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This Leave & License Agreement ('Agreement") is executed between Owner AND Tenant.

Owner and Tenant are together referred to as 'Parties" and individually as 'Party".

A. Owner is entitled to rent out the Property described below on leave and license basis.
B. Tenant intends to take the Property on leave and license from Owner for residential purposes and Owner has
agreed to provide the same.
C. Owner has authorised Nestaway Technologies Pvt. Ltd. as its Agent to sign and administer this leave and license

Owner Name BV Balaji & G. Sujatha

Owner Address C/o Syamdra Rathnam Hospital Hindupur Ananthapur Andrapradesh

515201,Anantapur,Andhra Pradesh,India,515201

Owner PAN Number ACYPB0152E

Owner Email/Phone Number [email protected] / 9440204710

Tenant Name Sarthak Singh

Tenant Permanent Address civil lines nagar palika azamgarh Uttar Pradesh India - 276001

Tenant Email/Phone Number [email protected] / 9140664152

Monthly License Fee (Rent) INR 10,000

Property Address A-15,357, 7th cross Neeladri Nagar Electronicity Phase


License/Rent Start Date 26 October, 2019

License Fee Due Date 5th of every month in advance

Duration of License 11 months

Security Deposit INR 22,000

Lock In Period 180 days

Early Termination charges Equivalent to one month Rent

Painting Charges Equivalent to one month Rent

This document is a computer generated electronic record in terms of the amended Information Technology Act, 2000 along with the rules thereunder and does not require
any physical signatures. It is digitally signed and a lawfully binding contract along with the Certificate of Signature Completion.

1. RENT: The Rent for a month shall be paid by Tenant in advance on or before the Due Date. Maintenance charges
shall be paid by Tenant on actuals as and when they become payable. Late payment charges shall be levied in case
of delay in payment of Rent beyond the Due Date.
2. REFUNDABLE SECURITY DEPOSIT: Security Deposit shall not carry any interest. Security Deposit will be
refunded to the Tenant at the time of handover of Property from Tenant to Owner on expiry or termination of
agreement after deducting unpaid charges/damages.
3. LIMITED LICENSE: Tenant agrees and understands that he/she is granted a limited license to use the Property
only for residential purposes subject to timely payment of license fee and other charges. Owner shall be entitled to
enforce a lock-out to the Property by using digital or other physical locks if Rent or other charges are not paid. The
lock out will be removed only on clearance of payments.
4. TERMINATION WITHOUT CAUSE: Subject to any lock in, either Party may terminate this Agreement without
cause by an advance written notice of 10 days. If Tenant, moves out before expiry of lock in, Early Termination
Charges are payable by Tenant.
5. TERMINATION FOR CAUSE: Owner is entitled to immediately terminate this Agreement in case License
Fee/Utility charge is not paid on Due Date or in case of any illegal activity; non-completion/negative police verification;
drugs; prostitution; damage to Property or amenities; non-cooperation with RWA in maintaining Property; nuisance/
unruly conduct/ disturbing peace by Tenant etc. Termination is in addition to other remedies available to Owner.
6. MAINTENANCE OF PROPERTY: Tenant shall use the Property carefully and not cause any damage to the
Property, common area, furniture and amenities. In case of damage beyond day-to-day wear and tear, Owner shall
be entitled to claim the damage from the Tenant.
7. RENEWAL: This Agreement is valid for the duration of the Term only. If agreeable to Parties, an addition
agreement shall be executed after expiry of the Term on mutually agreed terms including any License Fee increment.

8. NOTICES: Any notice may be served through email or through a physical letter delivered by registered post to the
registered addresses or to the Property. For delivery through email, a delivery receipt will be considered as proof of
9. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: The terms and provisions issued pursuant thereto form the entire and final Agreement
between the Parties. No modification, amendment or waiver of any provisions of this Agreement will be effective
unless made in writing with mutual consent.
10. SEVERABILITY: If any term of this Agreement is held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part,
other than such terms, the remaining terms shall not be affected.
11. GOVERNING LAW & JURISDICTION: This Agreement shall be governed by and enforced as per the Laws in
India and for the purpose of enforcement; the place of jurisdiction will be the city in which the Property is located.
12. STAMP DUTY: Payment of stamp duty or any deficiency in stamp duty on this agreement shall be the
responsibility of the Tenant.
13. UTILITY CHARGES : The Tenant shall pay all utility costs (electricity [including common area electricity charges
and electricity charges for lift, water motor etc.], water and other utilities) after move-in based on actual usage and
rates. The Owner may install devices to measure the consumption of the Tenant and the measurement by such
devices shall be final.

This document is a computer generated electronic record in terms of the amended Information Technology Act, 2000 along with the rules thereunder and does not require
any physical signatures. It is digitally signed and a lawfully binding contract along with the Certificate of Signature Completion.

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