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Procedure Excerpt

Customize with
Competence and Awareness
Documents are all numbered to comply
1.0 Purpose/Scope with document control requirements.
1.1 This procedure describes the process for ensuring that employees have the
training, are aware and are competent for the work that affects quality at Your
1.2 The procedure applies to personnel whose work affects quality performance.
2.0 Responsibilities and Authorities
2.1 The Human resources manager has the prime responsibility and approval
authority for this procedure.
2.2 In support of the Human resources manager, the Quality team / AS steering
committee is responsible for identifying requirements for each position that
affects product quality.
2.3 Additional responsibilities for the Quality team leader / AS management
representative, the human resources staff, the supervisors, and employees are
detailed in relevant paragraphs of section 5.0 below.
3.0 References and Definitions
3.1 Reference
3.1.1 This document covers clause 7.2, Competence, and clause 7.3,
Awareness, of the AS 9100 D standard.
3.2 Definition
3.2.1 Competence: Ability to apply knowledge and skills to achieve intended
4.0 Resources
4.1 None Requirements of the
5.0 Instructions
standard are all addressed.
5.1 The Quality team / AS steering committee determines the competence of
person(s) required for the work that affects quality performance.
5.1.1 In support of the planning procedures P-600 for Planning of the QMS and
P-810 for Operational planning and control, this procedure addresses the
competence issues dealing with:
 Ensuring that employees are competent on the basis of appropriate
education, training, or experience.
 Taking actions to acquire the necessary competence and evaluating
the effectiveness of the actions taken.
 Retaining documented information as evidence of competence.
5.1.2 In support of the planning procedures, awareness issues are addressed
with new employees. They attend orientation training and made aware of:

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Date printed 12/27/16 3:35 e pasdites
Document is in MS Word for easy Editing. P-720-A
Competence and Awareness
 The relevant QMS documented information and subsequent changes
 The quality policy
 The relevant quality objectives
 Their contribution to an effective QMS
 The benefits of improved quality performance
 The implications of not conforming to requirements of the QMS
 The importance of meeting customer requirements and the need for
ensuring customer satisfaction
 The importance of meeting regulatory, statutory requirements
 Their contribution to product safety, and conformity to products or
Recommendations for
 The importance of ethical behavior customization are included in
 The prevention and detection of counterfeit parts blue type.
5.1.3 Awareness training is repeated for all employees as supervisors or
management or the Quality team / AS steering committee identifies the
need to retrain employees.
5.1.4 Additional awareness and communication methods are used as defined in
the procedure P-740 for communication.
5.2 Human Resources staff maintains records of employee qualifications and
documents the education, experience and skills required for each position and
job. A job description form such as F-720-003 is used for this purpose.
5.2.1 In support of the planning procedures, the level of knowledge needed to
Related forms, records achieve product and service conformity to requirements is considered.
and documents are  Knowledge is maintained and made available through planned
referenced to comply training. Organizational knowledge can include information such as
with document control intellectual property and lessons learned.
requirements.  When addressing changing needs and trends, the current knowledge
is assessed to determine how to acquire new needed knowledge.
Knowledge is obtained as defined in procedure P-710 for Resource
5.2.2 The Quality team leader / Management representative is on alert for
opportunities to improve organizational knowledge. An information center
/ library is maintained to collect and make available information that can
enhance knowledge.
5.3 Each supervisor is responsible for identifying job specific training requirements
for each position in their area and to maintain the employee training summaries
on spreadsheet, form F-720-004 or in a training database.

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