
tion. But most of the distributed approach focus on the architectural design
rather than on detection accuracy.
◾◾ Scale of Alert Correlation: One of the key features of intrusion detection is
alert correlation. The fully distributed approaches usually use the source IP
address for representing the alert information. This is known as the single
dimension feature where a single attribute is used for correlation. However,
it cannot provide information for large-scale attacks. So, scaling of alert cor-
relation is still an open issue.
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Figure 15.3  Distributed architecture.

◾◾ Load Balance: Another open issue in the distributed architecture is to bal-

ance load across all the IDSs so that no single IDS is overloaded by the traffic
(Figure 15.3).

In the following section, we will be focusing on the building blocks of collab-

orative intrusion detection systems.

15.8 Building Blocks of CIDS

Designing a CIDS is a challenging task. These challenges minimize the data
exchange rate; maximizing the detection rate; taking decision on communication
scheme for data sharing; distribution of alert information; aggregation of the data,
etc. Based on the challenges, the structure of CIDS is separated into five build-
ing blocks: (1) local monitoring, (2) membership, (3) data dissemination, (4) data
aggregation and correlation, and (5) global monitoring.

15.8.1 Local Monitoring
Local monitoring can be of two types: host level monitoring and network level
monitoring. In case of host level monitoring, only the associated hosts behaviors are
considered. On the other hand, network level monitoring aims to cover the whole
network from attacks by deploying CIDS at selected points on the edge that are closer
to the ingress or egress routers of the network. A combination of both host level and
network level deploy can further increase the detection accuracy.
Monitoring can be divided into active monitoring and passive monitoring.
Passive monitoring comprises host level monitoring or networking level moni-
toring. Honeypots are used for passive monitoring for detecting the presence of
Intrusion Detection for Big Data  ◾  387

promising attack targets. Although honeypot’s false positive is zero, the false nega-
tive rate is quite high.
In local monitoring, the analysis unit uses a detection mechanism from the data
collected by the sensors. The detection mechanism can be signature based or can
be anomaly based. Even combination is also possible, which was proposed as Bro
IDS [48].
Local monitoring act as a vital part in designing an optimal CIDS because the
data collected by the local monitors is utilized by the other blocks.

15.8.2 Membership Management
The task of membership management unit is to establish overall connectivity
between all the neighboring monitors. Membership management can be of static
type or it can be dynamic by nature. In its static nature, whenever a new com-
ponent is added the network administrator needs to alter the overlay of the net-
work. Connections are predetermined in static membership. On the other hand,
in dynamic membership component a new component is added with the help of
a central server that provides a global view or follows the membership protocol.
This protocol is run locally at each CIDS. Since the membership controls the
connectivity among the neighboring CIDSs the architecture of the network is
also dependent on this unit. Based on the connectivity, the network architecture
can be centralized, hierarchical, or completely distributed as described in the
previous section.

15.8.3 Correlation and Aggregation

When the local monitors collect the data, it has to be analyzed for correlating the
alerts, and the aggregated alert data information is needed to be sent to other moni-
tors for further analysis.
Correlation can be of two types: (1) single monitor correlation and (2)
monitor-to-monitor correlation. In case of single monitoring mechanism, the
alert data information is not shared with the neighboring CIDSs. The local alert
information is either sent to the administration interface or is redirected to the
central units for further analysis. Alternatively, alert data information is shared
with the neighboring CIDSs for correlating the information with their local
data. In this, detailed information is shared among the monitors and not only
among the list of IP addresses. One of the major challenges is correlating the
multidimensional alert patterns [32]. Different examples can be given where
the single dimensional attributes are not enough, e.g., when multiple nodes are
attacked simultaneously or when a part of the system is attacked or sacrificed
information from the victimized unit is not very helpful. That is why combina-
tion of different attributes are needed, like source and destination IPs, payload,
port numbers, etc.
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There are four different approaches for alert data correlation. Here we will give
a brief description of them.

◾◾ Similarity-based correlation: In this approach, the alert data is compared

between different sets for scoring the similarity. The more the score, the more
correlated the alerts are. The similarity is usually checked with known alert
◾◾ Attack scenario-based correlation: The attack scenario-based approach
can detect attacks at multiple levels. This approach maintains a dataset of
known attacks. Such approaches can be found in the works of Dain and
Cunningham [39], Garcia et al. [40], and Eckmann et al. [41]. These algo-
rithms are trained under the dataset and that is why it shows high accuracy
in detecting known attacks, whereas unknown attacks cannot be detected by
this mechanism.
◾◾ Multistage alert correlation: Multistage alert correlation aims to detect
unknown attacks based on the presumption that attacks are correlated,
i.e., one attack is the first stage of preparation for another attack to follow.
Multistage approach creates a library of attack steps that is used to corre-
late attack scenarios. The multistage approach is based on the correlation
of attacks, i.e., it cannot detect attacks that do not have a correlation with
one another. The accuracy of correlation is affected by the IDS false alerts.
Moreover, creating the library can be sometimes costly.
◾◾ Filter-based correlation: To remove the overhead of costly and library depen-
dent attack correlation approaches, a filter-based approach was proposed [46].
In this approach, the attacks are prioritized based on the impact using some
filtering algorithms. To reduce the false positive rate, filters are used to filter
out the irrelevant information [47]. In order to protect the system, detailed
information about the respective systems must be known for the correlation,
but sometimes it is not possible to provide such information. The information
about the system measures the rate of accuracy.

15.8.4 Data Dissemination
CIDSs that focus on correlating alerts and aggregating information need to be effi-
ciently distributed. Data dissemination is highly dependent upon the architectural
design of the membership unit. In centralized design, the data flow is always the
same. There the alert information always flows to the central analysis unit. On the
other hand, the decentralized design monitors and maintains a hierarchy between
them and sends the alert information in a bottom-up fashion. Distributed design
provides high level of freedom for data sharing on a flat overlay. In a distributed
approach, information can be shared in both directions for monitors having interest
in similar information. The information among the groups can be shared via gos-
siping approach [44] or by flooding selectively/partially using random walks [45] or
Intrusion Detection for Big Data  ◾  389

by flooding the total CIDS network. Some distributed approaches use d

­ istributed
hash table to maintain the information flow.

15.8.5 Global Monitoring
The capabilities of a particular CIDS are based on global monitoring. Global moni-
toring aims to detect the distributed attacks. Based on the detection scope, global
monitoring can be of two types: (1) generic type and (2) specific type. The generic
type aims to detect multiple types of attacks. Specific types are used for specialized
attacks. In a nutshell, global monitoring aims to detect malicious behavior over the
CIDSs that are connected with each other representing the collaborative detection

15.9 Attacks on Collaborative Intrusion System

Even though collaborative intrusion detection systems are used to protect systems
from cyberattacks, these systems can also be the target of cyberattacks. That is why
one must be aware of the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of these systems. Based on
the scope of the attackers, there can be two types of attacks on CIDS: (1) external
attack and (2) internal attack.

15.9.1 External Attacks
The origin of the external attack is outside the network that is being monitored by
the CIDSs. The external attacks aim to explore the presence of the CIDS monitor-
ing points to plan future attacks to bypass the CIDS or to exploit the vulnerable
services of CIDS to degrade the quality of service. External attacks can be classified
into two types: (1) disclosure attack and (2) evasion attack. Disclosure Attack
The disclosure attack aims at gathering the location information of the CIDSs in
the target network. A disclosure attacker expects a feedback from the CIDS. These
feedbacks can be of different types like the attack results publicly available in some
website over the Internet. Yoichi et al. [50] in their work proposed a passive approach
that takes the feedback from public websites. In their work, they gain information
about the CIDS location as well as other information by analyzing the feedback
graph that is updated periodically. An active approach was proposed by Shmatikov
et al. where disclosure attack gathers information from public sites by the method
named probe-response attacks [51]. In disclosure attacks, the attacker uses a known
attack signature to identify the attack feedbacks. Evasion attacks are followed by
the disclosure attacks. We will be discussing the evasion attacks in the next section.
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15.9.2 Evasion Attack
The evasion attack aims to avoid the IDS so that no alert is initiated. There are
many methods to achieve this goal. From the point of intrusion detection tech-
niques, the evasion attack is divided into two types: (1) signature-based evasion and
(2) anomaly-based evasion.

◾◾ Signature-based evasion: Signature-based evasion aims to bypass the IDS in

which the detection mechanism is depending on a known signature. In order
to bypass such IDSs, the attacker changes the signature of the attack slightly so
that it no longer triggers the IDS alert for now it does not belong to the known
attack set of the particular IDS. Some of the methods are described below.
– Attack Obfuscation: In this method, the attack signature code is trans-
ferred to a equivalent code that is not known to the detection unit [43].
There are many tools available for testing obfuscation, for example, the
metasploit framework.
– Packet Splitting: In this method, the segmented IP packets are used
because they cannot be assembled by the operating system properly and
IDS cannot raise any alert [43].
– Overlapping Packet: In this method, packets from known and safe data
sources are overlapped by the attacking packets. Since operating systems
can distinguish between the overlapping packets that is why no alert is
– False Positive Flooding: In this approach, IDS is attacked by a large
number of parallel attacks having known signatures, which hide the actual
attacks so that the IDS overlooks the actual attacks. There are many tools
available and it requires a large number of known false positives.
◾◾ Anomaly-based evasion: Anomaly-based detection is capable of detecting
unknown attacks based on historical data. Any deviation from the normal
behavior triggers the alert in anomaly-based detection. In order to evade the
anomaly-based detection, the attacker must train the attack data is such a
way so that the attack does not deviate from the normal data [38]. There are
several ways to carry out anomaly-based attacks: (1) injecting training data,
(2) mimicry attacks, and (3) polymorphic blending attack.
– Injecting training data attack: Injecting training data attack introduces
the attack signature in the training phase of the algorithm. So when
the actual attack occurs in the future the IDS considers is as a normal
– Mimicry attack: Mimicry attack aims to evade the IDS by making the
attack act as a normal request so that the IDS doesnot trigger any alert
information [38,42].
– Polymorphic blending attacks: It is similar to the mimicry attack,
but it aims to exploit the fact that due to complexity the anomaly-based
Intrusion Detection for Big Data  ◾  391

algorithm only analyzes a particular area of the traffic. So, the attacker first
creates a normal traffic profile and then blends the attack with it. Fogla
et al. [37] in his work showed methods using PAYL, a byte frequency-
based anomaly IDS, as a case study and demonstrates that polymorphic
blending attacks are indeed feasible. Internal Attack
The origin of the internal attack is located inside the monitored network by an
insider. An insider can belong to a compromised CIDS monitoring unit or it can
be a compromised host in the network. A compromised host within the protected
network sets up a secret channel with an attacker outside the network. All the traf-
fic between the compromised host and the attacker is hidden from the monitors
[53,54]. The channel used by the compromised host is not usually used for com-
munication, for example, unutilized bits of the packet header or the timing infor-
mation. Internal attacks can become more harmful if a component of the CIDS is
compromised. A compromised/malicious CIDS monitor can expose the location of
other monitoring agents and it can compromise other monitoring agents by taking
advantage of the vulnerability of the CIDS protocol. It can lead to a total takeover
of the whole system at worst.
A generic countermeasure against malicious insiders in the distributed systems
is the adoption of reputation systems [55,56], such as EigenTrust [57]. In this case,
each of the monitors creates a level of trust depending on detection behavior or
other defined properties. If the trust level goes below a certain threshold, the moni-
tor is considered less trustworthy and preventive steps can be taken, for example,
blacklisting of the malicious monitor. Several proposals have been given for trust
management to avoid internal attacks [58–61]. Another problem with the reputa-
tion system occurs when the highly trusted monitors are compromised, which is
known as the betrayal attack [58]. In another attack known as the sleeper attack,
the compromised CIDS acts very gently until they gain a certain level of trust and
then the target attack is carried out [62]. Internal attacks are even more harmful
when combined with external attacks. Figure 15.4 summarizes the scenario.
In the following section, we will focus on the contribution of CIDS in the cloud
infrastructure followed by a short introduction of the cloud.

15.10 Cloud Framework and Collaborative

Intrusion Detection System
Cloud framework is a multi-tenant infrastructure which is shared by several users.
As defined by NIST, “Cloud Computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, con-
venient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing
392  ◾  Data Analytics

Figure 15.4  Different attacks and attackers’ location in secure networks.

resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be
rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service pro-
vider interaction.” Cloud computing servers are basically operating systems (OS)
where the users are clustered into separate groups by using virtual machines. Since
the virtual machines reside in an operating system that is why threats of VM-to-VM
attacks increases. With the presence of a collaborative cloud computing model, a
large amount of data transfer occurs either between the local VMs or between the
different clouds. These are highly attracted to the attacker and are primary targets of
MITM or probing attacks. This information leakage can be followed by attacks like
DDoS, worm spread, etc. which can affect not only the compromised clouds but
also the connected cloud regions. Even the attacker can take advantage of other ser-
vices of cloud computing to attack their victims. A collaborative intrusion detection
system takes into consideration the suspicious activities and attack signatures from
multiple sources of IDS to protect the cloud systems. The CIDS provides:

◾◾ Improvements in the security of the large-scale distributed environment.

◾◾ CIDS has less computational cost because they share information.
◾◾ The amount of false alarm gets reduced over the network.
◾◾ It can protect other cloud regions by sharing lists of malicious VMs over the

In the following section, we will be looking into the coordinated attacks. We will
only present a short introduction to them.

15.11 Coordinated Attacks
Coordinated attacks are carried out by the attacker with the aim of monetary gain
[36]. Some of the known coordinated attacks are large-scale stealthy scans, worms,
Intrusion Detection for Big Data  ◾  393

and DDoS attacks. With the help of automation, it is easy to exploit different vulner-
able services simultaneously [52]. The highly distributed nature makes these attacks
more difficult to detect. In the following section, we review three main coordinated
attack methods by exploring their topology, purpose, target services, etc.

15.11.1 Large-Scale Stealthy Scans

The large scale stealthy scans aim to gaining information about the target network.
It gains information about ports and IP addresses that are to be exploited by the
attacker [35]. To avoid the detection algorithm, the attacker randomized the scan-
ning order or lowered the scan frequency over the targeted network. There are two
types of stealthy scans: (1) block scan and (2) horizontal scan. Horizontal scan
explores the targeted ports for vulnerability over the range of hosts. For example,
TCP port 139 scans explore the NetBIOS vulnerability. Block scan targets a set of
services for exploring the vulnerability. These attacks occur in a randomized order
over the network and the attack topology is one to many. The randomizing scan
helps them to avoid detection algorithms.

15.11.2 Worm Outbreaks
A worm is a special type of program that has the ability to replicate itself and without
any user interaction it can send copies to other computers over the network. The worm
outbreaks aim to gain two main goals: (1) degrading the system performance of the
targeted network and (2) creating compromised hosts for launching future attacks.
There are many known worms and some new worms are being created. It is difficult
to detect the worms because the newer worms may have completely unknown struc-
tures. However, these worms attack in two phases: in the first phase the worm infects
the target and during second phase it propagate to new hosts by self- replicating.
Some common worms are: SQL-Slammer, Code Red 2, W32/Sasser, etc.

15.11.3 Distributed Denial-of-Service Attacks

Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks are well-known and powerful coor-
dinated attacks that can disrupt the services of the victimized hosts. The attacker’s
primary target for launching DDoS attacks is to gain financial benefits, which may
be claimed from the victims or from the opponents of the victims. A DDoS attack
has two stages. The first stage, which is known as the recruiting stage, is where the
attacker searches for the vulnerability of the targeted hosts to compromise them
and installs attacking tools on the victim machine. In the second stage, which is
the attacking stage, the attacker sends commands to attack the third-party service
which is the main target of the attack and the service gets disrupted. The attacking
topology is one to many. Distributed SYN floods and distributed reflector attacks
are the common attacking methods of DDoS.
394  ◾  Data Analytics

Distributed SYN attack targets the TCP in a three-way handshake. In this

approach, the attacker introduces SYN packets from invalid sources into the target
host in order to open many half-open connections until the target memory stack is
so full that no new request can be accepted even from a valid source. These invalid
requests are sent to the target source within a very short time frame and from sev-
eral compromised machines.
The distributed reflector attack uses the web servers and router to attack the
target host but hides the main source of the attack and also increases the attack
traffic [34]. The attacker sends spoofed packets from the compromised host to the
reflectors and these reflectors initiate the real attack by sending back the SYN-ACK
packet. If no reply is found then the reflector sends multiple retransmitted packets
which actually increases the attack traffic.
In the following section, we will discuss several studies that have been done on
the intrusion detection systems by different researchers.

15.12 State-of-the-Art Existing Literatures

Much research has been carried out, of of which some focused on the architecture
of CIDS while others proposed different algorithms of intrusion detection. We will
be focusing a few of them here.
Among the early proposals for CIDS was the distributed intrusion detection
system (DIDS) by Snapp et al. [33], which follows a centralized architectural
design. DIDS makes use of a mechanism of distributed monitoring and the analysis
is done according to the centralized system. DIDS has three components: central
unit, network monitoring unit, and host monitoring unit. The main unit of this
system is the central unit that uses detection mechanism on the data coming from
other units. The accuracy is comparatively poorer and suffer from SoPF. Also, here
the scaling is costly.
SURFcert IDS is also a centralized CIDS, which uses the honeypots to produce
minimum false positives [31]. This system creates private virtual networks with the
central analysis unit and the monitoring units. The virtual links are monitored
by one or many honeypots and that is why the false positive rate is close to zero.
However, not all the attacks are detected by this system. Moreover, there is no alert
correlation method and honeypots are not scalable. Since the detection is done
locally, SURFcert does not perform well in global detections.
Another CIDS was proposed that is known as the distributed intrusion
detection system using mobile agents (DIDMA) [30]. It uses the mobile agents
for aggregation and correlation methods and the static agents as monitoring
units. Static agents monitor the network and whenever any alert is generated the
central unit creates a mobile agent that updates the global list containing the
node address that suffers from similar attacks. DIDMA uses the signature-based
detection which is why it can detect unknown attacks efficiently. Moreover,
Intrusion Detection for Big Data  ◾  395

creation of mobile agent can become costly if multiple nodes are attacked simul-
taneously and it may create communication disruption. Again, the central unit
is a SPoF. Again, if any host is compromised then the mobile agents will become
affected too.
The graph-based intrusion detection system (GrIDS) proposed a tree-like
infrastructure where networks are clustered into many zones called depart-
ments [21]. GrIDSs maintain a hierarchical model. Each department detects
and analyzes the intrusion. Each department has a parent node associated with
it. Locally detected attacks are sent to the parent nodes for future analysis.
GrIDS uses policy rules to detect alerts. That is why it may not detect attacks
of unknown policies. Moreover, the system performance can degrade for insider
attacks as well as for the DDoS attacks. However, GrIDS has a privacy protec-
tion mechanism that restricts access to the departments, and also the system is
very scalable.
Another hierarchical CIDS that can be used as a framework for different attack
detection engines is known as the autonomous agents for intrusion detection
(AAFID), it was proposed in Refs. [28,29]. The system has several transceivers and
monitors. The lower-level monitors monitor the network and send the feedback
to the transceivers for alert aggregation and correlation. The transceivers control
the local monitors as well as configure them. After aggregation, the report is sent
to the higher-level monitors. The higher level monitor is responsible for auditing
transceivers. The higher-level monitors can suffer from a single point of failure.
Again, the authors did not give any details about the aggregation, correlation, and
dissemination methods in their prototype.
Hierarchical intrusion detection (HIDE) was proposed in Ref. [27], which is
based on anomaly-based detection. The detection uses the statical preprocessing
and neural network classification. The monitors use the statistical approach to
detect the alert with reference to the model provided and after that the neural net-
work is used to determine whether an attack is normal or not. Lastly, final reports
are generated and provided to the user via the user interface. HIDE generates high
level of false positives. Moreover, the accuracy of the system depends on the design
of the algorithm. Zheng Zhang et al. [27] also points out that system cannot detect
the low volume attack traffic efficiently, which is a vital limitation.
Janakiraman et al. proposed a distributed collaborative intrusion detection sys-
tem, named intrusion detection and rapid action (INDRA) [25]. It follows the peer-
to-peer overlay and can detect generic attacks. INDRA uses the public-subscriber
method to exchange data between the monitors. The monitors in INDRA have
monitoring units to detect attacks and analysis unit, which generate alerts and take
action against the attacks. It disseminates the alert information with the help of
scribe [23]. Scribe creates a separate node for each class of attack and the monitors
subscribe to those nodes. INDRA has a feature for adding plugins for new classes
of attacks, but these need a manual approach of administration. Moreover, compro-
mised monitors can degrade the accuracy of the system. The authors suggested that
396  ◾  Data Analytics

keeping a blacklist consisting of suspicious peers can maintain the overall system
Zhou et al. introduced the large-scale intrusion detection (LarSID) in his
work [22,26]. It is a peer-to-peer-based CIDS and it uses the publish-subscribe
method on top of the distributed hash table. The local monitors monitor the
network and maintain a list of malicious IP addresses. The local list is shared if
a certain number of malicious IP addresses is added to the list. All the monitors
communicate over SSL. Moreover, they introduce the public key infrastructure
(PKI) for authentication. Even it can be scaled according to network size. The
main drawback is that it has no global monitoring ability, it can only detect
attacks with common sources.
A hybrid architectural-based CIDS named distributed overlay for monitoring
Internet outbreaks (DOMINO) was proposed in Ref. [24]. It consists of three
components: (1) axis overlay, (2) satellite communities, and (3) terrestrial con-
tributors. Axis overlay is considered as the central component and it consists
of trusted peers, which only use PKI authentication for communication. These
monitors can do the analysis of the traffic. These nodes introduce threshold fil-
tering to deal with the insider attacks. Satellite communities are localized ver-
sions of DOMINO protocols. These are dependent on the axis nodes. Terrestrial
contributors include all the nodes, even their non-trusty peers. DOMINO uses
signature-based detection and also uses honeypots. The alert data information is
shared in XML format periodically. There may arise a communication overhead
if the interval between the broadcasting is too short. Again, the system has no
policies for insider attacks.
Locasto et al. proposed a peer-to-peer-based intrusion system named wormi-
nator [15,20]. In worminator, each peer has a monitoring unit and every host is a
network-based IDS. Distributed correlation scheduling algorithm selects peers for
information sharing and information sharing is done by the bloom filter. Bloom
filters are used to exchange compressed alert data and to ensure security. However,
the scheduling algorithm was not given in detail by the authors.
CIDS for detecting distributed attack patterns, which is known as quick-
sand, was introduced in Ref. [11]. It uses a hybrid approach for attack detec-
tion at the global level, but at the local level each IDS is signature-based or
anomaly-based. The system has a central unit for attack signature storage and
update. Authors proposed the attack specification language (ASL) for describing
the attack signatures of the distributed attacks. With the help of ASL, the rela-
tionship between the attack and the host is transformed into an acyclic graph.
The central unit then disseminates the pattern graphs to the monitors. The local
monitors detect the attacks based on the updated pattern. The accuracy of the
system depends on the graphs patterns, so false positives might degrade the level
of accuracy.
In the following section, we present the summary for different collaborative
intrusion detection systems in Table 15.3.
Table 15.3  CIDS
Membership Aggregation and Global
Name Local Monitoring Management Correlation Data Dissemination Monitoring

DIDS Host specific Central Unique Peer Central Unit General

Monitoring Dependent Detection

SURFcert Honeypot Central Not Specified Central Unit General

Dependent Detection

DIDMA Signature Specific Central Peer-to-Peer Selective Broadcast General

Monitoring Detection

GrIDS Both Host and Hierarchy-Based Peer-to-Peer Broadcasting Malware

Intrusion Detection for Big Data  ◾  397

Network Specific Monitoring Specific

AAFID Host specific Hierarchy-Based Peer-to-Peer Unknown General

Monitoring Detection

HIDE Anomaly Dependent Hierarchy-Based Unique Peer Broadcasting General

Monitoring Detection

INDRA Signature Specific Structured Not Specified Publisher-Subscriber- General

Distribution Based Detection

LarSID Unknown Structured Peer-to-Peer Publisher-Subscriber- Service-

Distribution Monitoring Based Based

398  ◾  Data Analytics
Table 15.3 (Continued)  CIDS
Membership Aggregation and Global
Name Local Monitoring Management Correlation Data Dissemination Monitoring

DOMINO Honeypot Unstructured Not Specified Selective Broadcast General

Distribution Detection

Worminator Hybrid Unstructured Unique Peer Selective Broadcast Malware

Distribution Monitoring Specific

Quicksand Hybrid Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Selective Broadcast General

Distribution Monitoring Detection
Intrusion Detection for Big Data  ◾  399

15.13 Future Direction and Conclusion

In the end, we can conclude by saying that there is no suitable approach for pro-
tecting large networks from collaborative attacks. Centralized CIDS approach is
suitable for small to medium size networks as they can be deployed in different
networks. However, they suffer from a single point of failure (SPoF) and they are
hard to scale when the monitor number increases. Decentralized and distributed
approach is promising for large networks, but they are limited to specific attacks.
More research is required to improve data correlation and also to improve detection
accuracy. The challenge is that intrusion detection attempts to find anomalies in
data without knowing exactly what these anomalies look like. Hence, data correla-
tion techniques are required that do not presume knowledge about the attributes
on which the correlation is performed. An additional challenge is the expense of
deploying CIDS. So, with further research we could face these sophisticated attacks.

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Chapter 16

Health Care Security

Mohiuddin Ahmed and
Abu Saleh Shah Mohammad Barkat Ullah
Canberra Institute of Technology

16.1 Introduction............................................................................................. 404
16.1.1 Chapter Roadmap.........................................................................405
16.2 Health Care in the Era of Industry 4.0......................................................405
16.3 Taxonomy of Cyberattacks in The Health Care Domain......................... 406
16.3.1 A ttacks on Medical Devices.......................................................... 406 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)..............................407 Robotic Surgical Machine...............................................407 Active Patient Monitoring Devices..................................407
16.3.2 Cyber-Physical Attacks..................................................................407 Attacks on Building Controls System............................. 408
16.3.3 I nsider Threat............................................................................... 408
16.4 Hacker’s Entry......................................................................................... 408
16.4.1 Reconnaissance............................................................................. 408 Footprinting................................................................... 409 Network Mapping.......................................................... 409 Scanning..........................................................................410
16.4.2 Hacker’s Access Hospital Network.................................................410 Phishing Attack...............................................................410 R ansomware.................................................................... 411

404  ◾  Data Analytics USB Stick........................................................................ 411 Password Cracker............................................................. 411 Black Hole Attack............................................................412 Rogue Access Points........................................................412
16.5 C
16.6 C
 onclusions............................................................................................... 414
References.......................................................................................................... 414

16.1 Introduction
The health care sector is now embracing a plethora of newer technologies and, even-
tually, producing a huge amount of data. Managing these data for effective health
care systems is a challenge [1]. Health care data analytics is a multidisciplinary
field where scientific investigation is carried out to study social factors, financing
systems, health technologies, and personal behaviors. The objective of health care
analytics is to make health care effective, affordable, safe, accessible, and patient-
oriented [2,3]. The motivation behind the health care analytics is to benefit both
the patients and the health care providers. Health care brings together experts from
a wide range of disciplines such as medicine, social science, statistics, engineering,
policy, governance, etc. However, one of the challenges faced by health care sector
is in detecting and identifying cyberattacks and reducing cyber incidents [4]. Due
to the emerging malicious Internet users, i.e., cyber criminals, health care is being
affected. Some of the alarming cyber incidents are listed below:

◾◾ In 2015, cyber criminals took control of the personal information for 80 mil-
lion patients and stole tens of millions of records [4].
◾◾ According to 2017 Verizon Data Breach report [4], ransomware was ranked
22 for being the most common type of malware in 2014. However, in 2017,
it became fifth.
◾◾ Using phishing techniques, hackers compromised nearly 90,000 patients’
personal information at the University of Washington in 2013 [4].
◾◾ A new type of hijacking in health care is known as the medical device hijack
(called MEDJACK) [4]. A recent victim of MEDJACK is UCLA Health,
where personal data of 4.5 million patients were exposed.

Consequently, in the era of IoT, health care technology is changing in major ways
that creates more space for the cyber criminals to evade. It is estimated that the
number of health care IoT devices will increase from 95 million in 2015 to 646
million in 2020, which is almost 7-times in 5 years. Therefore, these devices will
lead to more accessible data or, in other words, to “big data.” It is important in the
health care sector that the big data gets utilized properly to predict epidemics, cure
diseases, and avoid preventable diseases [2,3].
Health Care Security Analytics  ◾  405

The aforementioned facts about IoT and big data emphasize the development
of robust cybersecurity strategies than ever before, especially for health care, as the
impact is most adverse when the data and devices are controlled by cyber criminals
[7–14]. To the best of our knowledge, this chapter is the first of its kind that cov-
ers cybersecurity in the health care domain extensively. Although there are a few
reports published by different organizations, such as Verizon, KPMG, Symantec,
etc., these reports [5] are not comprehensive enough to become helpful for the
research community.

16.1.1 Chapter Roadmap
The rest of the chapter is organized as follows. Section 15.2 covers the digitalization
of health care, i.e., industry 4.0. Section 15.3 discusses the cyberattacks in the health
care sector. Section 15.4 contains the ways hackers get access to a hospital network,
followed by counter measures in Section 15.5. Section 15.6 concludes the chapter.

16.2 Health Care in the Era of Industry 4.0

Due to the advancement of information technology across a wide range of applica-
tion domains, we are observing significant changes in health care as well. Many
other examples can be found in a recent report by Deloitte [5]. Nowadays, it is a
common trend to adopt e-health care systems that intersect cyber-physical systems
and industry 4.0 design principles [6]. In other words, we can think of health
4.0. Health 4.0 encompasses human beings and virtual components such as algo-
rithms, databases, biosensors, etc. In addition to health 4.0, in the health care
industry, blockchain can secure valuable patient data. Sometimes, the health sec-
tor uses patient information for improving the intelligence of health care systems
without any prior permission from patients. This privacy issue can be controlled by
a decentralized and secured blockchain technology. Again, Deloitte has surveyed
health care opportunities in “Blockchain: Opportunities for Health Care” [5], which
identified blockchain as an effective framework to support the integration of health
care information. Blockchain-based systems have the potential to reduce costs of
current intermediaries between doctors and patients. In the health industry, block-
chain technology use cases can be quality medicine, patient care and outcomes
research (PCOR), and global standard health care system. The application fields
can be clinical data sharing, public health data storage, research and clinical trials,
administrative and financial health information, and doctor and food identification
and prioritization. For example, wearables and IoT devices are collecting patient
information; blockchain can secure that by replacing individual cloud to the shared
ledger. Another example can be, when a patient with several health issues under-
goes a severe operation blockchain consensus technique can be applied among spe-
cialist doctors to finalize the medical decisions.
406  ◾  Data Analytics

In this scenario, hackers are far more interested as the incorporation of industry
4.0 opens a lot of opportunities for them [7–14]. Financial gain by hacking health
care systems is far more than any other systems as the information is sensitive
and the compromised organization can do nothing but comply with the demands
of the hackers. A cyberattack on a medical device can lead to misguided analysis
and wrong treatment of the patients. An attack on the cyber-physical systems of
a health care facility may jeopardize regular operations and affect critical utilities
such as electricity, water, heating, air conditioning, etc. Both medical devices and
cyber-physical systems faced a number of cyberattacks recently, and even after the
adoption of newer defense strategies, these attacks have not stopped.

16.3 Taxonomy of Cyberattacks in
The Health Care Domain
Cyberattacks in the health care domain can be classified into three groups in gen-
eral. The first type of attack is on medical devices where the devices connected to
the hospital network are compromised by cyber criminals who then exploits the
victims. The second type of attack is on cyber-physical systems, e.g., the smart
infrastructure of the health care facility. The third type of attack is alarming and
it’s called insider threat. The hospital employees are sometimes found exploiting
their access to the network and other devices, which leads to severe damages by
the cyber criminals [1]. Figure 16.1 below depicts the simple taxonomy of attacks
in health care. In the next subsections, we briefly discuss the three major types of

16.3.1 Attacks on Medical Devices

Due to the advancement in information technology, the health care sector embraced
a lot of smart medical devices [15]. However, the hackers also found a new tar-
get, i.e., the medical devices. The cyberattacks on medical devices are also known

Figure 16.1  Taxonomy of cyberattacks in health care.

Health Care Security Analytics  ◾  407

as MEDJACK [4] Launching a cyberattack on medical devices can be compared

with exploiting the equipment in an industry setup. However, the consequences are
more severe in terms of health care devices. Next, we briefly discuss some of the
major attack types on medical devices. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

According to Ayala et al. [1], when a cyber criminal tampers with the MRI con-
trols, a patient or hospital employee can be injured via the MRI machine. An MRI
device has the option to displace implanted devices, heat devices through radio
frequency, or obscure the intended imaging [16]. Therefore, all passive implants are
treated with specific information before their use within the magnetic resonance
environment. In a nutshell, a compromised MRI machine can lead to ill-physical
consequences and financial penalties for the health care facility. Robotic Surgical Machine

Robots are widely used in a variety of application domains; therefore, health care
is also enjoying the benefits of robots to operate complex tasks [17]. For exam-
ple, a robotic surgeon can conduct surgical procedures such as cardiology, rectal
surgery, gynecology, neurosurgery, vascular and transplant surgery, etc. Now, the
cyber criminals target the computing device that controls the robot and video feeds
used during the operation. If the devices are compromised by the hackers, then the
repercussion is extremely dangerous and hackers might ask for a high amount of
ransom here in this instance. Active Patient Monitoring Devices

Patient monitoring devices are popular nowadays due to the remote monitoring
facility provided to the physicians. These devices are used to execute a number of
health care tasks, such as identification of arrhythmias, diabetes, etc. However, the
hackers did not ignore these devices at all. If an attacker can take control of a device
that receives and/or displays crucial information, then it is possible to use the device
with malicious intent to endanger some patients’ life.

16.3.2 Cyber-Physical Attacks
Apart from the medical devices, the hackers are also interested in compromising
the cyber-physical devices. For example, the hospital building can be targeted [18].
There has been a lot of research on cyber-physical systems. However, in the scope of
health care facilities, there is no significant research. These attacks have the poten-
tial to do significant physical damage to hospital equipment and to create a con-
straint for regular patient treatments.
408  ◾  Data Analytics Attacks on Building Controls System

In a health care facility, building controls system (BCS) is responsible for monitor-
ing and operating equipment, such as air conditioning, carbon dioxide, noise levels,
etc. [18]. It is imperative to maintain a comfortable and safe environment for the
patients and simultaneously consider energy efficiency for the hospitals. In this sce-
nario, if the control of such sensitive systems goes into the hands of a hacker it will
jeopardize the regular operations of hospitals and will lead to ill-treatment of the
patients admitted in the hospital or wrong analysis by the physicians. The hacker
may shut down the elevators, water supply, close the air vents, turn up the heat, and
many other unimaginable acts. The situation may get worse in case any emergency
operation is hampered due to these acts.

16.3.3 Insider Threat
Insider threats are emerging types of attacks as it has been found in the last few
years that the legitimate users of the health care facilities are being exploited by
the cyber criminals. Therefore, these insiders have the credibility to cause physi-
cal damages to medical equipment and hospital facilities [19]. Insider threats to
critical infrastructure are more serious than outsider threats because an outside
attacker is less likely to know the hospital network vulnerabilities and weaknesses
than an insider would. Health care personnel with complete access to the hospital
network can easily perform reconnaissance on the network to identify vulner-
abilities and may inform the hackers. In summary, an insider attack is a malicious
attack on a network or computer system by a person with authorized system access.
There is an increasing number of incidents due to these types of attacks. However,
the current strategies are not enough to identify and detect these attacks.

16.4 Hacker’s Entry
In this section, we cover two important aspects by which the hacker gains information
to access the health care network. Figure 16.2 displays a simple taxonomy and major
ways to collect critical information about the network and to access the network.

16.4.1 Reconnaissance
Network reconnaissance is an effective way to test potential vulnerabilities in a
computer network [20–23]. Although it is a legitimate activity for the network
operator who is seeking to protect it, the hackers take advantage of it. The hackers
are interested to know more about the health care networks before launching the
attacks to devise strategies to bypass the protective shields. Next, we briefly discuss
Health Care Security Analytics  ◾  409

Figure 16.2  Hacker’s entry.

some popular techniques used for reconnaissance purpose and about how hackers
get to know more about the health care network. Footprinting
One of the easiest ways to gather information about any network is to just use “who
is” [20]. Using “who is” it is possible to know about the organization’s employee direc-
tory that is the source of information for hackers to conduct social engineering. Also,
other important information obtained may include knowledge about the Internet
technologies being used, the operating system and hardware being used, IP addresses,
e-mail addresses and phone numbers, and policies and procedures. The main objec-
tive of footprinting is to learn as much as you can about a system, its remote access
capabilities, ports, services, and the security arrangements for the organization. Network Mapping
There is an open source utility for network discovery and security auditing, called
Nmap (Network Mapper) [21]. Apart from systems and network administrators,
cyber criminals also find it useful for:

◾◾ Network inventory
◾◾ Management of service upgrade schedules
◾◾ Monitoring host or service
410  ◾  Data Analytics

This tool provides a number of functions for probing computer networks, host
discovery, service and operating system detection. The Nmap users are continuing
to develop and refine the tool. According to [21], Nmap is designed to rapidly scan
large networks. However, it also works well with single hosts. Nmap can be used
in almost every operating system and their binary packages are available for Linux,
Windows, and Mac OS X. Besides the command line-based Nmap, it also includes
the following:

◾◾ Zenmap: Advanced GUI.

◾◾ Ncat: Tool for data transfer, redirection, and debugging.
◾◾ Ndiff: Utility for comparing scan results.
◾◾ Nping: Tool for packet generation and response analysis. Scanning
Port scanning is a popular technique to extract critical information, such as what
are the open ports and services available on a network host [22]. The security audi-
tors also use this technique to audit computers for vulnerabilities; however, it is
also used by hackers to target victims. For reconnaissance purpose, port scanning
is used to send requests to connect to the targeted computers and to track the
open ports or which respond to the request. Based on the port scanning informa-
tion, hackers know where to attack, especially the denial of service attack can
be launched very easily. Cyber criminals utilize port scanning since it is one of
the easiest ways to discover services on the target that they want to break into.
Due to the lack of security countermeasures in hospital networks, it is one of the
most convenient ways for people with malicious intents to launch cyberattacks in
the health care networks.

16.4.2 Hacker’s Access Hospital Network

In this section, we discuss some of the major ways in which the hackers can access
the hospital network. There are a number of ways by which a hacker gains access to
an active medical device or the network. For example, a successful spear phishing
campaign would let the hackers know about the network administrator, techni-
cians, and a lot of other information that is supposed to be private and secure. Phishing Attack
Phishing is a method to trick the victims. For example, the hackers send
­legitimate-looking emails in an attempt to gather classified information from the
victims. Usually, the messages are framed in such a way that it seems to come from
well-known addresses. Websites that are frequently spoofed by phishers include
popular websites [24]. The ignorant employees of a health care facility will be easily
Health Care Security Analytics  ◾  411

compromised by these types of attacks. For example, spear phishing targets certain
hospital personnel and lures them to open emails that appear to come from a col-
league. When such emails are opened and some links are clicked, and the hospital
computers are compromised [24]. Ransomware
Ransomware is considered as extortion in cyber space; it is also known as crypto
viral extortion that restricts access to the infected computer system and it gives the
hackers power to demand a ransom. These types of attacks are extremely danger-
ous as it may so happen that the affected computer can be a server holding patient
files, which are being used as active monitoring devices. The hackers use malware to
infect the computers [25]. They demand a ransom of $17,000 to restore their opera-
tion. After investigation it is found that an employee opened an infected email or
downloaded the malware from a pop-up ad, which facilitated the virus to be planted
in the network. Currently, there are two different types of ransomware. The first is
through a program named Locky. Locky exploits spam email campaigns where an
email is sent across the system that contains infected MS Word documents. Once
the victim opens the document, macros will install on the host computer and begin
infecting the network. The second ransomware is via the Samas program, which
attacks web servers directly. USB Stick
USB sticks are considered as gateways to plant malwares in any computing envi-
ronment. Cyber criminals often try to hand the infected USB sticks to hospital
employees via social engineering. Once the employee uses the USB stick in any of
the hospital’s networked computer, the malware is planted and then they can gain
as much information as they want via remote access. Infecting the USB sticks with
virus is another way of affecting the networked computers and getting access to
them. Consequently, the cyber criminals can identify the active medical devices.
Then, they are able to execute a wide range of malicious attacks, such as shutting
down the active medical devices or threatening to cause serious damage to the
devices unless a ransom is paid [26]. Password Cracker
A common approach to access any network is to crack the passwords of different access
points [27]. Cyber criminals use two major types of methods to guess passwords:
(i) brute-force and (ii) dictionary searches. Brute force is a widely used approach by
hackers to try different combinations until the right password is found. In diction-
ary search, the hacker looks at each word in the dictionary for the correct password.
Password dictionaries contain a wide range of subjects, such as policy, politics, games,
412  ◾  Data Analytics

movies, music, etc. There are other methods also, such as salting, rainbow tables, and
guessing, which are effective in cracking the passwords for any system. In a health
care network, the employees often use naive passwords that are easy to crack due to
the ignorance about the emerging attacks and social engineering. Black Hole Attack

When a router is compromised, the packets which are supposed to be relayed are
dropped instead. These attacks are called packet drop or black hole attack as the
legitimate traffic is lost. We can think of it as a type of denial of service attack
since the users are deprived of the expected information. These attacks can have
serious consequences. For example, while a physician is waiting for medical history
or health records, the lost packets will cause a delay in providing medical advices.
Moreover, in lossy networks, it is a common phenomenon to have packet drops;
therefore, it is difficult to detect the black hole attacks. Being able to distinguish
these attacks from normal packet drops is the main challenge and, in the research
community, there is ongoing research to devise an effective technique to detect such
attacks [28]. Rogue Access Points

One of the overlooked devices in any networked environment is an access point
[29]. Organizations are more focused on the Internet-based components; how-
ever, if a cyber criminal installs a device to connect to the network, the repercus-
sions are equally dangerous. The health care facilities usually have a hardwired
and wireless network. Among the numerous devices, access points are easy tar-
gets for a hacker to replicate and install to get access to the network. These access
points are called rogue access points, which open the door for the hackers to
compromise the network remotely. The credibility of the rogue access points were
overlooked in the past; however, it is high time to devise strategies to detect such

16.5 Countermeasures
Countermeasures for health care cybersecurity is not much different from that for
any other domain. However, as reiterated time and again throughout the chapter,
the consequences of cyberattack are far more dangerous as it involves human lives.
There have been many studies and research for securing health care facilities from
cyber criminals; however, there is always room for improvement. We can think of
the countermeasures in two categories: detection and prevention.
Detection of cyberattacks in health care has recently got attention and newer
attacks are emerging, such as false data injection attacks. A recent research
Health Care Security Analytics  ◾  413

showcased the impact of false data injection attacks in health care [4]. In terms of
detection of cyberattacks, there are numerous tools and techniques in the literature
[7–14]; however, the challenge is to devise strategies to detect the zero-day attacks.
A few notable tools are listed below that are embraced by security analysts and
researchers across the globe:

◾◾ Wireshark: A very handy network traffic analyzer tool [30].

◾◾ Snort: A popular network intrusion detection system [31].
◾◾ Bro: An open source Linux-based monitoring system [32].
◾◾ OSSEC: Another open source network traffic analysis tool that has released
a stable version recently [33].
◾◾ Antivirus: There are plenty of antivirus software; however, we are yet to see
any custom-tailored one for health care network or medical devices [34,35].

The list is not comprehensive; however, it is a good starting point for the prac-
titioners. Now, when we delve into “prevention”, we need to be aware of the
proverb that “prevention is better than cure.” There are many IPS (intrusion
prevention systems) that are capable of detecting and preventing the system.
Apart from the regular systems which are available, it is also notable that there
are hardly any specific IPS for health care networks. Based on the discussion
above, it is clear that there is a lack of IDS and IPS designed for health care
Apart from the specific IDS and IPS, it is also important to establish a strong
security culture among the people working in the health care sector. As a part of the
security countermeasures, it is imperative to educate and train everyone involved
in the health care sector. It is often said that the most vulnerable point of any net-
worked/digital system is its users. The researchers who worked with the psychology
of information technology users have repeatedly showcased that the attitude of the
users is one of the main reasons for cyber incidents. Since the mass user cannot
predict the repercussions of cyber incidents, it is a challenge to raise the awareness.
Following steps can be executed to enhance security:

◾◾ Frequent training and education on cybersecurity.

◾◾ Accountability for information security must be one of the core values of the
◾◾ The appropriate usage of mobile devices. Due to the Internet of Things, the
hacker can compromise a mobile device that may be connected to many other
medical devices. Therefore, the consequences are unimaginable.
◾◾ Maintaining proper and updated computer management. All the devices
connected to the health care network must be regularly updated and scanned
using antivirus.
◾◾ Role-based access to sensitive information. For example, one physician
should not have access to the health records of patients who are not assigned
414  ◾  Data Analytics

to him/her. If the hacker can compromise the physician’s account, it is pos-

sible that, all the sensitive information will be in the hand of criminals.
◾◾ Last but not the least, it should be a regular practice to be prepared for the
zero-day attacks and contingency plans. For example, what happens if there
are ransomware attacks, false data injection attacks, cyber-physical attacks, etc.

16.6 Conclusions
Since cybersecurity is an important application domain of data analytics, in this
chapter, we have summarized our investigation on health care. The chapter show-
cased the current status of cyber incidents in the health care sector, followed by
state-of-the-art health care systems. The taxonomy of attacks in the health care
sector provides a better understanding for the health care professionals. The discus-
sion on how hackers gain access to the hospital networks also provides meaningful
insights for the readers. To detect and identify the customized cyberattacks in the
health care sector, a discussion on countermeasures has been included that will help
the researchers in this area to devise newer strategies and robust intrusion detection

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A Augmented reality (AR), 245

Autonomous agents for intrusion detection
AAFID, see Autonomous agents for intrusion (AAFID), 395
ACID, see Atomicity, consistency, isolation, and
durability (ACID) B
Additive manufacturing (AM) technologies, Backpropagation, 13, 14, 17, 23
245 “Baseball4D,” 324
Adjusted-Rand index (ARI), 65–67, 69 Basketball game data visualization
Alcohol-drug-related violations, 360, 368, cases of, 329–332
370 converting text format data, 324–325
Alert correlation algorithm drawing charts and graphs, 325–327
drawbacks of, 384 overview of, 318–324
multistage, 388 purpose of, 338–340
scale of, 385 subjective results, 332–338
Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), technologies, 327–328
306 usage for, 328–329
AM technologies, see Additive manufacturing Batch processing, 158–160
(AM) technologies BCS, see building controls system (BCS)
Anomaly-based detection, 380–382 Behavior analytics applications, 192
Anomaly-based evasion, 390–391 Behaviorism, 301
Apache Cassandra, 150, 157 Bernoulli distribution, 47–49
Apache Giraph, 110–111, 161, 183 Betweenness centrality, 188
Apache HBase, 157 BFS, see Breadth-first search (BFS)
Application protocol-based intrusion detection Big data
system (APIDS), 379 analytics
AR, see Augmented reality (AR) algorithms for, 151–152
ARI, see Adjusted-Rand index (ARI) challenges in, 149–153
Artificial intelligence (AI), 5–8 characteristics of, 146–147
and robotics, 245 game-theoretic application in,
winter, 8–9, 22 208–215
ASL, see Attack specification language methods of, 148–149
Association rules algorithms, 20, 152 speed layer, 162–163
Atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability applications of, 139–141
(ACID), 134 characteristics of, 135–136
Attack obfuscation, 390 concept of, 378
Attack scenario-based correlation, 388 data generation, 139
Attack specification language (ASL), 396 description of, 132–133
Audio analytics, 148 four V’s, 135–136, 176, 278

418  ◾ Index

framework for, 144–146 law, policy, and standardization challenges,

future work on, 163–166 263–264
principle and properties of, 141–144 recommendations for adaptation,
processing 264–265
framework for, 144–146 social issues and challenges on adaptation,
tools, 154–155, 164–166 260–263
traditional architecture for, 141–142 supports of, 253–256
relational database versus., 136–137 theme of, 236
resource management, 156 working procedure and algorithm,
security issues with, 152, 378–379 250–252
3D data management, 138 Block format (blockchain architecture),
Big dynamic graphs 248–249
distributed frameworks for, 118–119 BlockRank, 109
streaming graphs, 120 BLOGEL, 107–108
temporal graphs, 119–120 Breadth-first search (BFS), 190
single-machine frameworks for, 121–122 BSP model, see Bulk synchronous parallel (BSP)
Big graph analytics model
algorithms for, 189–190 Building controls system (BCS), 408
applications of, 191–194 Bulk synchronous parallel (BSP) model, 106,
classification of, 180 112, 161
connections and relationships, 179–180
databases, 176–178 C
definition of, 179
disk-based graph, 185–186 Cassandra, 306
frameworks, comparison of, 181–182 CBOW, see Continuous bag-of-words
in-memory graph analytics, 183–184 (CBOW)
issues and challenges of, 190–191 Centrality analysis, graph analytic techniques,
overview of, 173–176 186–188
solid-state drives based, 184–185 Chaos, 185–186
techniques of, 186–189 Chatbot, 93
Big static graphs Chronos, 120
distributed frameworks for, 99–100 CIDS, Collaborative intrusion detection system
block-centric, 108–111 (CIDS)
DBMS-based, 114–116 Classification algorithms, 151–152
matrix-based, 112–113 Closed-form solution, 44
subgraph-centric, 111–112 Closeness centrality, 188
vertex-centric, 100–108 Cloud computing, 391–392
single-machine frameworks for, 116–118 Cloudera, 307
Biological networks, 192–193 Clustering, 20, 190
“BKViz,” 324 algorithms, 151
Black hole attack, 412 big data, 151
Block-centric frameworks, 108–111 Gaussian mixture model-based, 58, 68,
Blockchain: Blueprint for a New Economy, 247 70
Blockchain: Opportunities for Health Care, 405 model-based approach, 56–57, 60
Blockchain technology paradigms, 57
application domains of, 257–260 support vector, 21
bitcoin, 236–237, 246, 250–252 Cognitivism, 301
comparative analysis of, 266–268 Collaborative intrusion detection network
components of, 247–250 (CIDN), 381
definition of, 246–247 Collaborative intrusion detection system
evolution of, 245–246 (CIDS), 381, 394–398
Index  ◾  419

architecture DARPA, see Defense Advanced Research

centralized, 383–384 Projects Agency (DARPA)
distributed, 385–386 Data analyzing methods, 348–351
hierarchical, 384–385 Database management system (DBMS),
attacks 114–116, 122
coordinated, 392–394 Data fracking, 287
disclosure, 389 Data generating process (DGP), 56, 58, 60
evasion, 390–391 Data–information–knowledge–
cloud framework, 391–392 understanding–wisdom (DIKUW)
correlation and aggregation, 387–388 hierarchy, 200
data dissemination, 388–389 Data-intensive computing, 136
distributed intrusion detection system, 394 Data mining algorithm, 151, 162, 173, 345
global monitoring, 389 Dataset
local monitoring, 386–387 from Australian government website, 346
membership management, 387 description of, 36
need for, 383 MNIST, 58, 68, 70
Community analysis, 188–189 resilient distributed, 159
Compressed sparse row (CSR), 121, 122 Data visualization, 152–153, 322, 323
Computer checkers programs, 15 Data warehouse, 134–135, 150, 230
Connected component (graph theory), 189 DBMS, see Database management system
Connectivity analysis, 189 (DBMS)
Constructivism, 302 Decision-making, 310–311
Continuous bag-of-words (CBOW), 83–84, Deconstructionism, 302
89–91 DeepDive system, 284–285
Coordinated attacks, 392–394 Deep web, 278
Cosine similarity, 79 Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
CPS, see Cyber-physical system (CPS) (DARPA), 8–9
Cryptocurrency, 252–253 Defense Authorization Act, 9
CSR, see Compressed sparse row (CSR) Degree centrality, 186–187
Cyberattacks, 406–408 DeltaGraph, 119–120
Cyber information exchange (CYBEX), 212 Dependent variable (DV), 47
Cyber-physical attacks, 407–408 DEX (graph database), 177, 178
Cyber-physical system (CPS), 236, 242–243 DFS, see Distributed file structure (DFS)
Cybersecurity, 256, 378–379, 412, 414 DGP, see Data generating process (DGP)
CYBEX, see Cyber information exchange DG-SPARQL, see Distributed graph
(CYBEX) database management system
D DIDMA, see Distributed intrusion detection
system using mobile agents
DAG, see Directed acyclic graph (DAG) (DIDMA)
Dark data analytics, 276–277 Digital signature, 249–250
companies’ solution for, 286–290 Digital supply chain (DSC), 256, 266
DeepDive system, 284–285 Digital trust, 255
in health sector implication, 280–281 DIKUW hierarchy, see Data–information–
origin of, 277–278 knowledge–understanding–wisdom
personalized experiences, 282–283 (DIKUW) hierarchy
recommendations on managing, 290–291 Directed acyclic graph (DAG), 119–120
risks of, 278–279 Disclosure attack, 389
six steps to management, 285–286 Discriminative model, 40
for social media insights, 282 Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS),
tools and techniques for, 283–284 393–394
420  ◾ Index

Distributed file structure (DFS), 136 core components of, 241–245

Distributed graph database management system cryptocurrency, 252–253
(DG-SPARQL), 115–116 definition of, 239–241
Distributed intrusion detection system (DIDS), emergence of, 237–239
394 potential use case, 265–266
Distributed intrusion detection system using
mobile agents (DIDMA), 394–395 G
Distributed overlay for monitoring Internet
outbreaks (DOMINO), 396 Game theory
DNS reply, 379 Bayesian game, 205–206
Document summarization, 93 chicken game, 206–207
Document-term matrix, 75–77 classical/evolutionary, 202–204
DOMINO, see Distributed overlay for implementation of, 215–216
monitoring Internet outbreaks nash equilibrium, 204
DSC, see Digital supply chain (DSC) potential game, 208
DSC_CluStream() function, 66, 68, 69 repeated prisoner’s dilemma game, 204–205
DV, see Dependent variable (DV) Stackelberg game, 207–208
Tit for tat, 207
E Gaussian distribution, 46, 47, 49
Gaussian mixture model (GMM)
Eigenvector centrality, 187 based clustering, 56–58, 68
Euclidean distance, 77, 79, 88 description of, 60–61
Evasion attack, 390–391 simulation of, 65
Evolutionary game theory, 202–204 spherical-covariance, 61, 70
stochastic approximation-fitted, algorithm,
F 64–67, 69, 70
Gauss–Markov theorem, 10
False positive flooding, 390 Generative model, 40
FastText, 85–87 Geospatial data applications, 193
Fault tolerance GEP, see Graph extraction and packing module
in Hadoop distributed file system, 155 (GEP)
and management system, 143 Global Positioning System (GPS), 138, 140,
Filter-based correlation, 388 244
FlashGraph, 184–185 Google’s dominance, 172–173
FlockDB, 307 Graph-based intrusion detection system
Fourth industrial revolution, 236–237 (GrIDS), 395
blockchain GraphChi, 117, 185
application domains of, 257–260 Graph databases, 115, 176–178, 194
comparative analysis, 266–268 Graph extraction and packing module (GEP),
components of, 247–250 111–112
definition of, 246–247 GraphLab, 183
evolution of, 245–246 GraphMat, 117
law, policy, and standardization GraphX, 182, 184
challenges, 263–264 GridGraph, 186
recommendations for adaptation,
264–265 H
social issues and challenges on
adaptation, 260–263 Hacker’s entry
supports of, 253–256 hospital network, 410–412
theme of, 236 network reconnaissance, 409–410
working procedure and algorithm, Hadoop, 136, 167, 306
250–252 characteristics of, 159
Index  ◾  421

clusters, 210, 284 document-term matrix, 75–77

developement of, 153 term-frequency approach, 80–81
distributed file system, 144, 155 word2vec, 83–85
MapReduce, 158 Injecting training data attack, 390
resource management for, 156 In-memory big graph analytics, 183–184
Hadoop distributed file system (HDFS), Insurance fraud detection applications, 194
153–155, 158, 161 Intelligent data management, 255
Hash function, 247–248 International Data Corporation (IDC), 289–290
HashMin algorithm, 102, 107 International Organization for Standardization
HDFS, see Hadoop distributed file system (ISO), 228–230, 247
(HDFS) Internet of Services (IoS), 242, 243
Health care security analytics Internet of Things (IoT), 243, 259–260
alarming cyber security, 404 Interplanetary file system (IPFS), 252
cyberattacks, 406–408 Intrusion detection and prevention system
hacker’s entry, 409–410 (IDPS), 379
industry, era of, 405–406 Intrusion detection and rapid action (INDRA),
Hidden Markov model (HMM), 19 395
HIDE, see Hierarchical intrusion detection Intrusion detection system (IDS), 379
Hierarchical intrusion detection (HIDE), 395 classification of, 379–381
Hive, 161–162 network (see Collaborative intrusion
HMM, see Hidden Markov model (HMM) detection system (CIDS))
Honeypot, 379, 386–387, 394 Inverse document frequency (IDF) matrix,
Hortonworks, 307 80–81, 88–89
Host-based intrusion detection system, 380 IoS, see Internet of Services (IoS)
Hybrid-based intrusion detection, 380, 382 IoT, see Internet of Things (IoT)
HyperGraphDB, 177, 178 IP flow record, 379
Hyper-parameters, 51–52, 86–87 IPFS, see Interplanetary file system (IPFS)
Hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP), 379 IR, see Information retrieval (IR)
ISO, see International Organization for
I Standardization (ISO)
ISO 21500:2012 framework, 228–230
IBM SPSS software, 349 Iterative method, 44, 49
IDC, see International Data Corporation (IDC) IU Health, see Indiana University Health (IU
IDF matrix, see Inverse document frequency Health)
(IDF) matrix
IDS, see Intrusion detection system (IDS) J
IID, see Independent and identically distributed
(IID) Jaccard index, 78
Independent and identically distributed (IID), Joint policy correlation (JPC), 209
41, 56, 59
Indiana University Health (IU Health), 281 K
Industrial data management, 266–268
Industry 4.0, see Fourth industrial revolution Katz centrality, 187
InfiniteGraph, 177, 178 Kimball model, 230
InfoGrid, 177, 178 Knowledge discovery layer (serving layer),
Information retrieval (IR) 144–145
examples of, 87–92 Knowledge quotient (KQ), 289–290
fastText, 85–87
latent semantic analysis, 82–83 L
overview of, 74–75
vector space models Large multi-versioned array (LAMA), 121
distance metrics, 77–80 Large-scale intrusion detection (LarSID), 396
422  ◾ Index

Large-scale stealthy scans, 393 Mesos tool, 156

Latent semantic analysis (LSA), 82–83 Message passing, 104–106
Learning experience cycle, 304–309 Metric (mathematics), 77–80
Learning theory, for TVET sectors, 301–302 Mimicry attack, 390
Least square regression (LSR), 12 Minimum spanning tree, 189
Lighthill report, 16 MLE, see Maximum likelihood estimation
Ligra, 186 (MLE)
Likelihood function MLlib, 162–163, see also Spark
definition of, 42, 62 M2M communication, see Machine-to-machine
minimize negative, 43, 44 (M2M) communication
Linear algebra, 38 MNIST dataset, 68–69
Linear regression MongoDB, 307
block diagram, 45–46 Monitor-to-monitor correlation, 387
description of, 35–36 Multistage alert correlation, 388
optimization methods for, 44–45
probabilistic interpretation, 40–44 N
problem definition, 36–39
Logistic regression Nash equilibrium, 204
equation of, 47–48 National Basketball Association (NBA),
model overview of, 49–50 318–319, 323, 327–328
probabilistic interpretation, 48–49 Natural language processing (NLP), 92–94
Logistics applications, 193 Neo4j (Neo Technology), 177, 178
LSA, see Latent semantic analysis (LSA) Network-based intrusion detection system
LSR, see Least square regression (LSR) (NIDS), 380
Network mapping, 409–410
M The New York Times article, 6–8
N-gram model, 82
Machine learning (ML) NoSQL database, 136, 150, 156–157, 161
algorithms NScale, 111–112
for big data, 152 Nuix Information Governance Solution,
on speed layer, 162–163 287–288
definition of, 3–5
list of critical events, 14–18 O
rediscovery of, 13–14
reinforcement learning, 21–22 Online social networks (OSNs), 179, 192
semisupervised learning, 21 Optimization methods
and statistics, 9–13 for linear regression, 44–45
supervised learning, 19–20 for logistic regression, 49
unsupervised learning, 20–21 Oracle NoSQL Database, 305
Machine-to-machine (M2M) communication, OSNs, see Online social networks (OSNs)
236, 244–245 Outliers, 50–51
Machine translation, 92–93 Overlapping packet, 390
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 407
Mahout, 162 P
MapReduce, 152, 158–159, 160, 209, 307
MAP rule, see Maximum a posteriori (MAP) Packet splitting, 390
rule PageRank, 109, 110, 113
“MatchPad,” 324 algorithm, 189
Matrix-based frameworks, 112–113 centrality, 187
Maximum a posteriori (MAP) rule, 60, 64 Parallel processing, 133, 136
Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), 43 Pareto efficiency, 204
Medical codes, 93 Passive monitoring, 386–387
Index  ◾  423

Password cracker, 411–412 R

Path analysis, 188
Patient care and outcomes research (PCOR), Random forests, 17
405 Ransomware/USB sticks, 411
PDF, see Probability density function (PDF) RDBMS, see Relational database management
Peer-to-peer (P2P) network, 246, 255, 262 system (RDBMS)
PEGUSUS, 112–113, 117 RDDs, see Resilient distributed datasets
Perceptron, 15–16 (RDDs)
components of, 6 Real-time data processing layer (speed layer),
Phishing attack, 410–411 145–146
PIG, 161 Regression analysis/models, 354–356, 365, 369
PKI, see Public key infrastructure (PKI) definition of, 35
PMBOK, see Project management body of hyper-parameters, 51–52
knowledge (PMBOK) linear regression
Polymorphic blending attacks, 390–391 block diagram, 45–46
POS, see Proof of stake (POS) description of, 35–36
POW, see Proof of work (POW) optimization methods for, 44–45
PowerGraph, 108, 182, 184 probabilistic interpretation, 40–44
PowerLyra, 108 problem definition, 36–39
PowerSwitch, 108 logistic regression
P2P network, see Peer-to-peer (P2P) network equation of, 47–48
Precomputation layer, 144 model overview of, 49–50
Predictive analytics, 149 probabilistic interpretation, 48–49
Pregel algorithm, 100–101, 161, 183 outliers, 50–51
Pregelix, 114–115, 186 Reinforcement learning, 5, 19, 21–22
PRINCE2, see Projects in controlled Relational database management system
environment 2 (PRINCE2) (RDBMS), 134–135, 137–138, 176
Probabilistic interpretation Resilient distributed datasets (RDDs), 159, 160
linear regression, 40–44, 48–49 Ringo, 182, 183
logistic regression, 48–49 Robotic surgical machine, 407
Probability density function (PDF), 56, 60, 61
Procurement management, 268 S
Project management (PM), 219–220, 230–233
Agile process of, 226–228 Scalable database system, 142
big data projects, 221–223 Scikit-learn
body of knowledge, 223–224 Python machine learning library, 22
in controlled environment 2 process, supervised learning algorithms, 19–20
225–226 unsupervised learning algorithms, 20–21
ISO 21500:2012 framework, 228–230 Scikit-learn unsupervised learning algorithms,
Project management body of knowledge 20–21
(PMBOK), 223–224, 228 SDLC, see System development life cycle
Projects in controlled environment 2 (SDLC)
(PRINCE2), 225–226, 228 Seasonal traffic violation, 348
Proof of stake (POS), 251, 252 Semisupervised learning, 19, 21
Proof of work (POW), 246, 251 SenseiDB, 306
Protocol-based intrusion detection system Sentiment extraction, 92
(PIDS), 379 Sequential pattern mining algorithms, 152
Public key infrastructure (PKI), 396 Shared memory, 104–106
Sigmoid function, 14, 47, 50
Q Signature-based evasion, 390
Signature-based intrusion, 380–382
Quasi-log-likelihood function, 62 Similarity-based correlation, 388
424  ◾ Index

Single monitor correlation, 387 T

Single point of failure (SPoF), 384, 399
Single-source shortest paths (SSSPs), 101, 120 Technical Vocational Education and Training
Singular value decomposition (SVD), 82–83 (TVET), 298
Skip-gram model, 84–86 big data technologies, 298–300
SLOTH, 121 architecture framework, 302–303
Smart ecosystem, 255–256 decision-making, 310–311
Social media analytics, 148–149 educational purposes, 314
Social network analysis, 192 learning experience cycle, 304–309
Solid-state drives (SSDs), based big graph learning theory, 301–302
analytics, 184–185 measure return on investment, 311–312
Spark, 159–160 personalized learning processes for,
Sparse matrix vector multiplication (SPMV), 309–310
117, 118 student behavior, 313–314
Sparseness, 190 tools for, 305–307
Spatio-Temporal Interaction Networks and goal of, 303
Graphs Extensible Representation Term-frequency (TF), inverse document
(STINGER), 121–122 frequency matrix, 80–81, 88
SPMV, see Sparse matrix vector multiplication Text analytics, 148
(SPMV) Text categorization, 92
SPoF, see Single point of failure (SPoF) Text generation, 93–94
SQL database, see Structured query language TF, see Term-frequency (TF), inverse document
(SQL) database frequency matrix
SSSPs, see Single-source shortest paths (SSSPs) Think like a vertex (TLAV) framework, 100,
Stackelberg game theory, 207–208 111
STINGER, see Spatio-Temporal Interaction 3D data management, 138
Networks and Graphs Extensible Thrift tool, 154
Representation (STINGER) Timestamping authority (TSA), 261
Stitch Fix, 282 Titan, 177, 178
Stochastic approximation algorithm (SAA) Tit for tat (game theory), 207
convergence result, 59–60 TLAV framework, see Think like a vertex
description of, 58–59 (TLAV) framework
framework, 70 Traffic offenses
for Gaussian mixture model, 61–63 alcohol-drug-related violations, 360, 368,
based clustering, 64, 70 370
spherical-covariance, 57, 61 big data analysis, 371
simulation results, 63–68 categories of, 352
Storage layer, 144 directly time dependent, 352–353
Storm, 156, 160, 305 hourly frequencies, 366–367
Structured query language (SQL) database, material and methods
134, 150, 379 data analysis, 348–349
Student behavior, 313–314 data analysis algorithms, 349–351
Subgraph-centric frameworks, 111–112 data inclusion criteria, 346–347
Sum of squared errors (SSE), 43 data preprocessing, 347–348
Supervised learning, 19–20 statistical analysis, 351
Support vector machines, 17, 28 month of occurrence, 354–356
SURFcert IDS, 394 p-values, 351
SUS, see System Usability Scale (SUS) regression models, 354–356, 369
SVD, see Singular value decomposition (SVD) slot of occurrence, 364
System development life cycle (SDLC), time of occurrence, 360–365, 368
228–230, 232 weekday of occurrence, 356–360
System Usability Scale (SUS), 331, 336 year of occurrence, 353–354
Index  ◾  425

Transaction management, 268 Video analytics, 148

Trinity, 184 Virtual reality (VR), 245
TSA, see Timestamping authority (TSA) VM, see Value management (VM)
TurboGraph, 182, 185 Voldemort, 306
Turing test, 15 Von Neumann architecture, 15
TVET, see Technical Vocational Education and VR, see Virtual reality (VR)
Training (TVET) VSM, see Vector space model (VSM)

Unsupervised learning, 19 Wilcoxon’s signed-rank test, 332, 335–337
User-defined function (UDF), 100–101, Wireless communication networks (WCNs),
106–107, 111, 118 213
Word Mover’s Distance (WMD), 79–80
V Word2vec, 83–85
Worm outbreaks, 393
Value management (VM), 232
VCPS, see Vehicular Cyber-Physical Systems X
Vector algebra, 44 X-Stream, 108, 117, 185
Vector space model (VSM)
distance metrics, 77–80 Y
document-term matrix, 75–77
term-frequency approach, 80–81 YARN tool, 156
Vehicular Cyber-Physical Systems (VCPS), 215
Vertex-centric frameworks, 100–108 Z
classification of, 102–108
overview of, 100–102 ZooKeeper tool, 155
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