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Name: ____________________

Date: _________ Period: ___

Frankenstein Tic-Tac-Toe
Directions: To win, you must complete three actives in a
vertical, horizontal, or diagonal row. Each activity is worth
up to 10 points, making this assignment a total of 30
points. For extra credit, you may complete two more
activities. Good luck and remember to have fun!

Interview Pamphlet Poplet

Create a three-minute Identify and explore a plot Create a Poplet that describes
podcast interviewing the or character archetype in how Shelley portrays women
Frankenstein. Create a in Frankenstein. Must include
creature or Victor
pamphlet explaining the at least 6 different Poplets.
Frankenstein. This must plot/character. Include at This must be completed
be completed in groups least three quotes from the individually.
of two or more. text. This must be
completed individually.

Wanted Poster Venn Diagram Prezi

Create a “wanted” poster of the Using a Venn diagram, Dr. Frankenstein and his creature
creature. Attach a small compare Frankenstein to the both take different paths within the
description (using Word) on the myth of Prometheus. During story. Create a Prezi describing their
acts that the creature has this activity, consider: Who individual reflections about
committed, explaining why he is humanity, individual rights, and
was Prometheus and why is he
advances in science. How are their
wanted. This must be completed important to the novel? This
observations similar or different?
individually. must be completed This can be completed in groups.

Knovio Playlist Google Slides

Create a Knovio describing the Create a playlist using songs that Create a small presentation using
parallel to the book. You must find Google Slides explaining how
basic characteristics of the
at least five different songs and Victor Frankenstein and the creature
Gothic Novel and how
write (on Word) a paragraph for form a doppelganger (mirror)
Frankenstein fits these relationship. Your presentation must
each song on why it relates to
characteristics. Your Knovio be at least three minutes long, and
Frankenstein. This must be
must include at least three slides. you may complete this activity as a
completed individually.
This can be completed in groups. group.

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