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2. Nowadays people can travel in different ways.

People usually travel

by air, by rail, by sea or by road. All means of travel have their
advantages and disadvantages. And people choose one according to
their likes and financial possibilities. Of course, travelling by air is the
fastest and the most convenient way, but it is the most expensive too.
Travelling by train is much slower, but it has its advantages. Not only
have modem trains very comfortable seats, but also you can see much
more interesting places of the country you are travelling through.
Speed, comfort and safety are the main advantages of trains and
planes. That is why many people prefer them to all other means. As for
me I prefer travelling by car. I think it’s very convenient. You don’t
need to reserve your tickets. You don’t need to carry heavy suitcases.
You don’t depend on the timetable. You are free to stop and change
the direction whenever you want. You can admire the landscapes you
are passing by and you can take a break for a picnic if you feel hungry.
3. 1. How much does this tour cost?
2. It is a long tour, isn’t it?
3. I’d like to know what hotel we shall stay in?
4. Are we going to visit a lot of sights or just a few places?
5. What problems can we have during this tour?
6. Is it cost a lot of money?
4. He can search for some information on the Internet, or turn to a
travel agent who will help him to choose a destination and type of
transport according to his taste and financial possibilities, make his
documents and visas, book tickets and make hotel reservations.
Package holidays are very popular among holidaymakers because it’s
very convenient. He doesn’t have to worry about such things as where
to sleep and what to eat. If he knows English it will be very helpful,
because there are a lot of people who speak English in any country he
travels. Nowadays those who live in the country like going to big cities,
visiting museums and art galleries, looking at shop windows and dining
at exotic restaurants. City-dwellers usually like a quiet holiday by the
sea or in the mountains with nothing to do but walking and bathing
and lying in the sun. Tastes differ, you know.
5. When people travel they can have some difficulties. But it’s possible
to avoid them. For example, to avoid the problem of misunderstanding
you should know the language of this country, its customs and
common laws. You can't get lost if you have a map and know the
address of your hotel. But in some countries, there are a lot of
criminals. They can rob, hurt or kill people. To avoid this, you should be
very careful and attentive. Don’t go out at night and don’t walk in the
dark streets. And | hope that everything will be fine.

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