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PROBLEMS OF CARE Nursing Interventions Nurse-Family
A 27-year old mother of 2 at 6 Possible complicated/ After SNs’ After nursing intervention, 1. Broaden the Home visits Material
weeks AOG, (G3P2- 320020) high-risk pregnancy home visits (1 the mother will: knowledge of the resources:
with a hx of 2 CS deliveries, ht. - Inability to recognize week), the a. Ensure that she will family on Visual aids, VS
4’10” (147 cm), wt. 142 lbs presence of potential mother will have a regular complications of and PE
(64.5 kg). complications of her verbalize prenatal check-up at pregnancy, equipment.
pregnancy and possible understanding the center/ clinic. especially of an
She verbalized, “baka cesarean repeat cesarean due to of the b. Implement agreed- impending repeat Time and
uli ako, kasi sabi ni dok, maliit lack of knowledge necessary upon health actions cesarean delivery effort of the
daw yung sipit-sipitan ko, a. Lack of knowledge measures to in the areas of (3rd CS operation) SNs and the
cesarean din yung 2 kong on the nature and prevent or laboratory work-up, a.Discuss the mother
unang anak… nasa lahi yata management of her properly nutrition/diet, implications of
namin.” health condition managed physical activity, rest previous CS Transportation
b. Lack of knowledge possible and sleep, and operations on expenses, and
She professed no knowledge on the nature and complications general hygiene. current pregnancy, food of the
about the risks/complications extent of nursing of her c. Decide on a hospital and occurrence of SNs and the
to her and her child of a repeat care she needs pregnancy delivery signs and mother.
cesarean (especially now that d. Explore the couple’s symptoms as they
she’s on her third possible CS). - Stress-provoking factors ways of encouraging will be presented
including: growth-promoting by Ms. R.G.
She has irregular menstruation a. Strained marital activities, relationship b.Discuss the
cycle, got pregnant at age 19. relationship problems, issues and consequence of
She said that current b. Interpersonal concerns. failure to take
pregnancy is unplanned. She relationship with e. Be encouraged appropriate actions
used contraceptives before her family-in-laws. together with his 2. Discuss with the
based on a friend’s advice but husband to be mother the courses
haven’t ever consulted a - Unhealthy nutrition, referred to a marital of action open to
doctor to discuss about family lifestyle, and personal relationship her, and the
planning or her reproductive habits/practices counselor. consequences of
health issues. She stopped a. Imbalanced the their health
using the pills as she believes nutrition actions on her, her
that she doesn’t need them b. Smoking history and baby and her family
saying “di naman ako madaing passive smoking
mabuntis.” c. Occasional drinking
d. Sedentary lifestyle
Although she is currently not e. Lack of quality/
smoking, the mother reported adequate sleep
that she was smoking prior to
learning about her pregnancy
(Smoking hx of X sticks/day for
X years. She is also exposed to
2nd-hand cigarette smoke due
to her husband who smokes >1
pack/day for X years.

Last laboratory test was

undertaken 4 years ago. She
claims that she feels okay, and
doesn’t seem bothered by her
possible third cesarean

She loves to eat meat viands

such as adobo, nilaga, sinigang,
but rarely prepares vegetables
nor eats fruits except for
banana. She likes drinking soda
with meals.
She also is not used to doing
physical exercise, and admits
to not having enough quality

She expressed concerns about

husband’s infidelity issues, and
has gotten involved in fights
with him that sometimes lead
to physical violence. She
admits that her greatest
stressor right now is her
husband and misunderstanding
with family-in-laws.

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