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International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

Volume: 03, Issue No: 01, January 2017

ISSN: 2455-3778

Optimization of Steam Consumption in Turbine

with Energy Auditing
Ch. Ramesh1 | P Siva VNB Gupta2 | Dr.T. Jayananda Kumar3
1PG Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Godavari Institute of Engineering and Technology, Rajahmundry,
Andhra Pradesh, India.
2Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Godavari Institute of Engineering and Technology,

Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh, India.

3Professor and HOD, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Godavari Institute of Engineering and Technology,

Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh, India.

To Cite this Article

Ch. Ramesh, P Siva VNB Gupta and Dr.T. Jayananda Kumar, “Optimization of Steam Consumption in Turbine with Energy
Auditing”, International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 03, Issue 01, 2017, pp. 38-46.

In steam power plants the power is generated using the heated steam within the turbine. The power is
generated in mega watts. Steam is generated using Coal as a fossil fuel. Steam turbines operate at low
efficiency. All the super heat energy in steam is converted into work leaves the Turbine with high available
energy. As most part of the heat in steam is not recovered to improve the efficiency of the cycle, regenerative
feed water heaters are provided which utilize the total steam energy (including later heat) of the bleed Steam.
Energy audit plays an important role in identifying energy conservation opportunities in the industrial
sector, while they do not provide the final answer to the problem; they do help to identify potential for energy
conservation and induces the companies to concentrate their efforts in this area in a focused manner. An
effort is made in this work for developing methodology of energy audit in thermal power plant on system
based. The paper shows all the performance equation of component involves in the thermal power plant
according to the system base.
Condensers are cleaned with acid to remove scales and sludge to produce vacuum. This help the reduce
the steam consumption in turbine. An analysis is carried out to calculate steam consumption in 4 turbine
generators and cooling water flow in condenser this will enhance the efficiency of condenser.

KEYWORDS: Stream power plant, Cooling water pump, Air pre-heaters, condenser, economizer, high
pressure and Pulverizer etc.

Copyright © 2017 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology
All rights reserved.

consumption and efficiency. This paper contain the

I. LITERATURE SURVEY effect of operating condition of turbine back
In Steam Power plants the steam conditions are pressure turbine inlet steam temperature and
major factors for power generation. The [10]Pof Dev advantage of improving inlet steam temperature by
Kumar Patel optimising process operating reheat cycle on the efficiency of steam turbine
conditions can considerably improve turbine water and total energy production of power plant.
rate, which in turn will significantly reduce energy The [11]Prof Iran Sunit was done the power output
requirement. Various operating parameters affect of turbine , thermal efficiency and specific steam
condensing and back pressure turbine steam consumption in conventional steam power plants.
Three cycles i.e regenerative cycle, super heater

38 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

Ch. Ramesh, P Siva VNB Gupta and Dr.T. Jayananda Kumar : Optimization of Steam Consumption in Turbine with Energy
cycle and cogeneration cycle are considered to in a plenty in the region, then the source is an open
formulate the data and obtain a better result in pond or river. s
steam turbine power plants. 2) Boiler heating: The boiler is heated with the
As per the study carried out by [11]M. J. Poddar help of oil, coal or natural gas. Furnace is used to
and Mrs. A.C.Birajdar, the share of energy costs in heat the fuel and supply the heat produced to the
total production costs can get improves profit levels boiler. The increase in temperature helps in the
in all the industries. It can be achieved by transformation of water into steam
improving the efficiency of industrial operations 3) Steam Turbine: The steam generated in the
and equipments. Energy audit plays an important boiler is sent through a steam turbine. The turbine
role in identifying energy conservation has blades that rotate when high velocity steam
opportunities in the industrial sector, while they do flows across them. This rotation of turbine blades
not provide the final answer to the problem, they do is used to generate electricity.
help to identify potential for energy conservation 4) Generator: A generator is connected to the
and induces the companies to concentrate their steam turbine. When the turbine rotates, the
efforts in this area in a focused manner. generator produces electricity which is then passed
The study carried out by [2]Ch.Kiran kun and on to the power distribution systems.
G.Srinivasa Rao performance analysis from the 5) Special mountings: There is some other
energy audit will shown the clear and need of equipment like the economizer and air pre-heater.
energy audit in a steam power plants. From the An economizer uses the heat from the exhaust
energy audit we can get improve the performance gases to heat the feed water. An air pre-heater
heats the air sent into the combustion chamber to
II. INTRODUCTION improve the efficiency of the combustion process.
Power plants are where power is produced such 6) Ash collection system: There is a separate
as in the electricity generating stations and jet residue and ash collection system in place to
engines. The workings of these power plants are collect all the waste materials from the combustion
based on the turbine used. Steam has been a process and to prevent them from escaping into the
popular mode of conveying energy since the atmosphere.
industrial revolution.Steam power plants play a
key role in electric power generation. Therefore the BOILER:
Rankine steam power cycle is one of the most Now that pulverized coal is put in boiler furnace.
important cyclic processes used in industry. Boiler is an enclosed vessel in which water is
heated and circulated until the water is turned in
1.2 Operation: to steam at the required pressure. Coal is burned
inside the combustion chamber of boiler. The
Power plants are one of the main sources of products of combustion are nothing but gases.
electricity in both industrialized and developing These gases which are at high temperature
countries. These plants have drawn flak on vaporize the water inside the boiler to steam.
consumption of non-renewable sources of energy
at a rapid rate and also since they release huge
amounts of greenhouse gases into the
Functioning of thermal power plant:
In a thermal power plant one of coal, oil or
natural gas is used to heat the boiler to convert the
water into steam. The steam is used to turn a
turbine, which is connected to a generator. When
the turbine turns, electricity is generated and given
as output by the generator, which is then supplied
to the consumers through high-voltage power
Detailed process of power generation in a
thermal power plant:
1) Water intake: Firstly, water is taken into the
boiler through a water source. If water is available

39 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

Ch. Ramesh, P Siva VNB Gupta and Dr.T. Jayananda Kumar : Optimization of Steam Consumption in Turbine with Energy
WATER TUBE BOILERS: extracting heat flue gases are passed to
electrostatic precipitator.
In these boilers water is inside the tubes and hot
gases are outside the tubes. This water circulates
through the tubes connected external to drums.
Hot gases which surround these tubes will convert
the water in tubes in to steam. As the movement of
water in the water tubes is high, so rate of heat
transfer also becomes high resulting in greater
efficiency. They produce high pressure, easily
accessible and can respond quickly to changes in
steam demand.. Large heating surfaces can be
obtained by use of large number of tubes. We can
attain pressure as high as 125 kg/sq cm and
temperatures from 315 to 575 centigrade.


Power plant furnaces may have a re-heater

section containing tubes heated by hot flue gases
outside the tubes. Exhaust steam from the high
pressure turbine is rerouted to go inside the
re-heater tubes to pickup more energy to go drive
intermediate or lower pressure turbines. This is
AIR PRE HEATER: what is called as thermal power.

The remaining heat of flue gases is utilized by air

pre heater. It is a device used in steam boilers to
transfer heat from the flue gases to the combustion
air before the air enters the furnace. Also known as
air heater or air heating system. It is not shown in
the lay out. But it is kept at a place nearby where
the air enters in to the boiler.

The purpose of the air pre heater is to recover the

heat from the flue gas from the boiler to improve
boiler efficiency by burning warm air which
increases combustion efficiency, and reducing
useful heat lost from the flue. As a consequence,
the gases are also sent to the chimney or stack at a
lower temperature, allowing simplified design stack
(to meet emissions regulations, for example).After

40 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

Ch. Ramesh, P Siva VNB Gupta and Dr.T. Jayananda Kumar : Optimization of Steam Consumption in Turbine with Energy
III. ANALYSIS OF HP HEATERS TUR Extraction ¾ Pr. 12.89Kg
TURBO GENERATOR - 1 LOG SHEET: Steam flow from MS HDF 283.3 T/hr

Turbine Speed 2987 Rpm TUR casing Temp ---

CW-Part Cond I/L 1.991 2.576 Piston 367.5 deg.
Kg/C Kg/C
Exhaust steam temp. 74.34 deg.
CW Temp at Cond I/1 L/R 35.77 35.73
Deg. Deg. Load 40
CW Temp at Cond O/L L/R 45.04 41.46
Speed 2982
Deg. Deg.
R-W Temp at HPH 3/4 0/L 174.5 215.2 MS Pr. 188.1
Deg. Deg.
R-W Flow Through heat 281.8 T/Hr. MS temp. 529.9
MS flow 283.4
Condenser Vacuum -0.59 T/Hr.
1st Pr. 66.2
Main Steam Temp 521.4
HP oil Pr. 138.0
CEP DICSH Flow 74.52 T/Hr.
LB oil Pr. 2.7
Temp Turbine Exhaust 72.52 Deg.
BX Steam temp. 73.8
Vibration TURB 20.23 49.98
-FRONT-V/H U/M U/M CEP Pr. 18.9
Vibration TURB -REAR-V/H 53.88 23.82 CEP flow 76.8
Vibration GEN FRONT- v/H 75.33 117.1 Vacuum -0.593
Vibration GEN -REAR-V/H 27.27 30.73 Calculation of Turbine Heat Rate:
Main Steam Pressure 90.5Kg/cm2
TURB-FRONT-V/H(Housing) 8.674 IJ/M
TURB-REAR-V/H(Housing) 8.900 U/M Main Steam Temp. 5280c

GEN-FRONT-V/H(Housing) 25.02 U/M Main Steam Flow 238.8T/hr.

VIBR 10.59 U/M Condenser power 55MW

GEN-REAR-V/H(Housing) generation
Axial Displacement -0.19 MM CEP flow 200-210 T/hr.

Casing Expansion 17.6 MM Average flow 205 T/hr.

Differential Expansion -0.27 U/M Vacuum -0.89
TUR THRUST BRG 59.01 85.86
Exhaust temp. 510c
Temp(1&2) Deg. Deg.
TUR THRUST BRG 54.40 54.23 Cooling water temp. L=33.4/44.3 ,
Temp(3&4) Deg. Deg. L=34.4/43.7
TUR JOURNAL BRG 57.33 78.48 Feed water flow 218-225 T/hr.
Temp(FS) Deg. Deg.
GEN JOURNAL BRG 69.25 82.15 AVG flow 2.22 T/hr.
Temp(FS) Deg. Deg.
Lo Temp At Oil Cooler O/P 48.51 Deg. HPH3 1140C

Power Actual Va/M 39.99 MVV H3, H4 1170C, 2300C

Gland Steam Temp 182.1Kg

Gland Steam Pressure -250 MB EXTRACTION STEAM:

HPH4 26.2 kg/cm2 (OV 24.5 Kg
Lube Oil Header Pressure 2.702 Kg
381.40C (3880C)
Governing Oil Header 138.0 Kg HPH3 11.4 Kg/cm3
Pressure 289.30C (3200C)
Main Steam Pressure 88.15 Kg
HPH2 1.09Kg/cm2`
Turbine Frist Steam 66.22 Kg 3580C
Pressure LPH1 -0.05 kg/cm2

41 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

Ch. Ramesh, P Siva VNB Gupta and Dr.T. Jayananda Kumar : Optimization of Steam Consumption in Turbine with Energy
Extraction at LPH2
CONDENSER TEMP: Extraction at LPH1
CPHI inlet 60.20C 205(90-60.2) = 9(113-90)+M(637.1-90)
CPHI outlet 900C M=10.8 T/hr

Extraction at HPH4

Extraction at LPH1


Saturation temp. at 2.6 kg/cm2=2880C The data from the boiler heat heat in[put when
Extraction at HPH4 both are in service
Extraction at HPH3 Temperature of feed water inlet of boiler = 232.80C
Enthalpy of feed water at inlet to boiler =
Temperature of steam at outlet boiler = 530.150C
Enthalpy of superheated steam = 3457.31KJ/Kg

Increase of enthalpy in boiler(heat addition) =

3457.31-1003.46 =2453.85kJ/Kg

Efficiency of boiler(ƞ) =0.83(Assumed)

Heat input to boiler = ΔH/ƞ=2453.85/0.83

= 2956.44kJ/Kg

Steam flow rate for 67.79 MW of power =

Saturation temp. at 11.4 kg/cm2=1900C
Extraction at HPH3
Extraction at LPH2 Total heat input = 248.01x103x2956.44
M.(ΔT) = M(657.1-assumed tem.), m=9T/hrD
= 733228.12MJ/hr.



Temperature of feed water inlet of boiler = 134.70C

Enthalpy of feed water at inlet to boiler=


Enthalpy of superheated steam = 3457.31KJ/Kg

42 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

Ch. Ramesh, P Siva VNB Gupta and Dr.T. Jayananda Kumar : Optimization of Steam Consumption in Turbine with Energy
= 2.68T/hr

Increase of enthalpy in boiler (heat addition) = Coal served due to HP heater in service = 2.68x24
3457.31-566.41 = 2890.9kJ/Kg T/day

Efficiency of boiler (ƞ)= 0.85(Assumed) = 2.68x24x365 T/day

Heat input to boiler for same 67.79 MW of power = = 23480.08 T/year

Cost of coal = Rs900/T
= 2890.9/0.85
Total saving = Rs23480.08x900
= 3401.06kJ/Kg
= Rs21132072.49
Steam flow rate for 67.79 MW of power =
225.98T/hr. Cost of both HP heaters = Rs2Cr (approx.)

Total heat input = 225.98x103x3401.06 Payback period = 1yr

= 768571.27MJ/hr. VII. EXPERIMENTION

Steam flow requirement when both the heaters are Charging of high pressure heater 1/ 2 of turbo
in service IS 248.01T/hr. when there is no HP generator:
heater. steam flow required to generate same power
is 225.98T/hr. through the steam flow required to 1. Feed water is charged through heater as
generate same power is less when there are no HP confirmed by opening of valve in the boiler feed
Heater, water enter the boiler at a lower pump discharged heaters and feed water header at
temperature that is 134.70C instead of 232.80C so 16.5 m elevation for the corresponding turbo
the actual heat input required in the boiler to generator.
convert it into steam is higher-when there are no 2. FD valve „0‟ meter level in feed water line before
HP heaters in service. HP heater-1 is to be open.
3. Heater by-pass valve FD-3 and FD-6 are kept
4. Check feed water flow through heater in the
The data from the different parts of the steam indicator provided in MCR corresponding control
power plant, the energy production from the boiler, panel.
turbine and condenser. The cost of expenditure of 5. Valve before and alter control valve to HP heater
for the input coal also given. 1 & 2 drip line to flash tank are open.
6. Valves before and after control valve HPH-2 to
Heat input to boiler when there no HP Heater in HPH-l cascade line or open.
service =768571.27MJ/hr. 7. Valves before and alter control valve in HPH-l &
2 drip line to deaerator (near deaerator)
Heat input to boiler when both HP Heater are in 8. Stand pipes top and bottom isolated valves, level
service = 733228.12MJ/hr. switches top and bottom isolation valves, level
controller top and bottom isolation valves (both
Additional heat input = 768571.27- 733228.12 normal and high level controllers) are all keep
= 35343.15MJ/hr.
9. Stand pipe vents and drain valves kept closed.
10. Heater -l & 2 vent valves are opened.
Calorific value of coal = 3150Kcal/Kg
11. Heater -l & 2 shell drains and tube drain valves
Extra coal required when there are no HP Heaters are closed.
= 35343.15x103/13185.9 12. Drain valves after FD -l and FD-S are kept
crack open.
= 2680Kg/hr.

43 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

Ch. Ramesh, P Siva VNB Gupta and Dr.T. Jayananda Kumar : Optimization of Steam Consumption in Turbine with Energy
13. Feed water inlet and outlet valves of HPH-l Increase of enthalpy in boiler (heat additional) =
(FD-1.2) inlet and outlet valves of HPH-2 (FD-4, 5) 3457.31-1003.46
are loosened. = 2453.85kj/kg
14. IBV of FD-1.2. 3.4. 5 valves are opened. Efficiency of boiler (E) = 0.83 (assumed)
15. Drain valves alter FD-l & FD-S are closed. Heat input to the boiler = Heat addition / E =
16. Main vales FD-l, 2, 4 and 5 are opened from 2453.85 / 0.83
control room through operation of respective open = 2956.44kj/kg
push buttons, opening valve is confirmed by “open Total heat input to turbine= 248.01 x 1000
service” x2956.44
17. 13ata valve to HPH-l of corresponding Ta is = 733228.12Mj/hr
opened from 13 ata header at 16.5 elevation from
the header in service. Technical Data of HP Heaters:
18. HP heater are charged above a turbine load S.NO CONTENT UNITS VALUES
35-40 MW and removed below 30MW load. 1 QUANTITY OF KG/HR 27615
19. HP heater-1 charged by keeping FD-l, 2 EXTRACTION
opened, FD-3 closed and slowly opening Exhaust STEAM
valve from the control panel is inching mode of
2 PRESSURE OF ' ATA 13.324
20. HP heater-2 id charged by keeping FD-4, 5
open, FD-6 closed and slowly opening valve from STEAM
control panel id inching mode of operation. 3 ENTHALPY OF KCAL/KG 719.2
21. HP heater 1& 2 levels are checked in indication EXTRACTION
between =50 mm. 4 QUALITY OF FEED KG/HR 336560
22. Feed water flow and temperature of feed water
inlet and outlet for HP heater 1&2 are observed in
control panel indicator log book for TG. 5 PRESSURE OF ATA 143.29
SURFACE OF --- 5/8”X16BG
The data observation shows the numerical value
of HP heater when its expansion the turbo
In the Result analysis the steam power plant
The data analysis was done with different
audit done with HP heaters and the additional HP
parameter in boiler and condenser etc.
Boiler Heat Input of HP Heater: heaters. it will shows improve the efficiency and
Temperature of feed water at inlet of boiler = reduce cost of the steam production per unit power
Analysis in the following tables show the data
Enthalpy of feed water at inlet to boiler =
analysis of steam power plant with HP heaters and
Temperature of steam at outlet boiler = 530.150C additional HP heaters to the plant.
Enthalpy of superheated steam =
Before After
5 Nos. of HP heater in 8 Nos. HP heaters in service

44 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

Ch. Ramesh, P Siva VNB Gupta and Dr.T. Jayananda Kumar : Optimization of Steam Consumption in Turbine with Energy
service TG-4-0.86
Feed water average Feed water average temp.
temp. =1790C =2200C So in TG4 not exaction of steam occurs so in
Boiler main steam total Boiler main stream total TG4 efficiency is high. steam consumption is low.
flow =1100 ton/Hr. flow=1160 ton/hr.
Enthalpy of stream at Efficiency of boiler = 85.5 From the reviews concluded that there are so many
101Kg/cm2, ways to reduce the energy consumption, energy
5400 C= 840 M cal/ton
cost reduction etc. which we are getting from
Heart input to boiler = Heart input to
energy auditing . Hence there is a need to prefer
(840-179)/0.85= boiler-(840-220)/0.85=
777.647M Cal/ton of 729.41 M cal/ton of stream energy auditing of every plant once in anyear. For
stream the research, it is found that it is also possible to do
Total heat input = Total heat input 1160X auditing at different load conditions and by
1100x777.64 = 729.4 = 846117.64 M comparison we get the actual consumption as well
855411.76 M Cal/hr. Cal/hr. as wastage.
Reduction in total heat input to the boiler = Thus the study showed that cogeneration steam
855411-846117= 9294cal/hr. assuming a loss of power plants are more efficient as compared to
heat of 20% due to increase in flue gas conventional steam power plants as it preserves
temperature, heat transfer loss etc. the quality of environment while enhancing the
Net savings in heat input = 9294*0.8 profitability, productivity or usefulness of energy
=7435.2MCal/Hr. input. The turbine efficiency improves and the
Coal calorific value = 2900MCal /Ton specific steam consumption is low. The low grade
Reduction in the coal input to the boilers = 7435.2 waste heat from the process heater is used for
/ 2900 = 2.564 Tons / Hr.= 2.564 * 24 *365= doing work and also generates power and
22461 Tons / annum. electricity.
At Rs.1200/- per tons of coal, total By this the steam consumption is made to be low
Cost of 4 No. of heaters including installation cost by cleaning condensers withacid
= Rs4Crores
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