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Instructional Planning

(The process of systematically planning, developing, evaluating and managing the instructional
process by using principles of teaching and learning - D.O. 42, s. 2016)

Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format

Learning Area:
DLP No.: Grade Level: Quarter: Duration: Date:
13 TLE-Electrical Installation and Grade 8 1 1 hour
Learning Competency/ies: Code:
Interpret technical drawings and plans
(Taken from the Curriculum Guide) TLE_IAEI7/8ID-0e-2

Key Concepts / Understandings Electrical Circuit, Path of an electric current. The term is usually taken to mean a continuous path composed
to be Developed of conductors and conducting devices.
Adapted Cognitive Process Dimensions (D.O.
Domain No. 8, s. 2015) OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, 85% of the student should be able to;
The fact or Remembering Identify the parts and functions of electric circuit;
condition of knowing
something with familiarity
gained through experience Understanding Recognize the two types of electrical circuit
or association

Skills Connect/assemble the actual electriic circuit.
ability and capacity acquired
through deliberate, Analyzing
systematic, and sustained
effort to smoothly and
adaptively carryout complex
activities or the ability, coming
from one's knowledge,
practice, aptitude, etc., to do

Attitude Receiving Phenomena

Values Valuing value the importance of each essential part of electric circuit.

2. Content Electrical Circuit Diagram

3. Learning Resources ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE ( Exploratory Course) Grade 7 and 8 , pg.,
4. Procedures
4.1 Introductory Preliminaries . The lesson starts with a prayer and checking of students' attendance. -

10 minutes

Electric Current Game or Pulse Game : Divide the Class into two equal groups
Summary: Squeeze your teammate’s hand as quickly as possible- only if the coin
comes up as heads!
Goal: Be the first team to grab the object, if the quarter comes up as heads.
How to Play Electricity:
1. Arrange everyone into two equally numbered teams. Have both teams line up in
parallel lines. At the end of the line, place the object about five feet away (in equal
distance from both ends of the line). You’ll be at the head of the line.
Activity Electric Current Game or Pulse Game : Divide the Class into two equal groups
Summary: Squeeze your teammate’s hand as quickly as possible- only if the coin
comes up as heads!
Goal: Be the first team to grab the object, if the quarter comes up as heads.
10 How to Play Electricity:
1. Arrange everyone into two equally numbered teams. Have both teams line up in
parallel lines. At the end of the line, place the object about five feet away (in equal
distance from both ends of the line). You’ll be at the head of the line.
2. Explain the rules: Everyone in line will need to hold hands and close their eyes. Only
the first person of both lines can open their eyes. Flip the coin in the air, catch it, and
reveal the quarter to the first person of both teams.
3. If the quarter comes up as “heads”, the first person squeezes the next person’s
hand. The second person squeezes the next person’s hand, and so forth. At the end of
the line, the last person runs to grab the object. The team that grabs the object first
wins a point for the round. If the quarter comes up as “tails”, then no one squeezes
anyone’s hand. If there’s an “accidental” hand squeeze and the quarter comes up as
“tails”, the team that grabbed the object loses a point for the round.
4. For the second round, the first person goes to the back of the line and the game
continues. The first team that reaches 10 points wins the game.

4.3 Analysis QUESTIONS:

1. Did you enjoyed the game?
2. What do you observed about the game?
3. While playing the game what did you feel when somebody squeeze your hand?
4. Now, by observing the flow of the game can you determine what is our lesson
for today?
10 minutes

4.4 Abstraction
“TODAY, we’re going to talk about electric circuit. What is electric circuit?
Electrical Circuit – A complete path where electricity flows from the source to the load.
“The Encarta Dictionary defines Circuit as a Circular path or a route.”


Source – provide the electrical pressure in the circuit.
Example: Battery & AC outlet
Conducting path – brings the electricity towards load.
Example: Metal conductor
Controlling device/ switch – controls the flow of electricity, depending upon the
discretion of the operator. 
Load – converts electricity to other form of energy.
Example: Electric motor, light bulb. Television,
refrigerator, etc.


There are two types of electric circuit , called series and parallel.
The components in a circuit are joined by wires.
if there are no branches then it's a series circuit
if there are branches it's a parallel circuit
Series circuits
In a television series, you get several episodes, one after the other. A series circuit is
similar. You get several components one after the other.
If you follow the circuit diagram from one side of the cell to the other, you should pass
through all the different components, one after the other, without any branches.

If you put more lamps into a series circuit, the lamps will be dimmer than before.
In a series circuit, if a lamp breaks or a component is disconnected, the circuit is broken
and all the components stop working.
“TODAY, we’re going to talk about electric circuit. What is electric circuit?
Electrical Circuit – A complete path where electricity flows from the source to the load.
“The Encarta Dictionary defines Circuit as a Circular path or a route.”
Source – provide the electrical pressure in the circuit.
Example: Battery & AC outlet
Conducting path – brings the electricity towards load.
Example: Metal conductor
Controlling device/ switch – controls the flow of electricity, depending upon the
discretion of the operator. 
Load – converts electricity to other form of energy.
Example: Electric motor, light bulb. Television,
refrigerator, etc.
There are two types of electric circuit , called series and parallel.
The components in a circuit are joined by wires.
if there are no branches then it's a series circuit
if there are branches it's a parallel circuit
Series circuits
In a television series, you get several episodes, one after the other. A series circuit is
similar. You get several components one after the other.
If you follow the circuit diagram from one side of the cell to the other, you should pass
through all the different components, one after the other, without any branches.

If you put more lamps into a series circuit, the lamps will be dimmer than before.
In a series circuit, if a lamp breaks or a component is disconnected, the circuit is broken
and all the components stop working.

Series circuits are useful if you want a warning that one of the components in the circuit
has failed. They also use less wiring than parallel circuits.
Parallel circuits
In parallel circuits different components are connected on different branches of the wire.
If you follow the circuit diagram from one side of the cell to the other, you can only pass
through all the different components if you follow all the branches.

In a parallel circuit, if a lamp breaks or a component is disconnected from one parallel

wire, the components on different branches keep working. And, unlike a series circuit,
the lamps stay bright if you add more lamps in parallel.

Parallel circuits are useful if you want

everything to work, even if one
component has failed. This is why our
homes are wired up with parallel
4.5 Application TEACHER’S ACTIVITY
Provided with materials. Let the students assemble the four (4) essential parts of electric circuit. Instructions
and safety rules must be discussed before the activity starts. The performance will be judge using the
following criteria.

10 minutes

4.6 Assessment  IDENTIFICATION:

O Direction: Identify the following items being asked in the
sentence. Write your answer on the space provided.
1. It controls the flow of electrons. Ans. Switch or Controlling
2. It provides pressure in the circuit. Ans. Source
3. It brings the electricity towards the load. Ans. Conducting
4. It converts electricity into other forms of energy. Ans. Load
5. It is a complete path where electricity flows. Ans. Circuit
10 minutes  ENUMERATION:
O Direction: Enumerate the following items being asked.
1-4 Essential parts of electrical circuit.
5- 8 Examples of load in electric circuit.
9-10 Types of electric circuit

4.7 Assignment
Directions: Draw the schematic diagram of the following:
Enhancing / improving the 1. Two bulbs connected in series controlled by a single pole switch
10 minutes day’s lesson using direct current. 2. Four bulbs connected in parallel controlled by a
single pole switch using alternating current.

4.8 Concluding Activity

10 minutes " Do the Earth a favor, be a power saver".
5.      Remarks

6.      Reflections

A.  No. of learners who earned 80% in the C.   Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the
evaluation. lesson.

B.   No. of learners who require additional activities

D.  No. of learners who continue to require remediation.
for remediation.

E.   Which of my learning strategies worked well?

Why did these work?
F.   What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?

G.  What innovation or localized materials did I

use/discover which I wish to share with other

Name: School:

Designatio Division:
Number: Email address:
Receiving Phenomena

Responding to Phenomena



Internalizing values


Reinforcing / strengthening the

day’s lesson
Enriching / inspiring the day’s
Enhancing / improving the day’s
Preparing for the new lesson

Talking to Learners/
Anlysis of Learners' Products

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