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i; a [wo]man; firstname:

Living Beneficiary for

general post office; judicial district
Notice; Praecipe
Notice to Respondeat Inferior is Notice to Respondeat Superior
This is a private non-negotiable international communication;
Notice is Law; ignorance of the law is no excuse; as it is written; it shall be done;
i; Last, First-Middle, a [wo]man, claim: any [wo]man or Person whom alter or restyle this; my issue; does so under penalty and
compensation to i;

DMVHeadFirstname DMVHeadlastname By: Registered Mail Number: ________________

c/o Commissioner/Director, DMVHeadfirstname DMVHeadlastname
YourState Department of Motor Vehicles
4110 DMV Avenue
DMVCity, DMVState; near [12345]

SOSFirstname SOSLastname By: Registered Mail Number: ________________

c/o YourState Secretary of State, SOSFirst SOSLast
1234 SecreatyofState Highway
SOSCity, SOSState; near [12345]

IN RE: Notice and Praecipe; Application for Drivers License/Permit

i; verify all herein be true;

i; affirm my word is my bond;
i; am at peace with all mankind;
i; Last, First-Middle, claim: sole beneficiary: FIRST MIDDLE LAST Estate;
i; accept your oath of office, title, and bond as a firm binding contract; evidence fiduciary obligation to i;
i; give notice: All unconscionable contracts are subject to rescission and void ab initio, under law; for
Peculiar good and proper cause; Where there is no meeting of minds there is no contract;
i; recently discovered there is no law compelling i; a [wo]man to complete: drivers license/permit
application for the State of YourState; Therefore, any and all drivers license/permit application(s) and other things
bearing name FIRST MIDDLE LAST or any derivatives thereof are revoked, null and void, from the beginning,
through various elements for concealment and failure to make proper disclosures;
i; hereby revoke, repudiate and rescind all signature(s) expressed, implied and otherwise, for peculiar and
good proper cause on all forms, all drivers license/permit applications for the State of YourState, and in all other
things, hereby revoking all Power of Attorney held by the State of YourState; said revocation is absolute, from the
beginning; Notice is given to all above named parties, their successors, their assigns, and their associates that any
and all power of attorney, presumed or otherwise, to make any legal determination past, present, and future for i; a
[wo]man and/or FIRST MIDDLE LAST Estate and all derivative aliases thereof are revoked, from the beginning;
are of no force or effect whatsoever, an absolute nullity;
i; further waive and reject any and all rights, benefits and/or privileges expressed, implied or otherwise
arising from any such signatures, all resulting contracts, agreements, things, or trust; all resulting through and by
ignorance, fear, force, duress, and intent to commit fraud; Further, these adhesion contracts and any and all Power
of Attorney whether expressed, implied or otherwise is hereby revoked, terminated, canceled from the beginning;
Therefore, it is my wish and pleasure that you remove the name FIRST MIDDLE LAST from any and all
form(s), application(s), database(s), record(s), and in all other things, for the State of YourState posthaste, as well as
notify any and all interested parties of this change; Acknowledgment and compliance with i; a [wo]man's Notice
and Praecipe shall be returned to i; In the event you are unable or unwilling to comply with this instruction, i shall
alternatively require of you evidence of your Oath of Fidelity as well as the policy number and name and address of
the underwriter of your Bond;
This Notice and Praecipe was prepared by: i, with the copy-claim; By my free will, act, and deed, my hand
and seal, do hereby establish the facts with good faith and clean hands on
this ________ Day of _________, two thousand ___________,

By: Last, First-Middle (seal) (your right thumb print in RED ink)

We, the undersigned, did witness the living [wo]man, known to us as firstname, place their thumb print
hereon in agreement with the facts stated herein; We have seen no evidence to dispute that said thumb print
represents the living [wo]man known to us as firstname, and believe that none exists;
We, the undersigned, do hereby affirm the foregoing to be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the
truth as we know it to be; By our own free will, act, and deed; our hand and seal do hereby establish the facts,

UPU Treaty Notice: This non-negotiable instrument is Witness: (seal)

under the jurisdiction of the Universal Postal Union and
constitutes “parcel post” conveyed under conditions set
forth at the Universal Postal Convention, in Parcel Post
Regulations and relevant Universal Postal Union Terms
and Conditions. Witness: (seal)

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