Interactive Multimedia

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Interactive Multimedia- -Any computer-delivered

electronic system that allows the user to control,
combine, and manipulate different type of media ,
Inserting YouTube Videos on your Blog Post
such as text, sound, video, computer graphics and
1. Search any OPM songs of your choice on You can use an official music
INTERACTIVE -means that the user or audience has
video or someone else’s upload.
control over the program or presentation.
2. Go to the bottom of the video and click the
Share button.
MULTIMEDIA- uses multiple media contents like video, 3. Click on Embed. (to place an object from
sounds, application, etc. one site to another.)
4. Copy the code similar to the screenshot
Here are multimedia contents that you can find
5. Create a new post on your WordPress then
on some website:
on the editor, click on the Text tab.
6. Paste your code here.
1. Video- Through video hosting sites, you can 7. Go back to the Visual tab and add text
take a video and show it to the entire world. (ex: content on either the top of your video or the
YouTube) bottom.
2. Sound, Music, or Audio- If videos are too 8. Previews then publish the content.
much for you, you can always record sounds.
You can now share your sound bites to the Key terms
entire world. (ex: Soundcloud)  Multimedia- uses multiple media contents
3. Online games- Game developers now like video, sounds, application, etc.
create what is called “browser-based games”.  Courseware- online courses that simulate
You do not need to install these games to the classroom online.
your computer as they run in most updated  Podcast- an episodic series of audio or text
web browser. (ex: AdventureQuest, Farmville, files streamed online.
Candy Crush).  Vodcast- an episodic series of videos
4. Online Test- Online survey forms and test streamed online.
that automatically display the results when  Embed- to place an object from one site to
finished. (ex: Online IQ and Personality Tests). another.
5. Courseware- Online course that simulate
the classroom online. (ex: E-learning Course
using a Learning Management System).
6. Podcast- An episodic series of audio or text
files streamed online (ex: Stuff you Should
Know, TED Talks, The Starters, Ear Biscuits).
7. Vodcasts- An episodic series of video
streamed online. (ex: YouTube series/shows
like Video Game High School, Good Mythical

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