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Executive summary of journal title:

An Overview of Foodborne Illness and Food Safety in Malaysia.

Foodborne disease involves bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites. Foodborne diseases
occur due to the ingestion of bacteria, viruses or parasites which multiply in the intestine and
cause illness or consumption of noninfectious agents like toxin and chemicals. Symptoms of
foodborne illness are diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Dysentery is an infection that leads to
severe diarrhea and can cause death if no further treatment. It is caused by parasite called
entamoeba histolytica. Cholera is a foodborne disease due to the infection of Vibrio cholera in
the intestinal tract. The symptoms including acute severe watery diarrhea and vomiting. V.
cholera can be easily isolated from seafood such as cockles and oysters. On the other hand,
Hepatitis is a disease that affects the liver. Hepatitis A virus (HAV) can transmitted via
contaminated food and drink. Symptoms of illness include jaundice, dark urine, anorexia,
malaise and extreme fatigue.

Malaysia is the most country has highest cases of foodborne disease. The trend of
foodborne disease in Malaysia over past few year was increase in cholera, food poisoning and
hepatitis A from 2009 to 2011. The increase of food poisoning cases might indicate that the food
handlers have been neglecting the importance of food safety in the kitchen.

There are several grading given by local authorities such as grade A, B, and C. Grade A
is a clean food premise and inspection for 1 year. Grade B is a moderately clean food premise
and inspection for 6 months. While grade C is an unclean food premise and operation had to
close down for 2 weeks. Unacceptable food hygiene level increase the risk of foodborne disease.
Food handlers must attend food handler training program by Food Safety & Quality Division
Ministry of Health, Malaysia.

Food service establishment is practicing Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point
(HACCP) to ensure product is safe for consumption. Any defect during the production can be
easily detected using this principal. However, many companies are still ignoring the importance
of HACCP. Perhaps, future research can try to recognize the reason for the small involvement,
thus finds a solution to attract other companies to practice HACCP system.
Cases Study of Foodborne Disease in Malaysia

From the newspaper article, it shows that 2 of the 50 students from three secondary
school suffered food poisoning during the night. The food poisoning caused by consuming their
supper at their hostel and were warded at the hospital. The 2 students who were warded were
from SMT Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra, 17 were from SMKA (P) Al-Mashoor and 31 from
SMKA (L) Al-Mashoor. Both of them were eating ‘roti jala’ with chicken curry about 10 o’clock
at night. During the next day, at 7 a.m, both of the student have the symptoms such as vomiting,
fever and diarrhea until late afternoon. Those symptoms was caused by bacteria Escherichia
Coli, E.Coli. After that, they were taken to the hospital by their teachers to undergo treatment.



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