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Mentee Community Service Letter

March 3rd, 2020

To whom it may concern,

This letter serves as confirmation of a combined total of 98 Hours of Community Service completed by Billy
Campos as a participant for the Boys to Men Mentoring Network, hereinafter referred to as Boys to Men. Boys to
Men is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and our federal tax identification number is 33-0800308.

Boys to Men is a community-based mentoring model serving middle and high school boys that are
identified by school administration to be at-risk of dropping out of school, juvenile delinquency and/or gang
involvement. Currently, thirty-nine San Diego County schools use our mentoring program and twenty-six more are
on our waiting list. During the 2019-2020 school year, we are conducting more than 57 weekly in-school
mentoring group meetings.

Along with our school-partnered mentoring program, we also have a weekend long personal growth
training for our mentees that have excelled in the school mentoring program. This experience is called the
Adventure Mountain Weekend and we conduct 5-6 per academic school year. When students have successfully
completed this experience they are allowed to return as part of the facilitating staff and support a new group of
first-time attendees. Bill Campos has staffed in 2 of our Adventure Mountain Weekends on March 2018 and March

The Adventure Mountain Weekends are a 3-day experience with 8-hours per day of volunteered work.
Work that consists cleaning, food prepping, dishwashing, and activity set-up. The school-partnered program is a 1-
hour group mentoring session facilitated by Boys to Men, one day a week determined by our school partner, in
Billy’s case, Monarch School on Fridays.

Billy Campos has received a total of 98 hours of community hours through Boys to Men Mentoring
Network, 48 hours from the Adventure Mountain Weekends and a total of 50 hours of group sessions during his
time with us from 2016 to 2019 at Monarch School. Billy has been one of my favorite mentees during my time here
at Boys to Men and he continues to be a leader in his personal and academic life. I am very proud of the young man
he is now and I am very excited to see him bloom into an even greater man as he continues his path!

Best regards,

Jose Garcia
Youth Coordinator/Senior Group Facilitator/ I.T. Tech
Boys to Men Mentoring Network
[email protected]
Cell: 619-323-1279
Office: 619-469-9599

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