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Presentation on theme: "Boy Scouts of the Philippines"— Presentation transcript:

1 Boy Scouts of the Philippines

Ideals of Scouting Boy Scouts of the Philippines

2 Before we start…What is Boy Scouting?

3 What is Boy Scouting?

Boy Scouting is a program for boys 10 to 17 years of age who join Scouting Troops
sponsored by schools and by civic, fraternal, services and religious organizations.

4 Let us continue…The ideals of scouting

5 The Ideals of Scouting The Scout Oath The Scout Law The Scout Motto
The Scout SloganThe Scout BadgeThe Scout SignThe Scout SaluteThe Scout

6 Please recite the Scout Oath… 

7 The Scout Oath Explained…

On My Honor... Honor is your most precious and sacred possession in life. It includes
your good name, your integrity and good reputation. I Will Do My Best... In everything
you do, you promise to do the best you can. If anything worth doing is worth doing at all,
it is worth doing well. Doing your best is your personal challenge. Always strive to do
your best in everything you do.

8 The Scout Oath Explained…

To Do My Duty to God and My Country... We, who belong to the Scout Movement
believe in God. We may not all worship Him in the same way, but we are one in our faith
and belief that He is the Supreme Being, our Lord and Master. The Republic of the
Philippines... Our country, the Philippines deserves our full love and dedication. And To
Obey the Scout Law... In trying to live up to the Scout Oath – you will need the Scout
Law to guide you. The twelve points of the Scout Law are our norm of conduct as we
travel along the Scouting trail through life.

9 The Scout Oath Explained…

To Help Other People At All Times... One reason why Scouting has flourished in this
country is because it has received the willing support of the public. Scouting merits this
support because Scouts have demonstrated that they are useful members of society.
To Keep Myself Physically Strong... If you want to have an alert mind and be always
ready to serve others, you must keep yourself physically healthy and strong.

10 The Scout Oath Explained…

Mentally Awake… His reflexes, his responses, his movements must always be ready to
respond to his needs and the needs of the situation. And Morally Straight... A Scout
must be a model of moral uprightness. His norm of conduct must be beyond reproach.
His thoughts, words and deeds should always reflect his high ideals and sound moral

11 Please recite the Scout Law… 

12 The Scout Law Explained…

A Scout is Trustworthy. A Scout tells the truth. He keeps his promises. Honesty is part
of his code of conduct. People can always depend on him. A Scout is Loyal. A Scout is
true to his family, friends. Scout Leaders, school, nation, and world community. A Scout
is Helpful. A Scout is concerned about other people. He willingly volunteers to help
others without expecting payment or reward.

13 The Scout Law Explained…

A Scout is Friendly. A Scout is a friend to all. He seeks to understand others. He
respects those with ideas and customs that are different from his own. A Scout is
Courteous. A Scout is polite to everyone regardless of age or position. He knows that
good manners make it easier for people to get along together. A Scout is Kind. A Scout
understands there is strength in being gentle. He treats others as he wants to be
treated. He does not harm nor kill any living creature needlessly but will strive to save
and protect all harmless life.

14 The Scout Law Explained…

A Scout is Obedient. A Scout follows the rules of his family, school and troop. He obeys
the laws of his community and country. If he thinks these rules and laws are unfair, he
tries to have them changed in an orderly manner rather than disobey them. A Scout is
Cheerful. A Scout looks for the bright side of life. He cheerfully does tasks that come his
way. He tries to make others happy. A Scout is Thrifty. A Scout works to pay his way
and to help others. He saves for the future. He protects and conserves natural
resources. He carefully uses his time and property.

15 The Scout Law Explained…

A Scout is Brave. A Scout can face danger even if he is afraid. He has the courage to
stand for what he thinks is right even if others laugh at him or threaten him. A Scout is
Clean. A Scout keeps his body and mind fit and clean. He goes around with those who
believe in living by these same ideals. He helps keep his home and community clean. A
Scout is Reverent. A Scout is reverent toward God. He is faithful in his religious duties.
He respects the beliefs of others.

16 The Scout Oath The Scout Law

On my Honor, I will do my best To do my duty to God and my country, the Republic of
the Philippines, and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep
myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally

17 Let’s have an icebreaker

Time Out!Let’s have an icebreaker
18 The scout motto and slogan
Scouting in the PhilippinesThe scout motto and slogan

19 Five Sectional Programs

KID – Kabataang Imumulat-Diwa Age Group – 4 to 5 years (Kindergarten I & II)Scout
Motto – “Laging Masaya”KAB – Kabataang Alay sa Bayan Age Group – 6 to 9 years old
(Grade I, II, III)Scout Motto – “Laging Handa”Scout Slogan – “Gawin ang Makakaya”

20 Five Sectional Programs

Boy ScoutingAge Group – 10 to 12 years (Grade IV, V, VI)Scout Motto – “Laging
Handa”Scout Slogan – “Do a good turn daily”Senior ScoutingAge Group – 13 to 17
years (High School)Scout Motto – “Laging Handa”Scout Slogan – “Once a Scout,
Always a Scout”Rover Scouting (for young men and women)Age Group – 16 to 23
years (College Level)Scout Motto – “Laging Handa”Scout Slogan – “Together We

21 The scout badge 


Faith a. LuzonTruth b. VisayasKnowledge c. MindanaoTHE THREE POINTSDuty to
God & CountryDuty to SelfDuty to OthersTREFOILSINGLE BAND represents unity and
universal brotherhoodSCROLLIt reminds us that a Scout is Cheerful.OVERHAND
KNOTreminds us that we should“Do a good turn daily”

23 The scout sign 

24 The Scout Sign ITS MEANING: ITS USES:

The three fingers pointing up symbolize the three points of the Oath. They also signify
that a Scout climbs upward to bigger and better things. The two other fingers stand for
the bond of brotherhood and friendship that ties all Scouts together.ITS USES:The
Scout sign is used by Scouts when he makes a solemn pledge, while reciting the Scout
Oath and Law, as well as the Panunumpa sa Watawat. It is also used as a greeting of
recognition sign among Scouts and Scouters all over the world.

25 The scout salute & Handshake 

26 The Scout Salute The Scout Handshake

When in uniform, the salute is rendered as a sign of respect to the Flag and the National
Anthem. It is also used between Scouts and Scouters as a sign of courtesy and
respect.Scouts all over the world use the ScoutHandshake, it is given with a warmLEFT
HANDSHAKE.Using it makes one feel that he belongs tothe world of brotherhood of
Scouting andthat he is one among the millions ofScouts in various parts of the
worlddedicated to the same ideal of service.

27 Thank you for listening!

Created for you by: RS Reneir Val PerezSource: Troop Leaders’ ManualBoy Scouts of
the Philippines
Presentation on theme: "Scout Ideals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scout Ideals 



3 B. Scout Law A Scout is Trustworthy Loyal Helpful Friendly Courteous


4 C. Scout Motto “LAGING HANDA” or “BE PREPARED”

Must be prepared to do your duty to God and country, to other people, and to
yourselfReady for all situationLearn skills and knowledge for application on various

SCOUT”Must always remember his different duties – to God and his country, to other
people and to himselfA scout is always a scout at all times and in all places

6 E. Scout SpiritScout Spirit is living everyday according to Scout Oath and LawYou
show it in the way you act and the things you do in Scouting and in your daily life

7 F. Spiritual Training The highest duty of a scout – his duty to God
Believes that there is God, regarding of his religion and denominationGod – fearing and
God - loving

8 G. World BrotherhoodA Filipino Scout is a brother of his fellow scout all over the
world, regardless of sex, religion, color or creedBoy Scout of the Philippines is a
member of the World Organization of the Scout MovementFilipino Scout participate
actively in International and World Scout Jamboree

9 H. Scout Sign Done with right hand

Right forearm forms right angle (ninety degrees) with the upper arm which is
horizontally in line with the shoulderUses of Scout SignUsed while reciting the Scout
Oath, Law and the Pledge of AllegianceUsed to great fellow Scout

10 Meaning of Scout SignThe three fingers pointing upward represents the three duties
of a Scout :Duty to God and Country (middle finger)Duty to Others (ring finger)Duty to
Self (first finger)The thumb and little finger, separately, represents the Two Objectives of
ScoutingCharacter BuildingCitizenship TrainingThumb and little finger joined together
means World Brotherhood

11 Scout Sign Picture Duty To God & Country Duty To Others Duty To Self
Separately, they represent :A.) Citizenship TrainingB.) Character BuildingWorld
12 I. Scout Salute Angle formed in executing this is 45 degrees
The forefinger touches the edge of your right eyebrowIf you wear eyeglasses, it touches
the right edge of your eyeglassesIf you are wearing a hat, the forefinger touches the
brim of the hatUses of Scout SaluteWhen in uniform, used to show respect to the
Philippine Flag and National AnthemTo show respect and courtesy for fellow scouts

13 J. Scout HandshakeThe handshake is done with the left hand, which is nearest to
the heartIt is used to recognize and great fellow scouts

14 K. The Scout Uniform Phil. Flag (for senior scouts only)
NeckerchiefSlide or WoggleRank BadgesInstitutional StripBadge of OfficeTemporary
Badges (attained by attending specific activity, worn for 6 months after the end of the
activity)Phil. Flag (for senior scouts only)Manila council StripMembership BadgeSenior
Scout Strip / Boy Scout Strip

15 Uniform Types Type - A Uniform : Type - B Uniform : Type - C Uniform :

Complete scout uniform from hand to foot, and worn with black leather shoesType - B
Uniform :Scout uniform without the scout shirtThe blue CKSC Scout T-Shirt is worn and
rubber shoes may be allowedType - C Uniform :Civilian UniformType - D Uniform
:CKSC Scout T-Shirt with neckerchief and any dark pants.Rubber shoes may be

16 Uses of the Neckerchief

Used as a bandage or tourniquet for emergency First Aid purposesCan be used to
protect the head from the heat of the sunUsed as muffler or protection of the neck from
coldness of the nightUsed as improvised signaling flagsTied with other neckerchief, it
can be an improvised ropeCan be used as temporary binder, bag or wrapperThe
Neckerchief is the one part of the Scout Uniform that is used all over the world.


18 Symbolisms : Three points of the Trefoil Three Stars Color Red

Three duties of a Scout – Duty to God and Country, Duty to Others and Duty to
SelfThree StarsLuzon, Visayas and Mindanao.Also represents the Foundation of Scout
Citizenship – Faith , Truth and KnowledgeColor RedCourageBraveryHeroismFor the
Blood of those who died for our country

19 Color Blue Color White Eight Rays of the Sun

High Political purposes and noble idealsColor WhitePeace and PurityEight Rays of the
SunFirst 8 provinces that fought Spanish ruleManila TarlacBulacan Nueva
EcijaPampanga CaviteBatangas Laguna

20 Single Band of the trefoil Scroll Below the Trefoil

World BrotherhoodScroll Below the TrefoilLike the mouth of a Smiling ScoutShows that
Scout is CheerfulScout Motto “Laging Handa”, is written in the ScrollOverhand KnotTied
at the bottom of the scrollRepresent Scout Slogan – Do A Good Turn Daily
21 Boy/Senior Badges Of Rank
Senior ScoutingExplorerPathfinderBoy/Senior Badges Of
RankOutdoorsmanVenturerMembershipBadgeFirst ClassTenderfootSecond ClassBoy

22 Eagle ScoutBadgeAward

Presentation on theme: "Smartness & good order CREW LEADER TRAINING

COURSE"— Presentation transcript:

1 Smartness & good order CREW LEADER TRAINING COURSE

Course Recognition no. ____

2 The SCOUT UniformThe Group FormationThe MANUAL OF THE STAFFSILENT


3 What our Scout Uniform Means

Signifies your membership to the world brotherhood of the Scouting Movement – The
Boy Scouts of the Philippines, and WOSM.It proclaims you as a person of character
with high and noble Scouting Ideals which reflect our Scout Oath, our Scout Law and
the Senior Scout “Slogan” – Once a Scout, Always a Scout.It stands for Preparedness
for Service to others, which exemplifies our “Motto” – Laging Handa.Symbolizes
democracy – breaking the barriers of poverty and social standingReflects the meaning
of the great Outdoor Life.


The Scout uniform must be worn with pride, honor, respect, and distinction. The
following must be observed by all:The Senior SCOUTS:In all Scouting activities such as
Crew and Outfit meetings, hiking, camping,Community involvement projects,
jamborees, parades, ceremonies, etc.At special religious service for Scouts.During
Scouting monthWhen prescribed for special Scouting service.On such occasions as
may be prescribed by the Local Council, Region or the National Office of the BSP.


The Scout uniform must be worn with pride, honor, respect, and distinction.The
following must be observed by all:The OUTFIT ADVISOR:In all Scouting activities of the
OutfitIn formal Council, Regional, or National Scouting affairsIn special church service
for ScoutingIn training courses, conferences, seminars, workshops, and other
gatherings Sponsored by the Scouting movement.Whenever appearing before the
public with uniformed Boy Scouts.The Type A uniform must be worn during formal
Scouting activities and other specified Scouting activities. The Type B uniform should be
worn during informal Scouting activities.
When soliciting funds or engaged in any selling, marketing or promotional campaign, or
in any commercial venture not related to Scouting (This does not however, forbid
Scouts in uniform from selling tickets for Scouts benefit shows, rallies, and similar
Scouting events);When engaged in any endeavor / activity of a political party;When
appearing professionally on stage, in motion pictures, or modeling without specific
authority from NEB of the BSP.When taking parts in parades, except for the purpose of
rendering service as a Scout/er or when representing officially the BSP, and;When one
ceases to be a Scout/er through failure to register or leaves the Scout Movement for
any other reasons.

7 The Neckerchief and the Carabao Slide

Our Neckerchief…The Universality of the Scout MovementServes as many practical
purposesBandage and tourniquetSignal Flags during emergenciesIn absence of ropes,
may also be joined together to be used as one.Protects the head from the heat of the
sun.The Wooden Carabao Head as Slide… The symbol of hard work, humility,
perseverance and strength…An animal of burden which is so valuable, an asset to the
Filipino farmerExemplifies kindness, friendliness, hospitality, patience and persistence
which are held highly by every FilipinoOur national animal – that possesses “good
character”, which also render selfless service to all












18 Scout SignScout SaluteThe Left Handshake

19 REMINDER - Whistle Calls:

Alert / AttentionAssembleCrew LeaderService CrewProgram CrewDouble Time
20 LEADERSHIP & ORDER“…It is said of Napoleon… the most autocratic of men, that
he never gave an order without explaining its purpose and making sure that this
purpose was understood. He knows that blind obedience could never ensure the
intelligence of any order…”

BSP Scouting and you

1. 1. D. Vision E. Mission A. What is Scouting? B. What is Boy Scouting? C. What
is the BSP?
2. 2. There are more than 28 million boys and their leaders who are in Scouting and
countries who are members of the World Organization of the Scout Movement.
Scouting began as an inspired idea of an inspiring man, Robert Stephenson
Smyth Baden Powell.
3. 3. Lord Baden-Powell, or simply B.P. to Millions of Scouts, always attracted
millions of boys because of unique character and its even more unique system of
4. 4. Scouting’s emphasis has been in doing things in a way that will attract the boy
and hold his attention through fun, adventure and fellowship. But underneath it
all, is the ever important element of LEARNING and SERVING through fun and
games, adventure and challenges and fellowship.
5. 5. Thus, a Scout activity like camping or hiking is meaningless, unless in the
process, the boy learns to cope with the unexpected, to learn to live, love and
respect nature and understand why it is important to him and to his society, to get
the experience of working with others in the service of others.
6. 6. “Scouting is Learning by doing”. Not from books or from lectures as in school,
but from actual experiences.
7. 7. The end result, the fun, the fellowship, the adventure have been meaningful
and useful to the boy, is the development of the boy’s character, the
strengthening of his moral and spiritual values, the building of a contributing and
useful citizen of the nation.
8. 8. In this process, the adult – the trained, experienced and understanding Troop
Leader (YOU!....) is indispensable. It is through him that scouting comes alive for
the boy.
9. 9. It is a program for boys 10-17 years of age who join Scout Troops sponsored
by schools and by civic, fraternal, service and religious organizations
10. 10. The following describe the concept, objectives and characteristics of the Boy
Scouting Program: 1. It is service and outdoor-centered.
11. 11. 2. The concepts of character development, citizenship training and skills for
self- reliance are directed towards service to others 3. Activities are boy-planned
and boy- implemented with adults providing guidance and supervision.
12. 12. 4. Typical outdoor experiences through camping, hiking, community service
and the like are promoted. 5. Working together as a team is promoted through
the Patrol System which offers opportunities for leadership training.
13. 13. The Boy Scouts of the Philippines is “a voluntary, non-political, educational
movement for young people, under adult guidance, open to all Filipinos, without
distinction of origin, race, or creed, in accordance with the purpose, principles
and method conceived by the founder”.
14. 14. The BSP is effectively contributing to nation-building by helping young
Filipino boys and in the higher age levels, develop their full physical, intellectual,
social and spiritual potentials as individuals, as responsible citizens and as
members of their local, national and international communities.
15. 15. The BSP Vision is being realized by: 1. promoting through organizations and
cooperation with other agencies the ability of boys to do useful things for
themselves and for others. 2. training them in craftsmanship.
16. 16. 3. inculcating in them patriotism, civic- consciousness and responsibility,
courage, discipline and kindred virtues, and moral values using the method which
are in common use by the Boy Scouts, and 4. in the process a. imbueing Scouts
and Scouters with the
17. 17. Virtue of Love of GOD, Country, and fellowmen; b. training and preparing the
youth to become responsible citizens and leaders; and c. contributing to nation
building according to the ideals, the principles, and the program of Scouting.

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