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JMSCR Vol||05||Issue||09||Page 28201-28203||September 2017
Impact Factor 5.84
Index Copernicus Value: 71.58
ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450

Tongue Crenation (Scalloped Tongue) – Case Report

Khurshid A Mattoo1*
*Assistant Professor, Department of Prosthetic Dental Sciences, College of Dentistry,
Jazan University, (KSA)
* Corresponding Author
Email: [email protected]

Multifunctional organ like tongue is an important indicator of underlying systemic diseases. However,
sometimes under physiological influences, the tongue alters in its shape and size and appears clinically same as
it appears under pathological state. An elderly male patient reported for replacement of missing natural teeth.
Medical, dental, drug and psychosocial history were insignificant. The tongue had multiple indentations that
conformed to the pattern of the surrounding teeth. A cast partial denture was indicated for both maxillary and
mandibular arch. Factors leading to overgrowth of the tongue under physiological influences are discussed.
Keywords: lingua indentation, crenelation, amyloidosis, macroglossia, phonetics.

Introduction peripheral vascular diseases (diabetes, systemic

The tongue is a highly mobile, basically muscular lupus erythematosus), drugs (cyclosporine,
organ whose functions includes speech, mastication, antibiotics) and various premalignant lesions,
swallowing, taste, expression, reflects the systemic conditions and benign and malignant tumors. 7,8
status and helps with the dentogenesis and stability Physiological condition as a result of form versus
of the dental arches. The tongue is divided by a function takes the form of crenated tongue (crena –
median septum (fibrous) into two halves and each notch latin). Also called lingua indentata, pie crust
half contains intrinsic and extrinsic muscle groups. tongue, scalloped or crenulated tongue, the
The form or shape of the tongue within any condition is a description of a tongue form whereby
organism is correlated to the function of the tongue. indentations occur laterally due to compression
Abnormalities of tongue include primarily due to against the adjacent teeth. This article presents a
developmental or functional disturbances like case of a scalloped tongue which resulted due to
macroglossia, microglossia, fissured tongue, absence of multiple teeth, wherein the tongue
ankyloglossia, aglossia and bifid tongue. encroached into edentulous spaces thus creating the
Abnormalities secondary to systemic disorders are indentations, and has rarely been reported in the
numerous and include conditions like scarlet fever, literature
syphilis, tuberculosis, candidiasis, amylodoisis,
blastomycosis, vitamin and mineral deficiencies,
Khurshid A Mattoo Volume 05 Issue 09 September 2017 Page 28201
JMSCR Vol||05||Issue||09||Page 28201-28203||September 2017
Case Report denture with surveyed crowns. The patient refused
An elderly male in his fifties reported to the both treatments because of the time associated with
department of Prosthodontics for replacement of such fabrication.
missing natural teeth. The patient was a laborer by
occupation and reported no medical problems. The
patient had never been to any dentist while he used
to get his teeth extracted by quacks. No evidence of
developmental problems or any clinical feature that
would indicate hormonal, infectious or neoplastic
underlying problem. Extra oral examination
revealed normal features of salivary gland, lymph
nodes, facial features and temperomandibular joint.
Intra orally the clinical features included
generalized periodontitis, staining, plaque and
calculus in relation to mandibular anterior teeth.
Maxillary arch presented a Kennedy class 2 Figure 1: (a) Frontal view (b) Side view
modification 1 while mandibular arch presented a demonstrating largest portion of enlarged tongue
Kennedy class 3 modification 2 partial edentulous (c) Superior view (note relationship of scalloping
space (Fig.1 a). A striking feature of intra oral pattern with teeth
examination was the patient's tongue which was
irregularly crenulated following exactly the pattern Discussion
of partial edentulous mandibular spaces (Fig. 1b). Various terms of crenated tongue signify a common
The tongue was enlarged on the right side while clinical, physiologic normal condition of the tongue
loosing the border definition on the same side. Due which is not a disease of any form, but results from
to enlargement of the tongue on the right side, it a combination of factors which are size of the
appeared scalloped with grooves and fissures which tongue, status of the existing dentition and the
exactly corresponded to the impressions of the pressure applied on the tongue by the surrounding
natural teeth (Fig1. c). The enlarged portion was teeth. Enlarged tongue, or macroglossia can be
more pronounced between mandibular premolar and developed or can be due to systemic conditions like
molar on the right side. The mucosa over the tongue hypothyroidism, sarcoidosis, amyloidosis etc. in
as well as lateral border presented a normal clinical such cases, diagnosis is achieved by underlying
picture with no evidence of oedematous, inflame- history and varying clinical picture of the tongue.
matory, fibrous or neoplastic changes. Patients Obstructive sleep apnea being an exception in
pronunciation was although affected, especially the which tongue scalloping is present without evident
linguo dental sounds while there was some macroglossia. 9 Presence of teeth is an essential
difficulty in understanding speech that were linguo element of causing the crenation of the tongue.
palatal in expression. When a person is completely edentulous, then the
Some of the remaining teeth exhibited wear while tongue is less likely to possess fissures or crenulated
maxillary posterior teeth exhibited a normal cuspal appearance which is why, in such cases,
inclination. The patient was referred to department enlargement of the tongue should be thoroughly
of oral medicine and diagnosis for screening of associated for detection of underlying disease. In
underlying systemic diseases which was not found this case the patient had Kennedy class 3 partial
to exist. Various treatment options advised to the edentulous situation in both arches. The crenulation
patient included cast partial denture while of the tongue conformed exactly to the relation
mandibular dentition was advised for cast partial between the teeth and the edentulous spaces. The
Khurshid A Mattoo Volume 05 Issue 09 September 2017 Page 28202
JMSCR Vol||05||Issue||09||Page 28201-28203||September 2017
tongue was more enlarged on the right side between 6. Reamy BV, Derby R, Bunt CW. Common
the first premolar and the last molar. Sequence of tongue conditions in primary care. Am Fam
loss of teeth in that region was earlier than the rest Physician. 2010;81(5):627–34.
of the teeth, which were approximately more than 7. Bhalavat RI, Mahantshetty UM, Tole S,
five years. Longstanding, non replacement of teeth, Jamema SV. Treatment outcome with low-
thus allows the tongue to grow in the edentulous dose-rate interstitialbrachytherapy in early-
space resulting in deepening of scalloping. This stage oral tongue cancers. J Cancer Res
should not be seen as scalloping that is caused under Ther. 2009; 5(3):192-7.
normal circumstance which is associated with 8. Sessions DG, Spector GJ, Lenox J, Haughey
parafunctional habits like bruxism or any related B, Chao C, Marks J. Analysis of Treatment
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Conclusion 9. Weiss TM, Atanasov S, Calhoun KH. The
Crenation of the tongue can be either physiological association of tongue scalloping with
in nature or due to underlying systemic disease. obstructive sleep apnea and related sleep
Careful history and clinical examination should be pathology. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg.
first done to differentiate between a physiological 2005;133(6):966–71
and pathological state. Once a normal variation is
ruled out, only then further diagnostic testings
should be focused.

The authors would like to acknowledge the
cooperation provided by the staff of the department
of oral medicine and diagnosis.

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Khurshid A Mattoo Volume 05 Issue 09 September 2017 Page 28203

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