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School College for Research and Technology Grade Level Grade 12

Daily Lesson Log Teacher: Jherolyn B. Learning Area: May be

Grade 12 Buenavidez used in any learning
Teaching Dates and Quarter 2nd Quarter
Time: Week 8-7 Sessions

Session 9 Session 10 Session 11 Session 12

Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and if needed, additional
lessons, exercises and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing
I. Objectives objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the
curriculum guides.
Geologic Processes that
occur on the surface of the
Earth such as weathering, Geologic processes that
erosion, mass wasting, and The folding and faulting
a. Content occur within the Earth.
sedimentation (include the of rocks
role of ocean basins in the
formation of sedimentary
Make a report on how rocks
b. Performance
and soil move downslope due
to the direct action of gravity.
At the end of the session, learners
are expected to:
1. Describe what happens
after the magma is formed
At the end of the session, learners
At the end of the session, learners are (plutonism and volcanism).
are expected to:
expected to:
1. Describe where the 2. Describe the changes in
1. Describe how rocks undergo At the end of the session, learners
c. Learning Earth’s internal heat comes mineral components and
Competencies / weathering. are expected to:
from.. texture of rocks due to
Objectives 2. Explain how the products of 1. Make a report on how rocks
2. Describe how magma is changes in pressure and
Write the LC code and soil move downslope due
for each weathering are carried away formed (magmatism). temperature
to the direct action of gravity.
by erosion and deposited (metamorphism)
elsewhere. 3. Compare and contrast
the formation of the
different types of igneous
Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.

College for Research and Technology of Cabanatuan

School College for Research and Technology Grade Level Grade 12

Daily Lesson Log Teacher: Jherolyn B. Learning Area: May be

Grade 12 Buenavidez used in any learning
Teaching Dates and Quarter 2nd Quarter
Time: Week 8-7 Sessions


II. Content

III. Learning List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and
Resources manipulative materials as well as paper based materials. Hands on learning promotes concept development.
A. References

1. Teacher’
Guide pages

2. Learner’s

Griffith, W. Thomas and Juliet

Wain Brosing. The Physics of Griffith, W. Thomas and Juliet
Everyday Phenomena: A Wain Brosing. The Physics of
3. Textbook Conceptual Introduction to Everyday Phenomena: A
Physics, 6th ed. NY: McGraw Conceptual Introduction to
Hill, 2009. Pp. 30-36 Physics, 6th ed. NY: McGraw
Hill, 2009. Pp. 50-55
4. Additional
(LR) portal

B. Other Learning

Resource physical-properties-of-matter-
(Web Site, Web
Article, Etc.)

These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by the
IV. Procedure students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their
s learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment
for each step.

College for Research and Technology of Cabanatuan

School College for Research and Technology Grade Level Grade 12

Daily Lesson Log Teacher: Jherolyn B. Learning Area: May be

Grade 12 Buenavidez used in any learning
Teaching Dates and Quarter 2nd Quarter
Time: Week 8-7 Sessions

Duration (in minutes) _____ Duration (in minutes) _____ Duration (in minutes) _____ Duration (in minutes) _____
(5 mins) (5 mins) (10 mins) (5 mins)
Class reviews presentations
Teacher reviews the questions Teacher reviews the questions Teacher reviews activities from the last session.
asked and class about the asked and class about the from the last session. Class discusses what they
previous lesson, about Mineral previous lesson. have learned from the
A. Reviewing
previous lesson or and Rocks presentations.
presenting the
new lesson
Class will do the THINK-
They will look at the given
diagram. They will tell what
are needed for these
appliances to operate.
Duration (in minutes) _____ Duration (in minutes) _____ Duration (in minutes) _____ Duration (in minutes) _____

(25 mins) ( 20 mins) (20 mins) (25 mins)

1. From the list below, teacher 1. Teacher presents the 1. Teacher will present the 1. Teacher will present the
chooses one to two questions different Ancient Greek lesson about properties of sources of electricity.
for the class to answer. Philosophers about atom. matter. 2. Teacher will present the
a. Discuss how rocks undergo a. Democritus 2. Extensive Properties electric current and circuit.
weathering. b. Joseph Priestly 3. Intensive Properties 3. Parts of a Circuit.
b. Discuss how the products of c. Antoinne Lavoisier 4. Physical Change
weathering are carried away by d. John Dalton 5. Chemical Change
erosion and deposited e. William Prout
B. Establishing a elsewhere. f. Dimitrii Mendeleev
purpose for the

College for Research and Technology of Cabanatuan

School College for Research and Technology Grade Level Grade 12

Daily Lesson Log Teacher: Jherolyn B. Learning Area: May be

Grade 12 Buenavidez used in any learning
Teaching Dates and Quarter 2nd Quarter
Time: Week 8-7 Sessions

Duration (in minutes) _____ Duration (in minutes) _____ Duration (in minutes) _____ Duration (in minutes) _____
(5 minutes) Teacher provides the sentence
For example, we tend to Teacher provides the sentence structure to structure to follow based on the chosen
follow based on the chosen question. For question. For example, for question a: (15 mins)
imagine a giant explosion. example, for question a: 1. Teacher will review the lessons
1. Describe where the
Experts however say that there 1. How has modern through giving examples.
Earth’s internal heat comes About the Parts of the Circuit.
was no explosion; there was civilization come to learn about
from. How to connect wires such as
(and continues to be) an the ideas of Leucippus and
2. Describe how magma is (joined, not joined)
expansion. Rather than Democritus? Symbol of Bulb.
formed (magmatism)
imagining a balloon popping Since nearly all of the Symbol of switch. (close and
and releasing its contents, original writings of Leucippus open)
Symbol of electric Cell. (One, two,
imagine a balloon expanding: and Democritus were lost, the
an infinitesimally small balloon modern world has learned of
expanding to the size of our their ideas through the writings
current universe.  of Epicurus and Lucretius.
Aristotle’s vocal stand against
their ideas also helped to
C. Presenting
suppress theories of the atom
es of the new in his time.)
lesson 2. What are the five
major points of their atomic
They are that (1) all matter is
composed of atoms that are
too small to be seen and
cannot be split into further
portions; (2) there is a void,
which is empty space between
atoms; (3) atoms are
completely solid; (4) atoms are
homogeneous, with no internal
structure; and (5) atoms are
different in their sizes, shapes,
and weight.)
D. Discussing new Duration (in minutes) _____ Duration (in minutes) _____ Duration (in minutes) _____ Duration (in minutes) _____
concepts and (15 mins)
practicing new Teacher and learners make
College for Research and Technology of Cabanatuan
School College for Research and Technology Grade Level Grade 12

Daily Lesson Log Teacher: Jherolyn B. Learning Area: May be

Grade 12 Buenavidez used in any learning
Teaching Dates and Quarter 2nd Quarter
Time: Week 8-7 Sessions

an agreement on which
activities, practices,
skills #1 routines, strategies will be
adopted by both to make
the class a happy class.
Duration (in minutes) _____ Duration (in minutes) _____ Duration (in minutes) _____ Duration (in minutes) _____

E. Discussing new
concepts and
practicing new
skills #2

Duration (in minutes) _____ Duration (in minutes) _____ Duration (in minutes) _____ Duration (in minutes) _____
(20 minutes)
1. How did the
philosophers assess atoms in
terms of the senses?
(They considered the senses to be
“not completely reliable in what
they report to the mind,” but that
whether something is hot, cold, or
of a certain color, these
characteristics are, in the end,
determined by “the type of atom
F. Developing and the quantity of void.”)
(Leads to Formative 2. According to
Democritus, how are universes
(His theory suggests that atoms
join and form a whirl or a vortex.
Heavier materials then gravitate to
the center of the vortex and form
the earth. The lighter materials
“go out to the edge of the vortex
and eventually ignite due to the
intense speed of its revolutions.
These lighter atoms would then
form the heavenly bodies.”)
G. Finding practical Duration (in minutes) _____ Duration (in minutes) _____ Duration (in minutes) _____ Duration (in minutes) _____
applications of
concepts and skills
College for Research and Technology of Cabanatuan
School College for Research and Technology Grade Level Grade 12

Daily Lesson Log Teacher: Jherolyn B. Learning Area: May be

Grade 12 Buenavidez used in any learning
Teaching Dates and Quarter 2nd Quarter
Time: Week 8-7 Sessions

in daily living

Duration (in minutes) _____ Duration (in minutes) _____ Duration (in minutes) _____ Duration (in minutes) _____

(25 minutes) ( 10 minutes)

Teacher summarizes the
Teacher now discuss the lesson
importance of properties of matter
about Exogenic Processes. in real life situation.
H. Making
presentations and
abstractions about
the lesson

Duration (in minutes) _____ Duration (in minutes) _____ Duration (in minutes) _____ Duration (in minutes) _____
(20 minutes) (10 minutes) Students will answer the questions that the
Students will answer the questions that the teacher teacher present to them.
Students will answer the present to them.
1. What is physical change?
questions that the teacher 1. Was Leucippus the Cite 3 examples.
presents to them. first to propose an atomic 2. What is chemical
1. Describe how rocks undergo theory? Explain. change? Cite 3 examples.
weathering? 2. What made
I. Evaluating
learning 2. Explain how the products of Democritus “a man of great
weathering are carried away by learning”?
erosion and deposited 3. Report about the
elsewhere? certain topic.

Duration (in minutes) _____ Duration (in minutes) _____ Duration (in minutes) _____ Duration (in minutes) _____
Write a very brief analysis of
J. Additional how the theories are alike and
activities for how they differ. Student charts
application or
remediation can serve as a very useful
foundation as they head into
the other lessons in this series.
College for Research and Technology of Cabanatuan
School College for Research and Technology Grade Level Grade 12

Daily Lesson Log Teacher: Jherolyn B. Learning Area: May be

Grade 12 Buenavidez used in any learning
Teaching Dates and Quarter 2nd Quarter
Time: Week 8-7 Sessions

V. Remarks

Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn?
VI. Reflection Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
on the formative
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. Which innovation
or localized
materials did I use
or discover which
I wish to share
with other

College for Research and Technology of Cabanatuan


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