Ecoinformatics, Supporting Ecology As A Data-Intensive Science

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Special Issue: Ecological and evolutionary informatics

Ecoinformatics: supporting ecology as

a data-intensive science
William K. Michener1 and Matthew B. Jones2
University Libraries, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131, USA
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93101, USA

Ecology is evolving rapidly and increasingly changing into network-wide studies add further to the scope and scale
a more open, accountable, interdisciplinary, collaborative of the LTER research enterprise [14].
and data-intensive science. Discovering, integrating and Ecology is also affected by changes that are occurring
analyzing massive amounts of heterogeneous data are throughout science as a whole. In particular, scientists,
central to ecology as researchers address complex ques- professional societies and research sponsors are recogniz-
tions at scales from the gene to the biosphere. Ecoinfor- ing the value of data as a product of the scientific enterprise
matics offers tools and approaches for managing and placing increased emphasis on data stewardship,
ecological data and transforming the data into informa- data sharing, openness and supporting study repeatability
tion and knowledge. Here, we review the state-of-the-art [15–17].
and recent advances in ecoinformatics that can benefit The changes that are occurring in ecology create chal-
ecologists and environmental scientists as they tackle lenges with respect to acquiring, managing and analyzing
increasingly challenging questions that require volumi- the large volumes of data that are collected by scientists
nous amounts of data across disciplines and scales of worldwide. One challenge that is particularly daunting lies
space and time. We also highlight the challenges and in dealing with the scope of ecology and the enormous
opportunities that remain. variability in scales that is encountered, spanning micro-
bial community dynamics, communities of organisms inha-
Ecology as an evolving discipline biting a single plant or square meter, and ecological
Ecology is increasingly becoming a data-intensive science
(see Glossary) [1,2], relying on massive amounts of data
collected by both remote-sensing platforms [3] and sensor
networks that are embedded in the environment [4–7].
New observatory networks, such as the US National Eco- Cloud computing: provision of computing cycles, storage resources and
software as a service that is accessible from the Internet via a standardized
logical Observatory Network (NEON) [8] and Global Lake approach that treats these shared resources as a commodity utility.
Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON) [9], provide Data-intensive science: a transformative, new way of doing science that entails
research platforms that enable scientists to examine phe- the capture, curation and analysis of massive amounts of data from an array of
sources, including satellite and aerial remote sensing, instruments, sensors
nomena across diverse ecosystem types through access to and human observation.
thousands of sensors collecting diverse environmental Data life cycle: the data life cycle encompasses all facets of data generation to
observations. It has been postulated that data-intensive knowledge creation, including planning, collection and organization of data,
quality assurance and quality control, metadata creation, preservation,
science represents the fourth scientific paradigm following discovery, integration, and analysis and visualization.
the empirical (i.e. description of natural phenomena), the- Faceted search: faceted search or faceted browsing enables users to discover
oretical (e.g. modeling and generalization) and computa- specific data products by filtering a set of available descriptors. Each facet
corresponds to the array of possible values of a property that is common to a
tional (e.g. simulation) scientific approaches, and set of data products, such as author, data center where the data are stored,
comprises an approach for unifying theory, experimenta- sensors used to collect the data, and ecosystem or habitat type where the data
were collected.
tion and simulation [2].
Metadata: documentation describing all aspects of the data (e.g. who, why,
Ecologists increasingly address questions at broader what, when and where) that would allow one to understand the physical
scales that have both scientific and societal relevance. format, content and context of the data, as well as possibly how to acquire, use
and cite the data.
For example, the 40 top priorities for science that can Ontology: a formal representation or classification of concepts and their
inform conservation and management policy in the USA relationships within a domain of interest.
rely principally on a sound foundation of ecological re- Provenance: in science, data provenance refers to the ability to track data from
creation through all transformations, analyses and interpretations, enabling
search [10]. As ecology expands its scope, it is becoming full understanding of the processes used to create derived scientific products.
more collaborative and network and team based [11–13]. Quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC): refers to the mechanisms for
For example, research at individual long-term ecological preventing errors from entering a data set that are used a priori to ensure high
data quality before collection and to monitor and maintain data quality during
research (LTER) sites in the USA is conducted collabora- and after the data collection process.
tively by teams consisting of an average of 18 cooperating Semantic annotation: ascribing links from data to classes in an ontology.
investigators and 20 graduate students; inter-site and Scientific workflow system: a computational platform that is designed to
compose and execute a series of data acquisition, data processing and
analytical steps as part of a workflow, in a scientific application.
Corresponding author: Michener, W.K. ([email protected])

0169-5347/$ – see front matter ß 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.tree.2011.11.016 Trends in Ecology and Evolution, February 2012, Vol. 27, No. 2 85
Review Trends in Ecology and Evolution February 2012, Vol. 27, No. 2

processes occurring at the scale of the continent and bio- data might progress through during the processes that
sphere. The diversity in scales studied and the ways in lead to new information and knowledge. Two stages are
which studies are carried out results in large numbers of reflected in this depiction of the data life cycle. First,
small, idiosyncratic data sets that accumulate from the projects that include collection of new data typically pro-
thousands of scientists that collect relevant biological, ceed through steps 1–5 (i.e. plan, collect, assure, describe
ecological and environmental data [18]. Such heterogene- and preserve) and then can proceed directly to step 8 (i.e.
ity can be attributed, in part, to methodological specializa- analysis). Second, synthesis efforts or meta-analysis can
tion to address specific scientific hypotheses, but also to a initially start at step 6 (i.e. discover relevant data) and
lack of standard protocols for acquiring, organizing and proceed to step 7 (i.e. integration of data from various
describing data and language barriers and cultural differ- sources) and, finally, to step 8 (i.e. analysis). The stages
ences across disciplines, institutions and countries. are not necessarily exclusive and the steps need not be
In the remainder of this paper, we define ecoinformatics, sequential. For instance, a synthesis effort would probably
describe existing tools and approaches, and highlight re- include step 2 (i.e. assure) after step 6 (i.e. discover) and
cent advances. We then identify remaining challenges and before step 7 (i.e. integrate). Ecoinformatics tools and
opportunities and recommend approaches for better incor- techniques associated with each step of the data life cycle
porating ecoinformatics into the research enterprise. are described below.

Step 1: plan
What is ecoinformatics?
Data management planning is often underappreciated and
Ecoinformatics is a framework that enables scientists to
underutilized in project design, yet it can save time, en-
generate new knowledge through innovative tools and
hance research efficiency and, importantly, satisfy require-
approaches for discovering, managing, integrating, analyz-
ments of research sponsors that increasingly require
ing, visualizing and preserving relevant biological, envi-
explicit data management plans as part of research pro-
ronmental, and socioeconomic data and information. Many
posals. Although practical guidelines for data management
ecoinformatics solutions have been developed over the past
have been outlined [19,20], there is a need for more com-
decade, increasing scientists’ efficiency and supporting
prehensive planning to support open science. In response
faster and easier data discovery, integration and analysis;
to these community needs, a data management planning
however, many challenges remain, especially in relation
tool (i.e. DMP Tool; http:/ was designed to
to installing ecoinformatics practices into mainstream
aid researchers in creating, reviewing and revising data
research and education.
management plans, recognizing that data management
plans should be living documents that change in response
The data life cycle
to project needs and availability of new technologies. The
Knowledge is derived through the acquisition of data and
DMP Tool is based on a similar tool developed by the
the transformation of those data into information that can
Digital Curation Centre in the UK (
be incorporated into the corpus of scientific facts, principles
and includes five components that should ideally be
and theories. Figure 1 illustrates the different stages that
addressed in a comprehensive data management plan
(Table 1) [21,22].
(i) Plan
Step 2: collect
Ecological data are collected and organized in many differ-
(viii) Analyze (ii) Collect ent ways, including manual recording of observations in
the laboratory and field via hand-written data sheets, tape
recorders and hand-held computers; automated data col-
lection via laboratory and field instrumentation; satellites
and aerial platforms; and, increasingly, sensor networks
(vii) Integrate (iii) Assure
that are embedded in the environment. Decreases in the
size, cost and power requirements of sensors have revolu-
tionized their use to monitor biota and environmental
processes [4,5] and provide access to those data in real
or near-real time [9]. New environmental observing sys-
tems, such as NEON [8] and the Ocean Observatories
(vi) Discover (iv) Describe Initiative (OOI) [23], will provide access to data collected
by aerial, ground-based and underwater sensor networks
(v) Preserve
encompassing tens of thousands of sensors that, when
combined, will generate terabytes to petabytes of data
TRENDS in Ecology & Evolution annually.
Figure 1. The data life cycle includes the following steps: (i) plan; (ii) collect; (iii)
Many different approaches and tools are presently used
assure (i.e. quality assurance and quality control); (iv) describe (i.e. ascribe for data organization and management, ranging from
metadata); (v) preserve (i.e. deposit data in a secure data repository; (vi) discover spreadsheets and statistical software to relational data-
(i.e. identify data that might be needed to answer a question); (vii) integrate (e.g.
merge data from multiple data sources); and (viii) analyze (e.g. statistical analysis,
base management systems to geographic information sys-
visualization). Modified after Figure 1 in [22] with the permission of C. Strasser. tems. Each approach has advantages and disadvantages.
Review Trends in Ecology and Evolution February 2012, Vol. 27, No. 2

Table 1. Summary of components that should be described in a comprehensive data management plana
Component Description and examples
Information about data and data format Types of data that will be produced (e.g. experimental, observational, raw or derived,
physical collections, models, images, etc.)
When, where and how the data will be acquired (e.g. methods and instruments used)
How the data will be processed (e.g. software, algorithms and workflows)
File formats (e.g. csv, tab-delimited or naming conventions)
QA/QC procedures used
Other sources of data (e.g. origins, relationship to one’s data and data integration plans)
Approaches for managing data in the near-term (e.g. version control, backing up, security
and protection, and responsible party)
Metadata content and format Metadata that are needed
How metadata will be created or captured (e.g. lab notebooks, auto-generated by
instruments, or manually created)
Format or standard that will be used for the metadata (e.g. EML or ISO 19115)
Policies for access, sharing and re-use Requirements for sharing (e.g. by research sponsor or host institution)
Details of data sharing (e.g. when and how one can gain access to the data)
Ethical and privacy issues associated with data sharing (e.g. human subject
confidentiality or endangered species locations)
Intellectual property and copyright issues
Intended future uses for data
Recommendations for how the data can be cited (e.g. citation and DOI)
Long-term storage and data management Identification of data that will be preserved
Repository or data center where the data will be preserved
Data transformations and formats needed (e.g. data center requirements and
community standards)
Identification of responsible parties
Budget Anticipated costs (e.g. data preparation and documentation, hardware and
software costs, personnel costs and archive costs)
How costs will be paid (e.g. institutional support or budget line items)

For instance, it is easy to introduce errors into spread- Quality control activities range from using two individuals to
sheets, as one can mix diverse types of data within a single independently enter data and then compare results and
column (e.g. dates, numeric values and text) and data rectify differences (i.e. ‘double entry’), to using database
summaries are frequently conflated with raw data. By approaches that allow one to minimize the number of times
contrast, in using relational databases, one can employ that data must be entered repeatedly, to enforce data typing
constraints on the types of data that can be entered and to incorporate easily illegal value filters and range
(e.g. data typing), which can be used to assure data integ- checks. Many software packages, such as R and SAS, provide
rity [24]. Within the US LTER Program, relational data- algorithms and procedures that allow one to visualize easily
bases play a key role in data entry and metadata data and identify extreme values and potential outliers.
preparation as well as facilitating data integration and One active area of research lies in integrating QA/QC
analysis [25]. Statistical software tools support many of the with data and metadata management systems and scien-
functions available through spreadsheet programs and tific workflow systems so that well-documented data can be
provide the added benefit of supporting robust calcula- automatically assessed for metadata completeness and
tions, data analysis, quality assurance, visualization and data quality [25–29]. For instance, the LTER Network
data sub-setting. We anticipate that many existing bound- Information System (NIS) is designed so that data pro-
aries among data management tools will increasingly be- ducts are evaluated, processed and classified according to
come blurred as spreadsheets (or spreadsheet add-ons) five categories, ranging from raw or minimally modified
enforce data typing and adopt other procedures commonly site data (Level-0) to data that are gap filled and semanti-
found in relational databases, and as relational databases cally adjusted to meet the needs of specific synthetic data
provide greater support for geospatial data. products (Level-4) [25].

Step 3: assure Step 4: describe

Quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) refers to the Metadata provide sufficient documentation so that one is
mechanisms for preventing errors from entering a data set able to understand the content, format and context of a
that are used a priori to ensure high data quality before data product. Metadata typically describe: (i) who created,
collection and to monitor and maintain data quality during collected and managed the data; (ii) the data content and
and after data collection. Prior to data collection, QA can format; (iii) when the data were collected; (iv) where
consist of defining standards for formats, codes, measure- the data were collected and stored; (v) how the data were
ment units and metadata (see Step 4), as well as assigning generated, processed, assured and analyzed; and (vi) why
responsibility for data quality to a specific individual or team. the data were generated (i.e. the study context) [30–32].
Review Trends in Ecology and Evolution February 2012, Vol. 27, No. 2

Critically, metadata enable a scientist to understand and vocabularies and community thesauri are useful for assign-
use the data; this is particularly important for study ing key words to data products and can facilitate discovery of
reproducibility and for synthetic efforts, such as meta- desired data [40]. Observational data models and ontologies
analysis, where the goal might be to integrate and compare will be central to achieving even more precise discovery of
data across many studies, looking for general trends or specific data [41–43]. For example, by annotating observa-
emergent properties as the scale of study expands. Various tional data to ontology concepts, searches can be automati-
metadata standards and tools have been developed to cally expanded to search for related terms (e.g. a search for
provide consistency in the content and format of metadata, biomass would also discover variables associated with dry
and to facilitate the creation and management of metadata weight, wet weight and other pertinent descriptors).
(see the supplementary material online) [33,34].
Step 7: integrate
Step 5: preserve Collaborative, large-scale synthesis studies in ecology re-
Data preservation encompasses the deposition of data and quire the integration of data from many disparate studies
metadata in a data center or data repository where the and disciplines (e.g. population studies, hydrology and
data can be verified, replicated and actively curated over meteorology). Integrating source data from such studies
time (e.g. including migration of data to new storage media is labor intensive and time consuming, because it requires
as old media are replaced or become outdated) [35,36]. understanding methodological differences, transforming
Data centers support different levels of data verification, data into a common representation, and manually convert-
replication and curation, because of the costs involved and ing and recoding data to compatible semantics before
the difficulty in automating many of these procedures. analysis can begin. Data integration for crosscutting stud-
Data centers can be associated with governmental and ies is generally a manual process and can consume the
nongovernmental organizations, universities, libraries, majority of time involved in conducting collaborative re-
environmental observatory networks, and commercial search [1,11]. Although data integration is challenging, a
and non-profit enterprises. Frequently, a data center sup- set of approaches is emerging that explicitly encodes the
ports a specific community of practice that can be associ- semantics of observational data and then reasons across
ated with a particular research sponsor, home institution, these semantics to semi-automate the process of data
or thematic area. User help-desk support, peer-review of integration [44,45]. In these approaches, semantic models
data products and assignment of Digital Object Identifiers are built from the bottom up by explicitly capturing the
(DOIs) to data products so that they can be uniquely semantics of measurements, which are generally well un-
identified and cited, represent some of the services that derstood but rarely explicitly captured. Both the Extensi-
data centers can offer to their stakeholders. The Oak Ridge ble Observations Ontology (OBOE) and the Observations
National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center for and Measurements specification provide compatible mod-
Biogeochemical Dynamics, for example, assigns DOIs to its els of data semantics that capture these measurement
data products and tracks the usage of data products as a semantics and that can be used to streamline data inte-
service to the data providers and research sponsor [37]. gration (Box 1) [41,46]. By contrast, ecologists have tradi-
tionally used tools such as Excel to manipulate and convert
Step 6: discover data manually for integration; however, this process is
Data discovery remains one of the greatest challenges facing error-prone and is not reproducible because of the lack
environmental scientists as they attempt to scale up re- of provenance regarding these operations. Scripted analy-
search to broader spatial and temporal scales. On the one sis environments, such as R and Matlab, improve this by
hand, many valuable and relevant data products are not providing a record of data manipulations, but are still
readily available as they are stored on laptops and compu- largely a record of procedural manipulations of data. Sev-
ters in the offices of individual scientists, projects and insti- eral approaches are emerging that capture a provenance
tutions. In essence, these data reside in thousands of data trace that describes the precise derivation of data objects
silos disconnected from the web, requiring one to learn of [29,47,48], thereby linking transformation processes to the
their existence through word-of-mouth. On the other hand, a source and derived data that they produce, and enabling
simple search for a particular type of environmental data, open and reproducible scientific studies.
such as ‘wave height’, ‘soil carbon’, or ‘caribou’, might result
in millions of ‘hits’, of which only a small fraction are perti- Step 8: analyze
nent. The first problem can be addressed as scientists and Ecological systems exhibit high variability and are inter-
organizations recognize that data are valuable products of connected in complex ways, thereby stimulating the need
the scientific enterprise and, accordingly, describe, preserve for various forms of statistical and geospatial analyses and
and make those data available for broader use [17,38]. The modeling to distinguish significant ecological processes
second challenge is being addressed through projects such as from background variability. These analytical processes
DataONE. These projects support sophisticated, user- are fundamental to most published results in ecology.
friendly search tools that enable scientists to search by time Ecologists use a wide variety of programming and gener-
and space and also drill down further using faceted search al-purpose statistical tools along with a variety of specialty
techniques that allow one to filter the results by parameter, tools and custom built simulation and analytical models to
sensor employed, author and other properties of the data, as reach conclusions about significant ecological processes
well as data-subsetting tools for extracting only those data (see the supplementary material online) [49–56]. Ironical-
that scientists desire [39]. In addition, the use of controlled ly, these analytical processes are also rarely documented
Review Trends in Ecology and Evolution February 2012, Vol. 27, No. 2

Box 1. Ontology-mediated data integration

Ecological synthesis is labor intensive in large part owing to the units, alignment and concatenation of semantically compatible
difficulty of integrating heterogeneous data for use in analysis. variables, downscaling and upscaling to a targeted scale, and
Crosscutting studies typically involve combinations of data spanning calculation of derived values that might be present in one data set
multiple disciplines (e.g. ecology, hydrology and atmospheric but not another.
science) and tremendous variability in the structure and semantics The example in Figure I illustrates the semi-automated process of
of data within disciplines [73]. Although sensor- and satellite-derived integrating two source data sets (b,c) into a common target data set
data sets are often fairly uniform, many relevant studies collect data (d) by using an ontology (a) to clarify the semantics of measurements.
using customized methods and experimental designs meant to The ontology follows the OBOE model [41] in modeling Entities
address particular hypotheses. Meta-analysis techniques allow for (things on which observations are made), Characteristics (the proper-
combining even highly specialized experimental studies. For exam- ties of those things that are measured) and Standards (the allowable
ple, meta-analytical techniques have been used effectively to under- values for observations). Each of the source data sets makes
stand cross-system results regarding consumer control of observations of the size of samples of populations of two salmon
productivity, but data compilation involved manual extraction and species, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (king or chinook salmon) and
coding of data from 191 experiments in 83 individual journal papers Oncorhynchus kisutch (coho or silver salmon) at various life stages.
[74]. Thus, for synthesis to be more efficient, capabilities for semi- By annotating both data sets against a common ontology, it is
automated data integration need to be massively improved. possible to determine that the highlighted cell in source data set 1 is a
One approach to this problem is being developed by the Scientific Number (Standard) representing a PopulationCount (Characteristic)
Observations Network (SONet), a collaboration attempting to define of a KingPopulation (Entity), all indicated by green solid arrows.
a core model of scientific observations that can be used for Source data set 2 is similar, except that the Characteristic is explicitly
advanced data discovery and integration operations. In this model, a SmoltPopulationCount. Because it is known that all SmoltPopula-
scientists formally annotate data sets with semantically precise tionCount measurements are also PopulationCount measurements,
terms drawn from an ontology to specify the semantics of the data. the requisite knowledge is available to transform the data by using
These annotations can then be used to reason about the compat- this along with annotations of the other columns in the data sets to
ibilities and incompatibilities across source data sets, and then produce the desired integrated data set (d).
transform those compatible data sets to a common target structure Ontology-driven data integration is among the most promising
and format to be used in downstream data analysis. The transfor- approaches for streamlining the laborious process of assembling and
mations can include unit conversions to a common set of scientific transforming data in preparation for cross-cutting synthesis studies.

(a) Ontology Entity Characteristic Standard

is-a is-a is-a is-a

has-part Organism Count LifeStage TaxonName
Population (1:n) is-a is-a is-a
is-a is-a uses-standard

CohoSalmon is-a
PopulationCount CommonName LifeStageName Number
is-a uses-standard
CohoPopulation KingSalmon is-a is-a is-a
SmoltPopulation Smolt Parr
KingPopulation Count

(b) Riv spp stg ct (c) Site species smct pcnt (d) Riv spp stg ct
TOUN king smolt 293 TOUN Chinook 245 293 TOUN king smolt 293
TOUN king parr 410 TCHT Chinook 511 410 TOUN king parr 410
TCHT coho smolt 210 TCHT Silver 199 210 TCHT coho smolt 210
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
TOUN king smolt 245
Source TCHT king smolt 511
Source TCHT coho smolt 199
data 1
data 2
TRENDS in Ecology & Evolution

Figure I. Ontology-driven integration occurs when semantically explicit scientific terms from an ontology (a) are linked to source data sets (b,c) and then used in a
reasoning process to transform the source data sets to an integrated product (d). In the Extensible Observations Ontology (OBOE) model, linkages between source data
explicitly define the Entity being observed, the Characteristic of that Entity that is being measured, and the Standard used to interpret the measured values.

with sufficient detail to enable meaningful reproduction; [57,59–61,63,64], provide an executable and complete de-
journal articles typically contain a brief overview that scription of analytical procedures that allows scientists to
names statistical and modeling approaches but does not link together processes drawn from multiple different
capture the details of what was done or how analyses were analytical systems. The Kepler scientific workflow system
implemented. Research and development in ecoinfor- [57] is one such system that has been specialized for use in
matics focuses on improving this situation through new ecological research (Box 2, Figure I). For example, it
approaches to documenting the entire set of processes used includes specific components for accessing data described
to reach scientific conclusions [57–64]. Scientific workflow in the ecological metadata language (EML), has special
systems, such as Kepler, Taverna, VisTrails and Pegasus components for incorporating access to ecological sensor
Review Trends in Ecology and Evolution February 2012, Vol. 27, No. 2

Box 2. Adaptive management using Kepler scientific workflows

Benefits of reproducible science are pronounced in areas where accessing data from a park-wide repository and periodically executes
ecological and environmental research are applied to issues of the workflow on current data, park managers can readily calculate
societal importance. Past examples, such as the East Anglia climate TPCs efficiently and view visualizations of historical performance.
research controversy, demonstrate the negative impact that can occur In Figure I, the scientific workflow encapsulates a complex set of
when scientific processes are insufficiently open [75]. In South Africa, analyses and models but communicates the analytical flow in an
water policy has a critical impact on ecological systems in Kruger intuitive way. The workflow can be scheduled to run on an
National Park. Local policy dictates that municipalities upstream of appropriate daily or weekly schedule to produce a visualization that
the national park provide sufficient water flow in terms of both total highlights in red the time periods during which the minimum flow
throughput and peak flow events, but traditionally the data for threshold has been exceeded. Whenever these conditions occur, park
monitoring have been managed in a way that they are unavailable for managers can be automatically notified, allowing them to evaluate
automated analysis. Park management at Kruger has worked with the reasons for the issue and act accordingly, either by modifying the
scientists to establish well-defined Thresholds of Potential Concern TPC, the monitoring system, or by contacting municipal authorities
(TPCs) that, when exceeded, trigger management evaluation of the about flow issues. In addition, the workflow system provides a
state of the system that leads to management action and possibly to complete provenance trace linking the exact versions of data used for
changes to monitoring protocols in an iterative adaptive management the analysis, the analytical procedures executed and the output
cycle. Until recently, the data for these TPCs were manually collated results, thereby allowing an open and transparent view of the science
and analyses were performed manually in a labor-intensive process. that is used to guide resource management. Scientific reproducibility
By using a scientific workflow system that captures the complete as enabled by workflow systems is fundamental to the successful
process of calculating the water flow TPC, provides a mechanism for incorporation of science in applied policy and management.

Key: Base IFR

Below IFR
Kepler Above IFR

Crocodile river flow
01−Jan−1990 to


Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan

TRENDS in Ecology & Evolution

Figure I. The Kepler scientific workflow system can be used to capture a complete analytical procedure, even when multiple statistical analysis and modeling systems
are in use. This scientific workflow encapsulates all of the processes used to model and visualize water flow characteristics over time, and effectively communicates
periods when system thresholds have been exceeded so that adaptive management processes can be employed.

networks, and allows scientists to incorporate commonly Ecological models can also be computationally demanding,
used analytical tools, such as R and Matlab [28]. Kepler but ecologists are rarely able to take advantage of ad-
and other workflow systems also capture provenance in- vanced computing resources because their models often
formation about scientific analyses; each workflow repre- are constrained by built-in user interfaces and lack the
sents a precise record of the processes used in an analysis, modularity to be incorporated into other execution frame-
and the systems record the provenance of derived products works. By designing analytical components that can be
of the analysis, allowing others to understand fully the executed in scientific workflow systems, scientists signifi-
relationship between data, processing and results, signifi- cantly improve documentation of their processes, tame
cantly improving the replicability of scientific findings. complexity of the models and enable the models to be
Review Trends in Ecology and Evolution February 2012, Vol. 27, No. 2

run on powerful distributed computing systems. For ex- Box 3. Open science for society
ample, Kepler includes facilities for easily executing mod- Global problems require open access to global data from many
els on pre-existing computing grids, in cloud-computing disciplines. Such data arise from scientific disciplines that often
environments and in ad hoc networks of workflow systems have very different cultures with respect to data sharing, develop-
[65,66], while capturing a full provenance trace of the ment and adoption of standards, and practice of good data
process; and VisTrails is built to generate effectively sci- stewardship. Incentives from research sponsors, societies and
institutions (e.g. requiring data management plans) combined with
entific visualizations while also capturing the provenance the availability of new informatics tools and platforms, such as
of the analysis [61]. DataONE, will be necessary to facilitate data intensive science. Three
avenues of research and development offer particular promise:
Supporting the full data life cycle (i) automated provenance-tracking mechanisms that allow scientists
New ground, aerial and satellite-based environmental ob- to understand and replicate scientific findings fully [76]; (ii) advanced
visual analytics that enable scientists to interpret complex, large
serving systems coupled with the rapid growth in the use of data volumes more rapidly [68]; and (iii) usability analysis and
in situ environmental sensor networks for field research and software engineering support that enable scientists to use advanced
monitoring, as well as an ever-growing number of citizen- ecoinformatics tools more easily.
science programs, will soon push ecology and the environ- Tracking the provenance of scientific results is particularly
important as advances in environmental science are applied to
mental sciences into a new era where petabytes of data are
issues important to society. Open data provide the feedstock on
being collected annually. Powerful informatics platforms which good science is based, replicable analysis and modeling
will be required to support scientists as they move into this practices lead to robust findings, and open-access publication
age of data-intensive science. Several such platforms are disseminates these critical results to the broadest audiences,
being designed and built at various scales, including the ensuring the greatest impact of open science for society.
LTER NIS, the DataONE Federation, LifeWatch, NEON,
GLEON and OOI. research must be openly available and the approaches used
The US LTER Network is presently building a network in deriving scientific findings must be transparent to en-
information system that will support synthetic science by: sure that science and society maximally benefit (Box 3).
(i) using standardized metadata management and access
approaches; (ii) providing middleware programs and work- Remaining challenges
flow solutions that facilitate the creation and maintenance Despite the emergence of ecoinformatics solutions that
of integrated LTER data sets; and (iii) supporting stan- enable science, several technical and sociocultural chal-
dardized applications that facilitate discovery, access and lenges and research opportunities remain. First, from the
use of LTER data [25,67]. technical side, it is difficult to transport terabyte- and
DataONE represents a new type of research platform petabyte-sized data sets. Possible solutions include adding
that is specifically designed to support the full data life computing capabilities to data repositories so that data sets
cycle and to enable new, data-intensive science. It is a can be processed prior to transport and colocating high-
federated network providing infrastructure and services performance computing with large data resources. Second,
for environmental science, enabling new science and new visualization approaches and technologies are needed
knowledge creation through anytime, anywhere access to reduce the time and costs associated with generating
to data about life on Earth and the environment that visualizations of increasingly large and complex data rela-
sustains it [39]. DataONE comprises three principal com- tionships [68]. Third, little attention has been paid to pre-
ponents. First, DataONE Member Node organizations serving the algorithms and workflows that scientists use in
provide data, computing resources and services, such as assuring, analyzing and visualizing data (i.e. activities that
data replication. These organizations include data reposi- support reproducible research) [69–71]. myExperiment was
tories, libraries, universities, research networks, govern- developed as a site where scientific workflows may be stored
mental and nongovernmental agencies, computing centers and shared [72]. However, many standard data center ser-
and commercial enterprises. Second, DataONE Coordinat- vices, such as replication, verification, and migration and
ing Nodes support network-wide services that enhance conversion to new technologies are more challenging for
interoperability of the Member Nodes and support index- algorithms and workflows. Finally, despite the promise of
ing and replication services. Coordinating Nodes make it semantic technologies, data integration for large-scale stud-
easy for scientists to discover data wherever archived, ies is still largely manual and time consuming.
make it easy for data repositories to replicate their data Sociocultural challenges can exceed the difficulty of the
and make Member Node data and services more broadly technical challenges. First, ecoinformatics must be incul-
available to the international community. Third, the cated into mainstream ecological research. Two problems,
DataONE Investigator Toolkit provides tools that are in particular, need to be addressed: (i) increasing applica-
familiar to scientists and that can support them in all tion awareness (i.e. making ecologists aware of the infor-
aspects of the data life cycle. matics tools and approaches that are available; and
LifeWatch is a platform similar to DataONE that is (ii) increasing application literacy (i.e. showing ecologists
being designed in the EU. NEON [8] and OOI [23] are how to use tools properly). Ecoinformatics is, in essence,
terrestrial and oceanic observational programs, respective- the ‘new statistics’ and should be included in undergradu-
ly, that also include integrated informatics infrastructure. ate and graduate curricula, as well as training workshops
We envision that a Federation of such platforms will be at professional society meetings. Second, funding agencies
needed to support data-intensive, cross-domain research at can play an important role as they are key stakeholders in
the biosphere scale. Moreover, the data underlying such the scientific enterprise. Requiring data management
Review Trends in Ecology and Evolution February 2012, Vol. 27, No. 2

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California, Santa Barbara, and the State of California]. and analysis. Ecol. Inform. 5, 3–8
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