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Chapter 3


This chapter presents the research design and methods, subjects of the

study and sampling design and technique. It also includes the data gathering,

instrument, collection of data and statistical treatment of data.

Research Method
This study used the descriptive method. It is a fact-finding strategy, with

adequate and accurate interpretation of the findings, using questionnaires and

documentary analysis in data gathering. It describes the exact capabilities and

state of students regarding on their language proficiency in Business Finance.

Since the study is concerned with the Level of preparedness of the ABM students

of Don Ramon E. Costales Memorial National High School, the descriptive

method of research was the most appropriate method to use.

Research Design
Descriptive research is a study designed to depict the participants in an

accurate way. More simply put, descriptive research is all about describing

people who take part in the study. This is a methodology that is not exclusive to

market researchers but one that can apply to a variety of research methods used

in healthcare, psychology, and education. At its core, descriptive research seeks

to describe the characteristics or behavior of an audience. While it is not

grounded in statistics, and usually leans towards more qualitative methods, it can

include quantifiable data as well.

The purpose of descriptive research is, to describe, as well as explain, or

validate some sort of hypothesis or objective when it comes to a specific group of



The Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) Grade 12 Senior

High School students will be the respondents of this study. The total population

of the Senior High School students in Don Ramon E. Costales Memorial National

High School is 985 but not all of them will be the respondents of this study. By

using simple random sampling technique there are only 285 students that will

serve as the respondents. The students have equal probability that they will be

chosen for the survey.

Sampling Design and Technique

Randomized sampling design shall be used in this study. It is a basic

sampling technique where we select a group of subjects (a sample) for study

from a larger group (a population). Among the sections of the Accountancy

Business and Management (ABM) senior high school which includes,

Accountancy Business and Management (ABM)A-Draco, Accountancy Business

and Management (ABM) B- Lyra, Accountancy Business and Management

(ABM)C-Orion, , each student is chosen entirely by chance and each member of

the population has an equal chance of being included in the sample using

Tambiolo Technique. In this technique, each member of the population has an

equal chance of being selected as subject. The entire process of sampling is

done in a single step with each subject selected independently of the other

members of the population.

The formula that was used in getting the sample size of the Senior High

School Students using the Slovin Formula as shown below: n=
1+ Ne2

where (n) is the sample size, (N) is the sample population and (e) is the

estimated margin of error that is equal to 0.05 level of significance.

n= -------------
N= 985 1+ 985(0.05) ²

e= 0.05 n= --------------

985 Instrumentation
n= ------------
This study used survey questionnaire as3.4625
an instrument to gather the

n= 285
relevant data. It has two parts. The first part of includes the profiling of the data in

terms of their age and sex. The second part of the questionnaire contains the

rating that shows the respondents’ Level of Preparedness in Business Finance of

Accountancy, and Business Management which is reflected in a rating scale from

1-5, which descriptive rating is from Not Prepare(NP), Slightly Prepare (SP),

Moderately Prepare (MP), and Highly Prepare(HP) to Highly Prepare

Data Collection Procedure

The data were gathered from 285 students out of 985 Senior High School

students through survey procedures abiding the necessary protocol, standards,

and guidelines in administering and floating of survey questionnaire.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The level of preparedness and language proficiency of Accountancy,

Business and Management students in Business Finance were averaged per

indicator. The averaged perceived Level of Preparedness in Business Finance of

ABM students shall be interpreted per indicator using the scale below.

Numerical Rating Scale Descriptive Rating on the

Level of Preparedness in Business Finance

4.01-5.00 Highly Prepare(HP)
3.01-4.00 Prepare (P)
2.01-3.00 Moderately Prepare (MP)
1.01-2.00 Slightly Prepare (SP)
0.00-1.00 Not Prepare(NP)

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