1915105-Organisational Behaviour PDF

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(An Autonomous Institution)

SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203





Regulation – 2019

Academic Year 2019 – 2020

Prepared by

Mr. K. Suresh – Asst. Professor

Mr. B. Sam Paul – Asst. Professor

(An Autonomous Institution)
SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203.




SEM / YEAR : I Semester / I Year
SYLLABUS: Definition, need and importance of organizational behaviour – Nature and scope – Frame
work –Organizational behaviour models – Rising impact of Social influence
1 Define Organizational Behaviour Level 1 Remembering
2 List out the challenges in the field of Organizational Behaviour Level 2 Understanding
3 State the elements of Organisational Behaviour. Level 3 Applying
4 Mention the nature of OB. Level 4 Analysing
5 Point out the need and importance of Organisational Behaviour Level 5 Evaluating
6 Give the determinants of Organisational Behaviour Level 6 Creating
7 What is meant by Autocratic Model? Level 1 Remembering

8 Explain the Social Cognitive framework of OB. Level 2 Understanding

9 Human Behaviour has a cause effect relationship – Justify Level 3 Applying

10 Explain Collegial Model Level 4 Analysing
11 Differentiate between Autocratic and Supportive model Level 5 Evaluating
12 State the pros and cons of Custodial Model. Level 6 Creating
13 What is the contribution of Sociology to organisation behaviour? Level 1 Remembering
14 Explain the concept of Group Behaviour. Level 2 Understanding
How would you differentiate between individual and Group
15 Level 3 Applying
16 Write short note on Custodial Model. Level 4 Analysing
17 What is your opinion on Collegial Model in Organisation Behaviour? Level 1 Remembering
18 State the opportunities in the field of Organisational Behaviour. Level 2 Understanding
Why do you think organisations need to have an understanding on
19 human behaviour? Level 1 Remembering
20 What do you think are the limitations in the field of OB? Level 1 Remembering

Discuss the nature and scope of Organisational Behaviour in the

1 Level 1 Remembering
field of management with suitable example.

Elaborate the major challenges faced by the management in the

2 Level 2 Understanding
field of OB.

Write a detailed note on Hawthorne experiments and how it

3 Level 3 Applying
contributed towards the study of OB?

a) Human Behaviour is more complex than what people believe. Do

you agree? Substantiate your views. (5 Marks)
4 Level 4 Analysing
b) What are the factors that add to complexity in human
behaviour? (8 Marks)

5 Trace the evolution of Organisation Behaviour. Level 5 Evaluating

Narrate the contributions of various disciplines towards the study

6. Level 6 Creating
of Organisational Behaviour.

7 Elaborate the theoretical framework of Organisational Behaviour. Level 1 Remembering

Give your analysis on the various models of Organisational

8 Level 2 Understanding

If job satisfaction is not behaviour why is it considered a most important

9 independent variable. Construct your arguments on this statement by Level 3 Applying
listing various examples.

a) What challenges do you see in the field of Organisation

Behaviour? (8 Marks)
10 Level 4 Analysing
b) State the limitations of OB? (5 Marks)

Level 1
11 Elaborate the role & skillsets required for managers. Remembering

Describe the Organisation Behaviour models by quoting examples from

12 Level 2 Understanding
Banking Industry.

Explain how the changes in technology has impact on People

13 Level 4 Analysing

‘Organisation as an open system requires the present leaders

14 Level 1 Remembering
(managers) to be highly adept’ – How would you explain this?
Pramod is an engineer in a large engineer office. He hails from a poor but disciplined family.
Thefamily has a rural background. For Pramod, it was ‘earn while you learn’ till he
graduatedhimself with architecture as his major.Pramod is intelligent and capable person. His boss
wants to motivate him to be more independent inhis work. The boss believed that his approach will
improve Pramod’s performance, relieve theboss from extra routine and give Pramod more self-
confidence. However, the boss is not sure howto go about motivating Pramod to take initiative in
his work.
a. Find out the reasons for Pramod’s Behavior (5 Marks)
b. Explain how the boss should motivate Pramod. (8 Marks)

2 Study of Organizational Behavior helps Successful Managers’ – Justify.

3 Think as you are a Manager in Production firm – Which leadership model would you adopt?

4 Discuss the contribution of Organisation Behaviour in managing employees in a business firm.


SYLLABUS: Personality – types – Factors influencing personality – Theories – Learning – Types of
learners –The learning process– Learning theories – Organizational behaviour modification. Emotions -
Emotional Labour – Emotional Intelligence –Theories. Attitudes – Characteristics – Components –
Formation – Measurement- Values. Perceptions – Importance – Factors influencing perception
– Interpersonal perception- Impression Management.
1 Define Personality. Level 1 Remembering

2 Differentiate Introvert and Extrovert. Level 2 Understanding

3 List down the factors influencing Personality. Level 3 Applying

4 Discuss the concept of Vicarious Learning. Level 4 Analysing

What difference could you state between Classical and Operant
5 Level 5 Evaluating
6 Write short note on Emotional Intelligence. Level 6 Creating

7 List down the significance of Emotional Intelligence. Level 1 Remembering

8 What is meant by Emotional Labour? Level 2 Understanding

9 Explain the concept of Attitudes. Level 3 Applying

10 State the factors influencing attitude formation. Level 4 Analysing

11 Define Values Level 5 Evaluating

12 How would you explain a Value System? Level 6 Creating

13 What is meant by Halo Effect? Level 1 Remembering

14 Explain the concept of Perception. Level 2 Understanding

15 What is meant by Stereotyping? Level 3 Applying

16 How would you explain Selective Perception? Level 4 Analysing

17 Define Impression Management Level 1 Remembering

18 State the components of Perception. Level 2 Understanding

19 What is the importance of Values? Level 1 Remembering

20 What are the sources of Values? Level 1 Remembering

a) Explain the concept of Personality (5 Marks)
1 Level 1 Remembering
b) Discuss the factors influencing Personality (8 Marks)

Briefly evaluate the contributions of Trait theory of personality to the

2 Level 2 Understanding
study of Organisational Behaviour.

a) Explain the types of learners. (5 Marks)

3 Level 3 Applying
b) Explain the various steps in learning process. (7Marks)

a) Discuss the concept of Emotional Intelligence (5Marks)

4 Level 4 Analysing
b) Explain the nature & importance of Emotional Intelligence (8Marks)

a) What is meant by OB Modification? (4 Marks)

5 Level 5 Evaluating
b) Describe the steps in OB modification process. (9Marks)
Discuss the nature of emotions and the need for managing emotions in
6 Level 6 Creating
a) Write about the process of Attitude Formation (5 Marks)
7 Level 1 Remembering
b) Explain the factors influencing attitude formation. (8Marks)

What is meant by Changing Attitude? Discuss the barriers to changing

8 Level 2 Understanding

9 Explain the characteristics and objectives of Values. Level 3 Applying

10 Elaborate the factors influencing Perception. Level 4 Analysing

a) Discuss the Organisation Behaviour Modification Strategies in

detail. (6 Marks)
11 Level 1 Remembering
b) Highlight the importance / significance of behaviour modification in
organizations. (7 Marks)
a) What are the barriers in changing attitude? (5 Marks)
12 Level 2 Understanding
b) How to overcome the barriers in attitudinal change? (8 Marks)
a) Explain the concept of Values. (4 Marks)
13 Level 4 Analysing
b) Explain the sources of Values. (9 Marks)
a) Explain the concept of Perception. (4 Marks)
14 Level 1 Remembering
b) Discuss the characteristics & importance of Perception. (9 Marks)


S.No Questions

1. ‘Perception is key factor in Managerial Efficiency’ – How would you defend this statement?

‘Attitude determines your Altitude’ – Substantiate your views about this quote with
relevant examples from corporate.

Describes the types of Motivational Patterns used to motivate employees in the Indian
Cool Products, company dealing in production & distribution of packed condiments in the state of M.P.
Company is a Market Leader in the state of M.P Company decided to expand the business in the state of
Rajasthan. They have identified Kota as a place for establishing production unit for which they have two
tenable post by marketing or production manager since the job involves the skill of both. There are two
profiles of managers for the post of GM of the unit.Mr. Varun Tyagi (Production Manager) and Mr.
Avinash Kale (Marketing Manager). As the consultant, we have to choose one of them for the post of GM.
Case Highlights: -
Mr. Varun Tyagi is a mechanical engineer. He has 10 years’ work experience in Food Preservation Industry
Qualities: hardworking, sincere, honest, dependable manager, foresighted, technically sound, pleasant
personality, can handle employee grievances, provides employees satisfaction, goes by rule of law when in
difficulty, good reputation in industry.
Mr. Avinash Kale has done MBA from IMS(Nagpur). His performance in academics were excellent
Qualities- Calculative (as thinks ten times before taking any decisions), hardworking, task master, obedient,
maintains distance from workers, Task oriented leader,good communication skills, considered to be a
Management Man.
Evaluates the pros & cons of the candidate and suggest a suitable candidate for the organisation.
SYLLABUS: Organization structure – Formation – Groups in organizations – Influence – Group dynamics
–Emergence of informal leaders and working norms – Group decision making techniques – Team building-
Interpersonal relations – Conflict Management – Dimensions of Conflict

1 Define Organisation Structure. Level 1 Remembering

2 What are the needs for a formal organisation structure? Level 2 Understanding

3 Differentiate between formal and informal organisation. Level 3 Applying

4 Explain the concept of group dynamics. Level 4 Analysing

5 State the characteristics of groups. Level 5 Evaluating

6 Discuss the concept of Group Cohesiveness Level 6 Creating

7 What is meant by Group Norms? Level 1 Remembering

8 Why do informal groups come into existence? Level 2 Understanding

9 How would you explain Group Polarisation? Level 3 Applying

10 Explain Group Behaviour. Level 4 Analysing

11 Write a short note on Nominal Groups in decision making. Level 5 Evaluating

12 Explain Delphi Technique Level 6 Creating

13 Define Conflict Level 1 Remembering

14 Give an outline on the communication process. Level 2 Understanding

15 Discuss the importance of managing conflict in organisation. Level 3 Applying

16 Differentiate between Team and Groups Level 4 Analysing

17 Write the stages in Group Development. Level 1 Remembering

18 What are the barriers in effective communication? Level 2 Understanding

19 Differentiate between Formal and Informal Groups. Level 1 Remembering

20 What do you mean by group think? Level 1 Remembering

Briefly discuss the concept, need and importance of formal
1 Level 1 Remembering
organisation structure.

Give a detailed differentiation between formal and informal

2 Level 2 Understanding
How far does formal and informal groups influence the
3 Level 3 Applying
organisation and affect the group dynamics.
4 Describe the stages of group development. Level 4 Analysing
a. What is the importance of Organisation Structure (6 Marks)?
5 Level 5 Evaluating
b. Explain the formation of Organisation Structure in detail (7 marks)

6 Discuss in detail the communication process. Level 6 Creating

a. Describe the types of groups in an organization (5 Marks )

7 Level 1 Remembering
b. Discuss the various decision-making techniques. (8 Marks)

Give a brief on the importance of effective communication with

8 Level 2 Understanding
suitable examples from the Indian education system
Define group cohesiveness and describe the factors influencing
9 Level 3 Applying
group cohesiveness.
a. How do formal groups play role in an organisation? (5 Marks)
10 Level 4 Analysing
b. Explain the factors influencing formal groups. (8 Marks )
a) Define Organisational Conflict (3 Marks)
11 Level 1 Remembering
b) Discuss the measures of managing conflict. (10 Marks).
a) What are the different stages in Team Building? (8 Marks)
12 Level 2 Understanding
b) How to make teams deliver successful results? (5 Marks)
a) What do you mean by Organisational Communication?
13 Discuss its types. (8 Marks) Level 4 Analysing
b) Suggest the ways for effective communication. (5 Marks)
Discuss the barriers in Communication and state the measures to
14 Level 1 Remembering
overcome these barriers.



The T Aerospace company in the early stages of planning the development of latestcommercial jet,
the 007. The aircraft industry is a fiercely competitive one, dominated by a fewlarge global players
who operate at the forefront of technology. In this industry, competitorsquickly copy and advance in
1 technology or new management technique that might providethem with P/ID 37503/PBAC 3
competitive edge. Some of the T Aerospace Company’scompetitors have adopted team working as
means of speeding up their development andproduction process. The TAerospace Company is thus
considering the adoption of teamworking in its operations but some of the traditionalists in the
company are doubtful. They areconcerned that the benefits of work specialization will be lost. Some
of the managers have hadnegative experiences with team working and so have strong reservations
about the proposedchanges.
1) List the four key components involved in making an effective team. (4 Marks)
2) Identify the benefits that the T Aerospace Company can expect to gain from the adoption
of team working. (4 Marks)
3) Describe the difficulties that the company is likely to encounter in the management of its
teams and recommend ways to turn individuals into team players. (5 Marks)
“High Cohesiveness in a group leads to higher group productivity”. Do you agree or disagree?
If group decisions consistently achieve better quality outcomes than those achieved byindividuals,
3 how did the phrase “a camel is a horse designed by a committee” become sopopular and ingrained
in the culture?
Working with others is not always easy. Simply working in the same group or for the samecompany
does not guarantee that people will be motivated to work together. Differentindividuals will have
different work ethics, will be looking to satisfy different needs from work,and will have their own
ways of doing things. There is no guarantee that a work group willfunction smoothly or cohesively.
a. Do you think group efforts are not successful? (8 Marks)
b. How will you substantiate designing jobs around group is necessary? (7 Marks)


SYLLABUS: Meaning – Importance – Leadership styles – Theories – Leaders Vs Managers – Sources of power –
Power centers – Power and Politics-Women and corporate Leadership

Compare merits and Demerits of Power
1 Level 1 Remembering

2 What do you mean by transformational leadership? Level 2 Understanding

3 What are the traditional styles of leadership? Level 3 Applying

4 Differentiate Leadership and Power Level 4 Analysing

State the reasons for organizational politics.
5 Level 5 Evaluate

What is Power?
6 Level 1 Remembering

7 What is Group dynamics? Level 2 Understanding

8 What is meant by autocratic leadership? Level 3 Appyling

9 Explain the different styles of traditional leadership Level 5 Evaluating

What makes leadership effective?
10 Level 1 Remembering
11 What are the sources of power? Level 2 Understanding

12 When the autocratic style of leadership is suitable? Level 3 Applying

13 What is meant by Referent Power? Level 4 Analysing

14 Recall the difference between power and politics. Level 5 Evaluating

15 What is a power centre? Level 1 Remembering

16 What is Organisational Culture? Level 2 Understanding

What are the reasons for Organisational Politics?
17 Level 3 Applying

18 List out the importance of Leadership Level 1 Remembering

19 What do you understand by the managerial Grid? Level 2 Understanding

20 What is leadership? Level 3 Applying

(i) Define Leadership. Explain the major styles of Leadership (7 Marks)
1 (ii) Write a Detailed note on the nature and importance of Level 1 Remembering
Leadership (6 Marks)

Explain in detail some of the methodologies for managing

2 Level 2 Understanding
political behavior.
i) How could one use organizational politics for career advancement and
achievement of goals of the organization? (7 Marks)
3 Level 3 Applying
(ii)Write down the advantages and disadvantages of various leadership
styles. (6 Marks)

4 Illustrate the managerial grid developed by Blake and Mouton. Level 4 Analysing

5 What are the reasons for Organisational Politics? Explain Level 5 Evaluating

i) Examine the types of power and sources of power? (6 Marks)

6 Level 6 Creating
ii) How do managers acquire the power for leadership? (7 Marks)

i)Define and explain power and politics in an organization. (7 Marks)

7 Level 1 Remembering
ii) State the precautions while dealing with power Centres. (6 Marks)

What are the sources of power? Explain how the power and
8 politics contribute towards effective management of human Level 2 Understand
resources in a democratic country like India
i) Can you identify the factors influencing organizational politics?
9 Explain. (6 Marks) Level 3 Applying
ii) Discuss the tactics used to gain political Power. (7 Marks)
Define: Leadership. Briefly Explain the different theories of leadership
10 Level 1 Remembering
with suitable examples from Indian politics
i)Define and discuss about various leadership theories. (7 Marks)
11 Level 2 Understanding
ii)What are the different levels of Political reason? (6 Marks)

i) What are the contingencies of power and how does it moderate the
12 effectiveness of power? Discuss in detail. (7 Marks) Level 3 Applying
ii)State the ways to effectively use power Centres. (6 Marks)
Describe the strengths and weaknesses in the trait approach to
13 Level 4 Analysing
Define political behavior. Why is politics a fact of life in
14 Level 2 Understanding

S. No Questions

1. Describe the Hersey-Blanchard model of Leadership style

You are a sales representative for an international software company. After four excellent years, sales in
2. your territory are off 30 percent this year. Describe three defensive responses you might use to reduce the
potential negative consequences of the decline in sales

3. What effect if any, do you expect in the leadership practices of Modern organizations?

4. Write briefly the functional power distribution and write the various tactics employed to gain power


SYLLABUS: Organizational climate – Factors affecting organizational climate – Importance. Job

satisfaction – Determinants – Measurements – Influence on behavior. Stress – Work Stressors – Prevention
and Management of stress – Balancing work and Life. Organizational development – Characteristics –
objectives –.Techniques--Organizational effectiveness Developing Gender sensitive workplace
1 List the elements of organization climate. Level 1 Remembering

2 What are the characteristics of OD? Level 2 Understanding

3 Give the major external reasons for change in organizations. Level 3 Applying

4 What are the causes of stress? How to Manage them? Level 4 Analysing

5 What are the determinants of Job Level 5 Evaluating

6 What is stress ? Level 4 Evaluating

7 What is Force Field Analysis? Level 1 Remembering

8 What do you mean by Organisational effectiveness? Level 2 Understanding

9 Differentiate organizational culture and climate. Level 3 Applying

10 What are the objectives of Organisational Development Level 4 Analysing

11 What is Proactive change? Level 5 Evaluating

12 Define Socialization. Level 6 Creating

13 What is Job Satisfaction? Level 1 Remembering

14 What is eustress? Level 2 Understanding

15 Define Work Stress. Level 3 Applying

16 What is meant by Organisational Culture? Level 4 Analysing

17 Mention Four Characteristics of Organisational Culture. Level 1 Remembering

18 What is work life balance? Level 2 Understanding

19 What is Organisational Development? Level 3 Applying

20 Outline the Socialization Process Level 1 Remembering

Part - B Questions Competence
o Level

1 Define change in an organization and explain its process. Level 1 Remembering

i) Distinguish between organizational culture and climate. (7 Marks)

2 Level 2 Understanding
ii)State the factors influencing organizational culture. (6 Marks)

i)Discuss the dimensions of Organization culture? (7 Marks)

3 Level 3 Applying
ii)Discuss the characteristics of Organizational Culture. (6 Marks)

i)Why is organizational change often resisted by individuals and

4 groups within the organization? (7 Marks) Level 4 Analysing
ii)How can the resistance be prevented? (6 Marks)
i)Discuss the major OD interventions. (7 Marks)
5 ii)Which of those OD interventions techniques is most effective in Level 5 Evaluating
India? (6 Marks)
Define: Organisational Effectiveness. Explain the Challenges and
6 Level 6 Creating
objectives of organizational effectiveness with valid arguments.

i)What are the functions of Organizational culture? (7 Marks)

7 Level 1 Remembering
ii)How organizational culture is created? (6 Marks)
i) Briefly discuss the causes of stress. (7 Marks)
8 Level 2 Understanding
ii)Discuss the consequences of stress & prevention of stress. (6 Marks)

9 Describe the major characteristics of Organisational Development. Level 3 Applying

i)Identify and discuss the various approaches to organizational

10. effectiveness. (6 Marks) Level 4 Analysing
ii)Discuss ways of achieving organizational effectiveness. (7Marks)
Define Organization climate. Elaborate about it. Briefly explain the
11. Level1 Remembering
factors affecting organizational climate with suitable examples

12 Explain the steps in the process of OD and discuss its values. Level 2 Understanding

Briefly discuss the proactive and reactive changes and how do you
13. Level 4 Analysing
plan for the change.
Describe the characteristics and importance of OD-Organizational
14 Level 1 Remembering

S.No Questions

“ We should be opposed to the manipulation of individuals for organizational purposes, but a

1 degree of social uniformity enables organizations to work better”. Do you agree or disagree with
this statement? What are its implications for organization culture? Discuss.
2 What are the reasons for resistance to change? What can the management do to overcome such

In today’s dynamic and uncertain environment, professionals need to be capable of

managing both personal and professional life-Comment.

4 Discuss the major OD interventions. Which of those interventions is most effective in India?

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