Lesson Plan - Antennas & Wave Propagation (15EC604)

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of Electronics & Communication Engineering NMAMIT, Nitte

Course Plan
Semester: VI

Course Title: Antennas and Wave Propagation Course Code: 15EC 604

Total Contact Hours: 52 Duration of SEE: 03 Hrs

SEE Marks: 50 CIE Marks: 50

Lesson Plan Author: Mr. Durga Prasad Date: 6.1.2018

Checked By: Mrs. Ramya Shetty Date: 8.1.2018


Knowledge of electromagnetic field theory, applications of Maxwell’s Equations, vector

calculus in terms of spherical co ordinate system and basics of wave equations are necessary.

Course Learning Objectives (CLO)

This course will enable students to:

1. Recall the concepts of electromagnetic theory to understand the antenna functionality

2. Possess the basic concepts of radiation of electromagnetic energy from a radiator
3. Analyze the radiation pattern in terms of power, radiation intensity or electric field and hence
determine antenna parameters from it.
4. Describe the construction and design features of commercial antennas
5. Translate the phenomenon of wave propagation for ground and sky waves

Course Content
Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering NMAMIT, Nitte

Sub code : 15EC 604 CIE: 50 Marks

Hours/Week: 4+0+0 SEE: 50 Marks
Total Hours: 52 Credits: 4


Antenna Basics: Basic antenna parameters, patterns, beam area, Radiation Intensity, Beam
efficiency, Directivity and Gain, Antenna aperture, Effective height.

Point Sources: Introduction, point sources, Power patterns, Power theorem and applications,
Radiation intensity, Examples of Power patterns, field patterns, Phase patterns.

Antenna Arrays: Array of two isotropic point sources, Non- isotropic similar point sources,
pattern multiplication, pattern synthesis, linear array of n- isotropic sources of equal amplitude
and spacing.

10 Hours


Null Directions: Null directions of arrays, broad side case, end-fire case and general case with
equal currents of any phase.

Electric Dipole and Thin Linear Antennas: The short electric dipole, the fields of short dipole,
radiation resistance, thin linear antenna, Field Pattern for various lengths.

Loop Antenna: The small loop, The Loop antenna (general case), Far – field Patterns of
circular Loop Antennas and Uniform Current, The small loop as a special case, Radiation
resistance of loops.

10 Hours


Helical Antenna And Yagi-Uda Array: Helical antenna, Helical geometry, The Helix modes,
Practical design considerations of Monofilar axial-mode helical antenna, dipole arrays with
parasitic elements, Yagi-Uda array, Axial- mode pattern and phase velocity of wave propagation
on Monofilar helices.

Antenna Types: Slot antenna, Babinet’s principle and Complementary antenna, Horn antenna,
The rectangular Horn antenna, Reflector antenna (Flat sheet reflector, corner reflector,
paraboloidal reflector), Broad band frequency independent antenna, Basics, Rumsey’s principle,
The log- periodic antennas.
Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering NMAMIT, Nitte
Antennas for special applications: Antennas for terrestrial mobile communication systems,
Antennas for Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), embedded antennas, Ultra-wide band antennas
for digital applications, Plasma antennas.

12 Hours


Wave Propagation: Ground wave propagation, plain-earth reflections, space waves and
surface waves, elevated dipole antenna above plain earth, wave tilt, spherical earth
propagations and Tropospheric waves.

10 Hours


Ionospheric Propagation: The Ionosphere, Reflection and Refraction of waves by

Ionosphere, Regular and irregular variations of Ionosphere, Attenuation factor, Sky wave
transmission, Effect of earth’s magnetic field, wave propagation in Ionosphere.

10 Hours

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course the student will be able to

1. Understand the fundamental parameters of antenna and determine null

2. Analyze the pattern using null direction concept and Derive the parameters of
dipole and loop antenna.
3. Contrast the design, principle of operation of fundamental antenna and the
antennae for special applications.
4. Analyze the ground wave and tropospheric wave propagation.
5. Compile the features of sky wave propagation and summarise the concept of
ionospheric wave propagation.
Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering NMAMIT, Nitte
Mapping of POs & COs:

a B c D e f g h i j k L

1. M M L H L

2. H M M M

3. L M H M M

4. H M M L

5. H M L

L: Low M: Medium H: High


1. John D Kraus, Ronald J Marhefka, Ahmad S Khan, “Antennas and Wave

Propagation”, Tata McGraw Hill Publication, 4th Edition, 2012.
2. Jordan & Balman, “Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems”, 2nd Edition,
PHI, 2003.


1. John D Kraus, “Antennas for all applications”, McGraw Hill, 3 Edition, 2002.
2. Kennedy, “Electronic Communication Systems”, 3rd edition, Tata McGraw Hill
Publication, 1997.
3. F.E. Terman, “Radio Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill Publication, 1995.
4. K.D. Prasad, “Antennas and wave Propagation”, Sathya Prakashan, 2009.


Evaluation Scheme
Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering NMAMIT, Nitte
CIE Scheme

Assessment Weightage in Marks

Mid Semester Exam 1 20

Mid Semester Exam 2 20

Task 1: Test (Multiple choice questions) 05

Task 2: Simulation or Project Work 05

Total 50

Semester End Examination (SEE) is a written examination of three hours duration of 100 marks,
with 50% weightage.

Subject Utilization for Mid Semester Exams and Semester End Examination

No of Questions in
No. of
Teaching Mid Mid
Unit Chapter Questions
Hours Semester Semester in SEE
Exam 1 Exam 2

Antenna Basics and

1 06 01 --- 01
1 Point sources

2 Antenna arrays 04 01 --- 01

Null directions,
3 Electrical dipole and 06 01 --- 01
2 Thin linear antenna

4 Loop antenna 04 01 --- 01

Helical antenna,
5 Yagi Uda Array 06 --- 01 01

3 antenna

Antenna types,
6 06 --- 01 01

Ground wave
7 05 --- 01 01
Elevated dipole
8 05 --- 01 01
Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering NMAMIT, Nitte
Ionospheric wave
9 05 --- --- 01
Sky wave
10 05 --- --- 01


 Each question carries 20 marks and may consist of sub-questions.

 Mixing of sub-questions from different chapters within a unit is allowed in Mid Semester
Exam I, II and SEE.
 Answer 5 full questions of 20 marks each by selecting one question from each unit out of
10 in SEE.
Chapter Wise Plan

Course Code:15EC604 Course Title: Antennas and Wave Propagation

Chapter Number: 01 Chapter Title: Antenna Basics and Point sources

Planned Hours: 06

Chapter Learning Objectives

After studying this chapter, the student should be able to:

1. Define basic parameters of the antenna such as beam area, efficiency etc. (L1)
2. Derive expressions for directivity and gain. (L2)
3. Determine the total field for two isotropic sources with any amplitude or phase (L3)
4. Determine the field or power pattern for the given field or power expression (L4).
5. Find out radiation intensity for any radiation intensity pattern (L5 and L6)

Lesson Schedule

Class No. Portion covered per hour

1. Basic antenna parameters

2. Directivity, gain, effective aperture and effective height
3. Point sources and various patterns
Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering NMAMIT, Nitte
4. Power theorem and applications
5. Radiation Intensity
6. Field and phase patterns

Review Questions

(1) Define the followings with reference to antenna.

(i) Beam Efficiency (ii) Beam area (iii) HPBW

(iv) FNBW (v) Effective aperture (vi) Radiation resistance

(vii) Directivity and Gain (L1)

(2) Define directivity. Derive an expression for directivity. How is it related with the ability of
antenna radiation at a particular direction? (L2)

(3) How the radiation around the antenna is represented with? Discuss the various types. (L3)

(4)State and prove a theorem that relates the relation between the total powers for an antenna
radiating in a particular direction with the radial component of Poynting vector (L4).

(5) Determine the directivity in the following case (L5),

(i) Unidirectional cosine pattern

(ii) Unidirectional sine pattern

(iii) Bidirectional cosine pattern

(iv) Bidirectional sine pattern
(6) Draw the field and phase pattern for two isotropic antennas with equal amplitude and
spacing considering λ/2 spacing between them (L6).

Course Code: 15EC 604 Course Title: Antennas and Wave


Chapter Number: 02 Chapter Title: Antenna Arrays

Planned Hours: 04

Chapter Learning Objectives (CLO)

After studying this chapter, the student should be able to:

Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering NMAMIT, Nitte
1. Derive an expression for total field resulted from two isotropic point sources linearly
arranged to form an array, considering different cases of magnitude, phase and
distance. (L7)
2. Develop new pattern from the principle of pattern multiplication.(L7 and L8)
3. Design synthesize array structure for the given specifications.(L9)
4. Derive an expression for total E field for an array of n isotropic point sources.(L10)
5. Draw the vector diagram for 5 isotropic point sources of equal amplitude and spacing
Lesson Schedule

Class No. Portion covered per hour

7. Array of two isotropic point sources

8. Pattern multiplication
9. Pattern synthesis
10. Arrays of n isotropic sources of equal amplitude and spacingArrays of two
driven λ/2 elements.

Review Questions

(1) Derive an expression for total electric field for two isotropic point sources of equal
amplitude and spacing. Deduce the maximum, null and half power directions and
draw the field pattern. Also draw the vector diagram.(L7)
(2) Discuss the principle at which the total field of an array of non isotropic source is the
product of field due to an individual source and field due to array of isotropic point
sources (L8).
(3) Explain a technique which is used to arrange the array of practical non isotropic point
sources so as to result in a new pattern which satisfies the specifications. Consider
an example (L9).
(4) Derive an expression for finding out the total normalized electric field due to ‘n’
isotropic point sources connected in linear arrangement (L10).
(5) How many types of array systems are there? Discuss the patterns, phase conditions
in each case with an example (L10).
(6) Name a technique used to increase the directivity of an ordinary end fire array
system. Explain with the necessary pattern diagram (L10).

Chapter Wise Plan

Course Code: 15EC604 Course Title: Antennas and Wave


Chapter Number: 03 Chapter Title: Null directions, Electrical

Dipole and Thin linear antenna

Planned Hours: 06
Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering NMAMIT, Nitte
Chapter Learning Objectives (CLO)

After studying this chapter, the student should be able to:

1. Derive the general expression for null direction finding in any kind of array system (L1).
2. Derive E and H field equations for dipole antenna.(L2)
3. Draw field zones for the short dipole and determine far field and near field zones.(L3)
4. Derive an expression for radiation resistance of dipole antenna. (L4)
5. Determine the E and H field expressions for thin linear antenna. (L5)
6. Determine radiation resistance of dipole or thin linear λ/2 antenna. (L4 and L5)
7. Draw fields for thin linear antenna. (L6)
Lesson Schedule

Class No. Portion covered per hour

1. Null directions

2. E and H field equations for short dipole

3. Fields of a short dipole.

4. Radiation resistances.

5. Thin linear antenna and radiation resistance.

6. Fields of thin linear antenna.

Review Questions

(1) Derive an expression for null direction finding for different types of array systems
(2) Derive an expression for Electric and magnetic field strengths for a short dipole
placed in spherical coordinate system. (L2)

(3) Modify the expressions for E and H fields for a dipole considering near field regions
around the antenna. (L3)

(4) Derive an expression for virtual résistance within virtual transmission path for a short

dipole placed in xyz coordinate system. (L4)

(5) Derive an expression for virtual resistance of a λ/2 dipole placed in spherical
coordinate system. (L5)

(6) Obtain the field pattern for a dipole of length (i) λ/2 (ii) λ (iii) 3λ/2 (L5 and L6)
Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering NMAMIT, Nitte

Course Code: 15EC604 Course Title: Antennas and Wave


Chapter Number: 04 Chapter Title: Loop Antenna

Planned Hours: 04

Chapter Learning Objectives:

After studying this chapter, the student should be able to:

1. Derive the scalar and vector potential for a loop antenna(L7)

2. Derive E and H fields using the vector potential expressions.(L7 and L8)
3. Derive the equations for radiation resistance (L9)
4. Derive the radiation resistance for different kinds of loop antenna.(L9)
Determine directivity, radiation efficiency, Quality factor, bandwidth and Signal to noise

5. Determine radiation resistance for the given loop antenna and hence other related
parameters.(L9 and L10)

Lesson Schedule

Class No. Portion covered per hour

7. Loop Antenna: General case.

8. E and H field equations for loop antenna.

9. Radiation resistance of a loop antenna

10. Directivity and radiation efficiency.

Review Questions
Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering NMAMIT, Nitte
(1) Discus the relevance of vector magnetic potential. Write the expression for vector
magnetic potential. (L7)
(2) Derive an expression for electric and magnetic strengths so as to relate the
variations with various parameters for a loop antenna considering the general case
(3) Derive an expression for virtual resistance for a loop antenna considering small and
large loops.(L9)
(4) Give the applications of Loop antenna. Derive directivity for small and large circular
loop antenna. (L10)
Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering NMAMIT, Nitte



(An Autonomous Institution affiliated to VTU, Belagavi)

VI Semester B.E. (E&C) Mid Semester Examinations - I


Duration: 1 Hour Max. Marks: 20

Note: Answer any One full question from each Unit.

Unit – I Marks BT*

1. a) Define the following parameters of the antenna and write the

expressions, 5 L1
(i)Radiation Resistance(ii) Radiation Intensity (iii) beam efficiency

b) Define effective aperture of an antenna. Derive the relation between

3 L3
effective aperture and beam solid angle.

c) Find the beam area of field pattern given by E(θ) = cos 2 (θ), where θ
2 L3
lies between 0 and 90 degrees.

2. a) Define directivity. Derive an expression for the directivity in terms of

5 L3
effective aperture. Write the expressions for directivity

b) Two isotropic point sources with E fields of same amplitude and

phase. Derive an expression for resultant field. Draw the E field 5 L2
pattern and vector diagram.

Unit – II

3. a) Derive an expression for resultant E field for linear arrays of ‘n’

isotropic point sources of equal amplitude and spacing. Draw the 5 L3
vector diagram.

b) Derive an expression for radiation resistance of dipole antenna. 5 L3

4. a) Derive an expression for electric and magnetic field intensities of a

10 L3
square loop antenna.
Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering NMAMIT, Nitte


Chapter Wise Plan

Course Code: 15EC604 Course Title: Antennas and Wave


Chapter Number: 05 Chapter Title: Helical Antenna and Yagi

Uda Array Antenna

Planned Hours: 06

Chapter Learning Objectives

After studying this chapter, the student should be able to:

1.Understand the construction and concept of Helical antenna(L1)

2.Derive the parameters for monofilar helical antenna. (L2)
3.Deduce an expression for transformed impedance of quarter wave transformer (L2)
4.Determine parameters of dipole arrays with parasitic elements (L3)
5.Understand the Characteristics of Monofilar antenna and dipole antenna with parasitic
elements.(L2 & L3)
6. Determine the dimensions of all elements (components) of Yagi- uda array (L4).
7. Design a monofilar antenna for the specifications.(L5)
8. Determine the axial ratio for monofilar antenna(L5)
9. Understand the wideband and other characteristics of monofilar antenna. (L6)
Lesson Schedule

Class No. Portion covered per hour

1. Helical antenna

2. Monofilar axial-mode helical antenna

3. Dipole arrays with parasitic elements

4. yagi-uda array

5. Characteristics of Monofilar antenna

6. wide band characteristics of Monopilar axial- mode helical antenna

Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering NMAMIT, Nitte
Review Questions

(1) Explain how a conductor wound in the form of loop with respect to an axis operates
as helical antenna? Discuss the construction and geometry of helical loop antenna.
(2) Give the practical design steps for helical antenna. (L1)
(3) Derive an expression for relative phase velocity for helical antennae in axial mode.
(4) Explain the constructional and design features of Yagi-uda antenna.(L4)
(5) Design a Yagi uda antenna considering 7 elements so as to operate at 500MHz.
(6) Discuss the characteristics of Monofilar antenna. (L5)
(7) Explain the wide band characteristics of Monofilar antenna in axial mode. (L6)
(8) A 16 turn helical beam antenna has a circumference of λ and turn spacing of λ/4.
What is (a) HPBW (b) Axial ratio (c) Gain (L1)

Course Code: 15EC604 Course Title: Antennas and Wave


Chapter Number: 06 Chapter Title: Antenna Types and


Planned Hours: 06

Chapter Learning Objectives

After studying this chapter, the student should be able to:

1. Understand the construction and concept of Slot antenna and its types.(L7)
2. State and explain Babinet’s principle and apply it for complimentary slot antennas.(L8)
3. Design Horn antenna for the specifications given such as directivity, gain etc.(L9)
4. Understand the principle and field patterns of Reflector antenna(L9)
5. Design Parabolic reflector antenna for the specifications given such as directivity, gain
6. Differentiate between frequency dependent and frequency independent antennas(L10)
7. Understand the Rumsey’s principle(L10)
8. Design a Log periodic antenna for the specifications given(L11).
9. Understand the principle and applications of the antennas used for communication
Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering NMAMIT, Nitte
Lesson Schedule

Class No. Portion covered per hour

7. Basic construction of Slot antenna

8. Babinet’s principle and Complementary antenna.

9. Horn antenna and Reflector antenna.

10. Frequency independent antenna- Basics and Rumsey’s principle.

11. Log- periodic antennas - principle and design.

12. Antennas for special applications.

Review Questions

(1) Explain the construction and working principle of antennae which are in the form of
Slot. (L7)
(2) Explain Babinet’s principle. In which type of antenna this principle is applied? (L8)
(3) Give the construction and principle of operation of various Horn antennae.(L9)
(4) Explain the construction and principle of operation of various Reflector antenna.
(5) Differentiate between frequency dependent and frequency independent antennas.
(6) Differentiate between broadband and narrowband antenna.(L10)
(7) Explain the construction and principle of operation of a broadband antenna which
is in the form of directors(dipoles).(L11)
(8) Determine directivity, HPBW, FNBW and gain for a horn antenna with rectangular
mouth, whose E plane sectoral dimension and H plane sectoral dimension given by
2m and 1.5 m respectively. The wavelength of the signal is 2m.(L9).
(9) Explain the construction and operation of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) (L12).
(10) Write the construction and applications of (i) Ultra wide band antenna (ii)
Embedded antenna (iii) Mobile Communication antenna. (L12)
(11) Calculate cut off frequencies and band pass of log periodic dipole array with
design factor of 0.7. Ten dipoles are used n the structure, the smallest having a
dimension l/2 equals to 0.3m. (L11)
Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering NMAMIT, Nitte

Chapter Wise Plan

Course Code: 15EC604 Course Title: Antennas and Wave


Chapter Number: 07 Chapter Title: Ground wave propagation

Planned Hours: 05

Chapter Learning Objectives

After studying this chapter, the student should be able to:

1. Categorize the earth’s surface in to different regions and consider the wve propagations
in them. (L1)
2. Derive expression for reflection coefficient for horizontal and vertical polarizations.(L2)
3. Develop expressions for total electric field for space and surface waves.(L3)
4. Develop expressions for path deference, magnitude of electric field for space wave in
terms of heights of both transmitting and receiving antennae(L4 and L5)
5. Construct geometrical structures considering wave as a line.(L5)
Lesson Schedule

Class No. Portion covered per hour

1. Introduction to Ground wave propagation

2. Plane Earth reflections

3. Space waves.

4. Space wave propagations.

5. Surface waves.

Review Questions

(1) Classify the regions of earth’s atmosphere based on altitude.Explain various wave
propagation types. (L1)

(2) Derive an expression for reflection coefficient due to plane earth reflection
considering horizontal polarization. What is the expression considering vertical
polarization? (L2)
Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering NMAMIT, Nitte
(3) Develop an expression for total electric field considering space and surface wave
propagations. (L3 & L4)

(4) Derive an expression for maximum distance for communication over the spherical
earth’s surface in terms of heights of transmitting and receiving antennae. (L5)

(5) Derive an expression for path loss considering direct and ground reflected rays along
the surface of the earth. (L5)

Course Code: 15EC604 Course Title: Antennas and Wave


Chapter Number: 08 Chapter Title: Elevated dipole antenna

Planned Hours: 05

Chapter Learning Objectives (CLO)

After studying this chapter, the student should be able to:

1. Derive an expression for Electric field considering elevated dipole.(L6)

2. Understand the principle of surface waves and the polarizations.(L7)
3. Explain the attenuations produced in the atmosphere during the propagation of waves
through them. (L8)
4. Represent spherical earth propagation in terms of geometrical structures.(L9)
5. Understand the principle of tropospheric wave propagation. (L10)

Lesson Schedule

Class No. Portion covered per hour

6. Elevated dipole above a plane earth.

7. Surface wave propagation.

8. Ground wave attenuation factor.

9. Spherical earth propagation.

10. Tropospheric wave propagation.

Review Questions
Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering NMAMIT, Nitte
(1) Construct a geometrical figure for wave propagation above plane earth’s surface.
Derive an expression for ϕ component of electric field.(L6)
(2) Explain the principle of surface wave propagation. Derive an expression for tilt angle
for a surface wave. (L7)
(3) Write the expression for ground wave attenuation factor. Explain the relevance of the
expression. (L8)
(4) Explain spherical earth’s propagation with a geometrical figure. (L9)

(5) Explain tropospheric scatter with the geometrical diagram. (L10)


Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering NMAMIT, Nitte



(An Autonomous Institution affiliated to VTU, Belagavi)

VI Semester B.E. (E&C) Mid Semester Examinations – II


Duration: 1 Hour Max. Marks: 20

Note: Answer any One full question from each Unit.

Unit – I Marks BT*

1. a) Classify the regions of earth’s atmosphere based on altitude. Explain

3 L1
various wave propagation types.

b) Derive an expression for reflection coefficient due to plane earth

reflection considering horizontal polarization. What is the expression 5 L2
considering vertical polarization? (L2)

c) If the mean of the propagation is 2 and angle of incidence of the

ground wave with respect to the surface is 30 oand wavelength is 2 2 L3
cm, check the surface of the earth.

2. a) Develop an expression for total electric field considering space and

6 L4
surface wave propagations.

b) Give the list of attenuation factors for ground wave propagated wave
4 L2
and Explain.

Unit – II

3. a) Explain the layers of Ionosphere based on the altitude and electron

5 L2

b) Explain tropospheric scatter wave propagation. 5 L3

4. a) Define critical frequency and maximum usable frequency. Derive

6 L3
expressions for them.

b) A wave propagating in ionosphere, passes through a region of space

with electron density of 9 x 108SI units, angle of incidence is 30o.Find
4 L3
the skip distance if the distance between the transmitting and
receiving antenna is 2 km.

Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering NMAMIT, Nitte
Chapter Wise Plan

Course Code: 15EC604 Course Title: Antennas and Wave


Chapter Number: 09 Chapter Title: Ionospheric wave


Planned Hours: 05

Chapter Learning Objectives (CLO)

After studying this chapter, the student should be able to:

1. Understand the characteristics of Ionosphere(L1)

2. Categorize Ionosphere in to different layers.(L1)
3. Understand the principle of Sky wave propagation.(L2)
4. Explain the behavior of Ionosphere at various frequencies.(L3)
5. Explain the effect of earth’s conductivity and permittivity for wave propagation.(L4)
6. Explain the overall behavior of Ionosphere(L5)

Lesson Schedule

Class No. Portion covered per hour

1. Introduction to Ionosphere

2. Sky wave propagation

3. Ionosphere at various frequencies.

4. Conductivity and relative permittivity

5. Variations of Ionosphere.

Review Questions

(1) Explain the characteristics of different regions of Ionosphere. (L1)

(2) Derive an expression for maximum utilization frequency and critical frequency. (L2)

(3) Define skip distance. Derive an expression for skip distance. (L2)

(4) Explain the effect of attenuation factor with the help of expressions. (L4)

(5) An HF link is established for a range of 2000 km. If the reflection region of theIonosphere is
at a height of 200km and has a critical height of 6 MHz, calculate maximum utilizable frequency.
(L2 and L3)
Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering NMAMIT, Nitte

Course Code: 15EC604 Course Title: Antennas and Wave


Chapter Number: 10 Chapter Title: Sky wave propagation

Planned Hours: 05

Chapter Learning Objectives (CLO)

After studying this chapter, the student should be able to:

1. Understand the effect of earth’s magnetic field.(L6)

2. Categorize wave propagation in Ionosphere.(L7)
3. Understand the principle perpendicular propagation.(L7)
4. Explain the principle of parallel propagation.(L8)
5. Explain the principle and effect of Faraday’s rotation.(L9)
6. Methods of measuring total electron content (L10)

Lesson Schedule

Class No. Portion covered per hour

6. Effect of Earth’s magnetic field.

7. Wave propagation in Ionosphere

8. Parallel polarization.

9. Faraday’s rotation

10. Measurement of total electron content.

Review Questions

(1) What are the effects of Earth’s magnetic field for wave propagation? Give the necessary

expressions. (L6)

(2) Discuss the principle of wave propagation in Ionosphere. (L7)

(3) Deduce the necessary expressions for perpendicular wave propagation. (L7)

(4) Deduce the necessary expressions for parallel wave propagation. (L8)
Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering NMAMIT, Nitte
(5) Discuss the principle of Faraday’s rotation. (L9)

(6) Explain various methods of measuring total electron content in Ionosphere. (L10)


Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering NMAMIT, Nitte



(An Autonomous Institution affiliated to VTU, Belagavi)
Sixth Semester B.E. (E&C) (Credit System) Degree Examinations


Duration: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: 1) Answer Five full questions choosing One full question from each Unit.
2) Assume missing data suitably.
Unit – I Mark BT*
1. a) Explain the following in connection with antennae.
8 L2
(i) Radiation intensity (ii) Directivity (iii) Beam area (iv)
Beam efficiency
b) Show HPBW and FNBW points on power and field patterns. An
antenna has field pattern given by E(θ) = Cosθ Cos2θ,for 0 ≤θ≤
6 L3
90o.Find (i) Half Power Beam Width(HPBW) (ii)the Bandwidth between
First Nulls(FNBW).
c) Define effective aperture of an antenna. Derive relation between
6 L2
effective aperture and directivity.

2. a) State and prove Power theorem for a source radiating electromagnetic

energy and hence deduce the theorem in terms of radiation intensity. 8 L2

b) A small dipole antenna carrying a uniform current of 10A is having a far

field rms field at a distance ‘r’ in a direction making an angle ‘θ’ with the
conductor given by E = (200 ᴨ /r) Sin θ, V/m . 8 L3

Find the total power radiated by the antenna.

c) Distinguish between Broadside array and End fire array 4 L2

Unit – II
3. a) Derive an expression for Electric fields of a short dipole of length ‘L’
and diameter ‘d’ at a point in far field of radius ‘r’ from the midpoint of 10 L4
the small dipole.

b) Write the expression for E and H field intensity for a thin, linear center
fed dipole in far field. Draw the field pattern for thin linear dipole of 5 L2
length 3 λ/2.

c) Determine the radiation resistance of a center fed 0.6 λ dipole. The

amplitude of terminal current and average current flowing through the 5 L3
antenna are measured to be 1.25A and 1.5 A respectively.

4. a) Derive an expression for radiation resistance of a short electric dipole 7 L4

Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering NMAMIT, Nitte
b) Derive an expression for E field intensity for a small loop antenna 8 L4
c) Find the radiation efficiency of a 1 m diameter loop made of 10 mm
diameter copper wire at 10 MHz. 5 L3

Unit – III
5. a) (i) Give the applications of helical antennas.

(ii) Derive the relation between circumferences, spacing turn length

and pitch angle of helix 5 L2
(iii) Find HPBW and BWFN for a helical antenna of 10 turns with
circumference in wavelength of 1 λ. The spacing between the turns is
b) Explain the design construction and principle of Yagi-uda antenna 7 L2
c) Discuss various radiation modes of a helical antenna 5 L2

6. a) State and explain Babinet’s principle. Illustrate the application of the

principle to a slot and metal strip using a dipole as the source. 7 L4

b) Discuss the construction, design and operations of paraboloidal

8 L2
reflector with the necessary diagrams.
c) Distinguish between broad band and narrow band antennas 5 L4

Unit – IV
7. a) Classify the electromagnetic waves based on the propagation paths in
8 L4
earth’s atmosphere
b) Derive an expression Reflection factor for a RF wave undergoing
7 L4
perpendicular polarization
c) Explain the classification of mechanisms of wave propagation beyond
line of sight within the tropospheric region. For a dipole of surface
5 L2
wave, find the approximate attenuation factor considering a numerical
distance of 4.5 and phase constant of 4 degrees.

8. a) Derive an expression for Electric field magnitude considering VHF

6 L4
b) A 5MHz radio wave is propagating at the surface of an average earth
having a conductivity of 5x10-3 SIU and relative permittivity of 15.
6 L3
Calculate the ratio of Eh and Ev. If the numerical distance is 850, find
the distance between transmit and receive antenna.
c) What is troposphere? Explain the mechanism of wave propagation in
8 L2

Unit – V
9. a) Explain various layers of Ionospheric region of earth’s surface. 8 L2
b) Derive an expression for refractive index in terms of signal frequency
and number of electrons per cubic meter considering the wave 7 L4
propagation in Ionosphere.

c) Discuss the effect of frequency of the electromagnetic signal with the 5 L3

Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering NMAMIT, Nitte

10. a) Define maximum usable frequency (MUF). Derive an expression for

MUF. What is the relation with critical frequency at the limiting angle? 8 L2

b) The critical frequencies at an instant observed for E, F1 and F2 layers

were found to be 3, 5 and 9MHz. Find the corresponding concentration 7 L3
of electrons in these layers.


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