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Holy Thursday

Things we need:  thurifer, cross bearer, book bearer, sacring bell ringer.  Servers will assist with the washing of the
feet for the celebrant.

Incense is used during the Mass, and must be used during the Transfer of the Eucharist.  The people will carry hand
candles during this time.

Credence Table:  place the usual items plus the bells for the Gloria. Expect to see ewers of water, towels, a basin,
and hand candles.  The humeral veil will be placed nearby. There will be an Altar of Reposition set up in the church
or nearby.

During the Mass:  incense is used at the usual times as for any solemn Mass, the entrance procession, the altar at the
beginning of Mass, at the Gospel, at the offertory, at the consecration, and again for the Transfer of the Eucharist
and the veneration at the Altar of Repose.

 The sacring bell is rung steadily during the singing of the Gloria and remains silent until the Easter Vigil.
 Servers will assist the priest when he washes feet by holding the pitcher, the ewer, and the basin.
 Servers assist the priest when he washes his hands after the foot washing.
 The Prayers of the Faithful and offertory follow the foot washing.  This will be carried out as in any solemn
Mass with the priest incensing the altar, a server incensing the people and the other server(s) assisting with
the lavabo while the first server is incensing the people.
 Server #1 kneels in front of the altar to incense the Host and Chalice at the elevations.
 A wooden clapper or wooden blocks are used at the elevation instead of the sacring bell until Holy
 During Communion the servers go and light the candles at the Altar of Reposition (this may be done by the
ushers). Servers make sure that the coals in the thurible are lit and that incense is ready for the Transfer
 After communion two servers go to the chair to assist Father in the washing of his hands.
 Servers also take the vessels used in communion to the credence table to be purified (EMHC’s may do
this). This Missal is also removed.  The corporal & ciborium remain on the altar.
 One servers assists Father when he stands for the Prayer After Communion.
 Extra servers should stand ready with the cross & censer on the steps flanking the altar to accompany
Father as he comes from the altar with the Blessed Sacrament.
 The ushers will light people’s hand candles.
 The thurifer approaches the priest on his right & Father will bless the incense and place it in the censer.
 Server and priest kneel in front of altar.  The priest will incense the Blessed Sacrament and all stand with
the priest. The server will place the humeral veil around the celebrant’s shoulders.
 The server crucifer, not the thurifer, lead a Eucharistic procession. The order of procession is crucifer,
candle bearers (if any), other servers, the thurifer(s) and the celebrant. The people follow the celebrant.
 Upon reaching the Altar of Repose the priest will genuflect. The server will help him remove the humeral
veil.  All kneel except the crucifer, thurifer, and any candle bearers. After the 1st verse of the Tantum Ergo
the thurifer approaches the priest who will bless the incense, place it in the censer and incense the
Sacrament. The server than takes the censer and joins the other servers.
 All genuflect when the celebrant does after the period of adoration. The procession back to the sacristy is:
thurifer, crucifer, other servers and the celebrant.
 After this Mass the altar is stripped, candles are removed. All crosses should be veiled. Holy water fonts are

Good Friday

 Servers are needed for the out-of-doors Way of the Cross on Good Friday morning.

 Celebration of the Lord's Passion

 The Entrance Procession is: servers, reader(s), celebrant.

 All bow to the bare altar. Remain kneeling next to the priest when he lays on the floor of the church.
 One server goes to the usual chair, the book bearer goes to stand near the priest’s chair. Kneel in your place
facing the altar when the priest prostrates himself on the ground.
 Book bearer assists celebrant when he sings/says the Opening Prayer from the chair and goes to the server’s
chair afterwards.
 During the Passion reading all kneel at the verse recounting the Lord’s death.

After the Homily the book bearer stands near the priest’s chair to assist him with the General Intercessions. Note the
directives Let us stand, Let us kneel given by the priest.

After the General Intercessions will come the Veneration of the Cross.

Two candle bearers accompany the celebrant to the place where the cross has been placed (usually the
baptistery and then carried to the altar. When the priest is ready to sing the prayers the candle bearers flank the
priest facing one another. Another server may wait near the altar to take the veil after the third unveiling but a
book bearer is necessary to hold the book for the celebrant. After the priest sings “This is the wood of the cross”
the 3rd time the veil is taken to the credence table. Flanked by the candle bearers the celebrant will take the cross
to its stand in front of the altar. One server walks over with a purifer to wipe the bottom of the cross where
people will kiss the cross. The candle bearers will place their candles on the steps on either side of the cross.

 Servers should assist the priest in removing his chasuble and then follow him in venerating the cross. To
venerate the cross approach the cross, genuflect, and kiss the wood of the cross.
 Servers take turns wiping the wood with the purifers after the people venerate it.
 After the veneration the soiled purifers are brought to the credence table. The candles are remain flanking
the altar. Servers go near the credence table.
 The cloth is brought to the mensa (altar) and is carefully spread. The server then brings the corporal and
unfolds it over the center of the altar. The Missal is placed to the left of the corporal.
 Two candle bearers precede the celebrant as he walks to the place of reposition (candles are waiting near
the place of reposition). Genuflect before the Blessed Sacrament.
 Server assists Father as he puts on the humeral veil. Candle bearer candles are lit from the lamp using the
taper. Candle bearers take up their candles facing the Altar of Repose. Candle bearers precede the celebrant
as he walks slowly toward the sanctuary.
 Upon arriving in the sanctuary candle bearers simultaneously place their candles on the Altar. Once the
Blessed Sacrament has been placed upon the Altar they genuflect  together and join any other servers near
the credence table.
 After Father places the ciborium on the altar he will genuflect and step back. At this time a server will help
him remove the humeral veil and places the veil on the credence table.
 The Our Father payer follows but there is no sign of peace on Good Friday.
 Communion follows.
 After communion the server folds the corporal and places in the drawer of the credence table, the missal
stays on the altar.
 The candle bearers bring the ewer, basin, and towel over to the priest who washes his hands (unless he has
already done so at the altar or credence table).
 The celebrant will say the Prayer After Communion from the altar today. He then says the Prayer over the
 The celebrant and servers then assemble in front of the altar steps, genuflect to the cross, and process out of
the church.

Afterwards, servers assist in removing everything from the altar so that it is bare. Remain silent.

Easter Vigil
‘On Holy Saturday morning Father may need a server to assist the blessing of Easter food.

Easter Vigil:  Arrive before sundown.

 Everything is arranged as for a solemn Mass: cross bearer, candle bearers, thurifer, the sacring bell is
needed tonight and the aspergillum/aspergil will be used. Tapers are needed at the credence table.
 The liturgy begins outside with the Easter Fire. The people will have unlit hand candles.
 The celebrant, the thurifer with prepared thurible & boat, the 1st candle bearer with unlit Easter Candle &
book bearer (with flashlight) leave the sacristy and proceed outside. Take a position so that the fire is
between you and the church.
 Book bearer is on the celebrant’s left, the thurifer and candle bearers stand behind the celebrant in a line.
 After the blessing of the fire one server holds the Easter Candle conveniently for the celebrant while
another server holds the tray with the stylus and incense grains. The Easter Candle is lit by the celebrant.
 The celebrant then blesses the incense and places it in the thurible for the procession.
 The procession is as follows, thurifer, celebrant with the Easter candle, other servers. After the 2nd
intonation of “Christ our Light” in the center of the church, servers light their tapers and help light the
peoples’ tapers in the church.
 The Easter Candle is placed in its candlestick, all bow to the altar and go to their chairs. Incense will not be
used again until the Gospel.
 The Exsultet will be sung by the Choirmaster.
 The book bearer holds the book for the priest who will say a prayer after each psalm.
 After the final reading and its prayer, the celebrant intones the Gloria.
 Just before the Gloria begins the tallest server will use a taper and light the altar candles from the Easter
candle. Make sure all candles are lit before the Gloria is over.
  While the Gloria is sung the sacring bell is rung steadily until it is over.
 The book bearer now assists the priest who says the Opening Prayer.
 At the solemn Easter Alleluia the thurifer brings the incense to the celebrant at his chair. The priest will
bless the incense and place some in the censer. The thurifer then leads the priest in a short procession to the
ambo remembering to bow to the altar when the
celebrant picks up the Book of the Gospels.

The Blessing of the Easter Water

 The Litany of the Saints is sung.

 The procession to the baptistery is as follows: 1st
Candle Bearer carrying the Easter Candle, book
bearer with the Missal, the celebrant.
 Book bearer holds the book for the celebrant who
says the prayer blessing the water. The priest will
lower the Easter Candle in the water at the “We
ask you, Father…”. He will then hand the Easter
candle back to the 1st Candle Bearer. The
procession may return to the sanctuary for the
renewal of baptismal promises. The Easter candle
is placed in its stand.

Renewal of Baptismal Promises

 A server and the ushers will make sure that

everyone has a hand candle.
 Servers light the taper from the Easter Candle and
move between the priest & people lighting their
 Another server fills the aspersory  used to
sprinkle the people from the Easter Water and
brings it to the priest (unless the priest remains
near the baptistery). The priest & people renew
their baptismal promises and he and the server who holds the aspersory move through the church sprinkling
the people.  Make the sign of the cross when sprinkled.
 During the sprinkling another server takes the jug near the baptistery, fills it with Easter water, and fills the
holy water fonts with the Easter water (don’t forget the holy water font in the chapel).
 When celebrant returns to his chair the server takes the aspersory and aspergil back to the credence table.
 The hand candles are extinguished. Server takes Father’s candle and those of the other servers to the
credence table.
 The Prayers of the Faithful follow. There will be no creed tonight.
 Servers prepare the altar as usual following the Prayers of the Faithful.

Liturgy of the Eucharist

During offertory the priest will incense the altar. After he incenses the altar the server will
incense the priest and the people.

 When the 1st server is incensing the people the other servers assist Father with the lavobo.
 During the Holy, Holy, Holy, most servers move to their step but the thurifer goes to the step in front of the
altar with the incense and remains standing until the conclusion of the chant.
 After the Holy, Holy the thurifer kneels in front of the altar swinging the thurible slowly. At the elevation of
the Host bow and swing the censer three times. Do the same for the elevation of the Chalice. Remain
kneeling until after the Great Amen is sung.
 When the Blessed Sacrament is taken back to the tabernacle the sanctuary lamp must be lit.
 Communion is given as is normally done.
 Book bearer holds the Missal for the Prayer After Communion & the solemn blessing.
 The exit procession takes place as usual with the thurifer leading the procession.

Easter (and Easter Season)

Prepare the credence table as usual but be sure to have the aspersory/aspergil for the renewal
of baptismal promises.

 Easter is a solemn Mass but you must ask the priest celebrant whether or not he will use the full
 The server will assist the priest holding the Missal for the prayers and during the sprinkling of the people
after the homily.
 If the priest uses the full ceremonies he will incense the altar at the beginning of Mass, at the Gospel, at the
offertory (when the server will also incense the people), and the Host and Chalice will be incensed by the
kneeling server for the consecration.

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