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Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo

Republic of the Philippines

The Premier University in Zamboanga del Norte
Dipolog Campus, Dipolog City

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors to


Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, and Paalisbo

Senior High School Department

College of Education
Jose Rizal Memorial State University

What is already known?

Procrastination tends to give huge impact to people's life specially students during school days.
Mañana habit can sometimes leads to spontaneous and bizarre events yet also results most of the
time to an eminent disaster. This behavior affects all aspects of human life at different degrees
just like how many students struggle in meeting the deadline of a certain activity. Such research
for the causes of procrastination link to academic performance is unending. Lots of researches
have their own different testimonies on the factor that causes students Mañana habit in relation to
poor school performance. One claimed that Mañana Habit can possibly be caused by mentally-
related factors that happens to the students who have the habit of procrastinating. Another theory
that has received the most attention as variables investigated about the cause of procrastination is
said to be the personal characteristics such as self-regulation, self-efficacy, and self-esteem. For
some, surrounding's atmosphere may trigger delays specially crowded and unorganized.
Similarly, the entire unattractive physical structure of the school building could demotivate
learners to achieve academically. Despite all these claims and theories, the dilemma on the
student's academic performance in relation to procrastination continued to pursue its way in,
asserting that there may be still missing clues and links to the contribution of a student's recent
struggles in this particular behavior.

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo

What this paper adds?

Different factors were able to show contributions to poor academic performance of the students.
Procrastination indeed hinders the student's capability to learn. Thus, this paper further discusses
about the main contributors to the student's practice of procrastination in relation to their
knowledge incapability and other struggles. Furthermore, this research adds supplementary
details and deep discussion mainly on three factors. First, the influence of family which discusses
the family's contribution to the behavior of students. Second, the peer's influence which relates to
the student's dependency and decision-making. Third and last, the teacher's approach which
greatly participate on the learning part of the student and their actions towards procrastination.

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo

Republic of the Philippines

The Premier University in Zamboangadel Norte
Dipolog Campus, Dipolog City


We hereby declare that this submission in our own work and that, to the best of our
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nor material to which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree
or diploma of a university or other institute of higher learning, except where due
acknowledgement is made in the text.

We also declare that the intellectual content of this thesis-by-article is the product of our
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Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo

Academic Procrastination:
The Influencing Factors
among Students

A Thesis-by-article Submitted
to the Faculty of the Senior High School
Department of Jose Rizal Memorial State University

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

AS 107- Inquiries, Investigation, Immersion

Aizel Baliling
Reymart Cabanlit
Mel Altor Luce
Jasper John Nacua
Jaypee Paalisbo


Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo


Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo



Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo

General Introduction
Academic procrastination is a behaviour that most Filipinos possess. It is a practice of cramming
and sometimes even leads to the failure of accomplishing tasks. It is more executed in saying
“Later” or “Tomorrow.” This behavior can be traced back to the Spaniards who invaded our
country for about 300 years. Academic procrastination refers to enactment of putting off work to
be done in the near future when it can be done now, which is why we find ourselves working
until the last minute just so we can meet the deadline when we had more than enough time. We
are ought to bring this habit with us to the workplace or in school.
Academic procrastination can lead to poor time management. If students will not eradicate this
kind of habit, it will affect their work and academic performance and it may cause stress.
Academic procrastination is one of the big barriers in academic performance. It delays and
deprives the student’s performance that can cause failed grades. When the teacher will give a
particular task to do, they tend to be so relaxed because the deadline of passing those
requirements is still far approaching. When the deadline is near, that’s the time that they are
going to make those projects. There is a great possibility that they might not be able to comply
all those projects in time or worse, they will no longer do it for some teachers will no longer
accept late projects. Due to those matters, students may get lower grades and can probably fail in
As what other authors think about academic procrastination, we do agree on some points that
they had discussed for it really did happened before, now, and can still be a problem in the
future. As Pepoa (2013) said that academic procrastination is considered as “procrastination
virus” in which it has a lot of negative effects. It can affect many major aspects in life such as in
workplace, productivity as a person, efficiency in work, proficiency in terms of academics, and
even the economic growth as a whole. Thus, making it a major dilemma in which we, the
researchers, hope to solve.
Although some authors may say that this isn't really a major problem to society, the researchers
still believe that the importance of conducting this study is heavy for the reason that it is
affecting the academic performances of students which may lead to even worse situations in the
future. The researchers also believe that everyone must not compromise this kind of problem
because this could greatly affect not only to one person but also to the productivity as a whole.
It is for the reason that this research aims to determine the influencing factors of academic
procrastination among students. The purpose of this study is to analyse how parents, peers, and
teachers affect the student’s academic procrastination.
The results of this study will show the influencing factors that lead to the respondents’
academic procrastination. This study will help students in managing their time.
Therefore, they can pass certain academic performance. Parents will be
requirements and/or projects on time aware of how they can influence the
more often resulting to better student's academic procrastination. Thus,

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo

making them realize the fact that certain suspicion from parents and teachers (Cain,
practices like so, should not be showcased at D., 2013).
home. Making them more effective guides to
the respondents. Teachers they will be more Most students have inadequate self-esteem
considerate in giving tasks. They will that they tend to be dependent on their peers'
consider the abundance of projects and decision on what should be done or not.
requirements. They will have better According to Parks,E. (2013), habits of
estimation on the timeframe of a certain people are due to their attachment to peers
requirement and/or project to be passed. and the desire to be accepted. No one wants
Peers will realize that it is not good to to be an outcast. An individual wants the
practice this habit. Therefore, they will no sense of belongingness to a certain group of
longer practice it and influence others to do people. But this kind of attitude can lead to
so. Due to the conduct of this study, the next inability to manage self and dependency to
generation will cease to practice this habit. other people. Which was supported by
This in the long run will improve the ability Pychyl, T. (2016) saying that peers or other
of people to work deliberately. Thus, social groups have a major effect on
making the community more efficient. performing academic procrastination.

In accordance with this study’s null Another article suggests that it has been
hypothesis, an article says that known for decades that teachers can have a
procrastination is not linked to different profound effect on the students they teach.
parental approaches but rather is natural Education policies can make a significant
occurring in a certain individual. The article difference in a teacher’s work, which in turn
mentions some causes which are the affects their students. When expert teachers
following lack of motivation, no self are actively engaged in the development of
confidence, fear of failure, lack of education policy and initiatives, achieving
understanding, trouble concentrating, the intended outcomes and avoiding
perfectionism, low-energy level, poor unintended consequences is more likely. As
organization skills (Oxford Learning, 2017) a teacher, your voice is absolutely critical to
policy conversations, whether that’s within
On the other hand, an article contradicts to your community or on a broader scope.It,
the idea and states that most students that are states that ignoring teachers’ voices and
prone to serious procrastination problem are expertise is “a recipe for disaster”. So here
children who grew up with unusual high are some ways you can get involved on a
expectations placed on them. Their older local, state, and national level. This is
siblings may have been high achievers, according to the article “The Teacher Effect:
leaving big shoes to fill, or they may have How Teachers Can Impact Education
had neurotic and inhuman expectations of Policies and Initiatives” (Pearson, M., 2018).
their own, or else they exhibited exceptional
talents early on, and thereafter “average” There are certain studies that shows different
performances were met with concert and aspects of Academic Procrastination.One of
these studies states that procrastination is
one of the big barriers in achieving great

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo

academic achievement for student’s tend to of parental participation in the child's

be lazy in doing projects which in return holistic development.
making them low in academics (Padua, J.
2016). Study habits and teacher’s teaching styles
affect student’s academic achievement.
In the study of Zaker, H., Esfahni, B., Thus, both of them are correlational with
Razmjoee, M., (2013), they examined the each other. Good study habits and teacher’s
relationship between the parenting styles and teaching style results to great academic
academic procrastination. Simultaneous performance while bad study habits and
multiple regression of academic ineffective teaching style results to poor
procrastination total score on the parenting academic achievement. It was found out that
styles subscales, revealed that negative all the variables (teachers teaching styles
predictor of the academic procrastination, and student Study Habit on academic
whereas the “behavioral strictness- achievement on mathematics) are good and
supervision” style had a significant predict even better predictors of academic
power for the academic procrastination. The achievement, (Churcher, K., Asiedu, L.,
study of Retuya, C., Ceniza, D., Lara, J., Boniface, B., 2016).
Tare, S., and Quinain, K. (2017), also stated
that students exposed to family obligation The result of this research paper effectively
had higher scores in academic performance bring and raise awareness not only to the
which means, with the aid of parents, respondents but also to the teachers, peers,
students will be motivated to achieve high in and family as influencing factors of
academics. To those who are not well academic procrastination. A study also
motivated by parents, there is a high shows that most of the students admitted that
possibility that a student will not do well in they tend to procrastinate due to lack of
school.The most common obstacle to motivation from people around them. As
parental participation is the parents' what the result shows, it stated that stress is
pessimistic attitude towards supporting the greatest effect of procrastination for
school where their children are enrolled in, those chosen respondents (Revilla, J. 2017)
and the "we-don't-care-attitude" among
parents. It further elucidates the truth about This investigatory research intends at
parents' role in the personal and academic addressing the central question, “What are
performance of the child, as revealed by the factors the influencing factors of
Conway and Houtenville's (2008) study, academic procrastination among students?”
stating that "parental effort is consistently Predominantly, this study pursued a wise
associated with higher levels of way of collecting and intriguing these said
achievement, and the magnitude of the effect factors which will lead to the answer of the
of parental effort is substantial. Pinantoan following questions:
(2013), Olsen (2010), and Henderson and
1. How does the family, peers, and
Berla (1994) corroborate this contention and
teachers influence students’
other claims on the importance and benefits
academic procrastination?

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo

2. How does academic procrastination Chapter 2 surfaces the influence of family,

affect students’ academic peers, and teacher among students’
performance? academic procrastination. In this chapter, the
above mentioned factors are elaborately
Aside from the above given and investigated discussed on how these factors contributed
factors, this research also discusses the to students’ engagement in academic
effect of different levels of procrastination procrastination and in what particular
among students to their academic situations. The influence of people is one of
performance. The respondents of this study, the major antecedents in doing academic
the selected Grade 12 students, are equally procrastination. According to the article
treated with utmost confidential survey in Poor Study Habits: Hindrance to Academic
order to get their view on the influencing Excellence of Bagalayos, Bajar, and
factors that could possibly influence their Escasinas (2015), it had been generation by
academic procrastination which would also generation that young adults perform
has a bearing to their academic performance. academic procrastination despite of knowing
its very root effect. Most people, especially
students, do not realize what would be the
possible consequences of their delayed
works. In result to this, students will have
low or even failing grades. Failing is the
very root effect of academic procrastination
among students since it is the most common
concern of the people in their environment.
In addition, failure in recognizing that
academic procrastination is not a good
lifestyle will lead to low productivity in the

Chapter 3 entails the academic performance

of the respondents which serve as the
secondary data, and it also shows the
relationship between academic
procrastination and academic performance
among students. This chapter will determine
how academic procrastination affects
students’ academic performance. Some
people believed academic procrastination as
an advantage for they believe that the more
urgent the work is, the faster their brain
would function, it could still affect their
productivity and efficiency as a person and
this could lead to even worse situations in

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo

the future, especially in work. Moreover, not

all people had the capability to think faster Currently, it offers 27 courses and at has
in a cramming state. four college departments namely: College of
Arts and Sciences, College of Criminology,
Chapter 4 presents the general discussion of College of Education, and College of
findings of the sections of this research Engineering and Technology. In Senior
paper as well as the general conclusions High School Department, it is a 3-storey
which summarizes the results of this study. building consists of 3 classrooms for law
Research Design students, one office for the Dean College of
Law, one Law Library, 11 classrooms for
The type of approach employed in this study Senior High School Students and a separate
is a descriptive-survey method because the office for the Senior High School faculty
inquiry aims to gather data among and staffs. (See figure 1)
prospective people. A descriptive-survey
method describes the characteristics of the
population or phenomenon that is being
studied and aims to gain inquiries and more
information from the respondents. This
includes acquiring information through
conducting a survey to respondents using
questionnaire, and the analyzation after
getting the results. Furthermore, this study
also uses a secondary data which is the
academic performances of the respondents,
which will be done by getting secondary
data from advisers of the respondents.

Selection and Study Sites. Respondents of

this study are 60 selected Grade 12 Senior
High School students of Jose Rizal
Memorial State University--- fifty-five (55)
of whom are male and five (5) of whom are
female. This study would be conducted at
Jose Rizal Memorial State University,
Dipolog Campus. The said institution was
formerly the Zamboanga del Norte School
of Arts and Trade (ZNSAT). It became Jose
Memorial State College (JRMSC) on June
11, 1996 by virtue of R.A. 9852. The
institution is located in the heart of the city,
specifically corner General Luna Street and
Sorronda Road, Turno, Dipolog City.

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo

Figure 1. Map of Jose Rizal Memorial State University, Dipolog Campus

Data Gathering Procedure. In gathering the Weighted Mean =

data, the researchers were able to identify (data interval frequency x assigned weight)
the respondents with the help of the Total respondents
teachers. The first step of the researchers
The influences of academic
would be making of the letter of approval
procrastination were interpreted using the
that will be given to the principal. Upon the
given verbal description.
approval of the principal, the researchers
will be endorsed to the respondents. The Legend:
researchers will then give a letter to the
respondents for their approval of their WeightRange of Values
participation on the study. Respondents will Description
be given questionnaire by the researchers 5 4.21–5.00 Very Much Experienced
which they have to answer honestly.
4 3.41 – 4.20 Much Experienced
Mode of Analysis. After gathering answers
from the respondents, the results will be 3 2.61 – 3.40 Experienced
tallied. The researchers will then go to a 2 1.81 – 2.60 Less Experienced
statistician for the analysis of the gathered
results. 1 1.00 – 1.80.Never Experienced

The following statistical tool were used to

interpret the data gathered:
Percentage computation was used to
determine the profile of the respondents. The
formula is:
Percentage = (part/whole) x 100
Weighted Mean was used to determine the
influences of academic procrastination. This
was also used to determine the academic
performance of the respondents. The
formula is:

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo


Cain, D. (2013). “Procrastination is Not Parks, E. (2013). “Habits”. Retrieved from

Laziness”. Retrieved from

Pychyl, T. (2016). ““I’ll Do It Later”-

Churcher, K., Asiedu, L., Boniface, B.
Children’s Academic
(2016). “Teachers Teaching Styles
Procrastination” Retrieved from
and students Study Habits on
Academic Achievement in
Retuya, C., Ceniza,D., Lara, J., Tare, S.,
Mathematics among Junior High
Quinain, K. (2017). “The Priming
Schools in Upper Region of Ghana”.
Effect ofFamily Obligation on
Retrieved from
Filipino Students’ Academic
Oxford Learning (2017). “Why Do
Performance”. Retrieved from
Students Procrastinate?”. Retrieved
Zakeri, H., Esfahani, B., and Razmjoee, M.
Padua, J. (2016). “Procrastination in
(2013). “Parenting Styles and
Filipino College Students”.

Retrieved from

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo

Academic Procrastination”.

Retrieved from ion/270849412

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo

About the cover

The cover page showcases clocks with different times which represent the time wasted
by every student in relation to academic procrastination.

Cover designed by: Jaypee Paalisbo

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo



Baliling,Cabanlit,Luce,Nacua, and Paalisbo
Senior High School,
College of Education,
Jose Rizal Memorial State University

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo



Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, and Paalisbo

Senior High School,
College of Education,
Jose Rizal Memorial State University

Considering that most of the students’ nowadays are performing academic procrastination,
professionals and researchers become triggered on what are the possible causes/factors that
made a student to engage in academic procrastination. This investigatory research provides
necessary details on how family, peers, and teachers contribute to students’ academic
procrastination and for what specific situations. A survey by questionnaire took part on gathering
the absolute data from selected respondents on providing evidence to the claim of this research.
The investigatory project revealed that family and teacher factor has a greater bearing to
students’ engagement in academic procrastination compared to peers. These influencing factors
were thoroughly discussed in this paper.

Keywords: Family Factor, Peer Factor, Teacher Factor

Academic procrastination is a custom that most Filipinos possess. It is a practice of cramming
and sometimes even leads to the failure of accomplishing tasks. It is more executed in saying
“Later” or “Tomorrow.” Academic procrastination refers to enactment of putting off work to be
done in the near future when it can be done now, which is why we find ourselves working until
the last minute just so we can meet the deadline when we had more than
enough time.
Academic causes including environment, family and
procrastination can be individual personal factors, with parenting
related to a wide styles being a prime family factor
range of contributory (Mahasneh, Baitaneh, and Al-Zoubi, 2016).

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo

It can also be related to having low self- are members of the LGBTQIA. JRMSU-
esteem wherein students having such will Dipolog Campus is the only selected study
have a low Resistance to Peer Influence site.
(Chen, Shi, and Wang, 2016). Teachers can
also be linked in this case. SDT suggests that
teacher can give two distinct interpersonal In order to get the data needed, this study
styles when approaching their students’ uses a self-made questionnaire to identify
learning processes: they can be either the factors that influence student’s academic
autonomy-supportive or controlling (Ryan procrastination. The first part of the
and Deci, 2000; Valenzuela, Codina, questionnaire talks about the profile of the
Pestana, and Conde, 2017). respondents which includes the age, gender,
and annual family income. However, the
The main purpose of this chapter is to
second part of the questionnaire talks about
analyze how parents, peers, and teachers
the factors that influence student’s academic
affect the students’ academic
procrastination in terms of family, peers and
procrastination. The result can majorly
impact the views of people. Specially peers,
family, and teachers of students which are
experiencing such. Data Collection and Ethical Consideration
Method The first step of the researchers would be
making of the letter of approval that will be
Design given to the principal. Upon the approval of
In order to get the results needed, this study the principal, the researchers will be
utilizes a descriptive-survey method because endorsed to the respondents. The researchers
the inquiry aims to gather data among will then give a letter to the respondents for
students and answer questions regarding the their approval of their participation on the
factors that influence student’s academic study. Respondents will be given
procrastination. questionnaire by the researchers which they
have to answer honestly. After gathering
Study Locus and Sample answers from the respondents, the results
Respondents of this study are 60 selected will be tallied. The researchers will then go
Grade 12 Senior High School students of to a statistician for the analysis of the
Jose Rizal Memorial State University--- gathered results. The researchers instructed
thirty-eight (38) of whom are female, twenty the respondents to answer the questionnaire
(20) of whom are male and two (2) of whom and there is no influence by any other

and there is no influence by any other Mode of Analysis. After gathering answers
person. Given the results, researchers treated from the respondents, the results will be
it with the utmost confidentiality. tallied. The researchers will then go to a
statistician for the analysis of the gathered

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo

The following statistical tool were used to profile, and academic performance and the
interpret the data gathered: influencing factors of academic
Percentage computation was used to procrastination among students.
determine the profile of the respondents. The
Peer Influence
formula is:
Peer influences and pressure closely
Percentage = (part/whole) x 100
contributes to the students’ academic
Weighted Mean was used to determine the procrastination especially when they are
influences of academic procrastination. This always together both outside and in school.
was also used to determine the academic The following findings were found on the
performance of the respondents. The results on the gathered data from the
formula is: students.
Weighted Mean = Statements WM Description
(data interval frequency x assigned weight)
1.) Gets distracted 3.28 Experienced
Total respondents
by peers during
The influences of academic class discussion.
procrastination were interpreted using the 2.) Told by peers to 2.73 Experienced
given verbal description. not pass
Legend: requirements.

WeightRange of Values 3.) Pass 3.48 Much

requirements along Experienced
with peers.
5 4.21–5.00 Very Much Experienced
4.) Told by peers to 2.13 Less
4 3.41 – 4.20 Much Experienced skip class. Experienced

3 2.61 – 3.40 Experienced 5.) Joins in the use 1.42 Never

of alcohol, Experienced
2 1.81 – 2.60 Less Experienced cigarettes, and other
distractions that
1 1.00 – 1.80.Never Experienced
may affect
6.) Gets threatened 2.45 Less
The responses of the above respondents and bullied. Experienced
were treated statistically in order to show
7.)Gets ordered to 2.40 Less
their personal profile and the influencing
do peer's Experienced
factors of academic procrastination among
assignment, project
Jose Rizal Memorial State University and etc.
students in terms of family, peers, and
teacher factor. The specific questions are,
there significant relationship between the

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo

8.) Experiences 2.48 Less 3.) Gets requested to 2.17 Less

heartbreak. Experienced do the teacher's Experienced
lesson plan,
9.) Joins peers in 2.73 Experienced checking tests/quiz
using gadgets (for papers and etc.
game purposes)
during class activity 4.)Receives many 3.20 Experienced
and project making. schoo
l task
10.) Experiences 2.90 Experienced over
quarrel with friends. a
Average Weighted 2.60 Less short
Mean Experienced perio
d of
Table 1. Peer Influence time
Results indicated that item number 1 “Passes 5.)Holds a grudge 2.65 Experienced
requirements along with peers” has the towards the teacher
greatest weighted mean of 3.48 which can for personal reasons
be described as much experienced.
6.) Finds class 3.02 Experienced
Item number 5 “Joins in the use of alcohol, discussion and
cigarettes, and other distractions that may activities boring.
affect academic performance” gets the 7.) Finds the teacher 2.87 Experienced
lowest weighted mean of 1.42 which boring.
interpreted as never experienced.
8.) Gets angry when 2.53 Less
The average weighted mean is 2.60 and can always monitored Experienced
be interpreted as less experienced. by the teacher
Teacher Influence 9.) Gets scolded by 2.28 Less
the teacher because Experienced
A teacher affects students’ academic of mistakes during
procrastination which includes their teaching activities like oral
styles and how they give requirements presentation, project
among students. making and etc.
Statements WM Description 10.) Gets influenced 2.63 Experienced
by the
1.) Gets afraid 3.18 Experienced attitude/doings of
because of the the teacher easily.
teacher's aura during
class. Average Weighted 2.77 Experienced
2.) Gets threatened 3.17 Experienced Mean
by to have failing
grades Table 2. Teacher Influence

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo

The outcome showed that item number 4 by parents to not to Experienced

“Receives many school task over a short go to school.
period of time” preceded other statements
8.) Hurt by parents 2.17 Less
with 3.20 weighted mean which interpreted and/or siblings Experienced
as experienced. physically.
Item number 3 “Gets requested to do the 9.) Encounters 2.73 Experienced
teacher’s lesson plan, checking tests/quiz unsolved family
papers and etc.” obtained the lowest problems.
weighted mean of 2.17 which described as
less experienced. 10.) Gets 2.38 Less
compromised by Experienced
Calculating the said data, the average parents due to
weighted mean resulted into 2.77 which busyness and
delineated as experienced. doesn't have time
to monitor.
Family Influence
Average Weighted 2.95 Experienced
Family affects students’ academic Mean
procrastination in some ways. This includes
Table 3. Family Influence
family problems, household chores,
financial instability and other instances. Findings revealed that the item number 1
“Gets ordered by parents to do many
Statements WM Description
household chores” has the highest weighted
1.) Gets ordered by 3.58 Much mean of 3.58 which interpreted as much
parents to do many Experienced experienced.
household chores.
Item number 8 “Hurt by parents and/or
2.) Receives 3.57 Much siblings physically” has the lowest weighted
inadequate money Experienced mean of 2.17 which described as less
to buy school experienced.
materials by
parents. Accumulating the results, the average
weighted mean is 2.95 which can be
3.) Gets distracted 3.28 Experienced
by sibling/s when described as experienced.
doing homework. Discussion
4.) Gets scolded by 3.25 Experienced Academic procrastination is one of the
parents. biggest undeniable problems students are
5.) Quarrels among 3.00 Experienced facing nowadays due to the influencing
parents. factors affecting it. Thus, this dilemma must
not be compromised for it will affect not just
6.) Bonds with 3.30 Experienced
to the academic performance among
family a lot.
students but also for future references.
7.) Gets motivated 2.23 Less Specific actions must be made to address the

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo

issue in order for people to become more and Razmjoee, M., 2013). Using the
productive in nature. The following related Steinberg’s Parenting Styles Scale (2005)
literatures further explains the findings from and Solomon &Rothblum’s Academic
the result of this study. Procrastination Scale (1984), results
revealed that the “acceptance-involvement”
The influence of people is one of the major and “psychological autonomy-granting”
antecedents in doing academic styles were significant and negative
procrastination. According to the article predictor of the academic procrastination,
Poor Study Habits: Hindrance to Academic whereas the “behavioural strictness-
Excellence of Bagalayos, Bajar, and supervision” style had a significant predict
Escasinas(2015), it had been generation by power for the academic procrastination
generation that young adults perform (Zakeri, H., Esfahani, B., and Razmjoee, M.,
academic procrastination despite of knowing
its very root effect. Most people, especially
An article states that most students that are
students, do not realize what would be the prone to serious procrastination problem are
possible consequences of their delayed children who grew up with unusual high
works. In result to this, students will have expectations placed on them. Their older
low or even failing grades. Failing is the siblings may have been high achievers,
very root effect of academic procrastination leaving big shoes to fill, or they may have
among students since it is the most common had neurotic and inhuman expectations of
concern of the people in their environment. their own, or else they exhibited exceptional
In addition, failure in recognizing that talents early on, and thereafter “average”
academic procrastination is not a good performances were met with concert and
lifestyle will lead to low productivity in the suspicion from parents and teachers (Cain,
future. D., 2013).

Family Influence On the other hand, the study of Steel,

P. and Klingsieck, K.(2016) stated that
Students from a parent with formal conscientiousness has strongest correlation
occupation perform well than those from with procrastination and is a core for all
parents with informal occupation (Usaini, procrastination types namely, Anxious, Fun,
M., and Abubakar, N., 2015) because it will “Plenty of Time”, and Perfectionist. The
affect the family’s financial capability. A goal of this study was to show that while the
good occupation would give higher salary degree of procrastination is largely
which in return could thoroughly support the contingent on the trait of conscientiousness,
children in school. Moreover, parents play the other four major personality traits
an important role in child development. determine how procrastination manifests.
Parents with good economic status provide According to implications of need theory,
better facilities to their children which they operationalized these four traits by the
results in better performance of the children reasons students gave and the activities
(Ali Shah, M., and Anwar, M., 2014). students pursued while procrastinating.
Participants were 167 students of an
Moreover, there is a significant correlation undergraduate introductory psychology
between academic procrastination and course. It was designed as a self‐directed
parenting styles (Zakeri, H., Esfahani, B.,

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo

computerized course enabled considerable With reference to the study,

amounts of procrastination. “Parental Influence on Adolescent’s
The study of Retuya, C., Ceniza, D., Lara, J., Academic Performance” (Schmuck, J. 2016)
Tare, S., and Quinain, K. (2017), aims to the relationship of parental involvement and
determine the effect of family obligation on parenting styles influence their adolescent’s
Filipino student’s academic performance. academic performance and success. Parents
This study is specifically concerned with the need to be actively involved in their
family obligation as a motivational factor adolescent’s life, support and provide
that would outweigh other motivational assistance with school and help instill
factors such as mastery goal and motivation and confidence. This research
performance goal in influencing academic was conducted by personally distributing
performance. Since Filipinos value their surveys to a class of students at the
family, their sense of obligation might cause Brookings High School in October 2010.
them to perform well in school. This study The survey found that half of the
was conducted using a single factorial participating adolescent’s stated that their
design. One hundred sixty three (163) parents had a strong influence on their
participants were randomly assigned academic performance. This was critical
conditions with different motivational information because it supported previous
factors (Family Obligation, Mastery Goal research conducted regarding the topic. It
Orientation, Performance Goal Orientation, was found that adolescent’s perceptions of
Control). Priming was used to activate the their own abilities were strongly linked to
different motivations. The result shows that their parent’s beliefs about them. Over half
students exposed to family obligation had of the participants stated that their parents
higher scores in academic performance help them work through and cope with
which means, with the aid of parents, stressful situations or school problems. The
students will be motivated to achieve high in more involved and supportive a parent is
academics. To those who are not well towards their adolescent the higher self-
motivated by parents, there is a high esteem they will gain allowing the
possibility that a student will not do well in adolescent to feel confident and focused
school. during school.
According to the research “Parental
Johnson, E., and Decartes, C. (2017) Involvement in Child's Education:
explored in their study about parental Importance, Barriers and Benefits” by
influence on academic achievement students Sapungan, R. (2014) which explicates the
who prepare for National Achievement Test importance, barriers and benefits of parental
(NAT). One hundred twenty-eight (128) involvement in child's education. Parents'
students from primary schools were chosen involvement in their child's learning process
as the respondents on the said study. The offers many opportunities for success-
study revealed that regardless of parental improvements on child's morale, attitude,
educational status, all parents try to and academic achievement across all subject
influence their children to study well. areas, behavior and social adjustment
Parents always try their best to teach their (Centre for Child Well-Being, 2010). This
children what’s the right to do and that study underscores that the most common
includes to be educated. obstacle to parental participation is the
parents' pessimistic attitude towards

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

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supporting school where their children are procrastinate due to lack of motivation from
enrolled in, and the "we-don't-care-attitude" people around them. As what the result
among parents. It further elucidates the truth shows, it stated that stress is the greatest
about parents' role in the personal and effect of procrastination for those chosen
academic performance of the child, as respondents.
revealed by Conway and Houtenville's
(2008) study, stating that "parental effort is Academic procrastination can be related to a
consistently associated with higher levels of wide range of contributory causes including
achievement, and the magnitude of the effect environment, family and individual personal
of parental effort is substantial. Pinantoan factors, with parenting styles being a prime
(2013), Olsen (2010), and Henderson and family factor (Mahasneh, Baitaneh, and Al-
Berla (1994) corroborate this contention and Zoubi, 2016). Family dynamics play an
other claims on the importance and benefits important or essential role in academic
of parental participation in the child's procrastination. Parenting style is one of the
holistic development. In accordance with family factors related to procrastination. The
this study’s null hypothesis, an article says development of academic procrastination in
that procrastination is not linked to different children is affected by exposure to and
parental approaches but rather is natural interaction with parents who serve as
occurring in a certain individual. The article models, instructors, and reinforces of certain
mentions some causes which are the behavior. Academic procrastination was
following lack of motivation, no self- associated with students’ perceptions of high
confidence, fear of failure, lack of levels of parental criticism and parental
understanding, trouble concentrating, expectations (Mahasneh, Baitaneh, and Al-
perfectionism, low-energy level, poor Zoubi, 2016). The more the students be
organization skills (Oxford Learning, 2017). criticized by their own parents, the more
they will get disappointed and develop low
The study entitled “Effects of self-esteem in which they can no longer hold
Procrastination or Cramming on the Senior the pressure and could lead to performing
High Students of STI College of Santa academic procrastination.
Rosa” (Revilla, J. 2017) aims to know the
perception of selected senior high students Peer Influence
towards procrastination or cramming and to
know why students tend to do One of the causes of procrastination includes
procrastination. This study is conducted to peer influence (Esmaeili, N., and Monadi,
the selected Senior High School students of M., 2016). Self-esteem was negatively
STI College of Santa Rosa. Based on the related to procrastination, and resistance to
findings, the frequency that the respondents peer influence (RPI) acted as a mediator of
would procrastinate is in the level of this relationship (Dmitrieva et al., 2014;
“sometimes”, this is because they already Chen, B. et al., 2016). Thus, it depends on
have the sense of responsibility which one’s self on how we are going to resist peer
means that they already know in themselves influences. Low levels of self-esteem were
that they couldn’t let important things to be related to higher susceptibility to peer
just ignored and being easy-go-lucky must pressure and to an increased possibility of
not be tolerated. The study shows that most the involvement in gangs with low level of
of the students admitted that they tend to membership (Dmitrieva et al., 2014; Chen,

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo

B. et al., 2016) yet higher levels of self- independently for the first time in their lives
esteem would result to higher RPIs in which (Geng et al., 2018). Moreover, during this
academic procrastination engagement is low. period, individuals expand their network and
In addition, academic procrastination establish mature relationships with peers,
can be countered if students are more and above all with romantic partners, as
confident in their ability in a certain field these relationships become progressively
which leads to greater autonomous more central in their daily life (Guarnieri et
(intrinsic) motivations. Moreover, it does not al., 2015). Recently, a growing literature has
overscore the important role of educational shown that peers as attachment figures are
environments which are responsible in influential sources of social and emotional
building character and confidence within support ( Badenes-Ribera et al., 2019; Lan
students in an early age (Pychyl, T., 2016). and Radin, 2019). In this perspective, peer
The author also agrees that peers or other attachment, as the central arena of adult
social groups have a major effect on attachment relationships, may become an
performing academic procrastination. effective social resource to ameliorate
Students are highly responsive to academic procrastination.
their peers are the prevailing norm when
they make decisions (Bursztyn and Jensen,
2015). Most students have inadequate self- Peer attachment refers to the affectional
esteem that they tend to be dependent on bonding in peers, including trust, reliance, as
their peers' decision on what should be done well as sharing personal thoughts and
or not. According to Parks,E. (2013), habits emotions (Bowlby, 1977; Armsden and
of people are due to their attachment to Greenberg, 1987: Jin, Wang, and Lan,
peers and the desire to be accepted. No one 2019). Although, up to our knowledge, there
wants to be an outcast. An individual wants is no single investigation exploring the
the sense of belongingness to a certain group association between peer attachment and
of people. But this kind of attitude can lead academic procrastination in undergraduate
to inability to manage self and dependency students, some of the existing findings may
to other people. provide possible indications. For example,
the positive association between peer
Although traditional attachment theory attachment and academic adjustment in
asserts that first attachment relationships are college students (Swenson et al., 2008: Jin,
established with parents, individuals often Wang, and Lan 2019), suggesting that peer
form enduring attachment bonds in attachment may be negatively associated
subsequent moments of the life course with academic procrastination.
outside of their family ( Gorrese and Teacher Influence
Ruggieri, 2012; Jin, Wang, and Lan 2019).
Moreover, students often encounter a critical Controlling teacher behaviour can
period of learning and personal growth, and negatively influence students’ learning
they are not prone to obeying the strict experiences. By using conditional rewards
discipline imposed by their parents and too often, teachers may defer their students’
teachers at school, making self-discipline as autonomous decision processes to engage in
a crucial element for their success. As such, academic learning. And teachers trying to
many of these students find themselves exercise excessive personal control may
facing personal and academic challenges favour their students’ perceptions of external

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo

regulation, limiting their possibilities of overloaded programs. Though all are

developing intrinsic motivation and important, these have seldom based on
autonomous self-regulated learning. Both existing pre-service and in-service teacher
resulting conditions could make it more education and have most of the time been
likely for students to procrastinate academic developed and delivered through stand-
learning, by engaging in alternative alone manuals, toolkits and workshops. To
activities (Valenzuela, R., Codina, N., develop such a learning environment
Pestana, J., and Gonzales-Conde, J., 2017). education officials, school administrators,
teachers, students, parents as well as Parent
It has been known for decades that teachers Teacher Associations (PTA) need to reflect
can have a profound effect on the students on quality issues (Sun Star Pampanga, 2017)
they teach. Education policies can make a
significant difference in a teacher’s work, Study habits and teacher’s teaching styles
which in turn affects their students. When affect student’s academic achievement.
expert teachers are actively engaged in the Thus, both of them are correlational with
development of education policy and each other. Good study habits and teacher’s
initiatives, achieving the intended outcomes teaching style results to great academic
and avoiding unintended consequences is performance while bad study habits and
more likely. As a teacher, your voice is ineffective teaching style results to poor
absolutely critical to policy conversations, academic achievement. This study
whether that’s within your community or on investigated the teacher teaching styles and
a broader scope. When it comes to designing student study habits on academic
policies related to teaching and learning, achievement in mathematics among Junior
Brandi Hinnant-Crawford, PhD, states that High School (JHS) students KasenaNankana
ignoring teachers’ voices and expertise is “a district of the Upper East Region of Ghana.
recipe for disaster”. So here are some ways Questionnaire was used to get the views of
you can get involved on a local, state, and respondents. In all 250 respondents
national level. This is according to the comprising Junior High schools form three
article “The Teacher Effect: How Teachers students were involved in the study. To
Can Impact Education Policies and carry out the research, survey design was
Initiatives” (Pearson, M., 2018). adopted .The target population comprises of
all Junior High School (JHS) students in the
Philippine Education System has focused Kassena- Nankana District of the Upper East
much of its protection and education work Region of Ghana and the accessible
on physical and psychological punishment in population was five JHS students in
and around schools. Singling out KassenaNankana District. Three research
punishment issues from its context of instruments were used to collect statistical
effective teaching and classroom rigors such as mean, modes, frequency
management may have resulted in less count, percentage spread and standard
impact than expected. Department of deviation.Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
Education and teachers have struggled with was used. It was found out that all the
the impose adds on such as positive variables (teachers teaching styles and
discipline, inclusive education, child student Study Habit on academic
friendly school, peace and human rights achievement on mathematics) are good and
education and others, to their already even better predictors of academic

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo

achievement and performance in Junior result to performing negative actions like

Secondary School in Ghana (Churcher, K., academic procrastination.
Asiedu, L., Boniface, B., 2016).
Peers could also affect one’s self in
Self Determination Theory suggests that performing academic procrastination
teacher can give two distinct interpersonal depending on the resistance to peer
styles when approaching their students’ influence and peer pressure. High levels of
learning processes: they can be either self-esteem would result to high level of
autonomy-supportive or controlling (Ryan resistance to peer influence and vice versa.
and Deci, 2000; Valenzuela, Codina,
Pestana, and Conde, 2017). Consequently, Teachers could also influence students’
various studies had advocated for autonomy academic procrastination depending on their
support as a guiding principle in pedagogy, teaching styles and how they establish
because it has been found to enhance quality control and development among their
motivation, interest and successful learning, students.
more than control does. In this regard, much
consideration has been given to autonomy In conclusion to this, students are more
support but less attention has been oriented likely to be influenced by family and
towards analyzing the influence of teachers rather than peers. In accordance,
controlling behaviors, for example, on their academic performance will decline due
psychological experiences of students. to the influence of such factors.
There is also a relation between students’
procrastination and teachers especially to
their way of teaching or teaching styles. It is
observed that higher levels of
procrastination are associated with teaching
behaviours such as intimidation and EPC
(Codina, Valenzuela, Pestana, Conde ,
2017). Therefore, if one teacher acts as a
negative model to the students, there is a big
chance that the students will procrastinate.
This is also because of teacher’s different
demands to studentss and this will result to

The results being presented made the study
to conclude that in terms of the influencing
factors (family, peers, teachers), they have a
contribution among students’ engagement
on academic procrastination.
Family instances like, parenting styles,
conflicts and other aspects, could affect the
behaviour of their children which would

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo


Bagalayos, G., Bajar, M., Escasinas, I. Schools in Upper Region of Ghana”.

(2015). “Poor Study Habits: Hindrance to Retrieved from

Academic Excellence”. Retrieved

from Esmaeili, N., and Monadi, N. (2016).

Bursztyn, L., Jensen R. (2015). “How Does “Identifying the Causes of Academic

Peer Pressure Affect Educational Procrastination from the Perspective

Investments”. Retrieved from of Male Middle School Male Students”. Retrieved from

Cain, D. (2013). “Procrastination is Not http;//

Laziness”. Retrieved from s/index Mahasneh, A., Bataineh, O., and Al-Zoubi,

Z. (2016). “The Relationship
Chen, B., Shi, Z., and Wang, Y. (2016). “Do between Academic
Peers Matter? Resistance to Peer Procrastination and Parenting Styles
Influence as a Mediator among Jordanian Undergraduate
between Self- Esteem and University Students”. Retrieved
Procrastination among from
Undergraduates”. Retrieved from
Front.Psychol.7:1529.doi:10.3389/fp Oxford Learning (2017). “Why Do Students

Churcher, K., Asiedu, L., Boniface, B. Procrastinate?”. Retrieved from

(2016). “Teachers Teaching Styles

and students Study Habits on Parks, E. (2013). “Habits”. Retrieved from

Academic Achievement in

Mathematics among Junior High

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

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Pychyl, T. (2016). ““I’ll Do It Later”- Procrastination” Retrieved from

Children’s Academic

Retuya, C., Ceniza,D., Lara, J., Tare, S., Secondary School Students in Kuala

Quinain, K. (2017). “The Priming Terengganu”. Retrieved from

Effect of Family Obligation on http;//

Filipino Students’ Academic 3-il/1899

Performance”. Retrieved from Valenzuela, R., Codina, N., Pestana, J., and

41 Gonzalez-Conde, J. (2017). “Is

Steel, P., Klingsieck, K. (2016). “Academic student procrastination

Procrastination: Psychological related to controlling teacher

Antecedents behavior?”. Retrieved from

Revisited”. Retrieved from http;// Zakeri, H., Esfahani, B., and Razmjoee, M.

s10.111ap.12173 (2013). “Parenting Styles and

Usaini, M., and Abubakar, N. (2015). “The Academic Procrastination”.

Impact of Parents’ Occupation on Retrieved from

Academic Performance of


Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo



Baliling,Cabanlit,Luce,Nacua, and Paalisbo
Senior High School,
College of Education,
Jose Rizal Memorial State University

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo


Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, and Paalisbo
Senior High School,
College of Education,
Jose Rizal Memorial State University

Due to the fact that students’ procrastinate, there would be an effect to their academic
performance. Academic procrastination could either be positive or negative in terms of its effect.
For some, they took it as an advantage for their brain would fastly function when they work in
urgent. Thus, when their adrenaline rush activates, they tend to have greater and wider ideas and
so they can finish their work easier and faster. Yet, for others, it is like a dim light to them for
they think oppositely to the people who have effective adrenaline rush. Their mind tends to be
blocked and weren’t able to think properly which would result to failure in task completion.
Moreover, it will lessen a person’s productivity especially for future work. This chapter further
explains how the different levels of procrastination affect studentts’ level of academic
performance. Same procedure and methodology was treated to the gathered data during the
conduct of this chapter. The above mentioned variables were thoroughly discussed and given
importance along the study.

Keywords: Academic Performance, Influencing Factors of Academic


Academic procrastination is one of the big barriers in academic performance. It delays and
deprives the student’s performance that can cause failed grades. When the teacher will give a
particular task to do, they tend to be so relaxed because the deadline of passing those
requirements is still far approaching. When the deadline is near, that’s the time that they are
going to make those projects. There is a great possibility that they might not be able to comply
all those projects in time or worse, they will no longer do it for some teachers will no longer
accept late projects. Due to those matters, students may get lower grades and
can probably fail in
class. Academic kind of habit, it will affect their work and
procrastination can lead academic performance and it may cause
to poor time stress.
management. If students
will not eradicate this

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo

Filipinos prior leisure than work In order to get the results needed, this study
(Tabaosares, 2015). Extra activities utilizes a descriptive-survey method because
especially those that are enjoying and the inquiry aims to gather data among
relaxing are favorable for them than the students and answer questions regarding the
beneficial ones. He added that the factors that influence student’s academic
responsibilities are taken for granted. As a procrastination.
result, people have such regressions and
apologies in life for they had missed the Study Locus and Sample
opportunities behind those responsibilities.
Respondents of this study are 60 selected
According to an article “Do it Now, Not Grade 12 Senior High School students of
Later: How to Overcome Procrastination” Jose Rizal Memorial State University---
(Reedley School, 2016), it stated the reason thirty-eight (38) of whom are female, twenty
why students procrastinate is the fear of (20) of whom are male and two (2) of whom
failure. They may be terrified of how their are members of the LGBTQIA. JRMSU-
output will be judged or criticized. So, Dipolog Campus is the only selected study
instead of accepting the risk the come with site.
in every task, they will end up
procrastinating and it will lead to failure. Instrumentation

As what other authors think about academic In order to get the data needed, this study
procrastination, we do agree on some points uses a self-made questionnaire to identify
that they had discussed for it really did the factors that influence student’s academic
happened before, now, and can still be a procrastination. The first part of the
problem in the future. It can affect many questionnaire talks about the profile of the
major aspects in life such as in workplace, respondents which includes the age, gender,
productivity as a person, efficiency in work, and annual family income. However, the
proficiency in terms of academics, and even second part of the questionnaire talks about
the economic growth as a whole. Thus, the factors that influence student’s academic
making it a major dilemma in which we, the procrastination in terms of family, peers and
researchers, hope to solve.
In this chapter of this study, the effects of
academic procrastination among students’ Data Collection and Ethical Consideration
academic performance were thoroughly
discussed after obtaining the findings from The first step of the researchers would be
the gathered data. The results of this study making of the letter of approval that will be
will give us the knowledge on how does given to the principal. Upon the approval of
academic performance affected by certain the principal, the researchers will be
levels of procrastination. endorsed to the respondents. The researchers
will then give a letter to the respondents for
their approval of their participation on the
Method study. Respondents will be given
Design questionnaire by the researchers which they
have to answer honestly. After gathering

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo

answers from the respondents, the results 2 1.81 – 2.60 Less Experienced
will be tallied. The researchers will then go
1 1.00 – 1.80.Never Experienced
to a statistician for the analysis of the
gathered results. The researchers instructed
the respondents to answer the questionnaire
and there is no influence by any other Findings
person. Given the results, researchers treated
it with the utmost confidentiality. This investigatory research paper shows the
results from the interpreted data that was
Mode of Analysis. After gathering answers
gathered form sixty (60) selected Grade 12
from the respondents, the results will be Senior High School students of Jose Rizal
tallied. The researchers will then go to a Memorial State University whose responses
statistician for the analysis of the gathered are relative to the main question: “How does
results. academic procrastination affects students’
academic performance?” The result
The following statistical tool were used to
showed that there is a correlation between
interpret the data gathered: academic procrastination and academic
Percentage computation was used to performance of the students for as the
determine the profile of the respondents. The academic performance would be affected
formula is: depending on the levels of academic
Percentage = (part/whole) x 100
Weighted Mean was used to determine the Academic Performance
influences of academic procrastination. This
was also used to determine the academic Academic Performance refers to how one
performance of the respondents. The performs in school course like social studies,
english, and math. People consider their
formula is:
grade first when evaluating academic
Weighted Mean = achievement, and it is the extent to which
(data interval frequency x assigned weight) student, teacher or institution has achieved
Total respondents their short or long term educational goals.

The influences of academic Grad Frequency m fm Mean

procrastination were interpreted using the es (f)
given verbal description.
90- 15 9 1,42
Legend: 100 5 5

WeightRange of Values 85-89 31 8 2,69

Description 7 7 87.75

5 4.21–5.00 Very Much Experienced 80-84 13 8 1,06

2 6
4 3.41 – 4.20 Much Experienced
75-79 1 7 77
3 2.61 – 3.40 Experienced 7

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

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Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo

Total N=60 ∑ Very Facto Factors that Influence

fm= Satisfacto rs Respondents’ Academic
5,26 ry Comp Procrastination
5 ared
α d p- x2 Interp Acti
f val retatio on/
Table 4 Academic Performance of the ue n Dec
Respondents isio
 Grades ranged from 85-89 had the
Acade α 1. . 15. Signifi H0
highest frequency of 31 with a
mic =0 0 000 653 cant was
median of 87 and a median
Perfo .0 0 076 8 relatio reje
frequency of 2,697.
rman 5 nship cted
 While grades ranged from 90-100
followed with a frequency of 15 with
a median of 95 and a median Table 5 Test Relationship between the
frequency of 1,425. Factors that Influence Respondents’
Academic Procrastination and Their
 On the other hand, grades ranged Academic Performance
from 80-84 had a frequency of 13
with a median of 82 and a median  The relation between academic
frequency of 1,066. performance and the influencing
factors of academic procrastination
 Lastly, grades ranged from 75-79 had a chi-square value of 15.6538
had the lowest frequency of 1 with a with a p-value of .000076 which is
median of 77 and a median lesser than the level of significance
frequency of 77. of 0.05, and a degree of freedom of
1.00 which interpreted as there is a
Out of 60 respondents, the summation of significant relationship to both
median frequency is 5,265 which has the variables, thus rejection of the null
average mean of 87.75 which interpreted as hypothesis was decided.
very satisfactory.
Relationship between the Factors that
Influence Respondents’ Academic Academic procrastination is one of the great
Procrastination and Their Academic factor that influences students’ academic
Performance performance for it will base on how frequent
they perform or engage in procrastination
Relationship between the Factors that which would affect their productivity as a
Influence Respondents’ Academic person. Thus, this problem must not be
Procrastination and Their Academic compromised and certain solutions must be
Performance is the comparison between the done to solve that problem or at least lessen
two variables. the dilemma.

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo

Relationship between the Factors that their inability to read is problem of

Influence Respondents’ Academic postponing their time to studies, but they are
Procrastination and Their Academic engaged more on pleasurable things in
Performance which they cannot benefits from it
.Moreover, the students who studies their
Using the Spearman’s correlation coefficient books perform better than those who are not
test assessing the relationship between serious (Thomas, 2014).
procrastination and academic performance,
it indicated that students who showed high Dilmac (2019), states that the
procrastination scores performed below Procrastination appears to be a troubling
average in their academics phenomenon, people most strongly
(Lakshminarayan, N., Potdar, S., and Reddy, characterized it as being bad, harmful, and
S., 2013). In addition, analysis with the foolish. Justifying this viewpoint, several
Mann-Whitney U test found a significant studies have linked it to individual
difference in procrastination scores between performance, with the procrastinator
the two gender groups. Hence, individuals performing more poorly overall, and to
with above average and average academic individual well-being, with the
performance had lower scores of procrastinator being more miserable in the
procrastination and vice versa long term. At larger levels of analysis,
(Lakshminarayan, N., Potdar, S., and Reddy, Procrastination has been linked to several
S., 2013). organizational and societal issues.

Although some students would think Conclusion

academic procrastination as an advantage for
they believe that the more urgent the work
is, the faster their brain would function, it The results being presented made this
could still affect their productivity and chapter to conclude that there is a great
efficiency as a person and this could lead to correlation among the influencing factors of
even worse situations in the future, academic procrastination and respondents’
especially in work. Moreover, not all people academic performance for it will be affected
had the capability to think faster in a depending on their levels of procrastination.
cramming state. High levels of procrastination would result
to below average academic performance.
The problem of procrastination affects many Average and above average academic
students in secondary schools in Nigeria. achievement has a low level of
However, many students do not know that procrastination and vice versa.


Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo

Lakshminarayan, N., Potdar, S., and Reddy, Tabaosares, A. (2015). “Some Fixations to

S. (2013). “Relationship between Eschew on Filipino Mentality”.

Procrastination and Academic Retrieved from

Performance among a Group of

Undergraduate Dental

Students in India”. Retrieved from

Reedly School (2016). “Do It Now, Not

Later: How to Overcome

Procrastination”. Retrieved from



Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo


Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo

General Discussion

Academic procrastination is one of the behaviour that most Filipinos acquire. It is the enactment
of doing school related tasks on a “later” basis which is why students found themselves on a
cramming state.
Although some students would think academic procrastination as an advantage for they believe
that the more urgent the work is, the faster their brain would function, it could still affect their
productivity and efficiency as a person and this could lead to even worse situations in the future,
especially in work. Moreover, not all people had the capability to think faster in a cramming
As what other authors think about academic procrastination, we do agree on some points that
they had discussed for it really did happened before, now, and can still be a problem in the
future. It can affect many major aspects in life such as in workplace, productivity as a person,
efficiency in work, proficiency in terms of academics, and even the economic growth as a whole.
Academic procrastination is one of the big barriers in academic performance. It delays and
deprives the student’s performance that can cause failed grades. When the teacher will give a
particular task to do, they tend to be so relaxed because the deadline of passing those
requirements is still far approaching. When the deadline is near, that’s the time that they are
going to make those projects. There is a great possibility that they might not be able to comply
all those projects in time or worse, they will no longer do it for some teachers will no longer
accept late projects. Due to those matters, students may get lower grades and can probably fail in
There are several factors that influence students’ academic performance. This study only focuses
on the three mentioned factors namely family, peers, and teachers.
Family Factor

Family factor refers to the influence of the family in doing academic procrastination
of the students. It is the most common origin in doing procrastination since they can
be found at home. This factor includes how parents discipline their children or how
they raised them. Based on the table, it shows that item number 1 “Gets ordered by
parents to do many household chores” has the highest weighted mean of 3.58 which
interpreted as much experienced. On the and/or siblings physically” has the lowest
other hand, item number 8 “Hurt by parents weighted mean of 2.17 which described as

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo

less experienced. Accumulating the results, supervision” style had a significant predict
the average weighted mean is 2.95 which power for the academic procrastination.
can be described as experienced as to
respondents’ responses.
Peer Factor
Academic procrastination can be related to a
wide range of contributory causes including Peer factor refers to a factor which can be
environment, family and individual personal found in the respondent’s peers, either
factors, with parenting styles being a prime friends, classmates and or acquaintances.
family factor (Mahasneh, Baitaneh, and Al- This factor is the most common motivator of
Zoubi, 2016). Family dynamics play an procrastination since students interact more
important or essential role in academic in school. This influences the students’
procrastination. Parenting style is one of the decision in doing school works since they
family factors related to procrastination. The will be influenced by their peers. Based on
development of academic procrastination in the table, it foresees that item number 1
children is affected by exposure to and “Passes requirements along with peers” has
interaction with parents who serve as the greatest weighted mean of 3.48 which
models, instructors, and reinforces of certain can be described as much experienced.
behavior. Academic procrastination was However, item number 5 “Joins in the use of
associated with students’ perceptions of high alcohol, cigarettes, and other distractions
levels of parental criticism and parental that may affect academic performance” gets
expectations (Mahasneh, Baitaneh, and Al- the lowest weighted mean of 1.42 which
Zoubi, 2016). The more the students be interpreted as never experienced. Computing
criticized by their own parents, the more all the weighted mean from the 10
they will get disappointed and develop low statements, results showed that the average
self-esteem in which they can no longer hold weighted mean is 2.60 which described as
the pressure and could lead to performing less experienced.
academic procrastination.
Procrastination has a relation to the people
In the study of Zakeri, H., Esfahani, B., nearby especially the peers (Chen, Shi, and
Razmjoee, M., (2013), they examined the Wang 2016). It shows that low self –esteem
relationship between the parenting styles and would be realted to lower levels of
academic procrastination. Three hundred Resistance to Peer Influence (RPI). In
ninety-five (365) Shiraz University students addition, peers are considered as an
(261 feminine and 134 masculine) were important source of influences on an
participants of the study. Steinberg’s individual’s behaviours and performance.
Parenting Style Scale (2005) and Academic RPI has recently been recognized as a
Procrastination Scale (1984) were used as variable that affects impulsivity, which was
measures of the study. Simultaneous considered as a correlate of procrastination.
multiple regression of academic Based on the extent literature, RPI is defined
procrastination total score on the parenting in terms of an individual’s level of
styles subscales, revealed that negative susceptibility to peer pressure. Low self-
predictor of the academic procrastination, esteem causes undergraduates to be
whereas the “behavioral strictness- particularly sensitive in perceiving the

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo

threats of peer rejection (Chen, Shi, and

Wang, 2016). Self Determination Theory suggests that
teacher can give two distinct interpersonal
Peer attachment refers to the styles when approaching their students’
affectional bonding in peers, including trust, learning processes: they can be either
reliance, as well as sharing personal autonomy-supportive or controlling (Ryan
thoughts and emotions (Bowlby, and Deci, 2000; Valenzuela, Codina,
1977; Armsden and Greenberg, 1987: Jin, Pestana, and Conde, 2017). Consequently,
Wang, and Lan, 2019). Although, up to our various studies had advocated for autonomy
knowledge, there is no single investigation support as a guiding principle in pedagogy,
exploring the association between peer because it has been found to enhance quality
attachment and academic procrastination in motivation, interest and successful learning,
undergraduate students, some of the existing more than control does. In this regard, much
findings may provide possible indications. consideration has been given to autonomy
For example, the positive association support but less attention has been oriented
between peer attachment and academic towards analyzing the influence of
adjustment in college students (Swenson et controlling behaviours, for example, on
al., 2008: Jin, Wang, and Lan 2019), psychological experiences of students.
suggesting that peer attachment may be
negatively associated with academic There is also a relation between students’
procrastination. procrastination and teachers especially to
their way of teaching or teaching styles. It is
Teacher Factor observed that higher levels of
procrastination are associated with teaching
Teacher factor refers to a factor that revolves behaviours such as intimidation and EPC
on the behaviour of the teachers towards (Codina, Valenzuela, Pestana , Conde ,
their students. This shows how teachers 2017). Therefore, if one teacher acts as a
manage students, interact with them, and negative model to the students, there is a big
treat them in school. This can affect the chance that the students will procrastinate.
emotional and psychological aspect of a This is also because of teacher’s different
student since many cases of procrastination demands to students and this will result to
can be linked to student-teacher procrastination.
misunderstanding and/or
miscommunication. Based on the table, it
can be observed that item number 4 Relationship between the Factors that
“Receives many school task over a short Influence Respondents’ Academic
period of time” preceded other statements Procrastination and Their Academic
with 3.20 weighted mean which interpreted Performance
as experienced. On the other hand, item
number 3 “Gets requested to do the teacher’s The relationship between the factors that
lesson plan, checking tests/quiz papers and influence respondents’ academic
etc.” obtained the lowest weighted mean of procrastination and their academic
2.17 which described as less experienced. performance is the comparison between the
Calculating the said data, the average two variables. It entails how academic
weighted mean resulted into 2.77 which
delineated as experienced.

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo

procrastination affects the academic (Lakshminarayan, N., Potdar, S., and Reddy,
performance among students. S., 2013).

Using the Spearman’s correlation coefficient Dilmac (2009), states that the
test assessing the relationship between Procrastination appears to be a troubling
procrastination and academic performance, phenomenon, people most strongly
it indicated that students who showed high characterized it as being bad, harmful, and
procrastination scores performed below foolish. Justifying this viewpoint, several
average in their academics studies have linked it to individual
(Lakshminarayan, N., Potdar, S., and Reddy, performance, with the procrastinator
S., 2013). In addition, analysis with the performing more poorly overall, and to
Mann-Whitney U test found a significant individual well-being, with the
difference in procrastination scores between procrastinator being more miserable in the
the two gender groups. Hence, individuals long term. At larger levels of analysis,
with above average and average academic Procrastination has been linked to several
performance had lower scores of organizational and societal issues.
procrastination and vice versa


Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo

Chen, B., Shi, Z., and Wang, Y. (2016). “Do Mahasneh, A., Bataineh, O., and Al-Zoubi,

Peers Matter? Resistance to Peer Z. (2016). “The Relationship

Influence as a Mediator between Academic

between Self- Esteem and Procrastination and Parenting Styles

Procrastination among among Jordanian Undergraduate

Undergraduates”. Retrieved from University Students”. Retrieved from


syg.2016.01529 Zakeri, H., Esfahani, B., and Razmjoee, M.

Lakshminarayan, N., Potdar, S., and Reddy, (2013). “Parenting Styles and

S. (2013). “Relationship between Academic Procrastination”.

Procrastination and Academic Retrieved from

Performance among a Group of

Undergraduate Dental ion/270849412

Students in India”. Retrieved from

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo

General Summary

Academic procrastination, is a behaviour that most Filipinos possess. It is a practice of cramming

and sometimes even leads to the failure of accomplishing tasks. It is more executed in saying
“Later” or “Tomorrow.” This behaviour can be traced back to the Spaniards who envaded our
country for about 300 years. Academic procrastination refers to enactment of putting off work to
be done in the near future when it can be done now, which is why we find ourselves working
until the last minute just so we can meet the deadline when we had more than enough time. We
are ought to bring this habit with us to the workplace or in school.

Academic procrastination can lead to poor time management. If students will not eradicate this
kind of habit, it will affect their work and academic performance and it may cause stress.

Academic procrastination is one of the big barriers in academic performance. It delays and
deprives the student’s performance that can cause failed grades. When the teacher will give a
particular task to do, they tend to be so relaxed because the deadline of passing those
requirements is still far approaching. When the deadline is near, that’s the time that they are
going to make those projects. There is a great possibility that they might not be able to comply
all those projects in time or worse, they will no longer do it for some teachers will no longer
accept late projects. Due to those matters, students may get lower grades and can probably fail in

As what other authors think about academic procrastination, we do agree on some points that
they had discussed for it really did happened before, now, and can still be a problem in the
future. It can affect many major aspects in life such as in workplace, productivity as a person,
efficiency in work, proficiency in terms of academics, and even the economic growth as a whole.
Thus, making it a major dilemma in which we, the researchers, hope to solve

Although some students would think academic procrastination as an advantage for they believe
that the more urgent the work is, the faster their brain would function, it could
still affect their productivity and efficiency as a person and this
could lead to even worse that the weight of this problem is heavy in
situations in the future, which everyone must not compromise. Thus,
especially in work. conducting this study is a must in order to
Moreover, not all people had find solutions and be able to help students
the capability to think faster on the said problem.
in a cramming state. The researchers believe

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo

Based on the conclusions from chapters 2 students, do not realize what would be the
and 3, family and teacher factor had a great possible consequences of their delayed
bearing among students’ academic works. In result to this, students will have
procrastination than peer factor, and low or even failing grades. Failing is the
academic procrastination has a correlation to very root effect of academic procrastination
academic performance. Family instances among students since it is the most common
like, parenting styles, conflicts and other concern of the people in their environment.
aspects, could affect the behaviour of their In addition, failure in recognizing that
children which would result to performing academic procrastination is not a good
negative actions like academic lifestyle will lead to low productivity in the
procrastination. Parents who are less future.
demanding tend students to be more
responsible and vice versa. Teachers could In accordance with this study’s null
also influence students’ academic hypothesis, an article says that
procrastination depending on their teaching procrastination is not linked to different
styles and how they establish control and parental approaches but rather is natural
development among their students. occurring in a certain individual. The article
Academic performance could be affected mentions some causes which are the
depending on the different levels of following lack of motivation, no self-
procrastination. Using the Spearman’s confidence, fear of failure, lack of
correlation coefficient test assessing the understanding, trouble concentrating,
relationship between procrastination and perfectionism, low-energy level, poor
academic performance, it indicated that organization skills (Oxford Learning, 2017).
students who showed high procrastination
scores performed below average in their An article states that most students that are
academics (Lakshminarayan, N., Potdar, S., prone to serious procrastination problem are
and Reddy, S., 2013). In addition, analysis children who grew up with unusual high
with the Mann-Whitney U test found a expectations placed on them. Their older
significant difference in procrastination siblings may have been high achievers,
scores between the two gender groups. leaving big shoes to fill, or they may have
Hence, individuals with above average and had neurotic and inhuman expectations of
average academic performance had lower their own, or else they exhibited exceptional
scores of procrastination and vice versa talents early on, and thereafter “average”
(Lakshminarayan, N., Potdar, S., and Reddy, performances were met with concert and
S., 2013). suspicion from parents and teachers (Cain,
D., 2013).
The influence of people is one of the major
antecedents in doing academic In the study of Zakeri, H., Esfahani, B.,
procrastination. According to the article Razmjoee, M., (2013), they examined the
Poor Study Habits: Hindrance to Academic relationship between the parenting styles and
Excellence of Bagalayos, Bajar, and academic procrastination. Three hundred
Escasinas(2015), it had been generation by ninety-five (365) Shiraz University students
generation that young adults perform (261 feminine and 134 masculine) were
academic procrastination despite of knowing participants of the study. Steinberg’s
its very root effect. Most people, especially Parenting Style Scale (2005) and Academic

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo

Procrastination Scale (1984) were used as article “The Teacher Effect: How Teachers
measures of the study. Simultaneous Can Impact Education Policies and
multiple regression of academic Initiatives” (Pearson, M., 2018).
procrastination total score on the parenting
styles subscales, revealed that negative Philippine Education System has focused
predictor of the academic procrastination, much of its protection and education work
whereas the “behavioral strictness- on physical and psychological punishment in
supervision” style had a significant predict and around schools. Singling out
power for the academic procrastination. punishment issues from its context of
effective teaching and classroom
It has been known for decades that teachers management may have resulted in less
can have a profound effect on the students impact than expected. Department of
they teach. Education policies can make a Education and teachers have struggled with
significant difference in a teacher’s work, the impose adds on such as positive
which in turn affects their students. When discipline, inclusive education, child
expert teachers are actively engaged in the friendly school, peace and human rights
development of education policy and education and others, to their already
initiatives, achieving the intended outcomes overloaded programs. Though all are
and avoiding unintended consequences is important, these have seldom based on
more likely. As a teacher, your voice is existing pre-service and in-service teacher
absolutely critical to policy conversations, education and have most of the time been
whether that’s within your community or on developed and delivered through stand-
a broader scope. When it comes to designing alone manuals, toolkits and workshops. To
policies related to teaching and learning, develop such a learning environment
Brandi Hinnant-Crawford, PhD, states that education officials, school administrators,
ignoring teachers’ voices and expertise is “a teachers, students, parents as well as Parent
recipe for disaster”. So here are some ways Teacher Associations (PTA) need to reflect
you can get involved on a local, state, and on quality issues (Sun Star Pampanga,
national level. This is according to the 2017).


Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo

Bagalayos, G., Bajar, M., Escasinas, I. Students in India”. Retrieved from

(2015). “Poor Study Habits:

Hindrance to Academic Excellence”. Oxford Learning (2017). “Why Do Students

Retrieved from Procrastinate?”. Retrieved from

Cain, D. (2013). “Procrastination is Not

Laziness”. Retrieved from Zakeri, H., Esfahani, B., and Razmjoee, M. (2013). “Parenting Styles and

Lakshminarayan, N., Potdar, S., and Reddy, Academic Procrastination”.

S. (2013). “Relationship between Retrieved from

Procrastination and Academic

Performance among a Group of ion/270849412

Undergraduate Dental

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo


Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo


The method employed in this study is quantitative/descriptive survey method. Its purpose
is to guide and help the respondents sort out the different influencing factors of academic
procrastination among students. It is the task of the researchers to focus the line of survey
questions directly on research related matters being studied upon. The first part of the
questionnaire consists the demographic profile of the respondents and the second part are
questions related to the given influencing factors of academic procrastination namely: a.)
family b.) peers c.)teacher.
A. Research Preparation

a. The researchers will introduce themselves and explain the possible survey
activities. They explain the nature of the research project. They personally
approach the respondent in a decent manner.
b. The distribution of questionnaires among respondents were scheduled. The
researchers’ quota per day was ten (10) respondents which is why the gathering of
data lasts for more than a week because the total number of respondents that the
researchers must reach was sixty (60).
c. In case the respondents doesn’t have any writing tool to answer the questionnaire,
the researchers are always ready to provide the said necessity.
d. The researchers will approach the selected respondents on their vacant time to
avoid distraction among them.

B. Survey Proper

a. The respondents must be in a good ambience and well ventilated room/place to

ensure proper answering of questions and to establish focus on the given
b. The respondents will then give the questionnaire to the respondents and ask for
answering it with full dedication.
c. The respondents will take a promise to keep the information confidentially with
regards to the respondents’ answers and their profile.

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo


d. The researchers will guide the respondents for security and must always be open
with some questions and clarifications.
e. After the questionnaire is thoroughly answered, the researchers will collect the
papers and then guide the respondents back to their classrooms.

C. Paper Work and Follow up

a. After getting all the answered questionnaires, the respondents will now tally all
the answers in each question carefully.
b. Tallies what is truly answered in the questionnaire. Does not edit or reciprocate
any of the answers of the respondents.
c. Keeps all the answered questionnaires for future references and in case of

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo


Republic of the Philippines

The Premier University in Zamboanga Del Norte
Dipolog Campus, Dipolog City



Part I Respondent’s Profile

Direction: Put check mark (/)that corresponds to your profile
1. Name (Optional) _____________________________________
2. Age: 3.Gender:
( ) 16 ( ) Male
( ) 17 ( ) Female
( ) 18 ( ) LGBTQIA
( ) 19 and above
3. Parents’ Occupation:
4. Parents’ Highest Educational Attainment
( ) Master’s Degree Holder
( ) Degree Holder
( ) College Graduate
( ) High School Graduate
( ) Elementary Graduate
( ) Illiterate

Part II: Influencing Factors Among Students

Direction: Rate the following activities using the scale below. Put a check mark ( / ) on the
corresponding number.
Scale Description Interpretation
5 VME Very Much Experience
4 ME Much Experience

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo


3 E Experience
2 LE Less Experience
1 NE Never Experience
Family Factor 5 4 3 2 1
1.) Gets ordered by parents to do many household chores.
2.)Receives inadequate money to buy school materials by
3.) Gets distracted by sibling/s when doing homework.
4.) Gets scolded by parents.
5.) Quarrels among parents.
6.) Bonds with family a lot.
7.) Gets motivated by parents to not to go to school.
8.) Hurt by parents and/or siblings physically.
9.) Encounters unsolved family problems.
10.) Gets compromised by parents due to busyness and
doesn't have time to monitor.

Peer Factor 5 4 3 2 1
1.) Gets distracted by peers during class discussion.
2.) Told by peers to not pass requirements.
3.) Pass requirements along with peers.
4.) Told by peers to skip class.
5.) Joins in the use of alcohol, cigarettes, and other
distractions that may affect academic performance.
6.) Gets threatened and bullied.
7.)Gets ordered to do peer's assignment, project and etc.
8.) Experiences heartbreak.
9.) Joins peers in using gadgets (for game purposes) during
class activity and project making.
10.) Experiences quarrel with friends.

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo


Teacher Factor 5 4 3 2 1
1.) Gets afraid because of the teacher's aura during class.
2.)Gets threatened by to have failing grades
3.) Gets requested to do the teacher's lesson plan, checking
tests/quiz papers and etc.
4.) Receives many school tasks over a short period of time.
5.)Holds a grudge towards the teacher for personal reasons
6.) Finds class discussion and activities boring.
7.) Finds the teacher boring.
8.)Gets angry when always monitored by the teacher
9.) Gets scolded by the teacher because of mistakes during
activities like oral presentation, project making and etc.
10.) Gets influenced by the attitude/doings of the teacher

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo


Republic of the Philippines

The Premier University in Zamboanga Del Norte
Dipolog Campus, Dipolog City

April 9, 2019

Dear Respondents,


We, the researchers, would like to gather data on our thesis study entitled, “Academic
Procrastination: the Influencing Factors Among Students”, as one of our requirements in the
subject AS 103.

We would like to ask your cooperation and patience in answering our questionnaire for the
purpose of gathering data with you for the said study.

Thank you and God bless.

Respectfully yours,

The Researchers

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo

Glossary of Terms

Academic Performance This refers to how one performs in school course like social
studies, english, and math. People consider their grade first
when evaluating academic achievement, and it is
the extent to which student, teacher or institution has
achieved their short or long term educational goals.

Habit This refers to a settled or regular tendency or practice,

especially those which students find it hard to give
up.It is a behavior of a person which they commonly do in
their daily life. Sometimes without knowing that they are
doing it.

Factors Influencing Academic

Procrastination This refers to something that actively contributes to the
procrastination of the students and is important to
produce or influence a result. These are things that
will affect and influence their studies. It is hard to
take away these traits beacause since birth, it is already
running through their blood.

Family Factor This refers to the influence of the family in doing academic
procrastination of the students. It is the most common
origin in doing procrastination since they can be
found at home. This factor includes how parents
discipline their children or how they raised them.

Academic Procrastination This refers to a kind of habit that encourages delaying a

certain work or duty more likely in school. It is one
of the most negative traits of some students.

Grades This refers to a particular rate or rank that measures a

student proficiency. It is a mark indicating the
quality of students work. This is the biggest factor that
could be influenced in doing procrastination.

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo

Peer Factor This refers to a factor which can be found in the

respondents’ peers, either friends, classmates and or
acquaintances. This factor is the most common
motivator of procrastination since students interact
more in school. This influences the students’
decision in doing school works since they will be
influenced by their peers.

Performance This refers to the accomplishment of a given task measured

against preset known standards of accuracy, completeness,
cost and speed.

School Tasks This refers to the activities done by students to comply a

certain output. These are the works most students
neglect or do later because of academic procrastination,that
could affect their academic performance.

Teacher Factor This refers to a factor that revolves on the behavior of the
teachers towards their students. This shows how
teachers manage students, interact with them, and
treat them in school. This can affect the emotional and
psychological aspect of a student since many cases of
procrastination can be linked to student-teacher
misunderstanding and/or miscommunication.

Time Management This refers to the process of planning and exercising

conscious control of time spend on specific
activities, especially to increase effectiveness,
efficiency, and productivity among students.
It enables one to work smarter and is an effective
way to avoid academic procrastination.

Academic Procrastination: The Influencing Factors among Students

Baliling, Cabanlit, Luce, Nacua, Paalisbo

Words of Gratitude

Life’s full of hardships for without these, the life given is not worth living. Chances of
losing may disappoint one’s perception but not the willingness to endure. We, the
researchers, wish to express our sincerest gratitude and appreciation wholeheartedly to
the following persons who gave their valuable assistance and encouragement for the
completion of this research.
To the sixty (60) Grade 12 Senior High School students of Jose Rizal Memorial State
University Dipolog Campus who serve as our respondents, thank you for helping us in
gathering the data.
To our parents, for their immeasurable love, care and patience in supporting us morally
and financially in making this research a success.
To our adviser in this research subject, Ms. Elloisa D. Bejerano, for her advices,
supervision, and guidance to facilitate for the completion of this research paper.
Above all, we thank the Lord, Heavenly Father for His great love and mercy that He
poured upon us and the spiritual guidance that had kept us strong in facing the entire
obstacle which we encountered when doing this research.
May this finish project be a good asset to education, so that our efforts and help given
would be beneficial and fruitful.

The Researchers,
Aizel M. Baliling
Reymart M. Cabanlit
Mel Altor A. Luce
Jasper John C. Nacua
Jaypee Paalisbo

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