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Nowadays, people need technology as much as people need clothing, shelter, water and food.
Technology helped us in a lot of ways. It improves communication, transportation, education and
many more. Technology has important effects on business operations. No matter the size of the
enterprise. One of the most basic needs of any business is the ability to accurately track sales and
other transactions daily, weekly or monthly, Upon observing the today’s society, the developers
notice that there are business owners that still use manual system in tracking the sales and
developers know that having a manual system consumes time to the business owner and also
there are times that the result will not be accurate. And as a developer, the developers come up
with the idea of creating a system that will help the business owner lessen the work and with that
it will be more productive to the business owner.

Using the latest technology to improve your stock control can streamline your business, reduce
costs, and ultimately increase productivity, improving your stock management can also help you
work out how much inventory you need to meet demand. This will aid you in avoiding shortages
that can slow up your business and prevent your customers from ordering what they want, when
they want it. It will also assist you in making sure that you don’t have too much surplus at any
one time on slow-moving products. [Vita Enterprise, 2018]

Stock control technology can ensure that the stock received accurately matches the inventory that
was ordered. This process typically used to be completed on paper, with employees manually
ticking off each item received one by one. Both time-consuming and sometimes ineffective, this
method could lead to confusion and the incorrect stock being received,

Café de Nilo is a snack bar that offers food services such as coffee frappes and other beverages
like buffalo wings and other smoothies, like other snack bars, Café de Nilo also experience
difficulties computing the customer’s bulk order and stock monitoring.

In this study the developers show the readers how to maximize the technology to help Café de
Nilo lessen the difficulties that they are experienced.
Background of the Study

Café de Nilo is a frappe coffee and snack bar located at 02 Sampaloc Extension corner Pag-asa

Avenue North Signal Village Taguig City, it started way back 2014 when Mr. Jay-ar M.

Adriosula The owner of Café de Nilo decided to open a small business by a dry run method at

the front of their house, after seeing the potential of their business they try to transfer to other

location like north signal village in the year 2015, they last there for 11 months and then in

February 2016. They decided to change their company name from El Frappucino to Café De

Nilo and due to the large number of customers in the Café de Nilo, estimated about 250-300

customer per day, they decided to transfer again at Sampaloc Ext cor Pag-asa Ave market until

now, Cafe de Nilo also offers fries, frappes and other beverages like chicken wings and iced tea

the sales at Pag-asa ave market is different from their old locations, the store currently have five

(5) employees and also has a one (1) branch: (4) barista and (1) captain crew as a cashier. Their

business hours are from 1:00pm to 9:00pm, 9:00pm – 10:00pm is the store cleaning time.

After initiating a series of data gathering by the use of observation and interviews. The

developers found out that there is dilemma in managing and computing Café de Nilo’s customer

order including monitoring of stock, Café de Nilo doesn’t use any point of sales and stock

monitoring system. They only use paper-based systems (pens and paper forms) in doing

transaction like taking orders of the customer, managing inventories, and producing sales report.

The usual practice is to record the sales and inventory on excel spreadsheet to track their sales

and inventory for the day.

Business Process

Stock Checking
The captain crew or the barista will conduct a physical count and checking on the availability of
the stocks to keep track item quantity, if a stock reached its critical level, the captain crew or the
barista will write it down into a piece of paper the list of the raw materials that are needed for re-
stocking and will inform the owner. after the captain crew or barista conduct the stock checking,
the owner is the one who is in charge in buying at the market.

Buying Raw materials from the market

The process in buying the raw materials in the market happens after the owner receives the list of
raw materials that are listed on the paper, these are the raw items that is needed for re-stocking.
the owner will go to the market and buy every item on the list, if he bought one of the listed
items, he is going to mark it to ensure he did not miss any of the items and also make sure that
the raw materials are in good condition. Once the owner came back from the market carrying all
the items, the owner will store it first into their house for the repacking of the raw materials that
are used for product preparation and the owner itself will be the one to deliver the needed raw
materials in the store.

Receiving and Inspection

The delivered raw materials from the owner is handled by the captain crew or barista, after
receiving the delivered items that he listed on the paper, the captain crew or the barista will
compare the list of items for restocking to the delivered items that he received, the captain crew
or barista will also inspect the delivered items for the possibility that the captain crew or the
barista might receive a defect or damaged items due to the shipping (delivery), and the captain
crew or barista will just send another list of items that have defects to the owner for the
replacements. After receiving and inspection, the barista will not proceed to the stock in of raw
Stock in
The process in stock in is to buy the business’s raw materials to the market, since the café de nilo
does not have a supplier, the owner buys their raw materials from different markets that depends
on the raw materials they’ll buy. The purchasing and the delivery of raw materials is made by the
owner, once the raw materials are delivered the captain crew and barista will manually inspect
the product, when the receiving and inspection of the raw materials is complete, the captain crew
and the barista will manually input the products on the stock storage.

Product Preparation
After receiving and stock in of the raw materials, if there is no need for re-ordering of raw
materials, the captain crew and the barista of the store will now prepare the raw materials that are
used to produce products that are being sold to the customers.

Customer Order
The captain crew will ask the customer’s desire order and then the customer will tell the captain
crew the food or drink that the customer wants. After that, the captain crew will write down the
customer’s order information in a small white paper and clip the paper on pending orders. The
captain will tell the customer the price of the order. There are customers that wants some
additional on the orders or request. After the captain crew write the customer's order on a small
white paper and place it in the pending order list, the barista will get the order from the pending
orders. After reading the customer's order information, the barista will start cooking and when
the meal is done, the barista will give the order to the captain crew and the owner will serve the
food to the customer.

Additional Order of Customer

Once the customer request for an additional order, the captain crew will write it down on the
other order slip and repeats the customer’s order for clarification. If it matches the customer’s
order, the same process is done similar to the previous procedure. The Cafe De Nilo follows the
First in-first out basis.

Computation of the Total amount of Order

The computation of the customer’s orders is prolonged depending on how many products they
availed. If the customer ordered a bulk item, then the process time of computation are longer
than other customers who does not have a bulk of order and causes of having miscomputation of
customer’s order and a line of customers waiting for their turn. Once the order is placed, the
captain crew will compute the total amount of the ordered products using a calculator, pen and a
piece of paper by subtracting the amount of the customer’s order from the money that the
customer paid and the captain crew will write it on a small white bond paper to make a list of the
products that the customer order.

The captain crew will ask for the payment from the customer. The Café De Nilo only accepts
cash payments, the cashier will tell the customer how much the ordered product costs computed
by the cashier, once the payment is received from the customer, the barista will give the
purchased product to the customer.

Releasing of Receipt
The releasing of the receipt for the customer order is upon request, some of the customers or
usually, the customers don’t mind if they receive a receipt from their ordered products, if the
customer request for a receipt, the captain crew will write down into a piece of paper the list and
the total amount of product that the customer ordered minus the amount that the captain crew
received from the customer.

Order Queueing
The barista will get the duplicate list of order from the pending orders and after reading the
customer’s order information, the order will forward to the kitchen and will be segregated the
order to its designated station which consists of frying, grilling, blending, brewing and preparing.

Stock Out
This is the process where the barista gets the items in the inventory and in the kitchen for making
the orders, he uses first in first out in getting the items in the stock storage, kitchen and in the

Preparation of Orders
In preparing the order, the barista will check the ordered list to know where the order is
designated. After segregating the order, every station will start to prepare and cook the ordered
food. Each station is assigned with a different variety of food to cook. Once the ordered is
finished, the food server will be informed to serve the food.

Food Serving
Once the ordered food is cooked, the captain crew will double check if the order is complete, and
look for the customer’s table with the same order number and serve them immediately.

Making of Sales Report

The captain crew and barista are the ones who compute and make the daily and monthly sales
reports every end of the day, sales report are being generated by the barista thru Microsoft excel
file and these reports are being review and analyze by the owner or captain then used for
monitoring the sales and checking the stocks in the inventory in able for the owner of the
company to focus on those specific items that are needed for re-ordering.

General Problem
The main problem of the company is manual processing of computing the total amount of bulk
orders of the customers and unavailability for the owner to monitor the stock of the Café De
Nilo. this leads the company in an inaccurate result of estimation of daily sales and difficulties in
monitoring the stocks and sales of the company.

Specific Problem

Difficulty in Monitoring of Products Availability

Due to the absence of computerized system to keeps track of their stocks availability before it
reach its critical level, Café De Nilo is having difficulties in finding what specific product or raw
materials that are needed for re-stocking; because the checking of the availability of the raw
materials are being made manually.

Misestimation of bulk orders of the customers

Because of using calculator and a piece of paper for computing the order product of the
customers, Café De Nilo is having difficulties in computation of bulk orders of the customers
and providing food services to a line of customers waiting for their turn.

Inaccurate Monitoring of Sales

At this current time, Café de Nilo only uses calculator and a white piece of paper for monitoring,
the company’s is having difficulties in monitoring the sales especially when the owner is not
around or not in the Café De Nilo and he needs to check the sales report of the store

Overview of Current State of Technology

The Café de Nilo is currently using traditional manual system for sales service processing and
inventory monitoring. This includes recording each transaction by writing on a piece of paper
and giving the customer a number. The usual practice of the Café de Nilo is to check the stocks
before the operating hours, to know the availability products which is to be listed in a piece of
paper. The customer will now place their orders from the menu in the captain crew’s desk. The
captain crew will now write the orders of the customer and make another copy which is given to
the kitchen crew by the captain crew. The total amount of the order is indicated also in a piece of
paper. The copy of the ordered list is given to the kitchen will serve as the queue of the order.
The kitchen crew will prepare the orders and it will be served to the customer depending on their
number. After the operating hours, the owner or the captain crew will check the total sales of the
day by gathering all the ordered list on a safe memo holder spike stick and it will record on a
piece of paper to make a daily sales report. The problem arises when the captain crew
miscalculates an order or erroneously records. In order to help the company to have reliable and
efficient way of recording the sales, monitoring the stocks and to have a better queueing of
orders inside the kitchen. The developers recommended to Café de Nilo to user Android based
point-of-sale and online stock monitoring system that will develop based on their needs.

Objectives of the Study

General Objectives
The main objective of the proposed system for Café de nilo is to design and develop an android
based point of sales and online stock monitoring that will enhance the manual process into
efficient and working system involving computation of bulk orders and monitoring of the stock
of the company.

Specific Objectives

To develop a module that will show the availability or the quantity of a specific product in
able to prevent from reaching its critical level
The developer aims to develop a module that will lessen the human effort and eliminate the
manual way of checking the quantity of each stock that enables the owner of the company to
know if a specific raw material is about to reach its critical level.
To develop an Android based Point of Sale that can help the captain crew to handle
customer in line and easily compute bulk orders of the customers.
The developer aims to develop a module that can help the cashier in the computation of sales,
especially on computing bulk orders of the customer so that the cashier can handle more
customers and produce result that will be used for generating sales report.

To develop a module that allows the owner of the company to access and review the sales
report through the use of wireless devices.
The developer aims to develop a module that allows the owner of the company to access and
review the sales report of the Café De Nilo wherever he is and whenever he wants, through the
use of the develop system. Scope and limitations of the study

The study covered the monitoring and recording of sales transaction and stock monitoring of
products and computation of sales, the study includes the stock checking of products, customer
order, computation of order, Payment, stock monitoring of products, computation of monthly
sales and availability of the owner to monitor the sales and stock of the company through the use
of mobile devices.

The study has been made only for Café de Nilo. The study did not include the process of
payment via credit cards or cheques and orders made for deliveries. This includes the condition
beyond the control of the developers that may place restriction for the study. The study did not
cover the internet connection of the store and the transaction between the company and the
supplier, due to the reason that the café de nilo does not have a supplier. however, the raw
materials that are needed for re-stocking is being purchased from the market.

Review of related literature, studies or systems

Management Inventory: The One Day Lead Time Process

Business magnify the effects of a recession when they reduce output to reduce inventories in
response to lessening demand. That is reacting to the market not managing inventory. A better
approach involves businesses cutting output in response to demand without the inventory
between them. The problem is the speed of communications between businesses and customers.
That speed is measured in the quantity of inventory between the business and the customer, and
at the customers’ site.

Managing inventory then is managing lead time. Said another way, those businesses that
systemically reduce the time from customer demand to completed production while minimizing
the quantity of inventory between themselves and their customers, and at their customers, do a
better job of inventory management.

In this literature, the developers knew how important an inventory to a business. Inventory or
stock covers all the goods and materials that a company owns or holds, and to which a business
intends to add value before selling. The inventory held ties up working capital but it is needed in
order to have something to add value to and sell, the company needs the inventory to ensure
product availability. Without the inventory there is no profit to the company.
Food and Beverage Cost Control
Regardless of the methods used by employees to requisition food and beverage products, or the
systems management uses to issue these products, inventory levels will change. It will be your
responsibility and that of your purchasing agent to monitor this movement and purchase
additional products as needed. Restocking the inventory is critical if product shortages are to be
avoided and if product necessary for menu item preparation is to be available. Nothing is quite as
traumatic for the foodservice manager as being in the middle of a busy meal period and finding
that the operation is “out” of a necessary ingredient or frequently requested menu item.
Therefore, you must carefully monitor inventory levels. It would obviously be very expensive
and time-consuming to monitor each ingredient, food product, and all supplies on an individual
daily basis.

In this literature, the developers knew how important stock control in a business. Maintaining a
stock of raw materials, business supplies, works in process and finished products to create
products and function on a day-to-day basis. Companies use stock control to maintain an
appropriate level of materials on hand to meet customer demand.

The Mobile Commerce Revolution: Business Success in a Wireless World

The Durable Goods Orders report covers manufactured products with a life expectancy over
three years, plus estimates of shipments and unfilled orders. Durable goods account for roughly
15 percent of total economic output. The report can often provide critical insight into pressure
building within the system or an impending slowdown in manufacturing activity. Consequently,
it is an important barometer of manufacturing activity. The level of unfilled orders is particularly
important in assessing the likely direction of industrial production.

The Manufacturer’s Shipments, Inventories and Orders report is, in some respects, an expanded
version of the information on durable goods released earlier. The report includes new orders,
unfilled orders, shipments and inventories for durable and nondurable goods. Durable good
account for roughly 50 percent of the orders. The inventory/shipments ratio, which can be
gleaned from this report, is useful as an indicator of inventory imbalances can precipitate sharp
slowdowns or accelerations as companies attempt to redress the imbalances. Historically,
pronounced inventory accumulation has preceded most recess.

In this literature, the developers knew the importance of reports. It is a primary means of
communication in organization. Reports also play an important role in the company, it can often
provide critical insight.

Android smartphone as a point-of-sales

The true impact of mobile technology, however, is not simply in new markets and sales
opportunities, though those are some of the more compelling stories. No, the true impacts is in
seeing how increased mobile penetration impacts all areas of business. Of the many people we
have met who live in developing countries and who are experiencing the impact of mobile
commerce, the majority went beyond sales and marketing case studies, and instead shared stories
about improved operations and cost savings, from companies like these:

A delivery company in Africa with 4,000 drivers who collect more than $400 billion in annual
cash payments. Every month, the company asks a bank to help them find an alternative to cash
for accepting card payments in the field, to which the bank responds, “Well, we can give you
4,000 fat bricks that allow card swipes and batch processing at day’s end. That will cost you $8
million up front or we can rent them to you at a similar investment over time-now, you’ve got a
viable alternative.” Instead, that company has now outfitted drivers with a mobile point-of-sale
(POS) unit using a low-cost Android smartphone that costs a fraction of the “brick” to operate.

In this literature, the developers knew how a mobile device has evolved from just a
communication tool to a highly effective business tool over the years. As technology is
advancing at lightning speed, with that people are getting more addicted to mobile phones,
tablets and other smart devices. Mobile devices changed the way businesses work. High speed
data access and excellent user experience are the keys to the high growth.
Business in the Cloud: What Every Business Needs to Know About Cloud Computing
Cloud computing makes this possible. It can be quickly rolled out; it can be quickly scaled up to
handle increased volumes if business takes off; and it can be just as quickly discontinued or
scaled back to cut costs if business does not take off. This variable cost operating model allows
companies to replace capital expenses with operating expenses, and that is critical to any
organization operating in high-change, unpredictable environments. Cloud computing enables
companies to best align operating expenses with revenue and protect their cash flow and
operating profits.
In addition to its financial impact, cloud computing also affects how companies structure their
organizations, how they manage and coordinate their daily operations, and how they engage and
motivate their people and their business partners.

In this literature, the developers knew how important cloud computing in a business. People
needed to run programs or applications from software which would be downloaded from a server
or a physical computer, cloud computing services help them to access those applications through
the medium of internet. When people make any status update on Facebook account, it uses cloud
computing. When people needs to check there bank account balance on the phone, again it uses
cloud computing. Cloud computing services are becoming the new common in a business.

Diffusion and Success of mobile marketing

According to Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 2011, mobile marketing offers
direct communication with consumers, anytime and anyplace. This literature reviews mobile
marketing and then investigates the most successful form of mobile communication, short
messages and point of sale, via a quantitative content analysis of the Fortune Global 500
websites and qualitative interviews with Asian experts. The content analysis explores the
diffusion of mobile marketing campaigns of large multinational organizations. Combining a
literature review with results from qualitative survey leads to a conceptual model of successful
POS advertising. The study closes with the future research avenues for this emerging marketing
ECRA simply points out some of the advantages of having a mobile software as the use of
communication and transaction between the producer and consumer at anytime and anyplace, the
fact that technology is being used in almost every kind of business to accomplish specific task,
having a mobile software can reduce the human error caused by too much work or stress.

Advantages by using of inventory system

According to Kj Henderson, they have a three major advantages by using of inventory system
these are time savings, accuracy, and consistency which helps a lot for a business man to
increase the sales of their business.

Time Savings
As the old saying goes, “time is money”. The amount of time that can be saved by a business is,
perhaps, the biggest benefit of using a computerized inventory system. The only thing a manager
would have to do each day is print out the report highlighting the inventory to be restocked.

An additional benefit of using a computerized inventory system is the accuracy it ensures.
Eighteenth century English poet Alexander Pope is often quoted as having said, “To error is
human.” When an inventory list is maintained by hand, the margin of error widens with each
update. If one mathematical calculation is wrong or one typo is made, disaster may occur. &or
instance, if a clerk accidentally adds a zero to the end of a purchase order, a business could
potentially end up paying for 10,000 units of merchandise as opposed to the 1,000 that is actually

A small business operates most efficiently when its processes are executed in a consistent
manner. By using a computerized inventory system, a business owner can ensures that all orders,
reports and other documents relating to inventory are uniform in their presentation, regardless of
who has created them.

Mobile as the Point of Sale

According to Market Research Report issued 2018, the global point-of-sale (POS) terminals
market size was valued at USD 47.95 billion in 2016. The industry has witnessed a significant
turnaround, owing to substantial and rapid technological developments in POS terminal
solutions. Growing demand for contactless payments, along with proliferation of Near Field
Communication (NFC) devices in the industrial ecosystem, has led to a surge in adoption of
integrated POS terminals.

Increased investments in technologies such as end-to-end encryption for providing secured

payment solutions and convenience to customers are expected to augment the demand for POS
terminals in the market. Companies are focusing more on software owing to increased
penetration of smartphones.

Sales and Inventory System

According to the study of Kim Ivory Santiago of Sales and Inventory System, the inclusion of
Sales and Inventory System into the Pharmacia Josefa provides a comprehensive sales and
inventory system that is capable of providing and easy access sales and inventory conditions to
customers and partners.

There are problems that Pharmacia Josefa Drug Store encountered. One of it is that, their records
don’t coincide in their manually recorded data’s. Another problem is that they often forgot to
record the products that have been sold. The solution to these problems is to make automated or
computerized sales and inventory system. Making this system can minimize their time period
and can help them process their inventory easily. It is a hassle free and an easy access system.
The system can Add, and Delete data’s. It also has a transaction process so that in every product
that the costumer will buy, will automatically recorded to the inventory. The flow on how the
system works is that the user must input his or her username and password in for him or her to
access the inventory, transaction process and adding and deleting of data. The inventory consist
of the list of the products, the quantity and its price. While the transaction process consist of
inputting data such as the Item name, Item price and the quantity of the product, also the amount
received from the customer. By clicking the submit button, it will then, calculate the change and
you can now save the data. After saving, it will automatically appear on the inventory sales.

The theoretical framework gives the information that has been used in the study and will show
the concepts of where’s the study is based on. In the theoretical framework, the relationships of
the theories that are given below will be shown and introduces and describes the theory that
explains why the research problem under study exists.
Theory 1: Android
Android is a mobile operating system developed by Google. It is based on a modified version of
the Linux kernel and other open source software, and is designed primarily for touchscreen
mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.

Theory 2: Point-of-sales system

A point-of-sales system, or point of sale, is a combination of hardware and software built to
centralize business operations. It manages the transactions for the business, including credit card
processing, and the post-transaction operations that lead to customer fulfillment, whether in a
retail or restaurant setting.

Theory 3: Cloud computing

Cloud computing is the use of various services, such as software development platforms, servers,
storage and software, over the internet, often referred to as the cloud.

Cloud computing offers the business many benefits. It allows to set up what is essentially a
virtual office to give the flexibility of connecting to business anywhere, any time. With the
growing number of web-enabled devices used in today's business environment, access to data is
even easier.

Theory 4: Web application

A web application is a software application that runs on a remote server. In most cases, Web
browsers are used to access Web applications, over a network, such as the Internet. Some web
applications are used in intranets, in companies and schools. Web applications are different from
other applications because they do not need to be installed.

Theory 5: Reports
Reports use features such as tables, graphics, images, voice, or specialized vocabulary in order to
persuade a specific audience to undertake an action or inform the reader of the subject at hand.
Some common elements of written reports include headings to indicate topics and help the reader
locate relevant information quickly, and visual elements such as charts, tables and figures, which
are useful for breaking up large sections of text and making complex issues more accessible.

Theory 6: PhpMyAdmin
PhpMyAdmin is a free software tool written in PHP, intended to handle the administration of
MySQL over the Web. PhpMyAdmin supports a wide range of operations on MySQL and
MariaDB. Frequently used operations can be performed via the user interface, while still have
the ability to directly execute any SQL statement.
Theory 7: Php
PHP is a server side scripting language. that is used to develop Static websites or Dynamic
websites or Web applications. PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor, that earlier stood for
Personal Home Pages. PHP scripts can only be interpreted on a server that has PHP installed.
The client computers accessing the PHP scripts require a web browser only.

Theory 8: Laravel
Laravel PHP Framework is built with the focus of writing code syntax that is simple and
expressive. This will provide the advantage of having a Web Application that is developer
friendly and code that is maintainable. Although Laravel Framework is only three years old, it
has been built with a focus of being superior over the other PHP frameworks, with better code
foundation, maintainability and more robust features.

The developers observed, researched and collected, gathered, scrutinize all the information
needed, required and apply it in developing the system. The developed System aims to minimize
the company work-load and to enable the company process speed-up in its every transaction
made, to make the sales and stock monitoring, efficient and reliable.
The developers used to fully utilize and identify what is the best solution for the company’s
current slow system business process and implements it to the presented study, system. The
information above is used to produce a computerized automated system that is design to satisfy
and aid for its user needs. This chapter shows the importance and relevance of how these
concepts meets the company needs.



This chapter gives the detailed discussion on how the system works together with the
functionalities and with the relationship to each module presented by the system. The modules
were designed to solve the problems that the Café de Nilo encountered in every transaction. Each
problem was considered by the developers in order to meet the requirements and come up with a
system that will make transaction easier, with the faster possible time.

In this chapter, the developers used some models that described the flow and content of the
developed system. These theories are used to discuss and illustrate the diagrams such as the DFD
(Data Flow Diagram), and the ERD, (Entity Relationship Diagram).

In addition, the Hierarchical Input Process Output (HIPO) chart discusses the input, output, and
algorithms of the study. HIPO chart discussed the step by step input and output by the users in
the developed system.

System Design Specification

PHP is a server-side scripting language. that is used to develop Static websites or Dynamic
websites or Web applications. PHP stands for Hypertext Pre-processor, that earlier stood for
Personal Home Pages. PHP scripts can only be interpreted on a server that has PHP installed.
The client computers accessing the PHP scripts require a web browser only.

Laravel PHP Framework is built with the focus of writing code syntax that is simple and
expressive. This will provide the advantage of having a Web Application that is developer
friendly and code that is maintainable. Although Laravel Framework is only three years old, it
has been built with a focus of being superior over the other PHP frameworks, with better code
foundation, maintainability and more robust features.
PhpMyAdmin is a free web application that provides a convenient GUI for working with the
MySQL database management system. It is the most popular MySQL administration tool that is
used by millions of users worldwide and has won numerous awards and honors.
Written in PHP, it has all common functions that you may need when developing a MySQL-
based application or website. It also gave birth to several similar products, for example
PhpMyAdmin which provides similar functionality for the PostgreSQL DBMS.

Android Java
AIDE is an integrated development environment (IDE) for developing real Android apps directly
on your Android device. Follow interactive coding lessons and step-by-step become an expert
app developer. Visually design apps, write code with the feature rich editor with code
completion, real-time error checking, refactoring and smart code navigation, run your app with a
single click and use the Java debugger to find bugs.

Features of the Developed System

Android Point-of-Sales Module

The point-of-sale can be used to execute the payment for goods or services bought from the
business. The module can input orders of the customers, input their payment and compute for the
bill, change and calculate taxes. This module can also print an order receipt and void cancelled

Stock Monitoring module

This module can help the owner of Café de Nilo to monitor their stocks, so they can easily know
the quantity of their stocks. The employee will know easily if the stocks are on the restock point
in this case the owner of the store will notice when they cannot produce a product. Also, the
ingredients that is used in all of the products can also be manage in this module.

Order Queueing Module

The order queue allows the employees inside the kitchen to view the queue of the orders that is
taken from the cashier. This module allows the user to queue orders in a first come first serve
basis. Once the orders are served, this module can also mark it as served.
User Management Module
In this module you can add a user’s account by the category of an admin or an employee. This
module can also determine if an account is active or inactive. Also, to give and modify
permissions to an account on which module it can access.

Report Module
This module displays all the reports of sales summary, sales by item and receipts.

Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Entity Relationship Diagram is a data modelling technique that creates a graphical representation
of the entities, and the relationship between entities, within an information system. An entity is a
piece of data, an object or concept about which data is stored. A relationship is how the idea is
shared between entities.

Account_Type Accounts Reason_Item (Stock Adjustment)

PK Account Type ID PK Account ID PK Reason Item ID

Account_Type_Name Last_Name Stock_Before

First_Name Stock_After

Email FK Item_ID

Password FK Stock_Adjustment_ID

PK Category Item ID


Created_at FK Account_Type


Stock_Adjustment Reason

PK Stock Adjustment ID PK Reason ID

Item_List Supplier
Item LIst Reason Name
PK Item List ID PK Supplier I D

Item_Name Supplier_Name
Cost Contact No,
Price Email
FK Created_at
FK Reason ID
FK Updated_at

Item_Product Category_Product
PK Item Product ID PK Category Product ID
PK Product ID

Item_Quantity Category_Name
FK Item_ID Created_at
FK Product_ID Updated_at

FK Category_ID

Transaction Ordered Product

PK Transaction ID PK Ordered Product ID

Date Price

Accounts Quantity

Total Price FK Transaction ID

FK Product ID

Figure Logical Entity-Relationship Diagram

In Figure shows the logical model of the database wherein it is slightly more abstract than a
physical mode. It shows entities, attributes, keys and relationships in the database table that are
significant to the system.
Account_Type Accounts Reason_Item (Stock Adjustment)

Category_Item Supplier

Item_List Stock_Adjustment Reason

Item_Product Products_ID Category_Product

Transaction Ordered Product

Figure Physical Entity-Relationship Diagram

In Figure shows the physical model of the database. It presents the actual flow of the data which
contains additional details of the system describing how the will be stored that represents exactly
what is implemented in the database.
Data Flow Diagram (DFD)
Data Flow Diagram is a graphical representation of the flow of data through an information
system. It enables you to represent the processes in an information system from the viewpoint of
data. The Data Flow Diagram visualized how the system operates, what the system accomplished
and how it will be implemented, when it is refined with further specification.

Sales Report Information

Delete Item List
Request Item List Information
Add Item List
Request Receipt Information
Request Sales By Item
Request Sales Summary
Delete User Details
Update User Details
Add User
Update Supplier Information
New Supplier Information
Update Stock Adjustment
Request Stock Adjustment
Requesting Product Information
Update Product Information
Delete Product Information
Add New Product

Product Information
Stock Adjustment Information
Supplier Information
ANDROID BASED POINT OF History Inventory Information
Request For User Information
Request Sales Information
Order͛s Information MONITORING
Sales Summary Information
Sales By Item Information
Receipt Information
Item List Information
User Details
Categories Information

Request For Stock Information

Stock Information
BARISTA Request Of Order Information CAPTAIN CREW

Figure Context Flow Diagram (DFD) – Developed System

The illustration above shows the DFD Context Level of the developed system. It shows the
general data flow of the developed system. This includes the source and destination of data.
Hierarchical Input-Process Output (HIPO) Chart

The Hierarchical Input-Process Output (HIPO) is a tool for planning and documenting a
computer program. HIPO charts explain on what should be the type of input that the user will
give the system for the system to perform a specific task that the user is asking for. HIPO charts
also explain the functionality performed of each module on the hierarchy chart.

Figure System Illustration

Figure shows that there are three different users in the system, namely: Store Owner, Captain
crew, Barista. Store owner has all access rights to each module. Each user will be directed to
different modules corresponding to their position and system user level.
Figure Store Manager

Figure shows all module that a Store Manager can access. The Store Manager is the one who can
access all modules.

Figure Accounts

Figure shows the exploded module of A5, which contains the Access Roles and Rights for the
Store Owner to handle.
Hardware and Software Requirements
In this chapter are the hardware and software requirements needed in developing the system.
Such hardware requirements refer to physical elements while software requirements specify
different applications and language used.

Software Requirements
Software Requirements must be met for the installation of the developed system for better
execution and reduce risk of encountering system.

Server Software Requirement

Minimum Requirements Recommended Requirement

Windows 7 Windows 7 or Higher

Chrome 25.0.1364 Chrome 25.0.1364 or Higher version

Firefox 7 Firefox 7 or Higher version

Hardware Requirements
Hardware requirements are the needed physical components in order to run the system. The
absence of the components may affect the design system. The developer carefully assessed the
requirements of hardware in order for the system to perform its process with ease.

Front End

Minimum Requirement Recommended Requirement

Dual Core Dual Core or Higher

2GB RAM 4GB RAM or Higher

80GB HDD 160 GB HDD or Higher

Client Hardware Requirement for android

Minimum Requirements Recommended Requirement

Android OS Lollipop 5.0 version Android OS Lollipop 5.0 version or higher

Back End

Server Hardware Requirements

Minimum Requirements Recommended Requirement

Dual Core Dual Core or Higher


500GB HDD 500GB HDD or Higher

HUB 4 SLOT HUB 8 SLOT or Higher

UTP Cables UTP Cables

This chapter portrays the structure and functionality of the presented Android based Point-of-
sales and Online Stock Monitoring for Café de Nilo. The developers designed and created
different modules for the development of the Android based Point-of-Sales and Online Stock
Monitoring for Café de Nilo. In the development, design and creation the developers set the
hardware and software requirements. They used Android Studio and PHP as their object-oriented
programming language for developing the system and PhpMyAdmin for the construction of the
database of the system. Those are responsible for the development of the entire Android based
Point-of-Sales and Online Stock Monitoring for Café de Nilo. This chapter also include the DFD,
CFD and Entity Relationship Diagram.


Performance Analysis is the process of studying or evaluating the performance of a particular

scenario in comparison of the objective which was to be achieved. In this chapter, the
performance analysis of the proposed system is presented. The objectives of this analysis is to
confirm if the project development team met the necessary requirements of the proposed system.
At first, the developers are the first users of the proposed system. Software testing is used upon
the development of the system. In this activity, the evaluation or performance analysis is being
taken to known the capability of the program or the proposed system and determining that if it
meets the required results. The developers determine and distinguish four (4) basic steps in the
performance analysis process accordingly; Data gathering, Data transformation, Data
visualization and Data realization.

Data gathering is the process by which data about program performance are obtained from
executing the program. It involves internal and external data to aid the system to form and
monitor its correct functionality. It is used to know that each part of the program is running and
working properly.

Data transformation is the process of converting data or information from one format to another,
usually from the format of a source system into the required format of a new destination system.

Data visualization any effort to help people understand the significance of data by placing it in a
visual context, to visualize and to form an image view of an idea or information gathered.

Data realization is bringing data to life from visualization, to realize the visualization and put it
to application.

The developers used these four (4) steps to analyze and scan thoroughly the feasibility of the
developed system overall performance, to ensure that the system is adaptable and will run
smoothly in any platform without bugs. This chapter portrays the performance of Android based
Point-of-sales and Online Stock Monitoring System for Café de Nilo; it shows on how the
developers come up with their objectives and how they formulate the necessary solution in
developing the developed system.

The system testing is big evidence, assessment that is required to prove that the developed
system is capable to solve the problems of the company giving them an actual, well-organized,
and reliable system that will help and lessen their work load. This chapter overview the trials,
experiments and testing methods the developers used, the modules testing and the software
testing, a system testing procedure, scheduling, and the generation of reports. The
implementation of it in the developed system, first thing the developers did was conducted
several testing activities and observations breakdown with the target users in order to perform the
needed adjustment and enhancement of the developed system. The developers, in addition,
conducted a dry run to ensure that the system works accurately and effectively.

The developers conducted a series of testing and used of different kinds of experimental methods
to assess the hypothesis created. It is a process made out of different events used in existing
theories in support for solutions. The developers created questionnaires for the organization to
gather facts, information about their business process, transactions, scheduling, reports and other
mandated requirements in order for our module to be a feasible and flexible. Members of the
organization consistently responded accordingly to the interview.

The developers tested every system module to be sure that the system runs and function properly.
This would ensure the module’s integrity, if it is efficient and bugs free, useful for the whole
organization in monitoring their products and sales. This would also help the developers improve
the module in handling errors real-time.

This testing is mandated for the prime purpose of evaluating the developed system from the
previous testing’s conducted by the developers. It tests if the system is running at its full capacity
or if it runs the way it should be so that any breakdowns can be detected and treated easily thus
changes in the system must be implemented accordingly in order to satisfy the necessary
requirements. System testing makes sure that the functions in each module are meeting the
expected results and shows the errors needed to be amended.


The system testing procedures aims to strictly monitors and determine bugs from the source
codes even until during run time period. This ensures that the system objectives are achieved in
developing the system.

The testing activities were done to prove if the result of the survey conducted were able to meet
the end user’s expectation and the system requirements.

Security testing is the process in which the developers test if the confidentiality of information is
maintained, protected and accurate.


The developers conducted a survey testing on the developed system to the organization. The
developers prepared 10 questions for the Owner and Employees. Because the Owner and
Employees are the authorize Personnel’s who will administer the developed system. Using the
information gathered in the survey-testing the developers analyzed and summarize them via Yes
or No method, liker scales and Open-Ended Questions.

A weighted mean is a kind of average. Instead of each data point contributing equally to the final
mean, some data points contribute more “weight” than others. If all the weights are equal, then
the weighted mean equals the arithmetic mean (the regular “average” you’re used to). Weighted
means are common in statistics, especially when studying populations. The result is summed and
the total is divided by the sum if the weights.

Developers used a formula to computed the weighted mean.

WM = (F5 * L5) + (F4 * L4) + (F3 * L3) + (F2 * L2) + (F1 * L1)
WM = Weighted Mean
L = Weight (Legend: 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1)
F = Frequency of responses
N = Total number of respondents
F = 50, 35, 13, 2, 0
L = 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
N = 100

WM = (50 * 5) + (35 * 4) + (13 * 3) + (2 * 2) + (0 * 1)


WM = 250 + 140 + 39 + 4 + 0

WM = 433

WM = 4.33

The developers acquire the percentage of the result and weighted mean used in the data
interpretation and the formulas to come up with the responses of the survey questionnaires.

Likert’s Type Scale Weighted Mean Interpretation

5 4.51 – 5.00 Excellent
4 3.51 – 4.50 Above Average
3 2.51 – 3.50 Average
2 1.51 – 2.50 Below Average
1 1.00 – 1.50 Poor
Table 3 – Likert’s System Rating Scale
The developers used weighted mean for scaling grades with an interval of 50, where 5 is the
highest and 1 is the lowest. The comments used Excellent for the Weight of 5 which means that
the respondents who answered the survey is very much satisfied of the criteria of the system.
Weight 4 interprets Above Average which means that the respondent is satisfied. Weight 3
interprets Average which means that the criteria are good enough to meet the requirements.
Below Average is the representation of 2, and 1 represents Poor.

Evaluation Criteria Weighted Mean Interpretation

Overall System:
Accuracy of the Data 4.0 Above Average
System Functionalities 4.0 Above Average
Text and Content readability 4.0 Above Average
Design functionalities 3.0 Average
User friendly interface 4.0 Above Average
Loading Speed 4.0 Above Average
System Security 3.0 Average

As the respondent test the developed system, the table 4, shows the total tally for the Overall
System. Based on the result, the accuracy of data in overall system is above average as the data
values stored for an object are the correct values, the system functionality is above average as the
set of inputs, the behavior, and outputs as long with the functional requirements has calculation,
technical details, data manipulation and processing of other specific functionality, Text and
content readability is above average as the quality of being easy and straightforward to read,
design functionalities is average as the quality design method which the system is seen from the
functional viewpoint, user friendliness is above average as the quality of the system was easy to
understand, loading speed is above average as the quality of loading time was short, system
security is average as the quality of global everyone has a password.

Evaluation Criteria Weighted Mean Interpretation

Android Point-of-Sales Module
Accuracy 3.50 Average
Speed 3.50 Average
Text and content 4.0 Above Average
Functionalities 3.50 Average
Table 5 – Result from the Respondent in Android Point-of-Sales Module

As the respondent test the developed system, the table 5 shows the total tally for the Android
Point-of-Sales Module. Based on the result above, are interpreted as above average since the
captain crew can easily transact and record the sales to the web, and send order to barista and can

Evaluation Criteria Weighted Mean Interpretation

User Management Module:
Speed 4.0 Above Average
Text and content readability 3.50 Average
Functionalities 3.50 Average
Table 6 – Result from the Respondent in User Management Module

As the respondent test the developed system, the table 6. shows the total tally for the User
Management module. Based on the result, are interpreted as above average since the system is
designed to fulfill the user and easy to understand.

Evaluation Criteria Weighted Mean Interpretation

Stock Monitoring Module:
Speed 4.0 Above Average
Text and content readability 4.0 Above Average
Functionalities 3.50 Average
Table 7 – Result from the Respondent in Stock Monitoring Module

As the respondent test the developed system, the table 7. shows the total tally for the Stock
Monitoring module. Based on the result, are interpreted as above average since the stock
monitoring module of the system can monitor the stock in and stock out of raw materials.

Evaluation Criteria Weighted Mean Interpretation

Order Queueing Module
Speed 4.0 Above Average
Text and content readability 4.0 Above Average
Functionalities 3.50 Average
Table 8 – Result from the Respondent in Order Queueing Module

As the respondent test the developed system, the table 8. shows the total tally for the Order
Queueing module. Based on the result, are interpreted as above average since the order queueing
module of the system can monitor the order of the customer.

Evaluation Criteria Weighted Mean Interpretation

Reports Module
Accuracy in computing bills 3.50 Average
Speed in generating of receipt 2.0 Below Average
Text and content readability 4.0 Above Average
of receipt
Functionalities 3.50 Average
Table 8 – Result from the Respondent in Reports Module

As the respondent test the developed system, the table 8. shows the total tally for the Reports
module. Based on the result, are interpreted as average since the reports have complete details
such as header, title, description of all items and also the date and time.

The developers compare the developed system to the current system of the organization testing if
the system is functioning as it should be if it is effective and more organized. The survey answers
and results prove as big evidence that in using the developed system the organization business
process is more efficient and effective. The organization is more satisfy in the developed system
functionality in terms of its capabilities and user-friendliness compared to the current manual
process of the business.

After the developer’s conducted a series of testing activities in the developed system together
with the end-users in terms of functionality, efficiency, effectiveness and beneficial and if the
system is helpful in the business. The results of the testing activities ensure and fixed all the
errors and changes needed that is crucial for the organizations business process.


The Android based Point-of-Sales and Online Stock Monitoring was developed for Café de Nilo
to solve the cited problems in the study. The system was developed after continuous interview,
consultations with the company and system development. The developers conducted system
testing to verify that the system meets its specified requirements and surveys to end users to
determine if the system is user friendly or not. These are done to ensure that the developed
system can provide what is needed.

These processes enable the developers to reach at the following conclusions: The developed
system allows tracking and recording of products that enable to search easily, saving and
retrieving data, easy product managing by means of having maintenance in every product, and
accurate product information.

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