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Metro Aircraft

AFM CD Guide
Thank you for purchasing the Fairchild Acrobat. Bookmarks will be your guides
SA226/227 Airplane Flight Manuals (AFMs) through the Airplane Flight Manuals.
on CD. There are four different CDs
available: SA226 Airplanes, SA227 After installing the Acrobat Reader, please
Domestic Airplanes, SA227 ICAO Annex 8 open the file called “First_xx.pdf” that is on
Airplanes and SA227 Metro 23 Airplanes. the SA226 Airplane Flight Manuals (AFM)
We hope you find the AFMs on CD to be CD-ROM. The “First_xx.pdf” file displays
easy to use and helpful in your business. oblong buttons representing each SA226
These instructions can also be found on AFM provided on the CD-ROM. Click once
the CD. Also on the CD is a file that will on the button that represents the Flight
install Acrobat Reader, a form to report Manual that you want to review. By selecting
manual corrections and the Tech Pubs one of the buttons, the Acrobat Reader will
Index. auto-matically connect to the correct Flight
Manual. Each button selection will take you
You must have a working knowledge of your to the cover page and front matter of the
computer and its operating system. The manual. Each SA226 AFM has its own
successful use of these electronic manuals bookmarks for navigating through the
requires you to install and operate software manual. The file is programmed to open with
that is provided. the Bookmarks showing on the left half of
the screen, with the text pages on the right
We have chosen to create these electronic half.
manuals using Adobe Acrobat software. We
used Acrobat for several reasons: The cover page has bookmarks listed for all
Sections of the AFM plus any other file i.e.
• We could greatly reduce the cost for you Configuration Deviation List (CDL). There are
to purchase and maintain the manuals 2 indented bookmarks under the bookmark
by reducing our production costs. for the front section, these will take you to
• The Acrobat Reader can be distributed the List of Effective Pages and the Current
to our customers at no charge. List of Revisions Page.
• The pages on your computer screen
look exactly like your existing paper Section Number and Title list the section
books. bookmarks. The Flight Manual Section
• Bookmarks are used to navigate through Numbers are either Arabic or Roman
your Airplane Flight Manual (AFM). Numerals. The List of Supplement section
• The pages can be printed with the same when opened will have indented bookmarks
format as the paper books. for all Supplements applicable to that flight
• Text and graphics can be copied from manual. The Supplements are numbered
the computer screen and pasted in other when they apply only to that AFM,
applications. Supplements are unnumbered when they
• The Acrobat .pdf format gives you a lot apply to more than one AFM.
of flexibility in using the technical manual
files. All of the SA227 CD-ROMs will have the
“First_xx.pdf” with oblong buttons listing
To insure you have the latest and correct each AFM on that particular CD-ROM. You
Acrobat software, please remove any will navigate through the AFM using the
previous copies of Acrobat Reader that bookmarks in the same way as described in
may be on your computer. Install the the SA226 AFM CD-ROM.
Acrobat Reader 4.0 (RS40eng.exe) provided
on the Airplane Flight Manuals (AFM) CD- The SA226 AFM CD-ROM includes:
ROM. Some versions of Acrobat Readers do SA226-AC
not include the “Search Engine”. SA226-AT
The installation will install Acrobat guides SA226-T(B)
and help files that are available from within
SA227 Domestic Airplanes AFM CD-ROM
14,500 Lbs. (7AC)
14.500 Lbs. McCauley Props (7MC)
16,000 Lbs. (6AC)
16,000 Lbs. (6BC)
SA227-AT Merlin IVC GTOW
14,500 Lbs. (7AT)
16,000 Lbs. (6AT)
Merlin IIIC 12,500 Lbs.
Fairchild 300 13,200 Lbs.(300)
Fairchild 312 12,500 Lbs. (312)

SA227 ICAO Annex 8 Airplanes AFM CD-ROM



14,500 Lbs. (4AC)
14,500 Lbs. McCauley Props (4MC)
16,000 Lbs. (8AC)
SA227-AT Merlin IVC GTOW
14,500 Lbs. (4AT)
16,000 Lbs. (8AT)

SA227 Metro 23 Airplanes AFM CD-ROM


SA227-CC -11 Engines 16,500 Lbs. GTOW

SA227-DC -12 Engines 16,500 Lbs. GTOW
SA227-DC with C663 McCauley Props and -
12 Engines 16,500 Lbs. GTOW (8DC)

For Technical Questions:

Fairchild Dornier
Technical Publications
PO Box 790490, San Antonio, TX 78279-0490

Voice 210-824-9421 Ext. 7543

Fax 210-820-8602

Email: [email protected]
Example1: Using Bookmarks to Navigate SA226
Airplane Flight Manuals on CD-ROM
1. Insert the SA226 Airplane Flight Manuals CD-ROM into the your computer’s CD-
ROM drive. If you do NOT have SA226 AFMs then go to page 8 for instructions
for the SA227 AFMs.

2. In Windows 95/98, select the “My Computer” icon on your desktop.

3. Select the “Metro CD-ROM” icon.

4. Select a file called “first_xx.pdf’ file.

5. After selecting the “first_xx.pdf” file, a graphic similar to the following will

6. Select the “SA226-T(B) Airplane Flight Manual” button.

• The following graphic will appear after you select the “SA226T(B) Airplane
Flight Manual” button.

• The graphic above displays the “Sec 0 226T(B)” of the “SA226T(B) Airplane
Flight Manual” along with the bookmarks displayed in the left half of the screen.
This is the same front matter as in the paper version of the SA226T(B) Airplane
Flight Manual. Clicking the indented bookmarks under “Sec 0 226T(B)” will go
to the List of Effective Pages or the Current List of Revisions. Click on either the
icon or the title to reach these pages.

• Use the direction arrows to navigate through the file. The above block is located
on the bottom bar of the file. The quicker option is to use the direction key
functions on your keyboard.

7. Examples using bookmarks to navigate throughout the SA226T(B) Airplane

Flight Manual.

Open Sec 2 Limitations 226T(B) by clicking on its bookmark. The graphic below
displays the bookmark and Table of Contents page.

• Note there is only one bookmark Sec 0 226T(B) and this will return you to the
cover page.

• Another way to navigate through the file is using the scroll bar located on top of
the file as shown below. The arrows operate the same way as those on the
bottom of the file.

• Click the Show/Hide Navigation Pane to hide the bookmarks when there is a
landscape page. Click the pane to show the bookmarks.

Open Sec 6 Weight and Balance 226T(B) by clicking on its bookmark. The graphic
below displays the bookmarks and Table of Contents page.

• Clicking the indented bookmarks will go to the List of Effective Pages or the
Current List of Revisions. Use the Sec 0 226T(B) bookmark to return to the
cover page.

Open Sec 9 List of Sups 226T(B) by clicking on its bookmark. The graphic below
displays the bookmarks and List of Supplements page.

• The bookmarks for Sec 9 List of Sups 226T(B) are shown below

Open Sec 9 Sup 01 226T(B) by clicking on its bookmark. The graphic below
displays the bookmarks and the cover page of the Supplement.

• The bookmarks shown below allow you to navigate throughout the supplement
and either return to the Sec 9 List of Sups 226T(B) or Sec 0 226T(B).

8. Find Wheelwell and Wing Overheat Warning Light On in the Emergency
Procedures section using the bookmarks.

Open Sec 3 Emergency Procedures 226T(B) by clicking its bookmark. The file
opens to the Table of Contents. The desired subject is listed on page 3-8.

• There are two Roman numeral pages in the Table of Contents and two added
pages 3-6A and 3-6B, page 3-8 is the 12th page of 26 pages. You can use
either the direction key on the keyboard or scroll bars to reach page 3-8.
Another method is pressing the Command N keys and a dialog box Go To
Page… will appear and type in page 12 and press the return key. Seen below
is the top portion of page 3-8 with the first part of the desired subject.

Example 2: Using Bookmarks to Navigate
the SA227 Airplane Flight Manuals

1. Insert the SA227 Airplane Flight Manuals CD-ROM into the your computer’s CD-
ROM drive. The other SA227 AFM CD-ROMs will follow the same method for
navigating using bookmarks.

2. In Windows 95/98, select the “My Computer” icon on your desktop.

3. Select the “Metro” CD-ROM icon.

4. Select the “first_xx.pdf” file.

• After opening the “first_xx.pdf” file, a graphic similar to the one below will

5. Select the “SA227-AC 16K (6AC) Airplane Flight Manual” button.

• The following graphic will appear after you select “SA227-AC 16K (6AC)
Airplane Flight Manual” button.

• The graphic above displays the “Sec 0 6AC” of the “SA227-AC 16K (6AC)
Airplane Flight Manual” along with the bookmarks displayed in the left half of
the screen. This is the same front matter as in the paper version of the SA227-
AC 16K (6AC) Airplane Flight Manual. Clicking the indented bookmarks under
“Sec 0 6AC” will go to the List of Effective Pages or the Current List of Revisions.
Click on either the icon or the title to reach these pages.

• Use the direction arrows to navigate through the file. The above block is located
on the bottom bar of the file. The quicker option is to use the direction key
functions on your keyboard.

6. Examples using bookmarks to navigate throughout the “SA227-AC 16K (6AC)

Airplane Flight Manual”.

Open Sec 1 Limitations 6AC by clicking its bookmark. The graphic below displays
the bookmark and Table of Contents page.

• Note there is only one bookmark Sec 0 6AC. When finished using this section,
click and return to Sec 0 6AC.

• Another way to navigate through the file is using the scroll bar located on top of
the file as shown below. The arrows operate the same way as those on the
bottom of the file.

• Click the Show/Hide Navigation Pane to hide the bookmarks when there is a
landscape page. Click the pane to show the bookmarks.

Open Sec 4 Performance 6AC by clicking its bookmark. The graphic below
displays the bookmarks and Table of Contents page.

• This page lists the nine parts of the Performance Section, and is shown below.

Open PART E Takeoff Performance – Wet 6AC by clicking its bookmark.

• Locate the desired subject and its page number from the Contents page. The
Takeoff Speed Schedules has three pages of tables, the Takeoff Flight Path
Distance to 35 Foot Height has four pages. Use the direction key functions on
your keyboard or the scroll bars to navigate this file.

• Click the Show/Hide Navigation Pane to hide the bookmarks when there is a
landscape page. Click the pane to show the bookmarks.

• Note the SA227-TT Merlin IIIC is the only AFM that does not have the
Performance Section divided into parts. The Table of Contents is used to locate
the subject matter and page number.

Open Sec 5 Weight and Balance 6AC by clicking its bookmark. The graphic below
displays the bookmarks and Table of Contents page.

• Clicking the indented bookmarks will go to the List of Effective Pages or the
Current List of Revisions. The Sec 0 6AC bookmark will return to the cover
page. The Table of Contents is utilized to locate the subject and page. There
are six Roman numeral pages in the front of the file.

Open Sec 7 List of Sups 6AC by clicking its bookmark. The graphic below displays
the bookmarks and List of Supplements page.

• Note the larger number of bookmarks than the Supplements listed on the List
of Supplements page. The List of Supplements page list numbered
Supplements approved for the 6AC AFM. The Sec 7 UN supplements are not
numbered and may apply to more than one AFM or by airplane serial number.

• Note there are no bookmarks for Supplements A-4 or A-5. Supplement A-4 only
applies to C-26A military aircraft and Supplement A-5 was never used.

Open Sec 7 Sup A-10 6AC by clicking on its bookmark. The graphic below
displays the bookmarks and the cover page of the Supplement. The Supplement
A-10 has bookmarks to navigate throughout the supplement and/or return to the
cover page of the supplement. Bookmarks for Sec 7 List of Sups 6AC and Sec 0
6AC permit return to those sections.

• Bookmarks that have the pointing to the right have more bookmarks for that
particular title as shown in the example below.

• Click the to open the bookmark.

7. Find Wheelwell and Wing Overheat Warning Light On in the Emergency
Procedures using the bookmarks.

Open Sec 3 Emergency Procedures 6AC by clicking its bookmark. The file opens
to the first page Table of Contents. You will find the desired subject listed on page

• There are two Roman numeral pages in the Table of Contents, page 3-14 will
be the 16 page of 32 pages. You can use either the direction key on the
keyboard or scroll bars to reach page 3-14. Another method is pressing the
Command N keys and a dialog box Go To Page… will appear and type in page
16 and press the return key. Shown below is the portion of page 3-14 with the
desired subject.

• Use the scroll bar to reach page 3-15 and the FLASHING LIGHT portion of the


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