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 Student name: Miss Ravina patel

 Name of the course: First year Msc. (N)
 Name of the subject: Midwifery and obstetric nursing
 Name of the unit: 3
 Name of the topic: Postnatal assessment
 Class: second year ANM
 Size of the class: 30
 Date and time: 28th may, 2019
 Vanue: Alka hospital, postnatal ward
 Method of teching: demonstration
 Media of teaching: Demonstration
 Name of evaluator: Miss Payal Patel
 Designation: Assistant professor, NCN, visnagar
 Previous knowledge of level: The students have previous knowledge about
the Postnatal assessment.
 Central objective:
 At the end of this topic student will be understand about the Postnatal

 Specific objective:
 To explain about the introduction of the Postnatal assessment
 To explain about the definition of the Postnatal assessment
 To demonstrate the Postnatal assessment
1 2 explain the Discuss the Answer the What is the
BUBBLE-HE is a acronym used to denote the
minute introduction of introduction teacher postnatal
components of the postpartum maternal
the postnatal. about the question. assessment?
nursing assessment. This method enhances
the standard physical assessment process
assessment. Listen the
typically performed on hospitalized patients
by the RN, such as those on a Medical-
Surgical floor. For stable patients, vital signs
are taken every 15 minutes during the first
hour following delivery and then gradually
less frequently. While performing the
BUBBLE-HE, the RN often uses the
assessment time to provide for patient

2 15 explain the THE BUBBLE-HE : How to perform

minute postnatal  B: Breast Explain the Listen the postnatal
assessment.  U: Uterus Postnatal explaination. assessment?
 B: Bladder Takes down
 B: Bowels the notes.

 L: Lochia
 H: Homan’s
 E: Episiotomy and perineum

B: Breast

Breast Assessment:
 Assessment include evaluating the
breast in the postpartum period
 The first step is to determine if the
new mamma is breastfeeding or
bottle-feeding: This will guide the
assessment along with patient

Breast Evaluation
 Size
 Shape
 Firmness
 Redness
 Symmetry

U: Uterus
Fundus: firm or boggy- make a “C-shape”
with your hand and push up on the lower
fundus; if it’s not stabilized, the uterus can
prolapse, or fall into the vagina. Massage
of not firm- secure lower uterine segment.
The concern is for hemorrhage; the
primary causes are a distended bladder
(uterus can’t contract or uterine atony,
or failure to contract fully) and
retrained placental fragments (usually a
later cause)
1. Fundal Height: where is it in relation to
the umbilicus? “U/U” or “At the U” (1/U =
1 cm above the umbilicus)- drops one
centimeter or finger width. The
position drops one centimeter every 24
hours for 10 days postpartum

B: Bladder

Bladder Assessment:
 Ask mom when she last voided
 Establish a Voiding Schedule to prevent
bladder distension and urinary stasis
 Encourage mom to urinate every time
before she feed baby (as they may fall

B: Bowels

Bowels Assessment:
 Bowels in shock- just moved into some
strange positions.
 Take a stool softener- don’t want
ripping or the episiotomy or trauma
to the C-section incision
L: Lochia

Lochia Assessment:
 Assess the color, odor, and amount
 The lochia color should forward in the
progression of lightness, never go

Lochia Color:
 Lochia Rubra: bright red, may have small
clots, usually lasts 3 days
 Lochia Serosa: pink, serous, other tissues
 Lochia Alba: tissue, whitish

Lochia Odor:
 lochia should have “no odor” or “no foul
 Real world: virtually all lochia has an
unpleasant or at least a neutral odor
associated with it and moms may be
quick to describe it as “foul”
 It’s important for the nurse to assess
the odor to eliminate subjective
patient description of the scent
 A truly foul odor or a change in odor may
be a sign of infection

Lochia Amount:
 Scant = 2.5 centimeters saturation *

 Light = < 10 centimeters saturation

Moderate = > 10 centimeters saturation
 Heavy = pad is completely saturated
within 2 hours
 Postpartum hemorrhage is clinically
defined as a pad saturated within 15-30

E: Episiotomy and Perineum

REEDA Assessment:
 R: Redness
 E: edema
 E: ecchymosis
 D: discharge
 A: approximation

H: Homan’s Sign

Assess for Signs of DVT by the Homan’s

 A positive Homan’s sign is
indicative of DVT, although it’s
not the most reliable indicator
 All of the characteristic changes to
maternal clotting factors are higher
than any other point as the body
prepares for labor
 Combine this with being in bed, especially
if mom underwent a C-section, and it’s
to see why the postpartum woman is at
such a huge risk for DVT!

Performing the Homan’s Test:

 Most commonly performed with the mom
in a supine position while laying in bed
 The calf is flexed at a 90° angle
 The nurse manipulates the foot in a
dorsiflexion movement
 If pain is felt in the calf, the Homan’s Sign is
said to be positive

E: Emotional Status

Emotional Status and Bonding Patterns:

 Fluctuations in estrogen levels are
blamed for the emotional roller-
coaster that many moms
experience after birth
 High levels of stress, increased
responsibility, and sleep deprivation
exacerbate this
 Bonding refers to the interactions
between the mamma and baby
Caregiving of self and baby is an indicator of
emotional status
1. Annamma Jocob. A Comprehensive Textbook Of Midwifery And Gynecological
Nursing: Postnatal Assessment. Fourth Edition. New Delhi: Jaypee Brother
Medical Publisher (P) Ltd; 2015. Pp (156-157)
2. BT Basavanthappa. Essential Of Midwifery And Obstetrical Nursing: Postnatal
Assessment. First Edition. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publisher (P) Ltd;
2011. Pp (206-207)
3. D.C. Dutta’s. Text Book Of Obstetrics: Postnatal Assessment. Seventh Edition.
New Delhi: New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd; 2010. Pp (153-154)
4. Dr. Shally Magon. Sanju Sira. Textbook Of Midwifery And Obstetrical Nursing:
Postnatal Assessment. Third Edition. New Delhi: Lotus Publisher; 2013. Pp (333)
5. Myles. Text Book For Midwives: Postnatal Assessment. Fifth Edition. UK:
Churchill Livingstone Elsevier; 1964. Pp (176-177)
6. Nima Baskar. Midwifery And Obstetrical Nursing: Postnatal Assessment. Seventh
Edition. Bangalore: EMMESS Medical Publisher; 2015. Pp (252-254)

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