Week 4 - Task 1

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Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua

Facultad de Contaduría y Administración

Ingles Técnico LAE
Erika Alejandra González Soltero


Carlos José Del Valle González

1. What was the earliest typical organizational structure?

The traditional hierarchy. This type of a model makes sense for linear work where
no brain power is required and where the people who work there are treated like
expendable cogs. However, as the war for talent continues to become more fierce,
organizations around the world are quickly trying to figure out alternatives to the
hierarchy. In fact, every single organization I speak with, work with, and research,
is looking to flatten out their structure. Nobody ever tells me they want more
bureaucracy and more layers.

2. In what way has this structure developed?

The hierarchy has permeated virtually every company around the world regardless
of size, industry, or location. The greatest strength of the hierarchy used to be that
it was so reliable at maintain the status quo, which was exactly what companies
wanted decades ago. However what was once it's strength is now it's greatest
weakness. The hierarchy is a very resilient management structure that has been so
embedded in how we work that most organizations around the world are having a
tedious time getting rid of it.

3. What are the advantages of other types of structure?

There are many challenges with this model but to name a few. Communication
typically flows from the top to the bottom which means innovation stagnates,
engagement suffers, and collaboration is virtually non-existent. This type of
environment is riddled with bureaucracy and is extremely sluggish. This is why the
hierarchy is perhaps the biggest vulnerability for any organization still employing it.
It opens up the doors for competitors and new incumbents to quickly take over.
There is also no focus on the employee experience in this type of a structure and
as organizations around the world are exploring alternative organizational models,
those still stuck with the hierarchy are going to have one heck of a time trying to
attract and retain top talent.

Morgan, J. (2015). The 5 Types Of Organizational Structures: Part 1, The

Hierarchy. Forbes. Media LLC.

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