Lesson Plan Omer Baktir 1

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Date : 23 January 2020

Teacher: Omer BAKTIR

Grade: 13 (A Level 2)
Lesson: Remainder Theorem and Factor Theorem
Content Area: Mathematics-Algebra
Timeline of Lesson: 60 Minutes

Cambridge International IGCSE and A Level Standards

Learning aims defined by  Divide a polynomial, of degree not exceeding 4, by a linear or quadratic polynomial, and identify the quotient
Cambridge for Course and remainder (which may be zero)
International AS & A Level  Use the remainder theorem, e.g. to find remainders.
Mathematics 9709  The Factor theorem

Learning objectives At the end of the lesson all students will be able to:
 Divide a polynomial, of degree not exceeding 4, by a linear or quadratic polynomial, and identify the quotient
and remainder (which may be zero) e.g. divide 2 x3 −x+5 by x+ 3
 Use the remainder theorem, e.g. Find the remainder when x 3−2 x 2+6 is divided by X +3
 Factorise a polynomial of degree of 3 and 4
At the end of the lesson Most students will be able to:
 know the remainder theorem.
 apply the remainder theorem.
 understand the role zeros play in the theorem.
At the end of the lesson Some students will be able to:
 identify those polynomials with no remainders and use that concept to Factorise polynomial of degree of 3 and 4
e.g. x 4 −x3 +2 x−2
1. Remind students about the lesson expectations, and remind them about rules in Group work
2. Activate Prior knowledge -through reflection and recording or interactive discussion about Key vocabulary:
divisible, Factor, dividend, divisor quotient, remainder and degree of the polynomial.
3. Write down each step of the working on the board.
4. Vary instructional strategies: I will model on how to divide polynomial and have students work in small groups.
Also, have other students model ideas for their classmates. Think, Pair and share
5. Assessment for learning: Direct observation and checklist

Time What are you doing? What are your students doing? Learning materials and resources

5 Greeting the students: Students enter the class White board, & A projector
minutes Posting “The Big Four” questions on the See, listen and Read the answers to these Textbooks
whiteboard four questions as soon as they enter the Notebooks
What will be taught and learned? Journals
We will work on exercises that lead to the Smartphones or Laptops
concept of the remainder theorem, the
connection between factors and zeros of a “The big four questions” – Help students to
polynomial. We will understand that for a think through and organize their ideas, and
polynomial function 𝑃 and a number 𝑎, the then facilitate their understand of
remainder on division by 𝑥 − 𝑎 is the value information contained in the lesson.
𝑃(𝑎) and extend this to the idea that 𝑃(𝑎) =
Why is the day’s learning important?
You will use today’s information to answer
some exam-styled questions on algebra and
improve your knowledge about remainder
theorem and factoring polynomials of degree
of 3 and 4.
What will students be doing during class?
Time What are you doing? What are your students doing? Learning materials and resources

Today, you will need your textbook,

notebooks, smartphones, and journals. You
will be listening, solving an online test,
asking questions, watching some peers and
me while solving some problems and
working in groups on exam-styled questions.
How does this lesson fit into the larger unit
We have been working on algebra since
elementary generally, and our knowledge on
algebra has been evaluated. The lesson will
lead you to understand the factor theorem
and partly prepare you for algebra questions
on your math final exam, as a requirement
for A-Level math Syllabus.

3 minutes The hook: (To elicit students’ interest) Students will See, read and listen. Perhaps, Cambridge A Level past exams: Series
ask questions like May/June or November
I will show students a series of Cambridge
A level past exams showing various  How many questions regarding
questions on remainder and factor theorem. remainder and factor theorem can be
examined on a standard final exam?
 How often are these concepts
Activating Prior knowledge
5 minutes Solving test on Quizizz: Smartphones or Laptops
I prepared a Quizizz test. We will do it
together and discuss their mistakes Let's remember Key Words https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/5e5414e389f
Direct instruction- (the teacher)
10 Students will watch, listen, ask questions and Examples on white board.
minutes Give two different examples on the board. I write down the notes Markers
Time What are you doing? What are your students doing? Learning materials and resources
will model the solution approach on the
white boards. I will down every single step
of working out on the board. (Differentiation

 Consider the polynomial function

𝒇(𝒙) = 𝟑𝒙𝟐 + 𝟖𝒙 − 𝟒.

a. Divide 𝒇 by 𝒙−𝟐 by using long

division. b. Find 𝒇 (𝟐).

 Consider the polynomial function

𝒈(𝒙) = 𝒙𝟑 − 𝟑𝒙𝟐 + 𝟔𝒙 + 𝟖.

a. Divide 𝒈 by 𝒙 + 𝟏 by using long division.

b. Find 𝒈(−𝟏).
10 Paired Activity - Students within pairs of their choice Posted questions on whiteboard
minutes will think about posted questions.
Foremost, I will remind students the rules - In pairs, students will ask each other
in group work: I will move around the and then have interactive discussions.
class to see how students interact on - At the end of 10 minutes, each group
posted questions. will respond with some of their best
answers or patterns, or best answers
 What is 𝑓 (2)? What is 𝑔 (−1)? that they heard from their partners
- Write down notes
𝑓 (2) =24; 𝑔 (−1) =−2 - Students will raise hands and respond
to my question
 Looking at the results of the quotient,
what pattern do we see?

I will then summarize their responses

Time What are you doing? What are your students doing? Learning materials and resources
in Possible answers below
 “The remainder is the value of the

 Stating this in more general terms,

what do we suspect about the
connection between the remainder
from dividing a polynomial 𝑃 by 𝑥 −
𝑎 and the value of 𝑃(𝑎)?
The remainder found after dividing 𝑃
by 𝑥−𝑎 will be the same value as
 Writing general form of polynomial
P by including dividend, divisor,
quotient, remainder.
 Telling them that we have just proven
the remainder theorem, which is
formally stated with you.

When a polynomial P(x) is divided by

(x-a) we have the following:
P(x)= (x-a). Q(x)+R(x)
Here, R(x) is simply a constant R.

Last but not least, I will ask the class to

restate the remainder theorem in their own
words to the class.
20 Group work in a pair- continues:  Students will solve the questions Exercise 1b Page 5-6
minutes related to remainder theorem from
Formative Assessment Bostock. L, Chandler.S & Jennings, Nelson
their textbooks interactively with one Mathematics for Cambridge International A
 Differentiation component: Given the another.
Time What are you doing? What are your students doing? Learning materials and resources

fact, I know my students’ learning  Students will assess their partner’s level Pure mathematics: Oxford University
abilities: I will group students of work Press.
different learning abilities in a pair  Low gifted will work with high gifted
and then ask them to work out work
Question 1; a-h, Question 2 & Worksheets- identifying polynomials whose
Question 14, from Exercise 1b, Page factors give no remainders, and then
5. factorise the polynomials e.g x 4 −x3 +2 x−2
 working as a pair, I will ask students
to decide on which questions to do,
provided they don’t do the same
question as a peer within one group
 I will also ask students to assess their
partners’ work- (check out correct
algebraic steps or explain to them in
case their working steps are invalid).
To say, they exchange their books
after doing one question.
 I will move around the class: give
explanations to individual groups
and, assess students’ understanding.
i.e. how they work independently;
how they assess their peers’ work.
and how they respond to peers about
their mistakes.

Anticipation: Some learners might finish  Students will continue working with
faster than others. their peers.
I will give these students worksheets and ask
them to identify expression factors of the
polynomial f(x) which do not give
remainders and then find the quotients and
factorise them. e.g. x 4 −16
Time What are you doing? What are your students doing? Learning materials and resources

7 minutes Conclusions and closure:  Students will respond about their Students will work out questions only on
mistakes and ask questions. remainder theorem-but not on factor
I will ask students to share some mistakes on
 Take note of the homework. theorem. “Though most exam styled
their working steps- as from peer
questions have both remainder theorem and
assessment. For example: issues with reverse
Factor theorem.
I will also share exam-styled question on
remainder theorem as homework

Past Paper Questions




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