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A FAQ/Walkthrough by Evil Surge

Version 1.0 (Final)
Last Updated: 4/4/02
E-Mail: [email protected]

Table of Contents

I. Introduction
II. Story
III. Walkthrough
I. Act I
II. Act II
IV. Act IV
V. Act V
IV. Important Info
V. Legal Info
VI. Farewell




One day a while back, I was browsing through my local Best Buy
when I came across Blade Runner. I was thinking "Cheap crap."
However, when I saw nothing better, and thinking back to the popular
movie starring Harrison Ford (which the game is very loosely tied to,
it turns out), I bought it. After I installed it and double clicked on
that little icon, however, I became slightly interested. It got better
as I got into it, and I decided I liked this game, very much. However,
it was very hard, and without the use of a guide, I couldn't make it
far. Most of the guides I encountered were terrible, inaccurate, and
had major information gaps (example: late in the game I was in the
sewer network and a guide told me to go to a room I couldn't get to.
It turned out I needed to pull a switch first.) I had to use almost
four sources of information to get through the adventure. I'm here to
fix that. In your hands (or monitor, maybe) is the fullest, most
accurate, detailed solution to a great (but hard) game. I hope you
enjoy and prosper from this work, therefore making my effort
worthwhile. I would also like to take this chance to remind you that
if any information is missing from this FAQ, don't hesitate to E-Mail
me (the address is at the top of the page). In the subject line, put
BLADE RUNNER so I don't delete it. Anyway, I've probably bored you
enough; so, let's get on with it.




New bio-engineering research has birthed human synthetic

creations called Replicants. These creations were made for completing
tasks normal humans would not or could not do. After a bloody mutiny
on an off-world colony, Replicants weren't allowed on Earth, violation
of this law punishable by death. Special forces were set to enforce
this law at all costs. It was not called execution, it was called
retirement. Your character, Ray McCoy, a brand new Blade Runner fresh
out of training, has been drafted to the Los Angeles unit. After some
Replicants trash a pet store and shoot the animals, your first big case
has begun.





Runciter's Animals (Outside)

After the opening movie, your spinner lands next to Runciter's

Animals, the petless pet store. Speak to the officer standing infront
of you first. Keep talking to him until he repeats himself. You'll
notice now if you left click on Ray (without a gun drawn) you bring up
your KIA. It is here you can check out clues you've obtained, suspects
for each crime committed, amongst other things. By the way, to save
and load your game at any time, press escape. After your chat with
Officer Leary, click on the fire hydrant, the piece of chrome (right
infront of the hydrant, kind of shiny), and the left side of the
doorway (not clicking to go inside, just the doorway). After this,
click on the crowd of people standing behind the barricades. You'll
tell Officer Leary to interview some people. He'll attend to that, and
while we wait, head inside Runciter's shop.

Runciter's Animals (Inside)

Speak to Runciter. He'll tell you about Lucy Devlan, and his
suspicions surrounding her. Speak to him again, and use all the
conversation threads. Ray will ask Runciter to find Lucy's reference
letter. Runciter will walk over to his desk, get it, and hand it to
you. Now, click on the video camera hanging from the ceiling (to the
left of the big cage, little red light). Runciter will give you the
videodisk after a stupid comment. Next to the door on the ground,
you'll also find some Shell Casings (dark spot, cursor will turn green
over it). Now, head to the back area of the store. This is Lucy's
Corner. Click on the Toy Dog (large white thing next to wall, can't
miss it really), the Chopstick Wrapper (under chair), and Candy Bar (on
desk). Now you can exit the store.

Runciter's Animals (Outside)

Speak to Officer Leary again to hear the information he obtained

from the crowd. You should get two interviews, so click on him twice.
Now jump into your spinner and select Police Headquarters on the map.

Police Station (Roof)

Head to the elevator.

Police Station (Elevator)

Select Floor 2.

Police Station (Mainframe and Shooting Range)

Enter the room to the right (Ray's left). This is the ESPER
room, where you can download your KIA clues to a computer (useless, but
do it anyway every time you visit), and check videodisks. Click the
right monitor to download your KIA, then click the center one to look
at Runciter's surveillance footage. Select the first picture. Using
the crosshairs, click and drag over any section of the picture to zoom
in. Do this over the area next to the TV hanging over the right side
of the tiger's cage, and you'll focus on Lucy, but more importantly,
her jewelry. Ray will ask for a hardcopy. Click on the picture at the
bottom right side of the screen to bring the picture back to its normal
state. Now, zoom in on Lucy's desk (in the back of the room,
remember). Now zoom in on the white paper, if you didn't already.
It's a sushi menu from Howie Lee's bar in Chinatown. You'll get a
hardcopy, and now you're done with this picture. Click the X button on
the top left of the screen and select the second picture. Zoom in on
the shadow in the doorway. You now have a suspect. As usual, Ray will
ask for a hardcopy. Now zoom in on the black car behind the suspect.
After a hardcopy, you're done with Runciter's videodisk. Exit the
ESPER room, and if you want, try the shooting range (left door). When
you're done doing whatever, get back in the elevator.

Police Station (Elevator)

Head to Floor Three.

Police Station (Laboratory)

Talk to Klein (the only guy there), and he'll tell you about the
clues you downloaded from your KIA. He's real informative, and can
help you understand a lot of things. Sometimes Klein isn't there, so
use him while you can. When you're done, head back to the elevator.

Police Station (Elevator)

Go back to the Roof.

Police Station (Roof)

Jump in your spinner and head to Chinatown.

Chinatown (Howie Lee's Sushi Bar)

The man in red sitting at the bar is a comedian named Gordo.

After some talk, he walks away. Now speak to Howie Lee, the guy behind
the counter (skinny one, not the fat cook). Use all conversation
threads, then follow Zuben to the kitchen.

Chinatown (Kitchen)

Talk to Zuben, either about Lucy or the VK test, and begin to

click madly on the right hand side of the screen. When Zuben tries to
empty the contents of the boiling pot onto you, you'll dodge it (if you
don't it's okay, you'll just get up slower). Run out the back door, in
pursuit of Zuben.
Chinatown (Alley)

Run around the corner to see a hobo next to a dumpster. You can
kill him if you like, then root around in the dumpster for a license
plate. Then, if you killed the hobo, dump his body in the dumpster.
You now can kill Zuben in two different ways. I happen to like the
second better, but it's your choice.

Choice #1

Chinatown (Alley)

Enter the door by the dumpster.

Chinatown (Warehouse)

Run up the stairs on the right side.

Chinatown (Dark Corridor)

Run to the end of the hall. Zuben will drop down. You can
either kill him, or put your gun away and spare him. (I never did the
later, so kill him. He he.) Search his body for a picture. Then
return downstairs.

Chinatown (Warehouse)

Speak to the cops, then jump in your spinner and head to your

McCoy's Apartment (Roof)

Head to the elevator (far end of roof). Get inside.


Choice #2

Chinatown (Alley)

Run in the opposite direction from the dumpster, all the way down
the alley.

Chinatown (Howie Lee's Sushi Bar)

Jump in your spinner and head to your apartment.

McCoy's Apartment (Roof)

Approach the elevator (at the far end of the roof). Zuben will
approach from the right. Kill him, or put your gun away to sympathize.
If you kill him, some guy named Gaff will talk to you. Search Zuben's
body for a picture. Get into the elevator.


McCoy's Apartment (Elevator)

Select the middle button to go to Ray's room, 88f.

McCoy's Apartment (88f)

Meet Maggie, the lovable mutt Ray just bought. You can feed her
by clicking on the counter if you want. Notice that on the table near
the couch is a ESPER machine, just like the one at the Police Station.
Anyway, head into Ray's bedroom down the hall. Ray will go over the
events of the day on the balcony, then return the control to you.
Click on the bed to go to sleep, and end Act I.


McCoy's Apartment (88f)

Watch the cool movie introducing Act II, then check your messages
(little blinking red light on wall next to bathroom). Now say goodbye
to Maggie (maybe throw her some food first), and get back in the

McCoy's Apartment (Elevator)

Click on the top button to go to the Roof.

McCoy's Apartment (Roof)

Jump into your spinner and head over to the Tyrell building (the
huge double-pyramid thing on your map).

Tyrell Headquarters (Lobby)

Talk to the security guard behind the desk and use all
conversation threads. He'll give you a videodisk, and tell you
Eisenduller's Lab is upstairs. Enter the elevator.

Tyrell Headquarters (DNA Lab)

When you get off the elevator, head through the big door infront
of you.

Tyrell Headquarters (Anti-Gravity Lab)

Click on the body of Marcus Eisenduller (yellow and orange

pixilated thing on the left side of the screen). Ray will pull a
detonator wire from his skull, and give you a detailed description of
how he died. Click on the fast food box (black crate with white boxes
in it, center of room). You'll notice it's from a place called
Kingston Kitchen. Nearby, pick up the dog collar (hard to spot, your
cursor will turn green over it). So, the dog's name is Rikki. Exit
the lab now, unless you like staring at dead things.

Tyrell Headquarters (DNA Lab)

Click on the computer console. You'll see that someone tried to

access restricted files a dozen times, but failed because of invalid
passwords. Click on it again, and you'll use Rikki (the name from the
dog collar), as a password, and obtain a sample of NEXUS-6 DNA.
Underneith the computer is a dragonfly earring. Pick it up (looks like
Lucy's, doesn't it?) and head back to the elevator.

Tyrell Headquarters (Lobby)

Why, it's Crystal Steele. Say hello kids! After a brief

conversation with her (you can only use one of the two threads), leave
the building to jump back in your spinner.

Police Station (Roof)

Enter the elevator.

Police Station (Elevator)

Head to Floor 2.

Police Station (Mainframe and Shooting Range)

Enter the ESPER room and download your KIA. Next, click on the
left monitor to examine Tyrell's security videodisk. First, zoom in on
the man holding the gun, then the explosive in his left hand (small,
yellow block thing near his thigh). After that, zoom in on the dog
(left side of screen), then the Kingston Kitchen take out box. With
four new hardcopies, exit the ESPER room and get back in the elevator.

Police Station (Elevator)

Go down to the Basement.

Police Station (Lockup)

Talk to the guy in the cell, named Spencer Grigorian. Use all
conversation threads, and maybe even perform a Voight-Kampff test if
you want to bust his balls. After some fun, head back to the elevator.

Police Station (Elevator)

Go to the First Floor.

Police Station (Ground Floor)

Run all the way to the opposite side of the screen and enter
Guzza's Office. If he's there, talk to him and use all conversation
threads. He'll set up an appointment with Dr. Tyrell, lend you some
money, and even yell at you for killing that hobo in Chinatown (if you
did, he he). If Guzza isn't there, click on his desk to find an order
form for more weapons. Take this up to the Shooting Range and show it
to Sergeant Walls. He'll tell you Guzza really likes overkill, and not
to worry about it. Anyway, when you're done doing whatever, get into
the elevator.

Police Station (Elevator)

Back to the Roof.

Police Station (Roof)

Jump in your spinner and head to Animoid Row.

Animoid Row (Main Street)

When you land, talk to the woman who owns the dragonfly stall
(big green picture of a dragonfly over it, duh). Use all conversation
threads, and maybe even buy a bracelet for Maggie. Exit the screen to
the left to see a shop called Bullet Bob's Runner Surplus. Enter.

Animoid Row (Bullet Bob's Runners Surplus)

Talk to Bullet Bob, and use all conversation threads. If you

talk enough, he'll give you better ammunition for your gun (yay).
Before you leave, you can shoot Bullet Bob, but unless you're a
sociopath, don't. You'll get in trouble with the cops if caught. You
did already kill a hobo, don't push your luck. Now exit the store.

Animoid Row (Main Street)

Enter Hawker's Circle (hallway to the left of Bullet Bob's

Runners Surplus).

Animoid Row (Hawker's Circle)

Run past Kingston Kitchen, down another hall, and finally stop
infront of the store called Green something (I forgot the name). Talk
to the man standing out front, and he'll introduce himself as Izo. Use
all conversation threads and when he enters his store, just run around
Hawker's Circle once and he'll be outside again. Talk to him some more
and he'll pull a camera off the shelf. After blinding you with the
flash, grab the camera, and run into the store after him. Shoot the
lock off the gate and descend through the trapdoor.

Sewer Network (Weapons Storage)

Check out the pile of weapons in the far corner of the room, then
quickly continue after Izo.

Sewer Network (Animoid Row Access Tunnel)

Head up the ladder on the left wall.

Animoid Row (Main Street)

Izo takes a swing at you with some kind of weapons and gets shot
by Crystal, who promptly runs over to arrest him. After a chat with
her, head back to your spinner, and police headquarters.

Police Station (Roof)

As usual, get in the elevator.

Police Station (Elevator)

Head to Floor 2.

Police Station (Mainframe and Shooting Range)

Enter the ESPER room and download your KIA. Now, click on the
left monitor to view the pictures in the camera you picked up. Select
the one of Ray. This picture is useless unless you can spot a
pedestrian in a black dress in the background. If so, zoom in on her
to get a hardcopy, if not (it depends on the time the picture was
taken), just discard the picture. Check out the next photograph. Zoom
in on the head of the guy talking to the blond woman at the bar.
Hardcopy time. Head back to the elevator when finished.

Police Station (Elevator)

Go back to the Roof.

Police Station (Roof)

Jump in your spinner and check out DNA Row.

DNA Row (Main Street)

Head to the left side of the screen to see a Dermot Design

building. SAVE HERE!!! You'll be very happy you did. Enter the

DNA Row (Dermot Design)

You'll see a scientist tied to a bomb by a chain. Listen to his

cry of help, then quickly shoot the chain with your gun, then RUN! RUN

DNA Row (Main Street)

If you got far enough, you'll be unharmed, but not so the

scientist. Talk to him before he dies to learn of the twins. After
the police arrive, enter the Dermot Design building again.

DNA Row (Dermot Design)

You'll get a description of the bomb. Exit now.

DNA Row (Main Street)

Climb the stairs on the left side of the Dermot Design building
to enter the Twin's Apartment.

DNA Row (Twin's Apartment)

Examine the statue on the far wall to get an envelope, then check
out the message machine (little monitor on desk). That voice belongs
to J.F. Sebastian. After the message has played, exit the building.

DNA Row (Main Street)

Head to the right side of the street. Enter the Eye Lab.

DNA Row (Eye Lab)

Meet Chew. Talk to him and use all conversation threads. When
you're done, exit.

DNA Row (Main Street)

Go through the alley next to the Eye Lab.

Bradbury Building (Street)

Enter the disused hotel.

Bradbury Building (Lobby)

Either take the elevator or the stairs up. If you take the
elevator, follow the hall until you get to a door (the stairs stop
right infront of it). Enter J.F. Sebastian's apartment.

Bradbury Building (Apartment - Floor One)

You find yourself at an intersection. If the path you stood on

was the North Path, run down the South Path. You are now in the
Computer Room. Click on the black thing on the floor to get the
printer working. Collect the information from the printer and exit the
room by the top left pathway. Keep heading left until you get to a
bathroom with a leaky ceiling. Climb up the ladder against the wall.

Bradbury Building (Apartment - Floor Two)

Keep following the hall until you get to a wooden dresser.

Notice the little squares of glass on either side. Click on all the
glass on the right side to make a rather crude ladder. Climb it and
watch the cutscene.


Yukon Hotel (Room)

After you watch the movie introducing Act III, McCoy finds
himself bound to a chair. To free yourself, click on the radiator on
the wall near the window to have Ray shuffle over there and slice his
ropes. Once you're free, observe the other chair in the center of the
room. Click underneath it to find some cheese, which is a banned
substance. One could get arrested for using cheese. Move your cursor
over the bed until it turns blue. Click here to get a better view of
the floor. Near the right side of the screen is what looks like a
piece of paper. It is, in fact, a photograph. Gather it up, as well
as the token under the rag doll. When you're done, exit the room.

Yukon Hotel (Lobby)

After you see the manager of the hotel argue with someone, go
through the door with the neon lights around it.

Yukon Hotel (Crime Scene)

Well, someone died, and the cops did a lousy job of collecting
evidence. Let's do their job for them. First, open the bottom drawer
of the dresser. It's a badge with the name Holden, another Blade
Runner. In the trash can behind the dresser you can also find an
animal scale. Leave the room when finished.

Yukon Hotel (Lobby)

Exit the hotel via the door to the left of the receptionist desk.

Yukon Hotel (Parking Lot)

That black car sure looks familiar. Take a look inside and
you'll get a description of the car. Click on the little brown thing
on the floor to find a wrapper from someplace called Lichen Dog - right
outside Hysteria Hall. Head left.

DNA Row (Main Street)

You'll find yourself back here. Jump into your spinner and head
down to Hysteria Hall.

Hysteria Hall (Street)

Head over to the food stand run by the arguing couple. They are
Murray and Mia, two stereotypical old people, fighting over who made
the Checkers Speech. Ask them about the Lichen Dog wrapper you found
in the car outside the Yukon Hotel, Lucy, and the cheese. They don't
know much about Lucy, but they do say the wrapper is from their stand,
and Mumma Isabella, the woman who runs Kingston Kitchen, uses cheese as
a secret ingredient. When you're done with the old folks, head into
the used car shop on the left side of the screen.

Hysteria Hall (Used Car Shop)

Meet Crazy Legs Larry. You can call him Crazy, you can call him
Legs, you can call him Crazy Legs blah blah blah. Talk to him and ask
about Lucy, and the black sedan. He says he sold the car to a blond
woman. Didn't we see the Replicant responsible for all this mayhem
talking to a blonde woman? Yes, we even have a hardcopy of it. When
you're done with Legs, Crazy, whatever you call him, exit.

Hysteria Hall (Street)

Hop into your spinner and head over to Animoid Row.

Animoid Row (Main Street)

Right next to your arrival point is a woman running a fish stall.

Talk to her several times to find out about that scale you found back
at the Yukon Hotel. Next, talk to the woman who runs the dragonfly
stall. She'll inform you that the owner of a nightclub bought a
dragonfly outfit with jewelry like the one you showed her. Now head to
Hawker's Circle.

Animoid Row (Hawker's Circle)

Welcome to Kingston Kitchen man (Jamaican accent). Talk to Mumma

Isabella about the cheese, following up on the tip Murray and Mia gave
you. After she confesses when her lame excuses fail, ask her about
Marcus Eisenduller and Sadik. When finished, head back to the spinner
and drive to the Police Station.

Police Station (Roof)

Like always, get in the elevator.

Police Station (Elevator)

Floor 2.

Police Station (Mainframe and Shooting Range)

Head into the ESPER room and download your KIA, which gives you
some more info on the black sedan. Next, fire up ESPER to examine the
photograph you received at the hotel. First, zoom in on the guy
standing right there. NOTE: By the way, that Replicant we see ever so
frequently is called Clovis, and his Jamaican friend is Sadik. Anyway,
we get a hardcopy of Clovis. Now, zoom in on Sadik, the guy on the
left. Finally, way in the shadows by the Moonbus, zoom in on Ray
McCoy. When finished, get back in the elevator.

Police Station (Elevator)


Police Station (Roof)

Jump into your spinner and drive to the Tyrell Building.

Tyrell Headquarters (Eldon Tyrell's Office)

Since you had an appointment, you are immediately transported

here. The game gives you a long ass cutscene, then returns control
over to you. Leave the Tyrell Building and head over to the Bradbury

Bradbury Building (Street)

Head up stairs to Sebastian's home.

Bradbury Building (Lobby)

When you knock, J.F. answers, and invites you inside to answer
your questions.

Bradbury Building (Apartment - Floor One)

When you talk to Sebastian, don't mention NEXUS-6 until it's the
last conversation thread, or he'll throw you out. When you're done,
head back to your spinner and head to Hysteria Hall.

Hysteria Hall (Street)

Enter the arcade through the front.

Hysteria Hall (Arcade - Playing Floor)

Find Lucy and talk to her. NOTE: Sometimes, Lucy is nowhere to

be seen, and you'll have to come back several times to reset the scene.
If you don't talk to Lucy, I find it difficult to locate Early Q later
in the game. Talk to Lucy about her father and Crystal Steele. Lucy
gains confidence in you and runs out of the arcade. Now jump into your
spinner and head to Nightclub Row.

Nightclub Row (Main Street)

You have two clubs to choose from. Tongue, on the right side of
the street, and Early Q's on the left. Begin by entering Tongue.

Nightclub Row (Tongue Club)

Head over and talk to Gordo (remember him from Chinatown?). He's
the guy in the flashy red suit. Talk to him to get four conversation
threads. After you select one, he'll check his watch, stand up, and
begin his comedy act (he's a comedian). While he's up on the stage
reciting some rather nasty jokes, grab his lighter (gold spot) off the
bar. Soon, Gordo will announce your name, calling you a special guest.
After a short conversation, Gordo runs out the front door. Follow him.

Nightclub Row (Main Street)

When you get outside, Gordo is just standing there, and says
something like "Do what you have to." Put your gun away! You don't
think he's a Replicant, but he's a sympathizer, and you're given a
choice weather or not you should arrest him. Slap the cuffs on him and
take him downtown. You're automatically taken to the Police Station.

Police Station (Mainframe and Shooting Range)

When you're done with Gordo, head to the ESPER room and download
your KIA. After that, head to your spinner and back to Nightclub Row.

Nightclub Row (Main Street)

When you arrive, enter Early Q's, the nightclub on the left hand
side of the street.

Nightclub Row (Early Q's - Strip Bar)

You'll notice a tough bouncer standing on the floor. The object

is to get to those tables behind him, but he won't let you waltz over
there without a fight. Click on the dancer on stage and the bouncer
will approach. When he stops infront of you, run, don't walk, to the
tables he was guarding. It will rotate when you sit down, bringing you
to the VIP section of the club.

Nightclub Row (Early Q's - VIP Bar)

The guy in red is Early Q (NOTE: If Early Q isn't there, it's

probably because you didn't talk with Lucy at Hysteria Hall). Speak
with him. Ask about Lucy and Jewelry. Try to talk to him again and
he'll say he must work. When he leaves, follow him. You'll see a
short movie of a dancer in a dragonfly suit, named Dektora. When the
show is over, exit the room from the left.

Nightclub Row (Early Q's - Backstage)

Walk down the steps and through the only other door.

Nightclub Row (Early Q's - Dektora's Dressing Room)

Ask Dektora about Early Q, then jewelry. You will now get more
conversation threads. Ask about the black sedan, and she says it was
stolen - she had not seen it for two days. So, Clovis stole her car
after she bought it from Crazy Legs Larry and used it in the animal
murder. Interesting. Next, select the Voigt-Kampff option to VK
Dektora. After you conclude she is a Replicant, Dektora will call the
police, accusing you of sexual assault. When the police arrive, McCoy
becomes aware that these are no cops. Before you can do anything about
it, however, you are knocked unconscious.

Sewer Network (Torture Chamber)

While this movie doesn't conclude Act III, all you can do in this
room is watch. When the cutscene is over, you'll automatically end up

Sewer Network (Subway Tracks)

Run across the tracks to the tunnel there.

Sewer Network (Subway Station)

Run up the stairs to meet up with Crystal.

Nightclub Row (Main Street)

After a conversation with your fellow Blade Runner, enter the

club to hunt Dektora down.

Nightclub Row (Early Q's - Strip Bar)

Notice that the bouncer is no longer present. Anyway, hop on the

revolving chair.

Nightclub Row (Early Q's - VIP Bar)

Run off the screen to the left, then keep heading left to get

Nightclub Row (Early Q's - Backstage)

Head into Dektora's dressing room.

Nightclub Row (Early Q's - Dektora's Dressing Room)

Click on the table to find a poem, then head back to the Strip

Nightclub Row (Early Q's - Strip Bar)

Head through the door on the same wall as the stage.

Nightclub Row (Early Q's - Early Q's Office)

Check out the desk to find papers concerning the purchase of the
dragonfly costume Dektora was wearing. Next, click on the little
circle to the left of the big painting. You'll get a videodisk. Early
Q comes in at this point to find you holding the disk. He tries to
make a deal with you, and offers a drink. You must pull your gun on
him, or he'll give you the drink and you'll be poisoned. When Early Q
sits down, you can put your gun away. You'll receive a picture of
Clovis and Dektora in the dressing room. Early Q will ask for the
videodisk, and you have a choice weather or not to give it back.
Personally, I kept it, and so should you. Now head back to your
spinner and the Police Station.

Police Station (Roof)


Police Station (Elevator)

Floor 2.

Police Station (Mainframe and Shooting Range)

Download your KIA and fire up ESPER. First, examine the

videodisk photo. In the mirror, you should see Early Q. Zoom in on
his hands to get a hardcopy. Next, look at the photograph. Zoom in on
the top left corner of the mirror to get a hardcopy of Lucy. Also,
Clovis has yellow flowers you can zoom in on. Head back to Nightclub

Nightclub Row (Main Street)

Where else but Early Q's?

Nightclub Row (Early Q's - Strip Bar)

Use revolving chair to get to VIP section.

Nightclub Row (Early Q's - VIP Bar)

Head left off the screen, then go up the stair along the back

Nightclub Row (Early Q's - Dark Hallway)

Enter the door.

Nightclub Row (Early Q's - Projection Room)

When the projector shines on your face, shoot the center of it

(crosshairs turn red) with your gun. With the light off, follow
Dektora up the ladder on the wall.

Nightclub Row (Early Q's - Prop Room)

Here, gun drawn, move the crosshairs over the wall infront of you
until it turns red. Shoot, and a spark will light a fire. Dektora is
caught in the flames and staggers towards you. Shoot her quick, and
she'll fall out the window. Now, it's on to ACT IV.


Nightclub Row (Main Street)

After the cutscene is over (and what a cutscene it was, too) Ray
no longer has a spinner. To get around, you'll have to use the sewer
network. Enter the Subway Station to the left of Early Q's.
Sewer Network (Subway Station)

Exit the left side of the screen.

Sewer Network (Subway Tracks)

Run into the tunnel ahead of you.

Sewer Network (Torture Chamber)

Go through the large metal door infront of you.

Sewer Network (Crossroads)

Consider the Crossroads as a plus, and the path Ray is standing

on would be north, ahead of him, on the other side of the intersection,
south. The path blocked off by a cascading river of sewage would be
east, and across from that, west. Right next to the east path is a
switch (cursor turns green over it). Flip it to extend a bridge over
the sewage, allowing access to that area. Cross the bridge and enter...

Sewer Network (Animoid Row Access Tunnel)

Here you'll meet Lucy. Talk to her and give her the VK test to
see if she's a human or Replicant. I'd say 75% of the time she's human
(maybe even 90%). When you're done with her, go back to the

Sewer Network (Crossroads)

Head down the south path.

Sewer Network (Apartment Access Tunnel)

If you shot the hobo in Chinatown in Act I and dumped it in the

dumpster, you'll see his body float by and Ray will make a comment. He
he. Go down the stairs and exit the screen.

Sewer Network (L-Bend)

Climb the ladder to exit the sewers.

McCoy's Apartment (Ground Floor)

Enter the building and head to 88f.

McCoy's Apartment (88f)

When you enter the room, a man with a gun confronts you and says
you never lived here, this is his place. Also, your pooch is gone.
You have no choice but to leave, and if you try to reenter, the
elevator won't let you.

McCoy's Apartment (Ground Floor)

Jump back into the sewers.

Sewer Network (L-Bend)

Head back to the Crossroads.

Sewer Network (Crossroads)

Head down the west path.

Sewer Network (Drainage Pipe)

From now on, wander the sewers with your gun drawn, because rats
will be lurking everywhere, and they kill. Shoot them on sight, and if
you run out of ammo, you're screwed. Okay, maybe you can head to
Bullet Bob's and buy some ammo, but still, you haven't been shooting
anything, so you should have some. Enter the door to the right.

Sewer Network (Elevator Room)

Jump onto the orange thing, and it will take you down to a lower
section of the sewers.

Sewer Network (Hobo's Home)

Since you probably shot that hobo, he won't be here, but if you
didn't, you can talk to him. When you're done, exit the right door
(Ray's left).

Sewer Network (Rat's Bridge)

Here's another great place to SAVE! Halfway across the bridge, a

huge rat will approach. If you shoot the rat on the bridge, his weight
will make the board crack, and it's death for you. I found the easiest
way to kill the vermin, is to walk slowly down the bridge, gun drawn.
When you freeze, it means it's about to appear, so quickly, run off the
plank and to the side (not exiting the room). When the rat follows,
wait until he's not touching the board, then put a bullet in him. You
can now cross safely.

Sewer Network (Laboratory)

Talk to the Twins. Once you get your conversation threads, ask
them about work, then Replicants. This opens four more threads, so use
them all. Sounds like they want you to break into the Tyrell building.
Cool. Exit the rightmost door on the wall.

Sewer Network (Rat's Bridge)

You're now on the little side bridge. Climb the ladder infront
of you.

Tyrell Headquarters (Basement)

Enter the air vent.

Tyrell Headquarters (Lobby)

Run past the guard quickly, for he will awake in about five
seconds time. Enter the elevator.

Tyrell Headquarters (Eldon Tyrell's Office)

Grab the DNA research off the desk and head back to the

Sewer Network (Laboratory)

In exchange for the DNA, the Twins give you Guzza's file. Looks
like he's a hard time criminal. Head up the stairs in the back of the

DNA Row (Twin's Apartment)

Use the phone (big computer thing) to call Guzza. He'll set up a
meeting in the Disposal Facility, which can be accessed from the Hobo's
Home, so head there.

Sewer Network (Hobo's Home)

Exit the room to the left now to enter the Disposal Facility.

Sewer Network (Disposal Facility)

Watch the cutscene. When it's over RUN back to your apartment.

McCoy's Apartment (Ground Floor)

Watch the cutscene. Sometimes (for me anyway), the game jumps

right into ACT V after the scene is over, but sometimes I have to enter
Ray's Apartment and fall asleep. Do whatever you must.


McCoy's Apartment (88f)

After the cool movie, check your message machine. Listen to

Lucy's message, then go to your living room. Click on the counter to
obtain a cigarette (Crystal killed Maggie). This is where you must
decide which ending you want. To go with Clovis (Moonbus Ending) or
Lucy (Lucy Ending).

Choice #1 - Moonbus Ending

McCoy's Apartment (88f)

Head to the Apartment Access tunnel. Head up the stairs and

enter the door on the back wall.

Sewer Network (Moonbus Fields Access Tunnel)

Run all the way down this tunnel. When you exit the room, you
can't go back to the Sewer Network.

Moonbus Fields (City Limits)

Shoot the two rats, then go left. Go left again and meet
Crystal. After she finishes talking, you must put her down, and
depending on what kind of ammo you have, it can be easy or hard. When
you finish the battle (hopefully still standing), walk closer to the
Moonbus. Sadik stands outside. He says they need fuel to advance,
however none can ever be found. The only way inside is to kill Sadik.
Enter the bus, watch the cutscene, and leave. Watch the final movie,
and feel a sense of pride that you've completed something.


Choice #2 - Lucy's Ending

McCoy's Apartment (88f)

Head to the Subway Tracks (the place where the monorail passes
overhead). Run down the tunnel (forward, not to the Subway Station).

Sewer Network (Used Car Shop Access Tunnel)

Head up the ladder on the left wall.

Hysteria Hall (Used Car Shop - Basement)

Use the spiral staircase to ascend to street level.

Hysteria Hall (Used Car Shop)

Exit the shop.

Hysteria Hall (Street)

Talk to Lucy. You'll walk into the car shop.

Hysteria Hall (Used Car Shop)

Talk to Crazy Legs Larry, and he'll give you the keys to the
spinner on the roof. Head up the spiral staircase to gain access to

Hysteria Hall (Used Car Shop - Roof)

Click on the red spinner. When you're about to enter, Crystal

pops out. Shoot her several times to kill her, however, she damaged
the vehicle, and Lucy's gone. Head back downstairs.

Hysteria Hall (Used Car Shop)

The police are here. Quick, hit the computer on the left side of
the screen. This drops the car into the sewers. Click on the spiral
staircase (the one leading DOWN) and head back to the sewers.

Sewer Network (Used Car Shop Access Tunnel)

Click on the car, and watch the final movie. Well, you finished
the game. Feel good about your self for attempting to conquer such a
task, and succeeding.




- In the options screen, where you get to choose your demeanor

(polite, normal, etc.), select the question mark. This is the
only way to get conversation threads.

- Make sure you buy better ammo from Bullet Bob, for killing
Crystal is much easier with upgraded merchandise.

- The Sewer Network can access the following places: Nightclub Row,
Hysteria Hall, Animoid Row, Moonbus Fields (City Limits), McCoy's
Apartment, Tyrell Building.

- The game cannot progress if you don't do certain things (i.e.

talking to Lucy at the arcade). If key elements aren't present
(i.e. Lucy's isn't at the arcade), leave the scene and return.
It sometimes helps.

- Don't kill anybody besides the hobo. It's bad for your

- The Replicant Family consists of Lucy, Clovis, Sadik, and Zuben.

- Selecting Easy mode gives you unlimited money and ammo.

- Sometimes (or so I hear) taking a nap can make Ray run a little




This document is ? Copyright 2002, property of Evil Surge. No part of

this may be reproduced for profit (even in another language), or posted
on any website, in any book or magazine without permission and full
credit is assigned to Evil Surge. Also, if posted somewhere, no
changes to the text can be made. E-Mail: [email protected]




I give credit and thanks to God, myself, my family, and Westwood


Until my next FAQ, farewell...

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