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 It is a short story from Pampanga
 The story is satirical in nature, comic yet very graphic in its sharp parody of the
colonial mentality of Filipinos. Yeyeng turned Miss Phathupats actually symbolizes
what the Filipinos have become after our history of colonization: a people, culture,
and language waging a losing war against Western acculturation. Her tragic loss of
native values and cultural heritage has been woefully lamented by many historians
and patriots to no great avail.
 Published on 1906
 Republish by Don Honorio Ventura
 Taken from his book “Lidia: Bìé-Salita, Poesias, Cule, Pamibule-bule, Panlabas at


Full name: Juan Crisostomo Caballa Soto
“Crissot” The Father of Pampango Literature
Born: January 27, 1867
Died: July 12, 1918
Father: Santiago Soto
Mother: Marciana Caballa

 He was a poet, dramatist, journalist and newspaperman

 He enrolled in Colegio de San Juan de Letran and studied philosophy, Latin and
 His passion for poetry hindered him from finishing school
 He went home and wrote a Pampango version of Romeo and Juliet entitled "Ing
Pamaquisawa ning Mete" (The Marriage of the Dead)
 He become part of the Revolution
 He married twice: Julia Amaida and Rosario Palma


• Characters
• Setting
• Symbols
• Introduction
• Rising Action
• Climax
• Falling action
• Theme
CHARACTERS - a person, animal, being, creature, or thing in a story. Writers use
characters to perform the actions and speak dialogue, moving the story along a plot line
The main function of a character in a story is to extend or prolong the plot, make it readable
and interesting.
• Miss Yeyeng/Miss Phathupats - A Filipina Capampangan, a vendor carrying guinatan
or bichu bicho / A lady whose name is derived from ‘wide hip’ forced in a very tight
• American teacher/soldier - Miss Yeyeng’s regular customer
• Town people - those who mocked Miss Pathuphats
• He was the one who teach yeyeng how to speak in english

SETTING - is the time and place in which the story takes place. The definition of setting
can also include social statuses, weather, historical period, and details about immediate
surroundings. The setting provides the backdrop to the story and helps create mood .
• Remotest part of Pampanga in its smallest town
• Town X
• American Period

INTRODUCTION - the action of introducing something.

 A young lady named Miss Yeyeng was described as someone who look very Filipina
from head to foot, even to the ends of her hair and is wearing make ups and lipstick.
Her parents were born in the smallest part of Pampanga and their source of living is
selling food such as Ginataan and bicho bicho.
• She has a regular costumer, an American soldier. She spoke kapampangan while the
soldier spoke in English. The soldier persuaded her to learn the English language so
they could converse well. After some time, she already learned the language and was
sent to teach the other town.

RISING ACTION - series of relevant incidents that create suspense, interest, and tension
in a narrative. In literary works, a rising action includes all decisions, characters' flaws, and
background circumstances that together create turns and twists leading to a climax.
 After the revolution, she had a regular American teacher customer who persuaded
her to learn the English language so they could converse well, after a while, she was
able to do so and was sent to teach another town and seldom spoke her mother
tongue, Kapampangan. She said that she had forgotten the language already and
accordingly, her tongue is stiff and twisted causing her to stammer whenever she
uses it. People changed then started calling her Miss Phathupats.
 This name was derived from her wide hip forced to fit into a very tight skirt which
made her look like a “patupat”, a tightly wrapped in a banana leaf like a suman.
CLIMAX - Climax this is where the point of the where the tension hits and it is the most
exciting or the most intense part of the story.
 During a festival held in Town X, the newspaper Ing Emangabiran was read. She
came close to the reader but when she realized it was written in Kapampangan she
shook her head and pouted tightly and said something that initiated the mockery of
the townsmen.
 “Mi no intiende el Pampango” she said “I do not undestand Spanish, Miss.” “Actually,
I have a hard time speaking Capampangan especially when I have to read text” she
continued and the listeners could not help but laugh at her.

FALLING ACTION - occurs right after the climax, when the main problem of the story
resolves. Falling action wraps up the narrative, resolves its loose ends, and leads toward
the closure.
 The townsmen mocked her and teased her she became so angry she started to curse
in Capampangan and went to a point where she started to cry. When she wiped her
tears, the thick powder came along with it revealing her natural skin color, and it
was darker than java plum (duhat) and even called her American Negro
 She wasn’t able to contain such humiliation so she left and even stumbled her way
out saying she would never come back to that house again and the people bid
goodbye calling her Alice Roosevelt.

THEME - is what the author is trying to convey — in other words, the central idea of the
story. The theme of a story is woven all the way through the story, and the characters'
actions, interactions, and motivations all reflect the story's theme.
 Colonial Mentality
 Miss Yeyeng was trying to change her appearance by putting make up and lipstick in
order to look Westernized
 She also practiced disregarding her own language and chose to speak only in English
 Mockery
 Regional schism - a split or division between strongly opposed sections or parties,
caused by differences in opinion or belief.

SYMBOLS - is anything that stands for, or represents, something else. In a story, a

character, an action, an object, or an animal can be symbolic. Often these symbols stand for
something abstract, like a force of nature, a condition of the world, or an idea.
• Miss Yeyeng’s face describe with full of make-ups and lipstick
• The change of her name from Yeyeng to Miss Pathupats
• Townsmen calling her Alice Roosevelt when they bid goodbye

Yeyeng was came from rural areas and poor that he sells bread, Yeyeng was full of
make ups on her face. Yeyeng met an American who always bought her kakanin but
because Yeyeng doesn’t understand English language and she speaks Kapampamngan they
don’t understand each other. The American teacher was encouraged Yeyeng to study
English. After learning for 8 months Yeyeng was already good in English speaking. She
never speaks Kapampangan anymore because she had really forgotten that’s she said it’s
tough on the tongue. For this reason, he classified as Miss Phathupats, due to the size of her
waist and squeezed like kakanin on leaf more consistently ridiculed her as well as she’s
putting lipstick on her face just to fit his actions. One day, there is an occasion in Town X,
which was attended by Miss Phathupats and there it whispered in public that she was not
intelligent to speak in Kapampangan anymore. Eventually everyone’s laughed at her and
because she was so upset she spoke bad words in Kapampangan. And everyone knew that
she was really one of the Kapampangan and those who heard laughed so hard. Miss
Phathupats cried and when she wiped her face, her natural color revealed caused more
laughter of those who had seen him.

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