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First name.LAST NAME, 1

First name.LAST NAME,



First name.LAST NAME,

First name.LAST NAME,

First name.LAST NAME,


In a petition for removal from
the Circuit Court of Xxxxxxx

State Court Cause

Notice of Petition and Verified Petition for Warrant of Removal

The Petitioners, Xxxxxxx.and Xxxxxxx,and in direct support of their request for

Removal of the above- encaptioned state court cause into the jurisdiction of this United

States District Court,and on the federal questions involved,here in allege,state,and



1.This Court now has proper jurisdiction over this cause of action for removal,

Pursuant to,but not limited to,the following statutory authorities:15USC§1692k(d),

And also 28USC§1443(1),28USC§1446(b),28USC§1331,and 28USC§1367.

Moreover,this Court is an ArticleIII court with the express authority to hear and

Adjudicate any questions arising under the Constitution,Laws,and Treaties of the

United States,including but not limited to the Bill of Rights, the First Amendment,

Fourth Amendment, Ninth Amendment, the Eleventh Amendment, the original

Thirteenth Amendment, the Fourteenth Amendment,the International Covenant on

Civil and Political Rights, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,with

Reservations. See the Article VI Supremacy Clause of the Constitution of the United

States of America,as lawfully amended (hereinafter "Federal Constitution").


2.The Petitioners complain of various willful, systemic deprivations of fundamental

Rights guaranteed by the Federal Constitution, and/or by federal law, and which

Deprivations are civil violations of 42 USC § 1983,and also criminal violations of 18

U.S.C.§§ 241 and 242.

3.Within the proceedings of the instant state court,Petitioners have duly advised the

State court judge, and all other parties – multiple times in official writing each – that
Certain actions and judicial events are now existing, have been done, and are now

Further threatened against the Petitioners,in clear, unambiguous violations of basic

Due process,the Federal Constitution,state statutory law, federal statutory law, the

Relevant rulings by the high state courts,and/or against the relevant rulings held

Unanimously by all of the several federal Circuit Courts of Appeals.

4.This petition for warrant of removal inures to the very essence of the enactment and

Clearly expressed purpose of 28 USC § 1443(1) by Congress,i.e. :to provide a

Remedy for removal to a United States District Court when a state court litigant“ is

Denied or can not enforce in the courts of such State a right under any law providing

For the equal rights of citizens of the United States,or of all persons within the

Jurisdiction thereof.”Timeliness of,and Grounds for Removal

5.The relevant portion of 28 USC § 1446(b) that provides for this timely petition for

Removal is re-stated

“If the case stated by the initial pleading is not removable, a notice of removal may
be filed within thirty days after receipt by the defendant, through service or
otherwise, of a copy of an amended pleading, motion,order or other paper from
which it may first be ascertained that the case is one which is or has become
removable.”(emphasis supplied).

6.Timeliness of removal is shown by the attached Exhibit List, and its attached


7.Self-explanatory grounds for removal include:(1) wilful pursuing of large sums of

Money in knowing direct violation of expressly mandated state law,even further

Clarified by knowing prohibition by the State high courts;all of which are (2) willful

violations of the fundamental rights guaranteed by United States Federal

Constitution;and,even further,(3) a knowing lack of jurisdiction over the Petitioners

Herein, because they are not even parties to that state action.

Complete Record of State Proceedings

8. The sheer volume of pleadings in the instant state court matter may well

Approximate in the range of two hundred (200) pages of various documents; This is

Primarily due to the constant civil rights violations that have been continually

Committed within that same on going matter.

9. Pursuant to the vested authority under 28 USC § 1447(b),this Court “may require the

Removing party to file with its clerk copies of all records and proceedings in such

State court or may cause the same to be brought before it by writ of certiorari issued

To such State court.”

10. Reproduction of the entire state court record within this Court should not be

Necessary, but if it is deemed so necessary,Petitioners request this Court cause the

Same by writ of certiorari, or, alternatively, direct the Petitioners to provide what

Portions it deems most necessary therein.

Incorporation of Prior Pleadings in State Court

11. Petitioners hereby incorporate by reference all pleadings, papers, and effects

Heretofore filed or otherwise lodged within the state proceedings the same as if fully
Set forth herein. Suggested Preliminary Procedures in This Cause

12. Petitioners suggest that, before this Court might consider any matter herein further,

That this Court utilize its inherent authority, as well as the statutory authority vested

Under 28 USC § 1447(a), to issue one or more appropriate Order(s), directing that

Any one or more of the parties to the instant state court matter each show cause as

To why this Court should or should not either: (1) issue any and all appropriate

Declaratory and/or injunctive relief; and/or, (2) retain the removal permanently, and

Further decide any or all other matters to the ends of justice therefore.

Prohibited Removals of State Court Cases

13. Petitioners note for the Court’s convenience that 28 USC § 1443(1)provides for the

Removal of any and all types of state court cases for violations of equal rights,with

The sole exceptions being only the following four (4) types of circumstances,

Pursuant to 28 USC § 1445:

a) A civil action against a railroad or its receivers or trustees that arises under

Certain laws;

b) A civil action against a carrier or its receivers or trustees that arises under

Certain laws;

c) A civil action arising under the workmen’s compensation

d) A civil action arising under section 40302 of the Violence against
Of 1994.

14. Therefore,civil rights violations against the Petitioners committed within the instant

State court matter are perfectly proper grounds for removal to the United States

District Courts.

Overview of Ongoing Civil Rights Violations

15. Whether acting individually, or in either overt or covert concert, the Respondent,

Counsel for the Respondent, the judge of the state court proceedings, and the

Previous guardian ad-litem of the Respondent-Ward, and along with other incidental

Individuals, have continually and consistently victimized the Petitioners by

Committing numerous violations against their equal civil rights, by intentional,

Knowing, and willful obstructions and deprivations of the same rights, throughout the

entire course of the state proceedings since its original inception.Such

Transgressions against peace,dignity, and the law have included: knowing refusals

To recuse and withdraw in the face of obvious conflicts - of - interest; abusing the

Power of a court of law to inflict false orders against persons and property;

Conspiring with the Respondent to assist and commit various direct frauds upon the

Court; conspiring with the Respondent to assist and commit forgery within certain

Pleadings filed in the state proceedings; numerous wilful violations of fundamental

Constitutional rights,threatening and intimidating the Petitioners during open court

To no longer mention the Federal Constitution or to be subject to immediate

“Contempt” incarceration therefore, and an entire plethora of violations so long in

Listing that it is utterly abominable to even consider the thought.

Summary and Prayer

16. Petitioners reiterate that their request for removal to this Court is not just about a

Supported and reasonable expectation of some future manifest deprivations of their

Various civil, constitutional, and equal rights within the same said state court, but

Also that such a deliberately unlawful pattern of the same is well established,

Threatened yet again, and must be stopped.

17. Without the immediate intervention, and the exercise of full jurisdiction and authority

By this Honorable Court in retaining said lower state proceedings, at the very least

With which to issue such appropriate declaratory and injunctive relief as to due

Process and equal civil rights, that the Petitioners will be otherwise subjected to

Manifestly egregious denial and inability to enforce in said state court one or more

Rights under the laws providing for the equal rights of citizens of the United States,

And will be likewise unlawfully forced to suffer manifestly irreparable harm and

Injuries therein, without any further reasonable remedy at law.

WHEREFORE,the undersigned Petitioners, Xxxxxxx and Xxxxxxx, now pray for

Retaining this removal of the instant state court matter under the jurisdiction of this
United States District Court, also at a minimum for appropriate declaratory and

Injunctive relief, and/or to further decide supplementary matters, and for all other

Relief just and proper in the premises.

Dated: May XX, 2018 respectfully submitted,

/s/ First Name Last Name

Petitioner, Pro Personam, Sui


Xxxxxxxxxx City Xxxxx,


Phone:(xxx)xxx-xxxx Email–
[email protected]


We hereby declare,verify, certify and state, pursuant to the penalties of perjury under

The laws of the United States, and by the provisions of 28 USC § 1746,that the above
And foregoing representations are true and correct to the best of our knowledge,

Information, and belief.

Executed at City, State, this________day of May,2018.

Dated: May XX, 2018 respectfully submitted,

/s/FirstName LastName
Petitioner,Pro Personam,




Phone:(xxx)xxx-xxxx Email–
[email protected]
Certificate of Service

I, hereby certify that I electronically transmitted this document to the Clerk’s

Office using the CM/ECF System for filing and transmittal of a Notice of Electronic

Filing on this XXth day of XXXX 2018,which automatically sends notice and a copy of

Filing to all counsel of record.

Dated: May XX,2018 respectfully submitted,

/s/FirstName LastName
Petitioner,ProPersonam Sui



CityXxxxx,IL60659 Phone:
(xxx)xxx-xxxx Email–
[email protected]

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