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(COMPANY NO.: 54321N)

(NRIC: …)


(COMPANY NO.: 12345E)


I, … (NRIC NO.: …), a citizen of Malaysia who has attained age of majority, the Manager of the
Legal Department of the above named Plaintiff, affirm and says:-

1. Save and except where stated to the contrary, the matters deposed herein are derived solely
from information and records which the Plaintiff has access and are within its own

2. At all material time, the Plaintiff is Bank … (Company No.: 54321N) a company
incorporated under Companies Act 1965 having its registered address at …. The Plaintiff
is at all material time carrying the business of banking. A copy of the company
incorporation certificate is enclosed and marked as Exhibit ‘ABS-1’.
3. The First Defendant was at all material times the Director of the Plaintiff and residing at
…. A copy of the Appointment Letter As a Director of the Plaintiff dated … is annexed
hereto and marked as Exhibit ‘ABS-2’.

4. The Second Defendant, …. Bhd. was at all material times has registered office at …

5. (COA) The First Defendant is and was at the commencement of this action, justly and truly
indebted a total sum of RM… which the Plaintiff claims for secret profits made by the
Defendant which resulted from the breach of Defendant’s Fiduciary Duty to the Plaintiff.

6. On … the The First Defendant …(mention the facts of the case).

7. …

8. …
9. In the course of the aforesaid transactions, the The First Defendant had wrongfully …

10. …
11. …
12. …
13. ….
14. ….

15. I believe that … The First and Second Defendant have in their possession, custody or
control, documents and files since the said Company is controlled by the Defendant, there
is a risk of the documents relating to the Defendant’s assets of being removed or destroyed.

16. It is appropriate that this application for an injunction is to be granted Ex Parte due to the
urgency of the matter and the need for secrecy from the knowledge of the Defendant,
which will otherwise cause him to destroy or dispose of so as to defeat the ends of justice
before any application inter parties could be made.
17. Nobody knew of the whereabouts of the …. This shows that The First Defendant has no
interest in defending this action against him. Therefore the Plaintiffs is left with no
alternative but to apply for an order for the Plaintiff to be permitted to inspect and remove
the said documents and files relating to the value, nature and whereabouts of the assets of
the The First and Second Defendant from their premises.

18. I verily believe that the Plaintiff should be authorised to inspect in this manner so that
justice can be done between the parties. I believe that the normal process of law would be
rendered nugatory if some immediate and effective measures are not available to the Plaintiff.

19. Wherefore, I hereby humbly pray for this Honorable Court for an order of Anton Piller to
be granted.

To an affidavit by one deponent ]

…. ] ………………………………….
(NRIC No.: … ]
Sworn on the ……………………… ]
At Shah Alam in the State of Selangor ]
(No interpretation is required)

Before me,

Commisioner for Oaths (dont 4get to sign)

This AFFIDAVIT is filed by ... [Tel: 03-555 3164] [Fax: 03-555 3170]
[Ref: …]

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