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The Pleasuremancer

Guide v0.3.19 - English


Write in LATEX by Azadrim until 0.3.2

Translate and update by L34ND43 for the 0.3.19

1 Preface ............................................................................................................................... 4
2 Change language ................................................................................................................ 4
3 How to bypass some bugs ................................................................................................... 5
4 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 6
5 Village .............................................................................................................................. 10
5.1 Places .............................................................................................................................. 10
5.1.1 Bakery ..................................................................................................................... 10
5.1.2 Shop ......................................................................................................................... 11
5.1.3 Forest ....................................................................................................................... 12
5.1.4 Town hall ................................................................................................................. 12
5.1.5 Ruin ......................................................................................................................... 13
5.1.6 Tavern...................................................................................................................... 14
5.1.7 Tower....................................................................................................................... 15
5.1.8 Alchemy room ......................................................................................................... 16
5.1.9 Architect room ......................................................................................................... 17
5.1.10 Throne room ............................................................................................................ 17
5.1.11 Room ....................................................................................................................... 18
5.1.12 Armory .................................................................................................................... 18
5.2 Walkthrough .................................................................................................................. 19
5.2.1 11 May 702 – Arrived at the village ........................................................................ 19
5.2.2 12 May 702 .............................................................................................................. 19
5.2.3 13 & 14 May 702..................................................................................................... 19
5.2.4 15 May 702 – Head to the tavern ............................................................................ 19
5.2.5 16 May 702 .............................................................................................................. 19
5.2.6 17 May 702 .............................................................................................................. 20
5.2.7 18 May 702 – The game continue ........................................................................... 20
5.2.8 19 May 702 .............................................................................................................. 20
5.2.9 20 May 702 .............................................................................................................. 20
5.2.10 21 May 702 .............................................................................................................. 20
5.2.11 22 May 702 .............................................................................................................. 20
5.2.12 23 May 702 - So it begins........................................................................................ 20
5.3 Main quest ...................................................................................................................... 21
5.3.1 The Lord's Return .................................................................................................... 21
5.3.2 Camilla’s project ..................................................................................................... 25
5.3.3 Love & Bread .......................................................................................................... 26
5.3.4 Steel and glory ......................................................................................................... 27
The Pleasuremancer - Guide v0.3.19 Mirrodin

5.3.5 The Pleasure of gambling ........................................................................................ 27

5.3.6 Dark secrets of Autumn ........................................................................................... 28
5.3.7 Expert in magi-botanic ............................................................................................ 28
5.3.8 Vlad's secrets ........................................................................................................... 28
5.3.9 War of the forest ...................................................................................................... 29
5.3.10 The girl of the woods ............................................................................................... 29
5.3.11 A useful dwarf ......................................................................................................... 30
5.3.12 The Strategicum....................................................................................................... 30
5.4 Secondary Quest ............................................................................................................ 32
5.4.1 Drink with Yerhan ................................................................................................... 32
5.4.2 Borthel & Camilla training ...................................................................................... 32
5.4.3 The old wooden box ................................................................................................ 32
5.4.4 Order........................................................................................................................ 32
5.4.5 Cat ........................................................................................................................... 33
5.4.6 Work for Willie ....................................................................................................... 33
5.4.7 Ishaahry ................................................................................................................... 33
5.4.8 Night with Boston.................................................................................................... 33
5.5 Bonus .............................................................................................................................. 34
5.6 The conquests ................................................................................................................. 34
5.7 How to earn money ........................................................................................................ 35
5.8 The magii-Garden ......................................................................................................... 37
5.9 Godelins .......................................................................................................................... 39
5.11 The caravans .................................................................................................................. 41
6 Character......................................................................................................................... 45
6.1 Addie ............................................................................................................................... 45
6.2 Autumn ............................................................................................................................ 45
6.3 Camilla ............................................................................................................................ 45
6.4 Ezmella ............................................................................................................................ 46
6.5 Feeva ............................................................................................................................... 46
6.6 Godelins........................................................................................................................... 46
6.6.1 Etienne ..................................................................................................................... 46
6.6.2 Dieggo ..................................................................................................................... 46
6.7 Ishaahry ........................................................................................................................... 46
6.8 Laetitia ............................................................................................................................. 47
6.9 Vlad ................................................................................................................................. 47
6.10 Yerhan ............................................................................................................................. 47
6.11 Willie ............................................................................................................................... 47
6.12 Kulriz ............................................................................................................................... 48

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1 Preface
Hi, a quick word before helping you in your progress. The guide spoils a little bit (a lot) so I strongly advise playing normally
before using it, or to seek a solution only if you are blocked ... It would be a pity to discover the intrigues and incredible adventure
of the game through the guide rather than through the game.
If there is any problem with an element of the guide or missing information, don’t hesitate to pass on the Discord of the
game, it is there for that.

Translator’s note:
1) Sorry if there are any mistakes, English isn’t my native language
2) Since this is not an official walkthrough, some elements may be missing and some translations may not be the
same in relation to the game
3) If you find an error in the guide (misspelling, item name…) please send me a message, either on F95zone
(L34ND43), or on the discord of the game (L34ND43).

2 Change language

To play in English, click on the American flag in the menu

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3 How to bypass some bugs

1. If you have a rapport with this in the traceback:
— File "tl/english/xxxxxxxxxx.rpyc" (xxxxxxxxxx is just a file name)
— click on "ignore" it's a translation problem that will probably be solved in the next version of the game

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4 Introduction
1. Kill Etienne and go to the other room
— "Open it"
2. After finishing the dialogue with Diego
— "Inspect the room"
— The stack of scrolls at the top right next to the windows [Bird Watching Manual]

3. Return to the previous room and learn the Observation skill (through the inventory)
4. In the first room, click on:
— The library x2 [18 gold, Andor Lager]
— The frog in the upper left corner [8 gold]
— The altar [Free Cities Cider]
— The crack, in the upper right corner (near the torch) [132 gold, Intelligence Elixir]
— The green book [Zen Strategicum 1], read it from your inventory

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5. Undress Ishaahry, but don’t cancel the spell (Allows you to keep the Life Leech spell, and unlocks Ishaahry scenes in
the game later - as well as an additional way to gain power)
— Go back to the 2nd room with Diego, click on:
— The brown book, at the top left of the windows in the library [Tome of Fire1] (and learn the Fire bolt)
— The wooden box x2 [Wine - Cote de Sierra - 698, Angnar Lager]
Don't drink Wine – Cote de Sierra – 698, you will need it for a quest
— The drawer at the bottom left x3 [52 gold]
— The drawer at the bottom right [34 gold]
— The dresser in the lower left corner [54 gold, Secret scroll #01]

6. You can talk with Diego to learn more about the story.
7. Click on the door
— "Wait for the door to give out…"
8. During the meeting with Feeva the good choice is:
— "Try a psychological attack"
— "Hit him"
— "Better not press my luck..."
— "I'm an Inquisitor of the Eternal Dawn"
— "Continue talking about the interrogation"
9. Take off the cape (click on the character, then on the cape and "Take off") and go out the door.

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10. Re-enter the tower and head for the secret room, click on:
— The button at the bottom on the chimney then the button under the torch
ATTENTION, if you killed Diego, you will not be able to press both buttons at the same time

— Chest in the fireplace [385 gold, Elixir of Gaia, Vial of old dead blood, Secret scroll #02]
— Drawer on the left [43 gold]
— Drawer on the right [Elixir of intelligence]
— Cupboard from the right [12 gold]

11. Open the last cupboard sign your death sentence.

12. Leave the tower and "Go to the eternal dawn camp"
13. "Go to the Steward’s tent" and "Drill the barrels"
14. "Go to the stable" and "Scare a horse"
15. Go into the command tent and "Search the tent" [24 gold, Rusty dagger, Essay on Godelins]

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16. Return to the stable "Empty the Vial of Old Dead Blood into the trough" then "Scare a horse" and return into the command
tent to read the orders
17. Leave the camp and go to the village at the left.

Normally all optional task should be validated and the difficulty should by 5%

Summary of the choice made:

— The Order ignores your identity
— You kept Ishaahry
— You have poisoned the Order’s horses
— You have destroy supplies of the Order
— You have founds the hidden area
— You have made Feeva blush
— You have found the maximum amount of gold (762 gold)

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5 Village

To jump this chapter, click here

5.1 Places

5.1.1 Bakery

Common places in small village. It’s also possible

to buy:
— Breakfast: 9 gold, +8HP
— Small bread: 15 gold, +10HP
It’s possible to meet:
— Adie
— Laetitia
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5.1.2 Shop

The owner of shop is quite a character. It’s

possible to buy:
— Candies: 40 gold (+12HP)

The following objects will be added later in the story

— Minor Intelligence Elixer: 100 gold
— Glass jar: 40 gold
— Strong Potion: 80 gold
— Zen Strategicum 1: 350 gold
— Zen Strategicum 2: 500 gold

It’s possible to meet:

— Vlad

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5.1.3 Forest

Degeulasix pinae

5.1.4 Town hall

A normal town hall, or almost...

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5.1.5 Ruin

A beautiful location for a house

— Camilla
This place will become a little center of the city. You will earn money every day. The more the training goes, the more it pays
It will also be possible to rent a room to have a laboratory.

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5.1.6 Tavern
It’s possible to work there, which allows to earn some gold, but especially some statistic that will be useful in the game. It’s also
possible to play dice against Ezmella. Note that for now and if you want to cheat, it’s possible to go back: the draw of the dice will
remain the same, which allows not to take risk.

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It’s possible to meet:

— Automn
— Camilla
— Ezmella
— Yerhan
— Willie
— Kulriz
5.1.7 Tower

Tower where pink gobelins decided to steal traders because you were back. They want you to be back with a great castle, which
is currently a ruin…

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5.1.8 Alchemy room

Where you are going to build your body

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5.1.9 Architect room

5.1.10 Throne room

From here, you will see the world burn because of the awkwardness of yours godelins

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5.1.11 Room

Here, you will be able to have fun with the girls on a comfortable bed ... Comfortable according to a dwarf
5.1.12 Armory

The games room of godelins

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5.2 Walkthrough
Small point before starting. At this point in the game we haven't much life. You have to know that you can lose life at night and
by working at the tavern, so be careful, a death is quickly arrived.

5.2.1 11 May 702 – Arrived at the village

1. We can equip again, it’s useless, old RPG habit, we do not walk naked, even when we are transparent.
Drink Intelligence Elixir x2 [+6 intelligence] and do not drink the Elixer of Gaia, wait to have 25 endurance before drinking
2. Go to the bakery, meet Adie
— "A godelin prisonner" [Little bread]
3. Go to the shop, meet Vlad
4. Visit the ruin x2
5. Visit the town hall
6. Sleep

5.2.2 12 May 702

1. Bakery, meet Laetitia
2. Visit the town hall
3. Sleep

5.2.3 13 & 14 May 702

Nothing to do.
— Sleep
5.2.4 15 May 702 – Head to the tavern
— Tavern, meet Willie:
— "Joke"
— "Aren't Eternal Dawn faithful just a fairy tale they made up to collect tithes... " [+1 Willie]
— "Go to the bar"
— "Done ordering" without ordering any drinks
— Meet Camilla
— "Go to the bar" and leave it again without ordering
— Learn that Willie has work for you [+1 Willie]
— Work for Willie
1. Tavern, go to the back room, meet Yerhan (the guy on the left):
— "It's on me (5 gold)" [+1 Yerhan]
— "No"
2. Tavern, go to the back room, meet Automn (the girl with the black coat)
3. Tavern, go to the back room, meet Ezmella, and play dice until she is in debt. I strongly advise ruining her whenever possible,
so she will have to pay her debt.
4. Sleep

5.2.5 16 May 702

1. Tavern, talk with Willie
— "Work for Willie"
2. Play against Ezmella until she is in debt [+1 Ezmella]
3. Talk to Automn
4. Sleep

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5.2.6 17 May 702

1. Tavern
— "Spend time with Willie" [+1 Willie]
2. Bakery
— "Ask about the abandoned building"
3. Play against Ezmella until she is in debt [+1 Ezmella]
4. Sleep

5.2.7 18 May 702 – The game continue

1. Tavern, talk to Willie
— "Adie spilled the beans…"
2. Bakery
3. Play against Ezmella until she is in debt. Just gold to win, it takes a lot in the game… [+1 Ezmella]
4. At night, go to ruin and talk to Camilla.
5. Sleep
6. "Caress the pussy"

5.2.8 19 May 702

1. Tavern, click on Willie
— "Give 300 gold to Camilla."
— "I love your beer" [+1 Willie, +2 Camilla]
2. Play against Ezmella until she is in debt. Just gold to win, it takes a lot in the game… [+1 Ezmella]
3. Sleep
4. Ezmella is visiting you. Only if she has been in debt every day. [+1 Ezmella]

5.2.9 20 May 702

1. Tavern, talk to Willie
— "Spend time with Willie" [+1 Willie]
2. Play against Ezmella until she is in debt. Just gold to win, it takes a lot in the game… [+1 Ezmella]
3. Sleep

5.2.10 21 May 702

4. Tavern, talk to Willie
— "Spend time with Willie" [+1 Willie]
1. Play against Ezmella until she is in debt. Just gold to win, it takes a lot in the game… [+1 Ezmella]
2. Sleep

5.2.11 22 May 702

1. Tavern, work for Willie
2. Play against Ezmella until she is in debt. Just gold to win, it takes a lot in the game… [+1 Ezmella]
3. Sleep
4. Camilla is visiting you.
5.2.12 23 May 702 - So it begins
1. Shop, talk to Vlad.
2. Tavern, work for Willie

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3. Ruin
— Put money in the vault of the worker: 1000 gold
4. Play against Ezmella until she is in debt. Just gold to win, it takes a lot in the game… [+1 Ezmella]
After a few days (almost) all quest are started, it remains only to farm, because it will take money, a lot of money

You also have to up all physical statistics to 10, so work at the tavern and it will take a while...
The description of the quests is available below since from on there is a part of random (gold, statistics...) and the biggest is done, it
remains only to follow the different characters in their quest.

5.3 Main quest

5.3.1 The Lord's Return
To start the quest go talk with Vlad at the shop from the beginning of the brothels.
0 Vlad want you to find his stuff in the mountain.
— You need Dexterity ≥ 6
— "Jump to the right."
1 Return Vlad’s supplies.
— Shop, Vlad [100 gold]
2 Return to the tower for an explanation.
— Tower, Pink Godelins [98 gold]
3 You need time to digest the information.
— wait 3 (or 4) days
4 Find the mayor.
— Tavern, Willie
— "Find out about the mayor"
5 Vlad is the mayor. Go speak with him.
— Shop, Vlad
— "Threaten him" / "Encourage him" In fact, it does not really matter, except that the choice "Make it rain money on his face"
cost 200 gold...
— "Accept" [Sturdy leather]
— "Accept" [Rusty dagger] or “Refuse” we already have one. [150 gold]
6 Time to clean up the city hall.
— Equip Sturdy leather
— Tower, Pink Godelins
7 Time to clean up the city hall (with acceptable losses)
— City hall
— "Let’s go."
8 Return to Vlad to get the deed.
— Shop
9 Report the good news to your minions.
— Tower
— "Let’s be confident"
10 Go speak to Willie to find some wooden boards.
— Tavern, Willie
11 Explore the forest next to the village. (I recommend you save the game before going to the forest)
— Forest [25 gold]
— "Go see."
— "Intervene" [The quest “Escape of the princess” is now unlocked]
— "Lie to her" / "Tell her the truth" [between 4 and 8 wooden planks]
12 Find 50 planks.
— Forest each night until you have 50 wooden planks... (so you can work during the day... You should keep working for Willie
until all basic physical stats reach 25)

Here, in this example, the basic statistic is 25

— Tower

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13 Bring back 3000 gold.

— Tower [-3000 gold]
14 Wait for the end of the construction.
— Wait 10 days.
— "Gut him"/"Correct him for his insolence"/"Order him to leave" No impact on history
15 Visit the tower.
To visit the tower, you must first put someone in the confidence. Here are the choices: Camilla; Camilla+Ezmella;
Autumn; Camilla+Autumn; Ezmella; Autumn+Ezmella
For Camilla :
— Brothel (after "Camilla's project - 6" and after having waited 10 days)
— "Let her in on the secret "
— "I've taken control of them" [-2 Camilla] if "I eradicated them" then +1 Camilla and later -4 Camilla
— "Precisely"

For Ezmella :
— Tavern (after "Drink with Yehran")
— "Let her in on the secret"
— "I'll take over slowly and peacefully"

For Autumn :
— Tavern (after "Dark secret of Autumn - 8")
— What you want

— Tower, you must have a minimum of 31 life points

— "Inaugurate the 'wonder'…" [-30HP]
— Once out of the tower, the choice depends on which girl(s) is with you. So here is a table with the different results depending
on the girl(s)

16 Search for a true architects in the village

— Tavern, work for Willie, you have to do this many times, the architect is slow to arrive
— After he appeared, Tavern, Kulriz
— "Offer to buy a round" [-12 gold, +2 Kulriz]
— Go to A useful dwarf
17 You need a bundle of money to give to the dwarf
— Tavern, Kulriz
— Yes, let’s get the project started [-17350 gold]
18 The dwarf is at work, wait for this news.
— Wait 15 days
— "That's wonderful." [+2 Kulriz]
— "It's perfect." [+2 Kulriz]
19 The tower is now complete
— Tavern, Yehran
— "That's way too much"
— "Accept the full time offer full for 1200 gold/week"
— Tower, Kulriz
— Construct, "An armory" [-2150 gold]
— "Act with tact"
— Tower, Chamber
— Tower, Armory, Yehran
— "Ask for ideas to inaugurate the chamber"
— "Round to 100" [+1 Yehran, Shinrada del Pas - 695]
— Tower, Throne room
Go to Dark secrets of Autumn

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20 Return to the magic garden

— Brothel, "Go to the magii-serre"
21 I need to find information about creating physical body
— Shop
— "… Perhaps"
— "I will seriously consider your application"
— Wait 7 days
22 I have to wait for Vlad to find what I need to build a physical body
— [Organica Alpha, Share of genius, 4 essence of organic matter]
23 I have to read the books that Vlad gave me.
— Read Organica Alpha, You need Intelligence ≥ 19
24 The first book didn't contain enough information to get started
— Read Share of genius, You need Intelligence ≥ 24
25 I have to build my physical body using the runicuve
— Inventory, learn all plans (arm, leg, head, penis, torso and body)
— Tower, Kulriz
— "Alchemy lab – 975 gold"
— Alchemy lab
We will now start the build of our body; I will try to be clear enough in my explanation
— To build your body you will need:
i. 24x Male Organic Matter
ii. 16x Male Superior Organic Matter
iii. 4x Large Ruby
iv. 1x Wine – Cote de Sierra - 707
v. 1x Wine – Cote de Sierra - 699
vi. 4x Minor Intelligence Elixer
vii. A lot of mana
viii. A lot of patience
To obtain Male Organic Matter and Male Superior Organic Matter, you must grow some Essence of Organic Matter
in the Magii-serre
At step 22, Vlad gives you 4 Essence of organic matter, which will probably not be enough. But you can create one
by following the steps below:
1) Click on your character

2) Click on the book

3) Click on the spell

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4) And finally, click on Generate. It will cost you 100 mana [-100 mana]

To obtain Large Ruby, you must grow some Ruby Fragment (See Dark secrets of Autumn)
You can find the Wine by attacking the caravans (Caravan)
You can buy the 4 Minor Intelligence Elixer at Vlad's shop, or with the caravans
Once you have the right objects, go to Tower, Alchemy lab
— Click on the Runicuve
— Select the recipe

— Click on "liste objet", select the right item and add the right number of items, no more, no less. If you do not put the right
number, the recipe will not work and you will lose the items

26 Now it's time to take control of the village.

— Shop, Vlad
— "Because I'm waiting for you to give me this name, Vlad..."
27 Convince the important members of the village to let you take control of the village
— Tavern, Willie
— " Talk about politics"
— " Rather die"
— What you want
— Tavern, Ezmella
— " Discuss about the town hall"
— What you want
— Tavern, Autumn
— What you want
— Tavern, Yehran
— " Discuss politics"
— " Deal"

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— " Deal"
— "No"
— Borthel
— " Talk about village life"
— " A stronger village"
— Bakery
— " Talk about village life"
— " Less tax, more commerce"
— Sleep or continue the quests until the sign at the town hall says that the council meeting is today
— " Start the election"
— Choose what you prefer for everything, you cannot win the elections the first time
28 You have lost the election, it's time to better prepare
— Shop, Vlad
29 I need to learn about factions I. Warriors
— Tavern, Willie
— " The factions"
30 I need to learn about factions II. The nomads
— Tavern, Ezmella
— " Accuse Ezmella"
— " Give her a painful form of attention"
31 I need to learn about factions III. The merchants
— Shop, Vald
32 I need to learn about factions IV. The farmers
— Bakery
33 Let's go see Vlad to finalize everything
— Sleep or continue the quests until the sign at the town hall says that the council meeting is today
— " Start the election"
— " Create a law"
— " Punish theft more harshly"
— " The warriors faction"
— " Leave taxes with a simple percentage"
— " No reduction"
— " No tax for fallow fields"
— " No"
— " Buy the round of drinks for the village" If you don't want to pay, you can, it will not change the outcome of the vote if you
followed the guide
— " We will reduce them to slavery"
— " We are a quasi-independent city"
34 I'm finally mayor.
— Tower, Throne room, you need at least 800 golds, but I recommend going with at least 5800 golds to unlock all
— " Purging the lower town. 2500 golds"
— " Special Assistance Program for the homeless. 800 golds "
— " Close the doors of the village. 1600 golds "
— " Wealth tax. 900 golds "
— " Let's go on"
— If you understand everything, then:
— " I understand everything, let's move on."
35 I took Vlad's class
— You need a minimum of 300 godelins and 20,000 golds to continue
— Tower, chamber
— You can now summon Autumn, Ezmella and Camille to learn more about your future conquest
— See the chapter on conquests for more information
36 I can now launch an invasion
End of the quest

5.3.2 Camilla’s project

To start the quest :
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— Go see 2 time the ruin

— Bakery
— “What is this abandoned house?”
0 Camilla seems to know a little more about the abandoned house.
— Tavern
— "Adie spilled the beans"
1 Without reason, Camilla got completely upset.
— Bakery
2 Return to meet Camilla behind the ruins at night.
— Ruin at night.
3 Return to Camilla with 300 gold.
— Tavern
— "Give 300 gold to Camilla."
— "I love your beer" [+1 Willie, +2 Camilla]
4 Wait for Camilla to call you back.
— Wait 3 night.
5 Put money in the chest (lots)
— Deposit money in the vault in the ruin: 1000 gold
Every night 200 gold will be used to build the brothel.
It takes 5 night of construction to progress in this quest
6 The brothel is done.
— Brothel, Camilla
— "There's definitely room for improvement."
7 Find a more suited dress.
— Tavern, "Spend time with Willie" until Willie's reputation is greater or equal to 8
— "Take it all for 600 gold"
"Take the dance dress only for 70 credits" is a choice that in future update will result on Willie discovers that you have helped
8 Camilla wants to speak with you.
— Brothel
It’s now possible to train Camilla.
End for this version

5.3.3 Love & Bread

To start the quest, talk with Willie at the tavern, need affinity >7.
Honestly, you need to "Spend time with Willie" until he starts the quest. This is the only interest in his friendship.
0 Willie didn’t tell me much, I need to learn more.
The brothel must be built.
— Brothel, "Talk about Adie and Laetitia"
1 Laetitia must confess her feelings to Adie.
— Bakery
— "Ask why she’s still here." / "Take a look of incomprehension."
— "Going to the exit" / "Stay a little longer"
2 I have to wait for Leatitia to come to me.
— Tavern, back room, Leatitia talks to you
— "Her attention must be drawn"
3 I must find some "nice" clothes for Laetitia
— Shop You need to have more than 469 gold to start the dialogue
— "No thanks." [-469 gold, Purple dye]
— "Accept his offer." [-50 gold, +2 Vlad] seems to be too good to be true...
4 I found some "niiice" clothing, I have to give it to Laetitia.
— Bakery
— "So that’s how it goes, uh?! After I did EVERYTHING for you!!" / "What do you intend to do then?"
5 She thinks the dress is too sexy, but she has another idea...
— Bakery (You have to sleep before doing this)
6 Laetitia want to see you before her declaration to Adie.

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— Bakery, at night.
During the scene it’s possible to press H to hide the doors (You can also see the unhidden images later in the reputation book)
— "Wait for a better moment."
— "Open the closet slightly."
— "Wait for a better moment."
— "Open the closet slightly."
— "You only live once!! Open the closet slightly."
— "Wait for a better moment."
7 End of the quest for this version

5.3.4 Steel and glory

To start the quest, speak with Yerhan at the tavern.
0 I have to graduate from the initiation with 10 strength 10 stamina and 10 dexterity.
— "Do training." [-300 gold]
— "Throw it with all your might."
It’s now possible to drink with Yerhan.
1 I have to find Yerhan to train with him on the fast attack.
— "Fight skill 1." [-450 gold, Light attack]
2 I have to find Yerhan to train with him on the heavy attack.
— "Fight skill 2."
— "Take the lead and pay" [-450 gold, +2 Yehran, Brutish attack]
3 End of the quest for this version

5.3.5 The Pleasure of gambling

To start the quest, speak with Ezmella at the tavern.
0 I have to win one game of 'Magic 3s' against Ezmella in the tavern
— Win against Ezmella
1 I have to make sure she’s out of money so I can influence her.
— Win against Ezmella until the debt.
Ezmella furiously remove a few layers of clothing while staring at you with a scornful look

2 I have to win one game of 'Magic 3s' against Ezmella in the tavern
— Win against Ezmella until the debt.
Ezmella changes energetically and discreetly [+1 Ezmella]

3 I have to win one game of 'Magic 3s' against Ezmella in the tavern
— Win against Ezmella until the debt. She will come find you. [+1 Ezmella]
4 Ezmella will come to me later, I have to wait.
— Wait 2 nights.
5 I have to win one game of 'Magic 3s' against Ezmella in the tavern
— After building the brothel (and after brother level 1, see the secondary quest: Brothel & Camilla training)
— Win against Ezmella until the debt.
— Brothel, let’s see Camilla.
— Train Camilla
6 I have to win one game of 'Magic 3s' against Ezmella in the tavern
— Win against Ezmella until the debt.
— Brothel, let’s see Camilla.
— Train Camilla
— "That's great"[+1 Camilla]
7 I have to win one game of 'Magic 3s' against Ezmella in the tavern
— Win against Ezmella until the debt.
— "Make Ezmella embrace her desires" [+1 Ezmella]
— "And don’t forget to shave"
— Brothel, let’s see Camilla.
— Train Camilla, Give 100 gold [+1 Camilla]
— "Let Camilla have some more fun" [+3 Camilla, -2 Ezmella]
— "Order Camilla to continue" [-2 Camilla, +3 Ezmella, brothel level 2]

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8 Go to quest Vlad’s secret

End ?
5.3.6 Dark secrets of Autumn
To start the quest, speak with Automn at the tavern.
0 She has the same cloak than I do, but she doesn't want speak with me.
— Talk to Automn
1 She seems to appreciate nobody.
— intelligence > 7 & Power > 0
— Talk to Automn
2 I have to prove to her my level of skill.
— Talk to Automn
— "Call me master." // "Wait for them to make the first move"
— "500 gold"
3 I have to study the grimoire.
— Inventory
— Arcane Botany by Jamy
— Learn
4 I have to find the perfect place for my magic.
— Brothel
— "Negotiate a room for the magic-plantation" [-150 gold / week]
5 Find a way to buy some glass jars.
— Shop [-400 gold]
6 Find a way to buy some glass jars.
— Wait the next day
— Shop [Glass jars x11]
7 Find a way to buy some seeds.
— Tavern, Automn [Ruby fragment x4]
You can go back to The Lord's Return (20)
8 See Autumn with 8 big rubies.
— Magii-serre, go for gardening: Glass jar + Seed + Mana + Wait
— Borthel, Autumn
— "This is your decision."
End of this quest for this version

5.3.7 Expert in magi-botanic

Available after unlocking botany (The somber secrets of Automn)
0 I have to find other possible uses for my newfound skills.
— Tower [Pink godelin blood]
— "Ask for completion"/"Finish it yourself"
1 I have to grow a pink godelin.
— Brothel, Go to the magii-serre
— Glass jar + Blood of a pink godelin
Finish for this version

5.3.8 Vlad's secrets

To start this quest you have to open the brothel, finish the Camilla dance training, have train Camilla at level 3 and go to see
Vlad then go to the brothel.
0 Vlad fantasm on Camilla
— Shop, "Permanent discount"
— Vlad fantasm on Camilla
Finish ?

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5.3.9 War of the forest

0 I have to show to this bandito who is in charge here.

— Forest, attack number 1
1 I have to take the shopping route.
— Forest, attack number 2 and 3
2 I have to conquer all. Buy some Strong Potion
— Forest, attack number 4, 5 and 6 [Mercenary Armor, Barrel of Dwarven Ale]
3 I have to bypass the magic shield (at least 2 possible way).
— Tavern, Autumn (after giving her the 8 big rubies)
i. If you have more than 900 gold then, "Join me for this fight."
1. "Accept" [-900 gold]
ii. Else "Good day Yehran"
— Forest, number 7
— "Use the prisoner to force the robbers out"
— "To advance Fen in front of the godelins"
— "Yes, enjoy yourself"/"No, just squirt"
4 "I have to finish it."
5 "I am the king of the forest" [between 1400 and 1600 gold, Sword of Andor, Andor light armor]

5.3.10 The girl of the woods

0 You just met Lucie, go see her when you have time
— Tavern, Lucie
1 Wait for Willie's report
Sleep 5 nights
2 Request information from Yehran
— Tavern, Yehran
— " The blonde girl..."
— " Wine of sable cuvée princière 674 - 552 gold"

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5.3.11 A useful dwarf

0 I have to find some good beer for Kulriz.
— Forest, win number 6 (see War of the forest)
— Tavern, Kulriz
— "It is always good to have an architect as a friend" [+4 Kulrix]
1 Discuss of your demands with Kulriz
— Tavern, Kulriz
— "It’s a little bit too much"
— "Hire qualified workers"
— "Hire qualified workers"
— "Red bricks of Astaphar"
— "Jasper’s wood"
— "2000 gold and I offer you bed and breakfast"
Tavern, Kulriz [-17350 gold]
— "Yes, let’s get the project started"
2 Kulriz builds the tower, he will come to see you if he has any requirements
— Wait 15 days
3 The tower is done, your new home
— "That's wonderful." [+2 Kulriz]
— "It's perfect." [+2 Kulriz]
Go back to the The Lord's Return

5.3.12 The Strategicum

0 To activate this quest, you must buy the Zen Strategicum 1 [-350 gold if no reduction]
— intelligence > 5
— Shop

1 Read the Zen Strategicum 2 [-500 gold if no reduction]

— intelligence > 10
— Shop

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2 Read the Zen Strategicum 3 [-650 gold if no reduction]

— intelligence > 13
— not yet implemented

3 Read the Zen Strategicum 4

— not yet implemented
4 Read the Zen Strategicum 5
— not yet implemented

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5.4 Secondary Quest

These are other elements of the game that are not in the quest book.

5.4.1 Drink with Yerhan

You must have followed the 1st class with Yerhan: Steel and glory
This quest is VERY expensive...
1. Drink with Yerhan (0/4) [need 213 gold]
— Château Laffite of Andor 679 [-153 gold]
— Biggest fear [-30 gold] ; Dark side [-30 gold] ; Biggest mistake [-60 gold]
— Lying/Tell the truth
2. Drink with Yerhan (1/4) [need 552 gold]
— Wine of sand cuvée prince 674 [-552 gold ; +3 Yehran]
3. Drink with Yerhan (2/4) [need 1230 gold, Tain Camilla (0/5) done]
— "Wait for her to finish" [+1 Yehran]
— "Six bottles…? Not htat bad but…" [+1 Yehran]
— "Add 5 bottles more" [+1 Yehran]
— "On me, I insist" [+6 Yehran]
4. Drink with Yerhan (3/4) [need 1120 gold]
— Tease him a bit
— An apology [+1 Yehran]
— "Let it go"
— "Choose the 'Prince vintage' " [+1 Yehran]
— Pay [-1120 gold ; +1 Yehran]
5.4.2 Borthel & Camilla training
The brothel must be built: Camilla’s project - 8
— Teach dance to Camilla x6 [brothel level 1, training unlocked]
— Tavern, Play against Ezmella until she is in debt
— Brothel, "Let's see Camilla…"
— Train Camilla x5
— Put into debt Ezmella x3
— "Give 100 gold"
— "Let Camilla have some more fun."
— "Order Camilla to continue" [brothel level 2]
— Shop,Vlad
— "Permanent discount"
— Brothel, let’s see Camilla, train Camilla (3/5)
— "Confirm Vlad’s version"
— "Let’s start the lesson"
— "Let them finish"
— Shop, Vlad
— "Take the old Locked Box"
— Brothel, let’s see Camilla, train Camilla (4/5)
— "Continue the lesson"
— "Let them finish"
Finish ?

5.4.3 The old wooden box

Get the old chestbox from Vlad.
It will be useful one day.

5.4.4 Order
Report of the order, meeting in the woods...

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5.4.5 Cat
— "Let it warm you up"
— "Put your finger in its ass"

5.4.6 Work for Willie

— If the conversation is:
• Waiter! Two beers!!
• Two glasses 'f wine here!
• I'll have a beer.
• I'll take some hors-d'oeuvres if you have some…
• Willie: We don't do 'Hors d'oeuvre' here you dimwit! Whe' d'ya think ya' are huh?
• Invocation: You heard the boss..
• Well, just a beer then..
Then the answer is: "4 beers and 2 wine."
— If the conversation is:
• Waiter ! Two beers !!
• Two glasses 'f wine here !
• Wine for me.
• A jug of mead, a glass of wine, and two beers please.
• Two beers here too.
Then the answer is: "1 jug, 6 beers and 4 wine."
— If the conversation is:
• Two of Willie's finest beers!
• No, wait, make that three!
• Which is it, idiot? Two or three??
• Hey! You can't talk to me like that…
• …
• Two glasses of wine here.
• And a wine for me
• I'll take a beer.
• You… You're new here?
• You never seen a dwarf before, damn it?
• This should make Willie happy at least, your people drink beer like its water
• Well said, bring me two more.
• …What?! I'm just saving you some return trips.
• How thoughtful…
• A pitcher, a wine, and two beers here
• Two beers here too.
Then the answer is: "1 pitcher, 10 beers and 4 glasses of wine."

— If the conversation is:

• By moving a barrel by mistake, you notice an old box hidden in the floor …
• You take a look around … There's nobody around.
• If you open the box, you will have the choice between stealing 563 gold or stealing nothing and put the box
back in its place

5.4.7 Ishaahry
— Work in progress
5.4.8 Night with Boston
— "Fight them"

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5.5 Bonus
5.5.1. Have fun with Ezmella
⎯ After "train Camilla (3/5)", maybe before, I'm not 100% sure
⎯ Tower, Throne room
⎯ What you want ;)
⎯ Tower, Room
⎯ "Punish her"
⎯ Enjoy ;)
⎯ Do it again at night
⎯ "Grope her breasts"
⎯ "Smack her breasts"
⎯ "Whipping"
⎯ Another day, at night, in the room
⎯ "Punish it by including it in your 'session' with Ezmella"

5.5.2. Have fun with Camilla

⎯ Brothel
⎯ "Refuse everything net"
⎯ "Penetrate it"
⎯ What you want ;)
⎯ Mana +100
You can do it again but you will have to pay 150 gold

5.6 The conquests

— To access conquests, go to your room and click on the map

— The continent is divided into 3 parts, The Kingdom of Andor, the Nashan Empire and the Free Cities
— To conquer a part, you must conquer each area occupied by enemies
— Before each conquest I advise you to call Ezmella, Autumn or Camilla to learn more about the region
5.6.1. Kingdom of Anfor North – Work in progess South Work in progess Work in progess

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a. You need 5 godelins scout

b. Ask for Camilla
c. "Send scouts. "
d. Sleep 5 night
e. Sleep 5 night (again) Work in progess East - Work in progess West - Work in progess
5.7 How to earn money
5.7.1. Playing against Ezmella
— Tavern, Ezmella
— "Play a game of 'Magical Three' "
— Save the game when you need to enter your bet

— Bet 30 gold
— Click on "Play"
— Then "Next round" until your see the "bet" button
— Click on "Bet" and bet 30 gold
— If Ezmella follow you, load your save and bet 1 gold instead of 30 gold
— If Ezmella don't follow you, congratulation, you won 30 gold

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5.7.2. Working for Willie

You can work at the tavern every day, your salary will depend on the time you spend working for Willie and the level of your
⎯ Tavern, click on Willie
⎯ "Work for Willie"
⎯ The salary you will earn is determined by your stat, to which is added the base salary
For example:

In the case above, we must add 33+30+41+31+ the minimum base salary to have the minimum salary that you can earn
It's the same for the maximum salary.
Here is a drawing to illustrate my explanation:

Base salary are:

[40 – 60] if you start in the morning
[20 – 40] if you start the afternoon
[0 – 20] if you start in the evening

5.7.3. Selling ruby

Starting the quest for Autumn, you will learn how to grow ruby. After giving her the 8 large ruby, you can continue to grow
them and sell your crops in Vlad's shop. For more information about the process of growing ruby, go see The magic garden

Vlad buys:
⎯ Small ruby for 10 gold
⎯ Ruby for 72 gold
⎯ Large ruby for 455 gold

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5.7.4. The caravans

Caravans are a good way to get gold. Depending on the caravan, you can earn up to 1300 gold.
⎯ If you attack a Raw material transport, you can earn between 0 and 25 gold
⎯ If you attack a Minor noble with entourage, you can earn between 300 and 500 gold
⎯ If you attack a Small smuggler convoy, you can earn between 200 and 300 gold
⎯ If you attack a Small Andorian caravan, you can earn between 600 and 800 gold
⎯ If you attack a Small Nashan caravan, you can earn between 600 and 800 gold
⎯ If you attack a Small Free cities caravan, you can earn between 600 and 800 gold
⎯ If you attack a Andorian convoy, you can earn between 900 and 1300 gold
⎯ If you attack a Nashan convoy, you can earn between 900 and 1300 gold
⎯ If you attack a Free cities convoy, you can earn between 900 and 1300 gold

5.8 The magii-Garden

To be able to grow your plants, you will need a LOT of mana. In order to regenerate mana, you have to peeping during the
night and not sleep or you can have fun with Ezmella or Camilla

After the peeping event, you can earn between 12 and 18 mana, but you will lose between 5 and 10 HP
You can also call Ezmella to have fun with her (click on the throne and "Call Ezmella"), you will earn 10 or 60 or 130 mana
according to your choice
For Camilla, go to the brothel, " Sunset with Camilla " [-150 gold], you will earn 100 mana
The Wine – Cote de Sierra – 698 give 14 mana and the Wine – Cote de Sierra – 699 give 5 mana
5.8.1. Grow Ruby
To be able to grow ruby, you will need some ruby fragment, Autumn give you 4 fragments in the quest Dark secret of Autumn
and you can found some in caravans (Andorian convoy and smuggler convoy).
⎯ Brothel
⎯ "Go to the magii-serre"
⎯ Click on a case, add a jar (if there is none), then click on "Seed" and add a ruby fragment

The ruby has 7 state before to be able to produce large ruby.

To get a large ruby, you have to harvest the plant when she look like this:

At this moment, you will get:

⎯ 2 or 3 ruby fragment
⎯ 3 or 4 small ruby
⎯ 3 or 4 ruby
⎯ A large ruby

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5.8.2. Create Godelins

Even if Godelins come in your army at night. Maybe you'll want more and more Godelins. This is why you can create Godelins
with blood.
⎯ Brothel
⎯ "Go to the magii-serre"
⎯ Click on a case, add a jar (if there is none), then click on "Seed" and add blood of pink godelin

The godelins have 6 steps before being born. Unlike the ruby, if you pass the last step, your godelin dies and it's currently not
possible to obtain godelin blood other than harvest in the magii-serre.
If you want a pink godelin, harvest him when he looks like this:

You will also get 2 or 3 godelins blood.

5.8.3. Generate organic matter

The third plant that you can grow in the magii-serre is the one that allows you to create your body. To be able to plant it, you
must have finished step 23 of the "The lord's return" quest.
⎯ Brothel
⎯ "Go to the magii-serre"
⎯ Click on a case, add a jar (if there is none), then click on "Seed" and add Essence of organic matter

The essence of organic matter has 10 state before being mature. In order to have a maximum of organic matter, this is what
your plant should look like:

When you go to harvest the plant, you will receive:

⎯ between 10 and 13 Organic waste
⎯ between 4 and 8 Female organic matter
⎯ between 4 and 8 Male organic matter
⎯ between 2 and 3 Superior female organic matter OR between 2 and 3 Superior male organic matter

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5.9 Godelins
There are currently 8 different types of godelins
5.9.1. Pink godelins
— They are the base of godelins, without them you cannot have the following ones

5.9.2. Scouts
— They are the ones who will provide you with information during your conquest

5.9.3. Les shamans

— They are fighters, more powerful than the pink godelins

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5.9.4. Apprentices
— At this stage, the godelins will start to choose their specialty
— Godelins have a 40% chance of becoming apprentice after a battle
— Yehran can turn your godelins into apprentice during training:
— If he is part-time, 0.05% of your godelins will turn each night
— If he is full time, 0.15% of your godelins will transform each night

5.9.5. The Warriors

— Apprentice godelin have a 25% chance of becoming warriors
— Yehran can turn your apprentice into Warriors during training:
— If he is part-time, 0.05% of your apprentice will turn each night
— If he is full time, 0.15% of your apprentice will transform each night

5.9.6. Veterans
— The warriors have a 10% chance of becoming a Veterans
— Yehran can turn your warriors into Veterans during training:
— If he is part-time, 0.05% of your warriors will turn each night
— If he is full time, 0.15% of your warriors will transform each night

5.9.7. Les Légionnaires

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— Vous ne pourrez les avoir uniquement avec l'entrainement de Yehran

— Pas encore implémenté dans le jeu

5.9.8. La garde impériale

— Vous ne pourrez les avoir uniquement avec l'entrainement de Yehran
— Pas encore implémenté dans le jeu
5.10 The caravans
5.10.1. Find caravans
To be able to find caravans, you must first have conquered the third region of the forest (see War of the forest).
Once you conquer this region, you should be able to click on the tower button next to your inventory.

Before attacking caravans, you have to find them.

So, we will send pink godelins patrol in the forest.

Once done, you can continue your day or sleep, it's like you want.
During the night, Francis will come to see you to make a report about the godelins you sent.
If your godelins found one or more caravans, you should be able to see them in the "Manage Caravans"

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5.10.2. Choose the target

If you don't have a lot of godelins, the best is to start with caravans with a small protection (one guard) but with one or more

But all caravans don't have the same rewards, so it is useless to attack a caravan if you know that it doesn't have the object you

5.10.3. Attack the target

If you have godelins, you will be able to assign them to attack the caravan(s)

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You can organize more than one attacks at the same time. Your only limit is your number of godelins.
Once you have finished assigning the godelins, click on the checkmark () button for each caravan.
Be careful, the more you attack caravans, the more they will be protected.
5.10.4. The rewards

Small Free cities caravan:

⎯ Between 600 and 800 gold
⎯ 60% chance to get between 2 and 4 Free Cities Cider
⎯ 40% chance to get between 3 and 6 glass jars

Small Andorian caravan:

⎯ Between 600 and 800 gold
⎯ 80% chance to get between 2 and 4 andor lager
⎯ 80% chance to get between 1 and 4 small bread
⎯ 80% chance to get between 1 and 4 Wine – Cote de Sierra – 709
⎯ 7% chance to get a Andor Light Armor

Small Nashan caravan:

⎯ Between 600 and 800 gold
⎯ 80% chance to get between 1 and 4 Wine – Cote de Sierra – 709
⎯ 80% chance to get between 2 and 4 nashan lager
⎯ 6% chance to get a nashan armor
⎯ 6% chance to get a Nashan War ax

Small smuggler convoy:

⎯ Between 200 and 300 gold
⎯ 40% chance to get 1 or 2 Wine – Cote de Sierra – 699
⎯ 20% chance to get between 3 and 4 ruby fragments
⎯ 40% chance to get 1 or 2 minor intelligence elixer
⎯ 7% chance to get a smuggler's dagger
⎯ 4% chance to get a smuggler's armor

Raw material transport:

⎯ Between 0 and 25 gold
⎯ 80% chance to get between 1 and 4 small bread
⎯ 80% chance to get between 2 and 4 andor lager
⎯ 80% chance to get between 1 and 10 wooden planks
⎯ 80% chance to get between 1 and 10 wooden planks (yes again)
⎯ 9% chance to get a mercenary armor
⎯ 5% chance to get a sword of andor

Minor noble with entourage:

⎯ If they have this coat of arm:
⎯ Between 300 and 500 gold
⎯ 50% chance to get 1 or 2 Wine – Cote de Sierra – 706
⎯ 40% chance to get 1 or 2 Wine – Cote de Sierra – 699
⎯ 80% chance to get between 1 and 4 candy
⎯ 8% chance to get a mercenary armor
⎯ 5% chance to get a sword of andor

⎯ If they have this coat of arm:

⎯ Between 300 and 500 gold
⎯ 60% chance to get 1 or 2 Wine – Cote de Sierra – 707
⎯ 60% chance to get 1 or 2 Wine – Cote de Sierra – 707 (yes again)
⎯ 80% chance to get between 1 and 4 candy
⎯ 5% chance to get an andor light armor
⎯ 5% chance to get a sword of Andor

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Free cities convoy:

⎯ Between 900 and 1300 gold
⎯ 30% chance to get 1 Wine – Cote de Sierra – 698
⎯ 40% chance to get between 1 and 4 Wine – Cote de Sierra – 706
⎯ 50% chance to get between 3 and 5 Free Cities Cider
⎯ 80% chance to get between 1 and 10 wooden planks
⎯ 80% chance to get between 1 and 3 minor intelligence elixir
⎯ 80% chance to get between 1 and 3 glass jars
⎯ 10% chance to get a mercenary armor
⎯ 10% chance to get a mercenary sword

Nashan convoy:
⎯ Between 900 and 1300 gold
⎯ 40% chance to get between 1 and 6 nashan lager
⎯ 40% chance to get 1 or 2 Wine – Cote de Sierra – 699
⎯ 80% chance to get between 1 and 10 wooden planks
⎯ 80% chance to get between 1 and 3 minor intelligence elixer
⎯ 80% chance to get between 1 and 3 glass jars
⎯ 10% chance to get a nashan armor
⎯ 10% chance to get a nashan war ax

Andorian convoy:
⎯ Between 900 and 1300 gold
⎯ 40% chance to get between 1 and 6 nashan lager
⎯ 40% chance to get 1 or 2 Wine – Cote de Sierra – 699
⎯ 80% chance to get between 1 and 10 wooden planks
⎯ 80% chance to get between 1 and 3 minor intelligence elixer
⎯ 30% chance to get between 1 and 3 rubies
⎯ 80% chance to get between 1 and 3 ruby fragments
⎯ 8% chance to get an andor armor
⎯ 5% chance to get an andor heavy armor
⎯ 11% chance to get a sword of andor
⎯ 5% chance to get an andor master sword

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The Pleasuremancer - Guide v0.3.19 Mirrodin

6 Character
6.1 Addie
The baker of the village.
Simple baker who help Laetitia in her apprenticeships

6.2 Autumn
Love black magic, she will become your apprentice with the hope of becoming as powerful as
the legendary Azael

6.3 Camilla
Willie's daughter, she deams of opening a brothel but her father doesn't like this idea. Yet this is
not what will prevent her from opening it with your help

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Mirrodin The Pleasuremancer - Guide v0.3.19

6.4 Ezmella
A gipsy who occupies the back room of the tavern, she wanted to bankrupt
you, but instead, she discovered a new fetishism

6.5 Feeva
Knight who will meet you when you wake from the limb. She seems to like to be dominating

6.6 Godelins
Kind of goblin pretty ... stupid. There are several kinds.

6.6.1 Etienne
Incompetent shaman who summoned you but forgot to bring back your body. He will not live longer.

6.6.2 Dieggo
Godelin waiting for you in the second room. He helps you in the secret room if you keep him alive. He gives information on
the universe of the game

6.7 Ishaahry
She was invoked with you by Etienne.
Thanks to her, you can use the spell Life Drain.
During your sleep you took her with you to pass the time, so she is not very happy with

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The Pleasuremancer - Guide v0.3.19 Mirrodin

6.8 Laetitia
Apprentice baker who worked at the tavern before the arrival of Adie. Since, she
work on the bakery and is secretly in love with her boss

6.9 Vlad
Mayor and salesman at the same time, he is mainly in his shop because the city hall has been
invaded by creatures.
He is also the friends of Willies and he fantasizes about his daughter, Ezmella

6.10 Yerhan
Weapon master who loves good wine.

6.11 Willie
The innkeeper doesn’t like much, he does not like his son, nor the idea of her
daughter, nor the knights.
But he pays (badly).

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Mirrodin The Pleasuremancer - Guide v0.3.19

6.12 Kulriz
Here's the story of a useful dwarf, who's stop dinking a beer at the tavern, and since, it's your
personal architect, He will make an update of the tower build by Eugene to make it habitable and
to finally expose your greatness

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